lUtm* Wurthouae, lJufb*M N .Cj., rwfiiutfn ta m\\ mara«4 iWfawtaers IOIMCCO thm toy House ia Durham, and can show the average ou all sold. Special tluuuuida fur A* jllpffctgpi In. GItAHAM, N C March 25 1870 ' _** * «. pMBTxmiAK— BCT. B. W. LIKBUA, Pasto -• ■ • ■ - -. .. ' -I - -1- JL M *■ 9 " VI"VF» '* * y and services every Sabbath evening, except the flret and third, at 7 o'clock. alternate Taesday •»-. -fifndlj w ciaes at 8, o'elok, P. H, . A , ' BAPTIST—Hev. W • B. Harrell, M. I). Pastor. Service* at 11, n' clock A; M. and S, P. M. on th- lnt and Brd Sabbaths in each month. Sunday School, CoL W. A. Albright.Bopt. KxercUes at 9 , o'clock A. M. Pray«* aieetlng, evary alternate Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Templar*' prayer meeting every OHsfsri**—Providence on mil* Amu town. Rev. D. A. Long, Pastor. Servioes'every Bun day at H o'clock, A. M. "■" Sunday School, at 10, o'clock A. M. Rev. W. W. Staley. Sup't ayer meeting even Saturday evening ft f"*9Voluek. v 1 ~4« s r. w • The March equinoxial tftorm la upon «mu Jmlgefcerr is struck in Charlotte. Jackson's Uest Sweet Na*y FertilizertT* tol*«6olipd plant beds for sale by 8. WHITE, Capt. J a aid* Williamson ia having hit yard anil grounds put in beautiful order. There is to be go more chicken fight* ing in Charlotte alter the first of April. Our merchant® are receiving their new There werf nine Drummers stopy ping at Fhmigati's HoUil weeOjl A ryf lflA Pureed moHeineß for sale at u :r^x n Aa| call at thle office and yon may learu some thing toyaafr advantage. or M>rphia mixtures, but use Dr. Bull's Haby BJ«§p vttiieli'ls alfrayesate aud re* liable and uovcr disappoints, 25c. ' Mr. Randall was sereimcLpd at his hotel Tuesday I»|KWJ are now i%6MCIIH to ii|a e|*>ctlon {i # || game to take place next Saturdays Tha ladies are invited, St T A Dun** J*fcw*» %Wb ;»)* t »ho : MIMd young Johnnie Eduiundson in Goldsboro is admittud lb ball in tliu stun of 1750 for his appearance at the next term of he Superior SEWINU MACHINES. -J. W. llanlaftM ill atore uitd foj islethe Amorlcau Sewing Machine, a first cla«w artide, of difier^t Wc areglad to seetfunius, son of Mr. P. It. Harden of our baok from the Tha Governor list* appointed Julius A. A»y lu«t>farihe caioiady in of O. G. Parsley Jr., resigned. 1* "> -"> A CfcaaoYifaH's OPINION.—Having had an opportunity to lest the 'eftutfUgfrt 1 have ever used inmy family.—liev. Wm. Chapman, Pastor M. E. Church, Georgetown. D. C. Ilia friends of young Curtis, who Was killed hy : J. JE., Poiode*ler, in Rich mond, are about to erect a handsome inonumont over his remains. The patt bearers ami fonroLhJsyoaiu; lady friends assist them in this purpose. In ourlMter from Pittsboro,, in tUis \ issue, whlfel| was Very hurriedly wi-kt'eu, we omittd£ to, fnsiiliok|ithatl[ peitflor Merrill, of Cliathav, also reiloorefl In aooonnt of his doiuga in the last Legisla ture to his .constituent?* Business pre vented our being present to hear the speeches froin what tie heard, the peopHroifGhtttham are well pleased with the actloH of their Senator awl in th^^ial^, -W»a«•***■«' o,^ n rasS!s^ssr^ out one day list week far the pavpose of shooting blttte. s One ot* than made ready to shoot, ba»tt4l»a lMWliad flown beyond range it necessary to doing which the j§p exploded, dis charglng'TJfe grefitef portion of the Joad —at least about forty «t the shot—into the backofMpMWtlfer; a lad aged 14 thatibeuL* 1 !t was fearcd DANVILLE IIKM.—A private letter from breaks of tqtaqoin Upa„dißar*na ware honses of hare I been light. at^ery^aalia factory^and* All who copliMf the the famous old stand witMfjp new % and magnificent sales-room, and splendid accomo.laiionr and convenience*go away highly pleased with, and speak the praises of the FAKMEUS NEW BBICK WAKE-HOUSE. We give captions of the act. of the last Geneial Assembly, Wat are of public interest, and a part of " publication next week, when we hope to give the balance of those of interest to t.ourtifriapM a> A'>*4AP 7 An act to prevent the desecration of . tha Sabbath ctty, ia i A» act to compromise, commute and settle the State debt. jhocjwUiuw in forcean net to Preparafory DSpartuieiif Vtoflded ftf (iolHiectiou with the colored Normal and appiopriatioiis annually dir ected paid as inaite lor tha years '»«•">! wl» ] 1 expenaeaiuenrrod iur conveying insane peitoite to tha Insane Asy linn. TT ; .i. Ail act concerning streams, and to pro pel ntachlner/. [Deftnes the Hghts likti pi ivileges of owning machinery pro|>elled by water on running streams, j ' An act to require the prosecalor to pay the re organization of the Geological Bu- P»Bi_ rrrovldes fwriho aiHHdntiaeirt of a State Geologist by tlia Governor, by con*eut ot the Senate, to hold office foi two years, salary to ha fixed by the Agw cultnrel Bureau, ami his compensation defrayed trom the fundi provided for the support of the Department of AgricuN thf £? on spirituous liquor*. An act to amend Battle's Rovisal, chap. ttlou to colts. [Provides That liens ou colts shall cease month* from instead ot W. N.C. RailroaJT tbr construction of a second division from the towns of \Vinßtert"aud'Srflem, in Torsvui County, iKiS'i^^T'o. 0 ' k »4i| {nrisdic •• respect tvelyreiUfe. An act to authorize a history of North CkraijuajlM the use of the iiomumu Seliooii dftße State. ' ' * *■ An act to amend chaiv 16L of tlia t Lawsol liW-77, entitled ♦•An act iu re lation to the probata of dee*is ami con veyances, ana the privy exailiiiiatlon of uiarried Wotnea." [Pruvlilas that no attestation ot Seal of the Court shall be 1 to be registered. '• AH act to provide fee the better proof : of deeds executed heyoud the State.. An act to regujate, i;i cettaiu respects, the compulation of the degree of kinship not lawfully marry. An aot providing for the exemption of certaiq p rsonal property,irotu aale UIH AH act to amend "An aot to reduce, and regulate the cost ot Public Priming." nrtitteoWan. 18th, (Proude. for a i bixmontlily examination avthe accounts of t be Public Priuter.] , jt. An act to amend an act eillitled "An' aot to allow Mi.ltoh toWnAlnp, in the county of Caswell, J to subscribe $15,000 lit payment ol in th|. Hilton and Southeriand itailixkad Company, and tor j pther parpOses." • £ A , :i - h '* An act for the punlshthent 6t the wime' of Incest. [Makes tho crime a felony. Also, makes it a^misdemeanor for hnr;le ' and ueice aud nephew and aunt to marry.] probate of deeds and conveyances, aud the privy oxamiuatiou 6f married wo certain acts ot Judges of Probaie.J An aot to give certain colored persons the right of itiheillanee. An act to organise and incorporate the Chrlstian Association. ( ' An act to amend aee. 40, chap. 105 Battle's Itevisal, regarding the lees of Jailors. An act tor incorporate the N. C (Jboms leal Works, An act to change the name and aa* thorize the consoßdatlon of the WMterh Railroad Company, with the Mt. Airy Railroad Company, and to complete tha . said roads. An act defining the jurisdiction of • podges of the Bupeiior Courts as to the granting of itrjtinotio* and restraining orders, aud the appointment of receivera. of County Treasurers. [Specially 4e» fines certain duties.} An act provide for the holding of the Superior Court* successively by the ffbdges of said Coarts. AnKartMr the foremen of law* of 18J6-77. relati^to Cl tfc»%riris! ege tax on merchants. Arc, [Strikes out tL An acUo amend chap. 48, Battle's Re visal [Provides that a fence four feet shall be deemed lawful iu Carteret conn. iy-J An «ct ta Incorporate the Furniture Of the Public Print! 'tlia rate for cOanptehieii lecmU «. per 4000 effis ftr4o cents, and press work from 50 to 25 cents perstoken-) An 4«t o»nrcruiug tho vlectfotpta .1878 for certain officers. (Ratifies and eon tioi, ot arrears of taxes ft.r the years 1674, "JjSfflWrk'i, Laws 1876 u '77. (Repeals the pfphibilo ry liquor law in tirahain, Alamance "SWy wkiti A ..x gaMiM W 11 ". y 1 ooets Un civil All act tor the relief of prisoners con fined in the common jai*s nf (Requires Ue County CommissioHers to heat jailaby atorea.heaters or otherwise durinv eold weather.) ; * i », An act to amend diap.dfi, laws of 1876- Colleclorg.) An act to authorize tho Dlrectoca ofllie Wtflterit iUSCi Railroad Company taex pend a porttou of the appropriations to said company for operating expenses. 37, iMTOvisTr. (CJnSn.lug thelaw of An act aboil siiing the Insane Asylum tha | I An aot to amend eliap. HBB, • laws of 1876-77. (Relating to the division* of State Into judicUl uistricts. act to ieviaeand correet the las lUtofAlamanceeqoniy,Ao. . SH •• An act to provide that all convey*noes ot real otate shall be construed to be ia. fee, unless the contrary shall appear from the language ot the instrument. An act to ameud chap. 154, Laws ot 187.6-'77, entitled "An aot to aatabliah An act to abolish private seals, and to prescribe form ol a deed, ami for An act the carrying of Con cealed weapons a misdemeanor. An act to utake the slander of wooien iiHlictable. .Iftf I AII aci to provide for tke purchasing of land sold under execution by the Boakls of Counfy Cbmuilsiiibnerti. An act tp anwud chap.. 161, Laws of "An act in relation to jlite probate of deeda and couveyanoee. and the urivy exauHiatloa ot married woineu;":. *s i i*ia jtmomm * An act to regulate the practice of den* ** paapta f»am quackery, fic. | .«««% w. An act to amend the election law. : An act in relatiou to warrants in bas tardy. TIW set in regard to publls wharves i» it facLAj, of religlDQs and benevolent institutions. An act to amend seq. 2, elinp. 195, laws of 1874 -75. [Relatliitf to the destruc- A KISIBAILI rVBIiICATIOItr. Frank Leslie's "Popular Monthly" is The April iiiunber contain.!, as usual, SS &HR)t&t2SWB£: matter. The opening article is an ex ceedingly interesting and,alaborate one oil Marshal MMMaiferir/ #ith'W* beantl fuu illustrations, Oscanyan has aeharming paper, entitled, ''TIHI Gate of the Seraglio of the«hoobra Palace," illus trated. Among other pstthtafiiriy notable articles are "Hunting Scenes In India," illustrated, etc., etc. The department of fiction ia parcicularly interest!..g; frank Lee Benedict's .aeriai,v ''Norman Pesborough's lj c6n4fnled. "Ger trutie's Temptation," "A Great Peril," "A Life's Mistake," "J. R.," "Running are full of interest and admirably written Apoug the notable sketches are " The Rothschilds," a Ikefih'Aftithkt ealebrated house; "Thomas Moore," the poet; "Talking Birds," etc., etc. There are poetry, a carefully selected miaeeitany, Jticluding History, Science, FlJrieultnre, JTravels, The numiber is embellished with a beautiful chromo frontispiece, "The Gate of the heraglio.'' i dress, Frank Leslie's Publishing House,) 53, 55 and 57 Park York. —i —- DEMOCRATIC OFFICERS or TH* UNITED STATHS SB#AT*-—Xbo ,fol)o-rtng gen t tlemen, after receiving the nomination oi the Democratic caucus, have been elected* offifeers |V fke Senaie, to wit* , Cql. John'b. Bureh, of TsnneaSea, '*Bsc retary at the Senate, B- J. Bright, of H. B. Peyton r of Virginia. .ftXftr.iUive Maj. Gen. Thos. W. Sherman died at bis residence, iii Newport. B. 1., Sunday afternoon, alter a severe Illness, oi new mouis. His wife died of coasumption only a few days ago., \ The legislature has repealed the Act proridlng for the ereeool of a new" mansion for the Governor. ( $87,000 hare been paid out of the State Treasury since the Ist ot January for the support of outside lunatics, *. 1 ' Andrew Johnson Jr., w»n of the late ex-P*eshlenr, died recently at his H home, near Uniou Depot, East TenheS-1 1 1 see. t 7 ™ *" 7 | Persons afflicted with dMMMtism oflten suf fer foi a Hfe time r« bei.'J almost stich onfQHliißatsj£j|^j^sSjigpßplt*e^a | etT contorted and of aflord them even reme dies orten pr^^^MjQ^gßHbstetters sonrce ot ths MtjjMfwT pro moling a regnl^^m^^sh|^H9ppnr*S rational p»th(!l Jg complaint and n govt. Besides tWs the reaMdf #tjet4kWof the stomach, Uver aSfi anW, pmsaS aad m idiftn Intfi mlttfat mmA Mnhtmft fertrt. f dhinal. sitinlant aadtoßtn * Marion Hurley, put Upon,his trial at tlaptmut term -ot Chatham Superior Coorr, cUrged with assault, with intent to toiftnlt Ape, submitted to £ verdict Of guihv far a simple assault. I his waf jßs*S"!°. f lhf,)nry , : majority being lor conviction of simple Andy Murcluson and Tim Sraarsoa, tmyo« npon tlieir Ufa) at Glial ham court last week, charged tarn rape upon Alpha ilauuer. All the nsetiee colored. Andy was acquitted, aud, Haesawall as the saiuo evidence was aipdnst Tim, a no'pro* #a« entered in his case. Thbs. Ncal, of Mecklenburg, was Uirownfyoui h'rjmrsa Sllj, » HAIXS VAASTASTA SHIUAM HABU Kmvil is a •cientiftc cou.bhiat.oß of SUM of the most mmtM rvstoratlva agsau ta tke vegetable biMdem. UrtMirn ptj heir to .tawiwiMOrSaassa falling out of the hair. T . It furniatiee the piepsratioa ever oflfererf to the MWIC as its aai'ja ssjfz mended aad nsed bp; smloeat nedieal men, llair Reuewer km iasreased with the' 1 test of inany years, both U AWa eosnary cad f« foreign lands, afid it is sew know a aad ussdfa all Ihe civilised countries of this world. ' , ADVEIrriSEMEATiJ. T*a«iWiw DR. a M«XsAN£'S i»«k» " wow wfemes"' kLs; **» M *r - °* !.'•*& *4i»«dß i \7 UPMT L»l iriP VERMIFUGE. sxwttosa otwossts. «, swelling of the upper |t|p; occasional headache, with huniming or throbbing of the ears; an unisuAF secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breatjh With » g—ing sensation of the sMtn ach, at others, entirely gone; fleetTng nausea and vomiting; violent pains ' throughout the abdomen; bowels ir- SfiSi belly swoUien and hard; urine turbid: respiration occasionally difficult, and VOIUFLQQNS FLIY I AB%COBTH(|ITV I IUNFTTV diatMbad>aiM|^ | Whenever the aitnre sjrmptoms * era found to exist, ; DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGB r* *v t • q?»xijK^outcirmt : ' in any form; it is an innocent prepai* tioo, tM cMpabU of Mm tit* , injury U (fa most tender infant. The genome D*. MCLANE'S Vnt- MirucE bears the signatures of C. Mo Luti and Baoe. on the Wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE'S 'LIVER PILLS they tuwd without . tivaL f AGUE ANDJfIEVEIL. No better cathartia can be assd pmaratoty to, er alter taking Quinine. As a simple pnrgathre they ate aaefaiM' ' Each wrapper bean the lignatnres of C. MCLANB aad FLSMING Baos. jUy 14thU7». JOHN HUTCHINSON I | 7* »« »": "JB * 11J 1' i.ri¥¥kfT ' " W» tft all to nil Hid «•*!«. uitmnri |'-3«9fS®a^ Family sewing machine l •■r*r AbM4 ta ftnlw, «T alt Machine* Afadt JEtpedfUly for mail AH. WT *s WHICH ARE UNSURPASSED j Monthly Instalments i prt^« rc„°»,.m h *• * XT f j ftm JBMMai4he wort* 1X» BEtTtrn-mtr'Am/mirifrTfo. ■ Oa»,f **a -&&■* I ®WS3BKSSfiS , 'S M fr f# , ■**. ■ If tmimifuLii lao. uil Jom2 uot produce good reauttaai issr ,o, °' fj! W\ ; ; •» ■i. w. mm, '•«*■>•» f{ A «r ■ /. , ' . i ,*A J; ifejM , ■ Tuesday, M«rah W 1878. JifcKwsi.rr.* it£g| ■ill ''' "a Black CP' *»' 'MB SSmV!!!";•••.•".•• »*ss wiisve-™ JS 1 Ck*»,to* Mi ettftri,"» yd. .. M4M9' —JZ Cttekena trow*. 1# gssiAi" -*** •eed. 9HOk Cloaaf ee*4» busk... .... f ,kjj i-9® Ducks ¥ Pair » M Bmr, UmDj"* biiL."SBS9S.7B " Super V bbl Jja KufaKto: \*TfS Hide*/ green, V ft I •' dry, ?»....,.. 10 ffXaaea «ita'*gii."." * »#& If* 1 ! M *■!«#»'"*>' •'MA /})' Mta i U»ai..V.'.'.ll".]l''.' I m Pea« V bush WtaW Potatoes, M th V bush fiOtoTS - if* >■ *«eal rttif* r*«iw» r - JJJ JTCI|pDOt t WINf pMIOUf.. •» . JPO Balt i»e V aat0k............... Mt Bhi" >h »'• it nnar** TalwwVfc.. ■ Turkey* pr pulf..., »>» m. •» av "" wi '* ■•''—»'»»••>••■ |*l" To#' ##■ H. QITEAGUE, Principals i M •% riPl^ £?X *** ' '* "!*» *' . v^"'^ "' ;• session. twiM, mcfndiDg nvsu niiv waofiitiK from t«to f7 per month. For any additional Information, addreaa the Principal, Rock Creek | N. C. PI— , ' I * J> * Wl" '» * ' i 1 -•* i - ~.,, J '^ wi ~' n & * ll » *fKP •?«-"" 'wi-wwrmk " f ' - P * V W pig *Bi' T t>« :tj 1 4 m : fc.ty ;*»«?*.'%mi jljnft k ,- I , H H

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