| Ii ■ ** ' ' ~* n ...Z. ■ &»•'« J O I vol. s THE gleaner p ggv ■II »il "« * *iJ'■ -? PUBLISHED WEEKLY BV E. & EX E R ' \ ?, Urahan, N. C, Artel of Subscription. Fosiaye Paid : One Year ,A- T, . j...ft.« Six Months .... v. — - -.. Tiirec Months - ........5( t UWn*scft^ny , ns ten snb tcriberp with th» to on. * ov free, for the leßfn whleft ,t»i is made up. ncnt to different offlcq Jfa DeporUir* &***. th* &*!h JSi/sien; /■ r: Transient (dvertiffflieiMT)'!*'™ ii Hiilicc yearly advertisement* quarterly in advance. j4 ip. 3 ih. #di. 1 a lift re |W 00 $8 00 f4OO * 6 00 1 *lO 00 2\ 'l ] 3 OOi 4 501 600 10 00, J5 00 Transient advertisements $1 per squari "I ;wtoasrtelii*i THE CENUINE DR. C. MoLANE'S ; ..'*>• - . CELEBRATED • • V XJVER PILLS, l * ? "kjß tkß ctrftE 'OF " ' Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Syn^tbn^c^^es^^iiveii" PAIN in-the tight side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes. pain i$ in, the left side; the lOefafgis;**rely able to lie on the leffc JbrAryirntothte pain is* felt undw the shoulder blade, and it frequentiy extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite and sickness; 'the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with txoublttl with pain, atebripfcjsifd with % sensatidh Hrtfife fcaflb p&t. * rnere is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a.painful sen- v sation of having "left urtdons thing which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough sometimes an of wearinofs **d ds>ilit*£ he is Easily startled, hfc and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that eief cise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it In fact, he distrusts every above symptomsS*fcuiAe.dfceas«, but ca&* have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the LIVER to have been extensively deranged. ague A A'D F .' 1 Dr. C. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS, IN CASES 6r AGUE and FEVER, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better advise all Who are afflicted with this . disease to give them a FAIR TRIAL. •°L bilious derangements, and as ;? a^^ ur ga*ve,ttey,are unequajed. , v; \ 7 iSSSroPBI t thJ^ e^ ename MCLANE'S LIVER PILIS bear mfliwently but same pronunciation. North CaroKpaj^oUf^ thl]l e r.^S a ' L { eeeeioD °f tfftr fastOTfrii be^U >1 Monday 1% August, and eontlnnes 40 'or farther particulars address * * 4t 1n « B*c. or THE FACULTY. " 7 - 16 - TO - Mt. Pleasant, N. C B •rtoCToaajwai-paHl SPECIMEN ortbe^^B AMERICAN I wlcnltorfst,! DMcripiloM CENTS^: CQDD iTHiMra tmr ITT • VfT V Rk JUOD COMBg 9*9 Broadman > bbjvk dick, JJ -V RKBKOCA HARDIX# &AVIP. One or two young men camequt of the Acadeqiy,ot Mysia when tho opera was Over, and fcngoft&fn the lobby to watch the passing of (he crowd. Yonng Fred SnuKer camp up to them while pitting ")i* (ffcurt lorgnette in its case. •Nice house, eh?' he said languidly, Well dressed, 3ee Funny Swaiiu. Wretched taste ftr jfrung girls to wear j diamonds J d'v e think of the new tenor, eh? Miserable, I say. - I'he older titan answered" Itfro ci\lly - leaving him with some Mai&oC&ii. ojfcn asie. • What would Miss Swan say it she l heard that cub criticizing her?' said Dr. j Pomcroy. 'The most intuflerable crea ■ hue in tjie woild to me is a conceited .j boy, assuming (he tone of a man of posi* iiqp, whetuhefhas not yet proTeiHiUi ivht: ! !'t®|calive* f ' J' "v' r . i. f'lljouglit jputjj Sautter had rjfnonoy,' said one ot the party, 'lie drives a fine horse, wears clothes made by a better tailor than 1 can afford, and lunches at' tbe bes.t resiauiant.' • 'Money 1' said the doctor, angrily. •Why, his father is head bookkeeper for fcmiles & Son, with a family of six. He strained:every nerve to educate this -.bov, .who now looks upon eysjy ,-prncticable way of earning his living as plebeian. I'll warrant you the fellow never had twenty cents in his pockets of hts own earning. . J r iU* qwfcVoraii| fiui bills ' "coStkt ifi ra hirpdrfrSild ArthW'at the end ol every month. . Meanwhile, young Saultcr stood com* plucontlg twirljng his opera hat and >vatohiiig;"th« pretjy £irfefs tiiey passed. caught a*fj;liini*«4>fU4 dapper little ! figure in a great mirror—the waxed mus ! tache. lavender gloves, wired roses m his button hole—and looked pityingly aftor the doctor and his friends. .-J * 'How those old fellows must envy nsP ' he said. 'Wine, iu its sparkle, and dregs, eh? Oh, by the way, I saw a cuinoils 'reineifobe/ Ki ti -tfii r ftss, who took the scientific course tc fit hini for a civil , eiigineej(? »Vell, it appears that, , w Unies , being «jf> hard, he could get no proper | work to do; so he has taken to improper. | Instead of laying by as I have done, 1 ! uoated iaau ifi stapling (s actually i 6— j I'm ashamed to tell it!' 4 Wkat? )Vhat is he?' asked his listen : eri * 'Driving an engine' on the Central il-oadl Factl I saw him, all grimy -with j sinoke, in his little caboose to-day. IJ3 are you 'Not so mad as to starve,' he laughing. - • . • \ 'I asked him why his father did not support hUp, tyid keep him from such 'it&gredAlion. Then he was mad.' ♦Do yon think ], with my- big strong body, will be a burden on an old man?' he said; and began to talk nonsense about laziness degrading man and that no man was ever d graded by honest work, with more of tho same sort of bosh, ail very ridiculous and very disgraceful. You'll see him to-night if yon take the 11 p. M. . train.' , ■ , , . . , , lbe fcdfc saItVHNM rfoor W«a a«Sf were j Qilead, fianV t jg|j. a nit I jftitc yof the scene above them —tho music, the ! beautiful low-voiced woipen, Uieiuselvex j »wir 'of the wofld—there was a gu,f like «leath they though,|WvulU,wUUi»|^^j(rryf8 r . ! They naurfierefl oM 'vf lbii>pAkh(Ase, j k Hu/iutes before eleven, reached : A fthe Bntviidiiiie for the traiu that ran ' 0 , out to the suburban town where the* j takes ft»r tnuu.fut; but the engine i# u«t (J"* Pj The engine was on a siding, 4uid spntftgjfttle je»of Steam, a*nd Dick , fcni#bt .Wj, lellow, was coming at that moment down from the j Superintendent# room. Me caturiit si#hi j of liis old classmates, Jartghed, hesitated, . «ud raieed hia hand to bis hat. 'Going to apeak to him, hey ?' said little Billie McGee, aaxiousiy. The young men grew red and erabv- i rawed, gome of them nodded to Knight awkardly, end seemed inclined to go auJ | meet bim. . *t say no,' said Sauller, peremptory . » 3UO* _ r {/he ebooses td leave the companion- ofgenliemen i shall not follow bim ' Vial* to mechanics and that sort of peo ple who never had a chance io ;-b thing better; but Knight is a social sui ciilc, sir.'* ' tiKAUAM, N (>, WEI)NESDAY. V"OCTOBER."' 29 187». :/> 'That's true,' snid MeGee. 'How well iJaiiHer puts things!'he addedtulde, 'So-jf cial suicide?* Wcllj I shall not bring him ' to life.' * , .'.» T •* • '* k Knight saw that the voiing men .wish* 6d to avoid liiiu, and turned aside wH4> a| bjw and heightened color, while they hurried iiito the train. ; It was yet five minutes until fhc tfino of starting. . The train ot passenger cars on the main track (the engine still being detached,) and lite people were harrying in, most « f them coining duect from tho theaters andUttier VFacWof himisement: 'lnside of llis civs and in llie depot there was a good deal of jesting and gay el y between acquaint aiices Hfccting on way home, thu train being mJocaj; OHO, uipl rnniiing'ouly through suburban villages. Just-then, a short' distance up., the truck, there was t* hiss and a cry rami a voice felirrked ill oiil-Horrop*: »A runaway traifi on the imftt track! 'A jtatiinvay frtitl , on the main track f Passengers 'in " the depot t,, Gift of the cars I—ont *ol ,flie cats] 1 A runaway frelaht train was on the \ track. The fireman started it fur the . purpose of taking it iutu-Uic flight aa's pot. Dy some accident, before :jU h»d left the main track, the man had Rtnin* bled ns lift was at Ms work,'autHiari full* eu nearly upon, the ground'. Half s»ah» ned, hp had jumped up; 'but jiot catch the uacviug . engine, whlph waft gaining speed "every eeoerfd, > ami : had sliriefted out his Warning. " r * *'*■ r - °d*" j It so happened that tiic'awitobj fcMfyhv through tright) or from scnacunexyLai ntd cause did not move bis switch- innuasoa , to run (lialrajlii off the'main track'f And ' .now tho huge machine, yitjti Us train be*' hind, was rushing toward the train i|i;tbfe. depdt .with a speed that promised fatal disaster." lu "" "• ''**■>««* •« • The few offif jaJ^jvJjp, w,ci;o near had time but to gasp with horror. . At the , moment wheji tho cry of daligjr was shrlefced out upon the night air, ■ Dick Knight was attaching hi* engine to ,]thc ' passenger train:"* From.' the cars and pUtlorin rose a yell of fra^li (J.c terror, in , which Sauher's voice wa» highest] Death 1 seemed wishing Ufjpu. (be. people,, Wjio had not time .to get oat of the car s be- , lore the driving traiu would .be. upon tl,enu ir?> 4 'Vj'Z'i. i 4 ~ X 1 \ The officials in watched Knight with •tijiH S*crusbf^ to iato(B^fVmuttered . «A &tDyt old 'inin ,~staedlng s3sl£lfPoin- Dit% bad put steam upon fri% en.. gi,,e ; think I 11 on ' 11 | {orce o "^ au uv ot the rtmt all movd-; wai^urlod fi'jgm tho of M \ r, A&* The flludk Pomeroy.. ' with all the other men in tbe depot, ran to Knight, picked liitn op and carried 1 him into the waking room, where be waa left with the physicians. 'Well, well!' said tbe old gentleman,; impatiently, y Dr. Pomerry came out, | -how is it? Will be live?' ,* j ' I think so. God forbid that 1 shouldL have 4 e *V l J t ' 1,18 la'her 1' .'Yea kuow Ikim, then?, , Who is he? ' Why, do yoa know what 1 owe hiin?', ' ai-d hi«> voice : hrpk*' /My Utile ' girt ir ! abuamll*M,'ir»iiH'-..> hit ,(/ l'/j Dr.Pomeioy toHlKuight's story Driefly infoi minjr -the'old geottenau tl«t lie « w iborougbly educated, but that be iooketl upon any work as beUer (liau7dependent ; idleness. ■ it. > t ' t« - •He's Ibp (rue grit, - the anls , hie that • mau cannot fhcrhefrt ! qualities of mauhood inU, as we have , seen to-night.. It is not tit J daring cour tage I approved in him so , IQUcb a,B tlie | prcMjnce ot mind, the keen eye, to sei i what to do and how to do, il/ : Mr. Knight, tf you plesse, to call ou me at ten to-njorroWi' lie said to tbe station !m>; 'Who ia tbat? , ' ««ked fpd .Saulter breathlessly of the official. - C -1 The PVesWent of the iroed. tMck Knigb|, it*W lives,lias open road fo lor : tone Mid he deserves it.* I Fred Saulter crept into the car to go bame. Hie lavender glovea were soiled, and the wired rose in hbibultou-'bole waa falling to pieces with a sickly decayed smell. Life Itseff was sickly and decay j bo Ibougbt with a yawn; aud be *■ threw t'ie wilted rose ontof the I Tel, ami to all conoeked. eflemiaale ua«| ; tures Ukti'liliti, y 't» prove "'we Saulter'# iuaagiuaOon piefpred It' that night. • • t : . ( .j , tl , -)v, # j,j j - !>\i 1.1 . *. I •„) ii| ■ , rM . )q f { «a ' A cuainns VI'WCK. j . I" , ■! !ty, >,r: 1 ~rr 11*1! if I The Scitmtijic Limerioxn de«orikea \.a rfeniarlrable cb»ck •whisli" it' ie claimed 'auqmsseat all other 'horidOgieal' achive ment*, not excepting (lift great clock 6f I The new tiim-jiioco is tliu l'u-; ventioir of M, Felix Meier, >f D«froit, Micbi The dock ia-.ieighteen Jeeji ,ln height, eight tVet wide hy feet aud Wtiighn 4,00 i'l. The- limme work is entirely of : black wnTnut, ele si»e.riocKi fcfi ma;)de Jonie; Washington aits in his chair of nfafe proi®oteUjy jcanoKXv #W| niouiited by h of Columbia ai-i vai't. ittJiWlfy' 'guirditrt the , wlyicb tfctwtieii, theimaiu boiiy.ot .the t are. •walnutiniehea cotiUiiaing hjiuian figurunt embleinatieof elm iiut ch eidtft-; MowpT'OUea ifrc'M , P|' ortfr d:by.two fl«niiug 'koicßelJ' one 6f \TTehi con tainir the tigiira of,mp jj^of/til#th«/ figure,, of* th P tJi C J of a >*»au die foAHtb, pf>«t ;.egt»J, afld •tall uuother, directiy ov«-r the center j oourtHioe a griooiag skeleton ing htvn helU aiij their baisda. M»rM**e**«ne4! thft «f strong and reaopauu (that ofiold ape dimjni«l»M»g iu w(id tlie'bsll of-the skeleton deep ei>e * o4'e»eryJ Unifr tMntihtit in-. m carved mitkl jfmrf#; w 1b« 3fOHlb.eiriheß, ten* tlie raan,:i»ml at,tho eud.of 'the gray beard. Denth. than. kJlowe wit 4 rf tneavntftl toM the hear, an 4 ti wwfotomM* mm ,At the tinje a large o»«slfc-wxi, maan fa a'»i red at tl»»« clack, Wgins to ing acma ia enacted «tipoo e tbe brtifWHietlie caa^p^ 1 Waatilag&m alewv ly (tees froifk cha thair te die fcet, eieeq-* larption ,01 The dtwr ot». • «i« • i«f feM-oiHP.w|i iw *ing all«el)e Pue«id»a»fa ~fr»u) 'tiu'irtitn'Vfoetndtag President Hayes. ' Each President if dressed itv.: the oos tuitiO of his time.' Tbe lik*nes«es are goiiC' "file ftefbiU 1 Washhig* ton, tbey face raise tyVfc y** they approach a»«J, natu rally acvoaa .the . plat form» difSftp^at l through the oppoaite door, iwUiob is 'prdmptly closed behind them by tbe sec on«l servant. "Waiih'inj.'toO retires iu f o ibiacJiuiiVau'd a(i la qniet'fchVe' ibe ,V«d liuk,of thfljbugi) jptyidutum aftd th«V . of (Wquarter hours, until an other hour ia jiaaned. Mi. Jdtur.Jjaa Spent'tJed Teira of patient jabent and $7,- 900 in L'aah in perfecting ihia ciookm; >' »;• '•»' tut, t„ i. 'tii j - • ritEiffEfivr-r.' - fl Tn portions of wortien" . are not ullowtyl tOjgQ, out, of doors, 'iTnd inacy of never, gft r .beyond Jthe walls of their houses. Xba cows aleep in the same-huts with the peoylfv These' 'nuts'are made of tned, without windows and tli'e doors ire so Small that the weu* der ishoe tbe people in. They 'dq not waah their babiea until tbey are a year old, because it is considered iin lucKy to do so* • They- rarely cpinb tUfir, ' hair from mouth to month, 'i'heir tneal is at sttn'sefj fbe reefof the time jliej eat a piece df'brwtd whert they bu#jgfy,.. ' p*!v?r use plate* or t kuive* or All s»t. ait)und tlie tiibla oi> tbe floor* tood and each family ißakea-fur itself, as it ia ia Mnd of disgrann.-to buy Wrecfc bfaad.'* The women clnuWrt#* corn an it ttf Xht| inij,l # . JXi* ntadQ i|/to Willi amall f>iai.Mat tLa jide Of oven, and bakvd ia lesa tiiau .« minute. A hundred loaves wta nut-teo many for a; family of four in a weelo—Tra^veiera are usually to*- eat three loaves' apieco. * Ffiey make hotter in a atrangcf iway. .A goatskin half &lj^i,*itbmUkia iiiiug ou a peg, and then a,womau,takiq§ hold of a^long string tied to it jt to and fro till the Then she drtttne it'b-jt never wasliea* oa sella favorite disb is tier wiMf fj g TmVt T.M Wb«4 Msaa, ' rffW i VLA-U L» f pFrtia tha'Ctarfeealf Enqaitar, Pen.} 14 ' *•*' •nii: tai ,n.' . 111!, H . L W,,,. o-.t . Lost! Got* »p tbc spoutl Tbosut-. ler«reates then to sobtier. Tbe yard*, stick discount 100 sabre, and baypiiel* nnuv ruje ballots. So say (be majority or the people of Ohio Calico is king, and patriotism and valor go for ii*ugbt. Tl>e nallonai banks get away wtfb Vba moneyless uin^ea.., Those are paired, and the shenp*u bOoiu is booms Tug« ;no Lr.Hn IT»-jv « '^'a 'Prof. Ticc,' says an exchange, 'pre* diets i bat lhe horteit IrpeH coiue." TliiA 1a what our preacher says, loo.—Peck'X Suit. r~rn,!U'>i miuiiwmu A ifmm rrmmcivcm (From the .Nan S*pt 1 dltrf) j Tin: firm believers in the notion of fore niafriageri' 'wentd- be learn wlmt 3 trade is driven in procuring .life ii*r!usra.' offirter ate . visitei} several'tnuea bjT those desirous Qf oftiuding a husband or -TTifaj «8 the ease may be.*• lit manyeasca they ace accommodated. 80 much naoi)ey for a wile or SOiifUthnaowy Jbt- aobiA-t band;", The' Free LAbor Exchange haa nut been exempt from such 1 vi«iTat3drTN, .kjtU/ihe niapager, refused jtp of any such applica ti«aa. Th* Jov/vsiokindiviflual .i* tql4 • timtthe La bar Exchange don not ;fa any feitcK-brttrineM.'*> ; ( hftubtti J A locations at* notne times made by le tiers, A e**i. rUi.»&* ii»trMP#njr (J A, : >' employment ttffio* Wf he-lind alrewdy written to two yonflg W '""dlei»' wßone'irtiutea'WOrtr: tornisbedl Jilt cle? 1; but to WMnVei ht trstoted a ih«rp IHw mad«#w forpmrswui anally fancy a datk... complexion, , Jfot sAall; I'mm Emails—gb.mysrtf. , One raised ib |M«l»faHe .k» a jjTty beHe;\ f Ofle'dPjJwid p##£ . Mt vuiAil A arngtUajt meeting ecourwtf ikamap. •pk>ytoe*»t4iicto jvi this city .•.>fejr,.4l»f* igV If tbofemelMiMrwaa m>t so it». i • romantic. A> iflofn TO xnipwyiwu^' f*& * flier** d*» **■ • i ;«*dry»: at the counter one iVtyrtfay., «f|?d , irijf i teHfrff* Mntle oft ~-bis ,§amy a& ftbe time. After * momenta conversation be« aij. bo|" „Wnt-a wif* v&s wa» fiimaii«fti,~H« *»» to conitftj^)*-» •tnmiog Mond»yfct> p. 19. . It happened ■ • that * yfctsngwomsn called sbrsa*»e day and'tffter befcting abowt 'ihal bub,. d«f-i . cWed ah* waS looKflg 4tft l A'- husband. >EW«ARUMITCHIU« qn *renelfc Monday •terrain. JThf tfrp pficipals *ro* . ,tt>, . time, and were directed to aa flcQoiniqg room. Tbey bad. not been .there., long ! before the'sonnda of ''Borne. disturbance atumdai.ee juic| Etonian gave veat to : ', 4 j .* 1 j /.• ..One of, tlteaaaiaUnU wen and found tltat ai iUera lpe4^P r Agre»qd beVMrtd all «xprM«tion.. r'JSkt.&rf )>eUI tbe tnanbytlrt) Imir—at bum ab« tltought kfeb did,' to* relleta bin ton.e *VjiJub gj£fp, ibstead 0f,., perfprmiug the desired object, drew t wig from to t>9 Jplle* if'; paused a.f aaiig man. i,TJw. wofnJn koroiihMdr, >'brui^tar,'«nd fall en the : floor Til A IliUiW othara «uted ' : tiejr eHTortS to rasOKitrfto h»r, whiab in a ' atiort, tjinejerorw io that she «rnM,.gra4jp«d,«n b\johy ivM* lytag' o» ' 1 the deaic, and struck the clerk a blow on tba ktmd tbat ba wiU ; aoou forgtft. i 1 4}h« laftf t4ie office tor • parta unknown.. Ute tDllt,'' in hit' torn, abnaed the clerk aa ; fc pickpocket, and endeavored to stvike . iiito, but did not hieet yith much'' auc ceaa. Ifa .theb leaviug the' clerk a aaddar, but tuan. * 1 *' *'* «|»" '. »■ t ''j ! Till turvf.px I (Baltimore Baa,i, vf'tmu, « ' & non. Horatio N. BnMftird; ilir«otov ' of tljo mini, Males thai the of coin and bullion into rbe United States during ,(hp fast thfae moMba have ~amounted tq |34 t 312;746, «nd that 600,000 afe 1)0# 00 the way, making a« * .Aggregate °' u( for three. ,iiiuiitb t Of at tl« rate ol #loo,ooo,oootier . auiiua). Mr. Bm-chard ftifnka tliat tbla ( influx will c&ndnne for at his or 'seven "fki'im U« remtMnbered afao the Undl"4rni ua? predibt* ! mine®, al>oiU #lOo^,o(tef*A^'' NNMriued ( in Ute twitnlry ftud go tb's#oi? lfc«' vol y our ctfcjtl*U.#Ttrfditim , some advantages, feol ia'liable to b««>ii»e . a source of great 1 ' oiinyneyj»Tya)»,harfilendeiiey fc# proi i inotn and encourage sptriufation. It »l- J I expands prfeeu aud ererf one H natura)- j , milVjifuiua io giye Sctflioua iMhfa « ill j ! bift foencooiv^ If thsst»oai i», Qrder to "jrWart th& «ehi ot tbeit operaticna. In view ol all tbeae li a.triumph 'reUMng the greenbacks una r uting gold u» their place, as belote ,i Cottgrqu moetillfere WHI life giHd enouchr , which ihe n fl*ri aml . tinal retirement of lllelfegiil > Tho pleapf ii'jury bV cvlitrnciion, vthiph , has beau aa perfcisteMtli: held nu ajfainat, this ehauge. has uo longer tiny terrors. 1 mm jo.-. local i>re*cta» *Mt- been preach!** ' liouap, was ofrail r»a *# &» j tef ofart libirr W atmr Mfcj. H4afc)a«t , ipu on, IhchiuWd wssTlaiulnig qufCT- Ily by, pi'e p* lit# 10\v i*» 4 Tli* ! hfcifcls SMI fnce. The good lady then **«*., iff ?Mt lbe tea rwuly.juid it wad not |ong before Iv »>eloved wuhinf meinMie lor tlio liti)e window wTiicK' 6omuiauicaled be* tWcen t lie kitchen aM lie ,Wm^ U more quickly titan one toala say J*« k ltobinsou, she adiuini»l'erWtW»'or thf4e. I Nir# i*u(w>oirMa imkf patataceempapied j with the exqiamaiiaji,j'l]Ujnq> r« Jo i bring fhcin buugry preachers own^tdtto 1 ever? 'tfhiii «£uw fa vmt&V* i b i* * i Aaat>op M Uto.u vfturl »i|fttft •Jft'H* WV I )t MI ' SLlil, ®Wit tihnlA twWHo Ww**t auoelpaionr *>M» l %rnfcglo r tW»«rtiH'W»*»" ** 4Mb baao-pu*cutiy wtfiliun b&af*»o va*b. wit i 3 t . fcfjl \6 Olean ing.+* itc+o flroten f bot never made ¥3olW. uS^fS^SfSS^ tthrrftadfc.'R'Jwaiwj IMI noMji|H) ' It i(i bditet t&f* tibWgthe mo*t tMig tflflcaut lMi»g in tfeaiwaaUtbau .taMvfcfn Ml B*A«wii«*n4|»wS,t w ' Si*frl«iM*C'Ta '•aKred nn mtriirg at:.AU*vtii*. .fe*riU&r« •Hues. t>.«T ;ii :'* |»K *^-''iryfa i A Yetasant ed |»ye f aef a «notter wilhont aakihg? "imd Jt dtfesn't mAKVPitf om of tifcniisa ttMtigtaiuJl Dr. frdlUhil mH % vmh't eWacter inav fee ptdjjrd by bis orarat. U h« wcsTs no craTat wa seppose M >V»'' 3A*b»tairkas»ar —jmgel" 3»MESSfP dttafeSMStt&Sl' cantfto ie wawMeaa-'efc wefei *i» tj>e aw*»; &dj ui Ljidti,** * 9a't ii ,wbji The greatest evila ha jlHa~ bare *fcad iheir ri*»-4jK>m aomathiiijf which waa ibaanid *%*%>/ to be atleiided to, _ »vat rtiiiajCllfcfcou.ffatatW# no. SFMSVBBa? Stroag th. TrtlWwartwtr'trtid it fS-i'pmtT «be«^oa l itr>i"K liUiabufciaaaadf >sa*ier M»n m*l W.l«jßf m*sui . to WHArm .•» SSVj is i.V.Klfe' •WMit I It* b|; Mm nfM l lettl*) *>WK? ami Mmwk. i bad t]nile a ouailortabks Ji .J, Jwd UbPttWujt b^a,^»^. 0 It iwimw am«f o«e4MMbf fpt^ity Of »n,!€fßiMaMt k U not Jiealtliy to ri«e be In re 8 O f eaA:t *IM moridrig. illll acftiiiei t»«iiy j WMi, H ia4kl, ea»rlsa «t'3 «ud Mart IbafiraHU hereloforQ*t«r%a!>ttj 2 ,»W • tha Aiafninutii Car* iiaa baflii ) IHtf H# l i ffiSSSHSiE m4Mi sorruiauK iagaimlb it mL LititifNMHe a fear y«at aid, wiw jain* 4»bel by har>«oUair.rbai atiirf, rwninie Jv.v llWMr^KTri»U >M M»r. I -Alwafs do aaqrK«iHl>#vHWH- rt i liawj arti oa 1 '■ imt*kUn**JtW. , ! y;Vare2^f^«Hi^c^vyanp^ : b t^rhi l> liS'J'seefSg'i >Kl"! 1 as tt ba c—kt' aiv« , 4he«iai»roa»MW ,' We)) >||Mf 4»Af i ' r ; : Ltpw^"' - plan, lis M!d,'>ffarto tagy%ii«t»iW* m d 1 Tii# MqaieaaNoa o bwj ffiiat*i m wwuer ■ *wtn;-aaM bybi# a|»oi»«e. - «*' tm*rtiiher«ow*a«fe. IWaiia. jaatiiiug wotoei a watt Wfr.(>, ' 3 Near Hum's t>ri«** Taa«»,a ooai.iy. f miM.it—i'MiyajiWMMtf >| y;iy,3*«i' i ofa»,wbaba«beei. iwW iwiite .tHMliiwro lorlJ

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