Ylra Tsrkltwa CssMfsrr, (New YorktEvening Poet.) The surrender of Cornwallis at York towif practically ended the war for Amer ican independence, and as there was no event in that war which had a greater influence upon the destinies of this peo ! pie, so there was none more dramatic in its nature, or most significant of the I .which American indepen 'croncA wrt won. Cnrioualv enough the campaign which ended at Yorktawn iK lustrated every phase of the conflict, and ' Its history is a sort ol epitome of.the story oi the Revolntion. The Brittifth under Provost gained a • foothold at Savannah, as thoy did eveiy where daring the Revolution, by Regular ' methods, overcoming the irregular American opposition without difficulty. ! ' When they advanced northward, how ever, the irregular opposition under Lin coln gare them greater trouble go, and on Jame's islands, and for a time they were baffled at Charleston. When Clinton substituted siege for desultory warfare," as he could .the American opposition was again in effective, as it always was in such cir cumstances, and Charleston and George town fell into the eoemrs hands, fn' The advance ol the British inland next ehcoantered American opposition ol mo ment at Camden. There Gates made the great mistake of the revolution. Ar« rogantly neglecting the lesson which every event ol tbe war had tanght, he led his army ol volunteers as if it had been an army ol regular troops, giving the Brit- ish the regular battle in which they were vtways superior to the Americaus. •He was beaten utterly, and his army was broken and dispersed. 4 I ' y oheti earner Nathaniel Greene, cl Rhode Island- alter Washington the ablost and in the patriot army— charged wlthfthe task of opposing the victories British, without an armv,with out money, provisions officers or men. Gathering tjie formers and such troops as wore within reach, Green eoritnaoted his march t*a to euootjU'age the people and draw voluute*i> to his standard, while recruiting the. health of his men and collecting supplies. Greene was A grand master ot the taotics which won American liberty. He understood the conditions otthe conflict and adapts edhiß measures to tbem. His, mind was too large for conventionalism.' He knew that ih pitched battles tbe English must -i always have the adVautage, and that a campaign ol pitched battles must result dfcaslrouly to the Americon cause. He lought something like regular battles, it , is trno, but hu.ehoae hiftown timea. and places for tfoteg so, and lou«hi with • the ~ r understanding thafhe woald probably be beaten, making his arrangements lor wresting advantage from deleat. Deliberately be set out to win a cam paign, while losing the battles oi which * it consisted. He fought and retired, and fought again, so tuanceuvering as to keep his enemy constantly upou a strain and loonstantly baffled. He nowliere risked the campaign upon a battle, but took care 'io retire from a lost action with strength for marching and lighting again, in this way,' while he could deteaj, the British, he (bade 4t "Ititpo&dttle for them to crush him. Men 11 white he was detaining tbesn in the wilderness tff the Carolinas, en tangling them iu a net trom which escape grew constantly more ami more difficult, ' wearing them out With iparches And *4i countermarches, while bis partisans, an -4 der Marion and Sumpter. were picking ■ * to pieces tike British lines ol coinmuuicu- Hon and worrying the spirit oat of British Army by constant barrassiug, Finaily iJqrnwallls, dospairing of an opportunity t&'Criieh Greene, resumed bis march northward, only to fall into the trap which had been prepared for" hiui during the time that Greene had galued by detaiuing him, and Greeue Wa9 lett 11 free to reconquer the Caroiiuas. How Cornwallis marched northward, and was entrapped between tbe Ameri ■»i can Army and the French fldet. for the approach of which Greene nud secured * time, is a story known to every school boy, and tbtre is certainly no .story in OUr hixtorv worthier to be leiueinbored. There is reason to lie glad, tlierefore, that arrangements are inuking tor the . nroner uelebration i)i the, oentguuial au the ISnktown surrender, will occur ou the 19th day ol Oc- R of Vifgfnia.Oiave agreed to iuviie, the t; Goventors ol the original States to a v mefetlng in CafpcnteiM Hall,' PtliladoN phia, oiUbe loih of uekt i • being Sunday—there to make arrange ments for a celehration two years hence. contemplates a gathering of p"'iftny aud uaval represeniatiyes, Civil fi military delegates lrom all the States in M the great gathering of the peo |T l pte, and a fitting representation of ibe French navy, which played so important ;Ya part In the historical eveut to be eele ;f brated. Distinguished Freuoh navaf of % fleers, 1t is auderstot.d, have expressed, P ,lbeir purpose to participate jn the cele- and it Is confidently believed that» French squadron will oo seuthitli *rTSSwSte 8 conceived, and Us people. The invitation ot the thirteen Goveniors, when it shall be sent out, will meet with tbe heartiest reception everywhere. The celebration will com- Hiemoi ate at onee tbe priucipal event ,of the Revolution, and the genius and corn s age great-hearted patience which the Revolution sacoesslul. : > CBOOP.— It i> asaerved that croup can be oured in one minute, ani tbe remedy is simply alum and sugar. The wail to accompliah tbe deed, is to take a knife or grater and nhave off in small particles about a fc«aspoonfiil of alum; then mix it as qUiokly wTpossible. Almost inston- WASHKD ABHOR*.—A large Sea-lion, measuring nine leet in length, washed JNO. O. REDD, {T.N.JORDAN, J JOHNSTON Vj>., Caswell C0.,,N. C. Rockingham Co C. • Farmers new brick warehouse •I lie old Farmers Warehouse Site DANVILLE, Va. .1. S : >- y * • f • T.-t* ».r- 5 Tothe Farmers and Planters of Virginia and North Carolina: The undersigned, as the proprie tors of the . i VABSBBA IFFLW BSZOX WA9BBOVBB beg to call attention, to its raperioxfadvantages of , location, sales room, lights, & accommodations for both nen and teams; and for comfort and convenience generally. The proprietors arc experiem d -warehousemen, especially onr Mr. fiedd, and, our assistants are all proficients la their several dt artmeuts. We do pi eiy and ctrictly a warehonsaJtrasbaess, andoor whole time and attention Is devoted ttis iatar » of onr patrons. * - ' / THE HIGHEST PRIGBS, ■' I especially for fino grades, guaranteed. We dp not speculate in tobacco, and pledging oorsclve to to the sales, and to handle carefully any tobacco sent us, or taken in, own ers may rest assured that their Interest will not suffer in our bauds. Promptness and fidelity cu customers may depend upon. (9"Come to the NE W FARMERS VfAREHOUSE, when you come to"Danville. Tours Ac, ' REDD, JORDAN & JOHNBTON * I - ... '' ' ■ »'«f ■ MOVED! SETTLED!! BUSY!!! To our Customers, Friends and The Public: , We have moved, and are now settled down busy at work In the'' . Daniel Worth Store 1 where W» wish to see everybody and his family and show them our stock of i . • .... I consisting erf everything that any reasonable grants may require. Onr I , , " , , v'* o ."f ;' ' • Spring and Summer Stock •' , ; >i :• -mu -./.• i• ; personally selected by oar Mr. McOauley, paid tt# in cash,. and is for sale cheap. Bet Lie «BOOJKBU«, DRV GOODH, HABDWARI, HOLLOWitRE, NOTIONS, HVENSWABI, tfI.AKNH AKK, KEADV-TIiDE CLOfHINO i i i M )nlii ipurii store) we have a flue line of KimmißY sftoos This department 1B complete in its arrangements,and comprises all that Is to be found in a regular millinery stone: ?uch as LADYS and MISSES trimmed and untrlmmed HATS, FLATS and BON NETS, TRIMMINGS and a variety of NOTIONS for Ihe ladies. Recognising the fact that clumsy are scarcely competent to show and handle these delicate gbods, the services of Miss Sarah Robertson has been secured for this department, and she will give her attention to our lady friends. Keuj-mber the Danl. Worth store house, Company Shops, and drop in. With thauks for past patronage we desire to still further serve the public. > McCAULEY & SMITH ■ 1 —rfe WERE NEVER SO CHEAP! , #V . . { " • i - :••• %-""-Zu ■> We frequently hear this, and it is a fact, but we failed to realizo the full fact of its truth, until we went to buy our present stock. We bought for cash, and . the quantity of goods that a small amount of ready money will buy is truly astonishing, We were surprised,-and we propose to surprise other people who come to buy of us. when they see the goods and hear the low price; such for instance as { '>* -, «J 1 •: I Best calico 61 cents a yard Poplins 10 to 15 cents a yard Muslins 10 cents a yard Other things in proportion. Onr stock pf Ready Made Clothing large and weU assorted, consisting of suits varying lh prise from > one to twenty dollars AS to 7* Hats and Caps |B % itr w« are tndhjed to boast of fenr stock, bat win leave our customers to Judge for themselves when they examine. FAMILY GROCERIES of AN kinds we offer as cheap as they CAN be bought anywhere. FACTORY GOODS. hyv .. aw .1 -'»«■( vy j i Cotton Yarn, 9»cts, Checks 9 cents, and sheeting at factory prices. We really have a good stock of goods, we bought them cheap for cash, and will sell them cheap for CASH) or any kind of barter. We think it wfll be to the interest of tborc wishing to buy to call and see us, and we shall be glad to see them and show our goods whether WE sell or not. - ,■» We shall 1M pleased to welcome you, at W. R. Albrights new Store, South of the eonrt house, F V Years truly LY. THOMAS ▲. ALBRIGHT & Co. HIMSIBiS •r • The Dead | I deal in American and Italian •. ' : ' ; i,; ' j 1 Barbie Itiniiti and Headstones ' r '.. '.lv' '/ • \ [would inform the public that I am pre pared to do work as >i Ivj * Obeap as any yard in the State, ANH GUARANTEE PFRFECT SATISFACTION. Parties living at a distance will save money by sci-ding to me for PRICE LIST a-id DRAWINGS. To persons making up rlub of six or m»re,l offer the Most liberal induce ments. and on application will forward designs, dec,, or Visit them in pei son Any kind Of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. S. C. ROBERTSON, GREENSBORO, N. 0. 0MB9&&T fifcoys DRUG STORE ~ ■ '> - ; • • ■ .. m I hsve y*ry recently purchased, and filled th& store house formerly oc«mieif ift Dr* phey, Witt a fresh stock of pot . Drugs and Medicines Also a handsome stock of fancy articles, and everything else generally found in a First Class Drug Store The services of an experienced Drfiggist have been employed, who will ALWAYS (BE POUND in the Diug Store. Don't forget to call ppa see us when at the Shops. And send your orders and prescriptions wnich will be carefully filled. Wm-A.EitWIN. ■ ' " " 1 I 1 I ' Use this brand. The best in the world AND BETTER THAN AXTY BALER A TXJB. One teaspoonful of this Soda used ■ with sonr milk equals Four of the best Baking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See package for valu able information. ' If the teaspoonful is too large Mid does not produce good results at > first, use less af terwards. Ucan make mon oy faster at work for us wan anything else. Capital not rcquir ed; we will start yon. *l3 f>er day at horn* made by the industrious. Men, women, and boys and girls wanted everywhere to work rirus. Now to the time Costly outfit an rms.free. Address Tap* A Co.. August aine * FOE RENT, LEASE OR SALE. I desire to rent my farm, or lease it for a term of years. The farm consists Of about ! , '450 Achbs, not quite one half to cleared, the balance being in origins 1 growth. Upon it are two comfortable dwelling bouses, and a number of tenant booses and all necessary otrt bnHdliiM. There is also a vtery elegant young orchard and vineyard la of Company 81»ops. The faraatoi adapted to the growth of grain, grasses, clover and tobacco. I venture no more desirable place will be offered for rent or lease. For particulars visit he fatm or address maatCompany Shopti'N. C. ATT. JIKKINS. pLACE JEWELRY STORE 'I -'ft}./ • "hi, .• ? >- wj \» B' 3p; f.* t > Wzy 'W' « QfrJ ri-u II i« >ffj ? 3f Vit iFu ' :ii}; tjS FARRAR, • . PTICIAfT, WATCH-MAKif AND JEWELER, AND * l i: * " AND DKAT.KK IN CI-ocbs. jiirßt®* Sllrcr Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold I'eiiß, &c. vf. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will he ••! eh«*p New" Sunny South THE BEST AftD HAMDSOMEST PA- PEB IN AMERICA, U i". F.i an, «•*?" SEND rOB IT AT ONCR, See Our till Rale*. , The Sunny South is now the model weekly of the age. 11 eoines out in au entire new dress and new make up generally and is overflowing -with the richest aud spiciest matter of trio day —Poems. Essays, Stories, News of the Week. Wit aud Humor, Female Gossip, Domosti- Matters, Letters from all Sections, Notes of Travel, Puzzles. Chess, Problems, Marriages Deaths.. Health Notes, Personals, Staije Notes, Movements in Southern Society, Fashion Notes with Plates, Answers to Correspondents, Biographies with Portrait of distinguished men and women, Humerous Eugravines, Sensational (M.jpings. Correspondents' Column, Local Matters. Railroad Guide, and forcible editorials upon ail subjects. Is it possible to make a paper mere compfete? Get a copy and examine it. It now circulates in all the States and ;■Territories, in England, Ireland, Canada, Australia, "Brazil, and the Indian Nation. It is really *n honor to the South and our people are proud of it and every one should take it imbed httely. The price to only 12.50 a year. We will send the Sunny South and the GLEANER ""one. year for— —— dollars. ' . The Sunny South and Boys and ; Girls of the South will be furnished one year for #8.50, with ' a taiga*aud ujaarulfloaut picture tluo wain.- -M ATLANTA, GA. Eight Years Success/ TOE LARGEST I!* THE *f"ATE. 1 Printing & Binding -AND- Blank Book Manufacturing. • 4 " 1 ' > ' r WJB return our thanks to friends and patrons who have heretofore favored us witli their orders, and take pleasure In saying to them better prepared For goad work and prompt execution of. orders than ever before,while our PRICES ARE AS low AS FIHBT CLASS W6RS. CAN BE DONE ANYWHERE. PRINTING AND BINDING of uvy kind from a visiting card to the largest hand bill. Legal Blanks. A complete assortment of Legal Blank* of the latest forms always ou band and mailed post paid at #I.OO per hundred. Send for C&talogue. If you wffln anything In this line Write at; it will payyou. ' . / ' Respectfully, i. EDWARDS. BROUGRTON & CO., .1 , PBINTKHS AMP Bjndehs, RALEIGH, N. C. Mai. W. B. LYNOH'K BEL«CT 8C&0OL. HIGH HOIXT, If. C. Maj. W. B. LYNCH, Principal. , B. P. REID, Assistant. The principal, having sold out his fiterest' in the Bingham School, of whieirlid was a pro prietor for fifteen years, opens a school, Aug. Jrt'th. offering equal advantages, without the military. Board and tuition per session SB6. For circular address the principal at Me-' hv ville, N. C., till Aug. 12; afterwards, at High Point N. O. Medicines, Oils, Paints, Glass, I have succeeded to the business of R. W. Glenn & Son, and shall be glad to serve those wanting any article kept in a first class Drug Store, either by » wholesale or retail, j My stock is large, and my assortment com plete, and they will be kept so all the tiitae. • My experience in the business is lour, and £ think I may safely claim to be a* well able to' serve e the interest of those favoring me wiHi their patronage as any one. My Store is jrist above the Benbow Hotel •building, on the same'tide, where I shall be pleased to wait upon customers, etyfeer in person, ot by experienced clerks. B.G.GLENN. 5, 30, ly. Greensboro, N. C. MONTH guaranteed SlB a dAv " ©*>VV/hon»e made by the industrious Capital not required; we will start you. M«, women, boys add girls make money faster at work for us than *t anj thing else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as any on* can go right at. Thtose who are wise who see this no tice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Coatty OtbWt and terms free. Now is the time. ILese already at work are iia^ 1 1 1 ' • >t - «.» t 1 1 Sylva'ttXamiisy, W.W.-WtAWUtmm.tWMPrincip* to *5 per mo. Board from *6 to 97 per mouth. By - 'messing" young men may reduce the ex st• 4d ~ *• K; 4 smi, | EE*®'* Tailor. Cutting and making dose in the lates fashions and liiosuUfMrabiemanuor. He kcejw constantly on hand Sample* of latest styic gogls for geutlomens wear; and will order according to selection of customers. . J. ' GrvmtnflL j . — ——__ . Smoking tobacco M A-M! KACTU RED AT • ;] Graham, N. C. S. G. McLean ' This Is Ills TRADE MARK And jndlcatcs, with certsirfty,"a delightful smok- 1 ill# tobaeco, inaidb of any tackle" bearing It. The best leaf Is used, and the greatest care taken in manufacturing, flavoring Ac. , No tobacco innde ifi - or out of ,the State is 3 sniienor. Orders solicited and phimytly filled. Address .w ti. G. McLRAiN, Graham, Alamance co. N. C. ~Tllarticle is cuinpound ecl with the greatest care. 4 Its effects are as Wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. •• It restores grf|j;or faded hair to its youthful colot, , It removes all .eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, sootl|in£ sensation of great comfort, and tlie scalp by its use becomes white and ilean. By its tonic properties It restores the capillary gfcvndV to tbeir nprmal rigor, preventing baldn«&, and mak ing the hair .grow thick and strong. I ▲8; a dressing, nothing has bqea found so effectual ov desirable. - A. A. of says, "The con stituents are jpure, and carefully se lected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the BEST PREPARATION ■ittr iti intended purpose*." Price, One Dollar. Buo3ringham , « Eye FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the btiard from gray or any dther undesir able shade, to broWn at Black, at dis cretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by Hi P. HALL ft Cft» 1 Wa>y taPr C£g lrt., mwto to MUMufc Time is Money 'ctocK^ii^iTidji must wmietimeg be jjcj^yredj ~'j ~, .A<fy. 'if fcf);| v ; ■*, t- •■ 7;.. 4 "" •Dr. .New Building \ - ]j K **' r°" s ■ Company where Xam prepared.to (Jo *ll. Itfsd*,,#. work done by a practical silver-smith, Auch as re pairing *V r\m.,MTn*f lll,0(fcK(» n..rf tVAfcnKsU* Mbding >' BKOKGIV JBWKIMV .UUkiod*. term* ue moderate. u, , 7.2.3 m. C. Jfi NIjjESE, 1 * v -. .. > ) * Dr. W\ F. Bmovl, r " mm . eoS^^A^e^ 6 iDia Haw River, P. o owmVit v N. C. R, • ;?r ill »■;,;■ r. -fllXu '-'I J—*" 1 MRS. BURKES HOTEL, f -tiit ft-, #&y .{ * 1j ,■ l» ,;, HTTgBORO, N. O&fc,, j TUU ketgi Kkept open Jor the accomodation j?W* w '»> the very beet to be nad in a country town. '' Every attention is bertowed to Mdire the patronage. 8.37.71*1.