'jfreuflUMiLSlfHJlN IVtiIO"TAN'# 1 1 [Washington- correspondence I'hilacelphi# '«•» t ittOT «** fittipa.'] Sown strnnco stories arc fold of, Hew 1 - • ill, toe ig:r. amusing if iliey rlidnoi itiafblo'lns inalaily, insomnia. f Jt isprobab»o*ki sleeps fewer hours than any limp in America. p Jle is gridturfly' • ilyia/j for want rif sleep. 4 £)nc vearhp Jiarl quarters near andlfßiSllS" dii ven wilil, or it#»njfined he was, by Tlio early I'rowiii" of a cock, lie bad com • plained oHI for some I inte, but the cock • rowed Ml the samt, Finally, l«i fit of i desperation, ho t-old.Weiekler's colored j man, .John, Jhal he would-he shot if lie • onld eland it any long#*, nPd ho would ?•! ve $5 fur llj,at roos'ei 's licnd. «T dm is a ihi»tty lad of few words. He kit (he threatening proscnoe at once mid sought the owner oft he cn»mf He had no !iffl' culty in bnjtiHg the fowl for 75c, and the wi mhU iicok wrts quiek work, lie placed (ho liend updU) a salver, like Jolin tho Baptist's, and presented i hiul'j *c)|' before liie Uontrrcß?man, pnlvrr'ln hnnd. This made Jiewilt fatigTi. bjtt lift j>nid the so. John next sold the (lead cock to Mr AVeleker lor tiltv eenta and ideated $1,75 for the morning's work. Last winter Mr. Hewitt occupied jqnnr ; «s tors in the lionise wliere M)*'. Fish lived, during his Whole term as Secretary of State. Some time before the seesiuii Ije sent Lis flian out to engage quajfers. Money was no object, and ihe man,, obe dient to hi« instructions, hired n6t io> ly rooms tor Mr. Hewitt's own use, Mull thoso all A round I hero and above clicm. These he kept flic in order t® ~preve.it others getting them and using them. The noise of anybody walkiugf disturbed him greatly, and by tiring all the rooms , about him lie was sure of being rcasona , I»ty gtibt. Tlius, having a longer pnrso thin Senator Uonkling, he liircd the i apartment* tfwit the latter had previously • occtiuigd, anrintCndcd to occnpv again, an ill-feeling tor awhile. Mr.Twwitt owns a great many houses, but ho can sleep in none oPlhem. Some times he will fancy he can sleep af a.ccr* 1 ,-fin place. He at once buys or builds a hous« 4)tU fhtrtdco tlrat followed .WfliiiWri.ni Jew/'&o dn f go on!" ionfmncs to pursue him. He is merely wtdtlng tpr, the* great Uercalter where t lie're £ re*tforUio-weary: • ____ ttt i«ji «wg; ■» •■■>' *"**it'V*Vl *l\ few eveltngH wfclrflfwged girl Labj-, one year old, was lett on thedoor -ptm>a ot Mr. Ncwcomb,, of Providence, if J., »nd r by its side a letter, in which tUo heart broken mother who had left n there sUtcd that she had lost her father, nfother, btcllifir, nnsband and thjee children by yellow teyer in New Or leans, and that sh« fled to Cairo to'es cape the plague, with her baby; that •Jbbtll were attacked tvilb tlie lever in iimt place and recovered, though the v liter felt as though she was losing her Ho tkHibt. would soon be MnHflnBHC. She urged them not n« sbe was gfting W Ne\v York on tins midnight train, "there to dje for the caWbf the child. She signed herself Mr3&s}« llaffl >ir." Hewc'omb was fee Wl known tlie lady's fa mil v.) who, he.wufl, thc'Solith. Mrs. Hall teintf a beautiful and accomplisluld lady. T^day Httlcv a felegram.was received* by 3ltT New« I'mm Boston, btating that Mrs, ■ Hail 'was in u dying conditioa at a liotel in that city, fie immediately (ftarrcri far Boston, ami arrived in season to receive thpdifina woman's jnelruaioua She be'ged mm to be good to her child and to "send her body toWew Orteans for in iprnient. She left some money .to f ay. her funeral expenses, and a)«>o sonyi for the eitre of flie ,child. The remuins Tere ♦oi-twafded to New Orleans. A letter lxccivod fnnn latter city tlwowe some Additional light on Ihe sad affair. Mrs. Hall, it amwfi deipniged Ayfth grief, had neiflrohi tfe* cilVjin her lUlh er's awVmpaftfoil byihe laitnv ful coachman, and wenf to Cairo, where the Msv aylv®; thcreT[u| #fcle/nd jinmediatelyleirCJairo auu OTd Nortji. The babe will bo Usiujfrl£ \ •' AW KLOat'ENT AND PAt^lOTlfc ... >t •« | ATLANTA, CA„ NOV. 22-Sonalor (lordon iu his speech before the LeeiS 1 - . lat'nro after referring deprecatingly to the recent sticcclics of Senators Blaine and Conk ling, and Secretary, Sherman, said: "Will the masses ofv«l)ublicau voters these leaders in such a policy of opprersion I cannot Bfelieve it I cannot belive thay will be sustained by that wing of the party which supported. - ' Pi«fdent fir fits pamotic of tho lact thai the war was ended in the vyithdrawal of troops, and leaving Louisiana and South Carolina tho rights of self government. [Applause.] 1 wish YOU also to know my countrvmen that there arc hundreds of thousands of patriotic men in that party who, if they saw their danger would unite with von to avert it- % • of obristian men in that imTty dtf n*'sfbipathize with these wrongs r wlio£& btarts b'eed for our recent affli#t|ons|aika wnose purses were employed to " relieve the Southern InfLpP* , "Hiat w4a the gnectaclMt?«t| touclieit and moved, the the great Southern heart and cassed it to beat ouoeiiioro in responsive throbs to tlw gteat- bcftrt of North as deep callcth unto the .-deep [loud applaose,] and that reward ft thonßaivd fold, bin Southern prayess ascended thattnis pWIw e!! . Wc wonlij i'osp ctfullv annonnce that we have just opcucd ft large stock, and are reeetvin ""' more of * } 11.L J 5-^^^ Fall ajidiviiiier clothing which we arc determfue/f to sell as low as the quality of the ; onds will admit, Wp are manii' | tacturtng for the custom ti ado frotn the best I goods tho Ni!w York Market affords, which we keep ou hand readv to be cut and made to at on snort notice. WeJiave a»vood workmen as warrant all work .«vnt' A®dii/ houfef to ifive satisfaction. We have on hand for manufacturing or sale by the yard cheap caßsluicraS,sal.iiiets and a variety of clotl's tor mens and bovs wear from 25cts per yard upward. Also. Shirts, Collars, Tics, utn biellur* &c. Samples Of goods.and dh-wtions frti*self meas ■ Brenwnt'si'ift flv maU M|¥Ut iifplieatitnn : tto»» #lot& aid ctotthjjj to i, si » : u ' * ,f *** BRO., ,«• "« tfnder TVnbuw, N. C. NEW GOODS, !' rw rr- ' P. R. HARDEN, .Jlisjust recclrcd a new and well selected stock of Ladies dress goods such as fcWk and white Alpaccas, Suitings, Lirinerfs, rtques, Calico's, bleaciied and bro#u Sheetings, bearfs, Handkerchiefs, Skirt Ele vators, cambric and hamhurg Edgiugs and In sertiags, Slmwle and Cloak*, dress Buttons, ball Fringe, lii.ncn Cdilars, Gloves and a full line of Hosiery. Also rpady «(\ic clothing and mens wear, consisting of cloths, all wool casimers Salem and Kentucky Jeans, flue dress shirts and wool undershirts and drawers, Collars, and Cuffs, Boots, Shoes, nils and Cups, Ladies Zeiuler morocco and cloth Gaiters. A flue assortment of Hardware ai d Cutlery, sole, harness and upper Leather, Buggv Harness, Sadies, Bridles, Halters, Hame-Strings, Collars, btiL'uy Whips, Cuba and New Orleans Molasses, Bacon, Lard Flour, corn meal. Salt, Coffee aud. Sugar, Kite! j^WM*'l!fWSy} , "iots, Oil* .ind Dye 1** 1 canned Oysters, Pine j , Ci^ af ' p ' " "PC of Lauu dry Tojiet Soapls, Extracts and Pbrlumery, Jfaynes and Ayers Bateni Bochees German Syrm> August Flower. Planters Prtdfe Plow and Plow Castings. Crockery, Glass and Earthcrnware. Indeed any article,uwwilly kept in a first class general meiehandftc. All of whicl. will be sold exceedingly cheap for Wish or country produce. We will make It to your interest to call and Examih^lore^urchasing. I ( OI'RT, Mr Bk "i""* 8 C»»Bir. G eorge,jJWJ)ng. as aroir. of ") t r N Joa. B. McM array I V 8 r- J. J. Turner and wife Mary E., I Spoclal E. K. Hines and wife. Collie L , Ilarvey Sawyer and wife, proceedfbga. Bet tie A, J. P. Bradshaw and \Xjfe, Isabella, G. C. MeMur ray and John A. McMurray. This is a proceeding by tlie plaintiff to obtain -a license to sell laud to pay debts against the estate of his Intestate. It appejring that Harvey Sawyer is a neces sary party, and that he is a non resident of the State, It is ordered: That publication herool be made In THE ALAMANCE for six sue eesslve weeks, in lieu of pi rsonal service of summons upon the said Ifarvey Sawyer, and if lie shall fair to answer for tweatv one da>s a iter the expiration of such puWlbuii >ll judgement will he entered pro conftnao airainst him. Dohe at ofliee in Graham this the Cth dav of September 1878. A. TATE, C. 8. C. _— —. —— —-Alamance county. «r*-~—j, WAite Lead, Ready Mixed Paints, Linseed oil & Tanners 1 ' od, at' SCOTT fc JL>ON- Nf.LL'S _ r fT * i.% $ : ♦ GRAHAM N. 0., Attorney at Law y Practice in Alamance and adjoining couties, and in the Fedaral courts &,f LAST There is a tobacco market in this county. McCaulcy & Smith is. of COMPANY Strops, are buying TOUACCO, and paving for it iu caslr OT barter at the very bljrh est prices. Aud also RAW-HIDES, for which they pay the highest prices. TO® ®S®BB ' % A Tobacco Tntd il&w-hhlcs produce, ihey iutend by frequent orders to keep their stock always full, and by turning over often can afford to make small profits. , Ocriilwt. Iy. -V VPTAR NE^FOR?C ;• Weekly Atlas •I ** ' Y±* Send Seventy-Five Cents and Receive it Tor ONE YEAE !■ . is a» forty-eight column paper. ; is?uoU.VVtlati«dfty inoiniog, stud fontaiiu all tin; latest neivs upfp tlwi time of .issue, together with u vast amount o£ literary matter, noiilyMii'' j articles 011 AGRICULTURE, MINING AIAWOMJU NEWB, FASHION and SOCIETY GOSSIP, MARKET JREPOUTS,etc., making it esseuUally the Journal fur the HOME AND FJ RESIDE The Agricultural Department is a special feature, presided over by an able, experienced agrieivluiridt, well-known among the farniliig coifimunity, and his views arc 1 valuable to the millions "of tillers of the Soil in I this large country. I The Masonic Department is an interesting.feature to the fraternity, who in many instances desire to know what is going on outside their own neighborhood of interest to ; | Masons.: The • Market Reports y)1#!"' *■'■ T - |. ■ ' ■ > ■ in which almost all persons are Interested, arc . reliable, and fuVnieji valuable information to the producfir as well as to the consumer. I .... t :* ,T > •*" THE STORIES • , /t M i.JWg Wlit ' 3**^ . many of them illustrated, arc from the pens of [ our licet pjtbpis, and ,arg goojl♦ reading* for all members* of a family. . The EDITORIAL COLUMNS are presided i ' Over by gentlemen of culture and experience, and, while treatir.g fearlessly 'all"subjects of interest, nothing will be published calculated to wound tlie feeling of.any class of readers The enables us to place tho price within the reaejt of every fatuity in the 11. 8. The sribscrfptiOn in ay begin at any time—counting from sending'of the first number Only 75 cents a year At this low price no one (Sin' affoHTW be without it. • As an inducement for j ***•*• ■*• »*•* •« *• - • •. j Post Masters ; ' " ; •, • • _ and others to get up clubs, we make the follow ing liberal offer— Any person sending a club of Ten or more for one year, can retain 2o cents from eaeli sub scription remitlng to us 50 cents for each name and a copy of the paper will be sent weekly to all of said.subscribers, postage paid, for o»e year *»' ft l - It is not necessary for all the names to Jbc addressed to the same office. Agents. u cannot' do better than canvass for THE NEW YORK Weekly Atlas THIS IS THE SEASON DO NOT .WAIT.! COMMENCE AT CBSTOE! Remit by Post Office Order or Registered letter to TLLE NEW YORK Weekly Atlas % 9 Spruce Bt. N. Y. TO THE i Traveling Public ! .4g&r p I take this method of informing the public bat I have taken cliarge of the l .t ...jtU .. »i* ' - ■ .... '. Graham Hotel f' ' ' St Orahitn, N. V- I am now having the build ■ inga_room* and' premises thoroughly re] paired > and rcnyrrauM and It k my frnqtose o keep a house which * ill-bem ever.Aeßpect first Class. The table shall be supplied with the >ery best provisions the market aflords and good ser r vauts only will be kept. A hack will meet guests at the Depot on the f arrtral of trains. , Give me a trial and I guarantee that you will r not go away dissatisfied. • „„„„ E Scot! 17th 1878. F. ?. FCGH, Propr. SINGER Vamiiy'snrinj machine Surely Ahead iu Rule", of all Competitors. * THOSE WHO USE THEM speak in high terms of their merit Machines Made EtpeciMy for tailokh, shoe iriAKiyis. AND lI.IRIVKgSinAKBBi. WHICH ARE UNSURPASSED We are prepared to sell on ; Monthly Instalments for country produce, good notes or cash at a lew price, 'us may b«st suit the purchaser Do not buy a sewing machine until you have tried the * CMC fill Singer Sewing Machine Co. Greensboro, N Ci KG. CARTLAND, Manager. ■MEDICAL' A>U x • Drag ' I hereby bog to notify' the public that 1 shall keep iu uiy Drug store at Company Shops, at all times, a full store and Medicines of the best and purest, bought at low prices for cash, of the very best wholesale and importing houses. i. and will sell reason A lily low —1 I have also employed a thorough, COMPETENT. AEX l»K H« I NCH O v DKI'KGINT, who will sleep at the store, and wait on custo mers at all hours, 'day or night. I will in the future devote myself to the prac tice ol my professiQirand solicit patronage. I ' have had an experience of twenty-five years active practice, and will attend calls promptly at all times, aud charges shall be at ail times and iu all cases moderate. . JOHN 8. MURPHY, M. D. Go. Shops, Alamance Co. N. C. . Oct. sth 1&8. ALACE JEWELRY STORE YY B * FARRAR, OPTICIAN, WATCH.MAKB . AND JEWELER, AND AND DEALER IN lTAfcns, cr-ocKS. JEWE.BV Silver Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold -Hens, &o. - j h * 'if.' C. ,j _ s ;f . •h- - 1 W'4 - ' | Which will be a#ld cheap SlilMßlH ~2 mi j ci \ I . The Dead I deal in American and Italian . Marble Moaameats and Headstones [ would Inform tlie public that I am pre pared to do work as , Cheap as any yard in - the State, GUAKANTEE PFRFECT SATISFACTION. Parties living at a distance will save money by sci ding to me for PRICE LIST a'ld DRAWINGS. To persons making up a rlub of six or mure, I olfer the JVlost liberal indne e " ments, and on application will forward designs &c„ or visit them in peison Any lund of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. S. C. ROBERTSON, GREENSBORO, N. C. Ucan make money, faster at work for as tba« anything else. Capital not requir ed; wo will start you. *l3 P9r day at home made by the industrious'. Men, women, and boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for' ns. Now is the time. Costly outfit and . terms free. Address Thue & Co., Augusta, [ .'Maine. ' • ' L t All kinds of Country Produce taken in . exchange for Goods, at SCOTT & DON IS ELL'S- - SUectinge, checks & Yarns, at SCOTT & I DON N ELL'd You can find tlie best stttfk and cheapest goods at SCOTT & DONNELL'H. ; . t ' r i HIOH SCHOOL t 11. C. TEAGTTE, Principal. The fifth session of this School will re-opcn on the Ist Monday in Aurnst next, and continue twenty wcoVB Tuition fromss to 20 dolai'p pe session. Bonrd. including lights and washing from $8 to $7 per month. For any additional, information, address the Principal, Rock Creek' $ N NOTICE. e : Having qualified *s administrator on the es tate of L. A. Fogleman decewc*, 1 will offer for sale at Hie late residence of s lid deceased, OCTOBER TUE 4th 1878 at pjblie auction, for cash, the personal prop erty belonging to said estat", consisting in part of tlte following to wit: 4 head of horses. 14 head of cattle, 10 head of sheep, 35 head of toga i four horse wagon, 1 two horse wagon, Jl two j horse'carriage and harness, 1 buggy, 1 sett black smith lools. 1 still, and fixtures, wheat, hay, straw, house-hold and kitchen furniture audvother articles not mentioned. [ All persons indebted to s.iid estate most make 1 immediate payment and those holding clainis e against said estate must present them on o.i > before the Ist day of April 1879, or this notice l > will be plend ii. bar of recovery. Sule to begin mill o clock A. M. „■ --v . A. C. t'OBLE, Admr. * Sept. 14th 1878. 1 1 R. W. Son ii . % • * y , ~)« 'Wf 8 Keep constantly op hand at their store in he Bonbow House, a full stock of , Drugs, Toilet Articles r. * Paints, Glass, Chemicals, TRUSSES AND SUP^Ol^tTEa and everything found in a first class Drrg Store, ... . ~ t0 "- - -• "• FJRESJI AND CHEAP. 1 * -/krr.rrf" hH# illngc and (!•>■ try merchants Talis " •■*'* ' U -j, ill'" ;? ' • ''.--.J N*liw, MM Highost Award at The Cen tennial Diploma of Honor and Meda of Merit, foi Grand, Upright & Square i "' . pums. The principal points of snporiority ip the STIEFF Pianos are brilliant singing quality of tone, with greal power— event ess of touch. throughout the entire scale, faultless action, unsurpassed durability, and unexcelled - workmanship. r : , 1 v V'i - - 4 9 \ k M->~ I A large variety of Second-hand Pianos, 1 of ail makers, constantly lu store, and rang ing in prices from $75 to t3OO. • - wc are also Sole Agents for the Southern - *3* States of the ' * Ma tchless' Hurdett Organs, The Best BOW made, s '•> tfi : A full supply of every style constantly m store, and sold on the most liberal terras. For Terms and Illustrated Catalogues of s Pianos and Organs, address CIIAS. M. STIEFF, No 9 N. Liberty Street, BALTIMOKK, MO. J. T. CROCKER, 8 ATTOBNEV AND COUNBBI.LOR 5 AT IiAW. a ' k * »Asheboro , N. C'., SCOTT A CALDWELL, Gueensuobo,' r- . ■ i ---■ Associate Counsel. Practices in the courts of Raldofph and and adjoining counties. >t Special attention given to tbc colicc j ion of claim*. Cheap! cheap!! As Assignees of Daniel Wferth, bankrupt, we aro now selling ijis largo Stock of Goods at prices so low that all must bo induced to buy. These goods Must b Sold and turned into money "at once, without regard to their coft. The stock Is large, and consists of almost everything usually found in a general storu. It win "pay all t J examine for themselves and get such articles as they may need while they hate an opportunity to do so at the low prices now put upon them. Cash Down is the necessary term*. The entire stock must be closed out. Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots and Shoe*, Hats,-Notion, Crockery, Ladies Hats, and very many other articles, all put down to prices tl at will sell them light away. 1 f -i. J.M.WORTH J uly 10th 1878. 'J. A. McCAULET. -* —»——-——*>— —Assignees •K.i "i .in.. I propose to furnish the Graham and Com pany Shops market with nice fresh beef at prices as reasonable as can be afforded. Persons having good beef cattle to sell will do well to let me know. . I will be at Compant Shops on Monday and Friday venings of each week, and at Gbaham on '• 'V* -**■' ,fi ' ' _ , . : TUESDAY AND SATURDAY mornings of each week, certain, " A. A. ANDREWS; June 4. tf. Farmer Friend Plows at SCOTT A DON NELL'S. Do yon know where to buy ready inade made clothing? Why, at Company Do you want to buy buggy trimmings? Go to the Shops to J. Q. GANT&CO. Wa'ot to bur your wife a dress? You can find anything you want by going to J. Q. GANT A CO. Thi sis the time to fix for canning fruit. You havn t got the jar* and cane. You can get just what you need from J. Q. GANT & CO. Tools are needed for carpentering and work on tho farm, you can be supplied by A * J. Q. GANT A CO. Bound to h&ve shoes, and you ougnt fo get them wbeie tiiev are cheapest and best. Goto the yellow store at Co. Shops. J. Q. GANT & CO. Family gMcerifcs arte a necessity—Sugar, cof fee and molasses can't be done without. Con cerning these articles enquire of J. Q. GANT& CO. Can you spare anything OH the farm? Take It to the Shops to • . J Q. GANT & CO. : - y ■)-■ - - • ,11 i) HI ; .. • IN 1 Its A* It OH ITK COtIBT, ... . Alamance County - P ¥ ' • .?.:•■»( -• i ■- x 9 In the matter of the last will) and tastament of WM. Wells, j caveat to will. In this matter it appearing to the satisfaction of the court iltat Solomon Wells one of th» heirs at law and devisees of William Wells '« not a resident Of this State: It iB ordered that notice of this oa,vrat be made upon the aaid Solomen M'ells bv publication inTHK Alamancb Gleaner, a newspaper published in the town of Graham, weekly, fornix sutcessive weeks. And that lie atipeau and show cause why said will should not be set aside and declared null and void- And that if he fail tfoappear and show cause at the expiration of said time judgment shall be had pro confesso as to him. Done at office this 84th) June 1878. j A. Tate, C. S. C. and Probate Judge. Scott & Donnel) Graham N C r v' -i\ - . - * Dealers in .jI i ► BBV (iOOBR. OBOCBBIE IIARVWABB, HATH, BOOT «r M |IOBS. KTOTIOItIH, lit ON, STBlli, SAI.T, ITIOI.AB - UKl'Utf, MBDI VINII, DVB BTUfrF «|C *C. IN THI BVPBBIOB COI7BT, Alanmro County Joseph Tate, Ruffin P. Mitchell and wife Margaret and others. William Tate, James Talc, Heirs at law of names, numbtfrs, sexes snd unknown and others if others there be who are entitled under the will of Joaeph dee'd. who are nonresidents of the Slate- FV,, This is a proceeding to sell real estate? described in petition for partition. The real property has been sold aud the commissioner has made his report, and a motion for confir mation is now pending; and thereto i 3 not filed within ten days after full service of this notice by publication, aaid report "NILL in all things be confirmed, and title directed to BEWADE TO IBEPOTT BAWMR.' J>nr?E at office in Graham this the oth of Aug. 1878; • . A,*TATE C, S. C. Alamance Coudty.

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