fleam* an , tT on thc scve 11 ffmtes of loku(Q for Hatred ' cofomT, that ;t> noun feet to SftW por- ewt. Try ftoawa- for ttfefti Avew^ •| jjKjGrl*E AN ER General S r - rr "* KJVIIAK, Kev B. W. Mebane. Pastor ■ clocfe- A a. every Sabbath «rrrice»V "» rv Sabbath evening, except ;„d O'clock. MeeS ;ver y aluraate cv- Doauell, Sup't, exer- Suod»y s V ,V P M tisM•' i-ltw'. B. Harrell, M. IX Pastor. 3iPTß n7fl O* c;otk A. M. aad 8, PM. on Service 9 at ' s h baths in eaeb month. ' h " lst / il,Col. W. A. Albright,Supt, Sunday . A. M. ',l g o'clock? • •* ,nl f t molars' prayer meeting every Goixl Temp _ Ult , i ßt an j 3rd Sunday s; Jloodny nigjj > „g Rt 0 t u i oc k P. M. free to, ti the "»• l> ill. v providence 4ne mile from town. "S* ALonib I'astor- Services every Sun- DpV V • A# • » T^r A. M. Rev. V pse?mee y t\n 9 «ever y Saturday evening at $ o'clock- —.. C^Tjackw»'B Best vSweet Navy I'obacco. fiuoiains last week ami this. Paniel Anthony la foreman of the Grand jury. Mi-s. Cotton of Chatham, has been Siting relations in Graham. Fund DRUGS- for the Cash, at tho goulliwesl corner of Court House Square, * - Head what the BANNER WAREHOUSE ,t Durham has to say fm it«elf this week fteams will have to look to his layrals on Don't use quinine. Use J. 11. Fonville's chill cure, to Ud had of him in Graham for 50cents." >'o cure no pay. 1 mo. Mrc, Col. Holt, and daughters have returned from the springs, to their home at Haw River, after au absence ot some weeks. Mrs. Dr. Williamson, after a very jiloasaut sojourn at Glen Alpine and Catawba Spriugs, hiui returned to her home, much improved in health. Mr. John Denny, after building and improving lor majiy other people, has gone about doing something for himself. Wo notice a new piazza, and new blinds to his dwelling. Well, we like to note little iutpiovemenls here and there. If factional Torpor of the Liver ex ists, the elements of the Bile will remain in the blood, vitiating that fluid and in ducing inauy skin diseases. Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills are a moat reliale Liv« r Regulator. Sold everywhere, price 25 centa. SCRATCH YOUR IIEAD IN ANOTHER PLACE. —Lunien Crater, the barber, may always, that is nearly always, be found at his shop in room No 19 in the Graham Hotel. The location is quite convenient awl Crater is a good tarber'. keeps evey thing nice and clean, and does his work well. PHOTOGRAPHS.— Having pitched my tent in Graham, I will reniain for two weeks, aud shall be pleased to serve *ll wanting pictures of whatever stylo. I take all of the different classes of pictures, and guarantee satisfacton. My termß ore moderate. Those not pleased with the work they order need not take and pay for it. W.J. HAYES, Artist Aug. 18 f 1879. The Banner Warehouse on Wednesday 1181 '"i'ly earned its name. The brcaK« were large, and the bidding was most exciting, prices running up to the high J'lic h under the active competition of uklm. Elsewhere, we give selections " pnecs obtained by this and other ii ™ DBeB- ere we W'H only state 'Hat 20,000 pounds were sold at an **crnge ut sl7 {.er hundred—Durham Recorder. Two OLD LADIES DEAD.— Mrs. Marv v-iicy and Mrs. Kuty Wyatt, both of the wJr r : , . porl,0 » 0f " ,1,e county, died last Mr! D y . were 1)01,1 ver y °'d women; Ltoney being about eighty, aud Mrs. ni io i i ftß . we aio '"formed having com \v£ ' i '""'dredth year last December tnin t i i erßla,M * t ' ,at l ' ,e * act of her re>> T a S c 18 a «tl»enticaled, and ac liutulrpA Skeptical about these makfi o r ? People, we intend to ThVrX Corner Stonjc.—Last P or ' ,or Stone of the new erected •? A utllcran church to be namiP?l npH,,y SI,O P B wa « I»id. I bi|| ed Macedonia. Rev. W. Kim- i bßonvillß was master of Winstnn His and Bev * Mr. Lutz, of a uj! C address. There Mdrew «j)ng%ation present. The we hott n l,ve f c d in Union cbnrdh a fine pros ia wor * of building the pushed ahead, and its is looked for by Christmas. *c2ir WntK —His Honor, Judge n" C ? P rom P ,, y > n Moii r»Hd i! r " l Cloc^ f Wis Charge to the * or P n a,, *' fitting. Solic it forilip s? , waß * post prosecute Jate been p . to this time there *Ware°. u 'y misdemeanors. **aitiu» irfJif* and some out °'*ach a pk„ felony, none bowevor Nation tV*** a * to attract general •ill iJonbtu.. r ailroa d force of the State *be yjgjjj"®* be aoniewbat increased, f• Leni» Jl ot tbe bar are J. **j (rn'h. m Y anceyville, Col. Ruffln, °*aillßbori» n U i Solicitor Strndwick, k'k. ii sjCols. Morehead and Gilmer, oftui?' . Greensboro. 8. H. J* 00 conntv »;.u D b E- W. Pen, of Jobu- VOuZLr* lt,B boro to hear from, 1 relnrus from Greensboro : - I ( i? UEY AVE BECUN.—We mean the tali courts and church Festivals. The court opened here last Monday morn ing, and the Festival, (ih e very proper um ? t0 Say BaZaai ) °l >ens Ht Grange • all, Company Shops, to-morrow-night. It costs nothing to get into tho midst ot the charmed circle, but the tribute that will be exacted after you are once under the influence and in the power ol the charmers'cannot well be connctur. ed. J On Thursday night, tho night of the -Ist of August A. D. 1879, and don't you forget it, the ladies of the Presby terian church at Company Shops, will hold a Bazaar, or Festival just as 3011 please to call if, in Granger's Hall, at Company Shops, for the purpose of rais ing InnJs to buy a toii.mu'iii.u set for their church. Mo admission Ire will he chaiged, and all are cordially invited. 1 here will he many farcy articles, ami something good to cat* All who at tend may piomi.-se themselves an even ing of pleasure, and at tho same time they will contribute to a worthy and deserving purpose. Now read this, put a lit tie small change in your pocket, and make a bee line for Clang.* Hall, ami you will teel better forgoing. (Communicated.) I* Alt b TIME*. Owing as we do about fourteen thou sand million dollars the interest of which is sapping the life blood out ui every de partment ot trade and industry, 'who wonders that limes are hard. During the last twelve or fifteen years a largo and expanded industry has "been hampered, crippled, and almost deslroj ed by having its lite btood taken from it through contraction of the currency ami just in proportion as it has been thus weakened, it a burdens nave boon increas ed, by interest ai d taxation until it has paid more than the sum of the public debt in interest, am 1 . Mill more to the Banks lor the use of what the Govern ment is constitutionally bound to furnish tree ot cost. Let the people demand that the bond-holders bonds be converted into legal tender money, to the end that (lit burden ot interest may be lightened, and that money, to be proli sole shall b« com pelled to co-operate with labor. 'I hi ileinand would bring about the issue whether the Banks or the Government shall issue the money, and whether we shall continue to bear th e burden ot the public debt by paying interest on it with out having the use of it, "or - shall wc change this curse to a blessi.ig by turn ing it into money again to be used with out interest. The experience of the ton most pros perous years ot our history has demon strated that gold and silver money are not essential to the life, liberty and hap piness of civilized nations; what we most need is the establishment of just relations between productive industry and non- productive capital, and a just distribution ot the products of labor. This result would i>e most speedily and happily ob tained, it the Government would issue a currency dirdct to the people, mafce it a lender in' payment of all dues, and with it pay olfaud slop the interest on the public debt, it matters not whether ii isjcalled green-back or yellow-back, so it will pass everywhere at its face value. That sort of a currency free ftoin interest, issued and distributed to all parts of the country, in such sums or quantities as the business requires and demands,wouki bring things to one common level and be the beginning of a new era of prosperity and happiness to the country. AGRICOLA. TERBIBLB MTOK.fi ON OUK COAST. The following dispatches which wo clip from the Charlotte Obseii-er tell ot a terrible storm on our coatl: MOKEHEAD CITY, N. C., August 18.— We were visited this morning by a terrific storm from the soulbbasffdamaging per sonal property here to the amount ot about $5,000. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad track between the town and the depot is nearly all washed up. The Atlantic Hotel and gight busi ness houses in Beau tort were washed away, while the various other damages are inestimable. The guesls of the At iitntic escaped, but the building and con tents, including all the baggage, is a total loss. There is no information from other sections ot the county, but the damage must be very great. ■» WILMINGTON, N. C., August 18. —A t;rrific stcrrn of wind and rain - visited this section early this moriing" At 4 a. ni. the velocity of thejvind had reach ed bixtyeight miles per hour. A large number of shade trees were prostrated in • the city and seven houses and sheds were unroofed. No lives wera lost. The German barque Marie, is ashore with the mainmast, fore and mizzeniuastK gone and seven feet ot water in the hold. The Brittish ship Kate Boos6eld, ashore above Battery Island, will come off with out trouble. It is feard that serious damage has been done to crops. Tlt« PRESS CONVENTION Change of It* Place • f »«••■*> [Special to The Observer.] RALEIGH, N. C., August 18.—Owing to the destruction of the hotels at Beans tort by recent storms, the press ottrtven tiou will be called to order at the Gregory House, at 10 a. m., August 20tb. W. A. Davis, Secretary. We learn from the Reidsvillo Times that Lee Weatherford, a young man acred 17 years, was iustautly killed in a quarter ot a mile of Ruffln by the accidental discharge ot a gun in Ibe bands of a negro boy. L- A.' Paschal I, Esq., waa married August 12th, 1839. Ue died August 12th, 1379, on ihe anniversary ot his raaipiage, precisely haif a century afterwards. A remarkable coincidence. —Oxford Free Herald. Owen Ha", * negro in Rockingham county, was riding •jojjg picking the banjo when bis borte foil down and kilk ed him. DEATH BY SUFFOCATION, On Wednesday last, George Copley, a young, industrious man aged about 23, son of Mr, Wni. Copley lost his life in a very distressing way. Ilis father had employed a negro man (o dig a well on his piemises on (lie outskiits ol Durham. A hlust had been fired, and the negro was atraid to go down oa account of ihe density of the smoke. Young Copley volunteered, and went down in the buck et, which lie had half filled with Ihe fragments of rock, when he called out to he drawn up. 1J is lather and ihe negro nulled on Ihe rope, but when less than hall way up, George fell to tl e bollom. His father was held back immediately ; out being tied fast lo the bucket, jie made the descent. He soon called lo lie 1 rawn up, and -nvlien he reached the surface, speechless and helpless Iroin tl.e foul srases. The body ol Geoige was not long aflerward recovered, and was in* •erred on Thursday.—Durham l?ecoxl cr. ASO(JKCEOF III'CEI BODII.V liyai, If the habit of bodj becomes Irregular much evil is inflicted >n the system. The somach be comes dyspeptic, billions symptoms develop themselves, the circulation is contaminated, and the neives share in thegeiierrl disorder. It is of the utmost importance that the bowels should l>e thoroughly and speedily regulated when the) - grow derelict, Tae corrective agent best adapt ed to this purpose is Hostetter's Stoma eh Bit ters, a wholecome non-f riping vegatable laxa tive, worth all the rasping; cathartics invented since the time of Paracelsus. People who have been iu the habit of usin{ blue piU, calom' I. ana other drugs and cheap nostrums for constipa tion, shob.d abandon 1 ueh hurtful and useless medicines, and substitute for them this pleasaut and gentle aperient, which not oniv prodaves tl e purgative eileet naturally . but also strength ens widie it regulates the bowels, stomach and liver. It moreover cures and prcvetns inler mitts u and remittent fever, rout, rheumatism, deb.lity and urinary trouble?. While Mr. Tlios. C. Dixon, Ihe well kn .wii manufacturer of Snow Camp, 111 Altmancc county, was on his way home 1.1 a busigv, as he renclicd a bridge a runaway team wirli two men came upon him. Wis only means of escape wus by jumping out, leaving his vehicle to its tale, and saving himself by clinging :o one of Iho braces of the bridge, and hanging over the water, twemv leet belo v. As Tt passed, the runaway wagon still :k him 011 Ihe leg, bruising it badly and tearing his trousers, and then it eamo iu collision with the buggy, and was brought to a sudden check, violently throwing out iht young men and bruising them badlv; tlicy were glad to e-cape being hurled over into waters below.— Durham Recorder. ftKAHU OFFICER* OF TH l£ ft It AIV D I.OUUU OF 'l'll K I, O, ft. T. -V The following officers were elected by the Grand Lodge ot Good Templars, re* cently in session at Winston: G. W. C. T.—T C Williams, of War renton. G. W. Councellor—J C Ellington, of Clay ten. G. W. y. T.—Miss Mary E. Lyon, of Gruuville G. W.Sec.-V Balla.d, of Raleigh. G. W. Treas —Mrs. E O Beck with, of Raleigh. Representatives to the Right Worthy Grand Lodge—W S Ball, of Greensboro and N B Broughton, of Raleigh. YEMOW FEVER, The news from Memphis seems to In dicate that the ravages of this disease are at least not on the increase. Whether li-om want of populalion, or bccsure lei" rible experience has learned the people something in (he way of its control and management wc do not know. The daily list of new cases, and ol deaths seem to have grown smaller. At all events, as yet, the scourge is nothing to compare with what it was last year. Wo can only hope that it is held in check, and that it may not spread further. Raleigh O dserver: The work of put ting up the telephone lines progresses rapidly. The wires are stretched a'- most all over the city. After oil these connections are finished, the instruments will be put in position. There are about 80 persons booked so far for the instru« intuits, nqd Mr. Starke, the manager, says that there will be over 100 by the end of the month. Tho cost ot an inv strument per year is $36 anywhere in the city limits. • Bob McCorkley a negro, was hanged at Tayloisville, on the 15th of this month, for the murder a white man named Wycoff, in Catawba county, last fall. Wycoffs wife was sentenced to the punctuality for life, as being accea ory before the fact. Mrs. Nellie Sartoris, daughter of ex. President Gfan't, died suddenly, at her English home, on the Gth of this inontn. She is said to have been an amiable good woman. The Salisbury Watchman says: DiPTrEitiA. —We regret to learn that this tatal disease has again made its appearance along the river in the eastern part of the county. Several children have died. A well-spring of pleasure is healthy baby; keep jonr baby in good health by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.-the friend of Infancy. Price 25 cents. ADVERTISEMENTS. A ftOOD IK * Thirteen dollars lor one can he realized by inbscibing for tbe Southern Murtral Journal. Only SI.OO yearly secures it. I.OO worth of choice Vocal and Instrumental Music is pub lished in each monthly number and 91,00 worth of Premium Sheet Music Is presented each subscriber; #l3 worth of Music, ail told. Besides this there is given one hundred pages (Sheet music size) of valuable and instructive musical reading matter, comprising musical sketches, discussions, editorials, hints, correspondence hints, correspondence and general musical intelligence from all parts of the world, (the South not exjepteu.) Sent Ten Ceuts and you will receive specimen copy (containing 11.000 Worth of Music) by return mail. Address LUDDEN «fc BATHES, Southern Musio House, Savannah, Oa. /■ rrctlon or sscesn. Any pni«r>«t b*» lnrr^ dienta. Or. W. w f®"JJ' > * |Mt SUlk WI»»L ttadanstl. o» IMIEIt WMML Head Quarters for Fine To- I bacco. r "We do not quote fancy prices, but include all taken from our books as sold. . DURHAM, N. C. 1 4 0 FOR The Sale of Leaf Tobacco. Below we publish account of SALES made on Gth of August.' Read and see what we do-far our patrons. ° >*• Average of entire House trash &c., included, « $17.25. A J Iluylic-s, Sue Jeffreys, one lot, 9 00 one 101, 812.00 ono lot, 17 75 " 13 00 !! 46 00 S* 4> 50 '• 760 „ , 27 M " ,23 00 «• .-- 600 ~ 12 00 John Ripley, " 9 75 rifr• i 300 one lof, 10 00 " -- 37 00 Mile*, •« 30 00 " 700 one Jot, 13 00 " 21 00 " 600 *' 10 00 • -11 50 AM Warren, „ ' 10 00 " 500 one lot, 140 00 |3 00 » 540 s Millß> ~ *7 25 Vincent & Burton, one lot, 13500 23 50 Oil o lot, - 14 25 T U Faucett, W I ]\lilf« «i 40 00 ono lot, * 4100 vv L, Miles, « 50 00 n- " 40 00 OMtot. 14 50 .. 900 .. 4 oSS " 24 00 21 00 16 50 ' " 29 50 ;; ««> 9000 « SSS 8 60 •« 6100 " 7 rj\ GW Flonrencp, M 22 00 «« 1100 one U, - 21 00 « 39 60 E Sawyer, '>o 1125 one lot, 14 50 " 60 00 •• 14 00 a « 90 00 62 00 " 15 50 « 1 g|» I*Ti J A Ripley, " «:»00 on ® lo '» '36 60 one lot, 13 50 " 100 00 . 36 60 4S 50 " 14 60 * 26 o " 30 50 Vincent & Cozens, v, ... " " Blalock, " 27 00 one lot, " 15 60 one ,ot " 110 00 Jos. D Wright, «• 37 00 ' " 76 00 one lot, 4.10 '' 10 76 . 62 00 700 " . 700 J T Ruin, .14 26 Wilson McCullock, » ■ ©no lot, 24 00 " 900 one lot, 20 00 "_ , „ , 37 60 " '* 67 00 " 19 76 Rufus Matlock, 60 00 " 42 60 one lot, 24 50 " 39 60 " 37 60 « 46 60 •' 25 60 44 14 26 • 1150 15 75 Warren Moone, O *V Barnett, J G Roney, one lot, 4160 one lot, 40 00 one lot, 875 V ©7 00 « 86 " 13 00 100 00 u 23 60 60 00, " 15 00 « " 20 00 JHi J A Hurdle, . 900 " 12 25 Mrs. R L Faucett, T p xr., 10 25 one lot, 5100 / C Murphy, u 6 00 " 39 50 40 00 " 690 " 700 *' 58 00 ' GOODS WERE NEVER SO CHEAP! — 1 » '♦ ■ We frequently hear this, and it is a fact, but we failecT to realize the full fact of its truth, until we went to buy our present stock. We bought for cash, and the quantity of goods that a small amount of ready money will buy is truly astonishing, We were surprised, and wo propose to surprise other people who come to buy of us. when they see the goods and hear the low price; such for instance aa Best calico 6i cents a yard Poplins 10 to 15 cents a yard Muslins 10 cents a yard , other things in proportion. Our stock of Ready Made Clothing large- and well assorted, consisting of suits varying in price from one to twenty dollars a» to . r Hats and Caps y*-y ,• J._ ' & •/. & . >& -3§k o+j, 'P •; we arc Inclined to boast of our stock, but will leave our customers to Judge for themselves when they examine. FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds we offer as cheap as they can be bought anywhere. FACTORY GOODS. Cotton Yarn flOcts, Checks 9 cents, ard sheeting at factory prices. I We really have a eood stock of goods. we bought tbem cheap for ca«h. and win ««11 them rt... for cash, or anv kind of barter We think It win be to the Interest of those wishing to #o *od see us. and we shall be glad to sec them and show onr goods whether we sell or not We shall be pleased to welcome you, at W. R. Alhrie-hts new Bto re, South of the court bouse Tours truly ' Thomas a. albeioht* c«. (ft I CAATO *BOOO A YKAH, or *sto «S0 a © 1 OUUila; iq your cwn locality. No risk. Women do as well asnmen. Manv make money fact. Any one can do the work. You can make from 80 eta. to $3 au hour by de voting your erenii n and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. Business pleasant and *■ trictly honora ble. Reader, if yon want, to know all about the beat paring business before the public send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terns free; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up yourself. Address GEORGE BTIX3OX A CO., Portland* Maine ? Sylvan Academy, W. ▼. nAUUCBIV A, B. Priatipal, The Academic year of 10 months begin* Aug. 30, 1879. Open to oothsexes. Tuition from to tS per mo. Board from 46 to 17 per month. By "messing" young men may reduce the ex pense still lower. For particulars addrasa the Principal,at Snow Camp N. C. LOU "JT~ I'l .njfc • " Scott & Donn«(i Graham N C Dealers in DR V «OWm GBOCIRIK; IIARDWARR, II ATM, ROOT «"fllOK«. NOTIONN, IIIOIK,. "TBI IJ, §AI.T,nOM«> BBM, OHI'GK, .lIKDI €II* SS. DVB BTUIPAC ftC. Dr. Ift F. Bason, Will attond calls in /lamance and adioiuin comitici. Address; Haw River, P. O N. C. ft. fS\ A MONTH guaranteed >l2 a day NP*-»y witonic m &de by the industrious capital not required; we will start yon. Men, women, hoys and girl# make money faster at work f»r us than *t an) thing else. The work U" light and pleasant, uud such us any one can ko, right at. These who are wise who see this hoe tice will send us their addresses at onec and see. for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. TLese already at work aro.,-; *l\% "P v ' a T « uraß w of money. Address IKUE fe CO., Augusta, Maine. ' ~ 1 — Central Hotel Greenshere, 0. SEYMOUR STEELE, PROPRIETOR TERMS:—#I.6O PER DAX » • This house is conveniently located in the cen,. tre of the clly, the rooms are la rue and weiL i S'iMjJS."'"' 5 U W,,M " be *- * Large Sample Rooms Omnibus and Baggage Wagon qocet all trains,. conniisiONEß-a NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that the Bnacd of- Coii,missioners of Alamance county will meet at tlie Court House in Graham, on lb* 4th' Manday in August, it being tlie 2Mb dty ofr tl • r».oi,th, arid remain in session f. t oi.e dav and longer if new-ssary, for the parpoee of re vising Ihe Tax-List and valuation of property reported to thein for the year 1879; at which, tune and place any and all persona, objeciinie. to the valuation of their property, „ r thl amount of taxes charged against them, will be heaid in reeard theieto t All persona who hare faileJ to Hat their property or poll* msy list at (hat time. All persons failisg to list their property and pol s will be charged with oouble Ux, and besides, be liable to criminal prosecution for. the omiftfioQ. , • All persons claiming exemption from the. payment of poll tax. on account of poverty and infirmity, will be heard at that time; and K. Xe i mp^, L will 1)6 with a certified voked °° lfwrotb * r ***** Qotll re-- By order of the Board, Aug. 4thJß7». T.G. McLeas, Clk. HIGH SCHOOL H. C. TEA.GUE, Principal; !S1^ 8C ® bl ?° ot this School will re-open, on the 6th day of January 1870, and continue! twenty wecfcs Tuition from *6 to 80 doiare pe-1 frn, n "Hk ,no, udlng. lights and washing, from Wto $7 per month. For any addHlpnal' information, address JUo Priucipftl, floe* Creel^ BINGTIAM SOIIOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C.„ Tfce 17l«i Nrmita k«|iai|a|f 3Nh. ii ■ A , rr " n ? cmc '>w have been made by which a, IQWn * m ®n wUh Mn*ll mean? enn mes« at f5 pet montlj. U , "» firahbai r»»w. RIBVb KD .. 11l p«r MMiki tmi. l»IM prr Neui*H. For particulars addresfc Ifcu. R, BINGHAM. dfe n D&E°I V 8 & ZePhST WO>l, *' BQOr^ Farmer Friend Plowa af SCOTT A DON NELL'S. BSU6S. Medicines Oils, Paints* Glass, I have succeeded to the business of R. W. Glenn & Sou. and shall be glad to serve tho»e, wanting any article kept in a 4rs\ class Drug. Store, either by wholesale or retail* My |lock Is large, and, my assortment com plete, and they will be kept so ail the Urae. My experience in the business is Jong, and, I think l may safely claim to he an well able to, serve the interest of tiuwe favoripg me witli their patronage as any one. i My Stpre is just above the Benbow building, on the sime tide, where I shall be pleased to wait upon customers, either in orders' WSTINCE PROMTIts- AND CAREFULLY FILLED. B. G. GLENN. 5, 30, G'eeusboro, N. C.. TOBACCO mmmtWoiakinUWtetWß OPIUMgSgfS i TTcan make lr.onov fas»«r at woHc for n* U than anything else. Capital not rewir*. Ed; we will start yafk day %t i,w*ie trade by the .uuu, women, and

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