GLEANER VOI, 5 , THE GLEANEtt tUKLISHKIJ it *t jrl Ornhniu, N. jifijj;/ "j r . » Halev of Snbsbfiptwn. Postnye -Tntfi sniritolD One Tear ..V.3H.50 Six Month# . ..\...76 Threo Months ........ f, «,». .50 1? f-*tJ;IIOI) I Every person ponding lfeikub-1 gcribers with tliv canli, i|pUilAlf tßonel mpy free, for the lough or limflriir 'whlCTi then club is made up. Papers sent foaifferetit offices r«ii» . tlwv'l •'••1 i •■> . 2fo Depavturj^r^i^tl^c^ C«|7i Knlm of A«lr«irti»iii|; Transient luUcCrfrnuA yearly advertislnititife) quarterly in advance. il in. IS m: i3,m. I 6 ui. f!8 ni."' ' • J 'hifj (l|f!TlT'*f i q«Hb , j I&2 00,43 voo t»oo a . [ 3 ooi% sol « ookioieoi'is oo- " h Transient advertisements $1 per ...square* for he firs*,)ajua'lfift^s'ftdifts fdV 'each* eubse quont insertion. PriceyifJ^l Perfected Farmers Friend Plows made in Petersburg Va. m One Horse No. 5 Price I t'OO Two Horse No. 7 " £*|4SpM Two Horse No. 7}£ " * * Tsr Two Horse No. 8 7.00. For sale at Graham by • ' * Yarbroiip llousc ° TOV'i * RALEIGH, N.C. V, W, BI.ACKKAI.t. I > r»prifl»r. i Kates reduced rosulr tneumes. THE GENUIgBj T J DR C. McLANEaL Celebrated American "Worm specific ,■?«« Kyt'i to OR .| iiu-i.•? » i • • VERMISUQE-.i. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pnje and leaden* colored if shes, or a circumlMWd\frM™ nvw™ or both cheeks; the ej^^pnm£jdlill; the pu pils dilate; airsgroicircle runs along the lower eyelid; the nose is | a sv:clli|^AU itfll llfMbsional | headache, with or thro^^^i with throughoutM(4»Utl>sSiwr#l|3w® regulatafiljwf SfloftS*aHiJols not unfrequentlytmged.with belly turbid; ) liifii.wlt, and | accompanied by hiccough; cough I sometimesMrv anrt (iQnviifciJe : uneatv 1 and disturlel |m WN|inaiH|u| the teeth; ' ally y* H«> Jon tJ« WhtßeWcVflie 1 afcOvfc^ytotftfOftis' are found to exisL DR. C. McLANE'S VEJm#T?GS 1 ITJ3OES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY_ in any form; it prepara tion, . hot capacity mik. *t%efolightest The genuuve -DR. McLane's, Ver- i, MIPW6Ote«M tbesignatHrcs-of C. Mc- Lanit afltl" fcm IH V, T.■; D*. Jji IfeTiAH E'S *» • are not the ills that'nesn is neir to,"|>ut 'liffejl'ojis'» of the liven apd jn they ( stiind rival AGUE to, fr after 'l iii I! Mc Insist upon hayiiM; tl»ig#nifrHt J -. LANE'S I?m:r£niS! pt»td*a»»v Bros., of I'ittsburgfirT*, the 'mart; * full of imitations of the hame McLaiie t ' spelled difierently but same pronunciation. I :1 '" MAVKD IIV A C'llll.O. i *»ol »i{} 1 f,~- "mil . ■»y nil -m*. Y iiil It was coinipencement at Q Col» cliuich as I emereu Ir, Tailier tardy. Rifling chorea, tsjn U°l I lie audience room already taken! i press* i /f fl' 0 righl ai,d 10 the left for a vacancy. On the very front row of I fpipid 9ne. _ ( % Ilpre a Jittlfigirl moved along to. mute 9®«M- k ¥wat9iS large gray eyes, whwse ungmffiH was softdited by iwy long fcishts. 4ler' ffceo rose lieforc sunrise. Again and again J ■ .found iny eyes turned rose like CS movC(l, naff smiling to meet nunc. Evidently the child was 'make up' with itte. Ailfl #lied; wilft a bi-ighl smile, she dropued handkerpluef. and •Thanlfc.jfcul' ivro redm£«. fairly -mtrpdaced. ■ Qiliai' porson!») noiv earning' goi,ng to, be j| said to (nee - a v - -(linn t to 6ce how '-sehoolboys' ard>>«rutde into ■ "trrefif" • Her face beamed with pleasuro and pride as sbe said: „ 'My brother's going to graduate; lie's Mcab: 4»ve lmm r Ufrt^aar flow-' were not greenhouse fayoritbs; just old fashioned domestic flowers, sncli as associiyiF with the dear grand » iwjflnirsf'mK' 4 thought, 'they -will seem sweet and beautiful tp him for little sis- ®f • 'The one with the light hair?' I asked smiling and shaking •her heaa in innocent reproof; 'not thai homel) one, with red hair; that Hsiid sdWe brtJ'wn wavy hair."' Hi' fevofl look Hrow * i. , too i bat thay are not arO 1 ' 0 ' 8 g( " him, donX yqu?' In an'eageV wtslh^lbol&tt trofh mo Ic tftU ant^omfllfo.t\fne J as if some iin- U P OU ,u - v ideality ing her brother. *1 seo him,' I said. 'He's a verv good : '• rzt 'Yes, lie is beautiful,' she said, witli urtlMm£Tit! #Jud: atitflie studies so liard. He has taken care ot me ever since mamma died. Hero is his valedictorian, but he Juts an honor, for all that. a « I saw in tßfltaujelturc's familiarity with thc£o terms that herselt with g^rur^HH ficaft,' 'she contiimjlj uJHilMh&iad[^H| !S!y v^dwi brolltf r'S^gqßj HftMw' were oMiilaw on, Jrb JEded ; it to me a great it by heart. Oh] it so junnd. tt This i|Jho wav il begiu^ lislaittlrteafl #1 cAKIWW l Uijf¥i* «*¥* the»actoreaudith»" fu«K3Bii«liltjW mak« up the great kaleidoscode of IriVfdf?, ArcVfte fP of Destiny's 'h(fn&*-M»"«« TlfO* M .t . •Why, bless the baby I' I thought, look ~TTi9 lnto her brlgtit, pronrt facor— i can'i describe how verv_y[d aiuyartfish it tlifi seem to Aukl w»Juso|^jrn k m>rdß lulling out of the smiling infantile the quotation and the exercises progressed, and: ap proaclied ne titer : nterest was c»ttcei>n«tcy my Btiie Iriei d .e.vest 'red jpotft glowed- oil "JJfes She rAuclfed up the flowers, manifestly mak ing ||)6 offering his turn,' she turning to iuo a fnA% iif which pride aud ilelight ahd anxfely -g]«d. tint when the overture wa*f«|i4b|^ »hfouglt,and his name waa-caljajljihe f V ifld all the earfh beside lum. she j-Sfeo tfl lier feet and leaned forward lor,-a JjflJtif'ViewC of her beloved, as he moqiiU od the speaker's I khevfr deep breathing that her heart Vftt throbs bingin her throat. IJuiew, too, by the . GRAILIM, NO, WEDNESDAY JTJNE 18 187!) \v(K- fifei- 1/fotTicr came up tlifc fo"ilic front, t\iat IC wns trembling. The hnmis hung limp; his l'ioe was pallid, and tin# lipe bine n« with cOkl. I>*e+i anxious. Tlie child, too, itemed to dis 1 - cerntlint lhlngl*'were not 'well with him. . Something.l&e lew aliowed, in hor., fllCP.' "tf '»*>" Wrt't wtt l«l »!»* Hotna(WiWini»HW» f 'ifte lifter. 'TftfeA' h 'M*! mil liis face, tlicw-a, look,, and (hpu lie stariaig vacant !>% like a somnujnbijfkty Qi, the Wailing 1 AmfMAdt; * fMMnn of paintuj suspense went bv, and aVifT 116 was struck dumb. Iww liow it was; ■ ••'had been scroti- wjvli a ; Alps I -iit Liu tHuioti her large flliniTiytUf 'feyeir pi#. ,J I'orgOCefi'il B'isil. : * ! '^'l)CU i ' a-, . iwto her lace ;.a »troiiJ{.;,de«. ttrrrtijjiod iqprii atid on Uib fiuieraWikor silbnc6 : \il|iFfC ! i^dni'' , brolfo tlid sWcet, .briiy^&TViYd'&VcW: i J '' 4 1 ' / f AlUVJLtlbp pevm»mvw»M»V 'C?mbii>P-. i iifns ol I lii' Jii'toi s and Iho jloiceH w Wich iniikfc up the great '^ ,v p.^9 .''l ot Ufc««r( nvtW v . , . Aboni wilnnitd ntfArteob* • I°"4 (M Ww Bswi '!«J ««9 n" l 'W in Hujfljl*l}pM. ,ftVW>V AM***'.- 9m i).inl{ quickly struck up, and waves ol 'li vciv-tiftiafctti VoVBi- 1 fiie flpfjf'' ll ' 1 '"! t7,,t V" ™ v*J;•» fi»-»• ■!.,. • ?f«& :»dl lit tl wliieli. 1 inettnt to show {*Uo?intense 6ymj>athy I lelt; but i on lift 7 »I ,jnU m i ai 'U)' abound lictw Slvi SHUS too absorbed -to heed *w'-iSM'efes,V'hH i il> hetti-e 1 •'l' btfl£ apprej\tta6 way-ityttPV man sitting 'wjths sk .•Inoe-liteft* atatue's. bj> Ms sMev'the sei laceji 'ihfst rfaih'o (htq his j}gt, Tfa9 JW'Wm »,to', gelheij, lo«uikej¥i»y*»,ibr-liei.\ She sal dowpi beside him, laid her flowori on his kned, a'tf p f 1 (fould not Keep my- eyes frcm her swcelpftyfoigJftitsfti ' f iiitv her whlspei ' a fcirtj'litJ'B6Vidlft£ tf Hrtlß to catch lier ! fdund out that sLe .vas 'tebkiughi'm ff hQ knqw Jii# now, . aud thaL lie answered jm. . AVim» thewMiuf man noxt ort* the lint had 'Hint' while tho barrd was tWS tSfclltt f6*H6 great •"srrrprijse ma,,(fe her wi\y'dp tfic 6tdge step's and H : tbc throng' of pro t'essdrs.aiidt U'ltftw and distingtushed visitoM, up to tint col lege preside nt. 'lf yon please; sir/ she *aid 'tvilh a little"ddTsrtdßj', 'will Vou and Che trusteed lel n)y fe'otfier try again? lie know? iiccQ wny.' | For a moincnt.. r the, president stared it her nd »l«:,u appreciating tlle crifldi petition, le saail4l on her, and-went d»\\n and piece to f6 redefarttlltmStfTf,' atlbfo'tolfi)* SftflHe back! ti«t- it«h«a'fa^.' :, .l welched Mie taj!d VmTiig isrtt&Vi'ngf. Itqle eyes, the being said that was, Art*oHw, mdving £nd when the vJW e IWS" Wl^ tpe irdent abandon catches Jiith|i6iMm4n the realization that he >• f\s*Uljng down » ■conjuerini— »*ie effect was rtfsly thrilling: ThMntipiiied wuUeuap •broke*i 11(c) intended lor tlie like AwWbftchild ,who bad ing little face, in its pride glMfOwm i iiieAotasjbrt/un^'i,^.c l . 4 I >',!*■ Mr. Rftgsdflle, tf«aroi«r; of Jefferson ooaiity,'Vud.,lhOße hir«!tffa(¥§rtient with * pbor girl to marry a rich, whipw, and a Itirv compelled him to pay S9OO damages. We" be said, as he honcfed over tho moijpy, ati-lf ibout- $20,000 ahead by the change. tlll'J'J 1 I*c »:«-«! lriV tlil *K#.™ wit -I rwiq) si :».(!■ ... tti m rl > : Arnl,mgre I rjuit of ainl of pingerH, let me mention H glimpse :liat iVifiiglilfwfiiie liaviilg IMd'dn*, df ppe of-the 1 cvlvliritip# df 'the l ' ]l&t. Qn' luwving tho In nut) of Mm«x & Hiatal J* crossedthankee! at tUn.dwelling tfJ.WWi l iud.. (,'J'lie jiOv«e Htaixla buijklVom street, and it garden t lint unst lu riuii ntff bo a vdvy btiqu'i-i of' 'fKiWers Aii/I 4 ''%>Wltifo,-fcx«end|i in fh)nt Of'jHpl jAf-'buul' m o greab-utoinger,; lift*.•#»**,; aiui, in J inai 1.1.', »t«fd« in »u 1-ytgp t that lmnts the garden. Ahd beside the /Hint »ht i*n in a'HvYiife "ifnJli xtiil wnm ftr oftWt -aftevntwnr cftpl bf»otea> diht , pwiuifenl*,. i ivat«iflJ 4;i rM, .shiiic. quc in the room, and 114 sue. turned to the rfgftki^K'fWJh.'ttial; die f»ti)#Vp{' y-etun; i:;i)t'li.e lair luiir now'pliiiijt^ii'lll-iystleaked «i|h grks 4 (wtMfc TMim' 1 iwlWMtolck" ■ M [ ,preei«tfet# tM sAfole *ffWh!on -afi tf^h^'UH^ch , ,b«dk Mr vx-iss^ XrtJP 'tfeW gre*ttjr, t oh>i|iggd. i i.iFwsv ooitW >A#Fej ' hi(thai wortv Sueanwu&j ! 'urfhe«UMtlj''th*jr th«- ilngftliv 1 » • brt * °f\p. *9 w*r J **•» Wijfe&N}* 1 ttanqjiiA bowe. Ctftd 4K> I Asol 1 *hf! «t y|efe 4ieumlty 1 very «4cc(te«tf^ud , r' pfcWrtHHl fcr»*' , nf' mmt,"Vdiijg"tW« 1 *to whiyji sofne oj.fna fiiwt ladies lifjJfljgj 'Wild HO shu in IwyWWWWWp] 'Mi3 so.avrieU io dinna* ding *s±tAe,*iul , ' 'Jfi'AbtyttfcAl'hejDit'iiigb Lam pupfctartara:* ', 'extremtflf voice, iVnd limb' J|A|f 'SW for a Aine the baj>e/ bop own artiqtif portou of cbiJd,; Bnt .un&JtUt'uitJoly, the young lady hud neiilier iiiberited liur iDOtli«r» geiiiW*!' nor 'pwwiott; • (w ait, • Wni iiidofeht abd ' wo\Hd not" study, 80 J 1 tt'robably i«'is as I,could hear tV*4 was in ao wise one of «>QCa|^tjoual.pww^ J or be«ttty.i And to k*ve beta: the daughter of J«riuy Lirtd and to (word won .onj(y a Vrw.uU jrfwMSir t>ltt!»CUft mi t»vi «»«■ -. ~ .s 6 tuftJ ( iSciiak i tiik w "■ty* l * ch«!pain»r tad. ex»i , . 40 T'j! ti'iiU'ti aat ihtfif »>ui » ~4. plaimeljj,,,. , . , j r;J . }( . 'ltojakea gwoiou*! .it, *» Ml «.R)j ' "What asked Jauies. .Iii bsi ■ AWliy, here's - (y)j|(^iyq^ with his emplpyfir'ndaughter.' *Aud married thu U)iuatu ThTr yiif dr^lgwi'bf Sy -f! r > fiiyu svmj(«M9u &Jt house^.,Muii! ir. di »•(!«. . 'TliV'rtofll*, ritliyXfciftglF - *i«« S We ffii #'swl lllflU/if, rfM'.'W! tJTiuyi?> >'L ukom lihmbotuyiiiion-fmp-lwttl, J l>faih'»' i tajvetJttß Mgfti> »« Klduq«;i amb*vl * iti i., lrtads'Ml **•'' »:• '. fe-toii Mg inedrnoa ||« ,] old man, a little Bft## ! la#igfSV"Hi:«W*4l» ' [tK.;. Av Utc 1 at. If l bnd rt —M,»? jwi'W—int. ytjdT, coaehman, Idh' dikWlti t 'Cinf» , f , ' ' 1 kt >fWlltd C9MIM Wlf by wuwn', jWtknmewiioysijV feiddy «*ligHl«Y?4»d "slpeild Wtyv. pswMon . -»« ft' ' wefe#, leave bidt cma redi eeot *• ,cuU agaiurb skjjpvmmtj * (Ht m > undtt" i«nefcej Nia immriT 1 WBte" Ofßl»jlMtT«RMlMl««illbiii m t . Wi,«l WWB Ht lijmnjait He M>-««rkj«« a#*Bpiie ofoord J, m fnet^^ad.tol^^lJw^Sl ir tsssM^jSKs^ae i^ d e«w mrnhtty fmLNWM' ■fMy lriend. why don't you sharpen yonr> saw?' The poor oppressed victim of cir. - ctiiflstanoefl looked ,him, , an inKtVtfl, 4tid r fiilWl 'Wf 4redJ l LM>k 11 mts^er.* 4 , dojVt ycJy 'TH'e "Wdfck , enough to do sawing k)iia wiiliont ( stopping to sharji jn saws?' ' 1 A F p " wiiflnjf-r.w'flrtt vi*rt t« it m^ ! spal lc, fcti«lhtgiiMmrGtoniutit,.'ipres«*eil yiirasoK oucticif"ttW ddbr rtiiff iVtfeiveil- '%i« she c(wnN»oH , rt hiialto lUfe beKdoin alirt' l*oM lifijn lobe«ofytcd v f»%yAii; »t» coii'fi, > , Pre&onljy (lie luqv emored, Jlor fcol, were bkio,u;ov(!ieJ 01$ I v vvitli-l«»«iNsc *li»)- > para. Cfte b«wed la him ctirolessly wul . KaiiJl; AAji>.U#iu }&t* H' ts J W*H>r on a sofn. let full "n clipper ami reached out to i,assefle l.n , fbor. i:> ji-jilf v»i KnfiNll##vH» i «kH«wftll , V.*o»nplptfiJ|t #P ' Ht /]ii - 'hwi|»e iii Gei infinv It was theA ciwjfoiii soinpi itnhs Vo *ktas aW dv 's"htii irl, 116 ifwas the Ftatfaliidtftf to* *4ilw ltcr t'k>t. !i'J>hci*fbiH* ho did not heeiuUe fajw'pviut si kUs upoii.thp,,loot so iipfu him, but lie con Id .not avoid sayiux .'] Ui:tnk y rtti, tlils iiftW TnttVuu 'n making a lady's acquainlaitea. It •'!# much belter aiwVccrlHittly nioiiJ generous Miaa Itisiing the. iiiliid.'. i~ ■' ( .!>>• ' ■'•ivhft ''what Afe V" ' lul art' mmi.). r, He£tarotiii9»emit» hoiiiM sv W.S!^'"" UC 10 Biiy '-vw^i 1 I,J lJtil j i du , 'Bfcni' n»»th* : coimldootoc's' 1 ' V'bbrri-VliiiTjr'fl'bin flfj and put ii « til fils :, po©fc«t. glancing at hC liftdrgivQH tOtAiKV^awwrHiit, who, bail feSS».' *M R , ™ero wa> 1 liOCHng to do but laugh over Ibo. lobfe. — ■Phi aildphia '■■ft-01/i&s * » * ' $T *" —aiT "dt vl " ' |»t V*nl4li*H«ll»r Wu»uiiy IT|ixcl til "UYjlsftj r 8 6i 11 Millie re ttffju a BKHifct 1 IT-2-II: Tfi6ugß« iflttodoikwd"! ho -wn* at sound ' Alfi»k«r)*tid'uii #l«qu«it «pewk«r, anil wr 1 V* j. fcWWOfc! MWtf&Mill > A) Wils the custom miring fho increment * Imo&W T&iftliVgtf 'ifrt'Hg jriß*rtrU"V«9 ob 1 wHed! tiiat Mw—rneither pwinclica, iwr h6ttse. but secured (ho ficrvices of, soiue 'Wtth6ari.igtnni«tbfr • :1 'fie was oftoii'pwwwd tftr &ti tWI! \v4HiouVipccfiHß i.JiUtiinHUf Alk * ! W- imptfrtuniiles ot his Bock, • 'hvo vmn't-WHi Mi ' ylrtfugsr Uim»Uiow4ii»lt!Ct» not loMgiftlter ! sfemSi t ,r,', »far HMfW rtrtr ctwAgpo ■grftloaAftAtiwlu JUw- fiimtfiKi Mr?.; B r 1 *"ffellt our negro bow, TJ ,d » Ao neighbor Pat.r/foV B^6 V - r l?mter. tflttf aild locnteil nhiinselfi, standing ou owe loot ft( a outskirts otJLio cc»^ Bcing TVfell warmed liv 'mf flihikii»g4icUiioir,ol!!i > iia nor his emuid tliejaoat poecosifal mode ol ifnpresmilg hcAiere oTO ot my deuiundedt «*ri(& MWpVA '>ud wlftl ktiflr Paul Bay ?' 'PSnr, h!« I ftjo«kWfg exdaimed, a» TiavonlK bould liuVftdoita rtte HbtoftWid ?*! short oHsoitew ,b«*onrri v i;*e« bam i>^| f K»(iT ' * ■ fdun i °*r —.i'c 'Hit wlinu'U yiff rr« i j ~. IJS laM« l frw '\oc ,% e M iMwr's ,UWUW where we saw a real Jiai'em. and ' (^.ct l*** imimep mitrm't# «iW )^Mrtt«i>pdj>aUaainiq,«nan>fiiMpn buy; i»U h, .W« OMfoiWi^ AOM i\aftjW>iLi|ivU»l »ll,tlto.j£i|HO»et«H%|M tabis wtytes-and clnWren iircuuiiju h6*WrttbP f whitii, liniiurtts/llidyxfrtnt abto>t> *tzW ,VM§>* ot mom «J. Iflw J - sIW luSMtWitW Bftf those ot irtvii MVP j») pWt lUH>t an Mi i ijf*k**l*rt. W«ie nonxw w-«ii div^p (HI %%wio mvpJl cl|»n3 aycP sgnts. wiffi STi ■ fpilraof; 4 5iAmw,rK6y.' i^t'od ' Vbty I>iwn»ii6t orwite, mi, Wwließ«*,tbe¥^ar4ly IWOt flld ichmlgo- f»p - »*W|t 'it kwo.M,^... L t(ie «wt,}?q«Be, ™ Abe »knte a;> the otlier, only here we fa v the daax^i?it W bMf;U moMti to Jii.ButfliHa Wl#»o'Silk«, *ith» Wlile t«r- LMfOii itai bead. Over tbe be\ they ( alitt|ojiW 'WlidlyJ'biil Td6 i n6td[dubt I hey fumigated •thtt entife'hcrtfife aftei 4 HWlfeltr' >j Ml ; «[,,! i llli j ill* itU U« " . wl ihmiMta atd con»- ftb-'ari was born at cdmposed a id played,his i" public ac tbo ago of flfii >tafß. -* '• .t v NO. tO v. i O lyings. • —"■ ■ littlited first indications* of a IhiwtKl-lio/- ■ * , •"> v wflMI • A tiiitii ttHitfcfed of perimv i" Aln lOTiim mnd.pai ilojic.l bvuwaae his of wife's i?i yt'l|ow fever. . « E«rof)f)iii) Histimlta* a pflpnl.nion of 4xTy-puo mMiioiif, ol wliuin only nine percent. C*m teml vr,.wr\H>. j '• 'il New Y»ik trill saiiff I FTM growing nu expression «o peu.Meijt and her p«»oraiHi ualjng leit for gpqjd, .1 A Texan deacon adopted the mft hod .of p!U6iHg+U« cojuM|fe|iHtH« box in «»» c linnd aud;c*i;rvinj n revolver in (he t>in> dr. Net results, $17,03. A Novada politician was olecfod on the luw-it* of speech. AH ho ■said was: 'Fe'lqtf countrymen, loliow me to 1' Claspja.JKstory---Teacher mv . tod, where mid IK>W di(J WH«II- Kentucky last moiitfi." Tho offer of h 'Pi" .i% B'ljwmhyr" to ttdof ChwcK Unwriy published in New York, ought V Hurt a very hopeful revival in Texas.—/vrtJtoas City Times thb know uie to nniriv 4tt T, mi' dear *■ itiJ**«i m!t? nfrwßTp;im -iT't- »fti A deep welljfrt Stoi ktan, Xan«a«, ha? 4hat tbe bottom hA'A falleii fntp hell rt«int»tnlii-4,oßition (faVtfnd At Uktt ow.bin|->witb an axe rfTtttfn# &*&>?• '' Mtffl tie devil when he enlarges. *" Making wnisleonfs ;ir /fc.mL, c-„r. eaab, ftfcuvoit-ghirfa at foftr cetfts tip Wo, at.flfty at.flft y ce'.tt fa troatrcrs at tr> QOhtnv pnir SBMttatoa' jioii at tewing Wemdt of Cleveland, Oliip. "Gentlemen df the Phelpe to the twelte tr,rt» of ton, Mind,,., who bad ctihviiniS hta ' dfc«gfiter of selling cider wftfiont a -Ucoime, >lljl'ysß- gl ,t to-iwv is, vV«',« a B#.x>f jadmasea, you m»* , vuve /our .yrs pvw,U>*.* tnuh:' Mr. SttrP" *** of (S( jv L■* 'Hi "'-j si. vii'id '!«■ A Sap n»peit W» a rescued tmm the ''d^bier d»t#l»Ot (Miri 'l*jhPß«> tjfock oi^rators. K^atfihil tor iu^slr 1 ? R,U rn! n VVilli ft point L—-A^f^.T l . lo ytyws "f" l ' borrowed all hVMWWWItJiidfl jWHfcln#*fertf»»; hot fhe market» wrtit l Wj ia uuw dtwti« '.JVKu/.nl n.n ,:-i« j»7irt . . i LGAVRITOPKIV, ,h ® ns ho mxta stAirs,'(his t«.a-World of «cham'»s. ! f*' w fWU oftM Ihrpe months ago that that *•"' noWHW Wrtfs Xrtiniid anrt' jiiwa 'c .s I 110./ i kn-.w i 'HW. hut mollis to me R. 01 '®* . tellers who en n't 'Bw«k.ooiibtttlhtf toi'rn#re ii three mom In nt a time can t he ot acconui.' A little boy., ten years old, was beir.g by his mother tlx?, lessons lor his te h . da J r > T i'e Wtteejst w»a 'WftT, nnd tli#] burning buaji,?! He was-ask-i, tlie passage in the Kibkj rel«t tjfUik thereto had been read to Wh»,'*vV v hafc ,did MoSeS Ba'Jr a flAirtff of fit-o came gut of the mrdst of the burnuig tnah?' Tom answered 'I don't know.' '\Vh_v, it irvcry simple,' fuiid the motW.r; 'what 'fonld /oti said?' Qxclaiiued ; , the toy, bis blue-eyes widf»,with,won ivr.?., ( ,-■ 'Me! why I'd bun* aaiil, 4 J4»nmujy crick tM Wtari". thxt' I .. vjv A PA'r RKfl. v. *' was ono of the ohK-timo r clXA|t tycßfcjrbftWjrymjii eplcrloy and W 7 ,wrs \vnys often oh. sonied hia real ( ot Ijeart. , 't)no jjer was caught in a shower and gpina: t6 a : . rude cabin ii; °i , jotrt kudW jwttj'-flie iwpHeil, sus dominie. 'Oe ifot. forgitfijl to en/chifin • „ ■straiiffers, for thereby Initio fiAyo fefltj»S*:\ 'ss. tained angclsiinawai'cs.' *'■ ' "v- t .- J 'You needn't any that.' quickly ro->- *, turned the other; 'no anyel would coma down here with a g| tobacco In his shut The door-lb hia fnee. leaving .«nB the goo«l mail to the inurev >t : Jbe . raln.M and his own icflQctfftiia. —Q, K. - MI. VV"'- F