• * i •ft i ••M «T Mrartiiiac Transient advertisements payable In advance: yearly advertisement* quarterly 111 advance. in r>. tNf"1 8 m -ft fl> - e«."jlilasi 1 q2ms • '» 1J .001 4 SOl 000 10 001 Ift 00 Thmmmu 'aaVertlaeieuW 01 per •qaare »*» *»*.■!■* Wi ««* «">•« TP"** • i , ADVEKtHEMEMTsS. ITTT ' Jt 1 ■Mimiiihi, j llCice&Bßduced — Effected hHWi Friend Plows Wade In *tz Slf,., " a scOTT A IKTMNEJ.L. House RALEIGH, N.C. Rates reduced to suit the times. 41 Ytart Bftfore the Public. THE GENUINE LIVER PELLS > 5 TO* TH* COM Of Hcjpatitis, or Liver Complaint, #£*?%s :.-'niiii .rryiiUli ,r 'I ;■■ '•# -- n J. . Symptoms of a Diseaaed Lh*& * PAIN in the right side, under the » edge ot die ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pun is in the left tide; the patient is rarely able to lie i>n the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and h frequendjr extends to the top ef the ; shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken tar rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe* the and richness;'the bowels ih gen* 1 eral are costive, sometimee alternative with lax; is^troubled^ with ory, accompanied with a painful sen* , sation of' having left undone some* thing which ought to have been done. ' A slight, dry cough le lomabnsmaa ■mudsill. The patient complains of weariness and debility: he is easily Hurtled, his feet are cold or burning, aad he romplains of a prickly teniae ' tion of the skin; his spirits are low; ausd ft*thifrgh ho is tatitfind that TTff dse would he beneficial to him. jret VA «* wm aiiainalM MHH(MA«I I.« l nc can scarcely siirnrrion up iomciiuo enough to try it. In fact, he distraite MrMW ** - * 4 n ««a v»c*j swiuvuji * ocwcrai oi flic soovc have occurred where few o1 them e*- issed, vet euawinalfcia at the body, after death, has shown the una* to lave been extensively deranged. . k£ A * V * fevsr. Da. C. MCLANX'S Lnra* Pitu, re cam or Aou* and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of Aft """* happy results. No batter yre would .jg Bros., of Pittsburgh, being Jgfc—a-hi njiiii - ih" aMg mm ki att i- Or Joe, er Tdta, tor BUI, rzfflfr, saw?*- And when we saw a gal we liked, Wio never Called - .« . J " Ve Mllntf' hMnratlv >M» ani uaai '• ® BIT p. w%»j | Mia Bat net "about the chiese." : smesEmf "HeLo, yea old aardloel" The boys gometimiw got mad and fit— We spuke of kick* and blow*; ■. But DOW they "whack Im oa taenraot," Or "paste hita on the nose."' ' '] One* when a youth wac turned away, ayher ha kald ateet deer, He watted upon Ma feet, hat now Wyjj>i"t>>ann> when I was yeanf, I Of death we spoke in language plain, . » 4 He''passes in ku cheeks:" _ v>* We praiaed the man of common sense,! "His jndtnlent'a good," we said; Bnt now ttiej say. Ws|!, that old plum , Has jot a level ksedfc^W?p It either sad that #ldn»i now "1.., , . Alte all !>. instead of cha^ I Said he, sism. And sUng was never "sluwc " MOW AKNA l.Uoi l.ttttt4«« ,x a > Afrenpof firis vidod at ibe ataga door of the OrViid Opera UOUM in Vie|i% ua, taNttttg or exchanging words with employes who passed In, keep ing tK»-Wbile a sharp !ool|nf tit the maimger. One of these cliOnut Singers, a young and beauiifwl Italian girl, ltan«l> I'K Just within the extreme entrance, with her mantte wrapped do«e about her throat, suddenly remarked: 'We must sing our best to-night, for tbe Emperor is doming. 'ls ho* How do you know? Who told you, Anna Carol la?' 'One oi tiie band,' answered Anno Caroila. quietly. 'Car! Roseufeldt. There he eainea with his yioltn.' ct ' * Whh soino others of the 'opera band tiiere approached a tall, lumdsome young - Uuiiganau. Who paasfftfi h>: answer tbe girl's eager inquiry, •llad he said the £ui^ : peror was coming?' , 'Yes; the Imperial Gnards have iual passed by to take up their plaoe at tbe grand entrance. The boose will be crowded*' . Then passing inside, lie stooped to wbiaper «e Apia CWo«». with a smile i« bis deep blue fyea. , 'Anna, 1 lead the violins te night— Stetnlgal is .ill.* She put her band in Us, with the sweet, perfect trust ol one who kupirs she ia*loved. «I am sorry for him; bit for yob, Carl, mv heart mnst be glad.' 4 H««»llm*aome,4opet|ef I' cried a girt ontsidO. -Hte mkuager abd* chief dot' chettre. Away I' ! Tbe new leader of the band hyrried ! away » Ibe Anna Uarella followed Ihefu their dressing rtoui. There she soon doniifd her stage dress, end rilpped away to watch tbe boose filling, and, above all. to beeaevery nofeer the aaqulflfe ov*Hwe to "Obe roe.' Ilew last every place was filling trom floor io gallery L The auditor)a in was one blase of splendor; and as she gssed, . tbe poor, IHcndlees chorus singer— whose dramatic talent and splendid voiea ought, if she had only the fortune to get the first lift, to plaoe her high lu tbe lyric stage—wondered sadly If sttcb a chance would ever eoese ae tart If not, Carl's fetber would never eonsent to their asar» rlage. And eo*r tbe whole house rose as the Empever entered hie boa, splendidly diesisd, glittering with Jewels of rarest value, which flashed a thousand raya as he bowed right and felt with hia uStvK oomteoos grace. Then the band struck up the overture, and with the last bertha curtain drew up. •_j «, .*> ■ Flitting here and there daring the | GRAHAM, N. C>. TUESDAY APfllL 3 1879 Mai tone in the clioros. iitp ' ■?',» was Ana* Carol la. I tbM%Mtr ll «4 attracted hi* eyr, wkow rich vofco Mi ea/fcad cMigtit above and through all the other*. n The first act went aplendMly. and the aaeoml ae> soon commenced, bin Kate Mut decreed that it should never he flay* ed out that night. 11*1 w way through, a* the manager, pleased and cotnpleuent, era* quietly standing hack hi one or (he whig*, he auddenly felt hit arm grasped, and I ttrued sharply to aee Am* Cfrollas lovqlr face, ao full of Uetefa»b.a4lou ami, character, at hi* aide. oab!' ahe »aid, vety low quiet* ly;'make no exclamations, tut go and aee to it before it gtdna'cr i* discovered. The t neat re ia on fire totnewhere beak of the green room, the compauy can leave . by the *tagc door, tie,' v ,; •I to 'iMt,ebild, if there ia the leaet hint of alarm, look at that heum.» They will be crushed to death fn their terror end crowding lb get Out/ 1 ' '' ' Listen,'t*okl the ItftUan, !i» tin ' same calm, aeif-conteined manner. 'Send the eoli bo jr. to lelf the doorkeeper to order each one a* the> p*** ent to d*f*if quickly. I wttl eleer the house guiet |y > ! ~'«7 •'! '«;/. «»! 'JondofAo/.' 'Ye*, here i*the boy; send Mm, end clear out tiweompeny; 1 pert.' Y ohte manager blindly obeyed the strong #iU end atse4y.perpose of the master mind, ea people in eamfgancy> gekwtwily do, whatever (heirrelativo positions in the World. »•«..: " , AMm C4ro|la paMed on to. the stage, aii4 advaitcriig et once to the (ootlights atopd for one moment, her tail, eommand twm end beautiful head drawn erect,, uuflhichlngtjrlacing that crowd, meeting full even the astonished gate of the Emperor liimaeif, and. the wondering look el her lover in the orchestra below her. Then she aeid, in a voice pot loud bat , clear as e , bell, wkb i icool steady authority in every measured accent. ■ J **l am here by the manager's orders. , ,'jHe Imperial Majesty has be? til robbed' , to-night of a rare diamond,, and the thief Is in (lie house. Every one/* and ( the speaker's dark eyes swept tl.e audience IVoth. gallery to pit, "ia at (Mice to withdjeaw quietly and in order; any one attempting to remain will be itna-edialcly arrested. The baud wiU also retire at once." Even as the spoke, her ear, painfully stiung A»r tlie sound, con hi bear, Ibe warm hum of flames from the back, but unmoved she stepped back, swept a deep obeisance to the eudieuoe and Emperor, and the curtain Mlfet rt) Tlie Emperor intently left his b>x, whispering to the gentleman to whom he tad before puiuted out Anna Carolla: ■, "Then is sometliiug behind all this. I am not tobbed. Seud Colonel Bergtnaiin round to summon the manager to our carriage-door.'? Meanwhile, the vast crowd filtered rapidly* in qniet ordet and in safety out only learning at the door, as they hurried *\vav, the awful.Qeath bv fire or from which tne brave eud quick-witted girl had savod them. " Tbo last few to leeve ft* audit or hun sMieft of flames amthurried wUdiy, spreading the alarm. Bet the terrible my !of came too late to do mtohiet, and once tattside, the police aqd soldiery, under the owl direction* of the Emperor himself, kept order. And thongh the fiamos mounted At first, Anus'* timely d]9covory, aml the energetic measures taken, forced the Are under, iu less thaaani hour and a half it was completly drenched out, and the ttfutriated Opera House left in charge eftbe police. 1 Then, and not till then, did the. Emperor dimount from the horse be had used and return to Lis carriage. As be did so, he paused *nddenly. "Bergmanu, see! there goes that Italian girl berueU, leaning on the arm of the young fellow who led Iba baud so spleodkily to-night. Uq aee , who end what tboy atfc" Colonel Bergataoti de parted to obey the order, and the Emperor drove of. -*» The next day tlie whole atorf wait gifted aonCarl, and hi* Shu**, Anna Carolla were botli ututar IqibaHi! protection, and their marriege w„ 8 n}eM| a _ _ ooasible the Kiatirrnr dowarltio tl bride. I The manager al*o received * similar ' intimation through Colonel Bergmaun, l reopdnkig'' of the opere as 'Madame » Carolla-Unsonfeldt. * e . iOnee mors Hie tiiU ot, gay Viann* ' erewdetl the CHwra-llvuse to Witness the . debut of the' hew"' singer, at Ag*!f ' -Dor Fieischutz," The iuomeut *fe , came ou she was wemyed with a furore which might wel»tii«ke Carl Roeenteldi t phntd or Ids beautiful young wife; and it fir IlowsMy .(***,>*. iraUjful glaimti and • sweeping tar Idm wn the smile > in the soft dark ere* that met his for one 1 second. ! j i Wlieu tbeenrtaiu i«U, the »ew atar 1 ] wa* called for ami lli*#milf« with ( boqnet* from many a di*flugul*het| hand, . but fh>th (he Imperial bo* was flung one , in which lav nestled a costly bracelet, , ia the OB lit re of which blaaed a diamond t of rare value and beaut v. I his young wife said, smtUflg, as Jbey droWa ha>X t „-- "Nav, Annn, yonr own oemags antT quickness," ' •fTliat wane dUmond jwper lh*" .the ' linpetial gift." a *. And be-WM rigid, - -- i 7 l —— . A OoMTTioa.—Kot a bialnonndiag ward, !l perh.,», but a very expressive One, is | Uumpuon. A a** bed be born I With a good stock of gnmpiio»'il» lit* ( crunium, than, with any anioupt of.oiOMj ] in hie i (prospective) tronser-' pocket, j Many a man has lei a fortune klip J through hi*finger* for, the' want of it* i and many t woman who might- have •! clothed herself iu purple apd fihe' tinens ■ « hak been content to wear six -penny calico I fir the aame lack. ' » i Cl.imptwe in the affaire of lift i* more "then any other quality—the one thiug needful. Web ,] ■ter makes thi* word to meaar capacity, J shrewdtiens, address. It U all thia .and .! tnoce. Whs,t word b»xp wq" tiiet,pae quite ex| rtea kn fall asraningf : 'l '; • W Manure 1 on a etime lnat, or wheeling it on a Umywi daniming a muddy brook to , wash ltis sheep in, instead driving them half a mile to thciriveiyoOff i \ Ctiug heavy barrels into a wagon instead of rolling them in, or clearing hi* ftold of stone* by oH-rying tt.em off 'in hie bat, * , or mowing. .the thiatle* ureM alter they have gone to aeed) ,0* lotting his mowing machine 4teftl''dVl'la tlie weather, winie hia homemade contrivance J for marking Out' ground even eUmd* under c«vei, or cuttiag off a how'* tAil to | cur* her hollow born, we are apt. to *ay'. ( he is lacking in Common sense, but it 1» ' only gumption be lacks. j A woman leek* it when'she plants I smjill flower seeds in the *a.ne way a* 1 her hunband does melons iud coru; wlieo | she tears her dresses into titg* for her 1 new carpet, because,they are" the ' color *bo wHbt*;" when *he sjieads J\ 1 ber spare time piecing lied quilts and let* birr. children ru*i tho «4re«t% dirty ,/iud 1' untaught: when abo can* fruit in etecks 'i •d jara an 4 ,*+ | Itota bew'bmbnsiA go. abroad ,ia pwMied j o.erall* *rid co?ltrJo*a shirts, and then #omlera ibai lie don t get into the ]%it ' latnre; when ahe tricks- ber daughter up to "catsh a beau" before ahe is j in her teens; whtu ahe «*talW to her ] neighbor* about her husband, and tiien ' ca'ut uuderataud why he i* aligh tiagly | spoken of, when she ailowa bar sons to '1 call their father the M old man," and theu. 1 is ready, to cry her eyes oirt becatnie they; I call her tho "old womkn;" when die keep* her children's ntQ4(i*«b« stuffed ) with liob cuke, pies and pudding, and 4 then sends them to bed with thrir faea* J doue up in lemon juice, -to make their . complexions clear: when ale discard* i t lover because he has a *art on Ma nose t anda dm,iy^witb • I°*" °° u ® Some |>eoole go Ihrougli lif* without' ] being able to do aurthwtg thegr wadern ! ' t*be, oxeept iuthe ahiilifljeat and yet they h%ve so u the Work don, a* ! it shquhf be, a hundred Thew ! have pioce g.imption, however, than)* oiua* t bay ere sure beiurebaad that tidev ' "never ooald do it." tiiinK for and \ ' "Wbat is it *ow?" 'Has* "Oh. I never could. 1 tried it oa«vt" sad *h«n John Can eto twt «M> lie c couldn't wear them, because I'd m*ed f iff 'i •,i -wait *viS4*sJ-4iilk>d >'» My w«nte to #b \M Hb «k. wwpw niMViijfriffrwMot Html it. v t«i ftss 4 1 »■!!' m* ,ti m sAuat? gnl j "fix that hetyatamroigaiag to tefceto , Mf ia want* notbiag ,M>bat ypuoan do." ; •K>h, yon could d 6 it, I dam say} but i can't. If I rrp,M« it #> peib#. I should never b* able to get it udHktP •■'i'i* stit , One of the wont thing* about women oftbia aortie, they are Jb*ed«r. blaming *om* one *lealer what tbey|ere to Mam? tlieuiaelvea. Do to tf»® wojld-rami often thev are not dow to?*ee thtlJ aomvbody gumption enough fur eVeh that. —JlurtU flew Ybrbtt. !uMt« *"■ " 1 - 1 - -*J*vrf fea , i t »»W#ak tawrev : #g»#ft«mA.- ot &W* a »e f—mm tm 1•' «*i ■ ! At a wmkliUgi In 80Mb Carolina la*t month an >i»| lint oemmed eptly il omras iiuii »vl wiwW, w.no prfneu iiiinseffUpon the liigbfoiied q'-talky ot hi* language, quietfV ilßipped bie handle fort b* |.wtw ot Ms snfplice 'I V"" JH.paddle your ruimiuMhU hi fiariy,)! Mtr-*s *1 aeid afore, my beloved hearecs—tlto*efoi»s us bairtcaroem. ftrota his pocket and the yonng man fell loed et his feet. Jnatontly ibe whole church waf filled w|ib i>Ja|ng pi*toU. ■ roa " ii * ud TMPhbore ise whopping He, of courae, MM tiienk is about ne near as haMtaireanimreand'MwWe*aaKi; A a burlesque upon the aMnotaetmra4 aad grossly exaggerated stories told bf the Southern from Which in many pieces *r dMlmate' oV * their character Is formed, it> a very admtras blehk. [Etfcj ln ii . . -«*? psinavc ifcHfili W(if si>t nn i»jaoyc'.> . ktMAvett ceiewi.vitcim Nratcwnta, JWartlngtoo cor. ertkm Trom fiae, ior they eref ohn js«invarlNbbr?ek her ro4t while or blue. When the Senaior under his blonde Iwir, W gttv% him qhlte an etherial aspect. He was theu playing the WM>dT the generdn* Hid* "and was apparently quite inoffensive. But later Wlied He begsit fo tjfafher himself up air tffi'President, he put on hie The Man who is obllgod to be constant- to earn the »o# life and support bid family knows not the unbappluOM he pray* lot wimp be.desir** wealth ami idleuos*. lo be conaUufly busy alb bo alw*ya happy. Persons who hfive sudd«pjy acquired wealth, broken np Jbicr , fctMe pnrsuits, and begun to livh at their ease, waste away #ad Jlie in a jenf short time. t Thod*aiHU jroufd have been blessings t 9 the qrpvid. v and ,to tlw cou.mon stock ot Jmppiuw Jf n yMm «» iw«pation*ot imsiiieas. and at nfgM | sleep wkhp^t^o^p o^^ *tNi Sia tit .mvtt- *■•» ;»-wed a Old Gent (who firmly bel eaaain oo.rv pnlaory eductiow) to l y: "OH, jo«r|»« •• »obOnS, do year Now, I der» say von out tell mb Wtao it Mtas i fiat ahe; wovbt- | can't you?" Gow lorgitbM wmmP .*>•♦!« -kh iat li'f-fi ii'l/Mi q' » t:s ftn} • in I l^h'T '-' - •111 IIIIIM mill ■ Ulec*a«kgK t *Jiiiui>uWrtt| Ua, . * u.« gt««t Louuou rf«u .uarfwt , . A «»u*'s grmt »n>biti«n is to be cr«*l. *7"" I wouldnofc live always; I oare not to •uy ; Me oats . two inuch (w, washing, —wing tkr*»j*irto*day... ... .. tt . !i» ' t ut Sidney Smith on* rebuked a *w»*r ing visitor br s»yu. K , "L«t n. m,im *M» ewytkii* Md e*«ryJ.ody ars d—ned, proeeed will, oar eubjesw" ; , *** Chsrhes Brook, Uto died e«.e»Jrta LcirtttHrrtMm, g* r » «*{(!,• • Churchnf Kugteud daring lifer Ijib not iM»«kr»«7W» t OM. ** m? ? Government*- # sopkotnow enter a keMMar, the i« tmkmtbm Only vacant Srat, »ud the **ond hu in hi. iqp lVsen.l* » young lady ****! Mq.h, *¥&• **«■*,, madam," \ writer tab* advice ' W >OUPf wo«eu tin* *«r inotW £«, married a ganfcoftr. Xt might he aUd. d Wist the gar***, ia L.« msW,h, ly-tbMMtu»twu, >f '■' * I ki*eW%©w tfeearn alivtiw." kid an idler.- -i . •••W# Bowork," growled a neighbor. eooigh," rejoined the tdieri ,"I never thought oj tbac." fc • lawyer who waa «fc»d fo# »immlersr, **in, jwuoucr *♦ tbe u.r we shall itom -mm/km*.m» »Wt there I Hbr DaMUMT flooa.->-"He'a Oiy A Syraoune Bebeoi knstress though* to po«lbJi«r jnveMle ' "P? r u Bk> * A ** ile t>oy I»pl»jd tbnt hU tbfe oOwr* Upt W - tl»ey was in tha kabit ol bantatfing him, aud (y M w - ' 1 ; ' It waain evidence on T .d tli t thft K u f U» the dh»Vil." ; SUe sbe Uwywv" i ; (»geJ ten Si or und«'r): "f thwi, Toiuioy, that tbe of a xihtent first caud*." certainly. ■ teeM, If» no fturUtrr back than tb» atouno * wlmt peepte eat btA> wlMt >Ki*ey U»«f ibein,strong. . It i» not wbat U.ey tb«T re.nfe.uhei'tbat makes tbfete bAirnod. wknt «be% psotw* but .wkattbey OtMilM ttlnkflll |i|am f^iifltA|Ui«i 'tikk nia i U« i'»!*«*«! ba« fe'iia srtfc ! bc like "fcVMtf-ihouMiMl glfW' ir»sim «MiiM»to 4«* ahylliiag. Tr»k w alt I know •boirt JHUI lather says the low I avom Mieui tbe Detier.' "Tbtngs,!' %««Md David, in poetical moodi ",re not wbat vbey "O: Wuuueuted Sadie, "the (•fwing oiackuM but ey|M;body .ku^#« it u nut tl»e ali ii tit seems. Ana "pfeopiu who could a|>|>rt-naie 'Muliiiraui. : smr wikclt the Itepubllcan irfek male dbpur , Ai'.eiicai'' Ssiujii ftrflMf *teik>l»ky into the air if— dtimntm .s t - £ H A B Vy eo, "« w f ro« Mi leu of a coneciettiioao barber who fr«n tatiok? #lll>-d to shave aa Sr ehiii I r ' '^jrtir^uyci^ 1 cvpltiiiiitiuQ (IHlUHlinJt'ii i'scsuc'd this eSS^le'' sO fh hwjnwrAtetf to tlie burlwr the iuin >f« St'K .naa « jib u j «...,*,/■»

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