- ----- _ Oll» TRE GLi£aiVl£K "j j.flgߧA§ ...... »&*"* >' *** • f ssgfSSSSESsws ** «*•* ; * *!? _ . n(riWt adfortlicninnt* $1 p(fr Squnnf ISSA W. ff»U) &„ ** subsc iMcraoH. _ WcegtiVS# ferfected Farmers Friend PloKrs made in j BSso's Prta, Two Horse No. 7 *' * * fro Horse No. 7U ' ••»> tiro Horra No.^^ Yarbrough Q RALEIGH, N.C. ■ "• "" C BQOOO Bates reduced to suit the. times. THE GENtfflfik V' \«v DR. C. MoLANBfS" Celebrated American... WORM af»ECIFiC rftt VERMIFUGE. » orboth cheeks; ftk dilatej an afcftygtoaicircle run^ °f llfcfttion ql I' *»th a ofHM turbid; 1 I? te^^fiP-Per"vanaSre/Wt"ener-'" ■ •"j &£* »»hi 4 t*| fan t*ok ■ -»**4 teejoimd^bwe^jptoms I *UI certainly effect a cure. Tj w.,t • w dMBWUMF?'"- m IJncloißcnyy was a bachelor, IL the V«*suas*)Mof fAlidi. be-^ aim| acquainted wiOiJiim he was in his 1 wcntjlfirtl'jiarfli Jr medium height, blue eyes, and a ratliar ruddy complex ion. Hxrottß wtald b«tp loving the gmul 30 |aw |t lifij waarMtidness HeAfolJdßrQJHLulated ljor liis parse strings .weie too jocsc, and so many quarters ami fislf I flbllaW ohtMrit found their way into the pockets of the poor and needy that tfif# tl)is time biri«#sMHli io supply his moderate wants. He wad not an ed tfm tirM the i newspapers carefully and gained eonaid* 1 f A %T TjierC wn^a romance romiecicd with liiß*y6ufij f fie engaged to a fifr MJT lt> Pf far '"J- Jrst I 'J e,^J r aifjl also thotight he had won Mary ffiySs; but when hd-asked for liar l>aiiU-«he had givs 'frti, hjs cousin, jronK her nndi vidtf#heart. -This was a great fbr he haiifldvcif as Vblf'a true man cau love, bnt he eaid, in hi» quiet, sensible fashion, — —'Alary,! have loved thoo hotter than myßelt; thon hast been the idol of my h *«A*r"*v~vm i " d to tliedP is dearer than my own. After his rejection Uncle Benny slowly HijKed to his father'* farm; the olrfsfanjf'sweetly, for it was m the early spring; the meadow brook rippled r»io»g y3of»"^g t >T f y 3 f b i i> y oYered Iwith Htfcl/ Benny thought ofnie by&ofie hours when he aud Mary had played ou the where the butter cups grew. The past was but a pleasant jfytpreJiur. Uetyre i»yjUj£9 % desert, he raised his hat and lojked up -*»auhto aud pray wiiO%>,illC4in iu litc should be the good of others. How blue the sl>y .loutad, j>o i^accw»v-m not love me /ih9tiMr.|>wial» her ill? May tbe Lord for give uae if I have wrouged her ,eveu iu tbonght, Ephraiin is wild and reckless but tbe influence of BMb an ■ iugel will go far with Jjim up doubt . I shall hope for the best. 1 shall'" leave Meadow Brook, go to Philadelphia, and there en. gage in sonie active bnsiness, aud in forget my sorrow.' , EpbraitemidMary.wcrc married, and Madam a Bad story short wedded but cruel ly ufagr mSKJKed. It w=3| Wkh, I!: at Ijfe^UlJg Kfc#uty ayAlovcliw^HM Hpthat WMM PotBS lomlort a creatw's JcauspJ Uncle ny would go to The J&'SjU&j' Meadow Brook and the CtfigSESF host ngpd Jue—dbut» alas! ara»i' tlior ®W I knows best. He is wise.' i I—rSoFold1 —rSoFold Uncle Beimyi We will «*h»e U. chapter of | Utevoleuce. One Sunday at midsummer, wbenna n M *fc> tf brainy, I look » w,lk on, 01 ,b " R»»into in. P«*. m I It". fii inarlfl g||^ fl red &IQM tu6 jL,r« woh?^^r« i,,, * i7er - Ifc of ri, W ~| —J7 ...i\t r ; -. — , 'jy —^— " ' — ■•*+"» in . m-.«* » .», i -j. nf|au ij • •/? • jfcT^ir' yyfi 'fflfe Lord's (Jay; too nwcb consideration for man and beast., The poor should ml, and thtt.drivers and conduc tors g»'f6 church. Deafme, dearuno—- the wofld is getting vet'y WiskedV I left him, and as wo ' werts wending our yyiy homeward, as twilight was deepening, I saw Uuclq Bqihij- fyr#h#a4 ot mi:* I had often heard" of his, quift hopaKhr «kncw o«*. of his iMfldll of'cfia"ity. Ai Wtf* his steps'were* not tdriied foWilttl u hi«tte B , I toilnd my opportunity.* He liirnbd'ftitO an Vol 'clWfell '7 hint cn stepj conldscarcely suppor>his wsu(lit and disappear ttrrttig l !* a doorway. *'i 1 I tollowed and sitting in ih&> little vestibule saw inside a picture the «of which L Ukl not 4 sc'On ( TWcrt sat jt pale-faced. ca^swov'ij'\VQisii. a little boy of about two years on her "loioe art a littlqfjhiy'like kliftbt* tour yearftoTd, with deep gray eyes and a, wealth of sHWiijrciirla covering Jierk«eaus { ti fully shaped head, with mir cdttililfextori' aud well forpictl tfcatftifeefi" beside her. There wasaomethnig very very attractive about th'ia .little, diri,nty cieature who, whhi*«cry «f delight, bounded and wa# sbbir W rtKft visitor's arma. lie loldud little Carrie lo bis heart. a»*V«*r'Mt Ijynself and ° h "t i liUJlTt* pi'PH. v bead against him, it formed a striking, cpijtragl ~tp the aonbnffit, luanly faco of. .life old" gentleman.' For a sildnt tlien he, said with cujotion.— •Tb6e remembers, Jane ,fciary'«> home at Meadow Thy little girl is much liko'hfth- A thing "ol the past,. Jaue which little blossom here wflf not let ine torget. WeM, /well; I hum ttoane to »«o it thee is in need, aud hoar Ihee feels this warm day.' ' umtlßm, Better, thank you. .'I fyliik I w|ll $6 ready to sewing lu-mon row."' ' •jßettcTnot be too smsrtr good- -health is to be not to overtask thyself. The Lord will care for theft and thy ones. Hoir iong since th#e buried William?" •Eighteen months. It «raa»great blow bat godtf friends have stood by me, aud « ",hj * »i* y-L-to.? - i * • ,/ [ am very thankful.' •Well, that I have ever been a gfrdd friend to thee," was to • thy William; my slater raised thee,-and thee Ult . Befetei oil tfifl WrttWr sfobl fcy the open window be* 4a«f®*iWlE >*?•• l«o4 4ft silent' admiratiom om tW good aiouVHCft* ' rt*r pennies fqrgl»goP'far tliee and lirtte siaCMr. 'a®d' dotfffcrget tUe baby. Atttf/Jktre, dollars loir tbse., ttowMff" * ', * ' * 'God bless said the WldotfT and tbe tears The little girls raj* ip jh© aoor aud kissed him, and little Carrie wondered etiotion ll|e motberi heart. jSlowly Uuole homes Ward. There w«# woriwiut air aboutffiUa 'fbm W r wfti*«ed before. The veatber had been extremely BJT day ballad Uw^rßr y h The "I(!nJVtf Wit "Vk'H Ikm , l ' i; ; ? evening, when tlie moon. i wym, more tliau bHfhfi i»o■ fceditesttd to be brongiit nearer tJie ' teo that he might look ;ut. Turnliig to' )iis Vfotlito^iii/be.Nfci;—,i-> :*i>, ,;i ,f »rr ''Tlion seest tho. river, it make* me of ( bright it is! I feel i,l fiiii nearpig lioine. It this world Jf«oilMauij*a, what niu»t 11* other be?' * ,K ,Ti.'f ,1 :j *» ' "thou '*-Be9i|A| John,4he»w«M**PiiUV»fw>? :#*fH t |peftt lire aro'the swfcclost roflddions o» old age. IlWw bright and" the sSceie isl | 8 * Not iwue AMl. earth, wuf (»H tHMijren.' WHii I W ■* slight U fled. . .oitMfMiT.-»:#>.».Jl t/ i. |! This-'**«>*>« elo»»!iOfin*' Wetwhipe possessor fonijd miiiistering, to tike ' •baiih a life is a .VW.poW"^'*^ 'And MtftrM - wU« • g" %>«tb welfdre 0f Ot^ny^lfl^ dp jewels tor the crown—lt, is wen %y?f, them «i j|i|«»ljtfliN "{y.i T thu * Uncle Denny restftft near her he toijdiy.y Severed 1 near her he l°ydly._ Severed Ui earth, uni|#fllleWW?v»«« »e £ j tDVICBT l. * •' \&£4 * T » m iltik i&rritt**" whulw-JI cr JJ «it Stick in yoa* ikutUUbofie, >ur hair in (he uriddle, cram your SfcwMs Whfy joa idiot, if your father had lived an old bachelOfall hU«krya? cm -nm. Will ! ybti hang tack, andl«t*yoor children bfe'fcrftfians, be&fuoWoM refuse Dwk fasUjppi tmie your gurl, aud getting chaaed out of thp ykrd *j» iliat iaatbfiiL »*trth-dog, go to he r dWNey: e >' ■>■* i.» i "Amelt*,'tuf «arHng, I am ttoroowp-t iOut ; df l&hitMMra ptot ierk;llMhlbuUl'' kbtif SifittWMft Wiit thou . TU'" ' *•"« iMr{aSg| •iauie hghUihat ju'u go, sho will.haug it r ettr on the j.oiut ofu y our piouliJly, am I'tey: ■■> •VrlUtiio ' *ff» ; OfcQur«Ui»e Wilt- '1• * miA « ' But t'ljere is ■ will be hint th» W»fr rUujaj.a'M.*. )9ini(!lt ti- I.T ; «. No »ntt«; bristle up, )elf f wife, aud t h*T« ißom# atyle abaub "VoO ' * •!• ; ft'dU %M* ,! dott«Wtta blitis is till he has been kTckaa "but' of ouctf Olilwiee -fryiu>iWimgntip wife, Swho takes an honeritf pride in letting hiin phemrietbr-of that par* ?i*m«>tedh of the globe. «•' - ■' I 5 difa>on( every body ge& marif&i, and# is a^gpodjpkfe, - m * it Bat the joke aooujweara ppfe i p Somejaarryiin haaU, and *heu ait UoWn andlkink it *m j it earrfu-tty ovor tirai, »a>l then ift'cft'wA kti/T inaiVjr. * 4 '' "• !*■» h ' ' Mi Ways artrtgthe "fSlltJ I iij /UtA! * (>a* sim If ynu are addicted to feejjegji lineup marriage will cure you of that. M It'-you are ol an independent *|>irit, and ftecustnaied to huve jomt awn .way, marriage will ctrre you Of that, aW). ! VWthw wiir hndit-hiW .riiNt tri really that actually a nlarned tn»m» !■,.*« |N«M a%e4 *ra M , ids but the hrtit tiaw jcmi «t«)t jnidlilgl i,Hlia rsahlr uf the thing ariil ho fopeed'opon JO* «o»%brnjH^tbafe yaa wjfawrtu If yM fMti lieell''fekldM • i *' ' And mayoo JOB bava — I don't know. wUT-wtk^joui: dl NW d M . Jtay willgaka ifcgg ■^%4nr^at lime is not too mthjH* tMtf dp ttttfc otfaer ftilnsd. '* l , , fl dhili .«i* mtiiuh il&vmMtbD 1 omniAi wtfmm ■*»* *om* Before you Wen* fcoald tlftß a pin wliprf fini itiiiiftfa'lt: *no\v tliaf a/* eTet-vwbertJ~blh«*Yerrrt»e .1. oaakignUllte, in Urn hasfc^Mha- ]OM th« that U|?y ails cvciT ou tlie 'chid i-8. s»flpN9M mf i A MHM ttihordw itself, bat wihctt T**"* " ; *f I'TTHIi till Ail * r in^. I Not- betfmw rhey'tff# rhefaatD gfcMra? ineihapa, bat . bQe*pa«i«Atlßfoomi hfeMMmgc tfaflftm twin, giekf iiwrw™f mfnit w Ispoirtjao much at homo thai tho %etiao»Bhaiw«* f t frngftlH» I fan in m rMßtef Mnt M&fhiAMHmik wlwr hh-tvwhC :niMWi lm:inv.wliei»-4iif> wife IgMUqdij A#* MfU* .and W JiuL "M MjTlVJPTi^jtllflVi icon la be Thrown clearacnw*" ine iroortVl' S'""®" .*»»&♦»*!! yf*9 at SM I Yoangmnnv gflt imtrrMhrio »>i rtoilH UtmiMlMNin >nit» VVt ||H6 oiv * ißome one to get up ly ftiiir t!re"fii«J», #tdl«s tfti' taST y6t* moi Ming wlpj '"* i mil unit ;flid Jai>*H f A wafajß,wbal rouwwa« Mtwjw wti ?.$/& wTykWITOM «ud keeping the hohsd 'in onl^r—«»h! ■wiD'Butawbtutlf too Iw lMftpp .aat*j*» *ra L«aii«fw • | k*i/.i *n ,M«aT»TTVjjt>f y-»«l ■lowing way* ICaftaiw* gontfettoU'lfbaibg Qf an •wmdng tbgt+km lm aimny fM wt wß*ap»bti«ispl»W|>mli6. flm* wmh jftfQWMfa 9 9 e sA, afcfcbed |W&k ajflßiattL Na*. S? w?®® before death accoseu rtjurinl wno jud bbt the ton^d^^MiSed ,l fidAu ;> ttf i A ~,.1, J>ll muffin iJi Li liirtrtlal ►•V COIII6 should, eoe a(W ogh*i hnudfl on theWtttftfe I*wl|,»»'o, iBWMf ;$K«f ° aupvro conscience, went ar«VoT«aTT and u^-'tiiuwbn'iUi »M«ia'bUttoJOT'Mj ■''• ■' •MI!-. J. *M! I ,1,1 -.-I Hood wC ate COivif u/iliiTwtli Onf of fab w«ouAd%nd KW*Mtrilll|>«w> WMt, W fiMtarf ■rio MH '{if ntfa* kiqg's own aeote— Afci . '^fWer: Mhi purnvng Rhares: mmdi through niesf holding In the plunging the krti U§di The popular *«nAWoAf*I M*tmf aU jaliiwi | ciuikoiß. .DiwaaJi «aD*HW»d. qf robbery were put to a trial by a pi(Ma ■of barley bread »m whiak tha maw had beeif low. ihej w«fre TMs 1 rt-feiaS®!® waa the credulity that tbey ,a*m particulac in HJui bolf te«a4 Mil IwhiiWW*] culled tbe cornud*%Vkm bread waa to be onlea tU Ihade of .ejrea' mliy raMrfP'^P w Cift'.Bgi olWf««i Byft tli. 'W jSgywgwrf cb w joe, cornea frontt Wf«W>9q u fS a« toWd eßw v wrv m « c rgfi' wbetbev be wqqM or jf^ll ESSEST""" ,UI ■ A woman in London has paid' Iwo IwmlreU fines Jor ilriiiikcniiess. #*T I*4*' f • *'ofi fttf-i ffl art A «"Wprtb J»y9 ,lhi»t English , Women 1» *** •net dress as exfraVkguiiflv asrtiio wtimcu * „o/ ; Ff-anc'e midF AmeAia! ' ' '"ntf !»£&•**» tfictorfc lit h*i'W>t,¥ ArMt Krffc-1 *>** bla*i..g in 1 a'toa v 4 : -*v -»»-! i,* jrrit ! Wtymta fn iMjln ll ?** FE^SSFC Lsft grbws jUw &f M| Jolin ; At)("Astt>F flu tftf years' *>*• Lfc*fj flte MMlir i* »; >tf HveKtoeai tod ' JI 1 /™* lowcb| at iw o Hdß b w a "^ 4Ulb true, bnt toy soul SMtftokcr tklo • r•> 4 'yOßrtU* ' **H " n 9iU !gU hijH thtjrs ms*T iinS*. ' • *s?' j» tar sntttc'ftbW*, y 1 'otedo CtHNiiiatimk' '■>■ «m4f «ff tWtimo Wbiy tjia mo\ lgo«r * ku, ami lam thirty nius?' ' m iMgl*a haw farad ia*dfc fn— tUaqr I, siw?t > *e«l d»al *> 'mtfgmp^^n