Ream sold on the 18th seven grades of tobace# for Hay Wood Morgan* colored, that amounted to $72.90 per cWt. trf Reaffls for High i^fefagfefv THE GLEANER Local, State and General " GRAHAMTN C July 23 IB7T~ Durham wants more water. * Reams' Warehouse boats the world on big average. Work on the Court House is rapidly progressing. Several families M>m Dorlram are visiting Stonewall Spring*. FIIESH DRUGS— for the Casrt. at the Southwest corner of Court Iloitsc Square, Mr. Merritt, wife, and three children ftom Wilmington, are visiting relations in Graham. We return our thanks to Mr. Juhn M. Foust for a very fine water melon. The very best, and largest we have seen. Renms' WnrchotTseiiold, on the 9th j Instant, for John ifafljer 1244 pounds of tobacco at »ti average of $56,56, crop around. A water melon treat was enjoyed by the htdies of the Good Templars lodge, fast Friday night. A cool delightful apoll of weather, we liave been enjoying for the last week, hut no rain ot any consequence tip to tne preseirt writing Pcams' Warehouse is still ahead on ' high averages. Farmeis, look well to your interest and be sure to let Reams sell your tobaceo. Miss Lina Burnett who has beon spending sohie time in Graham, wo are sorry to hear beuii called home by the illness o( her mother. Renins, of Renins' Warehouse litis heavy orders for large quantities of good wrap*, pors, fancy smokers nnd fillers. Water melons in market last week, large and plentiful, which were enjoyed by old and young, rich and poor, white and black. While the wheat crop ia our imme diate seotion is not an average crop, yet taking the State over, and it is reported to be a very fine crop, of excellent quali ty, and perhaps never exceeded m quan tity. ACCIDENT. — We regret to learn that "Willie H. a son of Dr. W. B. Uarreli of this place, broke his arm by falling from a treo, !ast Thursday morning. The wound was quite painful, but ho is lapid ly improving. We are requested to announce, and take pleasure in so doing, that Mr. Davis of the Free Will Baptist church, from Eastern Carolina will preach in the . Baptist church in this place, next Sunday at LI o'clock. ALARU OF FlßE. —Saturday morning, tha quiet of our town was disturbed by the cry of fire, which was found to pro ceed from the roof of Mr. Loi\gest's house, having caught from a burning chimney. Efficient aid was soon render ed and the flames extinguished without much damage. " "A school girl" of Graham whose ab sence has not been heretofore noted al though she spent two whole weeks, not at any fashionable springs, or tiresome sea-side resort, but in the green woods of Alamance, omong the hills, where black berries grow plentifully, the air cool and healthy', and the people just the beat in these United States. But we were going to say, after her delightful holiday trip, which is one long to b« remembered, she is again absent, visiting in Chatham. Foreign papers will please note. NEW MAGISTRATES. —The newly aps pointed magistrates are requested to at "tend at tho office of the Superipi Court Clerk, on the first Monday iu August and take the oath of office. They are as follow*.* Roderick Kimery, Frederick Graves, Joseph P. Albright, AMI Iselay, Tred U. Blanchard, Churles G. May liard, Jolin R. Thomas Staf-. ford, William Stafford, W. H. Lasley, and Thomas C. Foust. Those who are now magistrates must attend as well as others, as they will enter upon a new term after first of August. PABHIERS IVAHSNOCIB AND AL/A JMAIVCK. On the 10th of this month there was a Premium Sale at Farmers Warehouse, in Dauvillo, by Messrs Redd, Jordan fc Johnston, the anterptiaing proprietors, and notwithstanding the dry weather the capacious house was full and the sale a decided success. We (jiv® the list of premiums awarded by which it will bo aeeu that Alamance walked off with the . first and highest. First premium, #45,00,f0r best Bright Wrappers, 126 lbs,was awarded to James M. Hurdle, of Alamance county, N. C. Second premium, $30,00, for second best Bright Wrappers, 118 lbs., was awarded J. B. Ferrell, of Pcaridge. Third premium, $35,00, for beat Ma» hogony Wrappers, 138 lbs., %as awarded to James Dunn, of Henry county, Vir> gtnia. Fourth premium, $20,000, for beet Smokers, 200 lbs., Was awarded to Wil liam Warren, of Caswell county, N. C. Fifth premium, for best Filler, 205 lbs., was awarded to James Dann, oi Henry.county. Va. P. Ferrell, L. P. Bransford, C. H. Conrad, T. J. Corbin and W. D. Bethel, were the committee who awarded the premiums. " __ A private letter from the "proprietors of Farmers Warehouse saya "There is quite an improvement in all grades of tobacco in our market, especially on the better grades. Good Luga are high with a very strong competition; and the ten* K dency ia upward on all grades, and fine ||gs high: 1 ■ Hlv-' / r raak Lnlie'a H'NDATm4CIA!(IKjB, Witli the July number/ this bountiful and very interesting work commences (lie sixth semi-annual voluiwg; and both publisher nnd editor seem determined to spare no efiort to render it superior to any bimilar publication. The 128 ptiges sparkle with literary and ar'istjc gem? of peculiar brNlhtucy; the illustrations num ber irearly lOQ. The opening article, by A. 11. Guernsey, is on "The Ten Primi tive Persecution*," ami should be read by nil the Christian families in tiie- land, i A thoughtful article, "We Seek the Truth}" an impressive one on "Idle) Words"; a sprightly one, "Around Uio i tc Janiero." and many others, will well I repay the reader. The"department of fic-1 lion is unusually attractive. "David I Fleming's Forgivenrso" is nSarly cm clmled, and the short stories are by pop ular wi hers, and very interesting and instinctive. Airs. Preston, Paid H. ilt»yim ] and others contribute original poems. There Is an excellent- sermon, and the Popular Exegesis, by the editor, who also, in his editorials, discusses timely topics; and in "At Hort.e ami Abroad" a trustworthy \iew is given of movements in the religions world. The miscellany is exceedingly comprehensive, entertain" ing, and replete witii iustruntion. the price of thiit valuable magazine is $3 a | year; six mouths, $1,50; four mouths, ft. Address, FRANK LHSLIK, 53, 55, and 67 Park Place New York. - «B INB IjOD GE OP Ht. I, O. O, T. SECKF.TART'S OFFICE, RALEIUU, N. V., Julv 7th, 1879. The GUANO LODGE OF N. C., I. O. G. I T.» wilL meet at Winston, Forsythe [ Conntv, Tuesday, August 12th, 1879. \ North Carolina liailroad—Return tick r ets nt six cenlfi per milo —on sale Aug. ' 10th, llih and 12th. I /to ibord and Roanonk—Tickets three I coins per mile each way. Albcrntarle Sleamboat Company—Re turn tickets nt one tare. ltalcigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Au gusta Airline—Return tickets'at six cents per mile* Western N. C. Railroad —Full fare going—return on certificate ot Secre turv. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad—Rfeturu tickets ai six cculs per milo. Wilimiugton & Weldoii Railroad—Re turn tickets at six cents per mile. 'Carolina Central Railroad—Three cents per uaile each way. V. RAI.LARD, O. W. Secretary. Homes will be provided fur all. BiN«nA.n Mi'fkoois. We learn that Major Bingham ba3 benured.a graduate of a German Uni? versit.y as a teacher ju his school, a thing which, as far as wt> know, no other school or college has done. The faculty will consist of Maj. fi. Bingham, A. M., Sup't. Prof. R. B. Willis, [Biughaui's, and University of Virginia.] Prof. M. C. 8. Noble, (Bingham's, Davidson College and University of North Carolina.) Prof. R. Sharp, A. M., (Randolph Macon College and University of Leip sic.) 'With such a fasulty the Superinten dent feels assured that the future of his school will excel its post. The latest newß received from Mem*- phis gives the city over to the vellow plague, and the various towns along the roadß are iu a terrible state of alarm. Five new cases were reported Julv 17th creating great excitement which "cannot be described. Business was suspended, trunks packed, and people .'eaving with out any ceremony, their greatest anxiety to get a.v»y from the doomed city. A telegram received irom Dr. Mitchell of Memphis, declares the city to be dan gerously infected, and three new cases reported July 19th. Frcm a private lotter wo received irom a friend iu Dan cyville. Tenn. we publish the following extract in regard to the terrible fear iip ii the people^ ; 'Dout t.'eis you know as much as we in regard to the terrible panic in our own beatttifnl metropolis Memphis. Men women and childrn are fleeing for thair lives, some having already ai rived in Ibis section. Alas I alas I wiiatis to become of us. I learn that the scenes in Meins phis beggar description. On the wings of lightening comes the wild rumor that this terrible disease lias broken out in Browiisyille, also Somerville, otTr own counjy town, from the two latter 1 havo iiotbing^authentic. Alarm and consterna> tion prevails all over this great valley. We do not leel secme anywhere." Your "Friend. G. N, A, YELLOW FEVER. —Our exchanges ol to*- day bring nothing encouraging. The uumber of cases jtill increasing, deaths multiplying, and people still fldeing for their lives. July 21st fifteen ca.-es re ported to the board of health. A dispatch from Dr. Mitchell, a men berof tho board of health now in Memphis says: Since 9 o'clock yesterday morning nineteen new cases of yellow fever, and seven deaths have occurred. The fever is spreading. Four cases at New York. Secretary of War will forward to Memphis 1,500 tents I and rations for 10,000, for 20 days. TOOTHACHE, No certain treatment can ba laid down for Toothache; it must be regulated entirely by a knowledge of the cause, whether arising .from decay, irritation of Tartar, the application of cold, or merely pa a sympathetic affection. , The disease which occasions this malady is insiduous in its progress, dangerous and some times fatal in its consequences; but the danger more frequently arises from an improper ap plication of remedies, than front the disease Powerful remedWfl for the Toothache, as well as for other diseases, are hazardous in the hand* of the ignorant. W. F. BASON, Dentist, Haw River, P. O. N. 0. A man dropped a lighted match in an empty whiskey bHrrel in a bar-reom iu Ualeigh aud the explosion was shocking. MKBANKVILLK, N. c.. > July 18th, 1879. $ -MREDIJOR: The vcrv sudden, peeled and inysiorioHs disappearance Sf one Win. Hartnett nil Irishman' and a licensed county peddler wfio became well known over the county, has Jed me, to write this. Whisperings aro heard tmtt he may havo been murdered, since it id thought lie had somo money. If he has left the county and Slnto no hnrm can be done by inqiring afier hiin and If he has been foully dealt with it may.lead to the discovery ot the guilty parties, lie left Mr. Constantine Whitsctt'a the 26ih of December last to go to Mr. George Maynard's near Uuiuii church. Mr. May nard says he was there about that time, went to Dr. J. W. McCauley's and spoilt the night, left there early next morning and no further traces ..r him can be found. (Ie left a portion ot his goods and wear ing apparel at Mr. WhWseltV Hope you will publish this and if any one lift* seen or heard of him since he loft I>r. McCauley's he will please communicate with the undersigned nt Mobaneville N. C. Yours truly. .Us. I. WHITE. lOK TOBACCO GROWINU COUiY TKV OP TIIU WOKI.It, Tho United States may be regarded as the great tobacco growing country of the world. It can be jM'ow-n-in ev ery one ot ilie Istates. From the bcr ginning iu Virginia, this country has no v reached a production of fjur hundred million ponnds worth about $38,000,000 iu its unmanufactured slate. Fully fifiy thousand' persons aro employed iu its manulacture, earn ing $14,000,000 iu wages and turning out a product worth $72,000,000. To* bacco ranks sixth on tho list ol out: ex ports, and last jear we sent abroad atfont $50,000,000 worth. Germany i»otir best customer, but Great Britain toilows closely.— Plant. WINSTON VOTES FOB TUB R. It. APPRO PRIATION —Last Friday an election was held in Winston to determine whether or not the town should appropriate the sum of $20,000 to tho construction of tho Cape Fear & Yadkin Vallsy liailroad, which resulted in favour of the appropriation. Ot the 366 votes polled only 14 votes were adverse to the appropriation; and as the voting strength ot the town isstati cd at about 588, a majority ol 67 of the registered voter 3 lavorcd the appropria tion. DEATH OF JOIW TAPSCOTT.— On the night of the 13th of this month, at his the northern part of this county, John Tupscott died, jifter a lony illness. He was quite an old man, and leaves a large family of children, all grown, and atl aued widow. , He was long a promi nent man in this county, being the first Sheriff elected by bl»«* people, which office he held until 1858. He held in high esteem and respect by his many friends. Burglars broke Into the honse of Mr. A. V, Hikes In and while one watched the cook romo, through which they had made their entrance, tho the other tynaacked the bed room in which Mr and Mrs Sikes were sleeping. He bad bundled up the clothing, and in at tempting to take some rings from Mrs Sikes fingers she awoke aud gavo the alarm. Her husband tried lo shoot the Hoeing burglar, but unfortunately his pistol failed to tire, and both escaped. General Robert Toom*, ot Georgia, though in politibs an eccentric fire-eater, succeeds ns a money-maker. He bought 100,000 acres ot Texas lands iu the ins fancy of that State at twelve or fifteen, cunts an aero. It is now worth from $4 to $lO an acre. His income trom his practice as.n lawyer has reached $40,000 a year, and he is said to be worth at least $500,000. —T/?c Observer. Abe Wiggins murdered Polk Gibson, in Swain county, They met in the road when Gibson proposed to speak with the woman who was with Wiggins upon Wiggins objected a::d Gibson »nid the woman should decide. Wiggins then pushed Gibson back and shot him with an old army musket, lie fled. Destructive storm in the Clayton pors tion ot Johnston county, nml also along the Wilmington & WeMon Railroad be tween Magnolia and Goldsboro. Con~ siderable damage was done to fences and buildings, but no live/J were lost wo lieve. . ••• Habitual poor health 1s a direct rcs-jlt of habitual poor attention to the physi cal system. Keep the head cool, the teet warm, and tho bowe's regular by the pre per use of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills, aud sickness can not approach you. Price 25 cents. TIIKKB YEARS IN BATTLE AND THREE IN PUISON. —Is tho title of a series of ar ticles now appearing in the farmer and ifecliunic , from the pea of Cap!. R. A. Sliotwoll, They are personal in their character, but very readable neverthe less. David Lanier, white, wa9 killed by David Faison, colored, at Dudley in Wayne county. Tho negro WAS a tenant of Lanier's and iu a quarrel about the crop he knocked bin the head with an axe, and then ran , Judge Kerr Is at the Greenbrier White Snlphur Springs, and we are glad to say his health is improving. Sleepless nights and oherless days will be prevented it you use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup to induce sleep aud composure for the oaby. Price 25 cents* Simeon Frankfort, an old merchant of Charlotte, and a highly valued citizen died last week, in the 69th year of his age. The storm on the coast was 60 great Thursday night thai the W-ilmiugton Star coald get no dispatches over the telegraphic line. Judge John C. Snced died at his resi dence ia Angnsta* Ga. the lltli inst., He was one of the first lawyers in Ga. and was honored aud respected by als who knew bitn. Judge Settle and family have come to Greensboro from Florida to speed the summer. fIYTIIK WHfll.K O I'MKD • H'iNl * . No preparation has ever performed sucb marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as ATKH'B PKCIKHIAI., which is recognised as the world's remedy for all diseases of tho throat aud lungs. Its long con tinued series of \wnderftii euros in all climate* •has made ii nuivJwally Known as a safe and reliable agent employ, gainst ordinary colds, which are the forwannertr of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always re Ue\ing suffering, and often saving life. The protection it uffords, by it» Jhnely use In the throat aud lung disorders of children, makes it an in valuable remcay to be kept always ou hand in every home. No person cam afford to be without it, aud no one who have used It never will. From their knowledge of iu composition aud effects. Physicians \fre the CRKKRY PBCTO KAL esteusively iu thclV practice, and Clergys ir.en recommend IV it Jh absolutely certain iuitn remedial etlccts, aud will always cure where cures are possible. FOR SALE DI ILL DEALEM. Bad pfl for ram ns wo are. some of our neighbors nro niitch wor«e qft. The whole Stale of South Carolina is parched with (hirst, Bui in Oconee, tl.o extreme north western county ot South Carolina, the condition of the people is fcarlul. No rain has fnllon sinco the first of Mav. Wells and springs arc drying up. The corn is dead. Blackberries are withered. Gar dens are dusty, and typhoid fever Is pre valent. No such lime has been known since 1845.—Chapel Hill Lvdyer. The Harden cotton factory is now in snccesstul operation iu Windsor, turning out as prettyy yarn as can he Found any where. (I send you a sample by mail.) The cotton is spun directly from the seed, and being taken off siowly makes tho fiber loni[ and strong. There ougiit to be a like factory in every county.— Economist. Chnstinc Cox, tho negro who some weeks ago murderod Mrs. Hull iu New York city, has been tried, convicted of murder iu tho first degree ami sentenced to be hanged on the 20ih of August. It will bo remembered that Mrs. Hull, an old lat woman, was found dead in her bed, tied by strips of bcdclolhing. Cox was captured aud confessed the burg lary and murder 1 , On good recommendation the degree of Bachelor of Arts Wus conferred on Mr. William V Marshburn, of Sylvan Academy,by the Trustee and Faculty of Yadkin College, at the late ConudetKet ment The Wilmington Star says thttt flhody Lowrey, the widow oftheonce notorious Hour)' Berry Lowrey, leader of tho band of tho outlaws which were tor a ltong time such a source of terror to mairy of (lie good people of Uobesou county,- has been turned over to the United States courts on the charge of selling liquor without a license. The blackberry crop for ths first .time in years, is said to bo almost a failure. In the counties of Guiltord, Alamance, Randolph, and other counties, there are people who have made it a special busis nesß, and have reaped consiiierablo profs its, who will feel the lailuro very sensi* ble. v A boat load of 7,000 water melons were shipped to New York from Beaufort on Wednesday of last week* Tbcrmometor stood lasf'tfeffk in Ral eigh at N. C« dopot. 140 degrees oil the platform, and 92 degrees In Aslieville. the highest ever known Iu that place. Philadelphia turns out 20,000,000 gar*, ments a year, aud employs 50,000 incn and women in wprk. j The water in James river at Richmond, Va., is lower than for many yeais, ami persons can crob» without wetting their foet. i A little girl named Davis sank in the streets of Winston from Sunstroke. She soon recovered. Dr. Pritchard resigned his pastorate last Sunday. MARRIED.—*By G, D. on the 22nd of June Mr. Robert Marshall and Kanoie Bnrke, all of Alamance/ ' * > —=~ -r DIED. —At her home in the northern sec tion of this county, on the 16th day of this month,Arminta, wify of Thomas Reid. ADVERTISEMENTS g- m i —» Scott & Donoell Graham N C Dealers in DRV aoirttn. OROCBRIB ■IARDWAKK, HAT*, BOOT r«HOBR, NOTIONS, IKON, . STBKI/, SAI.T, ITIOI>AS IBN, DRIIfSS, NIK DI VINES, DVB STUFF 4C AC. Br. W. F. Bason, immm Will attend e»l)s In /lamana* and ad>oialn counties. Address: Haw River, P. O k c. *. mmmM HIGH^paOOL H. C. TEAGUE, Prindjul, The sixtls session of this SctaMri will re-open on the ttth day of January 1879, and continue twenty wects. Tuition fromfs to 20 dolars pe session. Board, inclnding lights and washing from #6 to $7 per month. For any additional information, address the Principal, Rock Creek N. C. ' Orchard Grass Seed, Clover Beed and Fresh Garden Seed at SCOTT .DONNELL. And old man, and young lady and old lady, and those of uncertain age, and children all GO WEST of the court house to the store T ? '"J s , „ _ ■ ■■ 4 • . ' ' ™ .r-„ bearing the sign J. W. HARDEN ° bUy tOUR GROCERIES YOUR HARDWARE YOUR D*Y OOOffe „ . : YOUR SHOKJ»* BOOIS - - " - YOUR HATS A CAPS , YOUR RKADY-MAWE CLOTffiNGF I ' YOUR LEATHER > YOUR BUGGY FINDINGS YOUR EDGE TOOLS ' I YOUR NOTIONS TOUR CROCKERY A GtAS» Wa«ff YOUR TIN A HOLLOW WARE YObR LADY'S HATS A BONNETS _ AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU VtA#f TofC! • "• " P ' TOl'R CnICKENt, iroiJß Idea, Yotß tfvff kN« YOUR WHKAT. VODR Ff.OUB. VOVK OA*-*. roVRCOBIf. Tdta PRODVtfR. 0* Come and set /. W. HARDEN. 7. 8. ' ' ' ' " '&■ CHEAP FURNITURE —Ei ■ ... •»■»* My store-robins and shops, tfffe 6hly 8 (tfw stdj>s north of th*f cWrt Mtftiee, fn Greensboro, "aid I ask the people of Guilford and surrounding counties to eiartVn# my stock of furniture and auk the prices, andthen, if In thulr Judgnrenl they Citn do bettfcf atfJW&rt'o W North Carolina, 1 shall not expect them to buy of me. My t-tock in part consist? of ham ber suits, Dressing suits', Bedsteads, Chairs, Bureaus, Wash- Tables, Lbtfking glasses, Folding chairs, Mattrasses, Wall poekets and Brackets, Book shelves, Book cases, . Wardrobes &c &c. AH these and many other articles in the greatest variety, from oomnlon to the finest, Burial Cases and Coffins from common to the very finest, always on hand, In large numbers, of assorted stssr, so that any application can be filled at once. Also „ BURIAL of flfTl tmautlfrt *cA ewfdhlsto#, art ways ota band. 1 shall in cfeftgerf 1/ pebble will call and look for themselves \ R GULLETT. Greensboro, N. C. 5-OS-79. Jy, •" V ' BID YOU EVER? No, Never! "WHAT! NEVER? well hardly ever ffe'e' a' larger, cUcSpW, more varied and completes STOCK OF GOODS anywhere, in ny market, by any body than , John Q. Gant Co «* conpifft Mtfpir have in slore'4'od are constantly r&mtvmg. You can ffnd about as near evcrettiftig on tfleii 1 sh'efte*, counfel-ff and lb theft* #'arC-i l 6oms tg can be fotaud In any 6>>c ctore in tMs country.- They invite all who #ish to look or buy to' come. Their stock says, cbtnp; their price* say, come; their polite and attentive clerks say, come; their liberal prices fat all Kinds of barter say, come; and, above aW, tb» interest of Hiose wishing to btty Ays to' try' JOHN GANT &o. i • C«ajw*y Shop*, if x . reMR. BUTTS mWK-A-M No. 12 N. Eighth St. UUUL9 Bt. Louis, Mo. Who lu« had grater «n»«l«ue> to tini treatment of lh* «tzual trouble* of both male and femala than an/ ph jalclan In tha Wat, gma tha icaolte of hia lone and ■ucoMafcl practice to lus sw* aaw warfc*, joat pohllshM, entttlad The PHYBIOLOOY OF MARRIAOK Tho PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVIBER BookethatarareaUrSaMtaaad MMHtnetan ia all ten pertain mg ta ifaahMd and eeid fwjr . wantlontftlt. Thej are hmUtallf lllaMralrj.aeid ffijlato lanfoeC*, eaaily >ndeie>iiiid. Th*tw» farfOtowHl pagM, Mtdeonteto TelaefcU heftwetjaa and UM: hot la eomethinirthnt mtrjimaf A'e«w'!S!««> 'fta Taata. the rletlin of wrtr indieentwn; Iha Mas. otMnrlaa maybe, but wllh b,£h 'n ,t * (lit, SA eta extra. Sent under Kal.oiflß ■ WJI •ecaipt of price ia money or etampe. JBLZSi WEEK in your own town, and no kpOlJcapital risked. Yon cat gire the business a trial without expense. The best opportunity evw offered for those willing to work. You should try noiidns: else until you see for yourself what yoa can ao at tne business we offer. No room to explain here. YQU can devote all your time or only your spare time to the buskieM f ai>4 -make great pay for crery hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free.. $5 Outfit frOT. Don't compliin of hard times whito you ktw such a chance Address H. IIALLETT A GO-, Portland, Maine. SMOKIP |J' BLACKWELL'S Pj ' Mr DURHAM mm TOBACCO »ane« Medicines, Oils, Paints, Glass, I have succeeded to tbfe business 0f It. WV Glenn A Son. and shall fe* glad to serve tboi>a wanting any article kept U a ftrst class Drui Store, either by . wholesale OF retail. My stock is large, and' irfy assortment com', plete, and tftoy will bfe k*pt so all the timet >. My axporfcenMt in the business is long, nnd [ think I may safely claim to beas-well tifiHetw serve the interest of tKoae favoring mcr pltlt their patronage as any one. I My Store Is Jost abovo the Bt*bo*r Hotel building, on the name ti*\ wftere I shall bw pleased to Walt npon either in iH-rson, or by experienced clcrlar. 5,20, ly. €&«iKvi?c, V •