be kuirnal ever p^bli.-thfp - ami IramMCfment will bo in (impotent En jMttcspondcnt and Represvnta ■K.- started la the 1 Bo«thvwiit^m-r||,r9H|H«t ! rmn thw of the in furniehlng the p«o;>le >f North Cajfoti na with the latest and laopt rcHable infonnftlon | on all sutijects of current Oitercst. Above all things it will be a NEWSI'A I'JUi. And yst-no I jijwrtaut tent ait "f the SoW'S industrial, comuierelal, educatlontl*V>(al aiijt UtMrtgary— will rctel ve attej; lion: V Br7N will I For one s£k Wental For ft® i " »moHttk 65 " " & I ' I " twelve ABVFRTISING '■A? " \ * ■ J tl °? e e ro ; v Wtlmlp ' ?to ° g - T> A T T?1 i ITT V iN- I \ 1\ I . M lly J%| . fl % - . ♦ . ? ' Whew are vow ironi?' '&& Texan sal, i°- • „ , ..... v i h sell-sat is fit Mftftrwl y is'flaxen head tftdnst They \itre the the 'f^fsn — a* be to|£ liW flcey 1 »itou*l »cut or by htaJtot wife, all born to Bee JaBL ' £ x, f. w*® ■ and Ills tobtiTCo borrowing iicpuain&nce whllo my lililo maid with the plaits und big, wistful eyes watched over her charge as a grandfather-might; got out her pewier cup and brought water smoothed the hair and shirt collar of another, settled a restless ifokis year oltl in his scat and reproved ijrarlor leaning out of the car window. her eye went over the of so licit ude to see to the baby and her the restloss little fel lam i! i j 'jj j| )Cr j > j htr Btory of her yon brothers, Bee hei*' ' i mmmr OK i o-Ti the goed'bye lo soother's Sunday Iteother before'they take in nhis wonderful monster, and half soared, but wholly dcli»hiod) *iw»' away oVer Hill and prairie and acrftss ufurkjrbayoils «|kl yyide rivers en their vf'aj fitck to old' Georgia, wliose rxl hills liuvc magnets in t|uin that draw heart* back from the rfeh.'r lands to which gain or adventure 'Going grandma firs!,' the little iHw-lwgHps me, when, ycildiug to my Hlnlk to her, 1 go agrae to MH|9Ke sits under pretext ot IPrnfg a the baby. It litis its. shy eyes tannine, and I stroke its flaxen kiss its {pMt4ttd--a*id at once v at grandma's while pa iiefghbor girls, and liave a paP^tkne; and at Christmas, hang up a HHpcking and play blinds man's hufi,' 1 sgfcj, thinking that the little thin , face neeaft soriie ot lite unchild like care and [seriousness taken out of it. 'Grandma will see to the baby t j . / . . j 'v - - »titie drew him closer to Her. r, 'lie wouldn't U satisfied,' she Baid. Hp wduld fret lot me: I've always had of him. JJe'6 a right good boy. Ain't you Kfanky—iic is named Franey jHa'am, after mother.' ♦ v -v . * ['l know lie's a good boy and he JIM a Mm, little mother,' I say. 'Goodie tny Go4>bJess you,' for the whistle moment, and glancing out OTtlie window I sco my own sturdy, tittle old mtvn waiting for me, seated iii'natfoat wagon which he drives down to rai and gravely loads with my bund left bis steed, (Huflalo Bill lie making the half mile in -m , ITS WISK ANDWHOLESOME COUNSELS. Wko composed the following desorip tion of the Bible we may jiever know. It was found in Westminister Abbey, nameless and dateless; but,' nevertheless, it-is fnvaluable for its wise aud wholes some counsels to the 1 erring race of Adam, • J * A nation would be truly happy if it were goverrfrd by no other laws than those of this blessed book. It contains eyerything needful to be known or done. It gives instructions to a senate, authority and direction to a magistrate. It cautions a witness, requires an im* partial Verdict of a jury, and furnishes the judge with Lis sentence. , v . as the lord of the Ife as, the mistress' rto rule, and her m,. ■' ■tents and enjoins mm the sway of ruler, aod master; commands r aud servants to Mh*nd protection ."***» ! J-■, " jjgf weddings and and raihsent and a' husband to tin to get his IIO.MA in mike ilia will; it ap mjmfry for his wife, and entail* Hit tirst born aud shows bow the rights of all, and re- to every defaulter, oirtT HN 1 and trespasfer. " u nook, the heat hook. Ptainq the choicest matter gives i nti uction, affords - the greatest f pleasure and sati«faotion that ever enjoye I. It eonj>aius the beat laws and uioat .profound myscerifs that were ever and it brings the very best of 'comforts to the inquiring and uisconso '^te - ■ it exhibfWre and immortality from time and shows the way to ,gl°ry. ~ it is a brief recital ot all to come., . It settles all matter in: debate; re solves all doubts, and eases the mind conscience ot all their scruples. It reveals the" only living and true God, Ind shows thjj Wajf to fl!m, and piets aside all other descrilw the vanity of theui, trust in such; in short, it ia a. laws lo show right and wrong; of wi>M»» that conflomn* ail folly and makes the folish wise; a book of truth that detects all lies aud confronts all errors; aad it is a book of life, that shows the way from ever* lasting death. ;' ' It contains the most ancient antiqui ties and strange events, wonderful occur rences, heroic deeds, and uni>arrallel«d wais. It describes th] celestial, terrestial and internal worlds, and the origin of the angelic myriads, .the human tribes exQicisus every power to the most skill ful arithmetician, puzzles the wisest anatomist, and exercises tlie wisest critic. It is the bept covenant that ever was agieed on; tho best dedi that over waa sealed; the best evidense that ever was produced; the beßt that will ever be signed. IVundorstand it is to be wise indeed; to of it is to be destitute of true wisdom.- *«►•»/; "'fct. It is the king's best copy, the magis trate's best rule, the housekeeper's best guide, the servant's best directory, aud young* man's best companion; it is the schoolboy's spelling book, and the great and learned man's masterpiece. It-contain'* a choice grammar for a novice, and a profound mystery for a sage. ; ,;7 ■ l.i It ts the ignorant man's dictionary And the wise man's directory: It affords knowledge of witty inven tions for the humorous, and dark .say ings for the grave, and is also it own ins terpreter. It encourages the wi*»; the warrior, and tbe swift it overcomes; it promises an eternal reward to the excellent, the conqueror, the wirier, and the preva lent: And that which crowns all is, that the author is without partiality and without hypocrisy—"ln whom there is no variableness or shadow of turn» iog." ," ~ y v . •• •••'•. . j _______ \ , ABRsvTifDLsrear. A touching begging story with a good 1 moral, is told by the Pittsburg H'eXt gruph: A young man who had been on a three days' debauch wandered into the riding rjjoin of a hotel, where he was well known, sat down and stared street. Presently a little gfMKubout ten ycais came iu and looked tiWdiy about (be room. She was dreMS in rags, but she had a sweet intelligent face thitt could scarcely fail to excite sympathy. .There were fire persons in the room, and she. went to each bogging. One gentleman gave her a five ceut piece, aud she then went to the gentleman Spoken of aud asked him fur a penny, adding, 'I haven't had anything to eat tor a whole day." The gentleman was out of humor," aud lie said crossly: 'Don't bother me; goawav J I haven't tiad anything to eat for three days*.' The .child opened her eyes in »hy wonder and stared at Him tor a moment, and then walked slowly toward (bedoor. She turned the knob, aiul eat for thiee days, you lake this und go and buy some bread. Perliap* I can get *>i»e more somewliere.' Tim young fellow bluahed 10 the roots ot h>s hair, imi UAiug IHo SiHtor of Charity hi lit •inns. kUseil lifer two or three times In iletight. Then ho took he* to the per nous in the room, and to those In the corridors nurt tlio office, ami told the story nnd naked for contribution, giving hiiuseli nil the money huliad wiih him. He succeeding iu raising itjer 110, and sent the little one oil her way rejoic i»lt» RO.HITIII.IO FOK Cflli* aißi.ii, '■ [Toronto Global m No womaii likes to be Ugly, nr.d she who Is boWrn beauty la fortunate indeed. But let hot the plain or even the ugly *irl despair ol acquiring a sufficient amount ot beauty to render he atlraciive. Whew a woman loses a dcblre to pleaise she loses hn« her cha«n». Nothing is more conducive* to beantv than cheorfttl neas and good humor, and no aiekly or an happy woman can be good humored ami • hoerful. Every woman ought to unders stand that nothing abort cf deformity CMII make a woman utterly unattractive-* provided, ah® will sauly her. points ot miractivencM every woman has. A tlibVUghfy refined graceful manner cart beaequirod liv any wemau, and ia a powertul charm. The beat grace ia penect naturalness. Still, you must si tidy yourself, and lorm your manners by the » , ulo of tliat an which is but a carrying out ot the law of nature. 3ut if It is your nature to be forever assuming some nupictureaque, ungrace ful attitude, pray help nature Willi a little art. ljLyou are stout, avoid the apiailcst chaFln the r&om. It you are thin do not carry joarself witfi/ ypur jlliu protruding and jour spinal column curving like the bowl ot a spoon. Do not wear flimsy matgjnals made up with out a ruffle or puff or floutrec to fill up (bo hard outlines or your bad figure, so crpelly denned by llw tightly pulled* back draper! a.. the art of drcaa We once I'tiew a very plain woman Yrhoxlresaed a«> tastefully that it was an absolute pleasure U> look at her.. It you have been moping until you, are aicjy with that ought ot your own hopeless uglineS3, be up and tiding. in this world as oiie would spend their liveatf shut up in a dungeon. Everything inoifrnSuu and coinpiaiaiuing trotu \lav to day tirttt fliey have ao little, and are constantly anxious lest what little they should escape out ot their bauds. They look always upon the dark side and ca:i never enjoy the good that ia present for the evil that is to come. This fij not religion. Religion makes the heart eheerful; and when it* iaege and benevolent principlea are exercised, men will be happy in spite of tliemae ves. Tlw industrious bee does Aot complain that there are so many poisonous flowei* and thorny branches 1u bia road, but butzue on, select iug the ..honeyjfehere lie ,«au thklit, and passing quietly by the place's wrot eit is not. They ia enough -in tlria world to complain about and find fault with, if men have the dwitositiott. Wo oiton travel on a hard «ud uneven road; but with a clieerlul api*it. we may walk therein with comfort, and come to . the end of our Journey in peace. nti.ES OF roivovcT Never point to another. Never betray a confidence. Never wantonly frighten: others. Never leave home whl» unkind words. Never neglect to call upon your friends Never laugh at the misfortunes of. others. M«ver give a promise that you do not fulfill. Never send a present hoping for one in return.. { ' t - >'' v.. • 1 , Nevar sp?ak much of y«ur own per formances. Never fail to he punctual at the time appointed. Never pick the teeth or clean the nails iu company. Mk Never tail to give a politnniswer to a civil question. Never question a servant or child about family matters. Nev«*r present a gift saying that it is of no use to youmetf. Never read letters which you may find addressed toothers. Never fail, if a gentlemen, of being civil and polite to ladies. Nevtr call attention to the features or (ortr> of any one present. Nevi r refer to a gift you have made or favor you ,iave rendered. A Mrs. Ross ihrontened tj shoot Judge Mover, lu Cleat-field, Pennsylvania, last week because the Overseers of the Poor bound one ot ber children to a farmer. Her husband has deserted her and the poor creature's reason hud fled. She set iu Gourt with a loaded rcvolvei in her lap. waiting for the judges but was disarmed by the Sheriff before' she bad done any damage. GCKHI company and good conization are the very sinews of virtue. (JooJ. f chamber i» above nil.things else. , ; Th« man who married an incorrigible shrew, dschued to a friend that lie had contracted a dangerous scold. J The rild paving, "Excitae haste And a bad'peni" has* been attributed to 8 pig Which ran away irom home. Do all the good you can in • tli« world • and make as little noisu about it as pos sible ■ u • It wa« H 'rtoston gtri who ' referred to B«H6tui»flfldV *new ,lifter m "The t Orilerot the elasiiu*" fc* » t , : ,i ate liwer Were eflnti* than « when th-y wWrk with a Witt—that M if theestato in valuable. * • > ,> r Say® a Westerb editor, "Who drinks aH wade iii th« tJuited" States is what to stagger anybody. A lively )ud v rMjjytkeil: "I noti.«Hhat th st! women's rights peopTe arts mwnt bl'y men's lefts,. Mr twekeia used to ' It waa an apt answer of ayenng wjip, being asked wliere was foer native place, "I have none: lam the daughter of a Methodist minister." A Chattanooga darkey, who w M one of a jury which failed p> convict for want cion.' l u» It is not till the storm comea.that we find out tt)« real timber of | a vewel, -|h» ( things which try people show what; I isl- hjj - ! ■' H 'irWl -t'i , der of eggs?'' Sharp lad (whose keeps chickens,) "Please, air. you oaa't Ull tUk im hatched!" -That waa a bright old salt who, when Gxzzs&ffss'?* if you get the ship's horae, sir." enjpty bead*,. All of th-) teeth of a certain Molding lady being loose,' ahe asked a 'physician • the cauaeof il f who answered th..t it proceeded from the violent *hoqke ahe gate, them with her tongue. io A. writer 0*41)6 effects of good taste says "a may's area# should not be r». t mark able." That is why we always said a black patch should riot be seated on white pantalooqgi or vice versa. Before marrTasfe, a husband is general ly greeted by hia sweet heart witb "My „ darling, is it you?" Bot after marriage she generally rasfilft it) the doOr rtnd shouts, "John Henry, wipe your boots!" A bachelor has left ft boarding in wjiich ware a number of old maids, on account of "the oiiaertltye fair set before him at the table " A Japanese husband, it is sahl, can get a divoroe if hie wife disobeys his mother A, good raauv, married men in this country are calling the attention ot their to rtiia fafet In the hope thai, seeiug tlie estimation in whi* trie Sjlatiou is held tliere they may .be k« uccd to itnlgrate, * The reltjouatt) of man and woman in I ralnyjwejjher easHy discovered. If I thev are raters, the woman wilt have all the ntnberclla, and the omit wen't care a fig how Wet he feeti; but if they are married, it Must ilie opposite. Marriage makes trie difterence, tluit i» all. , A little Ave year old boy waa asked KM a lady to &Ive l»cr a kiss, lip mediately com piled but the ladv iioHcfa* tltat trie lirtle fellow Jrew hit hand across his Jlps, remarked. "Ah, but \on are jobbing it oil." "ifo, I aiu't," Waa the quick rejoinder,* 'Tm rubbing itiitl? ii|» ' A rich fitmily named HHI, suddenly became pour and aj poverty stricken family in the same town, named Valley, as suddenly bec6nnug rich, the editor of the village remarked thai "it waa interesting to observe in tliQ mutative ot time, how the ililis sometimes siok white Valleys rise." A MODEL BOSTON*AI*— Hon. Carrol D. Wrigtot telegraphed from Bosum to Secretary Shcrmap that he waa not a Sub-rreas| jliiiliflca r i?j sible.

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