ASTBAN«B6TOKIr.t A MILLIONAIRE'S FAT*. Ills DYING HAffIWAGJB AT HENDEBSONWLLB. fFrom the Richmond Dispatch.] James JT. Wheatley left Tennessee for Brooklyn over twenty five years ago, wben a hid of sixteen }ear«. Being pen»- niiess lie pitched in with a will, au'd at the «ge of thirty-eight found himself a millionaire, married an estimable Brook lyn lady, mid turned his attention to the doing of good works, 110 wjs chief mover in many charitable nchetim, I'Fe uented a rectory to St. Peter's Episcopal parish, and founded * home for consumptives. He lived in a mag* iiificent house, lie did not drink,, chew or atnoko. The panic ol 1873 cnme, and Mr. Wheatley found hi rowel f crippled, lie left tlie sugar business and went to Philadelphia to manufacture watev-proof cloth. Later ho went into the shirt! business in New York. On the »igLi of August 27tU,1878, Officer Gannon, of the New pol'ce, found Mr. VVheat loy lying ourjeTnidewalk at the *>rner of Oaarles and Morton street*.. He wus moaning piteously fc* help. His vest - « ruffled shirt and collar betokened a struggle. He veemed under the influence of a power ful drug. To the offiser the prostrate man said he had been robbed and nearly murdered by highway men. He pain fully told tlie story of the assault upon Jiim. j,A" he was walking along Sixth avenue, just at dark, he said, he was suddenly assaulted by three men, who threw him dowQi nud began to beat hinv 'JTiey then tore open his vest and robbed hiin of $20,000. in money .and bonds. On the person of the victim were found securities valued at 115.000, together with a small sum of mouey, a valuable gold watch, and a set of diamond studs. The police did not credit the story ot Wheafcfeur, but his friends to this day express thfr opinion that he was robbed. Ho was takiug to a hospital, and leaving it without tfcgoodsbye to his wife, disap peared. Theft it was discoved that he was a defaulter to a large amount. D> who were put upon his track found him at flendersonville, a small mountain town of North Carolina, but found him on his death-bed. He had entered Hendersonville last winter, rag* god, foot sor«, and sick. He worked, though and stayed in the town, whore he mude the acquaintance of named Josepbiuo Bond. Her relative* were in good circumstances. A warm attachment quickly sprang up between Mr. Wheatley and Miss Bond. Although the former was somewhat eccentric in his behavior, his acquaintances attributed it to his illness, and had no idea that he was demented. Mh Wheatley'■ illness grew upon him* He suffered from Bright's disSaae of the kidneys. Miss Bond frequently visited the house where he boarded and tenderly nursed him. jfer attentions gave rise to some scandal and in order to stop the gossip Miss Bond proposed to Mr. Wheatley that they should be married, and that he should be taken to her house. The in sane fugitive readily afsented and when he was in a dying condition a clergyman was summoned, and the. ceremony was .solemnized. Mr. Wheatley was then borne to Miss Bond's house on a bed, from which he nrrer stirred until his death. The woman he' had wedded tenderly nursed him until his demise, and then his remains were buried in the -village ohureli yard. An ii.tmate per sonal friend of the former millionaire, hearing of his sad enu, has just brought the body to Brooklyn, aud interred it in Greenwood Cemetery. WOULDN'I (■ 4TB 111.11 FOBAPALL BKAHBR. [From Kie Pittsburg [Pa] Telcgrab.] Some time ago a citizen ot this place was very ill. He fe)l into a stupor, whiph lasted three or four days. He vras carefully watched by his wife aiui one or two ladies frpm the neighborhood. One afternoon the attending physican •aid he could not live through the day, * and the sorrowing wife, with N a view to 1 laving everthing in readiness for the j end, held a consultation with her fri nds a* to the anangements for the funeral. The conversation was held at the bedside of the dying man, and in a short time all the details were arranged except the * " names of those who should be asked to be pall bearers. Three or four young gentleman bad keen selected, whtm the wife sald in a sobbing tone, Buyable to Mm occasion, 'How would Mr. so and so do?' 'Oh, he would do nicely,' echoed the chorns of friends; he's such a nice young Ba*n.' There was a sudden movel - under the coverings of the bed, and the dying, husband slowly raised himself on one elbow, rubbed his eyes, and said in a weak voice, *No, he won't do.' I ain't going to have that fellow as one of my pair bearers.' The ladies wet? automated at this revival of th? sick man, but the wife laid -him back on tlje pillows, and said soothingly: •Never mind, dear; don't worry. This is a matter that need not trouble you. It |a a std duty which wo have to perform t after you ait? gone.' 'No it is'nt, said the husband crossly. That fellow isn't going to be one of my pall bearers. I don't like him, aud I never did, and_if you are going to have him I'll get well see if I don't. Again he Aril . back in the bed and became unconscious, but jp a few hours there .came a change for the better. To day he walks the streets as hale and hearty as any man. It is easier to rectify whiskey Ih&n it 10 the ways of those who drink it. J NO. O. REDD, T. N. JORDAN, JOHN BTADLER JOHNSTON Ucory Co. Va., Caswell Co., N. C. Rockingham €*>., N. C: Farmers new brick warehouse oa the eld. • Farmers Warehouse Site DANVILLE, Va. To the Farmer* and Planters of Virginia and North Carolina: The undersigned, a* tiie propne tore of the , FABMEES NEW BRICK WAREHOUSE beg to call attention, to it« superior advantages of location, salesroom, lights, & accommodations for both nen and teame; - and for comfort and convenience generally. The proprietors art . expcricn. d warehousemen, especially our Mr. Redd, and our assistants are all proficients in their several di artments. v We do pi ely and : trictly a warehouse business, and our whole time and attention is devuted o the inter* of our patrons. IKB HIGHEST PRICES, especially for flnp grades, We do not speculate irj tobacco, and pledging our«civcs to look t'I.ONRI.v to the sale*, handle carefully any tobacco Beat us, or taken In, own ers may rest assured that their interest will not suffer in our hauds. Promptness and fidelity our , customers may depend upon. j ®"Come to the JVJT WFARMERS WAREHOUSE, when you come to Danville. Yours &j. , # REDD, JORDAN & JOHNS TO N r, j ■■■ ■ : „ 1 " I . MOVEDI SETTLED!! BUSYII! To our Customers, Friends and The Public: C' ?. .• . .u';,' ) • ♦~i i . ! •'* ■ ' . We have moved, and are now settled down and busy at work In the Daniel Worth Store where we wish to see everybody and his family, and show them our stock of consisting of everything that any reasonable wants may reqaire. Our •• A - " * C Spring and Summer Stock "'•» 11 Uy sj'.ejtal by our Mr. McCauley, paid for in cash, aud is for sale cheap. Beslac OBOCERIEI, DBV OOODH, HARDWARE, HOI.tOWARB. NOTIONS, QBBNIWARB, SI.AMWARE, BEADV.MADB CLOTHINO a nd everything to be found in a general'store, we have a fine line of WritUKIRY GOODS ■ This department Is complete in its arrangements,and comprises all that is to be found in a regular milHuerv store; such as LADYB and MISSES trimmed and untriinmed HATS, PLATS and BON NETS, TRIMMINGS and a variety of NOTIONS for the ladies. • - ' Recognizing the fact that clumsy fingered men are scarcely competent to showl and handle these delicate goods, the services of Miss Sarah Robertson --4 t- • r—j ~ ; have been secured for this department, and she will give her attention to our lady friends. Remember the Danl. Worth store house, Company Shops, aud drop in. With thanks for past patronage we desire to still further serve the public. McCAULEY & gMITH X -> V DRUGGISTS, T McAdoo House fr V- ; * r Greensboro, N. C. • \ Have in store, and are Receiving, the LARGEST STOCK OF Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Ever brought to this city, bought of first hands, and will be sold for LESS MONEY. than by any other house. Country Merchants and Physicians, LOOK TO ¥OUR INTEREST and get oar prices before buying, as wc are wire \ N Yoil can save at least 20 per cent by buying ofufc _ * CTRemember, our store it hi the McAdoo House. Thanking you for past favors, we hope to erve you In tho future. Respectfully, * * Callum Brosi &co. s Dead [ deal in American and Italian Barbie Monuments and Headstones [ would inform the public tliat I am pre pared to do work as Cheap as any yard in the State, AN N GUAITANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION. V Parties!!.: Xft distance will save money by FcicTTng' \ir im for PRICE LIST aid, DRAWINGS."' To persons making up club of six or m»re, I offer the Most, liberal induce » ments. * and on application will forward designs, &c„ or visit them in pel sou * * Any" kind of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. S. G. ROBERTSON, GREENSBORO, N. C. J. T-CROCKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR « AT liAW ( w _ / '1 Asheboro, A r . C., ! SCOT.T & CALDWELL, GREENSBORO,' - Associate Counsel, > Practices in the courts of Raldolpli and and adjoining counties. Special attention given to the collec of claims. Coi»]?axiy Shops DRUG STORE I htve very recently purchased, and filled the store house formerly occupied by Dr. J. 8. Mur phey, with a fresh stock of Drugs and Medicines Also a handsome stock of fancy articles, and everything else generally found in a • . First Glass Drug Store Tlic services of an experienced Druggist have been employed, who will ALWAYS BE FOUND in the Di ug Store. Dou't forget to call ana sec us when at the Bhops. And send your orders and prescriptions which will be carefully filled Wm. A. ERWIN. Use this brand. The best in the world AND BETTER THAN ANY SALERATUS. One teaspoonful of this Soda used with eour milk equals Four teaspoonfula of tbe best Baking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See package for valu able information. If tbe teaspoonful is too large and does not produce good results at first, use less af terwards. Ucan make iboney faster at work for ns than anything else. Capital not requir ed; we will start you. ®lB per day at borne made by tbe industrious. Men, women, and boys anil girls wanted everywhere $o work terns. New is the time Costly outfit and forms free. Address TBUB A Co., Augusta Maine. ■CnlttinK Cotton A Zephyr Woo], at SCOTT A DONKEI VSJ SUPERIOR COURT Alanascc Cessnty. Alfred Iseley and B. F, Morton 1 vs ' Notice to show Valentine Brannoch and ( cause. Joseph Baroer. J This is a motion for execution to issue upon a' judgement of this court, docketed on 22nd day of Mav 1869, for 918,52 with interest from the Ist of 1860, and one dollar and seventy five cents costs. This motion will be heard at office of the Superior Court Clerk of Alamance county* in Graham, ou Saturday the 14tb day of June !879 when and where if the said Brannoch fails to show cause to the contrary an orucr will bo made pro as to him and execu tion will issue. Done at office in Graham V On the 23rd day of April >■ 1870. . j C. S. C. pALAUE JEWELRY STORE yy B. FARRAR, OPTICIAN, tVATCn-MAKR AND JEWELER, AND \ ■' ,-i --*) • : A®D dealer IN tVATcns, ci.ocKr, jhcbi.ri'- Sllver AVare; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold Pens, &c. GREENSBORO, N. C. * Which will be sold cheap New Sunny South THE BEST AND HANDSOMEST PA PER IN AMERICA, HENOrORITAT ORCE, See Oar Club Rales. The Snnny South is now the model weekly of the age. It comes out in an entire new dress and new make up generally and is overflovijn? with the richest and spiciest matter of the day —Poems, Essays, Stories, News, of tho Week, Wit and Humor, Fem&le Gossip, Dofhestf Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puzzles, Chess, Problems, Marriages Deaths. Health Notes, Personals, Stage Notes, Movements in Southern Society, Fashion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Biographies with Portrait of distinguished men and women, Humerous Engravings, Sccsat.onal C i »pings, Correspondents' Column, Local Matters, Railroad Guide, and forcible editorials upon all subjects. Is it possible to make a paper mere complete? Get a copy and examine it. It now circulates in all the States and Territories, in England, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and the Indian Nation. It is really an honor to the South and our people are proud of it and every one . should take it immediately. The price is,only $2.50 a year. We will send the Sunny South and the GLEANER one year for dollars. The Sunny South and Boys and Girls of the South will be furnished*one yeer for S-3.50, with a large and magnificent picture thrown in. Address this offlee, of a ' J. H. & W. B. SEALS. ATLAKTA, GA. weir Medicines, Oils, Paints, Glass, I have succeeded to the business of R. W. Glenn & Son. and shall be glad to serve those war.ting any article kept in a first class Drug Store, either by wholesale or retail. My stock is large, and my ssscrtment com plete, and they will be kept so ail the time. My experience in the business is long, and 1 think I may safely claim to be as well able to serve the interest of those favoring roe with their patronage as any one. .My Store is just above the Benbow Hotel building, on the same tide, where I shall be pleased to wait upon customers, either in person, or by experienced clerks. ORDERS FROM A DISTANCE PROMTLY AND CAREFULLY FILLED. R. G. GLENN. 5, 20, ly. Greensboro, N. C. Di\ B. A. Sellars' ad. I have 4 ust returned from Philadelphia, wfcere I purchased a large stock of DRY GOODS of the latest and best s'yles and quality, also heavy stock of * Men's and boy's hats V.adiee nnd IHhtu Rennets Hurt Bate in great variety with I he latest and best Trimmed styles. ' All of which were bought with cash and will | be sold at a small profit. Dr. W* F. Bason j BEHTIST,- Will attend calls in .Alamance and adjoin in counties. Address: Haw River, P. O a. C. R MESili" HIGH^CHOOL H. 0. TEAGUE, Principal. The sixth session of this School will re-open on the Bth day of January 1879, and continue twenty wecVg. Tuition fromss to 20 dolars pe* session. Board, including lights and washing from $6 to $7 per month. For'any additional information, address the Principal, Rock Creek N. C. • - m - -J-! Orchard Grass Becd, Clover Seed and Fresh Garden Seed at SCOTT DON NELL. Tailor. Cutting and making done in the late» fashions and most desirable manner. He keeps constantly ou hand Sample* of latest style goods for gentlemens wear; and will order according to selection ol customers. , Gr main ,n C Cartland Bro's A HE AT TIIEIR OLD STAND UNI>KH BItNBOtV nAI-l. and have received a large st ick of lothing, Furnishing Goods and . l-*Oies POII TIIE MPIII.\firRADie which wc ask all who are in need of Clothing or Cloths of anv kind to make up into clothing to call and examine. We are determined to sell as low hs the same quality of goods can bc-sold anywhere or by anybody. >. In Our Merchant Tailoring De partment we are prepared to cnt and make garments of all kinds for men and boys, by the best of work men. W« guarantee satisfaction in every case or no pay required. Our stock of BHIRTB, COLLARS, TIES. HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, UMBRELLAB, * c., &C.. is complete and well selected. KEEPS SHIRTS and COLLARS a specialty. Be sure to call on Cartland Bro's. under Ben- Hall, for clothing and Gents furnishing goods. Mr. J. L. Brockman is with us and will be pleased to see his old friends and customers. Greensboro, April I, 1878. "SCGST GEE Family sewing machine Barely Abend in Mplea, mt nil,. v Competitor*. THOSE WHO USE THEM speak in high terms of their merit Machines Made Especially for TAILORS, NIIOB MAKERS. AND HARNESS MAKERS WHICH ARE UNSURPASSED We are prepared to sell on Monthly Instalments for country produce, good notes or cash at a lew price, as may best suit the purchaser. Do not buy a sewing machine until you have tried the «HV«C2B Singer Sewing Machine Co. ' Greensboro, N. C. F. G. CARTLAND, Manager. GBAHAM HIBH SCHOOL GRAHAM; N. 0. REV. D A. LONG, A, M. REv . W W. STALEY, A. M. REV. W. 8. LOWG, A. M. Opens August 26th 1878, and closes the last Friday in May, 1870 - Board $8 to JfelO and Tuition $3 tft. $4.50 month. Ayer's Ague Cure. Tor Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Bemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o-, and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miaa* matic poisons. This la n compound prepared with scientific skill from vegetable ingredients, which rarely fail* to cure the .severest cases of Chill* and Fever and the concomitant disorders. Such a remedy tho necessities of the people in rnnlarl ous districts demand. Its great superiority over any other mediefhe yet discovered for the euro of Intermittents Is, that it contnins no quinine of I mineral, and those who take it are free from danger of quinism or any injurious effects, and are as healthy after using It as before. It baa been extensively employed during the last thirty years in the treatment of these distressing dis orders, and so unvarying has been Its ISjMfßffm that it Ims gained the reputation of being infalli ble. It can, bo safely recommended as a muftr.-iif remedy and specific for the Fever and A rue of . ~ the West, and the Chills and Fever Of South, which, once broken up by it, do not return until the disease is again contracted. The great variety of disorders which MiSS ! 0j from tho irritation of this poi«on,mch as ftTen~ ralgla, Rheumatism, Uout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Splemio A flections, Hysterics, Pain In (he Bnr« els, Colle, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, ail of which become intermittent : or periodical, have no specdiey remedy AVER'S' AGUE CUBE, which cures and protects the system from future attacks. A» a preventive. It is of immense lu-rrice fft jjjfin communities where Fever and Agtas as it stays the development of the disease If taken sjj! on the first approach of tho toms. Travellers and temporary thus enabled to defy these Will ever suffer if they nvnll protection this remedy affords. For Liver Complaints, torpidity. It is an excellent remedy; this organ into healthy activity,. many remarkable cures where other tatdlauSMi rthil. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChtrnslstdSfjl ZOWSLJJ, MASS •OLD nr AU PStUGUBTS £VXAXt|pU|fl|fl

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