THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. 4 THE GLEANER PUBLISH KU WEEKLY BY "> • R S. P ATJKER O rah am, N. C, fiatev of Subscription. Pontaye PaM : One Year *1.55 Six Mouths 70 Three Months 50 > , , Every person pending n« a club of ten sub scribers with the cwli. entitles hinwelf to one f spy free, for theleji£h of time for which the chili IB made up. yfaperb sent to different offices Ifo Departure from, the Cash System Rntm of Advertising Transient advertisements payable in advance: yearly advertisements quarterly in advance. .' jl m. J3 ra. 13 m. om.l 12 in. 1 quare I*3 00'%S 00,*4 00 * 6 0f»;i>10 00 8 '! 1300,450 |6OO 10 001 15 00 Transient advertisements £1 per square Or he first, and fifty cents for each -SUJJSC quentinsertlon. f"' GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL GRAHAM, N. C. REV. D A. LONG, A. M. REv . W- W. STALKY, A. M. RKV. W. 8. LOsft. A. M. • MISS JINN IE ALBRIGHT. Opens August 26th 1878, and closes the last A Friday in May, 1879. ' Board $8 to «>lO and Tuition t3 to $4.50 month. Knitting Cotton & Zephyr Wool, at BCOTT & DONNELLS. Tfy timing ton Sun Under the above name A Daily Democratic IVi'ii'Hpnper of twenty-eight wide columns will be issued in the city of Wilmiugiou, North Carolina, on or about Tfcaradar IK*rning October 17th ISTS. The So* will be published by the SUN ASSOCIA TION, from the Printing House of Metfsrs. Jock Son fc Bell. It will be printed in first-class style, on good paper, with new type, and Will be the handsomest daily journal ever published in Ibis State. The Scs will be edited by Mr. Cic«rn W. Harris. The City Editorship and the Business Management will bo in competent hands, and a Correspondent and Representa tive will travel throughout the State. Probably no paper has ever started In the South with fairer prospects than those of the SUH. Certainly no North Carolina paper has entered the field under more auspicious cir cus stai.oes. The SIN has SUFFICIENT CAPITAL Jr for all Its purposes, and it will Sise its moncv freely in furnishing the people of North Caroli na w'ith the latest and most reliable information on all subjects of current Interest. Above all things it will be a NEWSPAPER. Ard yet no important feature of the SUN'S daily issues will be intelligent criticisms of the World's doings. Nortl Carolina matters — industrial, commercial, educatiom.l, social and litcrarary—will receive particular attention. The SUN will be a NORTH CAROLINA NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIPTION. The WILMINGTON SUN will be furnished to subscribers at the followihg reasonable and uniform rates: For one week 15 Cents I For three months #175 " " month 65 " " six " 350 I " twelve " 700 At these rates the Bun will bo mailed to any address in this country, or left by carrier in the city. ADVERTISING. One square, (ten lines) one time, fl 00; two times, $1 50; one week, $8 50; one month; 99 00; three months. *2O 00; six months, $35 00. Contracts for other space and time made at proportionately low rates. gt CORRESPONDENCE. * -Interesting correspondence solicited. —~~— J Address, THE SUN, Wilmiugtou N. C. fYarbrough House RALEIGH, N.C. a, w, BLACHNAIIL, rNprinw, - -'VK Bates reduced to suit the times. He A PRIRND IN KBED, BY MAUY K, MOFEAT. Three gilded balls cntsido told of i\ pawnbroker's ahop. Within a young girl stood by ILo counter holding a large package for tlio dealer's inspection. 1 lor eyes followed his motions wist lull v as lie look it am 1 removed the paper wrap pings. displaying the lustrous folds of a silk dress made in a quaint old fashioned style, •IfcW much you rant?' ho siid, at last. 1 'My mother thought five dollars would be little enough for it. The silk is very good. It w:is her wedding dross.' The nnut raised his eyes and hands in astouishmci||: •Five dollars! The Icetlc Mi«B is not in earnest. I vill geefbtit two.' Thextrtht's lips quivered, tut 6b© did not speak. •Veil, 1 vill say three, but it's too much; The —vat yon p'Sy. The shtyle is old—too old,'and with a deprecating suggestive shrug ot his shoulders, he placed the money in little Adelaide's outstretched palm. As she received the dingy iooking bills and the accompanying as dingy pawn ticket, sho turned, with a disap pointed sigh, to yard tho door. What followed was tho work of a moment. A rough looking hanger on about the place saw the bills m her hand, as sho came out into the street, feaugh' thein from her with a jeering laugh, then ran swiltly away with his booty. For a moment she stood bewildered, hardly realizing what had happened- Then, with acrv of "Oh, my poor niotlr erl' she sank down upon the steps and began to sob bitterly. But help was near. A passing stran ger had witnessed the theft, and had giv en indignant pursuit, and forced the young miscreant to disgorge his plunder. Then hastening back to the side of the sobbing girl, lie said: 'Here is your money, little one. Don't ever be so care'css again, especially in a iieighborhomflrfce-rtiis.' By this time ■ a group had gathered around tho two, watching them with sinister looks, evidently in fulUsympathy With the vo»jng ruffian who had been so summarily disposed of by Gerald Car> man's strong arm. He took in the surroundings with one swift glance, and determined not to leave the helpless girl until she was in a safo place. 'lf you aro willing I will walk a little way with you.' lie in an under tone. 'I like not the company hereabouts. They look as though they might work "you more tionble. 'Thank von,' said the girl, looking up at him gratefully. '1 waß never hero be lore, but mother was so sick she had to send n e.' She was a wee bit of a thing, and look ed even smaller watting beside her tall protector. Her lace was an interesting one, though wan and pale; and lifer eyes were of that deep gray color, which in 'the shadow ot the long, dark lashes look ed like black. They shone out from be* ncath a tangle of curly hair, which glis tened in the sun like llOl ton gold. But Gerald thought not of any promise ot beauty in the child. His memory was busy in the past, when ho had pressed a lingering last ki«» upon the forehead of a little sister, who was laid away from his sight under the daises. Oitcn had he threaded his fingers through her curls just such another mass of gleaming, ten dril-like gold; and his heart warmed to the owner oi the hand nestling so confi dently in his own broad palm, while she told in artless words her simple story as they walked along. ... Her father had been a sea capiian. He had suited away on a three veara voyage, hoping to come homo rich, enongh to stay tor the rest of his life with hit fam ily. But the news of his death had reach ed them, and they hyi hoard nothing since. 'Mamma had lived in tho conn try,' said Adelaide in conclusion, 'and when money was nearly gone she thought it would be easier to find work here, so we moved. She lias not felt able to sew lately, and has had to pawn one thiug after another, until all was gone but lier wedding drees. She was too sick to take it this motning, so she had to trust me. She was afraid I would get !ost in the big,, wicked city, but I told her God watched over the little birds, and He would surely do the same by inc—and so He dfd. It was Qoil who sent you,' aud she turned and loooked up into bis face with admir ing, reverential eyes- Gerald flushed a iittle, but her simple child-faith was 100 refreshing to disturb by any couimnnplaco disclaimer; so he said, to turn the subject from himself: •Was vonr mamma not very sorry to part with the dress?' G&AHA.M, N. C-, •Indeed *he was. I never saw her cry so but once before, ami that was when we heard that papa was dead It was c isv for Hie sympathetic listen er Informan idea ofihcdeMltutio:i which threatened (he litllc family. A paltry three dollar* between iheni xand want! Tfmy hnd by this lime reached the door of (he dwelling hou e o which sheltered the w4b>w and her child. 'May I conic in?' h«5 said. 'I woni.l like to speak to your mother of a tricud of mine—a young doctor. 110 is very skillful and might help !;er.' 'Oh, sir,' said Adelaide, brightly, then her face elondod; 'but wo lnivo no money to pay him.' " 'That all right,' said Gerald. The giil bounded up the stairs with a light heart at these word*, and disap*. pOAVCd tor a moment. Tlwu. aim dinm oat and beckoned to him. 'Pie aso to come in, mamma will see you.' Lifting his hat ho entered tlie room softly. All within was cheerful and pleasant. Afw flowers, brought from their country home, were blossoming upon the window sill, and a sweet voic ed canary thrilled its tiny-throated music j above them. But his-allenlion was at once concentrated upon the hectic paint ed faco resting upon ihe snowy pillow. She smiled tainliy as she met his eyes with their expression of kindly interest. 'You are vcjry good, she said. 'My litNe girl lias 'old mc of your offer. I shall be glad to accept it for he.isake; but I fear I am past help.* ♦While there is life there is hope,' saitf Gerald, cheer ly, 'and my friend, Dr. Gilbert, though young, is very skillful. I will see him to-day ai>d interest him in your case.' Then he wrote down her name in bis note book—'Mrs. Adelaide llamey, wife of Captain Harney, of the ship Adelaide. No. 3 st.' 'May I coine in and see bow you get along under hid treatment?' be asked, as lie rose to go. Mrs. Harney looked np at him for a moment with eyes rendered almost pra tcniaturally bright by her iliuoss. Ger ald felt as though his very soul was bci.ig laid bare ander that searching.gaze, but lie did not blanch, lie had been reared by a ton Jer Christian mother, and though one of the gay woi Id in position, ho had reached manhood singular'y unspotted by its vices. So ho could bear the sci utiuy of thoso clear eyes without uneasiness; for there was no leprou* spot in his life to be brought to light. 'Come when you like,' she said at 'ast. 'And it inv days are numbered, oh, kind sir, watch over my child, my poor little Adelaide! She mn*t earn an honest living. Will you see that she is put in the way of it? You have a good face and I feel that I can trust you. It you never liavo an earthly reward, the God of tho widow and ot the fatherless will bles3 vou.' She closed her eyes wearily, exhausted by her emotions, and Gerald, itanilv moved, went iu quest of Dr. Gilbert \ Gerald Carman was junior partner iira large shipping houso. One of their finest ships had arrived in port but a few days since, and its captain—a blufi. hearty sailor—had a peculiar charm to the young man. Ho had spent several evenings with hiin, and an engagement to join him at lunch. While eating their oysters together, a matter of business was men tioned, and a slight difference in dale coming up, Gerald drew out his note book: 'That will tell the story,' he said, quicl iy. A humorous twinkle camcinto the sun browned sailors eyes, as he read aloud— ' Mrs. Adelaide llarner, wile of Capt. George Harney—' •Fvo giveu you tho wrong pago I see,' said Gerald, smiling at Captain Breese's quizzical expression. 'That is a person whom I met to-day for the first lime. 'JThg poor lady is in destitute circumstances. By the by, her husband was a sea-faring man like yoursblf.' Tho captain suddenly caught him b> the shoulder. 'Harney—wan that (be name? By my good ship, man. llic hand of Providence is in it! I've been in the country this very day to find the wife, and child of George Ilariiey, Destitute did you say ? Why, Ivo a pile of geld sovereigns for them—all honest money fairly earned Take me to them at onco. I'm burning to discharge my mission. At the end of an hour they reached their destination. They met Dr. Gilbert at tho door, lie gave a cheering nccount of Mrn. Harney saying the most she needed' was nourishing food and plenty ot fresh air. 'Send your coachman around with the carriage every fine morning, Gerald,' he said m conclusion. 'lt will kill two TUESDAY NOVEMBER 26 1878 birds wiih one Unm—maybe save a lile and give that idle Icllow eomcthlng to •do. •We'll see to thatvonng sir,' eniinod in Captain Breu.*e's hearty Voice. Then Gerald introduced tho two, and ihcy shook hands cordially. It (mitpU'cd that Mrs. Rarnoy had never received '.lie sent by ('apt. IJreese. It had Undoubtedly g trie to tho dead-letter office. S.» she had all tho particulars oflior husband's Illness and I'ealh to hear. Sho. shed bitter tears as sho lUtened to his loving messaged to his absent wile, hut it was a relict to learn that one of his countrymen had mir.''stored to his wants and closed his eyes at the last, with tender, sympathetic touch. Her heart turned toward the home whence she had received her husband's parting ombiiiro. So Captain Brcese took a day from his sailing preparations and saw tlnit all was made comfortable to receive them; and one bright summer morning Gerald bade Adelaide and her | mother to her, ' iVrile me how yon liko your new home, little girl. 1 shall be interested to hear. \ And thus thev dropped, after a fashion out of his world. F.IOUI time to tho lotters caine as lie bad requested. At tirst in around school girl's hand; Mien the more elegant chirogtapby told of culture and aptness tor Improvement. Years lmd passed. One of the dainty missives came one morning just RS ho had received orders from his physician to slop mental exertion and go to gone quiet place where he could lmvccomplete rest. Adelaide's letter decided him. He would write and engage bo.ird near litem, and renew acqmiintauee with his little friend and hor mother. Would they know him? Timo had worked changes upon his lace —deepening tho thoughltul lines between the brows and clothing hps and cheeks with a luxurious growth of hair. lie wiu no longer a Emoothshic d, happy-hOTrted boy. Once in tho village it was easy to find (lie cottage; und lie was soon sauntering leisurely tip tlio neat walks. Evidences of refined ta6te were visible on every hand. As he was ascending tho *tep*, he found himself face to faco with a young girl, who had couie out rpou the veranda humming a glad ltltjo song. Thoughts of a pale earnest faco l:>ok» ing with its deep, gray eyes out iroin a tangle ot golden curls, had been haunting him all through his journey. It had not occurred to him that the child had grown into womanhood. So it almost startled him f''oin his self-possession, wncn, after a surprised, lingering glance into his face, this beautiful stately maiden held out her hand with a glad thrill iu her musical young voice, said: •This is indeed a pleasure! Como i:« Mr. Gerald; mamma, will he so glad to see von otico inorc. ' lie followed iho graceful figure like one in a dream,-ind when a raiiynaticnoy lady, with a widoivs cap rusting upon her glossy hair, came forward to meet hiin at Adelaide's impulsive— 'Oli, mamma! it is our friend, Mr. Gerald!" lie scouted still in wonderland. Could that be the emaciated, hcctic-paiHlcu face he remembered so vividly?' The evening passed on flying wings. Adelaide safd but little. It filled her with a strange content to listen to the deep, musical,voice of this friend whose kindness dated back so far into the past, and yet whose acquaintance could be numbered almost by hours. Now and (lieu she would glance np into his band* some face to assure herself that Mr. Gerald, as she still "called him after the old childish fashion was a real person, not a drcain-inyilt. His stay in the quiet village was pro longed much teyond his original inten tion. He was once more a well man physically; but mentally he was troubled with a strange unrest. He had grown to love Adelaide with the whole forco of his ardent nature, and like all noble minded men, he was free from conceit about his own powers of pleasing. lie hesitated to break the spell of silence, lest in asking her to become more than » friehd he might loae all. One morning he called to leave a book she had expressed a wish to read. He found her in the garden tying up a vine whose heavy clusters of opening rose buds had weighed it almost too heavily. For a moment he stood watching her, then she turned and saw him. Tho light of sudden joy that irradiated her face carried sn intuition of the truth to his previously doubting heart, and he said softly, hesitating 110 longer. "Has my li»t'e friend a rofcefor me?" With a bright face Adelaide plucked one of the most perfect of the creamy, half-ippuod bi?ds and held it towards him. As lie took it hp s-id: "I only WHnt it with its full meanings. Without that it is valnleim as a gift from you. Do yon know why? ' One swift, g'ance into his eager (ace, then Adeliide 1 * head drooped low and the line of her cheeks grew like, the "rt-d, red rofc?," but site did not re claim her Aou-erf { He gathered he.i into his arms. •'Old my darling! My darling!" ho whispered passionately, "I will tiy to prove worthy o! such a precious gift,!" A Hforr of the Moa.~Mlrnoj|o jCondnct mt a •Mca-Null.' UII «l a I'lcnainu Inslnucc of Ihc One of Iho ino„t remarkable, and at I lie same lime pleasing, iticiJuus, show ingl lie powor ami influence ot human kiudiieos and grmlleuesseven upon the "fowls of ilie nil* and ihe beast* of Iho Held," has coma to out knowledge within tlio past low days. The incident occurred Oil board of tlic light ship ctt Fr> ing l*an Shoals, and is to this effect: During the prevalence of tie s«vr.s storm ol i lie 12th of September last, utter the darkness of tho night had set in, rendered doubly gloomy and forbidt iig by the howling tempest that, thundered Ihrough tho rigging.t>roke with furious violence over the staunch vessel, uud S3nt the salt spray in phosphorescent clcud3 over Iho very mast-hunls, one of seu-iuou was leaning his elbow upon the port rail of the ship, watching the storm as it raged in all i'.f> grandeur and sublimi ty, when a largo black »bird dashed through the blinding mist nud lit upon the railing near where he was standing. He look the bird, which proved to be an ordinary sea-gull all wet and drabbled by the storm, and 'Warmed and dried it ill his bosom, after which he placed it in a liit e bed improvised for the occasion, after fust feeding it, ns it it littd. been a little child. The next morning tho storm having ftnbsided, our seaman turned tho bird loose, of course with 110 expectation of ever seeing it again. Very.niuclUo his surprise, however 011 the very next night at about the same hour of its previous visit, tho gull again put in its appearance alighting upon the rail of tho ship as bo fore, when it was led. carressed ami cared for as on the occasion of its first call; and trom tluit time up to tho 9th iiißt., nearly two mouths, when tho latest information was received from the ship, the bird had continued its nightly visits and hail been regularly led and consigned to its "little bed." where it would remain Until released (lie next morning. This is no fancy sketch or draft upop Iho iin agination, but is :in "o'er true tale"fr>in a source outircl v reliable tiuu trustworthy —Wilmington Star. 11 K (IOIII.D Tit EE A BOOT. Uncle Jabe Covdwinder was pegging oway upon a pau of half soles the othsr evening, and arguing with old Tite Broudacres as to tha necessity for dogs in the economy of nature. "What account," said Tite, "is that old dog yourn, for instance, layin' cht-re an.' waitin' for yon day in an' day ou«? Can he tree a boot?" Uncle Jabe raised his near eye over the rim of iiis spectacles, took a spoons fill or so pf pegs out of his mouth and mildly answered: "Yes, Titus, I knowed him to tree a •pair' o' boots one nighi. 'Twas in an old wilier tree by my hen house, and- your Sammy** feet wuz inside of 'em." And then Titua "allowed that if Eng land an' them other fellers should git to figlitiu' it would make better times for this country." HAPPY MAX. —The brighter lights ot the Strakosch Opera Troupe gathered i around them a few friends on Saturday , evening for a quiet little supper. The i talk turned on Max StrHkescb'a new baby. "He's a got a tooth," said the gentle* man silting at the end of the table. "Max is veiy proud of his baby," said , Miss Kellogg, who was sitting at the oth er end. ' | "Yes," said the gentlemen, still carry ing out kis own train of thought, "and ' lie's got two more coming." Miss Kellogg shrieked and dropped i her napkin and her knife and fork, while I the gentleman still further enlivened matters by insisting thai his reference ' was solely to the teeth.— Cincinnati Times. In Cincinngi the theatres are opra on ' Sunday evenings, an well as a great num s ber of small variety halls in which bev erage* are sold. There is no law against k Sunday entertainments there, like the d a egarded one in this city, but the cler gymen nre uniting in an effort to stop what they regard as a desecration of the i Lord's Day. But the Germans insist , that their orderly music gardens shall not be interfered with. How they name -it: The horny handed workman calls it "pay," the skill ed mechanic "wages," the city clerk "salary," tlio banker "income," a laud* owner "revenue," a lawyer "fees," a burglar "swag," but it all comes to the same thing at the end of the week.— Funny Folka. " ~ NO, 33 Gleaatugs Wat-terson gets $7,500 for editing the Courier JotMnial. The tditor of the Yonkem (ra7stt4 hn J a eat which he mmied Pfutivrch b«- CUIIKU it hud BO TIUIIV lived. The exportation of AiMtmln fruit KHU increased in viiiiH from $:J01>,000 in 1862, to over $3,000,000 in 1877. The country pays $100,000,000 an wittily ns the price of Uigur we iiße. Nothing can keep nil snxious man from n c'ircn*, hut a little ruin will kevp liitn from church for a whole season. An angry .mother at Sittingbourne, England, who thiev/ u knife at her two because they quarreled, killed una of llitfoi and regents her passfpn. session of a good picture, it' it i* only a landscape on th* hack of a hundred dol* lur note.— N. O. John CliHmherlair. « w ore in bprh court, in New York a few days ago, that he and his Inother pyid Wenl. Buth-r, while he was in command ut New Orleans, SI,BOO month for the piivilege of keeping their faro hand iu full olast. Mr. Alfred Tennyson is said to have reserved the noblest he has over written to be published after his death. It is added that tho poem is long, is of a tragic nature, and is in every way re markable and beautiful-in shoit, worthy of the poet. Jones, through tho lather—Strange, I never can grow a good beard, andyel my grandfather had one three feet long. Hairdresser—Can't account for it, sir— unless you take after your granduioth« er. Mrs. Rnssel', the wife of a Savannah policeman, died a few nights since while her husband was attendyig Mine. Rentz's minstrel show. She bad heard that, he had gone thero a few moments before her death. A wedding in Rome, Mew York, ha# been indefinitely postponed because the young man iu the case declined to give up the habitual use of tobacco. The young lady said choose, and h» chews. A fine cut all round, \ A little girl asked a minister, "Do you think tny father will go to heaven?" "Why, yes, my child. Why do yoa ask?" "Well, because if he don't have bis own way there he won't stay long." ADVERTISEMENTS. Stolen/ §2O Reward From my stables, in Alamance county, near McOray's Store, on the night of the 2nd of jVov. 1«78, one bay horse, small pony bnllt, with mane ronehed, and not yet grown out, so os to fall oyer fully, white etar In forahend, black leys, and mane and tail black, seven years old, paces under saddle. I will pay the above reward for his recovery; aud will pay liberally forany information lead ing to his recovery. Address, A. J. HUGHES. .Me*;ray's Store Nor. 4th 1878. Alamance co, N. C. Prices reduced Perfected Farmer# Friend Plows made ill Petersburg Va. One Horse No. 5 Prico (4.00 Two Horse No. 7 " 8.0) Two Horse No. 1% " 6.50 Two Horse No. 8 J,; 7.00 For sale at Graham by SCOTT & DONNEI.L. IMPORTANT TO SURVEYORS! It the'moeting of the county commissioners t was ordered that a premium of twenty-fl*t dol lars will be paid for the best map of the couuiy of Alamance, showing the township lines, Post offices, towns, principal streams, location ef Factories. Mills, Fouudaries, Rail lvads and main pub Ic roads. . Said map to be finished and handed to the commissioners on or belore the Ist Monday of December next. By Order of the Boa d 'Jt'.U. At*.lk. GET ' 10.00, GAITERS FROM $3,50 TO #7.00. A good fit is guaranteed. Mending promptly and cheaply dune. .• m have a few pairs of good gaitera of my own make on hand which I will sell cheap Graham, N.O. W. N. MURRAY May 7.1878, ly' Dr. If* R B&son, BENTIST,- Will atfcs nd call* in Alvn-vnse and adjoiui.ig counties.