WarehQUM, " N '| n* "I A /VI Ul/ I o " h« ■ ■ ■ I !■■ ■■■■—!■■ mid • General R«v B w. Mebane, Pastor dock. A M. ever* Sabbath every Sabbath evening, except *4 third, at 7 o'clock. {t fi f, [ iJget Inge very alternate Tuesday ev -E* W.C.Donn«ll. Sup't, exer t, every alternate Tuesday Tempi*"' pr»yer meeting every Good fM lhe i t t and 3rd Sunday »; 1 Jf>y 'Hall" at Bo' clock P. M. free to, al the "*»• •" Providence one mile from town. L Lone, Pastor. Services every Sun- R{». P- A - , ,"2.1, A M « wlO.o'qlock -A. M. Ret. Sop't- ; HEXD,—lSince we IXiftßASj publication of THE -5T!e l>»ve asked veiy few ot our r tM .toi money. It » inconvenient msi fhem, or eend to tnem, VA «"»»>' ll 18 I,ext lo ,™P°BBible « need lor money, just now, is uiiusu- Of r t and pressing. There is Quite Amount due us in the aggregate. So each one is concerned the sum is 111 and, in many iiiataHcee, is not 3 because it is too small to command Sen Si. We trust our subscribers will Sde: that our income is made UD of a "" on , ® ach T n ! S bimwlf »o the trouble to send us wha L owes. « lic doeß " OI k,,ow J" Bt ii lit can send something like the limit aud lie will be credited for what EX We can't afford to employ a •nllec'or We will in all cases where as mocb'ai one ytarn subscription is for warded, bear the cost of registered letter which may be deduct from amount. A little fight in town Saturday night. The Charlotte Fair opens next Tues-. day. A big timo is expected. The annual Conference of the Metliod jil Church of the Slate, convenes iu Wilson, December 3lid. Big frost last Saturday moruing. To bacco folks are ahead of it. Pretty weather again. r . We are sorry to hear that Mr. A. A. Thompson, near Mebaneville, lost one of his children last week, from diphtheria. Mr. Junes E. Boyd, Master Tommy Boyd, and Mr. E. R. Harden left laat Monday for the Richmond Fair. Consumption may be preveuted by checking a cough or cold in time, ar.d nothing equals Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for thaoat aud lung affection#. 25 cts. Mrs. Dr- Harrell, of out: village took a premium at the l&e State Fair on knit stockings. Read the new advertisement of Me Cauley & Smith in this issue, aud when yon go to Company Bhops, drop iu, and •ee if they are telling the ggdih. If any trouble is attendant upon the Baby's teething, don't hesitate to use Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup. It is invaluable, l'ricfl 25 ceuts a bottle. A young lady of Graham, whose name we could give, but of whose patience and perseverance, it is needless to speak, has jewt completed a bed quilt containing Jive thonsand eight hundred and six\y teven pieces. We were in Mebaneville last Saturday, and visited the smoking tobacco factory of Messrs. J. 11. &T. H. Fowler- who kindly gave us a package of their best. It is a well flavored, good smoking to bacco. They are introducing it, and find sale for about all they eau uiaublaature. We are sorry to learu that Mrs. Braii noch, Widow ot the late James M. Bran* noch, of Mortou'a towpship in this coun ty, bad the miafor'one to have her house *itb aeafly everything iu iV, burned last week. We have not heard particulars. Ntr. James A. Albright, son of Henry { Albright, is attending medical lectures ia the College .)t Physicians nnd Surgeons ' of Baltimore, and is also taking an extra course on phyaiology in Johns Hopkins Uaiversitf, The WeJdoo Fair came off last week, *nd notwithstanding the unfavorable *eather at the -opening, it is pro nounced « BUCOMB. In point of both .. exhibition sad tho attendance it is vud tp have exoelled aay fair |»re viously held. CHARGED HANDS.— Tho Hardwire Store, formerly owned by G. W. Waescbe * Co., of Greensboro N. C. has been •old to W. H. Wakefielu wbo can al« **y« be found at Waesehe's old stand in •cAdoo House with a full stock of Gen ml Hardware, Powder Bbot, Caps, etc. at lowest prices for Cash or . On Saturday of Orango Presbytery, which convened at Alamance cbnrch in Uuilford.county, on tue 16tb of this month* A large crowd was present to witness the dedication of Ute £*>w chureh awl t© iktwn to a hiaioricnl sketch of the old building, delivered by Rev. C. H. Wiley. This discourse was highly inter. and we are glad to know that »h® Presbytery arranged to have it print •J" In pamphlet form, and that copies be had for twenty five cents each. A COLORKD MAMIAO*.— Lucien Cra ■*, °nr polite and accommodating vil* barber, waa married, last Thursday, *° Miss Lydia Watson near Mobtne rille, in this oonnty. The return of the ®**ljr married pair created some little commotion among the ooloved people, es pecially as there was a formal reception on Saturday night at which the bride *» introduoed to and reoeived the con- P*atulationa of her husbands friends. Abooi the grandest affair among the darkies that has taken place in our town. COBNWALLIS' SURKENDER.—The 98lh • anmverearycjftbe surrender of Corn? Wa f Celcb, ' atert Inst innradaj& Besides volunteer miliiarv fcom different places in Vir tnere 7'® re P , ' eßent fiw companies of artUlery frdra Fortress Monroe under GenL Getty, a batallion and three com* panies of marines from the Fourth Ats lantic squadron. There were also present a number of prominent gentlemen from different States. Genl. Taliaferro was orator oUhe day, but there were quite a number of speeches from other gentle* men, among them a Frenchmen and an Englishman. Col. J. N. Staples, of Greensboro, was there as the representa tive of our State, and made a speech Two years hence there will doubtless be a grand centennial celebration there. ELECTION IN GUILFORD.— An election has been ordered by the board ot coin,, missioners of Guilford cotniiv, for Gil- mer, Morebead and Bruce townships to be held on the 15th day of November, upon the subject of a subscription to the capital stock of the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley Jtuilroad. The proposed sub* seription is SIO,OOO for Gilmer and More head townships and $3,000 for Bruce, payable in three animal installments. The condition cf the subscription is the location of said road North-West of Greensboro by way ot Bruces X Itoads. HIGHWAY KOBERY NEAR WADESBORO. As Mr. Gaston Huntley was going home from Wadesbcro, about two miles from town hid wasjon was stopped by theee men, and his money demanded. He pre tended to be getting the money, but drew a pistol and fired on the inan nearest who, fell, one of the others fired on Huntley, and then the meeting appears to have broken up. A woman near by heard the wounded man call to bis comrades to take biro away before some one came. The people of Winston and Statesvillc seem fully alive to the project of the pro" posed extension of the Virginia & Mid* laud itailroad irom Danville Va.. by way of Winston to Statesville in this Stale. Meetings are buiug held, the route inspected and other things done which indicate an earuast purpose on the part of those concerned to make this connection between Stutesyille and Dan ville, and by supplying this link to make a shorter route from Charlotte north. BRILLIANT MARRIAGC IN GREENSBORO. —On last Wednesday evening Mr. ltobt. Gilmer Glenn and Miss Helen May Jones, daughter of Dr. T. M. Jones, President.. * of the Greensboro Female College, were married, in the Methodist church, by r, Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, in the presence , of a large number of friendswho had as sembled to witness the ceremony. Af ter the ceremouy the newly married couple repaired to the College and after congratulations they t6ok their leave for a bridal lour North. TUB OLDEST BAPTIST CIIUHCH, The oldest Baptist church now in ex istence iu North Carolina is the church at Shiloh. iu Camden county, which was organized in 1727, with Elder Paul Palmer as pastor. The church now num* hers several hundred communicants, and has sent off many colonies to start other churches iu northeastern North Caroli na and southeastern Virginia.— Fayote,' vi\\e Gazette. THE SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA. — This body met inSiateoville last VVcdnes day, and was opened by a sermon from the retiring Moderator, Ilev. Dr. Wilson, of Wilmington, Rev. E. F. Rockwell, ot Concord Presbytery was elected Moder ator. The First Presbyterian Church in Raleigh was selected as the place ot meeting. Time to be hereafter deter mined. Capt. T. W. Battle', ot Edgecombe countV; had two gins, and gin houses, aud their contents burned. The two gins were close together aud run by steam. There were about 160 balws of cotton in them, all of which except about tliirtv wer* burned. Whether the burning was the result of an accident, or the work ot ail incendiary is uncertain. Mrs. Gales, Widow of the late Joseph Galea, for many years editor of tho Na tional Intelligencer,di*l in Wa*hiugtou on Friday at the age ot 81 years. Mrs. Gales was a Miss Lee, of Virginia, and was for many years recognized as one of the handsomest and most accomplished ladies ot Washington. Full returns from the Connecticut town elects™ Biww that tttt ' R* J l> l • b,ic,,n,, carried twenty and (she DamociaU fifty nix tdwna, and that 1 thirty-nine town# chose officers divided between these two parties. .Last year the Republicans earned eighty towns, ten of which this year appear in tke, "ttfWed" column. Says the Louisville Courier Journal: «We may lose Ohio, and we may lose New York, and if we do, Heaven help us! But, in either event, or in both, tbe necessity for the old - (presidential) ticket is rather increased than dimin ished. It will be for Mi. Tilden to say whether he can afford to make the sacrifice of another oamgaigo. A bad negro, of GuilforJ county, named Abe Gorrell was convicted of crime some .bile ag* and »-nt to work ou the eastern part ot the C. *. fe *. V. R. R. H* mad® bis escape and return ed to t»o ld where h? WBII cap tured. A man named Hogg, at BJopmington Illinois, shot }ia grown daughter while she wu sitting in the parlor, called in hie •on and put a pistol ball through his head, ami then went out into a shed and ■hot himself in the biain. He had been unfortunate in business and had a second wile. .Negro pi rents in Wtlmington have two white children —a pinkish white, with white wool ou their heads. 1 hey bavo other children who are black. These two are Albmoi Evander Faulk shot and killed Antho> nv Floyd at a corn shucking in Relieeon county. The killing was unprovoked and Faulk fled. A Miss Morton, near Minonk 111., W f ß r] nde ? enl,y &sgfu,lted b y a man nam ed Hannis Debore, and left for dead. She was found twenty hours afterwards, Debore was arrested and identified by her. He was at his work, no doubt thinking he had killed her. FRESH DRUGS- for the cash, at th Southwest corner of Court House Square, Heavey and continuous rains in Ala bama have injured the cotten in the fields. Go to Company Shops Dmg - Store and buy Mrs. Person's Cure for Scrofula and be relieved. Chew Jackscn's Best Sweet Navv Tobacco. Jnd«e Adams, a native of Charlotte, died ot yellow fever in Memphis, last week. Walton's Liver Pills will cure yon of Biliousness, or an? liver disease*. Made and for sale at Company Shops Drug tore. Ten boxes of tobacco, without stamp*, a wagon aud mule were captured in Gieensboro. They are said to be the property of Mr. Joe. Honk ins. When bailed the driver whipped up, and fiud i'4g he would be caught, he ran. SCRATCH YOUR HEAD IN ANOTHER PLACE. —Lunien Crater, the barber, may always, that ia nearly always, be found at his xliop in room Ko 19 in the Graham Hotel. The location iR quite convenient and Crater is a good barlier! keeps evey* thing nics and clean, and does his wor& well. JlaWs Weekly: The N. C. State Ag ricultural Society offered a silver medal to the county making the best display iu the Agricultural Museum at the Fair. It was awarded to Guilford, iu whose department it will be kept permanently. Erwin'a drug store, at , Company Shops, is a neat tidy, establishment, and customers are waitei on by a polite, at tentive atid experienced clerk. R"i(]aviUe Tintes: lawyers attended Yadkin OourU Fmrty-thiee women were in the Court tfottße. There were nine cases of fornipation and adui • jrj and thirteen of oastardr tried - Mnjor Bobbins made a political speech. -Judge Gilintr presided. u » Dr, Gregory the leading Phyalean in the State recomeuds the Carolina Chill Care because he knows it will core. Try it. - Sold by OALLUM BROS. & CO. , Greensboro, N. C. Joseph Markham. of Wake couuty, while returning home from Durham walking on the railroad track, was run over by an extra train and Killld. He was very deaf and did not hear the train. Th? only enre for chills is the Carolina Chili Cure. * Sold by " 1 Greensboro, N. C. Th'e walking mania has taken k new form in San Franoisco; horaes are match ed agaiuat men. In a recent contest of tliia kind the horses wt-re the victors, the fastftt horse m»king (359 miles while the toretnost man maie oplj fjrlA Dr. Pierce's Golden medical ery, aud I lop Bitters are highly recom mended for purifying the Blood and ren ova ting the-Syatem. hnd them at Company Bl»pa jsri|g Stare. The Rjpai>ii6an State of Louisiana, o.ei last Monday, and nomi nated a full ticket with Hp» fieettie at ita bead for GovAi'nor, A resolution was adopted in favor of Grant for President. Indian Queen Perfume ia the most delightful, fragrant and lasting ot all Perfumt-s: Ouly 2d cents a bottle at Company Shops Drug Store. Two hundred armed men surrounded the jail, in Martinsburg, Elliott county Kentucky, and took therefrom John W. Kudall and William McMillan and hang' ed them. The banged uien were.known to have belonged to a baud ot outlaws. Mr. Jacuo Michael, haa moved to the village, and wilj take boarders, furnish ing washing, fuel aud lights, at SB,OO per month, payable monthly. Bethany College, iu Bethany county West Virginia, waa partially destroyed hy incendiary fire. Tbe Societies lose their libraries. Tbe wing burned was valued at 190.000. WHEAT—FKBTILIZKK. —Those wanting wheat tcrtiiiaer can be supplied by ap. plying to & A. White, Webaneville, who is agent tor Anchor Brand. Mebaneville, 8«p» iud 1879. Mr. Claude William Smith-, son of Hon. William A. Smith, of Johnston county, and Miss Zaidee Jones, a half neice of Hon. Samuel J. Tllden, were married at the cbarch of the Good Shop lierd. in Brooklyn, Y., ou tb« Ist iu •tant. If you have chills go to Company Shops Drug Store and there you will tind a cure. The cotton compresaat Charlotte, np to Saturday night, had Sum pressed 10,- 000 bales of oottou this season. The Obtervfr says this is more than it com* pressed last season, all told. The di*trees in Hungary on aeoount of bad harvest is very great. Famine and starvation stare the people in the face. 1 Mr. Themaa Wilson, near Charlotte had bia barn burn 3d with all bis wheat, rough feed and harness. The work of an inoendiary. Mr. John Fowler of Hil&Doro died on the 20throf this manjh from paralysis. « j HALLS VEGETABLE SICIUAS HAIR RBNXWKX is a scientific combination of some of themoat powerful resto. aMve agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair to its origo nal color. It makes the scalp whit*and eban. It cures dandruff and humors, and falling-out of the hair. It.furnishes the nutritive pria ciple by which the hair is nourished and ported.., it makes the hair moist, soft and i glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressta l ?.' it is the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effectSi remain a long time, making only an occasional appli cation necesaary. It ia recommended . and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorsed by the Staie Assayer of Massachu setts. The popularity of Hall's hair ren ewer has incresed with the test of miny years, both in this country and in foreiirn lands, and it is now known and used in all the civilized conn tries of the world. rou SALE BY AI.L DEALERS. J# Dsa'l Knaw Half Their Valae,' "They cured me of Ague, BlUiousnesa and Kidney Complaint as recommended. I had a half a bottle lef', which I used for my two little Kills-, who the doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. I would have lost both of them one night if I had not given them Hop Bitters. They did tbem so much good I continued their use until they were cured. Thai U why I say you do nofkniar halt the value of Hop Bitters, aud do not recommend them iilgh anough."— 8.. Rochester, N. Y. fcee other column. — American Rural Home. _ Rev. Joseph Farrar, a colored fabptiat preacher in Richmond Va., waa officiate ing at a funeral, when be waa seized with sudden pain and died from heart diavase in a few moments. * v The best ChilfCttre in the world is the Carolina Chill Cure Sold by OALLUM BROS. ± CO. Greensboro^N 4 C. Gcvernor-rleot Foster made one hun dred ?jid eleveu R{>eechep in his* canvass in Ohio, and )s now expected in Massa chusetts to help defeat Butler. Senator Vanca is reported as saving that Tilden, Thuriuan aud Bayard ar> out of the question us eligible President tial candidates, and that Genl. Hancock is the coming man. Try "Carolina Chill Cure, it will enre you. : Sold bv CVLLUM BEUJS. & CO. Gieensboro,N C Senator itampton, av we see stated, is for Bayard of Delaware for President and McDooald, of' Indiana, for. Vice. President, /They are both U. S. Sena* tors now. % ' e -- W. E. Dupreei ten ; miles south of Raleigh, had his store and oontenta barn-1 ed oue nighjt last week. Covered by in surance. % The Carotua Chill Curi is lnannflicttir-" ed by CALI.UM BKO. &Co, , Greensboro N. 0.. Col.. WiUiam Johnson, ot. Charlotte wilt detivtr the address at the Cumber* land cdnnsy (sir. * " Therp are eight old men in Fayette* ville, whose combined ageir reaohea 681 years. The oldest is 90 and the young est 82. • ' i . .V v'l Last Thursday night two inches of snow fell in- Connecticut, aud aix inches in Canada. * • "John Sherman don't want to be Sena* ror from Oliie, he wants to be President, th&t'g what he wsuts. • • N. P. Clingmau retires from tie Goldsboro Mail. He had been its local editor. . - N ~* A Mr. Morrison in Cabarrus county had his cotton gin * burned. We never beard of so many gins being burned. * >»* * f : ..y —•' - -v, ,f. r- Orant is expected to arrijre in Chicago on the 12th of next mout!u Ha is to be received royally. The gin of Messrs. C. M. & M. J. Haw kins, at Ridgewav was burned. It was full ot cotton aud light dry tobacco. Loss $5,000. One fifth ot an acre of land sold in Durham lor SIO,OOO cash. The improve ments on it not worth more than SI,OOO. Land at $45,000 an acre, is (he figure iu Durham. There was a light frtat in Metaphia on the 19th. f Miss bina Burnett ot Chatham, waa married on the 15th intt./ to Mr. Robert W. Bland, alsc of Chatham.' MARRIED.—Ob the 16th of this tnooth, by V. J. Slockard Esor., at the residence of Jonathan Braxton, we brides father, Mr. Jona than O. Liodley, of Chatham county, to Miss Fhebe B. Braxton, of Alamance.county. DIED. —Mr. William A. Klapp, died at bia home in La Fayette county, Missouri, on the 39th d*y of last month, of iodamatory rheu matism. Mr. Klapp *u a brother of Mr. John H. Klspp, of oar town. was raited in tiniltord county, married a Miaa Rigbtael of 0 pangs, now AMrosnae ooanty, ttj. poved from this State to Mieaonri about forty yeara ago. He waa aizty (even years old. > A iKin'TR op snric*« Whereat, it baa pleased the Supreme Archi tect of the univalve to call freai oar midst oar esteemed and highly honored brother and Tyler, James ML Brtnsock, Who departed thia life on Tuesday morning, ihe 7ih day of Octo ber 1879, at ats mtaatea before 1 o'clock A M*. in the 42nd-y«ar of hla age; Therefore be it resolved, Ist That in hie death not only has the Lodge of which ha was a member, lost a bright and shining light aad an honored member, and the community a uaeful aad muoh reapeeted citi sea; his widow a devoted ho*band, and bis or phatt children a kind aad indulgent father. 2nd That we convey to bis bereaved family the aasarsnce of our deep sympathy and heart felt condolence la their sad bereavement* aad of oar prayers thet the bkaeings of Providence aad the comforts of the Holy spirit may be voochtafod to them in their trials aad aeed. Srd That aa a token of oar appreciation of higtsaltsdKwarth, «f farcins Lodge, wear the the aaaal badge of ■Mamng' for thirty days. ->*. 4th That a copy of these reeolutioaa be pre sented to the disconsolate widow aad children, aad alaothata copy be forwarded to Tim ALA MAM* OLBAvaa tor publication. with e. reqeeat toths Reldsville papers to onpy. J. HAWKINS B. W. MoCULLOOH. W Com. 0. BRAND. J ! Yarbrmigh ffousej \i RALEIGH, N.C. H. W. VLACKNAM., Pr*»rlM*r. Rates reduced to suit the times. GITATT AM High School, GRAHAM, N. C. . IITABIJAHCD IN IMT, REV. D.A. LONG, A. M., Principal. REv. W- W.BTALEY, A. M. P REV. W. 8. LO«G. A. M. ( DAVID BELL, Graduate C. Ph., U. N. C. Tne sessions always open the last Monday in August and closes the last Friday In May follow ing- Pupils can enter at any lime. No deduc tion except In case of protracted sickness. ~ Board, gashing, fuel and lights $8 to til per month. Tuition «3.50 to >4.s b Beud for circular. To Tax-Payers. j** l ? ** at the following time* apd pi*** to collect the taxes for 18797 At Oorhett A Lea g Store, Thursday, Nov. 6th ;; Morton s Btore, Friday, «• 7th R. L. Mebanes, . *.i Saturday, " 'Bth !! if* &Cr»wfo r d's store, Monday, " loth ■ : girf&u>n T X, !SS ::„33 *•" "" 0.k..1M,1CT JißTHD ' iTra >" i ~ n '- t T. > t. , gfcy. „,jp. , NOTICE. " i ayß ol r ,°'s a i e u ft>r ls * ne of duplicate certificate. •P". 87 !.' October 85th 1851, for ten share* of itock in said Company, the original having been lost or mislaid. ® '■ . JAMES NEWLIN. 5 •o« sou. Jg' N «» n A *»»■ NOTICE. having been isened' WK JL HP 0 " * he ee at« of David . : " ec o, they hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ir.cnt, and all persons holding cltlms airainit ®° JP reMnt then», on or before Wne Ift ? December 18)J0.or this notice will pUhdeb in bar of their recovery. This 27th day of Ofctober 1879. CHAB. J. KEtfR, i J'V ALEXANDER WIU»N \ ADMR * &66^ E tar ra ry,»„ d & bullnrss a TrMl WftUont expense. The beat opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until yea' see tor yourself what you can do at toe business we offer. No room to explain hero. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay tor every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mall free. $5 Outfit free. Don tcomplxiq of hard times whlio you have snch * chance - Address H. HJLLETT A CO., Portland, Maine. ~»1S6S~ Medicines, Oils. Paints/Glass, I have succeeded to tho business of R. W. Glenn and shall be glad to serve those wanting any article kept In a ftrst class Drue Store, either by ' wholesale or retail. k My stock is large, and my assortment com plete, and they will be kept so all the time. My experience in the business is long, and (think I may safely claim to be as wall able to serve the interest of those favoring me with their patronage as any one. My Store is Just above the Ben bow Hotel building, on the same (Ids, where I shall be pleased to wait npon customers, either in person, or by experienced clerks. ORDERS FROM A DIBT \NcK PROMTLY AND CAREFULLY fILLED. R. G.GLENN. #■: 8, 20, ly. G'eeusboro, N. C. „ Dr. Wi JP. Bason, mm is» Will attend calls In Alii—es and adjoin In conn ties. Address; Haw River, P. O M.CvR Scott & Donnell Graham N C Dealers in •■T «•••■. OBMIBII mAwmwAmm, UATH, I»«T »SH***. NOTIMN, ITBKIi, MLf, *tLA*. BBVCia, BBM* 4 * * t) INI li BTB •TOW AC M. "'* ' Hale's Weekly On Tuesday the 7th day of Ocvoaxa, 1819, aad la the City of Raleigh, the nndsrsigned will commence the publication ot IAU 1 ! WUXXiT A RMTB CAB#MNA BKB9CBATIO NIVIMPKi. These foar words convey 111 that a column at Praepectoa could tell: the food of the Sttte; the success of the Party winch is the life of the State aad country; the publication of all . t> e new* the* the object* proposed. That ha can to the last and oontrfbute to ths first and sec ond, the subscriber does not effect to doubt. The people havf set their sail of approval apon hlsjMst and ho does not doabt the future. - Halb'S Wiblt WIH be printed from new aad beautiful type aad on fair white paper. The price will be #3 per annum- No name will go oa Us mall books without payment and ao paper Will be scut after expinsdon of the DM paid lor ■' - * P. X. WAT* Raleigh, Sept. 15th 1879. •* * • * •. .w - •' •* • "" Dr. 11. A. Sellers :§" j*T gltpi la DO» receiving and potting op Ut New Goods. A Hch and beautiful line of ladies dress gftodV/ Cloaks $3.75 to $17.00. A line lot of cheap ready-made clothing SUITS FROM $4.00 to $27 00 These goods were bought in Philadelphia through the agency of nay son, on *uch terms at to enable me to sell low. Coine and see my low prices, 10. 8. 79. Onio. land SALE] . '££7 i,r„. ■ •SL-'S'iss: 3ld O , fNO V£MBER :879. «r, lived up to his death, sltaato 1» Oa d rrf"n We, wSke°r^ containing. Bh ** and others 151 ACRES. ■ """"""-rf b, *. ssist?*- „ "TODRED acres. •• 352 ACRBS «oV f WhlCb U C ° VWt * i ** «*r**4r Of leThe location Is healthy and the water exc«H Baid tract of land will b« UM . , Oct 3d. TBt A ! mr - H . 0«VBT. " Alasiaan Osaaiy Hiram Wells Executor of William Weils, fa Anderson Wells sad others. of Wuik£ to " #u *•' laDda of William. Walls deceased to make assets to pay debts and coats of administration. Solomon Wells one of the defendant* b, o»» Xi K.„«,™ric i : u o '^ that in lieu o! personol servioe of thesdmmons on him publication be made in Tna Aij*«" QiKAxsa onoe a week for six aaaeeaaUe «££■ i cquiring the aatd defendant to appear aed an ThU theiOth day of September 18». ' - : "• , * A-TATB.O.8.0.. |. . of AUmaoce County. I *' i , j \w>xrras I > m^ J StfSshs^^ s£t ' c m hwwnws! •••■.> sdSSistfn»?witt—t ■ v~. \vov wmas ! 22RL5MSL#* ifsratwres#»Mk hkssKwUkssifih. ► lb> Ml On I. Jiurf tart. UMln. TWH^rJfc.«»■■■*.LITWMU ■■»■*■■ l»»ll«W. MC.ilm ■>»!■«« wSjmil I In i b W HHSSfwM * +*£&>:' AyttS 1 tfjj. «v.». F« New Arrival. Hew and compete assortment of general merchandise. 185 Sacks of Salt at f1.15 rts. per sack. A trash lot'of Lime at SI.BO eta. par barrel. Ail abeap for eash or barter. Call and exam ice before baying elsewhere. 10.1.3*. P. E. HARDEN. Osayanr Bfcop* DRUG STORE I have very recently purchased, and filled the K*> boose formerly occupied by Dr. J. tf. Mur y, with a fresh stoek of Drugs and Medicines Abo a handsome stock of fancy articles, and everything else generally found in a First Class Drug Store The services of an experienced Drtobt have been employed, who will ALWATB BK fOCKIi In the Diug Store. Don't forget to call ana tee ns when'at the Bbops. And rend voor orders and prescriptions which will be earefirihr filled. Wa. A. EE Win. Central Hotel flvNiiltro, If. O. SEYMOUR STEELE, PROPRIETOR TERMB:—SI.6O PER DAT This bonse is conveniently located in the cen tre of the cby. the rooms are hirite and well furnished, and the table Is supplied with the best ( the market affords. Large Sample Booms ( ' Omnibus and Baggage Wagon meet all tralua [ NOTICE, I . AppUoattoo will b« made, at the offlos rf The . No. 3T3,dated October 35tb 1854, for three shares i of stock in said Company, the original being loet ' JAMES NEWLIN. I Friend Plows at SCOTT A DQJI jh- - ..

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