Lig shew at Corbett & Lea's, at the old McCray's Stand; the largest stock we ever bought in store. coma- and sea THE GLEANER GRAIIAM K.C.Deo tober 3 B7B I. S. PARKER, Eiltor, AkiIAWA. )•> li. ?6tboftliis month Gov,nons !ou wr.: elected iTnitcd States Senator, >,• ihe LogfsTntitro of Alabama. lie re* « e : voil Use vole ol every Slate Senator p-a-oiW. -uid ninety one of tho ninety rlirec volts cast in the lower house. On " same day Go*. R. W. Cobb-, deliver* .i iiis inaugural addreso and took the o vii of ffico. Houston will Ml the place Si oncer, Republican. Alabama is about solid, and no claims we believe 1 that bulldozing and intimidation bus it nbottt. There arc H»t» of ne» groe j there, and if Democratic success in Lio'iisteii» and South Carolina, is evi dence of bulldozing in Ibose States, we -•an't sco-why it is not evidence of the thing in Alabama. ...... TOI! 'fi-TK SOABK/ M CAItfAI KBM. T-hia body met in Raleigh but Tbura -1«y, and adjourned till Friday, when it "7 [roceoded to canvass the votes for mem ber.! of Congress of all the t!ie State, but tl»e fast and Becond. In both of these there is • contest. O Hara contesting against Oapt Kitchon in the second, ami Msj. Yeatea against Martin fn the first. There are alleged irrvgo , Parities m both of these districts, and the p.i rties appear by quite en array of :oun»el. Will the boerd go . behind the returns, shall it obey writs of inductions, sau it delay its work, are all question which it is called upon to decide, for itseltli mote Wore g° in s to pfeßs, and, il we do, will print it. JSl^«nr**e«KßNߣOKßlt, 1 it lion, to elect a Governor. The votes were so divided between the Democrat". c, Republican ami Ureeuiock caudi la. Os, that yekhef laiftplOte majority, ot aitH»vota« cast, and nothing less ihaii this elects • Governor, iu that - to. Upon a failure of the people to lect, it is provided tl*t tke lower faome ni:c Legislatuie shall nominate tWO audklates to the Senate, and tlmt body flialll&lectwliicl of tbem shall be Covers nor. fl'here wo* room to look for some tM democrats and Green baekflncMi roitho lower honse, and it was thoygiu wliUo-tbe range ot probas bint v that Maine might have a Bemo ans will use the Greeubacker. A cor rospon dent onder date of tho 24tn or last | month sayß: '•Maine Repnblicans now bete say that the election of a Governor from that State is m eood »9 settled. Blaino and Hainliii Lave arranged to elect Smitb r the tireenhaek candidate, it is said, and tbe others of the State Senate liave re-, jd their instructions accordingly, th's lireeuback creed appears tomako j'j difference, ao long as he agrees to «m --ry oat Blaine's wishes, and report goes even further and says that Smith has promised the nomination next fall Ml coujo out of the Greenback P'u'ty. ' - ■ '"it " ,m | One great reason why tbe Republican party has grown so odious 1n tbe South tnny be found in the character of many ot' the men whom it has clothed with pu« ihority in the midst of the southern peo plt has selected men in too many in stances whose morale should liave forbld- J n their elevation to places of authority, and it bos done so wittingly and know* and for the purpose, it seems, to k 'TUBB and annoy the people, and if pos>> siblu to gnnd them to such action as will make Republican party capital. The ens tricpn.cntol tUe law, and tbe punish* ruent of it? violation has not been the purpose, if we may judge from the class of men entrusted with important official duties. There is just now a great cry rftUed of intimidation and vloleuce in Louisiana,during tbe recent cougression* >il campaign and election. We do not Move there is any adequate ground for this complaint. It may be true, and prob* ably is, that there were individual in ucoß of violations of* law, and that ne was couwdttcd in Louisiana, and very other Stole, during the canvass i election. It would be very remark' able if this were not so. Thore was tobabiy more intimidation in Mass** cbusetta to defeat Dot ler for Governor, than there was In the whole South. But it is said Hayes iff terribly impressed with the idea that something must be •ie in Louisiana, while ho doubtlesi ickles over the actual commission, ii Massachusetts of the intimidation whicl ie only charged in Louisiana. Thes misiana people must be attended to and so he has appointed oue John Raj prosecute in the F^deral^art. •'Ruy was the counsel ami go-between of I lie infamous lte'uruii'g ikxu'tl in WW; ■nd Is generally believed to ltavc eoii«- coctj 3d a great deal of tlie villain v of wbicb h one ef IWfJbonf hated teen in New Or- leans, and is the last person that would be selectod tor tho honest discharge of any duty. His appointment will antiig-. onize the real friends ot law aud order in Louisiana and can lead to no good re sult whatever." In the information given by this ex» tract lies tho secret of his nppoiutineuf. Ho helped to make tho was the counsel of the Returning Doartl. and is credited with much of their villainy. Those are sufficient reasons for Ilayes to appoint him to harrns? ft people he had been active in cheating out of their rights as freemen. Wkhotit the aid cf Hay, Ilayes might not to-day have been Presi dent. Then,too, Kay may stir up tho pas sions mid feelings ol the people if Louis iana, until they may be driven to some act which can be nuido to do service in the outrage line. No man better calcu lated for tho business. Then will he not mako reports, official reports, aud will they not be valuable? An honest man eonld not till tho place. CJJll skteriNg (lie purposes, Hayes has done well in selecting the most unscrupulous and cdious man he could And. DEAD. —During tho past week two prominent men of tho State have passed away. On Wednesday last, Hon. B. F. Moore, reverentlycalled tho fathor of tho North Carolina bar, died. Ho had been confined to his room for a long time, and his death WM tho result of worn out physical forces, rather than the work of particular disease. Hi Was a man of great learning, and of unspotted purity ot character. Ho had filled many public places, among tliem Attorney-General ot the State, first by appointment ol Hon. William A. Graham, while he was Gov ernor, and afterwards by election by the Legislature. He was a native ot Halifax county, and removed to Raleigh thiity years ago, where be continued to live. He was seventy seveu years q|d. aud it courteous, eloquent Major Ga|e9, died ot apoplexy, in Washington City last Fri day. He held a position connected with the present Honse of Representatives, and was there to be preaeut at the meet ing ot Congress. He was best known to the people £jp» Stale,, ae a journalist. As editor ottfellififtljgh Itegutcr he sues ceodcd bis IHlJM*»*hile yet«f ery young man, and, siuce the war, be, with Rey. William £. Pelf «Utf4 tud published tho Sentinel. . wjtfcb, wHifcnu their liaiuH, was perhaps (lie most widely circulated and most influential paper in the State. Daring the past summer aud fall lie was editor of tho Raleigh 2few. tie was a prominent member of the Independent Order ot Odd Fellows. He was a man Of culture, and as a speaker aud lecturer he was cbasto aud ornate to a degree equalled by lew men in the State. He was fifty years old. WAMIKOTaN LITTII, WASHINGTON D. C. ? Nov. 27. 1878. S Uuless the excesses of Tbankgiving Day shall overcome too many Congress men we shall have an unusually full house and Senate on the opening day of the coming session. Much more tnan the usual number ot members havo made their winter arrangements here. Only one Committee has had meetings—the llSffi AWKSte tbe feet that the Secretaries have had the good sense to cut down their estimates to about the same figures as the appropia lions ot last year. The Post Office and War Dcpt's. sak lor more, but not for orliifery ekpetises. The Committee will have the appropriation bills ready as fast as the ilouse ca'n dispose ot them. Among the bills to come up early in the Senate, havine already passed the House, is that givlug to persons drawing pension on account ot the late warapem> Siou back to the time when, if soldiers, they woro discharged, or, if relations of soldiers, back to tbe lime the soldiers died. The snpposed necessity for this act arises trom the fact that, under exist* iug law*, uuless the pension claim was made within five years of the llrao the right occured, the pension does not go i 1 back. Tbe estimated expeuse under the [ act is from teu millious to thirty millions, | but probably near the latter amount. There is an appearance of justice in the 1 1 proportion, but I bope the Senate will 0 look into the subject carefully befora vot t i'rtg away the ijtouey. It seems to me that what the ex-soldiers ot tbe country must want is the prompt exebntion of " laws already in force. TV,e bonds of the 1 unnecessary delays and torm«iitiea, is not to-day worth fifty cems on the dollar. 8 A meeting or Southern, Western aud Eastern business men wiHbeheldatNew connected uritluhe materia!^i n toresu* s of sippi and the wonderful evstem ot rivors which enter it, will be beueficial »> especially to tbe West and StfStfiwest. .y There cUcwheiein the world wj M [ especially a Southern wortt, but, i JjWHiill. it will be exclusively uudei Government eoulvol «e to rates Tor frefsrht, Ac., it wil| r iuevitally compete With the present monopoly anil so bo of general benefit. -iVhatevyrenco... £e* trade With for eign countries may be cerainly said to be for the common good, and to us tho markets ot South America and Mexi o will be almost like those of newly discov ered countries. Their trade, which should come to lis, goes almost entirely to Euro pean countries. Altogether, tho >ew Or leans meeting deserves attention from the people of all purls of the country, and if judicious in its action aud rccominonda* lions, it Will have great influ-nce. SOLON. Anano SIIH iXCHAHOeS. NEWS, HOTKS ANU COMMKRT3. The illllsboro Jiecvrder, in remarking upon the appeal taken by tho counsel tor the Chap-l Hill burglnis and the respite of Bos well, Who was to have been hanged on the 22nd, lias tins to say : jif t li3 menu time, it is to be cOnsfderod what a grevious burde i is imposed UIMIII Iho tux imyeru bv llie • indulgence # of a merciful law. The jail now holds tl*»een persons, mostly held for capital crime. To make ihcin *ecuie, a liirgo gustnl w deemed i.idi*i»etisible. Those ore paid at a cost to the county for guarding, of $7, adav. Tho cost for the month ot October was #234,00, as is sl.owu by the last report ot the county Commissioners; maintenance of prisoners in jail »f f507,- S9 this amount however cxtcHli»g over some mouths. But viewed troiu ain point, the expense is enormous when it i» remembered how absolutely profitless JT it (ho money of holiest HIKI huril lubot spent tor the protection of crimo. Mr. J. C. Carter, of Wftttbnrg Mor gan county, Tennessee, had a case in our court this term, a case of tho State against him for stopping up the public road. Ho left Wattburg afoot. Wed nesday morning, the 6th iusiaii*. It took hi in a little over nine days lo make the trip, the distance being 315 miles, lie walked every day, and the last nay a Huiaiu the night. We met Mr. Carter at Wjentworth. He says he made he change in the road according to the directions of the Board ot Trustee*. This case has been in court against him twee vears, and this is the second time be bos footed the distance. He move*, to Tennessee from this county. Itiedsviile Timet. The Yonng Men's Christian Association of Charlotte arc considering the pro priety of enlarging tiieufwork. by fluting up ft wiluK room mut library. -A well written coinmuuicatiou up ant he subject appeared in last Wednesday's Obnercer. Freeman Lane, colored, was ariested iu Charlotte lor a violation ot the revenue laws, he having In his possession a lot of unstamped manufactured tobacco in bags. The Lbtervtr thinks It the first caw ot the arrest of a colored xnau lor a like ofleuce iu that collection district. Two young men in South Carolina, both woll connected, tlio Charlotte lw* teroer »») 8. are anxious to fight a duel- The arrangements were made tor tne ■flair across the line but OIKS oi tiro' par ties was arrested iu Columbia, while on his way, so the first plau bad to bo abandoned. Another arrangement was made to fight iu this State, near Flue viile, on the C. C. & A- K. K. A bet ou a horse raco at Columbia during tlie fair, an Insult, and a soar hading of onoby the other has led to the determination to meet in mortal combat. Wt condeuue from the Charlotte Observer. A revenue raid through rolk and Rutherlord couutses found 26 illicit distlllries, only nine of which bad recent ly been hi use. Two distillers were arrested, and fivo stills seized. Mr. W. C. Richardson, assistant agent of the N. C. R. K. at Raliegh, married Miss Arabella Holt of tbat city. Zeigler, the cigar mau ot Rftlcigb, has gone to St. Louis. Cleaveland is tbe banner county. Her Sheriff lias paid her proportion of the State lues iuto the treasury. Rufus Edmunson, one of the com missioners of Wayue couuty, bas re* signed. The Depnty Sheriff of Mecklenburg handed over,"last week to the peniten tiary, seven couyicts sentenced to terms varying from one to three years and the Sheriff of Davidson duplicated this wil h seveu others whose sentences were for ten years and less, the depuly sheriff ot Caswell banded over three, and Several other counties contributed, making the Whole number reported in The Observer for one day* just twenty. » The North Carolina Methodist Prot eßtaut Conference has been divided. ,The Western North Carolina Conference has beou organized,commencing with Orange county and going west, composed of four districts Rev. A. M. LoVo \vus elected President. , A New York drnmmor, for offering his goods for sale in Wilmington without the city license required, was arrested. He was abusive to the officer making the arrest. Tbe Mayor fined him $25 for offering to sell without licence, and S2O for being abusive to an officer iu the discharge of his doty aud required bim to take out licouso; in default of payment he was looked up to await a formal in vestigation. I Willie Keen and John Gooding, two yoftng men of Wilmingtou, have gone to Italy to Beo the world and belter their fortune. Their stay depends upon tlieir success—iu saving euoogh of what tbey take with them to get back,or In inducing friends to send tbom the needful to re ■ The man held in Rusiellvllls, Kjr.. as Ben Smith, tbe slayer of two men in Stokes county, a year or more ago, turn ed oat not to be tbe right man. The Deputy Sheriff of Stokes went oat, arm> ed with a requisition, aud made the dis covery. A Mr. Coatio waa on his way from Wilmington to hie home, ou Miurfmboro sound, in tbe night time, and, when •about three miles from the city, lie waa attacked by three unknown negroes and robbed of $30,00, wbioh be had re ceived for fish sold in the aurkct, A party of sea captains congregated in a store in Wilmington,'and observing an old rusty pistol, they com in meed to o*- amine and discwas it. 1 Just'after it be came known that the thing was not lond ed, it went Off, the ball grazing the head of oue of Neptunes titled sons. It is one of the few instances that ever came to our Knowledge, where an empty gun or pistol banged off, and failed to kill some oue. * Thos. J. ©spps, who drove the ainbi - I alien that bore the mortally wound'd Slonwalt Jackson from the field of Chanceliorsville, was in Wilmington the other day. He Uvea thereabouts. In a dozen years or so more the driver of that ambulance sau be found all about. Among those rescued fron the ill fated Pomerania, tho aleauittliip that w »a run into and sunk on the coast of Kugland, are two infants, aged three and nine uiontlia, #hoae identity cannot tie ascertained. Their mot hern, and thou* who knew them are among the lost, mid it may be tihers will ever be uncertainty about them. A Nash county man raised a sweet potato that weighed 11A pounds, a Columbus county man saw him a half pound I tetter, and is now the champion with his twelve pound tatrr. A pistol was found in a bal* of cotton shipped from Charlotte to Charleston, and the Observer remembers that it was reported that a farmer last fall expressed the belief that he had packed his pistol iD a bale. Jessee .Johnston, an old respectable citizeu of Mecklenburg county, was stricken with paralysis and died. Thorn and Dogget, two negroes, were convicted of manslaughter, at Polk court, for killing a white man named Hamrick, in Rutherford couaty, about a month ago. Sure enough that duel caine off at Pineville Mecklenburg countv. Ihe parties, young Mr. Wilson of YorkVille and young • Mr. wLtlcn of Sutnptei county, exchanged shots, made tip and wept back home, and we hoj* will be good boys hereafter. Now on* ste what comes of these agricultural bene races. They fell out a boat one at Columbia, and if they both had hit in stead of missing, two yooug men less iqight have been left to control the destinies ot South Carolina. Mr. A. A. Keadall, of Anson county, but now a salesman, in Charlotte, and Miss On a. daughter of J. R. Davidson of Charlotte were quietly married, so the Observer Bays. ; There were registered, at the Central 'hotel ia Charlotte, fotn the 22ml of De camber 1877, to the 2Jtfc of la-it month 18.900 guests. Ibis the Obveiver learns by the old register. A man 80 years old has gone to the poor Jiouse in Guilford, because his children, tor whom he prpvided as well ae'he could, aro unwilling to leed and clothe him. l| Fulton who was aliot in Stokes coun ty, some ten days ago by Haiston, is still alive but little hope of Lis recovery. "Is commerce more beneficial to the world than agriculture?" wm tl»e ques tion mattered ami finally decided and put at real by the junior debating socie ly, of lUleijjh. Tub bo>s lived in town, and commerce won. Now lot u* hear Irom iliem on tl>e eastern question, the Ohio idea, or some other subject the con sideration of which will give thfein a kind of recreation, alter their wrestle with one of souii huge proportions as the corns lnorceand agriculture business. The Grand Lodge of Masons of,Njrlh Carolina bold, their 92ud Annual Com munication at Kaleigh, beginning at 7J o'clock Ibis evening. Maj.W. W. Fleming, of Charlotte, entertained the firemen of tbat city hand somely, at his resilience ou the evening of thanksgiving day. Dr. R. K. Gregory, of Greensboro, raised three crops ot Irish potatoes, us* i:ig the seed raised the preceding crop, tor euchot his two last plantings. Henry Freeman, seventy years Did, an honest and respectable citizen of Moore county, left home on Sunday morning to look alter some fattening hogs. He waa found late in the day dead in a branch. He had been foully murdered, by being choked to death. Warrants were issued against three parties suspected of the eriine. Capt. W. H. Crawford, a prominent citizen of Salisbury,is dead. He repre sented Rowan county in both bouses of the Legislature. Fire among more than ahnndred bales ot cotton on tho platform at the Carolina Central depot in Wilmington, ou thanks giving dav. Supposed to have been from spark's from passing engines. Fight bales were burnt and eighty scorchou. Mr. Norwood Giles, ot Wilmington, married Miss Jennie, daughter of Judge Strong, of Raleigh, last wsek. LIVBS I.OHTAT SKA, Near Folkestom England, the Hams bur# American Line Steamship, Pom erania, which sailed from New York, the Htb ot November fur Hamburg was ran iuto by a Welsh b«rk, during a dense tog on on the night of the 24th of last moutb. There were ou board, passen-1 gers and crew, two bnudred aud twenty persons, of whom some fifty were lost. The steamship sunk rapidly, tbe boats were overcrowded, and one ot them sunk, end tho usual details of a horrible affair are giveu. The Capt. aud bis sec ond and third officers were among tho lost. With tbat heroism that is so often met In tbe officers of vessels tbey deteis mined to be the la»t to leave, or periab; und tbey perUlnd. That Capt. Wsw ou his 12tku trip aud is reported urf jrMiifth lul careful officer. THE ■stoatltle Amrleu TDIETT-FOUSTH MAS. The most popular Scientific paper in (he world 9mtr I 3 MD ff»r, iidaiUsi *•••■«•>. Weekly. 59 Nnnbern * *«», 1 000 b*»k pa«en. The Scientific American is a First Class Week > Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the uio.-t beautiful style, profusely illustrated with elegant engravings, representing the newest Inventions and the most recent advances In the Arts and cciealfef j Including New aud Interesting Facts in Agriculture. Horticulture, the Ho. le, Health, Medica" progress, Bocia: Science. Natural History, '■eolgj', AHtrououiy. Tsc moat valuable practical papers, bjr einluei.t writers in all departments of tas Scientific American; 'ferula, W. 20 pei year. *1.60 half year, which Includes postage. Diaccmut to agents. Sold by alt Newsdealers. Heuiit by postal order .o IUNN A CO., Publianers, 37 Park Row, New York. _ - . O A JT J\ I JLilv A O .the Scientific Ameri can. M sacra MDNN «fc Co. are dc'lcitora of American aud Foreigi Patents, have hud 84 years experience, and now have the 'argest es.- tabiUhmeut In the world Patents are obuined on the best terms. A special notlee is mad# 4a ihe Scicntitic American of ail Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and r-pidenee of the Patentee, tyy the iimneun* circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who list made a new discovery or discovery *;r invention can aseertan free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained by writing to the undersigned. VVe also send for our hand bo 'k about The Patent Plows,Pateu a, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with bints for pro curing advance* on inventions. Address for the Papers, or concerning Patents. M U N N A CO , ST P»rb Row, New York. Branch Office, Cer. F A 7ih Sis., "Washington. FREE FOE 1878. The Examiner and Chronicle, [ESTABLISHED IN 1828.1 TIL R IBAUMC BAPTIST NBVFFL. PAFKK IS NOW DELIVERED BT MAIL, POVTVGE PRE PAIL). TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, VItSIH NOV. I*I IBTS I OJA.I. lit, 19W FOK $2-50 THE WICK OF ONETEAIt'S idUBSCRIP •noit. ClSkl si tea. I'J'l.wim s Free Paper TKK EXAMINER AND CHRONICLE Is dlstinetively a Family Newspaper. In mak'uig It tlio Editor has the co-operation of tlie best newspaper writers of his own de nomination, besldat- the occasional contributions In speeisJ departments, of writers of aeknewl edged ability In otter communions. IT COMPRISES A CURRENT EVENT E2r?QSITER; A LtVINO PULPIT AND PLATFORM; A MISSIONARY AND BAPTIST EVENT RECORD. A SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE; AN EDUCATIONAL ADVOCATE; ' A LITERARY, THEOLOGICAL. TIF'IC AND ART REVIEW; % A POPULAR STORY PAGE FAMILY MISCELLANY 4UXDPUZZLERS' RRM.M: A HUSBANDMAN'S AND HAUSEKBEP Elt'S HRLPKK; A MARKET REPORTER. Ac. All conducted in anii oulspokvn, wide-awake and popular manner. Baeraetic Caatkinn are itatM. and will b« Paid a llbetal 4) AMU tsaaluisa For sample copies and teim* to esitrassars address P. 0. Bo* 1836, New-York C'lty. VI gafli I'M'* \\PHy I 1 ' .. —^-COLD-^ — WATCH CASES Are made of two plates of Solid Gold overlaying a plate of oomposltlon metal In raoh a manner as to present only a gold snrfaoe. While costing bat half the monev they » re u the solid gold, and aro WABBAOTEDBY SPECIAL CERTIFICATE TO WEAJI TWEN TIf not seen theae watches, ask yw Jeweler tor them. If he doei not keefc iitm he !• behind the a*a, and to send tor an fllus trated Catalogue. HA63TOC& THORPE, Sixth and Chestnut Sti., PmhAVMurtOA, Px 49-Sold only through Regular Dealers. GET THE BIS® ys. y. I am now prepared to make to order boot*, shoes and test stock and at the H>Vo lowest prices— TO 10.00, QAITERB FROM *3,50 TOfI.OO. . A good fit ia guaranteed. Mending promptly and cheaply doaa. have a few pairs of good gaiters of my own make on hand which I will sell ckeap * 1 O rah am, N.O. W. N. MUKRAY May 7.1878, ly New Drugstore. •If yon want pare Mh Drags, Chemicals, Pa ent Medicines, Medi *nal Lienors, fine Cigars cliewlug and smoking Tobacco go with tbe cash I to the ftoutheast of the Couit House square to DR. LONG'S DKISCi STORK. P. 8. Dr. Long's office Uat tbe Drag Store where Ue will examine and prc-scriUo* fur U»o>t 1 rcqulniighl* o^rviccs. ■1 Aug. 13, ;Uu, THE GENUINE DR. C. MoLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORRRS. THE countenance is pale and leaden, colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an axure semicircle runa along the lower eye-lid; the nose is ir ritated, awells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the Upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at pthers, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequentjy tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; eough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptom# are found to exist, DR. C. JtfcLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; it is an innocent prepare* tion, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine DR. V*R- MirUGE bears the signatures of-C. Mc- LANE and FLEMING BROS, on the wrapper. :i>: ' DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended is a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," bat in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or disease* of that character, they stand without a rival* AGUE AND FEVER. Nobelter cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BBWiMUOr IMITATION*. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each DOC has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Da. MCLAN*'S LIVER PILLS. Each wrapper bean the signatures of C. MCLANE and FLEMING BROS. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mc iANE's LI VK* PILLS, prepared BY Fleming ros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name MeLat%0 9 spelled differently but tame pronunciation. 8. L HOXIL \ R * V" " * Tailor. Catting and making done In the lateat fashions and most desirable maimer. He keeps constantly ou iiand Samples of latent styio goods for gentlemena wear; and will order according to selection ut 2U4to^erS/— also the National Sew nq i i —*i Machine whloh ha keep* constantly on hand ana w sell for the low price of $24 Call and see bin. Gr main ft C ESa mil OPlUMsssl