THE GLEANER Local, State and General GRAHAM, N C Feb.,T IT9 OUIIBCU BIBBI'TOBV—OKABAIH, I*. V. p ..^c—• «. Pisbttbian — Rev. B. w. Mebane, Pas»o Services at 11, o' clock. A. M. er«ry Sabbath and services every Sabbnth evening, except the first and third, at 1 o'clock. « Prayer Meeting every alternate Tuesday ev ening "at 8 o'cloo*. . Sunday School, W. C. Donnell, Snp't, exer eises at 8, o'clok, P. M. Baptist — Rev. W - B. Harrell, M. D. Pastor. Services at 11, o' clock A. M. and 8, P. M. on th>* Ist and Srd Sabbaths in each month. Sunday School, Col W. A. Albriglit.Supt. Exercises at 9}£, o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting, every alternate Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Good Templars' prayer mceltng every Monday night, after ilie let and Srd SundayV; at the "G. T. Hall" at Bo* clock P. M. free to, all. # Christian —Providence one mile from town. Rev. D. A. Long, Pastor. Services every Sun day at 11 o'cloek, A. M. Sunday School, at 10, o'clock A. M. Rev. W. W. Sialey. Sup't- Prayer meeting every Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy i Tobacco. Another cokl wave stiuek ns Friday night. Superior Conrt the third Monday in fhia month —thn 17th day. 1 Mrs. Paris, wife of Rev. John Paris, was badly hurt by a fall. Dr. Linderman, director of the mint, died in Washinton on the 27th ult. The Record announces the death of H. Clay Walter, of Davidson county. Sups posed suicide. McUnu'.ey & Smith at Company Shops have Fertilizer's and Garden Seed. Spring * is coming. M. Grcvy has be°n elected President rt Franco, and MuMahou has called upon him, and no prospect of a rumpus in that excitable hot tempered country. When you sue a bright baby pleased with itself and everybody else, be suse that Dr. Bull's Buby Syrup lias been used. Only 25 cents a bottle. Bad colds, epizootic as some call the ailment, are afflicting onr people, and the Gleaner office has its share, and this laci must apologize lor any shortcomings this woek The store of E. D. Patterson in the western part of Chatham county was 1 bioken into and goods of the value of SIOO, wire stolen. Josh Billings' Almanac says: "About this time look out for cold weather." And should have added;—Ke p Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in readiness. The bill repealing the prohibitory law in this town passed its readings in the Senate Saturday, having before passed the House. If you want to buy an organ, a knit ling machine, or sewing machine, cheap, call at this office and you may learn some thing to your advantage. SEWING MACHINES. J. W. Harden has in store and for sale the Amorican Sowing Machine, a first class article, of different qualities, at (he low pi ice of $20,00. $30,00 and $35,00 as per style. Let all who want a machine call aud examine. Dime Sociable.— The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a Dime Sociable on the evenings of the 17th and 18th oftliis mouth, ior the benefit of the Foreign MissionTmul, and to buy a bell (or the church. The note we got author izing the announcement did not say just where the Sociable would be held, but Ave suppose it will be at some point in our town, and cau be hunted up a itliout great trouble. The Globe Comedy Company conclude ed it could defy the law and the county authorities by giving theatrical exhi bitions without paying the required tax The members were brought before Esquire and mulct in the penaU ty of twenty dollars, which amount was after awhile paid over. Wiley liolt and Frank Wagoner, both colored were com mitted to jail by Esquiro Scott for an affray but the next day gave bail for their appearance at court. OBITDABT Died, in Alamance county, on the morning of the 28th ult. Mrs. Casandr* Hancock, in the forty*ninth year of her age, after long and psinful illness which she bore with great christian fortitude. On the morning before ; she died, she called her h.iaband and children to her bedside, and told them that she was go" ing to die, and that she., was going Home to her Blessed Redeemer; and that she wanted them to prepare to meet her in Heaven. After bidding them farewell, she shouted nntil she was exhausted, then her spirit winged its flight to its Mansion of Rest. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Our loss is her gain. DE4TH OP ALBERT MURRAY.—TO all who know him it will b« sad news to Jcaru of the death of Albert Murray. Generous, kind hearted aud obliging, he had many warm iriends, aud will be mi6sed and regretted as few men would. Ills death was sudden hs that met in the shock of battle. Ou Saturday evening he was behind his counter waiting on customers who were in the store, when he fell, as one shot, to the floor. Though he continued to breathe for some hour or more afterwards, no gleam of con- Bcioußiioßs again returned. We knew lnm well, and can truly say (hat a larger, kinder heart, tender in its affections aud sympathies, blessed no man. He had been sherifl oi his county for four years, aud was at his death a justice of Hie peace. He was about forly years old, aud leaves a widow to inouru him. - - i ' ■ I ■BseVj, - J3l £P . «*•».« t ' it*- ■ I.BTTBB FBOM »R, 9IEBA.XE. „ To my fellow citizens of Alamance Go: The General Assembly having passed a joint resolution to go into an election or MagestraU*s, to 611 the places of those whose terui expires at the end of two years from the tiuie they wero appointed, I would respectfully, and earnestly re quest ion to and agree in selecting good, capable and clear minded men for this important po* sition. All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all govern ment of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. You have the inherent, sole, and exclusive to assemble together to consult for your common good, to instruct your Representatives and to apply to the Legislature for redress of grievance. Then meet together and consult for the common good, without regard to pari) or race. Select yonr best men, only in quiring who are the capable, upright, clem - minded and just. It is very impor tant that you should recommend the best men, as this General Assembly, will no doubt, very greatly ami materially enlarge the jurisdiction of Justices of I the Peace in criminal matters. Never lose sight of the fact that all government orginates from the people and founded upon their will only, -and that we your representatives are but ynnr t.n enact laws, and use delegated power, only iu accordance with your will and instructions properly ex pressed, and when this will is not so expressed, to act in accordance with their best judgment, for the best interest and common good of the people. I earnestly ask you to Wmmunicate to me and with me on any measure that may be" for the good and welfare of Our county. Our utmost eudeavor shall be to curtail expenses and to prevent a mir appropriation of the public funds. Send iu your recommendations for Justices of the peace before the 18th of February. Very Respectfully Your obedient servant BENJ. F. MEBANE. Raleigh Jan'y. 27th 1879. A KE.IIARKIBI.K PUBLICATION, I'IIE FEBRUARY NU&IBER OF Frank Leslie's SUNDAY MAGAZINE is remarkable fur the abundance and (lie varied character ofits attractive features. It i* impossible to convey, in an ordinary notice any idea ot the richness of its con tents, literary and artistic; we heartily commend it to those of our readers who desire to obtain a highly entertaining, instructive and edifying publication. The aim of the editor (Itov. jJr. Deems) is to inculcate morals and religion—not by dry, hard homilies, but by every style of literature, which can make the truth attractive and pleasing. Each number contains Burial ahd short stories, essays, biographical sketches, poems, music, an* ecdoltjs, a sermon, and a comprehensive miscellany abounding with valuable fip formation and entertainment. The pres ent number opens with a profusely illust rated description ot a visit to that sin gular community, the Lebanon Shakers; it is very graphic and exceedingly intern esting. "Hints for a Sunday-School" is well worthy of the consideration of all denominations ot Christians. A number of characteristic anecdotes of the late Bishop Early of Virginia will command especial attention. The admirable serial '•David Fleming's Forgiveness," is con* tinned, and the juvenile story "In Mis chief Again" concluded. Tlioro are sev eral excellent short stories, cs> says, etc , peoms by celebrated writer*, sermon by the editor 011 the topic, "The Kuigdoin ofGod," ect., etc., filling 128 quartu pages, the illustrations numbering nearly 100. The price is only 26 cents a number, the annual subscription $3. postpaid. This is the time to subscribe, cither for the year or for six mouths, sl. Address, FRANK LESLIK, 63, 65 & 67 Park Place, New York. HOSTS OP PBOPI.It ABB MARTYRS To sick headache, that infallible symptom of a disordered stomach, liver and bowels. Many suffer from it as many as three or four times a week. They do so needlessly, for Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, by toning the digestive organs and regulating the bowels and liver removes the cause, and dispels the painful symptom. The intimate sympathy between the brain and and the abdominal region causes the slightest disorder affecting the be reflected, as it were, in the organ of though. The reform instituted by the Bitters when the digestive, secretive and evacuative functions are in a ttate of chaos, has other and more beneficial results,' viz., the complete nutrition of the whole physical economy, the restoration of appetite and repose, and Increase in the power of the system to resist diseases of a malarial type. NORTH t/AROMIVA PRESBYTE RIAN. This organ of the North Carolina Presbyte rians, always orthodox and ably edited, has been improved by the addition of departments of Church and General Roligi'Us Intelligence. Its Family and Mibcellaneous readiug is both attractive and instructive. An epitome of Secular News is furnished every week. The ablest writers write for it, among whom are the following: Kev. Drs. Drnry Lacy, J. Henry Scrith. J. B A tiger, and A. W. Miller; Rev. Messrs Jos M Atkinson, £ M Harding, D E Jordon, J Rumple, E F Rockwell P H Dalton L C Vass, H G Hill, W 8 Lacy, W W Pharr, F H Johnston, P T Penick, R Z Johnston, 8 H Chester, J W Primrose, 8 M Smith, A F Dickon, J 31 Wbarey, Prof J R Blake; Mrs Cornelia Phillips Spencer, Mrs Mary Ayer Miller ("Luola" Mrs. H M" Irwin, and many others. Price |2.65 a year. Send for Premium List. Address, JOHN McLAUBIN, Editor' and Proprietor Wilmington, N 0 Genl. Sherman visited Atlanta last week for tbe first time since the war. Considerable crowd at the depot out of curiosity. No demonstration of any kind. - AItIONU OUR EXI'IIANOES, NEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS, The printers of Raleigh had a grand ronnion and supper at (he National Hotel, on the night of the 28th ult. Toasts were prepared and responded to, and a general good time was enjoyed. Letters from invited guests who could T-o*. jtttfcrA werft read, and tKhno-aJtbese, notably the one from Gov. Holden, were highly interesting iu the information they contained concerning the progress and improvement in everything pertain ing to printing within the past forty years. • Two brothers named Mixon, fought over a horse trade in Geoigia, and one shot aud killed the other. Mrs. Bruce, the wife of Senator Bruce colored ( of Mississippi is, according to accounts, the rage iu Wu)h» ingtou society. Deputy Collector Worth, arrested a still in the smoke house of a man named Holt in Guilford county. The North State tells of two young candidates for the penitentialv, both white, one named Harrell aud (he other White. Harrell Blole a pocket book froin a Mr. Coe, both together got a pair of boots from Mr. Yates, in Greensboro, ouo wishing to show to his father ami the other standing surety that they would he returned, dud both robbed the house of a Mr. Eckel, gaining admission on the pretense of warming themselves, aud while Iho negro boy iu charge of the honse slept they took a double barrel gun aud fiddle and perhaps other arti cles. Harrell has been arrested but White is at large with a warrant after him. Riley Tedder was killed and Lige Church und Alf Edmundsou were wound ed in fight about a pistol near Wilkes boro. - On the'l3th of this month the people of Johnston couuty vote upon the re moval of the court house. Between the friends of Smithfield and their oppo nents there is a warm time. Hon. K. P. Battle, President of the University, delivered a lecture in com mons hall in Raleigh last Thursday nighty showing the benefits of good edu cation to the farmer and mechauic, as well as to the professional man. The lecture is well spoken of by T he Ob' aei-ver. Senator Thurman is to peliver the ad - dress at Chapel Hill iu June. Ex»Judge Sam W. Walts has arrived in Wilmington aud will make that city his home. Genl. R. E. Coldston, for a number of years an officer in the Khedive's army hi Egypt, has returned to his old home, in Wilmington and will dclivor a course of lectures on the manners of tho Khedive's ptop o. ■ ' v # A Mecklenburg county negro went to Carbamis county aud getting his leg broken was put in the poor bouse ot the \ latter county. Soon afterwards the au thorises of Cabarrus sent the negro to the Mecklenburg poor houso, aud on the trip, during very cold weather, his leg was broken oyer again and had to be cut off. He will sue Cubarrus county for the loss ot his leg, and the result of his action will be looked for with interest. The jury in the Arlington case gave tbe property to the plaiutifl, G. \V. Cusiis Lee. It will be roincmbcrcd this proper ty was sold during the war for direct taxes, and bought by the United States. This suit was for the recovery of it, aud the tux title has beeu held to be bad. VARIOUS 1! A USE 8 Advancing years, care, sickness, disappoint [rent, and hereditary disposition—all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them in clines it to shed prematurely. Area's HAIR Viooa will restore faded or gray, light and red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be deßired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giv ing it a healthy action, and removes and cures dandruff and hninors. By its use failing hair is cheeked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the folicles are not destroyed or glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair, to which a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it ia incomparable as a dressing and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neith er oil Aor dye, and will not soil or color white cambric; yet it la»ts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOB Sajjs BT ALL DIALERS. ACCOMMODATION, lam running a comfortable close hack to the depot to meet all trains, and will be glad to take passengers to and from at moderate charge. I am also prepared to convey families, drummers, and others, any where, at any time. My vehicles are good and icy teams active, and driver prompt and attentive. Shall b» glad to serve those wish ing transportation on moderate terras. Jaoy. 14th 1«7». JOHN HUTCHINSON ADVEUTISEMEdTS. Get The Best Do yon want a WOOD FAMILY RELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER? If so send for the Cbrifitiaa Observer LOUISVILLE. K. Y. It U the OLDEST religious newspaper in country. It is a LARGE EIGHT PAGE PAPER, filled with a choice variety of excellent reading. Its excellence is attested by the fact that it has a larger circulation than any other religious paper—»nd larger than any dally paper with a single exception in the Southern States. It meets the wants of a larger number of fam ilies than any other pa]>er of its kind. Subscription price 00 a year. Specimen copies sent on receipt of postage stamp. Liberal returns given for obtaining new sub scribets. . * . All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at SCOTT & DuN NKLL'a. mwiwmm New Store, > ajad How deeds It* ORBKNIDORO. We have purchased and are now lecelving low figures for cash both bv wholesale and retaH, at our LARGE, NEW BRICK STORE, on South Eliu St., oppo site Odell Ragm ACo, every description of goods to be found in a first class *v, Grocery Store. WeYsk all to call and examine, aa we arc sure wc can uiake it to ■their iuteres' to buy of us. l)cc. 24th 1878. FIELDS A CAUSEY. &> — There la a tobacco market In thla county. BeGanley & Smith of COMPANY STIOPB. are bnylng TOBACCO, and paving for it in cash or barter at the very high est prices. And also RAW-BIDKB, for which { they pay the highest prices. TESSB S3©»l la the Jim More old store house, and la filled with a genera) stock, snch aa the people need, which they will pell as cheap as anybody. They Keep everything and buy everything* and tbclr purpose is to snow the people that It if their Interest to give them a liberal share o, patronage. They are just starting In business, and they hope to mcceed by strict attention and fair dealing. They ask the people to try them and then of couree they can judge for themselves. . , Notwithstanding they make a specialty of Tobacco and Maw-hides yet they buy all kinds of country produce.. They wish alt to remember that while they aro specially anxious to buy Raw-hides oud Tobacco, yet t>cy desire to buy all kinds of produce. They luteud by frequont order to keep their stock always full, and by turning over often can afford to make small profits. Oct. 15 1877. Iy. Fruit Trees. To the public I offer a large lot of fruit trees, consisting of apple, peach and pear trees, also different varieties of grape vines, at the follow ing prices: • j Apple 7% cents Peach 10 " Peaf-s 2.1 «• Vines 7% " First class trees 0 to 8 feet high. Apple from Bto 4 feet high at 0 cents each, and second class vines at 5 cents each. These are the prices at my nursery four miles /South of Graham. G. K. FAUST. NEW GOODS, P. R. HARDEN, Has just received a new and well selected stock of Ladies dress goods such OB black and white Alpaccas, Suiting!, Liunens, Piques, Calico's, bleached and browu Sheetings, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs. Skirt Eie vaters, cambric and hamhurg Edgings and fn sertings. Shawls and Cloaks, dress Buttons, ball Fringe, llunen Collars, Gloves and a full line of Hosiery. Also ready made clothing and oienf wear, consisting of cloths, all wool caslmers, Salem and Kentucky Jeans, fine dress shirts and wool undershirts and drawers, Collars and Cuffs, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ladles Zeigler morocco and cloth Gaiters. A fine assortment of Hardware aid Cutlery, sole, harness and upper Leather, Buggv Harness, Sadies, Bridles, Halters, Hame-Strings, Collars, buzgy dVlilps, Cuba and New Orleans Molasses, Bacon; Lard, Flour, corn meal. Salt, Coffee and Sugar, Rice, Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils and Dyc- Stnffs, Candies, Cakes, canned Oysters, Pine Applet, Strawberries, Bardines, chewing and smoking Tobacco, Cigars, a full line of Laun dry ana Toilet Soaps, Extracts and Perfumery, Jaynes and Ayers Patent Medicines, Bovhees German Syrup and Greens August Flower. Planters Pride Plow and Plow Castings. Crockery, Glass and Earthcrnware. Indeed any article usually kept in a first class general meichandlse. All of which will be sold exceedingly cheap for cash or country produce. We will make it to your interest to call and Examine our stock before purchasing. Octe. 20th, 1878. SINGER Family sewing machine ■■rely Abend IN (lalea, of all Coinprliltri. THOSE WHO USE THEM speak in high terms of their merit Machines Made Especially for TAILOBS, SHOE MAKERS. ANDHABNKg«MAKER». _ WHICH ARE UNSURPASSED We are prepared to sell oil Monthly Instalments for country produce, good notes or cash at a lew price, as may best suit th#pureleaser. Do not buy a sewing machine untlfvyou have tried the aiNOeH f Singer Sewing Machine C'J. Greensboro, N C. F. 0. CARTLAND, Manager. ADVERTISEMENTS. BISHOP MARVIN* WORKM To the East by Way of the West By Bishop Marvin . , $2 00 Error* of the papery. By BUhop Marvin 200 Book of Sermons fey Bishop Mnrvin... 200 D.ictrinai Integrity By Biahop Marvin 100 WorkofCbriat By Hisbop Marvin 60 Life of Bev. W. G. Capita By Bishop Mar : JW' •••• • • oi t' v "■ ■ • 1«0 Life and Labora'of Bishop M rvin By Dr. McAnslly 1 60 Around the World By E R Hendrix. D D 2 00 Onr Children By A G Hsygood. D D 1 5(' 1 W« ights ani Wings By Dr Deems.... 150 The People's Commentary By Amm Binney #OO Any ol the above will be sent postpaid on receipt of price. Liberal discount to amenta. Add-e*R TH* ADVOG\TK Pcausßnro TTOUBK, Or, LOGAN D. DAMERON", Agent, St. Lonia, Mo, Orchard Grass Seed, Clover Seed and Fresh Garden Seed at SCOIT DONNELL. GET 7HE BBS® *5.00, OA ITERS FROM 88,50 TO *7.00. Agoori tit U guaranteed. Mending promptly and cheaply done. C9*l liavo a few pairs of good gaiters of my owu make on hand which I will sell cheap. ~ Graham N. V. W. N. Murray, May .ly LAND FOR SALE. I will sell cheap and on easy terms my plan tation near the Railroad, two miles west of Company 140 ACRES about 80 are cleared and about 60 in original growth. There is upon the premises a small new dwelling house, two good rew tobacco barnes a young orchard, and uut buildings, including one suitable for a tenant. The land is. odaptec toVhe growth of Ane'tohacco, grain &c. It Is a desirable, well located farm Those wishing to buy will sec the owner on the premises or correspond with him at Company Shops, N. 0, PETER A. LONG. fwt Iron A Steel Shovels, Bull Tongues, and Shovels, Heel Bolts A Single Tiees at SCOTT A DONNELL'S. Ton can find the best stock and cheapest goods at SCOTT A DON NELL'ft. Graham Market. b CORBBCTBD WEEKLY BY fcJ.W. HARDEN. Tuesday, December, 17 1878. Apples, dried, ¥ lb Bto 4 " green V biwhoi, tCO Bean*, i bushel 75a1.00 Buttei ¥lb 90 Beeswax ¥ lb 90 Bacon sides V 1b.... BWS>lO " shoulders, Vlb 7 " hamf. , 18 W Beef V lb 4@i Black berries, dried, rps Bark, sasafras rocts 9 lb 2W@-: Coifee J» lb l«K@3o Castings, old » tb „ Candles Adamant Vlb SO | Cloth, tow and cotton, * yd. .. 16@20 Corn # bush 50 Chickens Frying 10@12j^ Chickens grown 15 Cotton taunt, V lb 8010 Cotton in seod 8W Coal oil V gai. °. 25 Cherries Dried Vlb 12W " seed Clover seed ¥ bush 8.00 Ducks V Pair : 30 Bggs V doz 12V Flour, family V bbl 5.00 " Super V bbl 4.75 Feathers V lb 80050 Hav V 100 lb 50 Hides, green, V lb 5 •« dry. ¥lb 10 Lard V lb 10tol8>* Molases Cuba V gal 55@«0 Meal, corn, V lb IJjf Oats, seed ? budii 40 Onions ¥ bush 80 to4o " sets V bash 100 Peas V bush 75t080 Potatoes, iri ih V bush 80to 40 " sweet " 85 Pork V lb 4@5 Peaches; dried, peeled, 4s>H " . " unpeeled 3(5-4 Rags V lb 1 Salt fine ¥ sack 2.85 " course I.2ft Shingles V thousand 8.50®4.00 Tallow* lb 7 Tnrkey» per pair 75 tosl.oo Wood V cord 2.005'2,50 Wheat V bush. 1,00@1.85 pnyra MRuhr, (Hi and *ll disorders brought on hvinifls cretion or exrem. Any DrugpiH hu ;!*« Ingrft- Jlenu. Dr. W. JAQI'KH w CO.. Mo. 1M ■ Wmt Sltlh str»L UafluntL O- 1 Buy only tlie J R Only tewing Maohln* Ink Ivn «■!« ui ▲ By W \ 7 It ha. Self Betting Needle \ Jl U I Never Breaks the Three! ~VIAI 1 fltl I Nmr SU P» Stitches. Is the Lightest Sunning.' *** Sirnplnt, the Most D*r*' - ... 1.. _". «W», and in Entry Rupert The Best Machine! The "NEW AMERICAN" it learned, does not get out of order, and will do Tore work with leu labor than any other machine. Illustrated Circular furnished oft application, AGENTS WANTED. J. S. HO VET Manager. 64 N. Charles street. Baltimore, 14 J. If. HARDEN A9l XT, QRIEAH, N. G. SVPKRIOR COCRT,^^ A. G. Fonvllle, admr. of Harrison ' Nancy Weeden, WlUlam Buck A wife, Harriett. Eliza J. Weeden, lticbard Smith fc wife, Maitba, Henry Weeden, V- W. BL Wet-den the heirs of James Weeden, names and resi- • denccs unknown, tt, M. Hasell, 11. ,W. Wstson fc wife Mary A.,' Andrew T. Leath, Freeman T. Leath, William Koney fc wife, Susan. Agnes t eath, J. M. Tapscott A wife Claudia, Frands convert the real estate, belonging to the late Harrison Weeden. fnto asset* for the ravnifut of debts; and D. W. K. Weeden and the heits at la# of J*mcs Weeden deed, being necessarf parties to said aetlon. and non-residents of tin* State; they are notified 10 appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance * county within twenty one days after the service of litis notice upon then), exclusive of the day of such sarvlec and plead, r.nswer or demur to tie petition of plaintiff, or the cause will be heard expurte and judgment granted, pro confrsfo, as to them. Don* at office In Hraham, this the 9th day of December, A. D. 1878. A. TATE, C. 8. C. Alamance county. in TUB KdFKKIOII COURT. Alnmnncc Countr, George W Lone. as- admr. of Jos. B. McM array vs J. J. Turner and wife Mary E.. Special E. K. Hi hps and wife. Cillle - L . Harvey Sawyer and wife, proceedings. ~ Bet tie A.J P. Bradsbsw and - wife, Isalieila. C. O. McMur ray and John A. McMurray.J This is it proceeding by the plaintiff to obtain a license to sell land to pay debts against the estate of his intestate. It appearing that Harrey Sawyer is a nece* sary party, and that he is a non resident of till State, it is ordered: Dint publication hereof Int. inado lb THE Alamaxck OLEiNKH fof Bireuo cesslvo weeks, in lieu of pi service o summons upon the said Harvey Sawyer, and i he shall full to answer for twenty one davs after the expiration of such pnblicail >n judgement will be entered pro confrsto against him. Done at office in Graham this the flth day of September 1878. A. TATE, C. 8. C. . Alamance county. THE BICKFOBD Automatic Family Knitter. Xt will knit a ptlr of socks in rt:t;sa ra'itn Every nuchine WARRAJV TOD perfect, and do just what is represented. A complete Instruction book accompanies each machine. Simple, Durable, Cheap. Necessary in every family as a sowing machine. Knits all glees of work, narrows and widens It; shapes all sites complete. Knits over 60 dif ferent garments, soclts, stockings, mittens, leg glns, wristlets. Gloves, ete. It knits every pos sible variety of plain of fancy stl(ck- ffr par cent, profit In manufacturing knft goaf*. Far mers can treble the valne of their wool, by cot vertlug It ino knit goods. Agent* wanted in every State, County, CHy Town, to whom very low prices wil. b made. For fall particulars and lowest prices for th BEST Family MACHINE send to BICFORD KNITTING MACHINE MFG &#. Bratt!fboro Vt. r,M:J:]lii]uß. BUTTS Who has had imltr enwtlcuee In tha treatment of the J"" 1 ftm«k thy ay physleia, in the wwt. nvn trie rwuiti of nu Jon* Ana ■ucocmiui practice In lOfl>twenew werka, just pnbiishM, esi titled The PHYSIOLOGY OP MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL. ADVISER Books that an really flaMn nl t>elM»tr»tesa In all naS ten pertaining to ■safceaS and Wurtnt. and supply wantlong frit. They an haaatlfolly lUastrand. and In plain single, with all the nceat Improvements \n medical treatmm* Head what oar home papers sayi "The koowledg* Imparted ta Sr. Balls' new works is in no way of qvesttonabls char acter, bat ta something ibrt rawy •ae'skaald knaw Tha Teeth. the victim of early indiscretion; the ■•». otherwlsa I'OPl' LAU micss —» eta. —-S* J»kL* IT H h ' n gilt* 29 ctv extrs. Sent under seal, oh ■ ■ !■ 31 neaiptofprloe Is money orstamps. SJZJLBBJUP 11 £9 MBS

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