Reams Warehouse, Durham N. C., sold, cn the 29th of August, 48,940 lba. tobacco for $11.1X2.13 Average $22.77 per cwl Farmers need doribt DO longer that Beams beats the world on cwram THE GLEANER ■ m> m i Local, State and (teneral W GRAHAM, ». C., OCTOBER 8. IB7S DHDMIM I BBAMAFLI, " "" IP® - T* PBSBVUBIAN— Rev. B. W. Mebsne, Psstor Services at 11, o' clock. A. M. every Sabbath and services every Sabbath evening, except Che first and third, at 1 o*clock. Prayer Meeting eyery alternate Tuesday ev ening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School, W. C. Donnell, Snp't, exer cises at 8, o' clok, P. M. BAPTIST — Sunday School, Col. W. A. Albriglit.Supt. Exercises at (S*olock A. M. Prayer meeting, every alternate Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Good Templars' prayer meeting every Monday night, after the Ist and Srd Sunday's; At the "G. T. Hall" at 8 o'clock P. M. free to, CHRISTIAN —Providence one mile from town. Rev. D. A. Long, Pastor. Services every Sun day at 11 o'clock, A. M. Sunday School, at 10, o'clock A. M. Rev. W. »W. Sialey. Sup't- r Our patrons need not be surprised if THE GLEANER should fail to make is apt pearance next week, cwing to the faot that the Neuse Paper Millß, on account of low water, cannot furnish us with our usual supply of paper. We are ma king efforts to get a supply in time for «ur next issue, from some other source, tat if we fail don't think the paper has busted or suspended except for a short time. Yellow fever still on the decline. Forest fires have broken out in New York. Rev. D. A. Long left for Yale College last Monday. R. A. Noell is building an addition to liis house. Mr. Johnston Tumet is commencing a dwelling house. Sheriff ftunter is having a well dug on his premises. T. A. Albright * Co. are building an addition to their store house. Mr. Robert Moore is quite ill at his home at Haw liiver. Commissioners in session last Monday. Will tell the people what they did next week. . Rev. D. A. Long preached his fare well sermon to his congregation at Prov idence last Sunday morning. Rev. B. W. Mebane occupied the pul pit Sunday evening at Providence and preached to a large cougegation. Diphtheria, that terrible malady among childrsn, is prevailing to a fear ful extent in Raleigh. 'NOTICE. —Land Sale at the residence of the late William A. Walker on the 3rd day of Nov., which appears in this isroe. Thanks to Chas. R. Jones Seo. for a complimentary ticket to the annual Ex* hibition of the Oarolina Fur Association to be held'in Charlotte Nov. 4th to 7th 1879, * JH&KT ; The Colored Baptists of this place,aud the surrounding country, will tanimeuce u series of meetings at their church on Sunday next. W. S. Albright, son of Col.- VV. A Albright of thu place l#ft yesterday morning for Koxboro, where he expects to engage in business. * > We apologize to Mr. Jerkins for not taking out his ad. aa directed, which is atill found on the outsida of thia paper. Mr. Jerkins haa rented his farm, and need be troubled no longer with applica tions. GOKK NORTH. —J. A. McCaulay. of McCauley fe Smith, of Company Shops, started North last week, to buy the Fall *Winter stock of goods for the firm. He will be back in a few days, as he left just a week ago to day. When he and his goods get back, the fiim will hare more to say to the public. Read the advertisement of Dr. B. A. Sellars, in this issue. The Dr. haa new goods, he meana to sell them cheap, and he very sensibly goes aboat doing it by letting the people know he baa them. First get a good line of goods, then mark them down low, and then let the people know it, is the way to aell goods and that is just what the Dr. has done. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hamlet, desire through this medium to express their ap preciation of and thanks for the kindness shown them by the people of Graham, upon the oecasien of the last sickness and death of their little son Willie, and es pecially to the ladies. CA*'T SBNDMQVEY TO LOTTERIES. — , The Assistant Attorney General for the Post offise Department bar given it as his opinion, that under the lair, letters ad« dressed to lottery companies, or their agents as such, are not to be transmitted through the mails; and circulars have been tesued so instructing postmasters. Oar tobaoco raisers are having good luck in curing their tobacoo as we hear. Some occasionally happened to the bad luok to have a barn burned. Dr. G. D. Cobb informs us of his good luck in not losing a barn. He w«s in the midst of curing bwt not at the hot teat, when the tobacco took fin, and aoue twenty sticks were burned. barn itaerc took fire is quite a number of plaoes,and the ntrange part of the story is that the barn was not burned. The Dr. and his b»4p put it out. We believe it is the first instance that we have knows of a barn put out. after it took fire. T ' ' ' The military convention was in session last week in St. Louis. Gen). Beauregard is irat vioe president ot the orinuiz&tiou. The organization is tobe called the Na tional Guard Association of the United States, and the purpose is to sees re mili tary efficiency and united representation before Congress. The sense of the con vention wasihat the bill now before Congress and in the hands of tho House committee on military affaire should not be materially changed. A Florida paper wants some medical man io tell it why negroes do not sneeze. It says old planters who owned scores at negroes will tell yon they never bean] one sneeze. We are not "a medical mau, bnt we are prepared to say tint negroes do sneeze about here. There is no dis crimination against them here, and they enjoy sneezing in common with the whites. We can't give any reason why tho Florida negro does not sneeze unless it is because Ida nose is too flat. It re quires oasal accommodation lor a good enjoyable sneeze. The warriors of the Ute tribo ot In dians, attacked Thornburgg command, on Milk river, on 29th lasl month, killing 'ihornborg and some ten enlisted men and wounding quite a number ot others. The command retreated to the wagon ! train and entrenched. Many goad men have died at the bands of Indians on our Western frontier. From time to time comes the newts of an Indian dash and sudden attack, and the death ot oar sol diers. Emaneul Rose and William Rogers were in McDowell ~->uu ty. Last Jaly, they and otbers'were en gaged in a game of drav poker, when & quarrel ensued between Rogers and Rose, which broke up the game, and resulted in j a fight between Rose and Rogers in which the latter was stabbed with a pocket knife to that h»uied. 1 The trial of Rose has just taken place in McDowell Supe rior court, resulting in a verdict of guilty ol manslaughter, so the Charlotte Observe er learns. IKB HANCOCK ITLOVKMISN J, [Springfield Republican.] There is a General Hancock boom nn dor glass and already sprouting. Han cock is Alerk Stephens's choice, and a concerted effort is making to bring him forward as a candidate of those Souths enters who arc opposed to another dish of Tilden and reform. Hancock heads quarters are to be e-tabliebed at Wash ington alter Congress {.meets, and his friends already boaat of their ability to preyent Tiideu's rtinning again. The one thing that' gives Tilden such a chance in tho next National Domopratic cons volition is the division ot his opponents among a number of candidates. BOGCa CERTIFICATES. It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending to be made of wonderful foreign roots, barks, &c., and puffed up by long bogus certificates of pre tended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure ef fective medicine, made of well knowu valuable remedies, that furnishes its otfn certificates by its cures. We refer to Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. Bee another column.— Bepnblican. From almost overy section contes Mhe news of exceedingly, dry weather. In miauy places wells are going dry, the suinmor streams and even some of the larger ones are failing to turnisb water for the mills upon them, and much incon venience is thereby caused. Stock in inauy places have to be watered from wells aud altogether rain would be very web como. Seeding eats and wheat have been sadly intertered with. Out* tobacco raisers have a flue time for cutting and curing. , [Cincinnati Enquirer.,(Dem.)] A man wbo puts up his wealth on a horse-race may calculate with tolerable certainly on winning sometime or. oth» er if he perseveres. The man who bets on Ohio going one way or another any year, of any series of years, is too reck less to be trusted with money, and should have a guardian appointed to take care of his estate. (Galveston News.) Tilden's persistent refusal to sit down and keep quiet reminds one of the fellow at the circus who would stand up. All the other presidential candidates in whoso way be Is, yell out, "Down iq the front." but all the blessed old image does, is- to thank them kindly and protest he isn't a bit tired. SBT BACK 49 YEAR*. "I was troubled for many years with Kidney Complaint,, Gravel, &c.; my blood became thin; I was dull aud inactive; could hardly crawl about; was an old worn out man all over: could get nothing to help me, until I got Hop Bitters, and now lam a boy again. My blood and kid neys are all right, and 1 am a> active as a man of SO although lom 72, and I bave no doubt it will do as well for others of my age. It is worth a trial.—(Father )— Sunday Mercury Mr. Kindred Gupton. of Franklin county, was assisting in the raising of a house, wbeu it was suggested that one of the sills was not level, aud it was rais ed and Mr. Gupton stuck bis bead under it to look when the sill accidentally slip* ped from the sticks holding it, and fell upon his head crushing the skull and pro ducing instant death. From different portions of the cotton growing sections of the State the news is that the cotton crpp is short—not more than a ball to two thirds of an average crop. The house of Mr. M. F. Leak, of Wadesboro, was burglarized on the morning, ju«t before day. ot the third of this month, and a number of valuable ar ticles stolen. Mr. Leak's room was en> lered, and his clothes were taken trom a chair, at his bedside. In bis pocket* were valuable papers, a gold watch aud forty dollars in money. No clue. We learn trom The Observer. Reidsville Times'. David Humphreys, of Wen I worth, died in the count* poor bouse last Saturday "igbt. He was a very old man, nearly eighty we shonld i&rgp debt. Mtory at Went worth in out! b lavishly among hisfiiends. He was from New Haven, Conu., but had lived In this country fifty years or more. Go to. Company Shops Drug Store and buy Mrs. Person's Cure for Scrofula and be relieved. Bau* VMJCTAKLB SICILIAN Bill R*KEWI» is • scientific combination of lome of th« most powerful restorative agents In the vegetable kingdom. It restores pray hair to it* trigo nal color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It pares dandruff and humors, and falling-out of the hair. It ftralsbe* IbeßUtriti *e prin ciple by which the hair Is nourished and sap ported. It makes the hair moist, soft and gloesy, and 1 is unsurpassed aa a hair dressing. It is the moet economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effects remain a iditg time, making only so occasional appli cation necessary. It Is recommended and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorsed by the Stat* Assayer of Massachu setts. The popularity of Hall's hair reuewer has Inereeed with the test of many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and it is now knoWn and nsed in all the Sivilised coun tries of the world. FOR SAXS BT ALL DBALXKS. A young man named Williams, In leave laud county, got into a dispute with his father about taking a mule from tiie lot to ride off, when nis stepsniother said something about the matter which he disliked, and he took a pistol from nis pocket and shot her dead. Father and son we're both di uuk. The son remain ed about the premises for a short time but fled before he was arrested. Capt. J. C. R. Little, agent of the N. C. R. R.. at Raleigh, was married at the Church of the Good Shepherd, in Raleigh last Thursday evening, to Miss. Salllo E. Sivley, of Alabama. The Obwrver classes it as one of the most elegant mat rimonial aflairs of the season. Everything points to the success of the Slate Fair next week. Maj. .Bingham will have a larger number or cadets press ent than on any previous year. Dr, Gregory the leading Physican in the State recomeuds the Carolina Chill Cure because he knows if will cure. Try it. Sold by CALLUM BROS, dc CO. Greensboro, N. C. At a meeting of the Directors of the North Carolina Railroad Company, held at Company Shops, on the list day of last mouth, Peter Brown Rnffin, of Hills* boro, was elected Secretary and Treas urer to till the vacancy occasioned by the "death of Capt. Thoinburg. A little girl. Mary, daughter of Dr. T. P, Mathews, of Richmond was fatally shot by her play-mate with an old pistol tboad on the mantel piece. Will people never learn to put such things beyond the reach of children? SCBATCH YOUR HEAD IN ANOTHER PLACE. —Luf-ien Crater, the barber, may always, that is nearly always, be found at his shop in roop No 19 in the Graham Hotel. The location is quite convenient and Crater is a good barber! keeps evey tLing nice and clean, and does his wdrk well. A very sad accident, and one that may prove fatal, occurred near the Market here to-day: Mr? Lemuel Coltraine, an elderly gentleman of Randolph driving two mules, was thrown from his wagon by the i unning away ot his team, the wagon passing over his breast and face, breaking his collar bone, jaw and per haps two riba.—Greensboro Central Pro testant. s Dr. Pierce's Golden medical Disco v* ery, and Liop Bitters are highly rccom - mended for purifying the Blood and ren ovating the System. You can had them at Company Shops Drug Store. The GrAnd Reunion of the snrvlving sold tors of the two armies takfs place at Salisbnry on the 23. We tbantfthe com mittee for an invitation to atttoid. Large description bills are posted extensively; aud the prospect is that an immense crowd will be present. The annual meeting of the stockhol ders of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad was held in Raleigh last, Monday, J. M. Robinson was reelected I'reßident, Maj. J. 0. Winder was continued as Super intendent and Ma}, W .W. Vass as Treasurer, W. J. Hawkins, W.W.Cbam berlain, P. 0. Cameron, Jos. B. Batches lor, Walter Clark tod 11. 8. Tucker were elected Directors. % • » , Mr. Jacob Michael, has moved to the village, and will take boarders, furnish* ing washing, fuel and lights, at #B,OO per month, payable»mohthly. [From the Washington Star.] At a social gathering of newspaper correspondents here a tew evenings ago an informal ballot was taken ,as to who will be the next presidential candidate. The vote was: Republicans—Grant, 8; Sherman, 6; Blaine, 4. Democrats— Tildcn, 10; Hancock,*; Davis, 1; Bay ard, 1. WILMINGTON, October I.— An accident ! tal Are at the warehouses of the Wilming toii compress company destroyed 1,300 bales of cotton. The new hydraulic Tay» lor presses were badly damaged. Wil liams $ Mnrohison, Kerchner Jc Calder BJOS and Lilly Bros., are the heaviest loosers in the order nimed. The total loss iB estimated at SIIO,OOO. Fully ins sured. The best Chill Care in the world is the Carolina Chill Care Bold by CALLUM BROS. Jk CO. Greensboro, N. C. tele the W„ C. Mc A. Bailr*s4, WILMINGTON. October I.— The WIN mington, Colombia St Augusta Railroad was sold in this city to-day under tore closure of first mortgage bonds for $860,- 500, and was bought in bv a committee representing this holder# of the first mort gage bonds, The terms ot the sale are $20,000 in cash and the balanoe In three, six, nine and twelve months. The Carolua Chill Caff is manufactur ed by CAIXDM 880. k Co, Greensboro N. C. The people of Hannibal, Missouri, where some drunken roogfaa were rude and insulting to the President and his party, an account ot which we publish in another column, prevailed upon the President to return the same way, and upon his return trip a cordial and flat tering reception was extended to him. Thus was wiped out any blame that might have attached to the citizens of that place, , [Charlptte Observer.] NORTH CAROLINA BONUS. —Perhaps few of ear own people know anything of the f trices at which North Carolina bonds sell n Mew York«u£y way of enlightening those who hare any curiosity on the sub jest, we oopy the following lrora the New | York South, ol last week; (Meted. Asked. ! Nsrth Carolina State 6's old ..: W M J Noith Carolina State 6's, new... 18 I*X North Carolina State 6'a, Fund ing Act 1886.... 0 , j North Carolina fetate 6'a, Fund | log Act 1868... 9 18 North Carolina State 6*s, N. 0. R. R ?. 108 JVorth Carolina State 6'a, If. C. R. K, ex-coupon 87>f JVorth Carolina State 6'a, spe cial tax.... v 8 * 8 'Punctuality i« the Hinge of Business.' In families where Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp is kept, there is nsver a case of absence from school or business on acsonnt of Coughs, Colds or Sore Throat. Price 25 I cents. f. Chas. P. Thompson declines to permit himself to be nominated by the Demo> crats of Massachusetts for Governor, and ex-Governor Brogden of this Statt says he does not want the nomination of his party for Governor. What does it mean? Two men in one w'eek to declare they do not wish to become candidates for Governor! The cabinet makers of Louisville struck and their wages were advanced fifteen per cent. The shop hands of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad struck for higher wages and the road agreed to the iucreaae. „ . Remove all canse of irritability and discomfort from the Baby, by using Dr. Bnll's Baby Syrnp, the sorest, best and hence cheapest remedy in the world tor the diseases of babyhood. Price 26 cents. . The Goldsboro Mail, In its IMO« of last Friday entered upoiuhe second year of its publication at Golatboro. ; It says that during the year ite subscription list baa increased one thousand and fitly four. We congratulate it upon its success In its new field. It was formerly publish* ed at Rooky Mount. Walton's Liver Pills will euro you of Biliousness, or any liver disease. Made i and for sale at Company Shops Drug Store. Nathan P. Brogden brother of ex»Gov. Brogden, had 14* band caught in • the saws of his cotton gin, and sustained in-, juries from which be died. He was a good citizen of Wayue county. > WHEAT—FERTILIZER. —Those wanting wheat fertilizer can be supplied by Ap plying to S. A. White, Mebaueville, who fs agent for Anchor Brand. Mebaneville, Sep. 2nd 1879. John Everitt, a prominent citizen of ' Goldsboro, died last week, in the seven* ty"eighth vear of bis age. He lived for a while during the war ni the Hawfields section of this oounty, and was known to, many of onr people In that neighbor* hood. Ha was a good man. _ The only enre for chills is the Carolina Chill Cure. Bold by CALLUM BROS. 4 CO. , Greensboro, N. C. At a county fair, at Adrian. Michigan, last week, the crowd had assembled In the grand stand to witness a race when the structure gave way resulting in the death of sixteen persons, and the wound ing of soventy five others more or less severely, some of whom cannot rocover Indian Queen Perfume ia the most delightful, fragrant and lasting ot ail Perfumes: Pethel, who was, some four weeks ago. put upon bis trial in Charlotte charged with poisoning his wite, and acquitted, married a young lady iu Salisbury last week, named Margaret Rodgers. Only 25 cents a bottle at Company Shops Drug Store. Tho American says a felonious attempt was made last Saturday night to enter the residence of Mrs. Mary Walker, of Statosvilie, but the would-be burglar, finding himself discovered, fled. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. The Messenger regrets to hear a rumor that, on account of feeble health* Rev. B. F. Marabie contemplates an early resign nation of the pastorship of the Presoyte rian church ot Goldsboro. D. C. Bobo, aw engineer on tho "Wes tern N C. Railroad is dead. In Richmond county, some of the peo* pie have to haul their water, wells and springs having dried up. If you have chills go to Company Shops Drug Store and there you will find a cure. McLio, one of th« Florida returning board, is dead. FBESB DRUGS— tor the cash, at th Southwest corner of Court House Square, „ Try Carolina Chill Core, H will cure you. Sold by CALLUM BROS. * CO. Qi«eneboro»N C Miim).—At the residence of of Dr. E. F. Watson, the brides father, on the tod. Inst., W. P. Barnwell Esqr. to Miss Msggie Watson, all of Alamance, Kev. W. S. Long officia ltd# On the 18th of Septr. at the bride's mother'# In Orange county, Mr. R. 8. Barnwell of Ala mance to Miss. Mary Walker, daughter of the late Freeman Walter. The Rev. Bab*. Tin ain officiated. At the residence ef the bride's father ,Joeeph Trolinger, Oct. Ist 1879, by Rev W, 8. Long Mr. J.Henry Trolinger and Miss Bell 0. Trol- By Abris King Esqr., at Ms residence, on the ith of October rtß79. Mr. Piuckaey W. SbawaM Miss 8 Mnrrey, all of AtamstoA C DIED.—In the village on the Ist day of this month, Willie Mitchell Hamlet, son of B. W. and Virginia P. Hamlet, aged twelve years and nineteen days. The little fellow bed been a sufferer for years, almost his entire life, with scrofula. He wes a child of unusual bright ness. Of him it may truly be said that hie life wan short and full of suffering. ©Hi UJwi? ' "' • ..>'.# .► ' • A. 7 '• • • . > v Tho undersigned, Administrators of David W. Kerr, dec'd., will MU, at Ike residence of said deceased, on. Wednesday, the 12th day of November 1879 AND CONTINUE FROM DAT TO DAT all the personal property belonging to hie estate, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheen, Hogs, Cora, Oats, Wheat, Fanning Implements, Household and Kitchen Furniture; and many oner articles taeh as an enterprising farmer had collected upon a well tilled and a well stocked farm. „ , HOUSES Thoie are fourteen head, all valuable animals. In good condition. There are some forty head, making as flue a herd as can be found, perhaps, In the State. Among them are a number of choice milk cows, a number of fine beef cattle, and stock cattle. They are all of improved breeds, and mostly of pure Devon and graded Alderncy. These cattle have takes the premium at every State Fair, since the wai. SHEEP About one hundred head of Merino and Southdown breeds, In One condition. Farming Implements Of these there Is a large quantity, a great variety and of the latest and most improved f"t*—nw All of the Property ie in fine condition, and the very best of its kind. There Is no old plunder among H. To thoee who knew the late D«vld W. Kerr It Is needless to say anything of the character ana condition of his stock, and other property on his farm. He was the foremost farmer in our section, and and vis stock, and everything on his farm are such as might bo expected to be found upon the farm of a * man who was known throughout the State as a successful farmer. * TtHMS: Cash before the property to moved. ALEX. WILSON I v Administrators. Sept. 29th. 1879. OHAS. J. KERB. J Dr. B. A. Sellars AT oiß|U7 81191 1 ■ la now receiving and patting np hi* New Goods. A rich and beautiful line of ladles drew goods. CloaSs $3.75 to $17.00. A flue tot of cheap ready-made dotbtag SUITS FROM $4.00 to $27.00 These goods ware bought In Philadelphia through the agency of my son, on such terms as to enable me sell low. Come and see my low prices, > 10 8. 79. too. LAND SALE. * Bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court, of Alamance county, I will sell, at the residence of the late William A Walker, In Alamance ' county on MONDAY, 3rd of NOVEMBER 1879. The following real property, to wife The tract of land whereon the late William A. Walk er, lived up to his death, situate In Alamance and Caswell counties, adjoining the lands of Oanison Walker, J. M. Shaw and others containing, 161 ACRES, the whole of which Is enetanbered by the .widow's dower- One tract In Caswell county, kn«wn as the Wilder land, Including the Ranev let, adjoining the lands of A. Page/J. K. Shaw and others, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES. These lands are admirably adapted to the growth of fine tobacco, and to the growth of 1 grains as weU. , The location U healthy and the water excels ' lert. Said tract of land will be sold upon the' fol ' lowing TERMS: One third of the purchase mon ey cain, one third in six mouths, and the re maining third In one year, secured by bonds, carrying Interest from day of sale. 3 * K. C. MURRAY Admr. of W, A. Walker deed. ' Oct-Bd.'TO. Central Hotel dmicliro, N. G.' SEYMOUR STEELE, PROPRIETOR TERMS:—*I.SO PER DAY This house is conveniently located in tho cen tre of the city, the rooms are largo and well furnished, ana the table Is supplied with the best the market stßords. Large Sample Booms Omnibus and Bagapge Wagon meet all trains Established ta 1849. Wltk fcfc. SKMSL ADDRESS WIIRWB^ krlao'oa s poaupsid WoHa IHH SPECIMEN AMERICAN I liricaltuFl§t,n[ Eeosl to 144 Ifssaciae Paces, flQf with SM I3MKAmGBt«V andDewcriPlloUsof CENTS^ COCO THINQS for V&k TM ON ON, for ROUDAT.MB W£DEm€), * other i>R£SEN-T%IM nl Hsw 1s ntAUy H ■■BcwkOaUar. AiOnm »T«r. Land Sale! Being legally authorised so to do, I will aall on the premises, on THURSDAY. Man OCTO. 1«7» the tract of land, adjoining the lands of Wil-. liara Mebane, Joseph Tate and others, In Ala mance county, one mile east of Hawfields ohnrcl., and two milee southwest of Mebana • BOW AN TATE PLACE containing 180 acres; mpre than one bal. of i whieh is lo Its original timber. It is a well looated, valuable form, i Persons wishing to examine the form will be i shown over it, by calling upon the undersign i ad. who lives on an adjoining farm. TERMS: One half cash, the other half, one » year's credit secured by bond, Mid the title re ifflt Scott & Donnell Graham N C; Betters in •■r 0001. OROCKRII BAnWAIBi HATH, N4»TI«N«, IBM, •TE#t, NAI.T, DIOLA*. MDCW, mini (llNll, 1» Y K ■TVVf MeC dkC. ALAfIAHCB CODNTIt Pr*k«U Cwar(, li. the matter of the Estate of Lorain Fresh wateh. W. F. Jones, Admr. of the estate of Lurena Freshwater*, having filed his final account M such, and It appearing to the satisfaction of the eonrt that the heirs at Uw of Folly Clendenin, the heirs at law ot Sally Dixon, the heln at law of Susan Word, heirs at law of Chloe Creedle. Monroe Jones, Thomas J. Jones, Polly Ephland and Bally Jones, are-entitled as distributees of said estate, and that they are non residents. It is therefore ordered: That poWpation be made in Taa ALAMANCB GLKAKEB, a Newspaper puh lished in the town of Graham, N- C., for six snc cesslTe weeks, notifying said parties that if there be no exceptions filed to said account, on or before the first day of Nor. 1878, a decree will be rendered making this account final in all respects. A.. TATE, C. 8. C. Septr. * 1879. Judge of Probata FOR SALE. I will sell my plantation on Stinking QBar ter creek, a few miles south of Graham tad Company Shops; and near Alamance Factory, and also near the Factory, la course of erec tion by L. B. and Lawrence Holt, and aleoaear another Factory in construction by Cnrtla A Co., thus mating the location ooateuisat to a number of good markets. The farm consists of about 70 Acres. There is upon the premises a large and coa venient dwelling honse. and all necessary out buildings, and in good repair; and an excellent well of water. There is also a fine orchard In bearing, aad ■several hundred young trees, of 'choioe ill in tions, coming on. All in all, it ia a hsaltby, well located deeir able farm. Terms eaay. Any one wishing lo bay cam see the owner on the premises, or address at Cartisifills, Alamance Co. N 0. THOS. C. LUTTERLOH. Ang. 28, 1879. ■ ooaTAms +> -**im HOPS, BCCHU, BAXVKUUL DANDELION, ■ ■a*p nrnssriraUßliamui QVAXIQI ■ __Wia.t>in» Brrrwa. |AnPtssssssoCtto»li i ■Kldasys,sad Urinary Orgaas. Vervousasas,Slsep I ■*"■ "T ITumi LL«N IB FLOLA^ jwrnhsyMftwasaa»flwnrtlaatwarhst»ei ■for anything tanpoeor lnjartoos fond ia Hum. ■ Art your druggist for Bop Bitters and try tbsu before yo* sleep. Tston»ether. * jj^^.-gssuaarffl-.aae ■MR:'. fi*a4farsbetfsr. '« sbraiava .. AIBMSSS Cssatf. Hiram Wells Kxecotor of William Walla. !•; V; ' ' *• . Anderson Wells aad others. This is a special proceeding to sell the lands of William Walls deceased to make assets to pay debts and coats of sdministration. Solomon Wells one of the defendant* resides in Cherokee County, Ksnsaa aad it ia ordered that ia liea ot personol servioe of the summon* on him publication be made in Taa ALAMAXOB GLSAXU onos a week for six successive weeks inquiring the said defeadaot to appear and an. swsr the complaint now on file in this office within that time or tho cause will be proceed ed with Export* aa to him. prowea This thcj 29th day of JB7a.^