VOL 5 THE til-MNKK • PUBI.IS'HKD WEEKLY BT K S. PARKER Uraham, tf. C, iiHi't . &-•; . 4ss Kf ♦ Mate* of Hubicription. Pottaye f*aid : One tear ..,..........*1.50 Six Months .. Tii roe Months -'Off?j • Every person sending us a club of ten suti scrlbcrs with th« cash, entitles himself to one opy free, for the lenjrh of time for which the (•luli Is made up. to different offices No Departure Extern Rales *f AdrertUini Transient advertisements payable In advance: yearly advertisements quarterly iu advance. 1 ni. |SB- m. Bm. I 6 in. jl3 m. 1 quare t?s|jSßfls (^jowl^OO 9 8 OtfTi tjfl 0 001 10.00) IS 00 Transient advertisement* $1 per square for he first, and fifty cents for each subse %uent Insertion. ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices reduced ' ! —— ' ' Petersburg Va. *. * One Horse, No. 5 Price,, $4.00 Two Horse No. 7 ':««■•■ 6.00 Two Horse No. 7>f . " «.80 Two Horse No. 8 J - i For sale at Graham by SCOTT A DONNJLI,. Yarbrt^ttSEEi RALEIGH,N.C. H, W, BL.ACKNAI.iI, Praprlelor, Bates reduced times. 'V» " 'uw- —— the 4s«3e©Ox) DR. C.ItteLANE'S Celebrated Amencan WORM SPECIFIC" " OR -Aum-'iijiiii VERMIFUGE. . } '/vi f} — { >.m-U fHr*.' SYMPTOMS OF WpRMS. - fTHE countenance is pale and leaden- J- coldred, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the.lQjver.eye-ljd;, thenose is ir ritated, swells, and"sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with hummi%,or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion q£| j saliva; sltmy or furred tongue; bream | appetite vanaMe, sometimes voraciousj 1 with a gnawing sensation of th© stom- ] ach, at others,entirely gone; fleeting j pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting: violent sains throughout die abdomen; bowK§ Jj times jtpls^^j accompanied »by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive j uneasy and disturbed sleep, w4th grinding of the teeth variable, but gener- DR. C. will certainly effect a cure. * IT. BOSS NOT. in any form; it is.an innocent prejmnP tion, rul fapabk of doing fhe 'sßghkst injury to the most tender infant. The genuine DR. MCLANE'S VER MIFUGE bears the signatures of C. Mc- LANE and FLEMING BROS, on the D&. C. McLANX'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to,",but In affections of.the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. / No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after Uiin^Quinine. As a simple, purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE or URATIOna "V ; . The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Da. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. MCLAXE and FLEMING BROS. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. MC LANE'S LIVER PILLS, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Fa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLune f spelled differently bat same pronunciation. TBS PHOFBSMRS RVESTITCTB, Professor adndVbrowfc WW* knit in honest perplexity, and he brushed up his shaggy gray hair with his slender white baud, while bis keen but kindly oves were Axed upon i sweet iaced girl stand ing modestly betori: him. i *Vou are such * child! he laid prcsout- Iy ' »'■ ,1/ 'I am fifteen, Herr Professor.' 'Agre*tjge! and these are all big boys, you see.' and here iter low, sweet voice broke,and the sensitive iips quivered piteously— "mj father was training me for a teachs •■©*/ ' it 'lt you wiU OiilV let me try, Herr Pro>> fes-or, until my father is stronger. The doctor says a few weeks ot entire rest i« all he needs, but if his salary is stopped •how,aro*we to live?" \ # >•, J*| * fcrofeasfrr BondZs Crbffs kfllt Wfajn. It was a dilemma mit ofwhich he saw no* way. OKinan three, ilialiitot .lam of pdpus were expecting to recite to him ■that very day. It was isspossibleto find another competent teacher for some days, and Proiesser Schorn had had a stroke of paralysis. In this emergen sy the profes sor's only child, Doretta, hadofteied her services. Professor Bond was puzzled about the expediency ot substituting for a grutl, abouts, a 6tendei'girl $f flrieen, with a voice hke a #ute, andt a smilo like a baby. Yet there was resolution too iu tbc.lftue eyes and on the pretty Hps, while the low, broadbrow promised in* ; ' Well,'h# said, after a long pause, may Iry. lam vvhbln c you ®eed«e? & W '" And Doretta, with a long, quivering sigh, lollowtd him to a class room where about twenty boys awaited the arrival •of the German Prolessor. After Proless ar Bond, left her, she stud, with a gentle and we shall starve If I cannot do his work hfure. him and lave him. and 1 am sure you will not make it too hard lor me.' AUth# boy chivalry wakoned at Ibis, and the cla«s as a whole was exemplary . There were some imperfect lessons, but little inattention, and the now teacher excused nothing, let no mistake pass undiscovered. Her own knowledge of English was better than her father's, and, greatly to his amazement, Professor Bond found the classes progressing fav« orably. ~ The second school. t*Vm of the year made some and one morning Doretta, lifting her 'J&biue eyes to her class, found a new boy feeing her. He as at twenty-nine. OuJfp® JtoJS iind a liking was the result oFtbe meet-, hobble about on cratches, Mud talk of rStuming ha iWerrupted duties. It was j" home W Boa M»d father went once' mO#e to the seminary to teach the boys German. She was restless, this pretty Doretta* that day. She told her self she missed the boys, but did no| ad mit even to her o\tn heart that if she conld have retained one scholar she cculd have well spared the others. ' Only one honr had'passed when a car riage drove swiftly, t? the door of the little cottage, and Doretta, hurrying out saw three mep carrying her father up the garden path, white following with a 1 tightened face, oame Siduey Kynear and the doctor. 1 went lor the doctor as fast as I could,' Sidney whispered, taking Doret> ta's little, cold hand ia his warm cI|MM 'and ye met the carriage at the am no end of sorry, Retta, but I—it tact —he—it was seeing me—l am alraid—' •Whatr She said. 'Why, you see, he was all right, teach ing the class, when he saw me suddenly, and turned as white as a ghost I He ask» ed me py name, and as soon as he hoard it, dropped down like asHjgi man!' | GRAHAM, N. O, All this Was spoken hurriedly, and the hasty words. iML second stroke,' the doctor said, and Doretta watched hungrily for one return of consciousness. ■ " Towards iniduight. the invalid moved slighlv, and in a moment Doretta was bending over him, meeting the glance of bis large haggard eyes fixed upon hfy face. i. yfUf'- •'.-...VTC, 'ltvnear I' her father -said, in thick utterance. 'He here^-diamond stud*— and you—rich—starving—curse hluil I curse bin. I' ,«.u^ The passionate UMerances ot the last words exhausted him, and lie lay pants hig, while Doretta tried to coax him to take a stimulant lett by the ductor. But he moved hie bead from the spoon muttering, 'Rynenr! Ry nearf my ruin - my v curse 1' and again the" distorted face warned Doretta of a third stroke, fieione the day dawned i>he was lather less. ( . ' ... It watTnof strange, w!lS*"that death scene fresh in ber mind,.that she shrank from Sidney's well-meant effort at con solation ; but as the weary days wore on this gave way. before kindly services. How could he batawronged her father, when he must have been a mere child, twelve years before, when the Schoras had leit New Yofk! ! Time, with its many changes, brought comfort to Doretta, who-obtained a sit uation as governess in a private family, and went abroad with her pupil and her parents. Sidney Rynear left the country village to enter his father's counting house in Now York, vowed eternal con stancy to Dotfltta, and forgot her in six months. Five y«ui later, in a private room iu one of the New York hotels, two gentle men*, pne a middle sged lawyer. one a mau still young and exceptionally hand some, were talking together. ' 'The whole matter rests with you,' the older {pan was sa>jbg. 'I will give you the &ets f understand I accepted them in ounfidende, and Will never re peat them alter to-night.' 'I understand,' said bis companion, gravely. •, k „,-? •. .> r. » 'Your father left my office three weeks ago, iu perfect health; one hour after I was summoned to his death bed, and found him suffering from fatal injuries from a building that bad fallen as lie was passing.' •I know,' 'He had mad* his will years ago, leaving you his heir, with the exception ot a few legacies.' , , , , 'I have seen the will.' 'Ah, yes. Weil, in his dying mo meuts he desired to have a new will diawu, but finding death spproaoh too fast he made his confession to me, and 1 swore to repeat it to you.' 'Confession I' burst from the young Iran's lips, white his face grew white. 'I repeat his own words. Years ago, jvhen be was in manufacturing business |u Harlem, your father employed a fore" man unmed Scborn, a German with but an imperfect knowledge of English, but with a genius for mechanics. This mau had been for years studying out and perfecting a valuable dlsoovery in the branch of manufacture your lather carded on, and it waa to test the value of his machine tbat he entered your father's house. Ignorant of the lauguage, and the laws o| this country, be coufided his schemes to yonr father who muter* took to have his invention pstenled 'and introduced. This he did, only in so doing he substituted the name of Sydney Itynear for that ot Herman Schorn, and obtained fall possession and eontrol of tho patent, apou which be built an enormous fortune which you inherit. "Tbe-German.Htehowi in vain tried to gain bis rights; he w«**Jpor, an alien, a scholar, and he was crushed down and driven away by the superior wealth and influence of liis employer. Yonr father saw his death in a paper some years ago but his charge to you is to seek out his heirs, and divide with them- the fortune Otft of which their lather was defraudod. If you wish to treat this story as a death bed chimera, you may do so. 1 will not betray you. If you desire to obey your father's last request I will aid you materially, for I can tell jou where to acjL SidnaPtyatMMPd, iu a low strictly, Oue more of time's ever, revolving wheel, and six months after this conversation, J ask my reader to look with me Into a very pretty sitting* room in a house on the outskirts of Paris. It is a luxurious home, but the dress or a fair haired girl sitting near i j one of the open windows, is only a [white cambric tastefully made, while■ TIEESDAY i MAY * 20-1879 her abundant fair hair is without Orna fly blue eyes to the handsome fece of a gentleman 111 deep mourning, who is talkiugte her earnest- ¥ ly. And tbh is w hat site mjth I •You know all now! You know why your Jathei cursed mii»e upou his death* ( bed, and why I moat make such rostlln* tlon as lies in my power to his child. I c&mo to Paris only to do this, but since I i jßte been here, Retta, I have learued ' a' new lesson cif life-the lesson or tore, 1 little Retta. 1 love you, my darling, I 1 love you 1' Can you lot the cruel past sleep, RMI bo oty wife?* !»H * Very ahvly »l»e whispered* H 4 1 base always loved you, Sydney. I j think I gave you my heart on the first , dav when you came into my class at i L&— Seminary. For 1 have never i forgotten yon, tbougii I long ago gave up all hope of ever seeing you again.' ; J So the world was none the wiser 1 when Sidney R/nenr settled half his large estate upan his fair young wife and onlv the lawver who drew the deeds knew that ther were. payment for a long standing debt, and that tor the aeoond time pretty Doretta was Professor Suhorn's substitute. * ■• , * miaoßor NitfiMriiii * The American journalist possesses a I- fund of dry humor which he knows well how to apply tie is famous for in sulting oy implication; few understand the art better. A California editor invested in a mule and the fact was chronicled under the heading, "Re markable instance of self-possession." Said one Milwaukee editor of another: "He is one of the lew journalists who can put anything in* bis mouth without fear a£ its stealing any thing;" and when a Wwtern editoMgfote, "We cannot tell , a lie; it waa oour yesterday," his rival quoted his remark with the addition, "The Utter statement is incontrovertible,, but the former?" Said an Idaho journal; , "The weather has been hot again for the last few day#}" the only relief we oould get waa to lie down on the Herald and corner"ourselves with the Bulletin— there Is a great coolftes between them." This kind of coolness often brings about an amnsing interchange of incivilities. A Michigan Journalist declared in his paper that a certain .editor had seven toes. The slandered man thereupon relieved his mind in a "leader," denouncing the the statement as unwarranted, and lis author a*' devoid -of truth and a scoundrel ta boot. The offending gentleman replied that tie never wished it to be understood that all the seven toea were upon one foot, and the victim of the sell was thoroughly laughed at. "We are living at this moment under a despotism." His opponent kindly exclaimed: '*Ou* contemporary means to say he has recently , got married." A newspaper writer asserts that bis ancestors bad been in the habit of living a hundred years. To which another responds: "That must have been before the intioduciinn of capital, punirh* ment." The proprietor of a Western jonrnal announced his intention of Handing fifty dollars on "a hew head" for it. "De not do it," advised a rival sheet; "better keep the money and buy a new head for the editor"—which implied a great deal. atVAtINQ \VII,LIAn TILL, l«»l*r Natrpfcr* S«h RkMitaf Awe »m iMiktn BmuU, » [K«w Turk Bnn ] May I.—The most re markable shoot lug that has ever takeu place li| Monmouth county was dono on the Murphy farm, at Deal JBeacb, one mile north of Asbury Park, yesterday. It recalls the old story of William Tell's shooting the apple from his son's bead. Seustor Thomas Murphy, ex-collector of ' the port of New York, and uow repre senting in Albany the Senatorial district won from Tammany Hall by the late John Uorrissey, snctatterward* by Mr. Murphy himself, bas two 'sons, Edgar and waiter, who are known crack ed shots ot the oelebrated Long. Branch Gun Club. Tbe young gentlemen amus ed themselves yesterday, to the alarm and terror of all their friends, by shoot lug apples from one another's heads, at fifteen yards, with Ballard rifles carrying it- 109 calibre balls. The dangerons amusement was began by their Shooting apples held in their outstretched bands. They then agreed to fire at apples placed on their hesds. After measuring the distance, tbe young men removed their bats, placed the aps pics on their bare beads, and took tarns at fhe mark, boring tbe applea with tbe bullets every time. The final shots were fired at the word; that is, each brother pKced an apple ou his bead, and, hold ing a loaded rifle, called one, two, three, fire. At tbe last word both fired. Both apples were bit and rolled oil. The young marksmen said to the Sun reporter, 'why, its perfectly simple and safe. We draw tbe bead on the top of tt..i ro .rflb.«ppl.,Md.f pear* .. A lady told ber Utile son, who was teasing for something to eat, to wait on ■ til breakfaat. With a tear In his eye, be burst out: 'I jest honestly sometimes' I think yoa're a stepmother!' 1 * - y ■ v ' i* *■" "Zion's Herald" tells a good story of | old siding officer: There *2 i one minister's I son, now in the New England conference (and a very faithful and useful pastor he has been,) a member of a very large ministerial family, who in his academic days was as fall of mischief as the pros >«erbial minister's son is supposed to be. He taxed the well known elastic patience of Dr. Fisk to the last degree, finally the doctor said to him, after a capital act of conduct, "Yon must prepnre your self for a severe whipping; 1 ' the time for which was duly appointed. The doctor was on hand, very much more affected, apparently, than" the irrepressible mis chief-uaker. Altera Bole.rm discourse in that moat melting tone of voice that nq one cin forget who ever heard it, the doctor drew bis rattan and hid it with Considerable unction upon the boy's back. Nothing but dust followed the blow. The subject of the discipline was entirely at his ease, and evidently quite unconscious of the stroke. "Take off your coat, sir!" was the. next command, for the doctor was now a little roused. Again whistled the rattan around the boy's shoulders, but with no more "effect. •* 4 **-•*. •'Take off your vest, sir!" shouted the doctor, • I ; Off went tbe vest; but there was an other under it. tumm •» "Off with the other!" exclaimed the doctor. The astonishment of the administrator of justice can well be imagined at he ex. posed a large codfish,*defending the back of the culprit like a shield, while below there was evidently stretching over other exposed portions of the body a stout leather apron. ''What does this mean?" said the doctor, choking with wrath, or BOR>e» thing just its opposite. "Why,"said the great rogue. In a particularly humble and persuasive toae? "you told me, dostOr, to prepare myself for punishment, and 1 have done so in the best way I oould!" . it was out of th# question to panne that act of discipline nnffturther at that time. And it ia doubtful whether it Was ever resumed hgam- - ■ THBBAfIDSeni MAN. F It Is qnit£nne*»4htial that a man should be handsome. Let him pray, tbe fcods, iawajMi&'Vjrfc abroad. Let him stipulate for * fine fig. uro and a courtly mauncr, and leave it to their discretion after that to shape his eyes,nose and mouth, provided they don't make them hideous. Save us from your plaid-painted, bordered*vested, trig-era* vatod, monstached, cologne sprinkled, bejeweled, brainless exquisite I Give us a well informed, plainly dressed, sell pos sessed Intelligent masculine, perfectly at home upou all subjects, foreign and domestic; neither bringing to the great nor oppressing the little: who pots one baud on his sword and tlis other on bis heart when a woman's nameTs mention ed; who raises no blush on *h6 cheek of hnmble innocence, wbo holds in eonv tempt no living tsi>g that God baa made, who can pity tbe weakand er ring without a pbarisKcal reviling who can argue without loss of temper aud dignity, who scorns a bribe or an oath, wlio bas an arm tor trembling age, a smile for prattling infancy, aud a strong, brave heart lor the oppressed and de» fenceless. But a 'pretty man, a pink sod white Sir Brainless,' the United work of tailor, batter, shoemaker ar.d perfumer I Heaven save tbe mark! Women know better. r , SELF-RESPECT.— AIways remember no one can debase yon but yourself. Slander, satire, falsehood, injustice— these oan never rob you of yoor man hood. Men may lie about you, they may denounce yoo, thiy may cherish suspicions manifold, they may make yonr failings the target of their wit or cruelty; never be alarmed; never swerve an inch from the line your judgment and conscience have marked out for you. They cannoL by all their efforts, take away your knowledge of yourself, the purity of your motives, and iritegriky of character and tfie generosity of your nature. While these are left, you are, in point of Cut, unharmed.- 80/s, tbe habit of obeying la one of tbe best habits in the world. It makes prompt active, energetic business men. Why, it is the "now at once right off," that leads all tbe work ia the world and gets pay for it too. A boy that is prompt and ready will be jnst the boy thai will get recommended for a place ih a store or an ofßoe, and when in tbe place he wilt keep it until he gets promoted, till finally he beoomes a member of the firm and probably its manager. All this beoaoee be is on band ready and prompt; soes what needs to be done, and is ready to do it. The following sppeara in a Boston paper: ,f Wnnted— k reliable coachman; most not be under 60 years of age; alame one eyed homely man preferred. Must be a good careful driver. A wife and children no objection. No young bach* elor need apply." mm- j - NO. 12 - * » ArtRC**T«, parish lii the State of Vermont, and on the borders of Mew Hampshire, assembled in their accnstoraed place or worship. The cars* of that fearful and lonjr-to-be-reinombered summer had imprinted a»i unusually serious look nfH»u the rough,, though not unpleasant, countenance ot fhe male membeta of That Jittle , congregation. The rigid features re'axed, however as they entered that hallowed place, end felt the genial iAtiaeiwe ot a summer's sun, Whose rays illnminated the sanctuary and played ttpdit* the desk Win countenance of him who ministered there, lie was a venerable man, and his whitened lodk and totieriug «or>n sacred Volume the minister Was shout to oommenbe the services or the wort- - ing, whea a messenger, almost brwufo less, rushed into Ibe church,exdaimi nf.~ "The eiieror ace marching upon «Hi westerncounties!" The man looked around upon h«- congregation and announced his text: "Ue that IjAtb a garment Jet hi in sel» it and bay 1 sword." After a few 1 Op, ipy trfonds, I beseech yon. to the help of your neighbors against the migtifv, isKsies!tis , jf SK* is too muchlnieresteJ in tho Pactum ..f this day not to Kfnd Mr influence. "A* for mysell, age sit* heavily tip«»n me and My daughters—my daughters nan iff, draw the sword nor handle the mu«ke' in defenoe of tMr county, but the / oan use the hoe, so tifct whea the worn soidfer returns from the field ot battle he may not jUflfct%r the necessaries of life.* pastor bowed bis f*M* a Id devotion. Wbeu be again lovfcoa around his aadieuca was gone. One b ohe they had silently leit the honse g God, and ere the sun had that day., let, the waleinhabitaats ofthat Ihtio parish, who were able to bear arms, were on Wj m judge of probate of Mobile for a mar riage license. He was asked how old hi' intended was, and answered, With gicett animation: "Just sixteen, judge— sixteen, and de handspraest girl jn ttovrn. The judge said he C3uld not do it, as the law forbade him to issue license to ..ny one nnder eighteen. "Well, bold on. judge," exclaim©4 the man. **l know dat dem girls an* deceitful and Ue about dsir aye, She is nineteen if a day. "Will old are you?" s*fd thejud (e. The chap looked suspicious, and replied, !y.* "Thirty-five," and added, Mf dat won't do judge, I've got more back." • Olive Logan says that the duteheesea, marchionesses and other noble ladies who her' can't spell and don't under* stand grammnr. litis ignorance is not. confined to the ladies of nobility, Olive. You shoo Id see the frightful punctuation in seme of the letters we have reoeivad from Emperor William. And-* recent missive sent us by the Ozar of Russia slaughters gramme* in a Bulgarian ®au« ner. And then the speaking of the Prinoe of Wales! It's awful. In the lets tar now before us he actually spells labor with a "bour." They can't and punctuate worth a cent, 01iv«; em' we are strongly tempted to cut 'em off our list of correspondents on this *coor>, —Norrittown Iltrald. A venerable bat eoeentric member of the Presbytery, lately attempting k» get into the packet-boat, fell into the canal. He was drawn out half drowned and conveyed, to a house in the neigh borhood, where he was put to bed. •Will ye take some spirit# apd w-- sir?" asked his considerate host. nal I have had plenty o* watej for ©i day; I'll tak«lhe spirits aloneT^^S A young woman who had never let., ed the gentle art of cookery, being desu ions of impressing her husband with be> knowledge and diligence, manage: .. .a_ have, the kitchtfi door ajar on the 1 . after their return firom the and just as her lord comes in from 1 office exclaims loudly; "Hurry up, Eh... do! Haven't you washed the lettuce yW Here, give it to me; wbsca's the son-?' A little fellow in Connecticut as* his parents to take him to church a f! li them. They said he must wait until h was older. "Wen," waf his sh.ev suggestion, ip response, "you'd bet. take me now; for when I get may not want to go." The would-he assassin of the ° said to have been a school teacher, he must have beeb« miserable one, any school teacher who could miss at t paces certainly isn't fit to teach y ladies how to shook f# "What are you about?" angrily c churned a country editor the other d* to his wife, who was touching ud In complexion before the looking getting up my patent outsit! dear,* was the reply.