THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, VOL 5 'Tin.; GLEANER PUBWBHBU WEEKLY BY S. PARKER Ornhi* n, t u mol onb*ciiption. Postaye Paid : *. r , . $1.50 | One ea L j' ..... .. • TO i. k Monti" 8 , 1 ' 50 f.rcc MoiUhs aendimr us a club of ten sub flvcrypejj agh,' entitles himself to one fibers wl"' i , , h „f time for which the ,ree -/i fiD Papers scut to different oflices Ll!) is l» ade IP ' . L- 0 j) e parture from the Cash System ~ ' i Rjtiesof Adrcrtining advertisements payable in advance: ' in advance. yc,ry ,l m. pHB. |3 m. I6m.j 13 m. 5 ''".l j 3 00. A 501 6 001 -10 00, 15 00 TrniHieiit advertisements $1 per " square »„S first, and fifty cents for each subse jtient advertisements prices reduced Perfected Farmers Friend Plows madein Petersbiirsf Va. 'jue Horse No. 5 Price $4.00 I'wo Itorse No. 7 u ' Two Horse No. t I A Ji ; ; Xwo Horse No. 8 7.00 For sale at Graham y gCOTT & DONXEJ L GRAHAM HIGH ScSSTS" 9' I REV. D A. LONG, A. M. KEv. W' W. STALEY, A. M. KEV. W. S. LO»G. A. M. Opens August 26th 187S, aud closes tli6 last FrMav in May, 1879 t Board 58 to $lO and Tuition $3 to month. eCBCKNEIBn an and JTorphlno tiahltcnren. KM H (S 8 Tl"inrlgl nnl anil onl_y aljsoluK £) :S Ja Jj BjMBl CUKE M.JIHUI forbook m \\ []|M DlwyH Opium Entlng. to W. B. Li 19 Bl \i H WoithlaKt. nv Greene Co.. ' "(i. Farmer Frieud Plows at SCOTT «Js DON SELL'S. rSWatchefiMtos7. t'2.50. Over 100 latest Novelttes r Aj't * wanted. So.Supu'y* sUvUte.Toou. V 0 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHB. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver# PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism *in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite and sickness;"the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back' part. There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation of having 'left undone some thing which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily s^ e d, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low; ana although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it In fiact, he distrusts ever y remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases nave occurred where few of them ex ited, yet examination of the body, ALTER death, has shown the LIVER to ve been extensively deranged. , AGUE AND FEVER. D*. C. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS, IN CASES OF AGUE AND FEVER, when ken with Quinine, are productive of m ° St results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, . . er taking Quinine. We would vise all who are afflicted with this aisease to give them a FAIR TRIAL. -ror all bilious derangements, and as simple purgative, they are nnequaled. ®EWAMB OF IXITATIONB. 3? e 6®uine are never sugar coated. ws»>. - x a red wax se»l on the lid, 'ILLS ""P 1 * 3 " 00 DR. MCLANE'S LIVE* GENUINE MCBJANE'S LIVER PILLS bear BOI LENATURES OF C. FLEMING os. on the wtapperb-^"^ _ T s ' st upon having the genuine D*. C. s M vkr PILLS, prepared by Flem fufl Ir >S -'' ?^ Pitts burgh, Pa., the market being of the name McLane, a differently bat same pronunciation. fc EARNIK3 A WIPE, "And so you want to mairv mv danoh te>-, young man?' said farmer liilkins, looking at the young fellow sharply Irom bead to foot. Despite his rather indolent, effeminate air, which was mainly tbe result of his education, Luke Jordan was tine looking fellow, and not easily moved irom his self possession ; but lie colored and grow contused beneath that sharp and scrutin izing ?aze. •Yes sir; I spoke to Miss Mary l;v*t night, and she referred me to you.' , The obi man's face softened. 'Molly is a good girl, a very good girl,' be said, stroking bis chin with a thought tul air. *aud sbe deserves a good bus band. What can you do?' The young man looked rather blank at this abrupt inquiry. 'lf you refer to my Abilities to support a wife, I assure you- ' 'I kgow you rue.a rich man, Luko Jordan ; but I take it for grunted that you ask mv airt-tO'-rfiarry you , not your property. /What guarantee tjan you give ine in case it shduld l)e swept away as il is in thousands of instances, that you .could provide for Iter a "comlortable home? Ytm Itave hands and brains—do you know how to usir them— vhat pan vou do?' This was the style ot catechism for which Luke was quitp unprepared, and be stared blandly at the questioner with out speaking. •1 believe you managed to get- through have you any . profession/ or trade?' ® /' 'No sir, my falhei Ihpught that with the wealth I should inheiit I should not need any.' 'Your father thought like a fool. lie had much better given you somo honest occupation and rut yon ofl with a shil ling—it might have been.the making or you. As it is, what are you fit for? Here you are. a strong, able bodied young man, twentv-four years old, and never earned a dollai'in your lifeL And you want to marry my daughter. Now. I've given Mclly as good advantages for learning as any girl in town, and she has not thrown them away; but if she didn't know how to work, she'd be 110 daughter of mine. If I chose I could keep 11101 e 1 ban one servant; but I den't 110 more than 1 choose that my daughter should be a pale spiritless creature, full of d\s peps'a, and all sorts of fine lady ailments, instead of the blight eyed, rosy-cheek ed lass she is. I did say that she should not marry a lad that had been cursed by a rich father; but she has taken a foolish liking for you, and I'll tell you what 1 will do; go to work and prove yourself to be a man —perfect yourself in somo oc cupation — I don't care what, il it is hon est —(hen come to me, and if the giil is willing, she is yours.' Pretty Mary liilkins was waiting to see her lover down at the garden yate, their usual try sting place. The smiling light faded from her eyes as she noticed his sober, disconititted look. 'Father means, well' s!ie said, as Luke told her the result of his application. 'And I am not sure but he is about right, for I think every man ought to have an occupation.' Then as she noticed her lover's grave look she softly said : '.Never mind —1 will wa.t for you Luke.' Luke Jordan enddcnly disappeared from his accustomed hattnls, much to the surprise of his gay associates. One pleasant, sunshiny morning late in October as larihcr Biikins was propping up the grape vine in his front yard, that threatened to break down with the weight of its luxurious burden, a neat looking cart drove up, from which Luke Jordan alighted with a quick, elastic step, quite in contrast with his. former casv, leisurely movements. •Good morning, Mr. Bilkins, I under, stood that yon wanted to buy some but ter tubs and cider barrels. I thiuk I have some that will just suit vou.' • Whose make are ?' asked the ok. man. as he paused by the wagon. 'Mine,' replied Luke, with an air of pardonable pndc. Mr. Bifkins examined them one by. one. , . ...•They will do—what wHI you take for them?' r ft * •What I asked yoa tor six monlhs ago to-day. Your daughter sir.' The roguish twinkle in the old mau s cvis broadened iuto a 9mile. •you have got tfie right metal in yon after all,' he cried. 'Come in lad-come in. I shouldn't wonder if we made> a trade after all.' Nothing loth, Luke obeyed. •Molly bawled Mr. Bilkins, thrusting his head into the kitchen door.- ■ Molly tipped out iuto the entry. GRAHAM, N C-. I'uuutl white nrms were bared above (lie elbows ami bore I races of t lie flour she bud been sifting. Her dress was a neat gingham, ever which was tied a blue checked apron; but slie looked as win* ning ami lovely as she always did wher ever sbe was found. She blushed and blO'shed and smiled as she saw and then, turning' her eyes upon her lather, waited dutifully to bear what he hail to saw The old man regarded daughter for a moment with a quizzical look. Moll, this young man—max hap you've seen him before 'has brought me a lot ft tubs and barrels, ail of Ids own make—a right good article 100. lit" asks a pretty steep price for 'em, but it jou are willing to give it, well and h ood ; and hark ye, my girl, Whatever bargain you make, your father will ratify. As Mr. liilkins said this, be .consider-, ately step; ed out of the room and we will tol'ow bis example. Hut,-,the kind •Of bin gain the young peoplaftmade can be readily conjectured by.the speedily wed-> that followed. Luke Jordan turned bis attention to lite study ot medicine, of which profes sion lie became a usclul aud influential memberj/but.every year*on the anniver saryol/fiis marriage, he delights his moth er-in-law by some specimens ot (he h nidi cralt by which he won what he declares to be the best and dearest wife in the world. BVKIAN AT none Women Who Nevek Go Outsid'e Tiibir Own Doors (Damascus Letter to 'Boston Traveler.) After a few moments Aludain Me.-haka entered, making excuses for her litis l * band's absence through our interpreter, and requesting most earnestly that we would make onr visit toiler, aud soon sending for her sister, wlu spoke french we spout hdf an hour . very enjnyatdy with them. They are Syrian women ot the bust type, wi'h tine bright faces, and in European dress,that of our hostess be ing an embroidered white wrapper, with red silk girdle about her waist, and, like her sister, artificial flowers in her hair, which latter is an'almost universal cus tom with these people if dress>d with any pretentions. Even li,ttle girls, when appearing 'dresseip-op,' all have ariti cial flowers on their heads. Both ludie.s when they entered, hail oyer their slip pers wooden clog", which are used i>y the peasantry, and slipped them off be foiestepping on the carpet; aud refer ring to this custom, they said 'they were put on crossing the court-yard,: from habit, as it was often damp, and thus tlieir feet were raised above tlie ground. We thought tlwy must be difficult to walk with, but they were much amus ed at the idea, ami podneed a pair winch were much higher than any we had seen saying that those were the kind a lady woiv just after marriage, to make tier look tall and of more importance than heintofore, raising lit r at least a foot above the ground, but they were w.nti inlv a short time, i HUppoff she meant her friends were fully impressed with her importance. Refering to our free, uiitaiumeletl lilt', JVLidatu putting her hands to her mouth several times and throwing them out praeefullv—said: HoW happy we must lie to be aide t«» smell the wii'd. She did not dotibt but that in the three da>s we had panned in Damascus we had seen more than she had seen in all her life. According to the custom of lier race, the women almost never go outside ol their owu doors. Having been married at fourteen, she is now at twenty three, the mother of live or six children, and shut »|> with them in these walls, from oue years end to another. We sympa thize with her ino*>t heartily when she si "lied over t!io dullness of the life they lead. Not, however, nearly as hard for those who have known no be > ter as we know it wouldbo for us unless, it became a nesessity trom ill Jiealth The other call we made was on a wealthy Jewish fyuiily, the house being of the same general design, and fitted op with . great elegance, the walls being made of rare marbles, and spaces between the windows-built to imitate temples with arched roofs and slender pillars. A fountain in the saloon makes it as cool aud frosh as if we had tutored another country, after coming from the hot dusty street. *k. Here the females were all jobed m calico or cambric, but the mother wore abint her neck a rare collection of pearls, and the guide said, 'if on them Sunday they would be richly arrayed and decorated with diamonds.' They were very cordial, and entertained an best they could, offering coffee as they had done at the consulate. And if time liad permitted, other houses wonlu have been open to us. But the next thing on the programme was to ride about the 'city and see the old walls, having the house of Naaman pointed out to us, and the place where St. Paul was let down in a basket wall; a piece of the old Roman highway where he was con verted, and iu a small church the spot WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 1879 where he wax bapHSSed Ail of which were very intere.-Ung, as well as iLe different quarters of the city Christian, Jewish and Moslem—through which we passed. CIIAH.II Kl> BY A N.V%KI7. An Oliio >irl for H'cflm in ih.i I'tnrr of a i Ui pliir, (Mt. Verntfh Letfcfto Cincinnati Commereia!.) A very rare psychological ph°uoiiienn I was relate' to u by Mr. (Jainbell, about H snake s influence over a young lady liv inr east of Ml. Vernon, by the name ol Bertha Miller. For some weeks-the par ents bad.jtfljjreil that their daughter was showing uifh'ks of declining health, evi denced by an increasing paleneus and emaciation and accompanied by a inetaSi choly mood. 80 marked was Ihp change becoming that they began 10 leel great solicitude conceriuusr her and consulted a physician ol'this ciiy about the matter. The physician visited the girl, bnt was unable to explain I ho cause of her decline or lo render her aid. It also (ell under the observation of her mother that each altc noon, about three o'clock, the £irl would leave the house and away from one to two hours. This fact being communicated to (he other parent, it wns decided lo watch (he young lady and discover it possible the re a sou lor such liuuitnal absence. Accordingly on the day following when (he hour had about arrived the lather Iclt the bouse and watched (or the going ot bis daughter. In a tew minutes (he \oung girl was on her way through a wood and up a' ravine leading from (lie house to a.tmiall stone quarry, sme halt mile distant, reaching which she took a seat 011 a tlat stone, un der a small clump of fees, and rctnai.ied sitting there quietly tor several minutes, her head held in one position, ami eyes evidently fixed on one spot. The father had gotten up so near by this time that he c> 11 Id observe all that Would happen. In a tow uiotpents, tu bis amazement, there proceeded Irom the direction in which the gil l was lo'king a snake about four feet in length, ami known to hiiu as our common black snake or racer. So astonished was he at the peculiarly man ner of his daughter and the appearance of the reptile that ho remained quiet in his concealment to observe what wotdd happen. The snake crept slowly along towards the girl until it halted close to her leel. Alter remaining there motion less l«»r a minute or more and gazing lix -0111 y into the lace ot the girl, it slowly ami stealthily began creeping toward her, and in >i moment lay coiled in her lap. The girl remained perfectly mo tionless, apparently not the least alarmed at the presence of her visitor, but gazing intently at it. Allfr lying in that posi lion lor a short while, it slwivly uncoiled ami crept down to the ground and back to its hiding place in (lie rocks. The girl remained sitting motionless tor a consid erable time, ami then got up ami retrac ed her steps to the house. On the next day the father, at ihc appointed' time, look bis gun and proceeded to the scene and killed the reptile. The girT, stnnl.d at the report of the gun, sprang to her feet, but immediately recognizing her father, proceeded without further ado back home with him. MlO, when inter rogated, could give no intelligible reason lor vi-iiing the spot, except thai at a cer tain-hour she felt strongl) inclined to go and sit there. She has rapidly recovered her health, and appears in no wise att'ects od in her mind. Ex per s can oiler non union to this strange proceeding, the most intelligent being that the animal possessed a power!ul mesmeric influence, and bad so upon the mind of the girl that she went , automatically to the place. This, in connection with an accumulated inherited disposition to be beguiled by a scrpant —transmitted from our first mother, Eve—oilers the only ra tional explanation. NTATISTICN I'Olt I'll II CIRI.N, A young English staiician who was paj ing court lo a young laily, thought to Mirprise In r villi his immense erudition., producing his notebook, alio thought lie was about w indite a lovo sonnet, but was slightly taken back by the fol lowing question. 'How many meals do you eat a day, my dear?' _ 'Wliv, three of course; but of all the oddest questions.* 'Never mind, dear, I'lf tell you all about it iu a moment.' 11 ih pencil was rapidly at work. At laat, foudlv clamping her slender waist, he said.' ♦Now, my darling I've got,and if yon | wish to know how much passed through that adorable iittle mouth in the last seventeen years, I can givs the ex act figure*.' 'GooduetS graciou«, what can you mean?' * | 'Now, just listen,'aud you will hoar exactly what you Uav« b2«u obliged to absorb to mautaiu those charms which are to make the happiness of my lite.'. •But I don't wish bo hear.' Ah, you are surprised uo doubt, but statistics are wonderful things, •Ju«t listen: You are now seventeen years old, so that iu fifteen years you I 'Oxen or calves, 5; sheep and lambs, 14; chickens, 328; ducks, 204; geese, 12; turkeys, 100; gkmeof various kinds. 824; fishes, 160; eggs, 3,124; vegetable*, (bunches) 700; fruit, (baskets) CO3; cheese, 103; bread, cake, etc., (in sacks of flour) 40; wine, [barrels]il; Water, (gallons) 3,000.' At this the .naiden revolted, and jamping up exclaimed: 'l' think you are Very impertinent and disgusting besides, and I will not stay to listen to you! upon which she fkw to the house . li t gazftd after her will) an abstract ted air, saying.* 'lf she kept talking at the rate of twelve hours out of twenty' four, her jaws would in twenty years, travel a di«tMue"of 1,333,124 miles. The maiden within two months mar ried a wsJLto-Uo grocer, who was. no stalician. U UHKO ■ 9 No barber kno we til whom he may shave, and the nmn who riudies into a chop au'l diops into a barlwM:li»iir with out seeing who occupies next chair to the right or left may get badly left, as a case pioved recently. A solid old cit« izen in the wholesale trade wifs taking il easy, bis face covered, with lathei, when in came a young man who Hung off hi* coat, bounced a chair and called out: 4 lfurry up now, for I raußt get back to the store bjf »ta old Blank dots or he will raise thunder! Hang him, ho won't give a fellow tiite to die!' The solid eitizen turned his face to glauce at the other, ami the barber noti ced a reddening of his face. 'doing on a summer vacation?' asked the burlier who was preparing shave the young man. } . • • 'Vacation! How in Tophefc can I get away from bid Blank? And if I-could he pays such a stingy contemptible salary tint I couldn't afford even a ride on the I'errv boat!' ,Why don't yon ask him for a . nise?' inquired the barber. • \Vllv don't 1 axk him for the hand of Irs daughter? he'd dis charge me in a minute, though lie's ma" king money and cm atford it. If the old hyena would have a stroke of appo* hxy the junior partner might do some-, thing, hut such chaps alwas live to be a hundred years old.' Conversation ceased here, the solid mau got out of his t-haii', took a brush ing ami sat down, and when the clerk arose from his chair ayt turned around snow "balls would have looked black be side his face, lie tried to bow and speak but something would'nt let hiui, and when lie started to put on his coat he held it tils up and collar down. He was still struggling with it when the solid man rose up, saying never a word. The barbel's wet the young mau's liead and held cologne to his nose, but he walked sideways when lie went out, and there was an tiin wobble to his knees. In applying for the vacan' portion, state wliat shop you shave at. I> INIO, (Ualeigli Visitor.) The following may be of sonio interest lo our readers. it was copied from un old book published in 1612 The population of North Carolina lp 1810 was 555,500, about one third of which were slaves. The Baptists and Methodists were much the larger denom inations. There were no good harbors in ihe State at that time, but the. best were Wilmington, Newbern and Eden lon. The University at Chapel flill had three professors. Fayettcville then was a flourishing town. Large quantities of tobacco, cotton, flour, &0.. were shipped from there to Wilmington in boats. Newbern was the largest town in the Slate. It had considerable commerce and contained in 1818 6,000 iumibilauts. Ral eigh had the large amount of 1,000 inhat itauls and was one of the chief towns. Wilmington exported more produce than any other town in the State. Meck lenburg county had 14,272 inhabitant*; Lincoln Rowan 21,543; Stoke? 11.645,* Wake 17,086; Northampton 13,- 082; Chatham 12,997; Halifax 15.620; New Hanover 11,465; ('raven J2.676; Oraiiue i.O 135; Caswell 11,757; Guilford 11,420; Edgecombe 12,423; Granville 15,476. Tito rest of the counties ran trom 3,025 (Columbus) up to 11,218 (Burke). There were only 62 counties at thai t inc. 'rilK OI.UiHAN Don't laugh at I lie old gentleman, boys. It is true he is ail odd object. He is cjueer and crooked, and his voice thin and reedy, but don't let liim see you laugh al him. He looks as though ho could have noildug more of any importance to do in the world. And, indeed the grave for him is very near, and L think lie will not be sorry to lie down in it. But 'hiuff ot this, boys, once he was young—ytMiujf a* yon are. He went to rclioil —doubtless in a blue jacket with brass buUous, and, a neat milled collar, sueli as boys «ore in Ins day. Ho lio|>ed to be or a lawyer. He was blithe and light upon hi* tcct. He whistled as lie came up the street. Perhaps he could jmnp fa-tlier and throw his ball better than you. Yes, he was young once, and it you live, you will be as old as he—as old and feeble some day. Your limbs will totter, yon willl lean upou a cane, your voice will be shrill aud jveak, aud your hopes and ambitious dead, aud the grave near. 8c dbt 't laugh at the old man. boys, bul treat him with hiuducss and respect.— Ex. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ It is said that some of the larger gam* bling dens in Now York are connected by teiephoueo, so that when the police makes ft move against ono, the alarm if instantaneously given all around. ' 1 ' .*;• ,r- t NO, "23 G lea n ing ». If a inau really wants to know of how little importance he is. let him go wllh iiis wile to the dressmakers.— 2futth»l\. There are enough selfish men to accept all ilie sacrifices women can make. —if. O. Picayune.™ ( Fanny_ Davenport, the actress, w«» married to Mr. Edward If. Price, ol New . York, at Canton, Fa,. hiat TFhursday, Somebody estimates !hat there are be tween four nml live thousand fugitives I ruin justice iu Texas, of whom 831 aro murderers. Vfcta y.»R BWBJWJ —The wlute of n ecg is very t fficacious iu burns. Seven or eight applications will sothe pain, and exclude the burned past from the air, as successfully as coliodion or cotton. Actreoseß are Continually losing valu able diamonds while editor's wives go-* straight along and never bother the world by announcing that they have'been rob* bed.— JV. L Express. The first time that David Davis ever | realized his fatness- was when he was » i boy of 14. The other boys crawled through the fence ami left him alone with a mad steer.— Jb\ee Press. if I Omaha Republican: A south Omaha women the other evening, threatened an | offending representative ot the uialo sex. j that she "would- make his head so Cig I that he couldn't iret a shirt iu town largo i enough to go over i»_' * Miss Allie Cewgie, of Indian*, went In* 1 hear a lecture ou Education, returned home, stole a horse and some money r rudo tilly miles to female Seminary r and was about settling down to hard study when the constable called lor lier r It is estimated that the peogle of the United States consume barrels of liver-pills a year, and yet there is oecpv sionally a man left to reach his end by a railroad collision.— Middletovon [ran*- ci ipt. >. Miss Anna Oliver, the Brooklyn N. Y. r young lady who Is endeavoring,to carry on a Aletltodist church by herself under muuy difficulties, has a new troable. Tito turnilure, which she hired, was removed the otlif r day suddenly and without no tice. Miss Oliver will prouabiv have to abaudou her rather uuwomauly unnerv taking. During a recent examination of a elaaa of youugtefti in a certain, school the teacher naked; 'What is a monarchy?'' and was immediately answered by a lit tle eight yeacwulJ boy, *A country gov«» erned by a king. 1 Who would rule if the k wete to die?*" 'The queen.' And it the queen should die? 'Tlu Jack.' Mrs. Hooper nays in her last Paris lets tcr lot bo Philadelphia Telegraph'-" Mas-» ler ISIIHC Bell, Jr.. (ho young nephew of Mr. Jttmes Gordon Bennett,, of Ibo New York Jlerald, i* pist ive day* old. The day alter the young gentleman's advent 8 his uncle called to see him and kid on his cradle 100 United Stales bonds oi SI,OOO each ns a christening ifi/t, or rath* er a gift of "joyous arrival," according to the old medlavul custom at Hie access aiou ol a king.' A young man mad* his appearance at Dead wood last week in a pair of whits trousers. He was promptly escorted to the cars, put on board of them* and au inj notion placed upo» bin* navaf to re visit the place. We cao stand a blled shiri, you kacw, a miner exclaimed, but I'when it to wearing biled dnvns I we just make them git up aud gib. A fiiend who bad souie unexpected I visitors wns " bother ecF* a boat not bar* enough cake for t*-a, concluded she . 1 would not bay nnj more, and told tb» I two little children, Willie and Kussel, ' no* to nsk for cake, ami do without their share. the table, Willie was a little "pouty" aud uot wanting to *at anything; Kursell seeing him, said, in the heaing of tne whole company.' "What's tho matter, Willie?. Dul mother tell vou not to a«k (or cake too?* Twelve wis of telapton#* have been M>nt out to Sir. Garnet Wolwly for mo at the «eat of war in South Africa. The trreat advantage of the telaphone over thd telegraph is that the General an qsr ry on a confidential talk with the officer' at the district fetation, or a soldier «au towards the enelny's Unef and wh»|>er basis the MI form* t ion aa to the l>osition. A fine wire—the thinner the better—is all that is needed.. This the- 1 ; soldier carries on a reel on ki*S back • mile, weighing only a few pounds. This will be the first time the telaphone has been used as an instrument of warfare. The Wilmington Star says; A repor ter in a Louisville paper give* a rather ludicrous *eoouut of the way passeugcra are disinfected on a Memphis train. 'Squirt lamps' are used, and carbolic acid is distributed in light spriya over everybody. Tl»e reporter says.'.lf. there is any thing in disi feeling at all, the ref ugees certainly get tka benefit of it, for tbe young ma%who turns «D these ItffifS. walk upend down the in a alow deliberate way, unmindful of sneers or satirical smiles of the |mssn|Kt. > A policeman on his beat could uot g