Reams Warehouse, Durham JST, C., sold in two ttays, Dth and 11th, 1703 lots of tobacco, satisfactory to the. farmers; Remember Reams the 11, A t frf. THE ALAMANCE QLEANER, ---* ' ' L VOL 5 THE GLEANER Local, State and (General GRAHAM, N. C.» JANUARY 7. 1873 | We trust our readers will bear with ns for this week. We hay# been moving, and to got fixed up in new quar- . ters unavoidably delayed ua. Wo may now bo found in (he buildins known as Pugh's Corner, where we will be glad to see our Iricnds. Large crowd in town last Monday. County Commissioners in session last Monday. , Thanks to Mrs. Alvis .King lor a lot of nico sweet potatoes. —* Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy j .. "^ouacco. the Graham Motel wassohlat auction last Monday. D. W. Klapo was tho pur*, chaser. Bev. P. A. Lang, loft for Columbus | Ohio, fast I's id ay e v cTieutTrgyt o beahsettt a A'eek or two. Col. D. Bell, of Enfield, spent a few * days with his daughter Mrs. D. A. Long, of the yillagc, Christmas week. FRESH DRUGS— tor tho cash, at the \ Southwest corner of Court House Square. Miss Eliza White ha? returned to Gra- hara after a long "visit to her brother and laaaHy4y v Mr.;. Hovel, aeco mpa II leoOy tils wile, left Monday night for Washington City. . W. S. Albright, of Roxboro, eon of Cd. W. A. Albright, of tliis place, spent the holidays with his lathers family. We thank Mrs, J. W. Hardotl lor a lot of the g)od things prepared lor I lib leap year to the young'ladies at her bouse^l Mrs. Mary A. McMurrfty, aflei a pro tracted visit JJines, at Wadesbortr, hasVotiu'iied to the vil lage. STOCK LAW. The requisite number ot voters having petitioned the Board ol Commissioners, an election has been ordered for this-township to lie held on Thursday, the 12th of February. Fence or no lence is the question. Wo nrc sorry to heor of an unfortunate difficulty between J. YV. Sharp and J. J. Hayes, of Company Shops,.in which the latter got his arm broke. It had its origin we ream iu a dispute upon a business set. tlcinciit between tho parties. Mr. Robert M. Dennv, a citizen 101 Graliam. leltfor Reidsyille, last Sunday evening, and will make his homo there. His brothers John T. and Charlie U. have been there lor some whilo. Re id 31 villc has no inbro worthy ci'izens than the Messrs. Denny. YVo don't like to spare such young men. . Two new churches at Company Shops will soon be completed. The Lutheran is nearly finfslied, judging Irom an exte rior view, and the Episcopal is under way, Jchr. M. Coble, the contractor, pushing its building rapidly ahead. Parties who need a first class Cooking Stove should call at \Vaketicld & Go's. Hardware Store and examine their etock of Stoves before purchasing. Per fect ■ satisfaction guaranteed or stoves may be returned. VISITING IN GRAIIAM.— Mr. John YVel ker, Mr. Charles Mebanc aud Miss Mag gie Mebane, of Guiltord, Miss Mollie Noell,of Mt., Person county, Mis. Hughes, daugliter of our townsman John P. Longest, from Greensboro, Mr. Dan). Klapp, of Durham, Mrs. Harris, of Cliapel Hill, i SCHOOL NOTICE.—"Miss E. O. Phillips, a graduate of Misses NHSIi & Miss Ko)» look, who lor several months past has bc» n teaciiing at Company Shops, will reopen her school, January 19tli 1880. Having been educated with a view to teaching, she is fully competent to instruct and train those put under licr charge. Those wishing their chih'icn thoroughly taught will do well to patronize this *c!iuul. All the English branches and- Frnn&h taught. Some of the young men, as they call themselves, b6ys as they are generally called, are quite consequential since the leap year party—mightily flattered at the nttentiou they received. Now, boys let us tell yuii a secret; when a giri is a Ift'le soft on a tellow, that fellow is the vcrv one she pays the least attention to at leap year parlies. Don't think that because sonje girl asked "the pleasure of Mr." of you oflenest that it means yon are any favorite; on the ooritrary quite the le vcrse. These girls are smart, and thev are not going to give themselves dead away, it it is leap year. And another thing, becouso you wero waited upon by a yoaug ladv is no sort ot excuse for parting your hair in the middle. AN ALAMANCE YOUNO MAN ANO HIS BRIDE.—Mr. B. P. Long, a son of Mr. Jacob Long, oLour county, but for soipe while the law partner of Hon. W. M. Bobbins, of Statesvillc, arrived in town on Christmas day, with his bride, having bdeu married, on the 23rd of last month, Jn Statesville, to Miss Mamie Alice Kob bins, the accomplished daughter o* Hon. W. M. Bobbins, who. tor her beauty and accomplishments, had been accorded the title ot "The Belle of Western N»rth Carolina." The happy pair were elos fitly entertained at a dining, where v met relatives and friends, at the . f:e of the brother of the groorn, the D. A. Long; and the next day there was a family dining at Mr. Jacob Long's, the father ot the groom. Mr. Long and his bride are yet visiting rela ives aud friends, iu tnd near the village. Ult AIT AM, NO, WEDNESDAY JANUARY - 7 1879 Onr village has much improved sinco we first knew it, as a place of social en joyment. The holidays of the Christmas before, witnessed quite ami in her of so cial gatherings, and those just passed have exceeded any here for jenrs in the nuiiiher of dinintrs, tea drinking?, and oyster nippers, at which were assem bled small numbers of relatives and Iricnds; and besid' S these thero were severat parties, cspccialy for the young j people. On the night bclcrc Christmas the pupils of (jirnhaiii High School had a social euterlainiueul to which the voting people ot the yilngo wero invited, and which, notwithstanding the *loppv con dition of the streets, was well attended, and, of course mtKb enjoyed. On -Ohristmas*»glHr-M-iv 11. -KoeU-iutdted. some relatives and liietuls to an oyster supper, as ho termed it, but thero were many oilier tempting edibles spread besides the bountilul supply of oysters. From there the young people who were present went to Mr. I', llarden's to a syv cial party, where quite a large number .uXyoung people were present by invita lion7anu~atrirint ''Just a splendid—ti»ie v to nse the words of ono who evidently On tho last night ol 'ho old year, tho young ladies of the village, were elegantly entertained, to gether with the young men whom they escorted thither, by Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Harden, in a leap year party. Upon this occasion they got down to solid work and fairly danced the old year out and tho f new year in. The ladies by the privilege in thorn vested by the near approach of eitp yeur, became - the |)ro4eclws ivij**" gallants ol the voting men, a/id, after" beseeching them for permission so to do, called for them at their homes with ve hicles,and took them in charge. Through out (ho evening this revei sal of tho natu ral order of tilings was kept up, amidst much innocent nicrrimeni. Altogether ibis was a most enjoyable affair, and the ! young people owe Mr. and Mrs. Harden a vote of thanks. On .New Year's night Capt. and Mrs. J. A. had a num ber of iiiftnds to lea, and a very pleasant social evening was spent. Besides these there were a number of other diuings and and ono regular old •fa'sbsoued candy nulling, where the jii> veniles had a high time. Taking it all in all it was a much enjoyed Christmas in Graham. And. by tho way, if per missible, we will remark, that there is.: in our opinion, no more pleasant village, apyjwhcie, than ours, anjJ none that contains more entertaining people, in proportion to population. AI,AMANCE WILLI'S —In (lie big chicken fight, at Charlotte, during Christmas week, between Alamanco and Mecklen burg, Alamance was the victor. Mr. .Sidney I). Holt, who wd3 Alamanco in ihe fight, whipped ten of tho eighteen fights in the main, and tw.glvj: out of flf teen liack figiits. The Charlotte Observer says there is to be another main fought the ein Aptil, in which Mr. Holt will represent North Carolina in an inter-Suile contest with Georgia. There are, per haps, no finer chickens in the world than Mr. Holt raises. THIS —February has five Sun* days (his year, and will not have so many again tor a long time —twenty five years we have seen somen here stated. The 22nd of "February and the 4tli ot July both tall on Sunday. Next Christinas is on Saturday. 1 here will be six.eclipses, four of the sun and two of the moon, three of which will occur in December, and only one will be visible here, aud that a partial eclipse of the sun, verv ear ly iu the morning of tho last day of the year. The moon, so the almanaq says, will be the rulitg, plant, aud tho year will be warm and damp. We the young ladies of Graham exteifd to the "Leap year gems'' of this place 1 our most hearty thanks for the manner in which wo were entertained at the res» idonce of Mr. J. YV.Haiden oniheeven iug of Dec. 31st 1879. Also to Mr. aud Mrs. J. YV. Harden lor their kind hospi tality shown ua on this occasion. We only regret leap year doesu't come ol tei:er. , T. A. Albright, lira. TUKNKR, > Committee. Nosco LONGEST. ) DIBCEMB Bit A stout backbone is essential to physi cal health as to political consistency. For weakness ot the back and disorders of the liver and kidneys, the tonie and mQderate diatetic action of th« Bitters is the one thing needtul. Remember that the atomuch is the mainstay ot every other organ, and that by invigorating the digestion by this preparation, the spinal column and all its dependencies are strengthened. For Hos'ettcr's ALMANAC for 1880 aps ply to Druggists and Dealers generally. NEW PAPERS.—Two new papers have made their appearance in .Raleigh: Ihe State Journal, one of the very best pa pers we have seen, by that veteran news paper man, John Spelirian, thoroughly Democratic in politics, aud k credit to printers and editor; and Signal, as thoroughly Republican in politics as any paper can be, neatly pripied, and pos sessing literary merit, by ex-Jngo W. J. Clarke, one page ot which however is devoid of politics, and is edited by Mrs. M«ry Bayard Clarke, the accomplished wife of the editor, and one of the fore most, lady writers of the South. To the first named we wish unqualified success; to the second we wish as great a measure of success pecuniarily, but trust,for the , good of the country, that it will havo • very poor success in inculcating its poli tical doctrines. Senator Houston, v of Alabama, who ■ took hit beat in March last, is dead. Poetry. A Tribute la iTlia. Sl.Kkholn>. On the day be fore X'inas, white all tbroiyli tlio house, Not a creature was etirrlng, not even a mouse, Mrs. St- Nicholas reined up at our (h..>r. And emptied her wagon, enough lor a store, Of flour, potatoes, coflee and hanii; • n ; Cakes, siif;ar, spice jellies and jams; Lard, sausage, pickles, andiroris and hats; Turkey, ehickeus, and au o'possuui grinning and fat; * Butter,,pijr, peanuts, apples,,)usoious apd icl; rhen reined up 'her poulcs, "and hurriedly sped. '. '• ! So my dear young friends, who aro under the delusion; " ' That good_klnd 3anta Clause lives in seclu sion. The next letter you wtiie, be sure to renumber. Your love to Mrs. St. - Nicholas, the eouiing December, — 1 : For the dear old man lias traveled,through frost auu throngh snows, 'Till he hardly can hobble for corns ou his toes. IIAWFIEJ.DS Dr. J. C. AYBR «&Go., of Lowel Mass., have •favored us with copies of Ayer's Almanac for 18S0, in various Ungjuges. " It has evidently been prepared With care, and muut boa wulco'.iUi visitor wherever circulated. It is instructive and entertaining to compare tho names of 'the popnlar medicines whice the Almanac advertises as they are rendered in various languages. Thus Ayer's Cathartic Pilts arc called in Freneti, Pil ules Cathmiques d'Ayer, in Spaaiisli, Pihioras Oatarticas du Ayer; in Portugevse, PUttlas Ca thurtieas de Ayer; In German, Ayer's lieiui gungs-Pillea; m Dutch, Ayorfs Zuivcrende Pil ileu; in Swedish , Avcr's Losande Pillcr; in Nor wegian, Ayer's Alforjjude filler; lit Italian, Pillole Purgative di Avar; in Welsh Peloiieau Khyddhaol Aven Slavon'c Ayer's Ttozwalni,a --z/sivssajacc. " H'e auvlse our readers to make a note of this last name; if they happen to want a box of Ayer's Pills the next time they aro hi Poland, it will be hnndy to kuow what to ask tor'. Chastine Cox, the negro who ki'led a Mrs. Hull, and olU; lady in in her bed, some year ago, is to be Ituiiged. The murder occasioned con siderable excitement at (he time, and Dr. Hull, the venerable husband of the murdered wonfan, was at,first «üß[iect.eij. Strange to tfay that much sympathy was .nauilesteCf for the murderer, means lur. nislied to employ uWlo counsel for Ms deience, and some ladies going so lat' asi to send him bouquets. OI'ILTI or WItONU Some people have a fashion of confusing ox cheut remedits with tbe large mass of "patent mediciiles." auil in this they are jruil'.y of a wrong, 'fhfefe a-e sojna adveitised remedies fully worth all that is asked for thciuj and one at least we know of Hop Bitters. '1 he writer has had occasion to use me Utters iu just such a climate as we have uiost of the year ia Hay City aud lias ai>vays found them to be first class and aeliabic, doing all that is claimed for thout, Tribune. .. . . A train running between St. Paul, Minn, and AlenUota Junction, while oil au embankment along tho Mississippi river, was thrown from the track a broken rail, and the sleeping car thrown down th« embankment, sivty feet into the liver, and smashed to pieces. Sixty passengers tveie"taken out insensible, ail seriously injured, but it is thought none \7.1l die. bv UNircnsAfj accord Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the best of all pur gatives foi family use. They are trie product of. long laborious, an'd successful chemical investigation, and their extensive u^e,, by Physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical scieuee can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pilla can bp compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them when needed. They keep the system in perfect order.aud maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they arc specially adapted to the needs of tne digestive apparatus, derangements of which they -present, and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and satcst physic to emcloy for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathattic is required. FOK BAI.E lit ALL DEALERS. The South Carolina, Legislature re mained in session but thirty days. Amoug the laws enacted is one e-;taUioh ing a Department of Agriculture. The Bimplcst, safest and surest means to relieve the Baby of Colic and indinjß slumbey is.Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, l'rioc only 25>ccnts a bottle. Mty. Wade Hampton Jr., go)# of Sen ator Hampton, of riouth Carolina, died at his houie in Mississippi. NO lUOBB n tKD TIJIDH, If you will stop spending so much money on fine clothes-, ricii food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get more real and substantial things of lite every way, and especially stop tins foolish hab it of employing expensive, qtjack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust, in that simple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; tiiat cures always at a trifling cost, and you will see good titties and have good health.—. Chronicle. The Messrs. Oats, of Charlotte, aro (o immediately commence the erection of a large cotton iactory in that city, so the Observer says. ■Strengthen your voice and remove Coughs, Colds atfd Hoarseness, by taking Dr. 3ul|'s Cough Syrup. Price ?5 cents per bottle. Mr. H«sgell retire* from the Grand Central Hotel, At Durham, and a man from Springfield, Massachusetts, takes charge as lessee, A destructive fire, destroying some half dozen buildings, stores and dwell ing1 ', occurred ill ixrcencvillc, Pitt coun ty, in this State, oa the night ot the 30th ot last mouth. We see it s.tated that there are now published in Raleigh seventeen news papers, besides mere advertising slit-eta. - ✓ ..i # El. B. fegh-litficT has been made |Vriiieipj| clerk til the Secretary of State ilfiee, and Capt. Pud ley, who heretofore held that position, ha* been made Prw vate Secretary to Gov. JarviS, A ewcial Ihree weeks term of David [ son superior court began last Holiday, Judge Sclienck presiding. A boy named Adolphus Johnson -ya e badly burned in Salisbury oy a lire bull. Tire death list of Wilmington, accord ing to tho Star, KhdWH 495 for (lie year justt passed Whites IJMj colored 341, T M All 111 Kl>. On the 11th of Dec., nt, the residence of thu'brides mother, at Haw Riv-er. by O. St lUrs Esq , Mr, William A. Keck and Mi'ss Sarah A. iSmitli, all of Alamance county. the 26th of last mouth Jackson Trix'er L _un.iigoU of lioon Station -town'- !>lii|>, in thin county. Daniel Wh't-ell, a worthy citizen of Boon Station township iu this cotiuty, died sudden ly on the 29th *f last month. —Graham Mnrknt. . coanßCTßn wsExi.t nt • 1 J. W. lIAUDEN. Wednesday, Dec. 24th 1879 i Apples, dried, V 1b.... 3 to 5 green bushel, 75@1 'i"> Beanp, V :bu»M)l.v.v DO Battel "ii 1b...., 30 BeeSwax ¥ jb '3O ■'aeon sfeffes lb,. . @lO Bltoulders, "i* it): " hafn? Beef V tfe 4@f) Black berries, dried, «ifß Bark, sasafras rocts 1' tb Coifeo ti It) ... 18(3>a. r i Gainings, old' Vtb !. U Candles Adaiiftat V ft..,;. . 2t> GlotU, tow and, cottop, V yd. ~ lft^iio Corn V bush....! 75 Chick JUS Frying ' S'ff'lO Clitokens *.3K Cotton inlint, V lb B®'lo Cotton in' 5eed...... . 8 Coaloil V g*l.-' 25 Cherries Dried? lb. Ti)>„ seed r . o)ov«f'i»eco V 12.'. Due Us Mjtatrmqu : sS - , ..,15 Hour, failrtly.'lj bbl 7.txi Hl© KtiporV bb1,...: 0.00 1 s tr drr; H Urd v 1b... : 10 toliJX Molat.cs' Ctti)a''T! gal. iT * 6O#UO Meal, corn, V lt> ...'. 2 ,Oi«tSi>«Wl-tfib'tsii...s. 44.. 50@>60 i/ilicyiH t* imslt. 60 " V bilsh 1.00 Peas V bush'. 7S Potatoes, iri ;b bush.... BOto 75 ' "' swiet '• . 60@ti0 Pork 1? It. J 6 I'eaehes; driwl,, jwoled,. .. .. 0^)10 uupceletl. 8 Rags V lb'./i'.• 1 Salt tine (1 sack. i. ... {•....; ; 8.2S "• coin-so 1.25 V tiiousand 3.50@>4.09 TallOW Vtb... 6 Turkey, per pair...-.j..;., 750)1.00 Wood V cord ... 3.00@2.50 Wheat ¥ busli. 1.25^1.50 ■ ■ ■ 'd TUB IIOIK Af»l» CIIRI,M OV TUB OOUIII. rn« vfitv rArza our cmtDREy. Let every parent send dollar without delay fur this splendid paper, and all the chil dren will.l>e delighted. It isiuiinltely.epperior to tho trashy, sensational and immoral publica tions which vitiate the taoten atd morols of the yoting. Itls filled with enter taining, instructive and amusing matter, ju«t ( suited to tlu- tastes of our children, and every .ue who has secrl a copy is delighted with it. It contains behutlful stories, essays, boys' and girls compositibns, poems, pn. 'o^-Speeches, problems, lessons in elocution, questions on history, geography, fec„ and scores of letters written by the young folks in every issue. It is also handsomely illustrated. Send for a copy rightaway, and von will never regret the in vestment. Address J. 11, it W. B. BEAL9, * Atlanta, Ga. Conauuipliou Cured, An old physiciau, retired from practico, hav ing had placed iu bis hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure foj Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affectiois, also a positive and radical cure for ATervous Debility and all A'ei vOus Complaints after having tested its wonderful o irative powers In thousands of cases has felt it his duiv to make it known to his suf fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge to all who desire U, tljis recipe in German, French or English, with full directions f i preparing and using. Sent byineil by ad dressing with rtamp, naming this paper, W. VP. IShkhkar, 149 Powers Block, Kochestot Jf. Y. ' ADVERTISEMENTS. LONG'S NEW Store. r AT . P VQWS (OKNEK, Is the place to purchase vour Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Shawls, Overcoats, Dress Goods, Ladies and Gents flats. 1, idles #nd Misses shoes as low the lowest. icnts fine sewed Boots at $4,50 a pr. Groceries at Bottom Prices. That cood old Cheese at 17% cents, ooffee 15, 20, and 83>S cts, choice New Orleans molassc» at 60 ot*., Prime Porto Rico molasses at 50 cts. All kinds produce wanted at highest market price. Uouh aud examine onr foods and learn our prices. Respectfully,, J NO. J. LONG, B1 I fIH n CURED promptly and permanent- B'B-nßuly. I send a bottle of my ccle " i H |l B remedy,' with a valuable 'Hi B W « treatise On this disease, free 111 I send me their *P. O. I M JL KJaud Espre.s address. Dr. 11. «. ROOT. JJo, 183 Pearl St. New Torn Dissolved. The flrni heretofore doinn business under ihe name and style ot A. B. Tote ACo is this day dissolv d by ntntunl consent. Persons Indebted to the late firm must ninkc immediate payment. .Those having claims against ffll sajd firm will please present them. A. B. Tate Will settle aud close up ilia entiro business oi the late llrui. ' A. It. TATE. m . O.P ALBUIGUT Late partners under the firm name of A. B. Tate it ('o. Dec. 6th, 1809, 6w, Prices reduced Perfected Farmers Friend l'lows madcin Petersburg Vn. U'ie Horse No. 5 Price #4.f>o fwo Horse N'o. 7 " (i.tso —**— ; — ftfig; I'wo Hors» No. 8 . . 7.W) For sale at Ut aliam by Ff IT A 1 ( J 1 K lAve Agents. Wanted liapln llsrdivari 1 Mpecialtlra. Tltev sell in every family. Canvassers clear *r, to 9H'I per day send lor dotcilpthu clicu* I lars and terms to Agents. LIVINGSTON & CO., Tfon Founders, Plttebhrg.Pa It AV'I MPBCIFIt? ff IK f> ICIIV k7 rRADI MARK IhHJrrn, TRADE MARK r .r>Mßc BIfQBE TMIItB. o{ solf-Abuse; asAfTIR TAIIHO. Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back. Dimness of Vislou, Premature Old Age. and many other Diseases that lead to in sanity or Consumption, aud a Premature Grave. ®3s"l'ull particulars in our pliamphlet, which Ave desire to send froc by mall to every one. Spcolfle Medicine is sold by all druggists at »l per package, or six packages for *5, or will h« sent free by mall ou receipt of the money by addressing THR GHAT MEDICINE CO.. Meolianlcs' Block, Detrait, Mich. 3"Sold in Graham and everywhere by all druggists. New Arrival. New and 'complete assortment of general lueichandiie. 12f> Sacks of Salt at $1.15 ets. per sock. A fresh lot of Lime at $1.90 cts. per barrel. All uhcap for cash or i>j»rtor. Call and exam- Ice before buyl.ig elsewhere. 10. 1. i/f. P. R. HARDEN. Company Bkops DRUG STORE I have v.*ry receutly purchased, and filled the store house formerly occupied by Dr. J. 8. Mur pltey, with a fresh stock of Drugs and Medieines Also a handsome stock of fancy articles, and everything else generally found in a First Class J)rug Store The services of an cxperlcnc'd Drucgist have been employed, who will AIfWAYS B£ FOUND in the Diug Store. Don't forget to call ami see ns when at the 81io) s. And send your orders and prescriptions wldch will he carefully Ailed, Win. A. ERVVIN. Bmm ■' Medicines, Oils. Paints, Glass, I have succeeded to the business of R. VV. Glenn & Son. and shall be glad to serve those wanting any article kept >" a first class Drug Store, either by wholesale or retail. My stock is larcre, and my assortment com plete, aird they will be kept so all the time. My experience in the business is long, and I think I may safely claim to IK! H* well able to serro the interest of those favoring me with their patronage as any one. My Store is just above the Benbow Hotel building, on the same fide, where I shall be pleased to wait upon customers, cither iu person, or tiv experienced clerks. ORDERS KROM A DIBT VNWfi PROMTLY AND CAREFULLY FILLEO. R. G. GLKNN. 5, 20, ly.- Greensboro, N. C. GRAHAM High School, GRAHAM, N. C. BATABLIAIIED IN 1837, REV. D.A. LONG, A. M., Principal. KEv. W- W. STALEY, A M. REV. W. S. LOML A. M. DAVID BELL, Graduate C. Ph., U. N C. • Tne sessions always open the last .Monday in August and closes the last Friday in May follow ing. Pupils can enter at any lime. No deduc tion except in case.of protracted sickness. Board, washing, fuel and lights to sll pet mbnth. Tuition $3.50 to £4.50. Bend for circular, Scott & HoaneH Graham N. C Dealers in »«v CBorFnrs UARDWAHRi HA'I'M, HOO'r »MIIOK% NOTIONN, llt OX. ST K R I>, SA I.T, ill OI.AN. SKM, DKI'GN.ItIEDI. € I JLK m, I> V K . Birl v &(; &€. NO. 3 . ' i, , ... .i "j i » ~, I 1 Diec»«j like thieves attack the weak. Fortify ' your orjf»ulzntit>n v ith the Bittcro. and it will j ntois'tttfld baffle alike the rinis of epidemics awl | the -!mut>es of teroocraiurc which disorder the j constitutions of the feeble. 'liiore in vitality in It is a niiif vegetable -stinmUitt. a r»ro »1- - rrr"tm- nn-1 nnti-liillini'B nt'"V"'l nut I a harmful cl' Uicut amonir its ninny li:'jri' Oleirt«. 1 For saio bv ail drtiffgU» :n 1 I Dealers tfriieral'.y. VALCAB^^TOtrrtis! 0 It vnmr3fn2ar!nr;fnir.i»poor health, or languish-. bod ol tlciucia.Ktakc clicar, icr llop IV.ttcrsEwlll Cnre Yo*. It fV* W a jnirrfEtfrJapd have everted jwew c-;ll -ivith your pnr.orr.l du-ftica ;or a rr. ether, •fc~a oat vim care and ro*t,oi fjff ycutjH clir.ptyjgje&j li iju- feci wcuU aUviJilsplrltcU, vltSOst cioa?i ly knowing Why, ■■ *'i Hop Bitters Yen. Ttvon araiwnan of*.'.:; Stacev t>~ t?» rtr.ila gi your everyilayftloKoJi or a r_ida or li> tow, tolling over yourfcuSwelnworfft , • Hop OUtora Yon, IX '-ou ore younj, ar.3»aftor;cjj frcih nry tnC.'.y crciJon, or are grovrtts tooWaai aa & o.ien wo c—a. Hop Blueri) willgilcucvo You. • Krou are In tlio wortrfclfttpion t,'io rrt »"io c&ttair, Koj> nittß , 3 { r ar/siat You ??C9«I. Ifytranraold, and yaarHrratoa, 15 X«Sc—=, yoor nerves ur.»:aady, and yuurjpacuiKca trailing, XXosi>ltiora will ciroycu New Llfeudnior. KCS* COTOII Ctnm K tin SWEE'SSI, safest aad best* JUfc Ciillurea, , J Tie Hop Pad far Ctomict, f.lrfcr r.nJ tUi*?r(ortt> all otnera. It U perfect. V ru «*' t ''{ p. LC. is an nioluteand lrresi stable cr.-e fof drnnkj eiii-iiSS, i!«o of opium, tobacco and narcj...a*. g AllfclwstpM Hop Eitton M.-j;. Co Ti.T.| ■ i I iiiijpfßcaffinßz* 'MOLLER'S^ff-eOHieOll Is perfectly pore. Pronounced thebe«tl>vtti*t:larh-rt medical anlliorUiM In the world. >Wrn i Kode«, Bone Disease*. etc. Invaluable in Qenaral Debility of the ageC. fc A rich gyrnp containing m ftij jurJoii* InmredicuU. Ho other_Kw«'ly lia* rec«h«4 »ucli eacomluma. Sold by all Druggist*. •«, _. GRANT'S TOUR 6 n'OBI.D' The only low priced authentic edition ccm* taioiug a complete record of two travels of fieri, U. 8. Oraiit. Agents are cautioned afgainat tuu rious books yisued by uifccninulou* puwii-iitiis. Elegantly illustrated. Over 800 Prieo 43.35. Outselling all hooka. Agents wanted tii Ulunk'FWO circular* and terms. FORSIIWS & Mc\«Kra,Xln -lrt.i.Ul. Fruit Trees! • I offer for sale a nock,' 1 ' 'niit treap, at my rcetdeiic® throe aiiles SoutL- y'Ciraliain, con- of Apple« ■ (I 8 00 per 100 IVaehes lorto •• 100 Pear# 8* M) " Joo Cherrlm 5iR i>o " 100 (Jrape.ViriPS 8 oft " l(Hl These trees and vines comprise the very best varieties, tlieir fruiU lime takeo premin us at our Stale Fairs for four years in s>ucee*Mon. Early TBrieties.of peaches h speeiaiiy, I may be addressul at Graham, N. O. f1.1i»."9. O. K Fm't. H^DICiNE 1 [MjMKIDfmj PIIDATIME A medicinal com- UUllAllrCCa poundof known Fot Blmxl DiiLaats comblnlßK In Olie prep tot Biooa uiwaso. m . #tlon {Jj 8 curatjva 1 powers for tho «vlls OiiRATIME, For Uver Complaints. Harmless In action ana tborougW in Its e£T Alln .nun It is unezceitMl for iba RElßttTlrer. cure of nil " •■'*"3 rase* HUCII a« Srrcif- For Kidney Oiseaaes. ute, TnmofH. Unit*, ___ ic«er,*««fJi«H'i. Mmr. eurial rvixouttxa, UUattA I BfyCs also, For Kheuuiatisin. neb. MielKttiiott ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT.. GURATINE, I iiiu BEOWfI CHSSIwJiCO, « F ° r BALTIWORE, Md. / mmmnmmmmm

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