_ ..» ' ' t#S' .-fSiV ; i ».> #?"*};*» | •', ■4 - '4 JiMij .it r nil I VOL * jgra^ANEn WEBfcLY BT S/PAR^ lirnkaii W. ®» fltii * f' - Subscription. Pctaye Paid : gR.-=JS®W *u ll >h n ns a club of ten ful>- Kvery Kth th" each, entitles himself to one Ifo Departure from the Cash System B«i«» .fJlwrtl«b» Transient rfvc^Xf^ J'"."™ SI « »lV 00. Js oS Traiunent advertisement* #1 per sqttare JSffi and fifty cents for each subse ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices reduced Mt'J Perfected Farmer* IWead *PISWs Hada lit Ptterxliun; Va. (he Hone No. 5 Price *4.f10 Two Hone No. 7 « Tiro Horse No. i% £ Two Horpe No. 8 • ¥>& For sale at Graham y g CQTT & DONNE J.L. RALEIGH, N.TCi t, w, BLACKNAM., Pr*prict«r, Rates reduced to suit the times. THE GENUINE DR. G. McLAJKE^S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. >7, Tf ■" OV '* ' SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. WHE countenance is pale and leaden *■ colored, with occasional flushes, or 1 circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dyltfthe pu pils dilate;' an asdrF semiaSle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is ir ntated, swells, ami sometimes bleeds; aswellingof the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or ithr&bbing of tie eats; an unusual secretion of ta)lva ; or furred tongue; breath tcry particularly in the motninga *PP«itevariable, sometimes voracious*,. *«h a pawing sensation of the stom at Others, entirely gone; fleeting P m the stomach; occasional tonsea and vomiting; violent pains ~°"ghout the abdomen; bowels ir- at times costive; stools 5 Mjy iwoltea and hard; urine turro#J Juration occasionally difficult, and by hiccough; cough '^ raes dry and convulsive; uneasy Hw> ls ! sleep, with grinding of C^eaW S?mptOTl s' are found to exist, C - McLANE'S VERMIFUGE *3l certainly effect a dsn.* T Y n Do « not contain mercurt tion o^" 11 *** 311 prepara itan # of doing the slightest Under infant. JSHEj* XcUirt v m - the signatures of C. Mc trippe^ 1 Fleming Bros. on the DR. C. McLANE'S UVER PILLS *eiß» tt!?S"y? d . cd » » remedy "for all * Krrr j " J to >" nt ' n affections they stand wit^TritaL IANDI AND FEVER. preparatory I m .nequaled. t box hT. ««g*r coated. 11 I*l 1 * 1 Ltt» h pS tb * genuine c Mc " THE PKOFHMOR* Nl'BNTrrt'Tß, PrOfcasorßdrtd'sbtowsWere knit in honest perplexity, and he brnshed up his thagg* fenay hair wit 6 bis, Render w lnto liaiktl, while his keen but kpidly eyes werd fixed apon a sweet leoadgldstahd >"K modeajly betqre hiip, ! 'You are sucli a child: he said present ,y. 'I am fifteen, Hdrr Professor.' *Wr" Ug 'But Ido not have to do more than feanh them, and I can do (hat because— ,afid here-Iter lo#, sweet voice broke,and the sensitive iips quivered piteously— "inj father was traiuiijg u* *fr a teachs *■#ll ??-»*¥ Trs 'll'm! Yexi' •It you will only let me try, Korr Pro-, fes-or, until my father is stronger. The i a few weeks of outire jest is fall fie need/, but if his salary is slopped how ore we to live?' E|i4uM|ioM'B ImirainitutiaL It waß M ' 'vv i x?!y °m4 jg^»^|ii° w&fT" Pmfessorochdrn was MsTlerman teacher, and three distinct classes of pupils wete expecting to recite to hiin that very day. It was impossible to find another competent teacher for some days, ami Prolesoer Schorn had had a stroke of paralysis. In this emergency the profes sor's only child, Doretta, had ofteied her services. f fMpf* B n l * a^ amt t|,e ff§ % frufi, gray haired German of sixtv or there* abouts, a slender girl of fiuecu, with a ,voicQjHke lyflitlT, and a smile like a fTWioyT YK'fliere was resolution too in tbc blue eyes and on the pretty lipp, 'you may try. lam within call if you u44dn>e4 ,ff /f 7 And Doretta, with a long, quivering sigh, followed him to a c'ass \-ooui where about iweuty boys awaited the arrival lof Ucn»tu» An.w; I'rotess- I or Hb(.^igfa geutle I pathos: 'My poor father lies helpless at home, and pre shall starve if I cannot do his I work hertf.y Yon knofe him and love a«d .I an> sure you will not make it too hard lor me.' All the boy chivalry wakened at flu*, and the class as a whole was exemplary. There were some imperfect lessons, but little inattention? and the new teacher excused uothing, let no mistake pass undiscovered, llerown knowledge of English was belter thau her father's, and, greatly to his amazement, Professor Bond found the classes progressing fuv> orably. The second school term of the year made soino changes, and one morning Doretla, lining her soft blue eyes to her class, found a new boy facing her. He had large, dark eye®, a handsome face, a strong figure, and rather awed her be* cause he was older than any of her class. She found hie name upon her book- Sidney Byiiear, and her pretty lace clouded as sheNjad it, for there were vague but unpleasant memories aaso* elated with the name of Ryuear iu her But Siduey Bynear was the very pink or courtesy. Just from New York, bis clothing was in the la|£st ■*>'•«» • Et nineteen foppishness is not W offensive as at tweuty-niue. Only a boy aud a girl Uking was the casnU of tbe meet rotpaaoe Of a Irst We Misted all winter, aiid, as spring opened, Professor Schorn gaMled hiMtrength nntil be could hobble aud talk of resuming duties. It was In April that IftiieDWetta staved at home to cook the soup, aud her father went once more lo the seminary to teach the, bovs German. She waa. restless, this pretty Doretta. that day. She told her self she missed the boys, but did not ad mit eten to her own heart that if she could have retained one scholar she ccnld have well spared the others. Duly one hour bad passed wheu a car riage drovp swiftly to the door of the little cvttage, and Doretta, hwryiug out saw three m»u catrying J»lher up the garden path, while following with a trigbieued face, came Siduey Bynear and the doctor. 'I went lor the doctor as fast as l could/ Sidney whispered, taking DoreSi ta'a litlle. cold hand in his warm clasM 'and we met the carqpge at the jfaiejj tun no end of sorry, Betta, but I—it MV —he—it was seeing me—l am afraid— «Wbatr abe said. . fa#.. )K 'Why, yon see, he w*as an right, teach ing tbe class, wbeu be *aw me and turned as white as a ghost! 11(5 a 8 J ed me my name, and as hear it, dropped down like afopßw*! GRAHAM, N. O, All this was epoken hurriedly, and Doret's was too busy tor ho bis to weigh the hasty words. . >», :o ««,• r > h • 'A second stroke,' the doctor said. snd Doretta watched hungrily for ouo return of consciousness. h ■ ■ Towards" midnight, the invalid moved slighlv, and in a moment Doretta *vas bending over him, meeting the glance of his large haggard eyes fixed upou her face. 'Rynear!' her father said, in thick utterance. *He here—diamond studs— and yon—rich—starving—curse him! I curse hit L!' The passionate utterances of the last words exhausted him, and he lay pants ing, while Doretta tried to coax him to take a stimulant left by the doctor. But he moved his head from the spoon— muttering, 'Rvnearl Rynear! my ruin -my curse 1' and again the distorted tace warned Doretta of a third stroke. Before the day dawned che was lather less. It was not strange, with that scene fresh iu her mind, that sfie shrank from Sidney's well-meant efforr atDon solation; but as the weary days wore oil this gave way before kindly services. How could he have wronged lier father, when he mpst have been a mere child, twelve years before, wheu the Schorns had left New York! Time, with its many changes, brought comfort to Doretta, who obtained a sit uation as governess in a private family, and went abroad with her pupil and her parents. Sidney Ryufcar left the country village to enter his father's counting house in New York, vowed eternal con stancy to Doretta, aRd forgot her in six months. Five years later, In a private room in one of the New YorkjiotoJs, two gentle* men. one a middle aged lawyer, one a man still yoong'and exceptionally hand some, were talking together. ' 'The whole matter rests with you/ the older man was saying; 'I will give yon the facts, but you understand I accepted them in confidence, and will never re- i them alter to-night.' 'I understand,' said his compauion, gravely. ! ' v ' '• * 'Your father left my office three weeks ago, iu perfect health; one hour after 1 was summoned to his death bed, and found him suffering Iroin fatal injuries from a building that had fallen as he was passing.' •I know/ 'He had made his will years ago, leaving .you his heir, with the exception ot a few legacies.' 4 1 have seen the will.' 'Ah, yes. Well, in his dying mo*, meats he desired to have a new will diawn, but finding death approach too fast he made his confession to me, and 1 swore to repeat it to you.' m 'Confession 1' burst from the yoaug Iran's lips, white his face grew white. ,'I repeat his own words. Years ago, wheu he was in manufacturing busiuess in Harlem, your father employed a fore* man named Schorn, a German with but an imperfect knowledge of English, but #itb a genius for mechanics. This man had been for years studying out and perfecting a valuable discovery in the branch of manufacture your father carried on, and it was to test the valoe of his machine that he entered your father's house. Ignorant of the language, and the laws ot this country, be coufided his serines to your father who under, took to have his invention pstentod and introduced. This ho did, only in so doing he substituted the name of Sydney Rynear for that of Herman Schorn, aud obtained full possession aud control or the patent, upou which he built an enormous fortune which yon inherit. •The German, Schorn, in vain tried to gain his rights; be was poor, an alien, I a scholar, and he was crushed down and i driven away by the superior wealth and influence of his employer. Yonr father saw his death in a paper some years ago bat bis charge to yon Is to seek out bis heirs, and divide with them the fortune out ot which their lather was defrauded. If yoa wish to treat this story as a death bed chimera, yon may do so. I will not betray you. If you desire Uprtfcy yonr fiber's last request I mnli rid yon inaterially,where to ' ~T)ne more reJj W Wmtfn even, revolving wbei; and six months after this conversaOn, I ask my reader to TSSiSttt .Paris It iy Isxnnoss heme, bnt the dress ot aMr haired girl sitting near one of tbqr open windows, Is only a white cambric taileftilly made, while her hbfmdqgt fair baiaie without orna ment toils own glossy beauty. She Li lifting sky blue eyes to the handsome faceNri a gentleman iu deep mourning, who is talking to her earnest ly. And this is what sho savs: 'You know all now! Yen know why your fatliei cursed mine Upon Ids death bed, and why I must make such restitu* tiou as lies in my to his child. 1 camo to Paris only to do this, but since I have been here, Retta, 1 have learned a new lesson of life-p-the lesson of love, little Retta. 1 love you, my darling, I lovfeyou I Qan you let the cruel past slefip/ladbe my wife?' Very shyly slic whispered: * •I have always loved you, Sydney. I think 1 gave yon my lieart oti the first dav wiien yon came into my class at L- Seminary. For I have never forgotten yon, though I long ago gave up all hope of ever seeing you again.' So the world was none the wiser when Sidney Rynear settled half his large estate upen his lair young wife and only the lawyer who draw the deeds knew that they were, payment for a long standing debt, and that lor . the second time pretty Doretta was Professor Scborn's substitute. ntinsa or NiwsrArfias, The American journalist possesses a fund of dry humor which- he knows well how to apply He is famous for in i suiting oy implication; few understand tlie art better. A California editor invested in a mule and the fact was chronicled nnder the heading, "Re» mark able instance of sfclf-porteasion." Said one Milwaukee editor of cnothen "lie is one of the tew journaiiats who can put anything in his mouth without fear of its stealing anything;" and when s Wwtern editor wrote, "We eemxft. tell a He; it whs eo)d yesterday," his ritral quoted his retnarh with the addition, "The latter Statrment is iueoasrovsrtthle, but the former?" Said an Idaho journal;. "The weather hss osen hot sgaia - for the last few day»; the only mdief we could gut was to lis down en the Herald aud covet ourselves with the there is a great coolnea bet.ween them." This kind ot ooolivos often brings about an amusing interchange of incivilities. A Michigan journalist declared in hia paper that a certain editor had seven toes. The slendered man thereupon relieved his mind in s "leader," denouncing tfcfe the statement as unwarranted,- and ita author as devoid of truth and a scoundrel to boot.-> • The •' 'offending gentleman replied that he never wished it to be understood that all the seven toee were upon one foot, and the victim of the sell waa thoroughly laughed at. "We are living at this moment under i des|K»tism." His opponent kiudly exclaimed: **Our contemporary means to say he has recently got married." A newspaper writer aaaerts that bis Hiico»tors had been in the habit of living a hundred years. To which another responds: "That must have been before the inttoduction of capital pnnirh ment." The proprietor of A Western jonrual announeed his intention of sending fifty dollars on '*a new head" for it. "Do not do it," advised s tiyal sheet; "better keep the money end buy a new head for the editor"—which implied a great deal. BITALINO vn.(.UN TIIX, ScaaMrHarykr* >fc»«H«i Ijfl" from »m AMikm >—«, [New York Sao ] ASBCRT P 4RK, May I.—The most re markable *5000119 that has eVer taken place in Momnouib county waa done ou the Murphy Ann, at Deal Beach, oue mile north of Asbury Park, yesterday. It recalls the old story of William Tell'* •booting the apple from his son's head. Senator Thomas Murphy, ex-collector of the port of New York, and now repre senting in Albany the Senatorial district won from Tammany Hall by (he lato John Uorrissey. and afterwards by Mr. Mnrphy himself, has two sons. Edgar and Walter, who are known as the crack ed shots ot the celebrated Long Branch (inn Club. The young gentlemen amus ed themselves yesterday, to the alarm aix! terror of all their friends, by shoot ing spplSs from ooe another's beads, at fifteen yards, with Ballard rifles carrying 22-100 calibre balls. The dangerous amassment was begun by their shooting apples held in their outstretched bands. They then agreed to Are st apples plseed ou their heads. After measuring the dietauee. the young men removed their hats, placed the. aps pies on their bare beads y and took turns at the mark, boring the apples with (be bullets every time. The final shots were fi«ed a! the word; that is, each brother placed an apple On bis bead, and, bokl lag a loaded rifle, eatkftl ooe, two, three, fire. At the last word both fired. Both apples were bit and rolled off. The young marksmen said to the Smn reporter, * Why, its perfectly simple and safe. We draw the bead ou the top of the stem of the apple, and of course we hit it. A lady who was teasing for Boinethta2VMgMEßMil un til breakfast. With a tear be burst out: 'I jest Honestly think you're a stepmother!' ! ."Zion'sHerald" tella a good story of j)ld time discipline et Wilbi>bam Semi* nary, when Kev. Dr. Fisk waa the pre siding officer: There was oae minister's son, now in the New Englaud conference (and a very faithful and useful pastor he baa a member of a very large ministerial family, who in hia academic days war as full of mischief as the pros verbial minister'a son is suppoeed to be. He taxed the well known elastic patienoe of l>r. Fisk to the last degree. Finally the dootor said to him, after n capital act of conduct, "feu must prepare your self for a severe whipping;'' the time for which was duly appointed. The doctor was on hand, very innch more affected, apparently, than the irrepressible mis chief-u aker. After, a solemn discourse in that moat melting tone of voice tliat no one can forget who ever heard it, the doctor drew his rattan and laid it with considerable unction upon the boy'a back. Nothing but dust followed the blow. The subject of the discipline waa entirely at hia ease, and evidently qidte unoofteeious of the stroke. "Takeoff your coat, was the next oomssand, for th* doctor waa now a little roused. » Again whiatled the rattan around the boy'a shoulders, bnt with no more effect. - . "Take off your vest, aisl" shouted the doetor. Off went the vest; hot there was an other under it. ; «, "Off with the the doctor. . ... , , The astoniahssent of administrator of justice can well be ynagined as he ex (•oeed a large oodifiab,'defending the back of the cnlprtt like a shield, while below there was evidently stretching over other exposed portions of Up body a stout leather apron. "What does thai mean?" said the doctor, choking with or some> thing just Its opposite. ( ,«w , "Whj # "asid. graafc,mgt)% in s MrticuUrlv humble and Dersunsive tone, "yon told ms, doctor, to ps¥pare myself for panishmeat, and I have. done so in the best way 1 oould 1" It waa onto( the question to pursue that act of discipline uny further at that' time. Aqditif doubtful wfceUupr it waa ever resumed again. TM aANDSSKB MAW. It is qnite unessential that a man should be handsome. Let him pray the gods, in the first place, to make bim a gentle mau—a gentleman at borne as well as abroad. Let bim stipulate for a fine fig ure and a courtly manner, aud leave it to their discretion after tbat to shape bis eves,nose aud month, provided they don't make tbein hideous. Save us from your plaid-painted, bordered>vested, big-cra» vated, moostaohed, oologne sprinkled, bejeweled, brainless exquisite! Give us a well informed, plainly dressed, sefr pos sessed intelligent masculine, perfectly at borne upou sll subjects, foreign aud domestic; neither cringing to the greet nor oppressing the little; who puts one baud on his sword and tlie ether on his heart when a woman's name is mention ed ; who raises no blush ou bs cheek ot humble innocence, who holds iu cons tempt no living thing that God has made, wbo can pity this weakaud er ring without a Pharisaical reviling wbo can argue without loss of temper sud dignity, wbo scorns a bribe or an oatb, who hies an arm tor trembling age, a smile for prattling infancy, and a strong, brave lieert lor tlie oppressed and de* fenceless. Bnt a 'pretty man, a pink and white Sir Brainless/ the united work of tailor, batter, shoemaker ar.d perfumer! Ileaven save the mark! Women know better. BELr»RttFEcT.—Alwaya remainbor no one can deoose yon but yourself. Slander, satire, falsehood, injustice— these can never rob yon of yoor man hood. Men may lie about you, they may denounce you, thiy may cherish suspicions manifold, they may make yoor failings the target of their wit or cruelty; never be alarmed; never swerve an inch from the line your judgment and conscience havejnarked out for yon. They canadlf hy all their efforts, take i away yonr knowledge of yourself, the purity oi yonr motives, and integrity of character'and the generosity of yonr nature. While these are left, yon are, in point of fact, unharmed. ft Boys, the habit of obeying at onoe is oae of the beat habits in ths world. It naafcea prosspt active, energetic business men. Why, it la the "now at once right off," that leads all the work ii the world and gets psy for it too. A boy that ie prompt aud reedy will be jest the boy that will gat jnooesasended for a plaoe irt a store oc.gn office, and when in the plase be will Map it until he geta promoted, till finally he heoomei n member off the firm and probably ita manager.' All this becauae be if on band reedy and prompt; sees what needs to be ddost and ia ready to do it. The fblloariqg appears in a Boston paper: "Wvited—A. reliable nwpfcman; must not be anier 60 yeeifrof sge;alatne one eyed homely man preferred. Meet be a good careful driver. A? wife end children no objection. No young bach- I elor need apply." j NO, 12 RKVOMITIOKIRV ANBCSOTe, It wAs k flue Sabbath morning, In the year 1777, tlijrt lhe inhabitant* of a little parish In the Slate of Vermont, and oa rtw border* of Now Hampshire, assembled in I heir accustomed place oi worship. The care* of lust fearful and loitjf-10-be-reincnibereil - Fmntner had imprinted an niiU9U:iiiy serums look npou the rough, though not u:>nk»a«aiif, countenance ot the nia'o mombecs of tlint little cbngregmto?:. T:»e rigid feat area re'axoti, however as !'«y entered that b&liowed place, t-id felt the genial iAftaeiwe ot a «n miner' «uw, whose rays illuminated the sanctuary and played upon i.je de*l- ami countenance oi hlaa wK) mi*;stee«t there, lie was a venerable man, aid hie whitened loci' a.nd tot;er**»# evidenced that be bad rmnbe^etf'' Mure aad ten yearn. Opening the' Nicred volume die uiibidct waa »boei to commence the service* of the mur ing, when a messenger, z.mott breath less, rushed into the tbn re I*,exclaiming.- 1 *,exclaiming.- "The enemy arc manuring apja er western ooau'Ueal" —-• The man looked sronnd npon l»r congregation and announced h>« *exi : "He that hath a garment let Mm Be: ic and bay a sword/* Alter a ' few preliminary remarks, be added: *4l > ap, my trtende, 1 beseech you. to the Lelj of yonr neighbors agaimt the taigfiiy. Advance Into the field Of battle i* ..*' Uv will master the host* ot war. liefigk*' la too mneh interested lis the soeeew this dhy not to laud Jmr influent. A - for myself, age sit* heavily upon d»e a I caundtgo with yon; iliisMßi hsve ! representatives ot my Csniily tn My ilaegM— my daughters huhA draw the sword nor bauifie the WiWt. . in defence of their country, bit thev can oae the boe, so that whep fUc foil worn soldier returns from the fiefct +t battle be nay ft win fas the sste aries ; jwniil fcis-iaflieii 3 Widgwne.- Oqfr ossihtgr lad uleatljr Istt the htmm b * the sy bfiUlmt d*yjwi who beat armo, wyt" L their way *siae«t thh enemies oT'tbr ? country on. tbe field et Bennigto*. , -# -f j ■ 1 »i s T A well dieeeed negro applied to •' judga of probate of Mobile for a riage license. Ha waaaeked how o! intended waa, and answered, with gen animation: "Ju« sixteen, judge— aw. sixteen, and de handsomest girl j® to*>. The judge said he coul not do.it, a* ♦ law forbade biin to issue tines as to .. one under eighteen. "Wtl!, hold f jodg* w exclaimed the* man. rt l kt dat dem girla am deceit&l and He f.V deir aye. She ia nineteen if a day. «• V .?* yon swear to itf* asked tiia j "Tea, ■ah," he replied; and did. «h old are you?** said the judte. Urn db*~ looked suspicious, end repbod, caetioo* ly: "Thirty-five,'* and added, "If da won't do judge, Fve got more back " Olive Logan ssystbat the dnteke *- marchiooemea end other noble ladle. '>• write to her oan'k spell and don't um stand graftinmr. Thia ignorance ia • confined to the ladies of nobility, Oj_ Yon ahonld aee the frightful puoctua ' . in eeme of the letters we have nee..« from Emperor itf iltiam. And a (to > miaaive tent na by the' Czar of Rt.~ - alaughtera grammer in a Bulgarian m~#- ner. And then the speaking of Prince of Walea! It's awfuL In the k»\ ter now before ua be eat nelly strel labor With a •'boor." They can't « and pnnetnate worth a cent, Olive; we are strongly tempted to cut 'em our list ofoorreepondentaon thia «k —UorriUown Harold. A venerable but eeoentric menu of the Presbytery, lately attempting get into the fell into \ canal. He was drawn out half drown* ' and oonveyed to a house in the ti-.> *- '* hoi hood, where he wee pot to 'Will ye take seme spirits ep'f w , sir?" aaked hie considerate best. na! I have had pkplr o' wnter fo iay; I'll take the qpuita alone." A yonng woman who had never 1; ed the gsntle art of cookery, being' ions oi impressing her husband wi;"- '»-r knowledge and. diligence, manage. i have the kitchen door ajar on th after their return from the bi iaa.l end just ea bei lord comee in frcu> i often exclaimeloudly; "Hurry up, v.— ~ do! Haven*t yon washed the lettuw Here, give it to me; where's the ec v . A 'title follow in Oonnrotienfc *• i his parenta to take him to cLnreh «■! t diem. They aaid he must wait: rvfi was older. "Well," was bis ? ; suggestion, ip response, h take me now; for whew I get bigger x may not want to go." The would be ansassin of the C -u: m said to have been a school teacUec, y - be most have been a miserable *,r; , any school teacher wbo could miar * - pseea certainly isn't fit to tench ladies how to shoot. "What are yon about? *t-■»-" elauned a country editor the o to his wife, who wes touch.- ; QOTaplijinn before the look in™ * "Only getting up my dear,* was the reply.