. • Jjevgi_gradea of tobacco for Haywood Morgan, colored, that amounted to $72,90 per cwt Try Reams for High Average*. THE GLEANER Local* State and (General tilt A HAM, M t> AUGUST 6 1879 cauata »IB*CTSat.-«aAUA«, PBSBTTBIA*— Bev. B. W. Mtbane, Pastor Service* at 11, o' slock. A M. «*«ry Sabbath and services every Sabbath evening, except tbe first and third, at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meetings very alternate Tuesday ev ening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School, W. C. Donnell, Sup't, exer ciaes at 8, o'clok, P. M. BarnsT—Rev. W* tt. Harrell, M. D. Pastor. Services at 11, o' oioek A. M. aad 8, P. M. on tb« Ist and Brd Sabbaths in eaoh month. Sunday School, 001. W. A. Albright,Supt. Exercises at o'olock A. M. Prayer meeting, every alternate Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Good Templars* prayer , mooting every Jf'Mtidsy night, sfter tbe Ist snd Brd Sunday's; at the "G. T. Hall" at Bo' clock P. M. free to, Oftsnma* —Providence i>ne mile from town. Rev. I). A. Long, Pastor. Services every Sun t j a y at 11 o'clock, AM. Sunday Sohool, at 10, o'clock A. M. Bev. W. W- Sialey. Sup't- ■ ; • Prayer meeting every Saturday evening at 0 o'clock. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. , FRESH DRUGS- for the Cash, at the Southwest corner of Court House Square,; • Read the ad. ot .Muj. W. B.,Lynch, and note the opening of his school at High Point. As a teacher Muj. Lynch ueedt no commendation from us. Mr. P. W. Klapp and Miss Emma Xlapp, tbeson and grand-daughter orour townsman, Mr. Jobu H. Klapp, returned from Alabama last Suuday. They had beon absent for some time. TAX-PAT it R8 will do well to read the advertisement ot ot the Board of Com missioners iu this issue, and govern themselves accordingly. We return thanks lor a complimentary pass over the Korth Carolina Railroad and return, to attend tho North Carolina Press Association to be held in Beaulort on the 20tli of Aug. We regret our iua bility to attend. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Denny, ot Reidsville, were oil a visit to Ids father's Mr Johu -Denny's of this place, last week. Mr. Denuy returned to Keids« ville Monday toorniug, but Mrs. Denny wiH remain a tew weeks. The Americans lead the world in every thing and especially In fast eating; this has uia«le Dyspepsia our national disease, though now undr perfect control by the me of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills gold everywhere. Price 25 dents. We see H stated by the Wilmiugtcu Star that Mr. Moore is to revise bis school history of the Btate. The Star has poiuted out errors in the present edition, and by its friendly criticism lias doubtless done much tosstjsfy Mr. Moore of the necessity of this revision. MISTAKXN.— In our notico of the de parture ot Rev, A. Currie (or Reideville in our last issue, we were mistaken in saving he was to take oharge ol the Pres byterian church at lieidsville. He went ' 1 hero to lake charxe of a school, and will fill appointments at two Presbvtorian churches iu the country mar by. SCRATCH YOUU BEAD IM ANOTHER PLACE. —Lunien Crater, tfie barber, may always, that is nearly always, be found at his ahop in room No 19 in the Graham Hotel. The location ia quite conveuient and Crater ia a good barber! keeps evey« thing nice and clean, and doea > bis work well. - ' W. P. Prather has opened art gallery, |u Grange llall, Company Shops, where lie will be glad to serve all who lirisli pictures of tliemselves or filends, of whatever description. There qre so many different "Types" now that we can't begin to call all their names, but he takes them all.' Reacfhis ad. in another column. PLEASANT LODGE ACADEMY.— We are glad to learn that this school is to ho re vived. The fall term will begin the 2nd of Septr. and continiie for twenty weeks. Mr. N. C. English, the founder ot this school, returns to infuse new life into it. It will be remembered t bat Mr. Eugtish is the present member of the House of Repre sentatives from Randolph. He is a grad uate ot Trinity College, has had large ex perience as a teacher, and will doubtless -very soon bring Pleasant Lodge Academy back to its former prosperous condition. Irask Lnlkl rsrVLAR MSNTMLI, * The August number is even more than usually interesting; it is filled with highs ly entertaining and instructive matter, aud many of the articles are replete with valuable information—as, for instance 'Sights in Southeru China,' by W. T. Knox ; *Tbe Lakes ot Italy,' by Lady Blanche Murphv, 'The Arms Of ike Medici,'by F. H. Norton; and 'The Metamorphoses Of the Sphinx,' Which are admirably and profusely illustrated. 'The Summer Amusements of the Amer ican People,"The llaoe for the Blue Rib bon of the Derby,' and 'Etua aud its Eruptions,' will repay the reader. Tbe department of fletlou is peculiarly rieh this month. A new serial by tbe author of,' Dora Thorns,' entitled 'A Golden Dawn,' promises to be a story of deep and stirring interest. There are several short stories by M. T- Gaidar, Annie Thomas, Eleanor JUrk. and other ,popu« lar writers; poems ot genuine merit, sketches, etc, etc.. and a cerefnlly selec ted miscellany, including History, Science, Travels, Witticisms, etc, etc., occupy ing, together with handsome embeUishs ineiits. 128 quarto pues. If you desire to enjoy delighttnl Summer riding don't tail to obtain this number ot the POPC LAS MONTHLY, The lllnstrationdfciumber quite one hundred, and there is a very beantllul ehromo frontispiece 'On the Pier at Trouvllle.' Single copies are only Stcents. and the anuual subscipliou SB, postpaid. Address, FRANK LESLIE'S PCBHSHING -ik>os*, S3, 55 A 57 Park I'lace, Now York. Burate M JDITIVM,' The magistrates of the county mat with the Board of Commissioners, last Monday,for the purpose of levying the connty tax for the next fiscal year. Thia had been done in May, but there being doubt aa to the legality oi the levy made then, tke order jaaking it waa recinded. The question then was what should be tbe county tax on one hundred dollais worth ot property. There WHS cor.sil« erable debate in whioh Esquires J~. L. Scott, T. C. Fount, Q. I). Cobo, William Stafford and Commissioner A. Wilson indulged. Mr. Scott movod that the tax be lGi cents on the on* hundred dollars in valuation of rail and personal proper ty. Mr. Foust moved to amend by making the levy 321 cents on' the hun dred dollars. Mr. Scott supported Lis ai-gueinent with quite an arr*y of figures. Dr. Cobb took the posiliuu that our lioard of Coin mission* rs knew best what amount was* necessary, and, while he recognized that cropa were short and times very hard, he favored making a levy sufficient to meet-the actually - ne cessary demands of the county. Sir. Foust took substantially the same |>osUion Dr. Wilson, ot the Board of Commis. sinners, showed that by Mr. Fousts amendment the actual needs of .the coun ty could be met, ana if there was no unu sual demand upon.the county, something could be also applied to tbe diminution of uur Interest bearing county delit. All expressed themselves as being individu ally sensible of the scarcity of money, and favoring the reduction of taxes to the lowest possible figures. Mr. William Stafford then came in with an ameudmeut to tbe amendment ot Mr. Foust making the tax on one hundred dollars valusiion of property 27| cents, which after discussion was adopted. Tbis, it was estimated, would raise a fund sufficient to pay the ordinary car rent expenses ot tlie county, and the inter est on the county debt, but would pro vide nothing for a sinking fund. So the tax-payers of this county will have to pay on each hundred dollars valuation of property, for State and county purposes, .sixty cents, unless the "School Bill" about wliich there is at present litigation should become a law, and if It should then the State' tax will be two cents more, which will make sixty two eeuu on the hundred dollars iu valuation. BY HIS FRUIT YK SHALL KTOW HIM.— Dr. 13 luck nail lias a wonderfully tiuemel" OD patch. It is broken out all ovei with watermelons and canteloupes. Although a benevolent man, he doesn't grow his truit for the community, but for the es pecial 06e of his family and th« guests ol hi* hotel. In order to make aura of IUB crop, his servant at tin, who is as faithful as servants get to watched the patch for seventeen consecutive nights, without closing his eyes. But even patch-watching has limit, and to releive the faithful sentinel a spring gun was set. They kuew that tho spring gnn would keep quiet unless it Went off, and when it went off that visitors would retire. Wednesday night a bag got over the fence and laid itself down between tne row*, and some of the melons becoming detached, crept into it The guar?! who was off duty, heard a report and he kuew the gun U*d gone off, so be repaired to the field to reconnoitre. He found there the bag full of melons but nobody to claim it. He walked to the fence and there he ft>>ind some red stains very much like a very red watermelon heart. He cauie back and thanking the bag for gathering the melons and- saving him the trouble, he shouldered it and walked back to his coucb. He says if anybody was there with that bag he carried off a bigger load than when he came, and if he will only bring him back his shot to re load hi* nigji* watch with that lie will give bim melons encfttgh to last Jiiin all the summer.—The Observer. GRAHAM, N. C., July 29,1879. MB. EDITOR: , RV DEAR SIR. Permit me through your columns to tender my thanks to onr-many kind friends, who havo so abotnided in their liberality to wards us. On going around to our new home last Friday I found tbe floor literally covered with a profusion of gift*,' cansuting of the mosr necessary articles for housekeep ing. We were particularly touched too to find some beautiful presents from friends who are not even members of our con gregation. Both of us feel profoundly grateful to our friends, and pray that Goa will lib •rally reward them with rieh spiritual S lifts for their generosity to We have ound it blessed to reeeive their tokens of jove; wa trust they may have found it mosa hlessetfto give tbem. " . r "' T "'. y T t rr The fxegoing communication was ins fended for tbe test issue ot this paper; but was ImnmMil fti jast a little too late. iWih if KIEiIiBD MY VOSITITES. A letter tress Bhelby gives tbe toK lowing account ot a tragedy in Clesv* Deputy Bherlff Wb». Suttle, of Rath, erford posse of some horses in South Carolina, and who were at that time bidiug around tbe vil lage of Burnt Chimney. While the offi cer and hie men wen attempting to ar rest tbe horse tUafts. they commenced catling and shooting. Mr. John Batter, a very worthy citizen was shot, from the effecte of which be died soon afterwards, and some others of the pertv were slight ly wounded by tbe negroes. Tbe offi cers returned tbe Are and a general flight ensued, which resulted in one of the negroes receiving several wounds before their capture, Tbe negroes are now in jail at R^therfordtoo. — Char -1 otte Obicrver. TKi.i,4ftfr ririß, While the fever continues, and each day brings its now eases and deaths yet the situation for the past week has. not been so disheartening MM the week bes fore. That the disease is epidemic theie is no doubt, but that so lar it is held in some sort of check is equally clear. Thero are some seven or ehfbt new cases re* ported eaoh dav and some few deaths each day. The authorities will as speed ily as possible pat the poor people, such as are uuab'e to provide for themselves, outside ot the ciij into camps and thus they hope effect much in staying the disease. Taken'all in all the conditTou of Memphis is not altogether so gloomy at it was • week or two ago, apprehended it would be. Some rotugees trom Moms phis iiavs died iu different places over the country, but the diseaso cannot be said to really exist elsewhere. New Orleans Itself !s so Air free from it in iepideinio torm, liiough it is looked for, and people are leaving for the kummer. Two more cases or yellow fever in Now Orleans. ,'4> - O#HMISSIOMIB*S NNttl. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Coo>mi*sioners of Alamance county will meet, nt the Court House in Graham, on the 4ih Monday ta August, it bring the 2Aih day of the (Lonth, and remain in atMion fur one day and longer if necessary, for the purpose of re vising the Tax List and valuation of.property reported to them for the year 1870; at which time aad place any and all psrsoot, objecting to the valuation of tktir property, or the amount of t xoa charged against them, will be heard in regard theie to. All persons who have fa tie J to list their property or poll* may list at that tluie. All persons failing to list their property snd polls will be charged with double tax, and besides, be liable to crimiaal prosecution for the omission. All persona claiming exemption from the payment of poll tax, pu account of poverty and infirmity, will be heard at that time; and if exempted will be furninhed with a certificate which will b« good for other years until re voked. By order of the Board. Aug. 4th 1879. +T.G. MOLBAN, Clk. Aiooaciev nven Beoii.vKru. / " If the babit of bod) becomes irregular much evil is inflicted on the sj stem. The somach be comes dyspeptic, billions symptom* develop themselves, the circulation is contaminated, and the nei ves share in the geucrrl disorder. It is of the utmost importance that, the bowels should be thoroughly and speedily regulated when they grow derelict. The corrective agent best adapt ed to this purpose is Hostetfir's Stomach Bit ters, a wbolecome non-t rlplng vegetable laxa tive, worth all the rasping cathartics invented since the time of Paracelsus. People who have been In the habit of using blue pili, calomr 1, ano other drugs and cheap nostrums for constipa tion, shob:d abandon tuch. hurtful and useless medicine*, and substitute for them this pleasant and gentle aperient, whloh not onlr produces tl e purgative eflect naturally, but also strength ens waile it regulates the bowels, stomach and liver. It moreover euros and preveuls inter mittent and remittent fever, front, rheumatism, debility and urinary troubles. Geo rare H. Oorham'ft enlistment papers in the BilksDemooratic combination are fully executed, and beiaeins to hsvo ie k covered* his old step to Democratic music very readily. Well, be makes his own bed, slid no one has a right to object to his occupying it. The change has been made with such precipitancy that be has had scarcely time to lay aside bis repub lican costume or forsret his fsmiltisr Re publican phrases. Verily this is achangs iug world!— Washington Keput Ficon. Mr. J. H. Burns, ot Selma Alabama, was at the National Hotel yesterday, on the way to Chatham, the land ot his na tivity, which lie lias not seen for more than thirty years. The .population of Raleigh has more tliau quadrupled since Mr. Barns lived here, lie was a resi dent of Ualeigh as far back as the burns ing of the Capitol in 1830, and the im provements in the place struck him with more force than anything he has witness ed on hi* journey from the bouth, Mr. Burns will spend some time with bis relatives in Chatham.— The Observer. The Rosn Mountain Republican hoists the Republican banners, National and Stale, for the campaign of 1880. IT. tf. Graut and Thos. Settle for President and Vice-President. For Governor, Eugene Grissoui, for Lieutenant Governor, D. M. Furohee. Prescott G, Pillsbary, cashier of the Lawrence, Mow., National Bank is a de faulter to the amoout ot $64,000, having used that sum of the Bank's morfey to speculate ib mining stocks. A warrant has been issued for his arrest. Prank Beamish a printer, was shot vesterday afternoon in Memphis; by C. B. Hamner. The wound is not serious. Beamish had reported hi 6 kissing an aunt ot Ilamner and refused to eotrtdfet It, which caused Hamuer. to shoot him. Ilam ner was arrested. . Mr. Welsh, Minuter from this coun try to England has tendered his resigna tion. He is from Pennsylvania, and hit successor will Kksly oome from that State. E. L. Ernest, a sleeping car conductor, on the Richmond k Danville Railroad, leaned from the platform of hts oar, and bis bead came in contact With a fence, resulting in injuiies from which he died. Why let yoor Baby suffer and perhaps die, when a bottle of Dr. Ball's Babv Syrup would at once relieve it and ef fect a care. Price 25 cents. The New York Time* has the follow* ing: Judge Almond A. McKoy is said to be a popular candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for Governor of North Carolina. * Georgia and alabaoaa have both fur* nished their first bide of MOW cotton, for the present year. Yoloano, a town of West Virginia of some two thousand inhabitants has been literally burned up. MABBIBD—By Sii Spoon Esq, at the home of ibe brides father, W. A. Pattneoo, Esq., on the 81st day of Joly 1839, M. Osear C Holt, of Guilford county, and Miss Qnssa Patterson of this eonaty. A Zephyr Wool, at SCOTT NEW Photograph Gallery AT Ctmpkay Slon 1 I wish to inform my frteads end the snrroond iug country that I have opened a first e|aes Gallery In the GRANGE HALL where lam prepared to do all kind of work such as. Photographs, Chromotypes. Chromo crayon Ae. Old faded pictures copied, enlarged and made new in the most approved style. Respectfully W. F. FEATHER. Eight Years Success/ Printing & Binding —AND— Blank Book Manufacturing: 2 •»» ' pi We return our Ihanka to frieads end patrons who have heretofore favored us with lheir orders, and take pleasure in saying to them we are better prepared For good work and prompt execution of orders than ever before, while our raicaa ABB AS LOW AM M ST cuss WOMB CAN na DONB ABYWBBRB. PRINTING AND BINDING of t.nv kind from a visiting card to the largest hand bill. Legal Blanks. A complete assortment of Legal Blanks of the latest forms always on hand and mailed post paid at SI.OO per hundred. Send for Catalogue. If you wish anything in this line write us; it will pay you. Respectful!*, EDWARDS. EROUGHTON A CO., Puxrans ABD BINDERS, RALEIGH, N. C. HAJ. W. B. LYNCH'S SELECT SCHOOL. HIGB HO JUT, X. O. . MA;. W. B. XYNOH, Principal. B. P. REID, Assistant. Ihe principal, having sold oat hia. interest in the Bingham School, of which he was a pro prietor for fifteen years, opsns a school, Au(. 27th, offering equal advantages, without the military. Board and tuition per eeeeioa SBO. For circular addreaa the principal at Me bsneville. K. C., till Aug. IS; afterwards, at High Point N. C. -"mb a" «N Medicines, Oils, ' Paints, Glass, I have sucoeerfed to the business of R. W. Glenn & Son. and shall be glad to serve those wanting any article kept in * first class Drag i Store, either by wholesale or retail. ! My stock la large, and my assortment com plete, and they will be kept so all the time. My exi>erienee In the baldness U long, and I think I may safely claim to tjeai well able to Bene the Interest of those favoring me with their patronage M §ny one. My Store is Just above the Benbow Hotel , building, on the same tide, where I shall be pleased to wait upon customer*, either in person, or bjr experienced clerks. ORDERS FROM A DISTANCE PROMTLY AND CAREFULLY KILLED. R. O. GLENN. 5, 90, ly. Greensboro, N. C. SIiSIBE HIGH SCHOOL H. C. TEAGTJE, Principal. The sixth session* of this School will re-open on the 6th day of January 1879, and continue twenty weeks. - Tuition f romfto to 90 dolars pe session. Board, including lights and washing from 16 to $7 per mouth. For any additional information, address the Principal, Rock Creek N. C. Central Hotel flrwuloro, 11. €• SEYMOUR STEELE, PROPRIETOR " TERMS:—SI.6O PER DAT This bouse is conveniently located in tbo cen tre of the el'y, the rooms are Jaiye and well furnished, and the tat>l« ks supplied with the best the market affords. Large Sample Rooms Omnibus and Baggage Wagon meet all train*. Scott & Donnell ■ - «- .di IU t ■ *XJJ % J I Graham N C : Deader* in i mmr «•••*. . OMCIRBI ■AIIViU, WTH, ■••T W»TI«NM, ■Till., M1.T,««1,A1. omm, omvom, mumt» vimmm. mrm •*«Vf *C AC. Dr. Bason, DENTIST, Will attend callstn Alamance and adjoin in connties. Address: Haw River, P. O *. c. ft. 9l A MONTH guaranteed #lB a day ►JVJV/Vrhome made by tho industriotu Capital not required; we will start yon. Men, woman, boys and girl* make motmj faster at work for us than *t ant thing else. TBe work Is lUhl and pleasant, and meb as any one can go right at. Those who are wise who see this no tice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and term* free. Now 1* the time. These already at work are laying up large sums of money. Addrow TRUE A CO-, Wuta, Maine, • *l And old man, and young lady and old lady, and those Of uncertain age, and children all GO WEST of (fie court house to the store bearing the sign J. W. HARDEN T """ TOUR DRY GOODS . TOUR SHOEB * BOOTS k TOUR HATS * CAW ' •'* YOUR READY-MADE CLOTHING YOURLEATHER YOUR BUUGY FINDINGS TOUR EDGE TOOLS TOUR NOTIONS TOUR CROCKERY ft GLASS WARE YOUR TEN 4 HOLLOW WARE * YOLR LADY'S HATS A BONNETS ANDEVERYTHINGELSEYOU WANT To HII * **"♦ Y«VB twciin, MM tsm, Y*DI SDTTIR, YTVB IVHKAT. VOUB FI.9IJR. VOVROAT*. Y«va cmmn. umvm VRWVCI. •» 7. 9. 79. U "' v My store-rooms and shops, are only a few steps north of the eoart house, tn Greensboro, and I aek the people of Guilford and surrounding counties to exaa>in«fmy stock of furniture and ask the prloes, and theojlf in their judgment they can do better anywhetew North Carolina, I shall not aspect them to bay of me. My stock in part oonsists of v., ham ber suits, Dressing suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Bureaus, Wash stands, Tables, Looking glasses, Folding chairs, Mattrasses, Wall pockets and Book shelves, Book cases, Wardrobes &c &c. All these and many other articles in the greatest variety, from oommon to finest, Burial Gases and Coffins v » %. *" ' ' from Ofemmpn to the, very finest, always on hand, in large numbers, of assorted sixes, so that Uj application can be filled at once. Also BURIAL ROBES, of an olscs, beautiful and convenient, always on band. I shall be obliged if peonto will eattand look for themselves. TR, C^LETT. Sie—sbeto, N. C. 5«.79.1y. DID YOU EVER? * -J =♦ ' I «?•:*. K "M No, Never! WHAT! KEYI»f ' well hardly ever See a larger, cheaper, more varied and complete, STOCK* OF GOODS nywhere, to ny market, by any body than ' r ' John Q. Gail/J i*o MT CMPARY "BOPS have in store and are constantly receiving. . . A . rnnm . Yon can find about as near everething on their shelves, cowitsrs end m mew ware-room mm can be found in any one itore In this country. • They Invite all who wish to look or bay to eome. Their stock says, come; th*lr priff* JVi oMM; their poilte and attentive clerks say, eouie; their liberal prieeafo* *U hto* of barter say„ Company Shops, rcnrMDß. BUTTS ■jEuBI üBS«i aaMtaeaeap* Thm PHYSIOLOGY OP MAR IK I AOS TIM PRIVATIMEDICAL ADVISE* aowaj of jgaartaS^'dMa. 3> ADA WEKK in your own town, and no 2>OOcapital risked. You e*t rive the boatnces a trial without expense. The beat opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else UDlil you aae for youraelf what you can do at toe business wo offer. No room to explain hero. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and 'make great pay lor every hour, that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private termt and particulars, which we maU free. It Outfit free. Don't complain of hard tlnps while you have such a chance Address g. HA,I.I.KTT A CO., Portland, Maine. Orchard Oram Seed, Clover Seed and Fresh Qardv Seed at BColt CONKSiLJL iMZO, MMUtMfIM. lam naaiag » eesalbrtable cloee heck to tbe depot to meet all treina, and will b* to take passengers to aod from, at mod oral* ehacge. I am sko prepared to convey fcmiKea, drummers, aad ofthere, uv where, at any tin* Mr veMetaa, are Rood and icy Uama utflre, and driver prompt and attentive. Shall be glad to eerre tboee wish. TTSiiaraJßß . Family sewing machine •ar«t| AfceM I" ••Hn*. •*" »H :»Mpctit*ra. THOSE WHO USE THEM speak in higk terms ol their merit Machine* Made Especially for TiUtBS, MMMAKBBB. \.i Alt* BAIHBM MABBBB WHICH ARE UNSURPASSED ' ' We are prepared to aell oo ' Monthly Instalments for country produce, good notes or cash at a, low price, as may best rait the purchaser. Do not buy a sewing machine until you have, Uled the »IN«W« Singer Sewing Machine CV. ' ' Greeuabw) N C