T ■ - "TT i - m fiy H g jggf-V" - WjWiJ" "i F 1 i ..^rrr^of' talking abotal/sfmra&eri*es the lottery an the vei j wont form afgambling that baa ever been invented, and eaunM more widespread aintr and demoralization than any other kind of chance diversion. The propoaefjj footer -or umy be caltM, of a lottery, collects a cer , ti.in mm from the ticket holder*. Oat ot tbia ha devotee a portion to hi* own .* profit* #nd pleasure, and a portion to prize*; so that each tieket must, by (he rules of ordinary arithmetic, coat «»r* than th« chance which it represents is worth. A lottery with 11,000 tickets of W wyid IRigs Of Mmr -W*d , give a tof I*oo to iu originators. A man who payn $5 for a tMrtrt "tlbfe* rot see that he pays a tenth mora than his chanoa is worth. If ha were to take nil the tickets in his own name, h« wonl'd pay 45,500 and win $5,000. Tho same authority adds that the "propor tions ofluck" are precisely as great is favor of each one of tho many ticket holders aa of himself. It nukea no di£ | f-rence how many tickets one buys, or how often bo has toiled' heretofore to wins JLf opa tgaaea a paiif M* )y, snd it comes up heads throe timos running, tho ehances for the fourth timo are precisely what tbey were «t first, ex« l>HMt is a disease, and if it cannot bo wholly extricated, the area of ita ray* ago oan+aJinited. When this disease takes of a lottery, it afects ; men, women and children, sad the pea- 1 , tilwooO should be stamped aa though it wero A liuasian plague. Public opm ion in England and Scotland'soon dispos dttof the proposed scheme kL bold a lol*. We have seen the evil effects of this kind of gamkling in weral portions of th* Union, and tho snppremon it hp*'' oame a necessity (or the State. It My bo true per n is i«tl cnpital crime, but that it leada to many enormities is beyond controversy. 1 Hood Alston oommiUed aainlila in boon an able writer for newspapers in in the abeenee of tho letter that he te(t, would have boon inexplicable. Ha was struck on the head by a piece of shall at Gettysburg, and **» Effected by brief aberratSdns of mind, during which he felt aQ'ancoatrollibledesiret* jo away from his was in the became possessed pl^in^ impluse to kiR my friends. -' hardly resist an or nine notiou who to MUwithOu^' afo»utg|roat ftjMwiirauM. I nyTOiurSftv thai a fudutii We tttM pihwad mA IH ■— tecelvlng u4#;tto£ »»W f «'-i , •' U' law figure* sPOSBSKSE»« « w/>r« sure &%« NEW?N9pDS, fci —O* V* ,»««* »t %aeM- vfaw»* P. R.; fIMD-EN, new' andwluwieieli , stock of '. Ladiosdms goods r nayy/.'Wliia 5 Ml/. H'jWH" SSffiiS KAfira wool undershirts and drawers, Gbnar» and Cuffir, ,^^rdw sole, harness and upper Leather, Bujpgv Htrnew, sadles, Bridle^ >, U , OlipTl. ^3 smekUflßfej dry inßH|U|^PpflHi^p^BPT| ex^edMK3K^pflß||^^]9^DU^*jjKv^j I*l., i|.|h|OßK* BX ;1 At tkajsMlisir of lla Bimbl of Conntfr Qm mlsJlohdS; WAiartance rtmhty/helfT on tb 9d«! other Mmb a be*l iany 14th >i ®o. ax.iiT Glerfe af Boart i ' .fcjl*» Stfl '.'. nJ'/BIL"! «*«*«?,%*#.***** *** *** •'» turn' tin % iMHkM " ,t J., UUI« v ' I»»l 11 rot $8.90 we w!B send fn Ouimi and. th« SOUTH IS nor beautiful and popular Soutßert Illustrated Family Weekly, a«d should he taker flt once by every family. Over 800 good wnten tfrt contributor#tpjtf.emmifj sa):lt> lontatm a wonderful variety of reading matter, con sii ting of Stories, Essays. Poems, Editorials on al Subjects, ChM*; »W»te», «-o»l«tts, So. letj to Correspondents, etc., atc.- 1 It has receiMy hear qpktf? |ke official tfgan §he Georgia Teachers Association, and of the Commissioner and fiery teaohci Should subscribe at once. }T Grand new stories are begin tog to lteVCr? few TWeeks and one of the vary focst Is now runolnj Untitled, ' JEW. GENTILE ANI) CHRIII AN, fOMIBCUBSK OF MOSEV-A. ffttJD? IfOF'QBEEDS." I regul ir subscription prise Is W. a year, ,'or |fp subscribers for U. iny ope seeding t*c «ssWhers for $5.00 will receive a large and ' handsome oil chromo. By sending six snfr ' scrlbersat t»o dollars and a half each, any one ; a "^NSTSOUTH WW* • f Clothing! Clothing!! VCe Would respectfully aaaoonee that we hart }oatfepeneda large stock, and ara recetviag iFatl and winter clothing Bam we are determined to sell as aa tlx ■kuality of the foods will admit, We are manu ■factoring for the custom trade from the btH I goods the New York Market afford* which wc " keep m hand ready to be eat and made to 111 on We have as goodworkmen at we eao find in the country and warraat aU work done iit our house to give satisfaction. Wtfhafri I on tfaN for manufacturing or sale by the ward I cheap eassimereo,satinets and a variety of clothi i Wan* and bovs wear from SBcta per yard MM Alao Shirts, Collars, Ttoa, a* of goods and directloaa for self mea» 1 F. G. CARTLAND * BRO., ft ander Benbow Hall, Otaeaaboco, N. C. I varieUes'of grape Itm, at the follow | IsTcSsir AJRJI M/f 4 nifAM V H^~ r i. ..*" i:«- * t * : ' r ** rvt i i#"'-* "S» -rm t>3« srJ#telMW | u JB^Bgi 4 -' " ilf w(>« > -iaS^wr ,(M«J j!"»1»t.-ue»t iMUt it'rfitill 'fjii «#>'' --*" 1 BJcSr Tailor. -%& % Cutting and making done In the lateal aabioriaaod most desirable manner. *:«. Hi» keeps constantly on hand i—plaa »f latest styio goo«ls for gentlouiens wear: md will order, accordiof „*Q selecuoft, «i automert. , . % ~rf«v, 'ij ,■ •> •-iii** "'vi v"** >'-•*«?' i RUPGBIOK COntT. AI amn nee €•■n I r, BiSV^nl'/*^ nr - witlfwUl • nn **« d * *■' **♦# Andrew J. Corn and wtfe Jackonct and others. 'l'llis is a special proceeding to make assets fror t real estate. v ■-'• Janfe Corn one of the defendant* M not a Res ident of tlie Btate of North Carolina. It is there essivt weeks notifying the said Jane corn of the filing of the petition above staled and thai sle appear witl.ln the time prescribed by law an* BWOd'knsWer or demur to the name, other wise the petiti* will be taken eiparte as to bei This f«by. 10 18TB. A. TATE. if. Ik C. i ■i ■ > i y ,«H i! 11 i ■ i ■■ i wMwk«4Ml£&J- ~'■ i Sale. By virtoe of atf Jbrdar of the Bup*rt»r Court of Alsmsnce Couuty. made at SpHiig r#rm l*B7#i in the case of George T. Goodsoo and Wife sad others, againat Rufua Matlock and otlMra. I #lll proceed to adf onthe Monday in April 18-79-that being the pri "« *•■■• , ■»■ •, ;m». ifi A TRACT OF LAND situate la Alamance OonaJty, on Batter-Milk Creek, adjoinini the lands a) the heirs li the late John tjbauw. and tbe heirs of the lite Absolorn Harvey. M«I tk* l»d« whereof the lata. Samuel P. Foater diod —l—l, antl •apposed to coatfMt-i 1 i 'l'. ,l~& f«t / t 21i*AettS8r Tkat2isJuUiiL>A«AC , *L •iSfefflgrff P" W? s T »iaU lsih im ■*'¥*■ Mi v ' • • v? it 1 "■ -"-■■• ■ •' *^>>> TO MY CUSTOMERS j •">'« If jjt'iJy #'■ . Si i.i.ivus uni.Twu-.'d iiiirt f v and i i **iH . ■ •■'■■■' : i»iM TH® PtJBIJrC» '{ilOli -'..J 1u .-■ *>' - "'O4 " i"' 1 I have Just returned from the Whw*. 1 selectkil and purchased what ! claim to be Ike {sct£\4 til';' JIV i r> I'll " tU'4 JMteW 9/ GodOt f 1 *h! 'tut ; Lsi ti u.iJi .aver lirongUt to tWS market, consisting in part of '*»•**». ' otffM,^»i«acbiiK^co*cß R M«k !x a -tfiiu «M«rw&»a» IBM. KKABV-MADB . ! CI.OTHIN6, the beat stock of MIGLERS SHOES in tow-, good line of 00004* W*d I*L©W SHOES SIBIIffBS ►:» -*%>»&rq • - ..{"•••• C" nf si'li'rrfi. andoreiy aiticle to be foudd in a Qeneraal Stores lv . .>c,\ A«1 X bought these goods cheap, and will »ei| them Mt. ? AU Wbd» o WW"''* en at tK-ilghast Wfe, ««w>M for the patronage heretofore enjoyed, I lovlte'an iuspectiou tit my «iaW ktofek. Octo. 2#th im. jw. HARDEN, g J£KA.i**.» ''- ■ .) —ill - : aarai rHBi/i. Ttitejing Public I take this method of informing the poblk kM I of tk^^, MHUtim ' -j ■- _ _ - &rgJm»> Hotel It *> sft. f w-H>* .. . ' 'irfW'Ziir/nH r«-•* '.« >: •!»'. SINGER Family sewing machin, ■avoir AkMl W •*>—»[ *£ all €J 11 ■* THOSE WHO USE THEM speak in high terms of tfeeir rife Machine* Made Etpecially for : ANSHABNMtMAMR> WHICH A*E UNSURPASSED W« are prepared Co sell on Monthly .Instalments folrcOnatty produce, good note* or Cash at a lew price, u may beet fait the purchaser . Do not buy a sewing machine until yea have tried the !*■*«■■ /J; ttli.jtar llhiilifat IV: x|J Hit "i.,; tnUftVl OCWnK »ICIIIDC vU« Greensboro, N. 0. F. G. CARTLAND, Manager. - -v' *!tl Get "The Best Do TOO want a UOOD FAMILY RELIGIOUS If Ml scud for thp ; ? \, A M ,, t tMiMw fkww LOUISVILLE. K. r. ' It Is the OLDEST religious newspaper in this country. ml; I ' It is a LAROE SIGHT PAGE wlUja pbojce variety ofexrcllent n*dtng, rts excellence is attested by ftp rat tfrat lt has a larger circumuoli than any other religious pap«r~&&'larg* than any daily pai** With a •ingle exception in tha Sontlwrn Mate*. •■ ' t U mn«pt»tho»autfl of Career number of fam ilto than toy, other Wdd. • . _ , . Subscription price WOO a year., Specimen 6n receipt of stamp. Liberal return* g*V*n for obtaining tfew nb> - • •? A itaiiiti,ir.il i i I ii fa/i ' 'in' ,i« pAUCH JEWELRY STORE >J ml .*lfH is#vHi) i( t.l )• i t .' •»* jLJuuiAii'fiyh • \HJ B. FARRAR, UIU.J l»* >f ■'} •• ■>'• ■ 'jwKciiif, WATCM-P^M* • , , .' ~ j 4 ;j ? AND DEALEH IN WATfIM, CfitCKS, JIWBI.M Sllv«r Whrte; Btfidat Fre«Wt«, Solid ' Rings, Waking Can*, .. . ' Gold Pen®, &c. ' v' , w».i .K'i.y'4"-' 1 A ' '1 in njiuirit* 1 ' '■ «• 'A . GREENSBORO, N. C. "rntiHr- - - f Wklfk ' lIMIMBIH' * ,i.i. iiih-Jil •(»•.! /•;. [. !i -'• •-i .''A!'"" A it The Dead ? y«ITI ?Tl#ll til# invito A I deal in American an£ Italian i larNilimwiii : ii , (M and Headstones 33 H:rt[,rai.?-. •iJ'ti'tlCit) J • . il wonW infom th« pahilo that J tun..pro pa«wl>»4o.workas , , ~t "« Cheap as any yard in 5 '•}{! • :•{ !' -i'i i i "Oil the tate, •' 1 Vif .1 '\J; »,U/. V'slU i ■ AND. GUAHANTEE PFRFEOT 1 SATISFACTION. i : I Partita living at a distance wIU wejaowy 'by seiding. to me for PRICE LIST a»»>« DhTWINGS. To persons making *f, . rJnb of six or m«re, I offer the Most liberal induce, ments, ' 1 and on application will forward do ag 12F?-" ~ w vWt them in peison T ! ' '! . i« ,IS II Any kind of mark«*aV® produce taken in exchange for work. 'lo '.i'-isfrfi ,j., a 0. ttOBBHTBON. j. GRRENSbORO, W. 0. J.T.CROCKER, ATTtRNIV AW» ■J »»»>» ■ ' r i A* «-»»• », .bn,"- - i ■> • P f ; MviltlWwM* I '' >4Ms6oro, 2f. (?., ■ wjigih BCOTTA OALDWMUL, GaißNßßoao, ■ imrfintl' r J Practices in the courts 4f Raldolph and y attention given to the ccl Joe " J** AT LAST There Is ft tobacco market In this county. BeCftuler * Smith of Cowriwr SHOPS, are fcnylng TflaiCCG, afld they pay the highest prices. • 7 . 1 , ■. ( ' to the Jim More old store honse, and is Ailed, with ft general stock, such as the people need, which they will sell as cheap a» anybody. ' The.v keep eW«hb« and bay ewrrtkiags •nd their purpose is to snow the people Uiatitif thek interest to give them ft liberal share o, Pfttronage. "they «re jnst starting in lui»li4e*s, and they hope to succeed by sirtrf fttteMtloa and fair dealing. They uk the peorie to try them and theu #f course they om Judge foi Notwithstanding they make a specialty ot '• * 0 ' . , Tob&ccd and /taw-hides yet they bny all kinds of country produce., H thes «i»b all to remember that while they am specially anxious to bey B*w-hldes and Tobacco, yet they desire to b«»y_ftll kinds Of produce. They intend by frequent' tohler to keep their stock and by turning ovw Ai can afford 16 make small profile Out. 151W7. ly. • i'/ 'i ' ' HIGH SCHOOL ',l 1 , » *- 4 , r V'. » " ■ Hfff f rf. C. Principal. Tl» sixth'session of this SdhoOl will re-»re n On the 6ih day of January and continue U enty weds Tuition fromU *>*) dolars pe session. Board. inciting light* and washtag \ from *6 to $.7 Kr month. Fpr ipy ad (Mm, i Information, address the Principal, Bock Creek N. C. R, W. Glenn & Son r • •• • TP: ■'/ -n '■*•» *i" ;n 4 - ** -v • Keep constantly on hand at their store in he Benbow House, a full stock of Praffi, Toilet Articles Paints, Glass, Chemicals, i TRUSSES AND SUPmtEffiS ,!•( ./ V '• l-tl> iWadfAji! K nd everything touftd la a lint ctaas Drug Store, ' ' > . ■: • ■ > .-{ •« nA i -%1 f'.t f*i r 5 if. ■ • ■»' . > FR ESJI AND CHEAP. ill na r nmd i'csilrr Merchants TnW« • - •' - * ? - '' T0Btll.»ER8. " At the meeting of the Board of Cottdly Commissioners, held the first Monday in March 1879, i% was ordered: That sealed prrf pos *ls be received for repairing and eerood eling the interior ot the court house, accord} tnj to the plaa and specifications, to he «ee« by al) interested parties in the office -of tiie Begister of Peeds. The cOanty to furnish al) mai»Nal. The Board reserving to itself the right to receive or reject any bid. i bidding will be closed on lhe first Mon day In A;»ril at IS o'clock M. Mar. 6th W», T. O. MCLBA*. , , Clk. of Board. ' Iroa k Steal Shovels, BaH Touaues, and Shovels, Heel Bolts A Single Tiees art 800TT & BCiMN^LL'S. ■'; ni»■ i ■ ii —ri — — Knitting Cotton A Zephyr Wool, at SCOTT & DOMNELL'S Dress Making Miss S. Ellen Stovall ■' ; ' Company Shopt, If. C. Lastest and moat approved styles always on hand, and work done at,reasonable prices WUI also make genUemen's clones, and cut apd make boys sutU. All work first c ass in Patronage respectfully solicited ' * Practice In Alamance and adjoining contiea, and in the Fbdaralcourts. , - Ton can find the best stock and cheapest goods at SCOTT & PONNBLL'S." LAND FOB SALE. _ j Z ». «-"»• .f .Mi* «f. nod .bout to Compftny 8 ps,*. , pETBHA d i"-t . ~*»! » 7 ;» J lift *r. . ' 1 Cheap! cheap!! 4 Stock of Goe4» atprtoes »o low thaffall mast be induced I© bay. '* - f.'A Must be Sold U ,'i iJ. rt ,* ;i>w» ' r. •#«*» 1 jV; ijpTwi&pufii&ff u H mud turned Into money at once, without regard to-their con. The Muck la large, and consists of almost everything usually found la a general store. It will pay all t > examine for tbemselve* and get such eriidea »* they may need while they liave an opportunity to do so at the tow prices now put upon them. ' Cash Down » W •*- t. t/ A ,*r .'lf ]**+■' is the necessary terms. The entire stock mnsi Ready-made Clothing, Drv Goods, H&rdwar®,. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Ladies Hats, and very many other articles, all put down to prices that will sell them right awwy.""'"; l ' " '-'tf. ' . r,i j. m. WORTH July 10th 1878. J. A. MCCaULKT. Atsignoee I propose to furnish the Graham and Com pany Shops market with nice fresh beef ait prices as reasonable us can he afforded. Person* leaving good beef Ihttlc to sell will do weif to let me know. ' i. ™ > . t -TTr/m 1 will be at COMPART SHOPS on ■ /, vi •; > 4 . : J j I? , t Monday and xriday* ! **rht t?'" t •» rr«i4t renings ol each week, add at til***.* >n , v , t : v« */ • , 'TUESDAY AND SATURDAY Sp ;;; *'r?sili mornings of eaeb week, certain, jftk A.A.ANDRKWSJ . . -ZHSS' t t •7 11 Farmer Friend Flows M SCOTT * , M if' ">! t'V fljfjf* ' 'n'V-i • yr, —«7T7 —r-. vtr w ufti • 1 1 Do yen want to bnybu|gy trimmings? Go to *.8L0p.,0 Want to bn v your wife a dress? You e-an Had anything you want by v - tt T Thi i is the time to fix for canrifng fruit, havn t got the Jars and ca»s. Ytfa caa g*t What von need from J. GANT & tO. Tools are needed frtr carpentering aod worfcon 'i«K the yellow store at' Co. Wlops.T ' muh.i, yum.* • i JfS-lftWiT lfCO«ifl»» ai .JSteffa nrft rerninc these articles enquire of ■ :v.iiy 1 i. Q.GANTAOO. Can yon spare anything Off the farm? TaKfe t to the Shops to ~ > .*'>' ' ' UVfTi 1- • -I J Q-OANT&CO. f ,?/ "i ' o*Wrtfaj. I 'tf §!!•> "ll® « f I y a?, Alnmatedsaair :• -•>. - ■ ' :■:>'* ■:>■; ■ ' '•" > . ;-[! •, 1. v J j'| , la the matter, of the last will) and tastament of Wm. H'ells. j caveat to wID In this matter It appearing lb the sitlsfactlo# ' of the court that Bolomoii Wells one of th« heirs at law and devisees of trails / not a resident of this Btat«i It |ror4ered that notice of this cavrat be made upon the raid Sol Omen Wells'bv publication InTWK AiiiMANca , Glbankb, a newspaper published in the tow* of Graliam, weekly, for six weeks. And , that he aupeau and show, cause why said will should not be set aside and declared nbtland Void. And that if he fail foappear and show cause at the expiration qf said time Judgment shall be had '■'! ' pro confetno as to him. .•, f . Done at olflee this 84th) JuuudPlVl ir, i-'ti'-i „ „ „ A. TAT*. j, . C-B. C. fmdfrobate Judge* ■ ScoM & Domed . Graham N C ... .♦ • 1.1 " •(• ,mu . .. | C '|' ''' Mr OOIIDM. fiROOIBII HARDWARE, DATS, BMV • H«TR»I»a, fcß ' '*o «TUt, RAI.f, MOk.A*. m . - If. jfr - - -* " MM, MtOR, HIM. 'U-vttv M«. -?L vinmm. »vk • •« U • l;• f-- - ■ »• ■ "in .'•• . IN TIRK •DriHMCtMT, 'J' " Aisasarc Csas j a ' tl Joseph Tate, Rrrffhs P. Mitchell ami wife Margaret and others, .f", ' . i. •' ;t» • * ( • . irniiam Tata. Ja«nesTa»e, Heirs at law of James Tate, names, numbers, sexes snd rel dence unknown, heirs at law of Griffith Tate names, numbers, sexes snd residence unknown and others if others there he who are entitled under the Will of Joseph 'Tate dee'd. who arenoareaidanta of Iho Stale. ■> - > ' This Is a . pmeeeding to sail real estate ' described in petitiorfTor partition The Mat property has W« sold and the commissioner m Laa wia**»wu»t and a motion for oonfir mation ia now pending; and if objection thereto „ is not ftlfd within ten daya after full service of this notiee by publication, said report wll 1 g »i.rr:s r nr Alamance Coad ' '

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