TEE GLEANER OfcAHAM ». O. Mwsb » l»H» ■ m ■ mesmtsxem 1. 8. PARKER, Editor. wßßWß3ommmtamam*BS!amc=zs!2x vmm MMML I. AW ([NCMAIIdIB TJU OWtwrioiM aecount.of the change made in ofcrJiW&oll** >Jf tt > noeot legislature. There *u a bill making tbo changes indicted, and importance which passed both'bouaea, and but (bran »»«wgl mMAmy bf the gnat amount of busineet ae&seary to ba done in the last few day! of the reeaion, by som* miaohance the school bill fatM of r«tiieatioA, ***** *tyht power of the President of 4he Senate and Speaker of the House to sign bills £s»***s power, hi of each grave doubt, M.«h garde both the law and propriety, as to iiisdsr Ma eternise dangerous as a prece dent, and holdis* *is opinion ba refu»«l to sifch'tlirmtl. It ti a question about wh^^aa«vs^Jie^eo^W»n^ t.'f.- Lttl. jft, - a. rWllj 'NMirlVWpMi'wß'lWWiiw with peHbsps every fcagtelaUiiw * Mm* informed. It is the raeult of the gffe*t number of htfts that are presented jn*| atthe elodrof a mm**, *hen always agore or less .of hurry and confus ton. yapiding officers have we be leive ia no case aver exercised the power to sign tkem, after the cloee of t he session. We tOtlMll it subject dtss enssed, and if there is the right to dfi bills that hare peseed and bsra enrolled, after the eeeeion is at an ted." then the school bill amy ba signed at any time,— as six houis after adjournaaeot. And while it mpy Wot be of joateriai Importance to bare the pres. ent bill aigned, it might be the case that a mischance in failing to ratify aot* would cause grent inconvenience and neoesAtate an extra session. It would bo well, if it can the matter settled. /£. Sl *; '■ , * \ of Ih. Houte pr—l ... two, Mr. O'BWy ud i*W, York. Osliforoia hsa no representative in Ot. !?# roeoiben of tn forty*iilu UonflPMi aaa S atiooals, Mr. Wright, of Pennaylvsma. Tbn«aie stood, R«nd»Il 148, 125, Wright 13.. The point was raised of the Supreme Court showed the election of his competi caucus ftitd the jfeefrmii* of l notowoMßH^H|^HH mm if Ihi HpjUjili,pM iiiiNgiLhn bf» lug •>•'ws^y^»oout^"fc»|d: mouf y man. • J BaHMA of : fjg; r| StateT Jis chairman V eepßmUyt, on railroads. At this wHtiqg weara unable to give further prirtiMars ot the organisation of the two houses ot the torty sixtb Co# the Senate pro tern. We art glad of the re-election/of Handed, and doubt not it eraa a wise' netldo. 4?*f. ™. *■ f-'ftJLJI j. I^l tion and crops this year, the wheat fields, mmmf af then, Were bearcely tinged with green, ehd the'gfound i Blmmim htm —in wiAwißiwhitin— ! on thtt trees ' I and. WH s&w.no ©schard that was. any | Uy backward, epring, . . . •• Arriving in Pittaboro in company ; r everything «aa in readinfla for tibe early , beginning of the work of the The. [ weather waa not bad, but yet such as s to give rise to tppreheosiens on that . score, the more especislly as it rarely ) happens that the good people of Ohatbam , ere blest** *ith line wvatber at tiie , spring term of their owl flo*iever, , gloomy prediatiaee of fin and snow . 4 ', The eourt opened at tbe usual hoar > on Monday morn intend five charge by Braof, tu«umm was j earnestly entered ap«m.»k 'Msoito'iu u> • i 1 r°*" w ,|J. A. Graham, of Oiwham, Who | | hereafter attend regularly, d Neill Mdtay of Msere, who Waa en k THS BUSINKSS BEFORE THE COURT. [ tliWb ie quite a large State docket, ' which a* this writing bide Csir to oeaopf ' the fret week There is one capital fhnrged erithi rape, and one case of amault with intent r and though h» wee net .indaoated by hie' , him, while the deferfdant bee the service of i Nei|l McKny M^ J |liiMWH>«,i|»eoially > ; ( 3 'He fled to the Shite of Virginia and cboMged bil nOme, and waa x 1 brought back upon A requisition from the WwPIH " . ,v DIME nm iSD mTrvAL ** ' Of oeorea there waa n dkne party and ; festival. ThefjfrW p>tWte\t£lt # regular ae courts. Thi* time it was in the internet of tba«4lnotte Chnroh. 1 We So «Uyr, ' and attended the party ehd festival at nflkht. 'lt was a success beyotid e*j>betfc t|k, Thn proved, netud n l , Me deed and sixteen dollars, and nreiHn ii'l* 14 4^ Church building in Um town, which is in, Jlpegtoted, dilapidated eondUion, or at . WJ ¥> oni W, IS*i pairs. Of eouree *ho ladiea were jft.iftl irrMi.ubl. in tb«irefforts to nil Uwir nn Mti iHK freshmenta. The occasion was enlivened by the p( the I»itUboro Brass I Band. Ifbieh rendered mum ' good tnusk> uifyg amateurs. ' •• *• ?' •••"'[ t Aon ma VMM - '* ♦' | There is always a lanp crowd on Tuee*. J 0* court, bnt this time it waa larger Ukn usnal. We heard some old eren'My J that it was tbe largest they ever saw, W| we heard a number »ay that k was Mjergy, or larger than when Vance and flHle spoke here in 1876. * # MORIHOS SPEECH B 4" ■mt noon on Taeadsy» Hon. /ohn M . Moring, Speaker of the House of Rspro f J ae»tativeß, and a man of whom the poo lings of Chatham are" very proud, I rendered to his constituents an aeoount I® hl " "tewardsbip, in an address of more #Hm4 f duration. ; We believe with Ids acta, hie speesh and the man. He made a ■aSi&ess " w» vw nHWIg HH|#ate in the Speakers ehair, such liiiaM, Dobbin and Graham, and ho XpjLrrer seen it better filled; and he is Whose words of oommendation are ® f-# . .fcjryEf MMwl Se done lor the benefit of the people 6t all Kwrii*. Much his* been am) will coiiUnuo to be mid against Mr. BaiyUHc who was last night nominated as (he Democratic candidate forSpDibUiUWlW l House and will be Uxday elected, and . much baa been and will be , truthfully •aid in favor of Mr. Blackburn. They are botb good Detuoorats, both be neat has been Said oi tho sectional question in tbUconnecUou 1 thiuk it had little to do with the result. Ualher, it seems to me, tho Democrats knew that Mr. li«n da I) bad been for two term* ail offloieiU, lion est and safe Speaker, and they ttowrbjit best not to dispense Wifh his services at tbiMlane. The thought, it seeius to the, KwawiwoM. » ' , The radical caucus gave another kick to tbe oolofed Nee by- bbitimating Exs Representative ttniney for the position Ot tvol of the organization their candidate* /Were always white. There were some reprehensible things I« tb« conduct or tbe Speakership coutest between Meaers. Randall and-Btaekbaro. The Presidential qoeation was •arily fugged in to injure the chauces of on* of these gentiemfbl Thfere were many threats or bolting the oaucus sow.' ination it a particular man was nominat ed. Several Democratic Senators were conspicuous in their opposition to one of the candidates. All these things are not only indecorous to a degree, but they are dangerous to parff harmony at a time , wben harmony lit the party is a prime i necessity. At the Democratic Senatorial caucus yeelerday Senator Beck offered bis ex pected resolution that the legislative bu siness of the Semite during the session fhall be confined ti the passage of the two anrttial appropriation bill* which fai led.of enactment last session, inclmU ing the political measures that were in corporated iMhemby the House of Reu- W>e Fed- laws and Juror's test presence ol troops at Jie ff After aome discussion this resolution was re ferred toof bnaineee, wftfia slufi jar b^l^ed to give the committees Under the orgaaili— | tli In the .interest, of the wMftneeuafcryv good deal t)f attention Irote people UN and which has been often mentione4>in this correspondence,. the See'y. of theTsoaauiy-bet'Mtirariae* to contract with MtU/Joi* Uaaagee for the qQitatmcUpn eta*-. ie«ig«ttatiaß ateam vessel to be used, at tbe quarantine of such of the GnJU .as may be reccommaiided by the National Board of Health, with the consent .of State an* thorities to disinfect vessels and cargoes from porta suspected.of infections*>f yel low lever. The construction of said ves sel to be under the inspection of an offieer of the Bureau of BM the Nnvyio be selected by theSfcc'y. of the Navy, and for the purpose. Of suoh .construction Abe spin of j, two , hundred thousands theDeol as **9; be necessary to be mediately available, is hereby appropriated, put, of apy monies in the Treasury not other wise appropriated." There ought not to any objection to this bill, which pro peees to carry oU4 a plan wfcc*to*eflleiebty baa been tewted bf the Government officers and ia endorsed -by many ecieiM tific men. f-y - , w Vi" i ' ' — >"i) «»»••»» ■ .1 j*' Durham tftani: The a lamp tux paid by tlie tobacco manufacturers in Orange alone, amounted t0525,436.76' for Feb-' niary, a Mllh« Of by We#* tlfeongh! the tear.} ofabodt #40,000, per month. Tbis> plainly attributable in oar Jnflgv 940.80. There are twenty'lactones in the conntyaatb«n«Wgartactory; fourteen ■of whieb are ia Durham.' There ura a large mi in ber of leaf dealers including tfour of MM largest tobaoco warebonies in tbe State, ■ j ■ ■■■■•'—^ Weldon nem-sW*W»«Hhkf B. H apse I, of Msrtin county, is writing been sitttserlbed for. This Association takes Its name from a^ small creek^near L*ord/^jy ? uWr ß w*' .•«» s '***> ti, itmnn ji»i .hi i jw uuu*x>- • «uwi Hon. Win. H. Battle, ex-Judge of the TUB LReWLAXVai WHICH (IAN INTABJetIIRBD. n b IX'K x for a North CafSHna uowspnper to treat of North Carolina Legislatures. Doubly, vea trebly unpleasant is it td r elt in judgment on a Legislaturijtuch.aj that .which adjourned yesierd&y. \J * The Sun aayrf this because (tat) It fe lem«Y itas not given general satisfaction. Perhaps that "was impossible. The people Iqve to quarrel *itb their repre sent at I rc», and often tbe quarrel is |ust Wnd . T ' l*batfj»urHed' legisla ture deserve M.me o( the hard things the luek of leadership in one of the Houses and tlie shortness of tbe session, fShort aesaiona when we become paed, J to them in North Carolinai will w6rfc admirably. In the case of the present LegtolaturdWe do not Inow that tho l brevity of the session was a public bless- , ing.l Hie late Asaembly r«* au.houeat J w?li!i»rtentiS.ed body wlJkh clumsily t went about its work, much of Was use Art and will vedouned, ir fteft jwima- j nenl coed of the State, but other por'iona t of wbieb cannot fail to tlo harm a might beot tomo interest, but rt 'lt \ would bo necessarily imperfect, aud as dia«naeivn of certain questions now would not be profitable, w« make thea; remarks yii tho closing o> the aeasion , where censure night harm tbo very cause intended to be subserved. 1 '• Aa tp the Intellectual character of our retont Legislatures the truth ought to bo told, even at the risk of givinc pei fon ai oft'encc in some cases. The ablest, the Assembly. A pobllfc service wblchottght to bwan hivltiug Held fef the play of tbo. finest talents and gifts is thus rendered less efficient. 'Our si rougest men ought to serve thfe The Sun doto'notaay'tlierOwil* arf etrtlre absence of onltuM andfiHtellectual vigor in the last Legiilaiure, for there were aome men in botb tiouseabf capital abilities. What we ne*n ie that too leading minds refrain from participation in pubfie business, eapecially do they refuse to make laws for the people. This is to the inconvience aufl the detriment of tbe Slate. There H no ra—piy for if abort of treating a public aentiment which sball be pouerlal enough to draw out our ablest men from their retirement. How to do this , la worthy of consideration, and will no doubt engage tbo mluda of our people. Certainly nothing is more important in legislation, after houesty, than wisdom. neniM ciiofiitl ■' ■ ■ [From tfce Mewbernirt.] There l| absolutely nothing stirring ia, to °«.irrp!km of llicir i^preseiuuuves. either the admiration or Ibe confideneo ol tbe country. Under namo ol re* freuchmenl and roiorm, they baye a'acked institatibns, salaries,public and ; 'private interest*, and tn oar made ti»iw»* pom deal i worse than before. There aro ui.queatiot.ably many men in ibe Legislature ot capital sense .«nd sterling integrity.. Kbe whole body are believe, to be untlor.tlio infU.ence of honebt nud patriotic motives. But th«y * have been siugularly unfortunate, to '• general rule, in their suggeatioo of measures, and their eflorta to reform the eo called extravagance of certain autboK jfiies and institution* of* tbe State. W* begin to think, that it would be a Kood plan to call the repreaentativee of the uecipiototgeiber wy aoktom. ft cers Jfinly wwld jprevent hoartlwra- Ings and di«anections betwton tbe East fhd the West, and would Ipreneoti Wie passage of l*W*r which, InetOesb-iO*' Bei..g beneficial to the people, tend to h,ave the Legislature to assemble less fVequeutly. !t :i ■ it.. ihi ! i I" ■ 1 aSGAN9AI.AH O MW-SfclT IN DA ,,r VIBSOIt COUNT V. f ~ J j f.'H u!f.v J L ■!,, ■'* l '* • •* ' > y / [Winston Sentinel.] rmm -« 1 The .good people of Lexington are-very much excited over a scandal in high ljfe in their mldiif, which has 6nlmiuated in a auk for abduction, seduction and «ach of pron?iap, with damages lajd at ,000 The facts, ao far as we can 'gather them fere ftbout aa folldws:' Mlsk Sallie Hillyard, of Lexington, a very handsome girl of seventMu jjenrs, received some nlarted attel.tlons from ber ) cousin, Alfred Ha.graV«s. Home time since Jje : sent her uharlottsvilft, Ya,, and followed liimeMf iti a lew weckß; fron> tben6e He carried her to St. Louis and |o Toxaa., Jt appeaw.i that another t&ls yonug man 92ft aud rent him With They we»*to StrLonlf., but Hargraves didn't, and it took but a few 4oye f*t them to get ot>t of money- Tbo #onng man Who bsd cliarge of tbe girl wrote hemeaad got some money; and after paving expenses they had enough left home, and hto brought suit agaiust Mr. Hirgravee. The ftot tbat the parties belong best and moet The Oxford and Henderson Railroad Company Wa»W*aiA*d on Tuesday last. Dr. H.C. MermMilePresident. Oxford is to rote ou a $30,000 subscription on the 24th iuat. ■ jpSJOj. AX-.* JORDAN, JOHN S^AD WIwKBTON, Hcury Co., g. C tqtfmera now briok warfehouee « urfdr^- i ; wtttMUdl ** ««»»'■* it"«W»-Nlv wbfl p-- .. ■ .. «MV|W I Warehouse «Site BARTUiIiS, Ta. To tbe Fanners and Planters of Virginia and North Carolinai The undersigned, as &• propria """ MUIM maw BBIFLK WABBMUSFL . Mgto call attention, to Its superior adrantages of salesrooHi/ lights, & accommodations, \ Vl"- f*' K '■ for both teams; and for comfort and .conrenleneo generally. Tha proprietor* /' experlen a warehousemen, especially our Mr. Redd, and o«r aeslstaats are all proflclenU In th«r /> We d« pi ely and > trictly a warchonse business, and our whole time and attention la devoted K U»l„„r 0,0»r r „, m ,.. nil WMtn'CT DWTWC especially for fine grtidea, guaranteed. "H'e do not speculate-in toboem. wid pledging ourselves to lookt!t;e»1ll.f to the satW, Bfff 16 hiiiffl# carefully any tobaMp or taken in, own ers may reat ((aured that their interest will not suffer in our hands. Promptness and fidelity our customers may depend upon. «~Come to theirsrfrAXJfMJlS WAJUCBOUBS, when A-. 4«iU. ttw'T ' • v . ™ ■ mjjf ; jflQI ■ I I It bM Solf Batting Hesdle, i lii 1 ftth Never Skips StitchM. | pmi Is tb» LlghUit Kuaia^l The Best Family S^gJatliine! .A»aawss.«ftEaastiu— * "■■■» ' . ■ 1 ■■ ; i ii>""'WtiT i n" i*r ■1879 1879 ' Bargains! Bargain*!! .i»«U"!•*«» 1 ■ ivf. ■'wvp Boots , |r Gaiters, -**»«• K. ('ili I ''• wV s}*>- *fll Prices lowcl 4 thaft g^ ~*o-Q— --/ I respectfully call tfce •ttebU(Ui / of th*> people W'A*f JMfe that llfare juat rewnvea » iftrgfe Aua complete stock of leataer, and shoo findings, which I am prepared to make up promptly. and wltti satis faction to 1 all. I nave all the latest styles both, for and I no none bnt first class work. Repairing (fono'neatly and promptly. Thanking the public fertl* patronage so generously bestowed (Jn, , me in the past, and promising my best efforts to merit a eontinaauee of the satne, '"•""^TSSSU Graham, N. U «* j— *»nr u —nwjWiWi t , . Durham Tobacco market, REPORTED BT H«JL, REAMS, PUCPRIETOR OF Beams' Warehouse. March £1 1879 Dark, 4 . . ■• " ■KteHT *.»•*> ■ ; assr • flood, 10 to 15 • Fancj, , atWf LEAP. 10 U>B *' Common Dark, *X to 4 FIS Medium, '* W to * » ** n «. •rlt«C U> & Extra, 00 to 80 Bracks continue light owipf to tbedry weaib- ice. firm for a|l coiorea tobacco tp rood ' A " y'^Snc"jSilfliiiiffi jfr 1 ' rlt Ifn Kf vitr 1" 'T* r 'f f TTean make mown faatar at work for pa' ffaawßrtt? ErjFSiTffSrSi SS terms free. Address Twi 6 Co., Augusta, Mkino. ' • ? . #>•:; p, Sk sii-%- #hh* -"*•* »*»-»*«*•« Ed #tth tbe greateat m P oah^m Ita efeote uroM WOMMbi and aa - eatisfactoMuui ever. M - - j-m. tXZM It removee all eruptiona, itching givea tbe bead m eomfort, and the Ms ■$ becomes white and, clean. Byite tonic properties it reatores the capillary elands to their normal Tjgor, pretenting baldnec, and mak ing the hair grow thick and straw. -J A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Asaajrer of Massachusetts, says, "The oeo> v. consider it the But for its intended purpoees." Priee, Oaa Dolbirt FOR THE WHITKEIW. , This elegant preparation may b« relied on to change the of'the crction. It ie easily applied, being in ■"■^redbyJt P. HMJiT£ f L " t ~T~.-.- "fj 1 i. It '" - TOBACCO Orchard Grass Seed, Cloier Seed and f Garden Seed at BCOTT DONNEXL,

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