Cjj" X9.U -5 TEE GLEANER. .dK .TfiSL u d ■'> K. S. PARKER ' ttrabaai, N. C, Hat,, Of mmcrvtw*. ro*tat,rr#i:, ■ One Te»r,...... . v 51.50 it very person fending ns * clnb of ten sub scribers with tl»« cash, entity himself to one popyfree. IfirKirt of tiiae for which the club is mado np. Papers sent to different offices fgc* 'TS .Zfflf Departure from the Cash Ralt> t Transient advertisements payable In advance; yearly (MtberilsementH quarterly in advance. |1 m. 1 2 in. Sm. om. 12 m. 1 quare ~|s2 00!*S 00 *4OO •« 00 fIOOO S » | 3 001 4 50} 6001000 15 00 s sr Pr^fi^ticed One Hqrse No. 5 PHos MP* Two Mkl y \ ****s tr J w BsSSSSft't B '* »* For ' GRAIIAM, N. C. 1 jjy. A »nilr Nemrupmper of twenlßUt wide columns will be i.sued in the city of iWmfugtSii, North Carolina, on or abont««lßO4iHoC el Cv.'-'. - Thamdnr IHsnblS •«!«*•» IMUST*. The B«x A*»ou4 TION, from the PrVela be the handsomest daily journal •VwpebHdrert in be .diced by Editorship and ' the will b " ln competent l.snds S (Wspondent, S ®Jjg»K r ea«ito. no paper Ilia everfefcrted In the South thm Ihcee o£.the Son. fieHrteMy#*.?*'*** l Carolina paper has enteredjkUa iipid under more, auspicious oir cuwßlan^(>( 1 ;.-J - u ',j -J •fHfMQISKT CAPITAL 'Aj for ail UaJMMPQBes. nn d it will use Its money freelv HPftfrtifaWng the people of North Caroli na withibe iattM and, wo* reliable iuformaUoo °K n , a ll Al> ° V# *" tbines u win be a l|iAW»rA"Ktt. . -v * . , Ard yet no ijiportaut feature of the SON'S daily Hfffff • pM! U intelligent criticisms of the Wo7ld T s dolngß. Nortl C .rollna matters- Industrial, commercial, edncationi 1, social and literarary—will *K«ive paftleaiar attention. The SON will be a NOR«|fltoElirA NEWBPAPE* SUBSCRIPTION. The WikjirMfam Btm will he furnished to snbse ribars 4fc> th* toUowlUg wwooable and \*« INO " TB8 *#S r« : I " twelve " JOO At these tatqs the SUN will be mailed to any address m thWbddirtir, or left by ca'rier hi the city. fV**9 6 io9osu T ; vq a t r-c/iq to* ' A»VKBTISKNO. :> m U&- ' 'X.rfBfSS^KSW&S'Sa... n "*%.>>. *«,, /- f 1 fjfo^spoNMtso*. uu Mr'™" , " o4 *°-*?!»», wu»iw«W.c. V.' 'W . 4. Ya%twgh House RALEIGH, N.C. S. W7BLACKNAI.L, Frtpritttr, 1 hju t*s-" Rates reduced to suit the times. THAIiJBDi WW ATLANTAf ••toil* €M4rmHl Vraa tk« Oaasiita* ! - liwt«rihctlllb> r lil ihi MNifCiH» r rt 4\\9 Nene WM m the middie room of tho offices of the B*.ate ireasnry in !tle cnpitol building. Tlio 6lnte treasury ia located upon I lie ground floor of the building and immediately in °*rT w-TS" Hi and Forsythe st rrela. The room waa about twelve by fifteen feet in dimeu*' " aioiM and was used as a sitring room u and desk office by Col. Murpby, clerk to tlio treasurer. -It was the oae into which the vault o|>eued. In it the p«t^ * lies met aud the affray occurred in the j presence ot State Trcaattrei' Renfroc, a Capt. Nelms, Die principal keeper of the . =-S£«Hr - We have endeavored to get at the jtruih iit tlie matter and we give the con«. nectcd account made up from the states : ineuts of tlioae who would eonsent to •lieak about them. They are to the ef fect us below given. -THE CONVICT LEASE ACT patsed by tiie General Assembly in 1876, ; under which tlie couvicts of lh3 Stute ) upoiia farm in Taylor coimly . Geueial ' Gordon has been for anxious . to sell Mt bis tbt lea»J«fid : lie has bcep 'd» so (for some inoidhs, hud,when'Cdlonef .Wlio warm personal lejt Washing *t^?op power of attorney to sell iiis interest in Pcnlntlary Company | AKD 1 It appeirs that Mr. Jesse Wallers, of r Albany, ia » representative, frqfla Dougherty county In the present logUlas ture, bad beeu in correspondence wifb (iieiicral Gordon upon fbe subject of this interest antjl was desirous of purchasing the same. When General Gordon plao • ei the interest hi tlie hands of Colonel 'Alston for sale he wrote to Mr. Walters informing him of the fact and suggesting ' l»t he soft CoL Alston concerning, the matter: feevfcral days ago Trfr. came to this city with the view of meet-. >gttoUAl«tQ», and upgoiiadftg sliojut I tlie interest offered for sale. Col. Aleloii reached the city from Washington on Sunday last and «» Monday had An fitter, view with Mr. Walters. In the mean time Mr. Cox, who was a neighbor of General Gordon and Col. Alston and an intimate friend of many years standing dt the latter, had decided to£get out of tlie lease business himself, and some ai> Htugement had been made between him and Mr. Walters upon that subject also. Tlie substance of it was, as we leavn, that iu the event Mr. Wallers pnrchused the Gordon interest upon advantageous terms lie w*uld also take Mr. C6x't in terest opon term* satisfactory to the latter. Upon this account Mr. Cox was particularly anxious thai the Gordon share should be passed over to Mr. Wfd> ten, and naturally set himself to the task ot aiding this result. When Mr. WuK t«rs aud Col. Alstou met, however, the former would not consent to pay the \ price demanded by Colonel Alston, which was $4,000. Col. Alston Was acting as the agent ot General Gordon, and was anxious, as his friend and sgent, I [to realize from the sale « sura that would free Geueral Gordon from the lease with out loss. In other words, that amount of money wonld iiave fust covered the expeuses or General Gordo;; in the trans action. Col. Alston refused to make lifter figures and Mr. Walters said he Would not buy and hade Col. Alston adieu. This to Col. Alston was an an* derstauding that negotiaUons were at an end in that direction. lie looked else where and found a party who would buy in the person ot Col. C. B. Howard, one of the co-lessee*. Cel. Howard agreed to purchase the interest for $4,000, and it' Ip said a portion ot the purchase money I was paid to make the bargain certain. TKYDiG TO BREAK THE BOND. When the fact was made known that GRAHAM, N. C-, TUESDAY MARCH 85 1879^ came gteatly edited, «nd declared the matter should not teke tliatiHreetlou. 11 f t'lfj -*I ('jt- i'-'t-J Uul; , -tl ' TUB FIUST ALTERCATION. The fact itppears to be that Cox first » encountered Alston In the l>arl>or-#hop of Dougherty THutchins, on Marrietta i sfreet about ndoiu" lie asked Alston in to the back room Jto talk, nn«l Alston afterwards staled that Cvx demanded of him {fahiiMie recind the trade with HoW «rd end make the one with Walters.- stating that.Walters wonld pay more i than Howard fyr Ihe interest at stake. ;■ £;: CM. Alston replied to him fhat it was i. now impossible to do (hat thing. He hid , sold to Ilowanl and tho trade must stand, i He, hfd offered the refusal.ottire share tV r Walters and he had declined to take the saiAe.'- 4 i Mr. Cox persisted and said it Alston did not sell to Walters, he (Cox) wonld be UvokeH, or ruined, aud he did not iu> i '■ tond te stfidtK. His dwyiirWrtknitty," l a ho said, dertttanded the crMtSnmmntion' of the other transaction and it must bo don*, Hf)--rMr. jh ■?.>*, 4 ,. : n AUton again refused, ami explained his rcasoiM. it is here stated that tWfr conversation became audi(»le to tlipse iu the shop, at the time and that Alstou wafe talking in a conciliatory wav vhile Cox was angry unli very rndch excited, tHe denounced Alston sweepingly as not having treated him right and demanded that Ahtjn do as he, Cox, derired. Alston-paid lie could not do It, apd would not'ifbe ©onld. vHe (old Cox he wonl# not be bullied Into doing the thing prqpqseii to ' , >.,,'4 It Is stated that Cox drew, or ta.l in his head, a knife with which he threat, ened to l "> iU >' "'; v • '«• ' K K »1 HI FFIT THROAT i nn Vw« he acquiesced in the plan propose S ed. He seemed to have had an idea 6f frightening Alsfon Into cfimpftaYice. : Albion told Cox' he was unarmed and' desired w#ljs«)»My with Ww.» Cnxiheo told him to go and armirimselffaitdimeet him there at thai place fn ren min ntee. Alston said he would do it. and thot parted. After Alston left it is al leged that Cox indulged infverv abusive languor ahonl Alston, and said if; AU stow dW' liot'do rightHn the matter he wonld kill him before sun-down. It'wtyi j'hen seen that both# the 'men were excited and angry and a serious difficulty was expected to arise between them. . a, t.a ALSTON'S MOVEMENTS. Wllhi Colonel Alston l r ft the bsber shop he went to the State capitoL aMi entered the office of the State treasurer. He there CoL Renfroe, Col J&w* ard and others and spoke ot the entire tratnuotion with Obit at the barber , . . 7 . •ho|i* |. (ui m,.. iS . t.-tmi iinT'#'- While be was thus engaged'in eon ver» sation a messenger arrived from Thiapersou wan a young man named Sams, we learn, who bad been in thg*em» ploy of* Cox. Hf brought word to M ston that Cox • ' •, v/n U» - *•» o' I" ■ . •• ; •1: • .i. WAS READY ARD WAITING for him, and to come on end see it out, or fight it out like a man! Alston asked Sam* if Cox wae drinking, and Saidtf re plied that he did not know, but that he was very much excited. Alston told Sams to go bock and say to Cox that he Would not come to meet him, hut for Cox to attend to his own business, and he, Alston, would attend to his; that he wanted no difficulty with Cox, and that it wonld do neither one of them any good to shoot the other. The young man went away, and it is sup posed told Cox what Alston bad said. • Alston then got tip and, as Governor Colqoitt whs at dinner, he started out to find the Governor or intercept him upon hie return. He met the Gov ernor on Forsyth street and told him all the facts in the matter, and remark ed that be beiieved, in justice to hiflMelf and family, and in self-defense, he ought In get * double, barreled shot gan and KIU ED. COX OK SIOBT. PffiS? f The Governor at mice diaraaded him from any sneh idea, and tola him that > the matter could be arranged peacefully; that he woald send word to Cox tnd try to ealm him and in his cooler moments endeavor to harmonise affairs. As the Governor then went on to his office Al ston stopped at Peter Betrotft restaurant on Fonyth Street, and said as he had had no dinner be would go in there atid get something to eat. ; Alston went into Berron's and the , Governor readied hie office and sent * O*. »>• FM4W» °I M *j*pen*tonrieryy-to #ud CO*, and, if poetic ble* perauade ljin. to go no fnrthw m. the affair and not precipitate a t with Alstou. Capt. Nelroa went down b M epetta|stiee t and found Cos, we leant, | \tx th* tbe PVHrtT faloon, and , tried to call bjuu out to apeak with him, f Co* aaML* "Kecuee fete* fe»ptaiii, I am . ivety bWajr, and *tp ( waiting here fijty t] I friend." »«■ feline replied that he • Cox on *«y , flrt»|wn-t»nt business, but Co* «cain d.clined and 1 Capt. Neima went bark to Gov. Colquitt | *n£ sofrefwHed. "ft- asked | him to go again* eu4 bo atorted to do ! so, »*to J* * * ' ■*' Alston subsequently returned to the Capitol. ij. -ji!) w»>u«.W *»'anis'arrt..'', About this time A'ston'nnwlCflx edta> ing excitedly toward the capitol with ' *ltU[right;liand convehieh'Cljp pVdfd? RTF a prompt resort to ItU pistol;, He called the attention to toe fact and went out. CdX entered the treasurer's J - -±: w' i' U T ■l» i ■ V "• 'I office to find-Alston^,Co* and, Alstou were both considerably "edited, but Qo* welt. They began the controvuray again, Ou* telling Alston Chat be had treated bin) got up, and |mt|Uff>hMhand gently upon 'Mr. Cox, I do not want to have any difficulty wfrirron febolft 'title mailer, and there h .io lor ns d'-op it now. , It »to *"** l AOWh hie, and do mho good toJtill yo«|}—no- ' a bl* in the world." ,Cor replied ib an ijbrttffre manner ind continued to denounce ,A!#U»n and |o , urge him onto the affray. It wal thonght bis object wee to gb*d Alston to the «r*t AVthe iline oiify Ti?*iwrer Reutrqe and 0B tax collector of Gilew county wera in theofltoe, Capt* Nelttis coming In soon 1 after. WMIe thb quarrel was Jll progress gentleman remarked that Cox was abusing Alston beyond tb*t Alston 9«IM n* to;iet * man |al)c, to him to tint way* | but, onghtto kill him. i> tilUiuVt ijteai f Treasurer lteufroe, feariug the diflh> ' enl fy told them'notto have a light in hie 1 office. Upon this. COX INVITED ALSTON OUTDOORS to settle the matter', but Alston declined to go, repeatingthathoditl notjwant any difficulty. Cox replied that he should havooiio, > coqlfl nqt avo|fl it be supposed be would. Cox told Idm he could not gpt ont of • it, and Alston asked bka'if he wanted to. begiu U right then, Co* said that it WM'M good n plane any, and (hat a difficulty wm what tie had owrte for. He went W the front doof of the>oorti and attempt## toshatit. Treasurer Rent roc told him not thathoor, but Co* paid no atteution to him, but,seeing that it, vat. hooked bock to the wall, he unhooked k, and «b# it* turned and advanced toward Alston, who al*oroaeand atepped forward. Capt. Melue ran 4etiween (hemaad>oatehitfg «nol» by'the ehoaider With his hand*, but aa he did to " BOTH Mieir DREW THSm PISTOLS and began to ffre at each other with great rapidity. Capt; Nehns fell back upon (he table, and Treasurer llen troe, and the other .man were stand ing iu the room next to Jft»ri*ite street and near lh« door while Col. Aiatou waa .standing in fiwtit of the store. .u».- Col. Alston, when he arose from hie chair, had bia coat bnttoued aoross hi* breast, but he unbuttoned it and drew his pistol from an inner pocket. Hie waa a self cocking pistol, and this enabled him to get the flrat shot at Co*, tbe bail striking Co* on theiefteide of the npper hp aiiti penetrating tbe mouth and jaw. Cox tbeu got iulo the corudr and • fired at Alston, bat missed hint and the ball went iulo tbe Weil behind. Alston tbeu fined twice In eoeceaton, hie seeoud ball striking Cox iu Ike left baud, fleshy part between the thumb and fore-finger, and tbe third shotguLtg wild and burying iu the plaetored wall about a toot from tbe floor close J# Co*—«o elose, it appeals, to bare gone through the breast portion of bis eoat as he stooped and leaues fjfewayj to avoid the shot. Cox tbeu to#e and fired bia inch fr jm ao^I level wub lheeye. Il ranged biain aud lodged under the aoalpat the back ot the heatt ou tbe left lower mwi odi to OM.. ALSTON WMHiKMO. RCELKD and fell in the other door, athwart the threshold, bleeding .profusely and uu conscious upon the iustaut. Mr. Co* changed position from t lie corner lo op- ' poaite tide near the table, but toeing the j of this shot be did not attempt lo | shoot again, lie was bleeding him self copiously troin the wonnda iu 1(10 uioutbaudia bis band. JLTe said to TreaWrer «Wti 1 are botf. pf u ? M went Into llie %ew une v—iilng to thel neene ot ' aim «yi, fry*"** lieggara •eeoOpllon, and Jickeucd all Mlk -of 1 blood !n'aearnh of nn ontfcet.^Oiwof Vtie^men iK.rtlblc .fn.r tn ilw taiUU".,) th. Mhor s lowing rrom alfd hie I IhmW (Mpphjg e* tWMfgh taken from a ikkH ot ciiUnson lile-blood. On tbo floor were found a a>i«tvl;bnll Mid someookf k the teeth knoekeu frorn Mr. CoX*»inouH: when ii» was hit. Tlieple(uro was one rividinlts silent testimony of the dies petuffe fflfray totally closed could be put u|M>u cauvaa.wr ia priutor'e Ink in Col . Alston's head was rhoto or u Wa t bati not .While obis woHiid'Wai souglit W" W •launched aud hit bead bathed, • She, affair came 011 a* 3.20 p. in., and tor lM3Mrly. une hours efce taelt wet* tCM« leae, and uiyedibin way oiioe clear acioee the/ W w in hU sn aggles, lio tp consciousness once but only for a brief hioMMt fr f w tt. Mr. Frank Gordon, soiM»r benalon Gurdtiii, was prwnptly at ot mtougnltiew and faintly halted lit« r rnimiifitttLntit roooifniro iiki wifai tooeecntot tlie linal etruggle aigjke* uitei able awe. Tears and oh of 1 sorrow fiHtfdyid^a^»tot lowed alter the syir.t a man jMyulhur. character. IU was, fiMr'A a principle, or t.enanient* of honor and or fa ffietcd. , ■ ": Col. Alaton'WaeboM In Macony s oa., on ibei«M4Uy/>f W t At. emerging from his school days be engnagWT In Ih Charleston, S. C., end at (he of Si i 'began the stud v ot law and was adiiMIUM' 3 to practicefu l§sß. Me mini the War c imu on, when lie entered tbo iM>rviae and rose tiulta taction hM me ban*, mitt througtr e hundred llgWto'' t* cklepsl'.istvjtod dentli but uettei^MeeiMr K d ,: - itfrtor haiving fide Wseqit tfUot^ffMl !WU»V4 M ryjun a s*w il Jti 'i I'KfcJVRNTISO A PROPHECT. Ctol. Alwon hits often nrtiiarUrd to (he Wiil«|aMi ln«t|nuraiii tkn*aa)ittJe Mbi KZT&Z VI VMM devrtf.-nut that iie'ehOnfti eeiUedtof,' with bis boots on!', Ue said tins 4* Cm'aiu Ed. Mercer, one of his moat des voted adMTnm; and Wlfen yb^rakv ! Captain Meraer looked npo.i the dy|egi form pi his friend ,be tin M, prophetic word. And when the oody was carried to a bed chamber the f*»th fni ft lend friend fciUmned .end lemtoriy sr. Mr ILSMXX & shot down. Hndid-uet wadMO aee that prophecy fulfilled to lie lei tor. f ,„ riru vev wn.» sot mm seaai j FSB. * ■ ; f*r £ Ail itJto .*1 « ;.4 * a ' V* Yow will not he aorry .for bearing be. forejudging. For thinking before speaking. For holding an angry tongue. 1 For atopping the ear to a tale-bearer. For diabeiciving meet of the ill M forta . ■: :l For being kind to the diatresaed f ~ For being patient toward everybody. >*;9for'doing fcoodtoi ail nb, I : > ■ For asking pnrdon. foe nil wrong*. />. B|>buking evil oi uo oae. For boiug courteous to all. Secretary Kvart# aaya h,«n every body who on hnu. When a nwu asks him to fl* d lime for kt Interview, htaajra, "Oh, take it now." Thto is whose oto dlibr frona the aeeretnry. I When * npn calls on n#, we juct sey^ ■** ** J VMaiutna, w a id a wicked youngster, chilo, Why doll you .nk ?» *»Oh, yon *f#aytf any yoo like to een peapU paddie their I dwn canoe, and i dibu't know betmaybo , *3BQh4" fF" file an in at IC,«- « » JfiPr nr pUe« mml i4n ruin to Yw .«•» - '"■** »»m j j&BMUAAK Uy bo l*w», but if*n»**l*WWr..., wa^j^iuilj : feenwix* or *uwmu»Hp>. 4 «bw"i«, • i»« , S&EBIEi J|irfV>rWi"»|MTTf if t *i «r-ifo It b«t* |iww u WWfcr« tw J »afee; * itefttid mood.} Wur*i4: 4 l h**&. e £gi|3£&aK ed the time." .ta#N* *M*?« °4«Were *? » ■qMßßtioa thai U^° u ! ** ■ ' * ' ■* '■ oL He MW *& #Wrt«i| ■*f f •' 1 0»atMwl(li«J' !; io; hw.eMvtt $ dirf**«*» >»«» ■»* b ' - SeriX 'SiTe Wieß T r « ■°°^ t IrfcT* i*** .**** - at eue. SbeUeowHt'gpnUf U ly young lady- jjft y»o*i."w.i> -a aid V" "Brick" Poioeroy baa «onilade.l to go back to l*aCreaae, Wia., tU« V§i!' earlier newapepwr. work, »«» 2d will st4rt another fr*. **"**; ™ pens lhat the Jh« h* *»«*« &** *re it a blbek owrted by biaitat * ,f V ' (now "Miaa" PttmW, *• t**W«»>.h t'roin who M w**M*orm>A ' . j, poor «»• MMAQ 44lnitl rith. % > ■■■ -: >.;- r %)i. 56 ■•*•■> d *V# i> ♦». mi.uiH, n% v>* H ejgt ' A yertfKint«»« h»» adv«rtte«a »_*M ~ in His paper iii hia «•*»'* • 'Seine people liave stbe vu|(|if neuit of calling Voe BiH» in* pari et U. My name Wi'liMl | B"""*- z