rillßiriA>N SVMPATBITr Tt is told of the venerable Dr. G probably the most eminent surgeon in this country, that while performing Operations beiore hij class in the Block ley hospital, a little girl was placed upon Ihe table. Tbe child was a pauper bearing in every feature the signs of want and poverty. The operation required was amputa tion at the hip joint, one of the most difficult in snrgerv. She was brought nuder the influence of at» anesthetic. The surgeon rapidly explained to the students tbe necessity o4 tbe operation, and tlie probability, that the poor baby wou!d die under the knife. He took tbe instruments, glanced down at tbe thin white of the little creature v liom the world had used so hardly, and then suddenly stooped and kissed her on the lips. » Hientlemcn, you will pardon me,' he snid, with au nusteady voice; 'I am a fi«tber.' The operation was successful, and the child, we arc glad to say, did not die. There is evidence that ibe most pncnesslul physicians have been those who, besides learning and skill, possess ed itreat tenderness and quick sympathies. Ho profession, probably, requires the 4'XT)rci*e of a higher sense of honor, or finer tact. Men are apt to show to their physician the skeletons in their bome», and the diseases of their mind, as well as the ailments of their bodies. There i«, perhaps, no profession in which lil>erality is as constantly and secretly practiced. ' „ Dr. II ,an eccentric, well known in the West a few years ago, was noto rious for his enormoasUcharges to the rich, and his lavish generosity to the poor. A penniless man who employed him was almost sure of a comfortable support for himself and his family as long as he was a patient. A Methodist clergymau who had re quired a costly operation and long attendance raised five hundred dollars with) difficulty, and then asked the surgeon for his bill, trembling lest the amount Would not cover it. He ex pected no mercy, as the doctor was a notoriously profane man, and professed no love for tbe clergy; but the bill was handed to him receipted. 'Did—did my parish"—stammered the minister. 'No. no; paid it yourself. Want the itemsT seizing a slip of paper and jotting dowrt, 'Dr. 11. to Hev. M. C , Dr. To one sermon, February 18th, $509, To one do., May 10th, S2OO. To one do. May 10th, S2OO. To one do., Jane Ist, not one cent.' The poor minister was wont to tell the story with great xest for years aher» ward.— Youth* Companion A ««LDIEBS »IATB, Private Fisher had remained through all his trials stout, fresh and hearty, in teresting in appearance and no gcntle«> mannered and uncomplainiug that we atl loved him. Supported on his crutches he had walked up aud down his ward for the first time since be was wounded aud seemed almost restored. That same night he turned over aud uttered au ex clamation Of pain. Following the nurse to his bed, and taming down the covering, a email jet of blood spurted up. The •if the spliutei-ed bone must have severed am artery. 1 instautly put my finger on the little orifiice and awaited the surgeon. Htrsoon came—took a long look aud shook his bead. The explanation was eosy; the artery was imoedled in the floshy part of tbeihigh and could not be taken np. No earthly power could save bun. "* There was no in detaining Dr. stropgth; aud long 1 sat by the boy, un conscious himself that auy serious trouble was apprehended. The hardest trial of my duty wa laid upon me; the uecawity of telling a man in the prime of lite aud inllness of atreuth that there was uo nope for him. It was done at last, and the verdict reovlved patiently aud courageously ,s »me directions given by . which bis mother vroAfVbe informed ot hiadeath, aud tbeu lie tjufoed bis questioning eyes upon my t, 'liow long can I live?' f 'Only as long as I keep mv linger upon this artery.' A pause ensued. . God aloue knew what thoughts ran through tliat hoe* and braiu, sailed so unexpectedly from al) earthly hopes aud ties. He broke the silence at last: - 'You fan let go'— But 1 soald not- my own life , bad trembled in the balance. Hot tears ! rushed to my eyes, a surging sound to my ears, and a deathly coldness to my lipa. Tlw pang of obeying bim waa spared me. and for the first and last time during the trials that surrounded ae for four years, 1 feinted away. ▲ short time ago a r IHnbory man bad forty dollars stolen from him. The tuiet was sabsequentiy struck* with res morse, and sent back twenty dollars, with a note to the efieet that as spon as be received more ramorsn be wduld semt back the real.— Dahbury New*. -- - - A ragged looking pedestrian came to the back door of the Dctmshndfler man* sion, and the hired shouted, 'We've not h* big tor tramps.' 'Fair lad/, pease,' said the visitor: •I'm not a tramp nor beg-. Kr.' 'What are ye tbeo> 'Madam, e a solicitor,general.' At the approaching celebration of the I,Booth anniversary of the destruction ol JtoutpoH a bottle wine taken from tlie A - Di\ B. A. Sellars 9 ad. I have ;nst returned from' Philadelphia, wbei® I purchased a large stock of / DRY GOODS of the latest and best styles and quality, also %pavy stock of Men's and boy's hats aad VliMMi«Hi«li *U Half in great variety with the latent and best Trimmed styles. All of which were bought with cash and will be sold at a small profit. New Styles Miss Sallie J. Gragson takes p'easnre in announcing to her friend® and the public, that she Is DOJT reeeiviug her Spring supply of nilliafrf and Fancy G*o«ln and (Vofian*. Her stock is varied and complete, and her prices ax low as the same class of go»ds in any house this side of Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. Opening to-day, April 15th. at PUBIFSICOBNEB Graham. April 15th 1879. New Millinery s€ I desire to inform my friends and customers, of Corapaay bhops, and Alamance county that 1 have received my Dew Spring stock of the latest styles of millinery gr.ods and no tions. consisting of BONNETS and HATS, trimmed and untrimmed. a great variety of FLOWERS. and other trimmings for ladies bead wear; aud besides a select stock of NOTIONS including ladies t-earfs, and many articles which are tasty and cheap. As I have no house rent, clerk hire or other expense in connectiou with Mdling my goods, I am quite certain that I can sell as cheap, and I think a little cheaper than others. I may be found at my old store room, in the dwelling, where I haye been for the past few seasons, and where I thai! be glad to see cus tomers. MISS JENNIK BOULDIN. April 20. 1 m. StfPEHlOb COCOT AIBMMCC Canty. Alfred Iseley and B. F, Morton") vs I Notice to show Valentine Branuoch. and | cause. ' Joseph Barber. J This is a motion for execution to issue upon a judgement of this conrt, docketed on 22ud day of May 1860, for 918,52 with interest from the Ist of March 1880. and one dollar aud seventy five cents costs. This motion will be heard at office of the Superior Court Merk of Alamance county, lu Graham, on Saturday the 14tb day nt Jane ".879 wheu and where if the said Brannoch fails to show cause to the contrary an oruer will be made pro as to him and execu tion will Issue. Done al office in Grahaml on the 28rd day of April > 1879. | A. TATE, C. S. C. The Sealk' aatl Tke Gli aa«r f»r Oalr 93.M For *3.50 we will send THB GLEANER and the BcNNy SOUTH one year, p wjtage prepaid, to any address. Aa everybody the BCNNT BOOTH is our beautiful aud popular Southern illustrated Family Weekly, and should be taken at once by every family. Over 800 good writers are contributors to its columns, and It contains a wonderful variety of reading matter, con sisting of Stories, l&savs, Poems, Editorials on ail Subjects, Chess, Puzzles, Problems, So-iety Goaaip, General New*, Dramatic Notes, Per sonal Items, Hnmor, Health Notes, Answers to Correspondents, etc., eta It I"* recently been made the official organ of the Georgia Teachers Association, and of the 8t ate School Ctmiuusaloner and every teacher iihoiild subscribe at once. Grand new stories are begining in Hevery few weeks and one of the very fitu* is now running entitled. "JEW, GENTILE AND CHRHI AN, OR THE CURSE OP MONEV—A STUDY OF CREEDS." The rsgul r subscription |tri« is $A a year, or two subscribers for 96- one seeding two subscribers for t-VOO will receive a large and handsome oil cbromo. By sending six sub scribers at t#o dollars and a half each, any one will receive an extra copy free for one year and a magnificent oil picture 91x30 inches in siae Addrfl sbNNY 80UTH. Atlanta, da. Clothing! Clothing!! We would re*p etfolly announce that we have just opened a large stock, and are receiving more of Fall and winter clothing which we are determined to sell as low as the Quality of the * oods wiU admit, We are manu facturing for the custom trade from toe beat goods the New York Market affords, which we keep on band ready to be cut and made to fit on short notice. We have as good workmen™ I we can find In tke ooaotry done at our to gtre.satisfaction haw j on-hand for cloths toru>ens"and bo*s wear from Jscts per yard upward. Also Shirts, Collars, Ties, uni blS4mp4Mo( goods and directions foe self meas urement sent by mall upon application. For eloth a* clothing go to F. G. CARTLAND A BRO., t voder Beuhow Hall, Greensboro, N. C. Iras A Steel Shovels, Bull Tonnes, and NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified aa admt»- iatrator of Jacob A. 8008, disss ml, hereby aotUk a aB peraoaa balding claims against ike aetata of M« tnSesfata to present then to him, daty proved, aa or jtba Itkh day o* April, A. D. lUO, op this aotiee will ha pW ed la bar of their recovery T.T.SMIT7T. April 29, Adm'r. a k mi Tailor. -Sp® Cutting ana making done in the latest fashions and inostdesirable manner. He keeps constantly -ou iiand Samples of latest Btyie goods for geutlcmens wear and will order according to selection 01 customers. OrtiwiD 711 TO MY CDSTOMEHS and THE PUBLIC. I have just returned from the North where 1 selected and purchased what I claim to be the best Stocky of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting in part of PIBI'E nOODH, liADI EM OBKS VOObM. IIADIKH CIOAKH,COAI'U UAKOM'AKK. BADDIKB, 8110. UV IIAKIIBIIM, Vl.OWt), • IRON. BBADV.MADB CI.OTIIINQ, the best stock of ZEIGLERS SHOES in tow-, o> d line of BROGAN and PLOW SHOES FTOISTIII of ad kinds, and every article to be found in a Gcneraal Store. I bought these goods cheap, and will sell them cheap. All kinds of country produce tak en at the highest market price. filth thanks for the patronage heretofore enjoyed, I beg to invite an inspection of my new stock. Octo. 29th 1873. J. W. HARDEN, W DURHAM jU TOBACCO rmnniiDß.BiiTTß Wltwrm *0.12*. Eighth B*. K9UUL3I 8t Louis, Mo. The PHYBIOLOCY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book* that ar* nallr OaUe. MMHlmMnbiU mat in* perUtninc to luM and Wwnini. aad supply —■llo«sfiS. TWy ar. fcHuUlfrltj HhawM. »t in plain language, ea«ily uridentood. Tna two booU ambracMS pun, ud contain valaiblt l.fom Mlo. for both married and riMle, wßk an the rectn t Improtementa in medical MBOt Read what oar hoo* paper. «ay-. "Tb* knowledge Imparled la Br. BatW new work* la in no way of queationable char ■kr, but i* aomethinft Ikat mrj m abocM km Tk* Twu. the victim of early indi«rretion; the ■**, otMrwla* ycrtctlr healthy maybe, out with waning vlgnr in thepctm* of lift, and Ik* Wmum, In mia*i ifi « 11 • l(J from me many ill* bar an la bctilU I X | U ■ V to."—St.Loul*Journal. . . ronut PBICBS —ao eta ill^m both in on* volume, »li in cloth gilt, 25 et* extra. Sent under «cal. oi>£U B| ■ JM JM | nedpt of pric* in money or rtampa. VL3LSJK3I Ayer's Hair Yigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Is natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at onoe agree* able, healthy, JHI and effectual for preserv ing the hair. Kidded or flrqy /uiir it toom restored to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness ollen, though lot always, cured by its nse. Nolfelng can re store the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the gl&nds atrophied ; and decayed. Bnt such as remain > can be saved for usefulness by this Srfication. Instead of fouling the r with a pasty sediment, it will ! keep it clean and vigorous. Its \ occasional nse will prevent the hair i Aon turning gray or falling off, ' end consequently prevent baldness. . Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepare tlons dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit bat not harm it. If wanted merely for a ' HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam ( brie, and yet lasts long on the hair, y giving it a rich glossy lnstie and a ie grateftil perftuns. Jj rSKPARMP ar ' Or. LC. AYER 4 CO., Loweil, Im, tu ar iu DHcooma imrvma J3ALACE JEWELRY STORE FARRAR, * ' 9 OPTICIAN, WATCH-HAK# AND JE WELEB, AND AND DEAI.EK IN | M'ATCnW. CI.OCKM, JEWEJ.RV Silver Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold Pens, &c. GREENSBORO, N. C. * Which will be ■•!«! cheap The Dead ; [ deal in American and Italian Har&le Monnraents and Headstones ' ( would inform the public that I am pre pared to do work as Cheap as any yard in the tate, AND GUAKANTEE PFRFECT ' SATISFACTION. Parties living at a distance will save money by FCLding to me for PRICE LIST anl DRAWINGS. To persons making rlub of six or m«re, I offer the Most liberal induce ments, and on application will forwirl &c„ or visit them in pci son Any kind of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. S. C. ROBERTSON, . ORRRNBHORO. N. C. J. T. CROCKER, ATTORNEY AND COINDBI.LOIt AT I. AW, Atheboro, N. C., SCOTT A CALDWELL, GREENSBORO,' A ssociate Counsel. Practices in the courts of Kaldolph and and adjoining counties. faT Special attention given to the collec of claims. | —. UHcan make n.oncy faster at work for us ■than anything else. Capital not requir ed; we will start you. ®l2 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, and boys and girla wanted everywhere to work ter us. Now is the time COBU Y vstflt and forms free. Address Tsui A Co., Augusta, Maine. mm, of Seminal Wt>akm-*x, lyxl MnuhnnH niwf alldiwrrtrrehrmijht wbvMS i. errtioo or «tt»i Anr Drujcri «t has Inrrr- W Dr. w. J 4«»rr* . «©., ll* IM H. C. TEAGUE, Principal. The sixth session of this School will re-open on the 61b day of January 1879, and continue twenty wecVs. Tuition froniss to 20 dolar* pe scssion. Board, including lights and washing from $6 to $7 per month. For any additional information, address the Principal, Rook Creek N. a t *. Do you know where to buy ready made-wade clothing? Why, at Companj Shops, from J. Q. RANT & CO. Do yon want to buy baggy trimmings? Go to tbe siiops to ~ - J. Q. OANT it CO. Wa-at to bur yonr wife a drtse? You can find anything you want by goiug to J. Q. GANT «fe CO. Thi ? is the time to fix for canning fruit, havn t got the jars and cans. You can get what you need from J. Q. GANT A; CO. Tools arc needed for carpentering and work on the farm. Jou can be supplied by J. Q. GANT & CO. Bound to have shoes, and you ongut fo get them wlieie thev are cheapest and best. Goto the yellow store at Co. Bhops. J. Q. GANT fc CO. Family groceries are a necessity—Sugar, cof fee and molasses can't be- done without. Con cerniug these articles enquire of J. Q. GANT A CO. Can yon spare anything off the farm? Take i to the Shops to J Q. GANT & CO. Scott &Donnell G/aliam N C ' Dealers in DRV no »B*. OROGERIB . HARD IV A KK, II ATM, ROOT AMIIOti*. NOTIONN, IKON, BTEKI., BAI T, MOI.AM SRN, ORI!«8, illRBI €INKS, D V K SI T I I' *•' Ac C AC. 1879 . 1879 Bargains! Bargains!! Boots, Shoes Sf Gaiters, Prices lower than ever. — o-o I respectfully call the attention, of the people of Alamance aud adjoining counties to the fact that I have just received a large and complete stock of leatuer, and shoe findings, which I am prepared to make up promptly, and witli satis faction to all. I have all the latest styles both for Xiadles and Gentlemen and I do none but first class work. Repairing done neatlv and promptly. Thanking the public for the patronage so generously bestowed on me in the past, and promising my best efforts to merit a continuance of the same, \ 1 am yery Respectfully W. N. MURRAY, Graham, N. C Shop East of the Court House. NOTICE. Application will be made at the office of the North Carolina Railroad Company in thirty days from date for issue of Duplicate certificate No. 126, dated September I3;h 1854. for one Bhare of stock in said Company, the original being lost or mislaid. WliXlAm HOLMES. This Ist day of April 1879. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY ON TUESDAY HIE 27th DAY OF MAY, 1879, at Company Shops, I will offer for sale, under Deed of Trust dnly executed by G. Moore and Mary B. Moore and recorded in Trust Register of Al >mance County, the fol lowing real Estate in the town of Company Shops, as the properly of James O. Moore. I. Lot no. 7t> bounded a* follows- Beginning at the Intersection of Davis and Mendenhall streets, thence South de.rees West 319 feet to the intersection of Mendenhall and Means streets, then North 43 degrees. West 664 feet to stake on Means street, corner of lot no. 87, thence North degrees East 819 feet to a stake on Davis street, another corner of Lot no. 87, thence South 43 degrees East 164 feet to fir»t station, (except the part sold by J. E. Boyd assignee to W. C. Tarpiey.) and supposed to contain acres. 11. One other peice or paroel, situate in said Ti.wn,adjoining said Lot. no 76 lying be} ween Da via and Means street, known as Lot no. 87, being now enclosed with and as a part of Lrt no. 76 and suppoeed to contain one and one half acres. ILL One other peice of Land, sitnate in raid Town, and bounded on the Eaaat by the lands of the North Carolina Railroad Company; on the Sooth by the land* of Wil li Cellar*; >a the West by the lands of John Curtis and on the North by t»>e lands of George Truxler, suppoe ed to contain one and one third acres. Known an the "Tan Ysrd Lot." IY. Also the following articles of personal property: One Walnnt Ward-robe, one Sewing Machine, one set of Walnnt furniture, maible top, one Hat Rack, one Centre Table, one Sofa, six Mahogany Parlor Chairs, two cane bottom Chairs, one R"Cking Chair, one Bet Marble Top Furniture, one Book Case and drawers, one Bureau, one Bedstead and Bureau, one Side Board, one other Side Board, Fivt Beds, Mattreanee and Bedding, one Carriage and hameee, one two hone Wagon, one black Mole and one Pony. jWTerma cash, or M announced on day of ■ale. J. W. GRAUAM, Trustee. April *6th 1879. Farmer Friend Plows at SCOTT 4k DON NELL'S. Knitting Cotton A Zephyr Wool, nt SCOTT k DON SEI V* j NEW GOODS - .J. P. R. HARDEN, His just received a new and won , stock of We " "elected Ladies dress goods gjcli as Mack and white Alpaccn* «,.•. Linnens, Piques, Calico's, bleached ind I i Sheetings. scurfs. Handkerchiefs Skirt i" I vaters, cambric and Hamburg Edir'hitn , k sertings, Shawls and Cloak*, dress Hhti,! , 1 "' Fringe, liwnen Collars, Gloves and afin r' " | Hosiery. Also ready made cloihi,,., and of | wear, consisting of cloths, all wool . • laen » ; 6,j wr a " d K h V' t IUC ' i a " 8 ' dressshifc wool undershirts and drawers, Collar, aiutr «? 4 Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, 1* dit morocco and cloth Gaiters. \ tin,. !?ltr of Hardware at d Cutlery, sole, upper Leather, Buggv Harness, Sadies KriHi Halters. Hame-Stnngs. Collars, butr>v w • eSI Cuba and New Orleans Molasses, Bacon i.L s Flour, corn meal. Salt, Coffee and Su-ar' ' Drug. and Medicines. Paints, Stuffs, Cardies, Cakes, canned Orstvni Pi Apples, Strawberries, Sardines, chewine smoking Tobacco, Cigars, a full line of |J' dry and Toilet Soaps. Extracts and PerfuCri' Jayues and Ayers Patent Medicines, 80, i,2: German Syrup and Greens Flower Planters Pride Plow and Plow Castiugs.* Crockery, Glass and Earthernware Indeed any article usually kept iu a fir«t clu, general meichaudise. All of whiel. will be exceedingly cheap for cash or country pnxW We will inake it to your interest to call and Examine otir slock before purchasing Oeto. 29th, 1878. SIN GEfl Family sewing Sarely Abend in Mnlci, *r all C*ai petit* ra. THOSE WHO USE THEM speak in high terms of their merit * Machines Made Etpecialhj for TAILORS, MIOB 9IAKRRS, AND nAHNBSftttAKKRg WHICH ARE UNSURPASSED * We are prepared to sell on Monthly In stalments for country produce, good notes or cash at a lew price, as may best suit the purchaser Do not buy a sewing machine until yon have tnedtlie NINOKK Siugcr Sewing Machine Co. Greensboro, N. C. F. G. CARTLAND, Manager. GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL, GRAHAM, N. C. REV. D A. LONG, A. M. REv . W- W. STALKY, A. M. REV. W. S. LOWG. A. M. Opens August 26th 1878, aud closes the last Friday in May, 1879 Board 98 to $lO and Tuition 13 to 94.50 mouth. Dr. W. F. Bason, mmmim Will attend calls in Alamance and adjoining counties. Address; Haw River, P. 0 N. C. R. MJPBBIOR COCBT. Alamance CM«f. Lucretia Cable Against. ..... * • Heirs at law of Cynthia Young, Me.inda Job, Elizabeth Linnens, Abel Hobbs, tamuel Hobbs, Lewis Hob)w, Susan Barton, Bohemia CauseJ. Emanuel ingle, Susan Hughes, Antbonv Inele A wife Laura, Elizabeth Lamb, Heirs of Frtuikf Thomas. Heirs of Masheta Job, Lizzie & Jobn, Govan Ingle, Heirs of Vincent Ingle, Lew Cable, Polly Job, Hannah Whitsell, Alexaodc Cable, Isabella fable. Emily Gaut, Bad* Holt, Daniel Cable, Pert eclia fickle. Stone, Edna Law, Valentine Cobb, Elim™*® Cobb, Israel Cobb, Jane A. Phipps, Robertson, Meliaa Andrews, Williaiu Wjrick, Newton Wyriek, Cable, Cable, Jane Cable. Wilkins Cable,'o# Caole Saml. Cablo, Milton J. Cable, Cable and EH Cable. This is a special proceeding for theallotai*" of dower of do>-er, by Lucretia, *. , " ow . Israel Cable.and it appearing totbe wtwhctioo of the court that the heirs of Cynthia Um*. names and tx-xe* «nkm»wn, Elizabeth "T nens Abel Hobbe, BaroL and EHml* » Lamb, heirs of Kr»*ky Thomas, nam* .*"■ i sexes unknown, heirs of Masheta . I and John, Gavan Ingle, heirs of . Ingle, Daniel Cable, Susannah Stone. Ne«*» Wyriek and William Cable, are all partiea to said proceeding, and are residents of Urn SUte, it is therefore order* Tl at publication be m de for them Au«a*ci Oiusn • newspaper pn weesly. in* the town of Graham-J". suocaeire weeks, ia Kea of pewoaal summons, and that if they fail to appea answer or den ur within twenty on® . "iheffl. decree pro eoifinatr will be ettered as ' Done at office ia Qiahaa I March 28th 187t. f c AlalSceConaty. E. S. PABKEB" GRAHAM N. C., i' « *'V ~ •■- . 1 Attorney at Law Practice In Alamance and adjolaln* c° D and in the Kedaral courts _ 1 "Iron can find the hest stock and cb P® goods at SCOTT A DONNELLY- - All hinds of Conntry exchange for Goods, at SCOfT « NELL'a.

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