# 1 , . ' y.QL . i Ulii ■'. |TTT-,J ffi! TIT TRE GLEANER ftft ■ PUBLISHED WEEKLY 11Y Irurr u K,S, PARKER P'»«/ ;; Hrakaai, If. C, K- - "111? U *Ui Jtaten of tfubscrxption. Postage Paid: gairftolQ, m S'x Month* .. 7ft Three Months ..'. ~:.....fi0 Every person Rending US a club'of ten sub scribers with th« cai>h, entitles hlmae)f«|o on*- r jvv free, for the lenviyrftfß Mrs whim t» club is made up. PapelCSa|K)Hftfoafofflcfl| .tfo Departure from the (fasti System, eafsiaioofj Rate* of AdTertiaing ui ( Transient adyttteMsantMEty ahlain ytajance: yearly advertiser"# m M yfc% 1 quare "j«2 2 'i 1,8 OOi 4.60 l 600 10 00! 1B 00 ■» - nmt llflßtjßP tßf jjgjjjPi ufatj a W£! " ' ADVEimSEMESTS. Pricesreduced Perfected Farmeralflps walTO in Petersburg Va. One Horse No. 5 Price 14.00 Two Horse No. 7 " » 6.00 Two Horse No. 7W " **■«* %% Two Horse No. 8 • ■ IM COQP For sale at Qraham by BCOTT & DONNEJX. RALEIGH, l.'fc.'' 1 U, W, BLACKNAM., Proprietor, 4 Rates i^nes^ - ' THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated Americai* vr WORM SPECIFIC ■'•h; sfwft OR - • J 1 '* SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pahTandleaden. colored, with occasional flushes, or a ciroutei4Wd»roqL paj|one or both cheeksfme ijyesDeiinllftlull; the pu pils dilatejfjuvsemicircle runs atong the WVeQyifld; the t hruulfllyUr T!l!P"IWiWlicl) §■ belly swollen andhard: urinetuß anT accohpui ft-Eyi bieqwgh; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy aMve ygnptaw* Yotirid to £&t, • £!*** DR. C. McLANE'^gB^UC^ m * « IT DOES NOT CONTAJN MERCURT in any form; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing the slightest MIFUGE bearathe signatures of C. Mc- LANE and FLEMING BROS, on th* wrapper. ' -:o:- + l DR. C. McLANE'S LI^R^RfLLS ari&ftt! , tltfft>Mthefcde«r'«s , » remedy.-" for all .1 the iflslthat lesh is hek «fl«*iqfts .j, ol the lijceft in' tffl Bilious Complaints, that^Saracter,' ftW©l®pl«Eß. ;• "JTobclteTfcialMWticbMiboMßdpMPuratpiy to. pr.aftcr tajkine Quinine. « simple yurgatfre they are unfcq«alei IieWARE or IJiITATIOSS. Tie gefluine are never sugar Coated. »! box has a RED WA* sea! on ||HE lidwiUi (** the impression DR. MCLane S LtV*R Pltis.; Each wrapper beats the signatures of C. MCLANE and FLEMING BROS, I, ,FMIST HP V J N FF genuine Dr. C. MO TANK'S LIVPU PILLS, prepared by Fleming, A Ikos., of I'ittsburgl); Pa., the market being fair of* linitttioni OF the'name McLane, SWELLED differently but same pronuucialidm - . f '• -A 1 .wnitT - '• .t. ' • in* *" «>» «U j 'TFlMlnWiiiyti j„,, , _ IF=-7 ,1 », GRAHAM, N (#• WEDN#SK*I3T JU.SE4 1879 ,; ~ i 1 'l*n ''l ■, i' 'i'i 'IT . w. rr«i » « w. •-•xiiln " BY* Ift&k 'aWifLfA TOKO»W n fift he,or ' of * tho persuasion of fnenoß. I first ac «|lnteotUh lli(I Keveuty-first year; of lnenlaai liCTght, complex" ion. No one cottla bolp loving the good old man, whose law oi life was kindness toJji* leLbwa. He had neyer accuttiuWled ' wiftM' fo^v t x) > i3o's¥ we, ° ' too locße,iuui so flamy qtfafwMmd halt dollni s slipped out and foundAbek' (hp and needy that Uncle Benny foui>a himself at this time I of litis with but barely to supply Mlii at Myf iv I 1 " :ii> eiN caret uily and gaiued cousid-, (Mbte INMUMIR''* *> "* Ihcit-r-, , , Theiawiis. a romance connecteß Wflh I otiun heliaß bfe/i to a luir giel, Ute diittgbter of» ftr? Utiple_tiyjuv wooed and also Otfrug®p |aiw«i but givs on his cousin, Ephraiin Ford, her audi* ivided hearts noUllmciit, for lie had lovod „„l, . true iiiaiL can love, JttU lib. MW>- 111 hRj qnief 1 . sensible fashion, — 'Mary, I have loved thee better thith . m y ag * } > tliQ» hast beeu the idol ol my heart—UnTif Ephrai.3 is" only kind to will _y(^gri e Ye^ Q rtliy happl ness Jl siMy slowly I walked homeward to bis father's farm; j iljjr birds swg sweetly, for it was m the * lailly f&hwgi the aleadow bropk rippled along gayly through grassy beds covorcd p Benny green, mossy slopes where the butter mtreM.im past was but a pleasant ineWJry,*tl!o lafnre lay before him like a desert, ho raised bis hat and lojked up • ward w the brtfht bkieahove tmd pray _ in lite Mary's eyes. 'lf oodlH not low we May the Lord for r eive ifle if 1 have wronged her even in Uiffuglft* 'Sphraim is wild and reckless h I bat the iuflucii6(} £ft such an artgel will . go fftr with liiin no doubt. I shall hope I for tile, best/ Brook, go to' Philadelphia, and there eh. gage iu some active business, and in keeping the mind occupied will soouer fo.-get my sorrow.' Ephraiin and Mary werd married, and Madam Rumor had many a sad story Uieir short wedded lite. unkind but cruel l|A»pi years after their BBbHuj|ded. It was iu was Ibwu wliejto Itu* 1 ■M|mr ng*crcukl^^^^Had ■LiAil lift. evew sorrow, oAI a JHr to pKptf ufiar Meadow Ijn^Bßß^^KowereJwßie| grave of his fair yoxwMsdbjtiMjfrtt&iook'* j ing through the on her "o*tTice: forgive thou ' liTst tllou ' MaTWii Hp nM( s»>oW noA hast to a bettor countrffrfc, jgjicr I>#rr»MiM»A is well; thQ Lord ' i:rr»ii»ihg' r/ttl Vi s^t' Poor old Uncle Benny 1 We will the ohaptftr of bU ear'V Uowofteu 1 think of him aud bis trua Christaiu be» nevolencgw- _ JT. /T One wl,eu nai tui-e iu leafy June was at its height of with some f«mrf*i*^f red a,ou ». tb f] beautiful, winding, Schuylkill River. The Uil 'T i unrolled, «pl»Upi*4»l#tnu" Slopes oh eitfser itidd WtliMf 4V ?fF mor iJujtlw SSlliJnye^fwinfflictedj by au old Inaii (»' Woat rather ! a broad brimmednat and umbrcllM»^i«rfop^il«W y and gMte * htmseh beneath the shade. I won rec ogitized in him my friend and siM,— • -tjucle bww vpo ciijoj this beautiful Sttbbatn with i' tt " tare? 1 did uot expect to see you,/know^ think 1 rode out here?/ Yep; the distance is so great from your , me f the Lord's day; too much consideration formal! and beast. Tijo poor" horses should rest, anil the drivers and coudug i tors. go tb '-Dear me, dear ni«— I the , I lM,t him, and as We/' VrtsKF trending our \yay homeward, ns twilfght was deepening, %Wy far ahead' 1 ot UA* I had often l^NU'd u 9& i benevolence, and bepetbttt witness pug,, of his m&ny aWlibf ■ehft'liy; As I saw , i Ins step? were hot ibrfted-towftrd homo, ' 1 opportunity. Mo turnedtrrfo *ti alley, and following closely I satf* him euier,a whose broken wou,N 1 eu steps couldscarcely support lys ' and dhappear llrougb.ado>>rW»y, j 'siftiftg lu tUerlUtte, ' vcstitmle sirtTtusldtf iffclctdro' the sight j of tvttEchTtJlfliiof tfcfon •foi'get. There sat a pale-faced. care-worn wotpani with a little boy of about, l'wo years OVI "10 f ( kufco an a little laity i»ke,#ii:l abopt, 1 rw4 l ' B Old, with deep gray eyes and a 1 of suiuiy curls'covfe rid/ liel'b en its and well features, standing bolide her, There was something Very very attractive about this little dainty , creature who, with a cry of delight, 1 bcymded forward audi was soon ifjf (he visitor's arms. lib folded little Carrie 1 to.'&!* heart. and as he Rented tifinß6if J aqd she leaned her pretty head against »jlihu, it foruJMW t« i 1 lie fHurtnrnt; mwiljii iftce- of the old g4utlcman. For aloegi £llO4 -M.FW • silent then he said with ©motion,— ; j'Tbee remembers, Jane ,filavy\ home s at Meadow Bi-ook ? Thy little girl is much 1 like her. A thing ot the past, Jane I which little blossoot here will not lot,.me torgot. Well, well, I have come to sse 1 it tlice is in ueod, and how thee feels this 5 Warm day,' • Better,thank you. I think 1 will be t rfcady to commence my, sewrinjf 10-mom » rjjw.' ■ I 'Belter not b?,tQO jßmart; good health *■ it to jjrized, and thee must be careful 9 rot to overtask thyself. The Lord will 3 care for thee vmi t' ff tJp ) pnes. llow ■ long siiico thee buried William?" •EigbtcWmontlis. it Wife a-grcnt blow e. bargood friends have stooi by me, W»d - lam very thankful.' 1 4 Well, thee ku6«fs Ukf I bavo ever s> b een a £°° d frloud to thoe, was* to thy 1 William,' ihy sister* raised thee, and thou 2 art a good, sensible woiftlQ. liut I fedr r m^^i^^r^cls^ort ™ ° silent admiratiou on tnd good man s face, 'ltiefe's Wtiie' pennies fdv gingerbread-fsr thee and lfffle' sister 1 , ind diWb ifcwget | thecal) 1?? And, Wlurs lor thee! Good-uight.'' ' 10 F •God bless tM Wfdow, aud j 4be the Vie cheeky The Jitue KU-Js ran to, the door and , kissed him,-«ticittule V.WfJfl wondered j wb> mamma sboitbi, Mfy when Uncle : Benny bad beeuso kiud to them. Sweet ' in|i^its^hwUtUaJiiiWU4b«^^ide- of ' ; , Slovu|(|l!«4 homes ward. There w*s a weary, wornsout air about him nearer witnassed , wartii, dna wneii he reached ffis warding 1 bouse he«complalued"Of paiu iu bis head ' &£» S2U& yUable for our friend to have obatige,- ' ot aiumd toluaye the dusty heated city.., ljl "! •Tlie Lord knows best. In a little while It Wilt all be *>t«d - '■«« j ! One evening. wTien tW'toWi 'Was more Ihw ■to-bo brought nearer the Uie tbathe miglit'look 0111. Turning to |»s, * V' u,t l "'[v " f fhou seest'tliQ, 'tt makes mo Mirk Aetowjal 04®. ¥ -.piqw, luLiht it is I I feel I am neat'Uig home, ,|J this woMli'ils -po4)eJrA'itttf; what MiU»t 'til* other 60 7' Wrfjliouftrt m«ll pwpas-ctt, i 'the most essential *r«,»».' ' ,1 1 Johtlk"fti'e i-eCHh>eflw»i»J6f« wbH kpent lifqaie lhof. old ago. llow bright and beauliful the scene is! Farewell U roi-Mary is beckon ilig. Not tfilta oW bot miue in heaven,' »A slight fluttoring ii (Or breath—aud>tl»o teauiiMii tapkH |»ad .lithi. • i; ,/ | .1, This %M6s^ possessor found hia ,iy ad mijiisWltWK to- th®. pUasuifl qf o/hois. Such a lite is a blefß»tirgto«dy couwdilty. And thosq k\liCt "|JO* fdrtb adtninis'.eHiig to. the comfort and welfare of oUiers^*i«elflsb l up jewels ktt'lbe 4 \»i^ at tyfadow 9*y)o'k iiaar her lie loved'. iwnliy. on earth, united ifr%ec(te»rl ■t | tOVIOUWMMM'MEN, .. 1 t nar tm ' { • [Prom Smfth.]' GetivwriiKl.,, , ~' o^Vl Stick a boquet in. your Luttonhoie, part 1 your hair in the muidle, cram jojir number aiae JiiuwU i*U>>,i>ait uf uuin> ber seven »hite kids, *ad got Quarried. TliereV not*fhiglHc#it. - N ff Wliyl 'you be now, ,yoo tb bscome-a pareutV f)|Arl Waste your liaie ?, «er»nadiug, your girl, and getting chased out of the m ; I -tAwSlVtrinSf darling, I am tho . iew and abiitfdf ailtiy able to aiippi>B« a wife. thoii be tohH-? v -prt- -!>r.»U / . 4..^ , A.nd if she lOAi at the SMUter .itt saiuf? Ik lit thitVim do, she will hang hereafou tho |.oillt of your picadilly, and nay: "Orlando, I wilt." Of course she witt, . But there is a possibility that you will be ike first'to wilt afutr the. dinars riagi. ■**>&*>" k* wrnr't i,uttv -,ro ■«9 brf^tleyp'fakeeiltoyour self a wife, ifud.-Uave sobie Style about you. j* A ibatt-never kqows what domestic bliss is till he has been kicked o#t of bed oflWe twica hf a» energetio wjfo, who takes an honest prftfc'ta letting,htm kno* that she i*4>fO|>rietor ot J-bat par ticular |>ortioa ot the globe. Aimobt everybody geis uiapricJ, andii, i*a : ftood>j»k« 'i * ■ I.'■*;*. ,„ u noon wears out. lb jfasto, «nd then ait ii»k it omvrully over first, and then sit down *ud uia Both w»ya are right, it you hit tlie roatlr. i ■ ■ tf ■ are addictetl to feeliage of loue- Kne«; marriage Will curs' it* of that. - .JflyvMVe ut au i'uli'l»eudfllt Bpirit, and accustomed to have vour own y, Mtarrtage vtll vur» y,Qrt dtf that, aho. '•"i'erhaf* yqui w»il hud u l.urd at first to realize that you married \i y-M o»Ji in in»i,vi « »oaia.j ."'Mstny- Oirt- .01l Kudvked ' down ivis^s. sidfeittlky t-'in c, i * 1 ' "Afifa ibayberydiuwre i«4>Kd» AVomjm are economical beings, aud witrtfialre your money go laiiber thau ' tbmak.4 tti f»tt . -fcAwitrt instiact of «co«ouiy enables jN u Whi'e yOrtr hni.gs 'ever uie bacß lertco ilir'lulu j»li«. 44Ukh \vhai a handy Uu«>buuit, hire S *• uwirtA tiwitfiO - I When your clotues get ragged, your '.WH" to* time Is net too mueb taken. up«\Titb , ; Before yoo Weri*' martlet! yoo nsver bo.iliVtliKi a pin when >** l wanted it; »»Ww *hey are f»crvM(heii«T-tfl) f Uie tli ut : tftey ai d (fveii.'tMt . tl* 3 Bialrst wdUnd : i.r> tt. l ui—hmim •! ijlit ' A pin, is an , ' \laeried«loiMAßke4he*cst soldiers,,, Nekbecuns# ikey fwJJUe.hes* iigbters v 9a " ■ " " Tlrey learn ' to ; tlothto #otr> missiles ; |if can ■ Jlapoleon Bonaparte was a nuMekll | luajrj tmitVil Isive Utt deubt >be woidd dive under UlO bed a# q.ucjj uthev rMWM could 'bo • fiiWVW iteC*B*'t:4lwirl room. ,»o > Ist 11 sej 1 Wiirterfs Coming on Wlfl * some ond to get tip in tho ttujrirfug, and % make tliei flre», whiie yoh bike, ijour * -«5« -bite will lhitko KcjVclr usfifiil hi a variety Of > grubbing, , MsM» 4» lOBOfIT-rWd- 1 attaart . w HPk \ ilie origin of tile fcnst&m dT making persons Busnectio , l^tf^i^Arde^' , tOufeli' tbe min dered bodf fdrjflib-iWnooverT ef ibeir giifll? Or iflnoOeodt te - intbMtetitig. ; XMe ' bf flMwg«utr>aniMfer» mui prac-t J tieed ia Denmark by Kiug C'lirlatiau IL .. The story goee iu ' lowing,way. on an tfgflthcir in a tavern, fell | out among aud jfroiu words s?; ' t .iee. murderer was utikfaJ#H,lly Of th 6 nu.nl.er, before death acoilWil iftfl—nif»at> wko J . was one of the comprtnyi: The king, to ' find out'tb*hosAMidet earned ,'tbiia aU J liaked breast, ' alOne' rem'aitted: / inb^ ( bafotV " '• his tiwfi conicie^^n»««•*)# all and - r kissed the aan'sifsef, but>. as soon ■ »; as hfe laid bia hand.on. J bin .tbe blood wa.arWtohi, gashed fondkbflUiput;, of bis wouiMt and. his nostrils, so ib*t, , urgsd. by UUU acpi^p,,M, miirJer, and was, by 1 - SSKfiaad?sr^-: ri ositias' o serei-at *C . amples of the^^6WftkK ,fc %4 (4 catletf; tfuch as'watKof blfodlbld amidit bUrnitig sharee*,' 1 jiftsSing holding in plunging.the>a«s»'dtitd. boiling water. . ' fall ftp tbroUgb,fe«.i*M»l»»t4g;, , pi S c d ' ( trail'said, VtSch, if tVfey 1 idd(i Id Wot ewal» I 'low, ihey were declared guilty.»*4Mipi} njpde, of tnal ym^uroy n f fy *ddL>g to the bread » ,ucli waa paitieular ijw boiyi bread and cheese, cAlled WIS waa to.be tinleaventd barley v and tlie cheese to b« made of eWet? b§lk in * month of M**! j, o&VWi %at jhe ,*t jiression, •may flus of thread choke tow froßxthp.eustom, third t|gu) ,wt»f * 4.tf' wn|&is£V)W W ■ ten»4*»hjail .W h^^^^^^'it°o U ut-b g f 'mpfoy' ' eoiuijiuoiiu nr rtigus u|m»ii tiic co,l^ it tie '■ 1 y - • • .i, mX- " t " . A J*l y* ****** tt{"] . „ ~ ■' .*" 1 '■'"■"o *»—Bwpm» jso 14' 1 --V -~—- . , . ... |j*-f 1 jr>« "5 UN* ? * 9 |*id m If fl m St*-*--' *' 1 " i . -w£^ ' ,Netv Haven«oi*.tMrus«ttl 3,UOO>WO #M , t Ll ji Woman to Leudou hna pai(J two .hundred Worth' My* that pßffiUh —TTfT |» _._ aa aa tbu ftujucii far another bov,' is. the lalesr ju vti'iil!to invoitlion when a mother suddenfV'iWmee npou Imr •, llttlo hoy with a ciiiur in l.is mouth. A \votii:in RUfrgairts ttrtt wbcn a man -. brenktf la tbesame t* y|ww .. , fSSSS^^!* i>w «« haßfcecHtmUtooio»,wii| the ol a livelihood lor about todr hundred *nd'l liftv houfaloss children, at a coetoi'ubout Jp7,OWW *> '> 'm » M X*V*l HMtfUiwat said a eafepetbejegar, , MUlHMfbig Mfcawtttwfe (*uW>)fao,{ HP** pie iu HmH> CWlfof r {ffy K)ki.Tty ypiia ! Gpfcr Ittui"; II is saM tlicYe 'are fofl/Xlb women hi SW» ,l iKa«"2sttter many rapport theiv husbai.ds -Uincut -2" * A >»«* of. o, tiSKßSfflV hope for the suppression of- tie hij>* » pjekct.— fftili "Times. ' "fit V, tag,. . r j i : Miss Penny Was saved from drowning w by Jonaihan Smith. Inecjuhy she b*~ . fongt M'tei* fciift Uys tupe imrjeafiev —SSJ cT'c?aVt!" * Uy vuiu°a select his clothlfrsr Tot lnm hi a to bWMWory. If she has enafgjr, and muscle he canpelhe saved. w ~ y 4aikm *U» man and beat and kiok IftW so shainw fallj? 'I am'Mmy.yovr Honor; X ft BMte drunk, «i>d 1 thought it Wp my { * *iU4 i,«nM „ finding of tb» body of » drowned ~ Man iu the reservoir troui.»kicU » town is supplied with frisking Watar will uario ,ail the good work the tawperauc* ouuso has iu yeart ? A small child bftlngioktdibj « Sups tjaysicKotfi "rtiko, did Ui» r Israelites do after they crosaed the l«d Bkfi answered, I don't, know ma'uu., out ,* ywi , ( , ,4 Twenty llVe a9»a Miu>o«ri koy ,left hi# hftttte rfnd atarled out to becou**# President of the Uuited SW* B ,. lie got as far ■ ffioMy K/#|* aiaa, apd ia aUo oue pi .peat ah WO'* n*kei» in Oluo State J is if; miss, yMguw your age to the census taker Hk Only tweuty-b ve, Wnen TOO +»t> bofll tM aawe y«ai' 1 Wii-iit/a:! km thirty-nii>e?' «d 4*i& « 'Ah, you have hved ibuch faster than V*#-™ " ■*>»> n'i i i j-uiti * i „^?LtrJ»:s„rr kx know iAi# be unbleachable, yoAr houot, R 1 'Hw. dear/' srfd • patulent husband the otliW day K «a fculiug ft piece broken Ottt of his«tfiK|r, ftad aitotlter out o hia pl«te, "it aeeuis to uie that i every tiling i yea mylove,*? raapobdwUlla'wiJh, 'even yon aeWin be » litde' oraeked." whoße ds P°*'^ mept at ilways ranked 100 with his standing rtduWd to «JB. «»Vhat young hopeful, 'beeb deing just as I have all aloug, onte'lhe teacher caught tub yer°ve for a noiu )C ' r -b» whatgfc/nhdy»»ked the jnrt«.. "Oirthb jpwbnd thm® whole suit uaii' be m&dettwot ft-pair «| trowser*, ' m» irticd the l«ry«r. - »|i.TH|i itELOTB ASO The service Jin "the Sjtartaif house «tt all )>erfornod tlie treatinent of whom at lesS of cruelty ttrfk of- oeteotalitfus »a»ova. 9*oh r is proved d l^j ; V e , set i ug sun was gilding the WesWmj^atfei.a Sed^on^' 6 Wrth * H °

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