VOL 5 THE GLEANER .'i Ji'illilf .>1 PUBLISHED WKKKLY BY * E: S.^P'A.'rk'Eß«'' -f* V Urnhaiti, IV. C, Hates of Subscnpti(>ii,\l>qityert(t l : \ One Year / v ' 8(1 v six Months Three Months ,- r7rv *!.!'..!!!!! !.5C Every person sendinfcKs'a I cllbj o# tea sub eeribers with tho easß,- ehtitfes liimself To'ofic „ mpy free, for the length of time for wtjieh the olnl» i 8 »iade ap:> ■•apers, «awt t(Tnfiej-rtifomcc« " ~ ,>■*» «^nnt JVo Departure] tfrcm the task System Rntosof Adrerli(iaz 1 ransicnlr advertisements pavable In advance: yearly ■. J1 m.yMji i m .. Us m. 1 qnftre I«2 OOj*B 00 ®-t 00 $' «00 »10 00 " ® ,r; \ 3 001.4 50 6'ooi 10 00 15. 00 Transient advertisements $1 per square for he first, and fifty cents for each -subsc :jaent insertion. ADDRESS will^o^^L fi'-wJaswl you u post-paid SPECIMEN Eqnai to 141 Magazine with 35-1 rN;i;A v;nc;^ 1 AEE, COOD THSNCS for Your Own Use, for IIOI.IDA V, Outlay. AddrcßS 4 Year. W' * - 5 aitwijffltow iruiu? Disease, like thieves attack the weak. Fortify ▼our ortrionization Itli the BiUers. andr it*will rcllkt iIU tMilrnyof i"d the chaniies of temueratnro which disorder the constitutions bf the feeble, ,'i'liere Is vitality ih it. It is a pui e resetabid stfrtlulnnt, a rare al terative and anti-billious medipine, aud has not a harmful element amcmi its mvny ingredients. For sale bv all druggists and respectable Dealers generally. « Bcott &Donnell Graham ;N 0 Detfkrslin . »uy ,«#»*'& g|oeßH«4. , I«AItI»\VA«H, IUTN, HOOT N#T»N», IBOKi | BTBM,BiU.T,VOI.AB. MEM, DKUCSB, HIEDI- V ■ N B a. »YK ■*■*■ mv u■r &v *c, v *' '. »,■ "f Ili 1 ! 11* I 11 " » ' 1"» ■ AT - Oompaiy Shtpi —: §-• *» ' ' 1 Is now reveiving and putting lip his DMJD^C^ocg&L A rich and beautiful line of ladieg dress goods Clo-aKss3^stffsl7.(W: \J 'slii M" \ . -Ls v.. v,XA- lIJ A fine lot of cheap ready-made clothing SUITS FROM $4.00 to $27.00 Come Slid see my low prices, - - JO. 8, 79. 6iuo. 3STOTICE. to the undersigned, upon }he estate of David W. Kerr dee'd, they hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate to n:ake immediate pay ment, and all persons holding cltims against said estate to present their. 09 or fore.the Ist day of December M&Ufr ttfiis iotlie Will pl«adeb in bar of T Tbis 37th day of October 1879. „ CHAS. J. KEKU. | " • . > Admr's .ALEXANDER WILSON. f , | , f ' | . . > 'T f^ r SL 1.1 Jf j_T T' ' I A'lr* Ir* »»»*■ .'» «.» »ik« 4H i 11®'(AILAMAXCE GLEANER, \? i- -r - , rr | , , ~ . . p '-■• ■ ■ •■ ■ • ... A MOUNTAIN BrVK. I * Ot f apurse wp £.ls all pitied Rachel Tiiikliairi, but wo uever quite made Lei 1 .ono.oi.iißj i/run .»■• *"> H She was such a shy little thing, and blushed if you spijkc to her, and Acted ntrairf oi«li*ei* and wore print.; dre6Bcs all the time, and never was in vilcd to our parties. u f ,. rr .. 1» a tumble down old house, which had been a very grand mansion onee. a.«c*:i» *im « .»••■* m TU« Tinklwaw luul been great people ill nay grandmother's day. Nothing was left Of tliCT' grandeur now, however, for therg had been wuu« mi otM> ««wcraUpni \iid wh.iske^^ iif the next, and delirium l treme p» In yio third. itSyWamer was the third. She had a wretched time keeping house lor htm.. Her mother was dead. v '. ',r MVe' were the girls of Mrs.- Blaud's private school. ' - ,fA dozen ua vers uqpah on| rOuruiiig. tVe,"we{e aj falling dtjjonce. ij liad (aid tiA high school g^rls*\ferfr scholars than wo were. 'Very well. So they are.' •This was Kate Avery, and the was Standing u() by the lattice whbro tfce morning glory 1 vines grow, and where a hundred clusters of little bells twuugout | ; blue and purple aud piujfi If Kate' was anything, she was though 6lie was handsome 100. 4 We' have music and French conversa tion, aud LW ban a pliteton, ami I have ,^o^cirrt^yafa^lay• Jfs been to awful secret though.it'B the trdth. .Xhe iiitfJi scbool girls aro miles and miles be« yond us iu Latiu aud mathematics.' 11«iy yef B Cy • 4 1' m wlmf iu arithme tic. 1 really Bupposo that two aud two make tour, but if one ot those girls wero lo tell mo that they made five, I Bhouldu't, daro dispute her.' - , s The fuct is,' said Kate, 'little Tinkham is ttw owly one-ot u» who i» «ure ot her muliiplioatiou (able. But then she doesn't really belong to us. 'Sbfe would 'riot be here if it wasn't fou sjtvoepiug anddustitig> to pfry liertuition. There she is this unu» ' r r* »*mall, Bled lookkig figure in a coarse dress canioflii eigfct round the corner. It wftS-Raolurt Wiih lufr load ot books in her w»e>rx s*f9m*foT 'She has worn that dress every asy for thtee mouths,' suid Lou Stedman; 'lver [ Ajfc/doar, she can't. She has to wasli, and iron it herself. Oh, there is QueenyV •rltjgentle, graces fu|'girh\H6*chufo ; talking to over 'Poesn't she 'ook uice in that seal brown suit? And isn't it just like her to carry llav's books for her.' Queeiiy/s real name was Alice. Yon her ifydipmid setj^l|j^j|alk beside little rinkham that morning, open the gate, and stand still, erect, with that graud way of heritor' Hie > girl to pass through. I believe we all rather worshiD ped : \vdi ow ' u-i Kate met them with her forehead ail tjeil up into hard jlniotjiji aud aoked Ray, hho want to bo an angel, and beta with those fractions?' * So the two sat down 011 the door step, 'and the rest went-Into \he tihoolrpom. Then Lou called out to Ray to camo and dust her desk. She said 'lt wasn't half dustcd.'-'Qoeenysaidat;' .tM ut(> 'Rayw bußy. I will do itand she, allcl tjouder thau ever,' A UAidiJol'idajt ifwelf. It was this morning, Friday, thai Mra. Bland told us-that to-morrow would be 'Mountain day.' I Hi All the schools ia our town drive to t This time Mrs. Bland couldn't go, so she sent alopg her cousin to malronize us. Sne was a fidgety person, afraid of >Bf*ierf,-*«duo »od(«uyway. 1 ' We are to start'at nine o'clock,' Qoeenv said". -"Ray can .yon be ready so early?' Queeiiy was a new scholar. She didn't know tbat Ray never went with us to ;arrmwr ,ud t *1 don't think 1 can go to the moons tain/ •Certainly, yon are going,' Alice said it y ° U Cai, t . 'Saturday is my diy to clean the school room,' Ray answered. c. 'We will clean it. Let's begin I miante.'raod 06 came Queeuie's cufls and ' Kafe's/aIMDe enfls, in fact. We went to work, aud had such fun sweeping and scrubbing. Just imagine Kate and Queeuy washing the floor. They did it GRAHAM, NO, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19 1879 weli, too. 'Now, remember, Queeny said, the last thing, 'everybody is to wear her oldest dress. Aud, Ray, would you bo kind enough to bring halrd-boiled eg«s for yonp Itinchooii? One apieco for us all I'Oitnd?' ' Ray looked bright all over, and .said yesi 1 Now"! think it-was just beautiful ef Queeny to think dfthrtjh She knew little Tii'iKbnni couldn't bring frosted itnd . Fioncli the rest ns did. • " 80 she-spoke of the eggs. W«va|l res membciredtliat Ray had wonderful shick ciiß. I sure the word about old dress es too, was meant to help lier. The next morning Obed 'fainter came round wiih his uncovered omnibus and his two great horses and picked us hp. . We went lor Rny last. She was stands ing in of the old house, betide, .the tumble down gate, with her basket of eggs ih her hand. . She looked perfectly happy, am} lier dress was so olean and smooth Kate whis pered to UMi ''That drofes hns been washed arid ironed 'sinco last uight. Just think of it I' AJt was.a olear-, warm morning and every one was In such a glov of gooU ffpii-tta, T think Wo were all glad we had Hachel wf|s iis, : * ■,.Butiif it.hadn't beei| Stft Qupeny, Ray woWW never have goho} and H'RaV:hadn't Hlie read of ufc" rtevdr ,come home, story—for thernia a ll«xer .havet bee 11 to id,, .. ft ig eight -miles to the mountain -end thfere is a carriage rdWto the top.' The nnd stAep,, because foo rise ,ne«rly.% ibouwind,, leet f»Uovotli»4>»«* ?3!tt rtvei* in tbat diss ~u*i F Itflr TTI I JUL' B.ut Ol?ed was a steady, (TljVet «nd his horse#, wwe itoqd h9^;sca. We always^ctuew lots-for .Ibeaeats;. bp sid«ObM: and it-WdfA ewe of- our treats t'6 b e( |fim tailing about his 'tfeam,* as he cailed it. ' What a rtrtheir names?-' asked Queeny. •Weir—a prtise. Obed slow talker, but lie a grfeitt : dfcaV tb say. •The ofl( there is Cicsar aud tho nigh one he is Alexander.'. 'Are they afreld ol the cars?' • ' 1 ' 'Aint afcard o' nothiilg in nafur.' Obed paußed.for us to think this oyer, and then went on: ■Know too rtiiroh, them ci"eetnr»* do. They've carried a load to the mountain four times a week all summer. They 'J take ye 'bom's .well ef y{; /wan't along. They know—well beats all what, them •tiiivals kuoer*- iJndosetantl't tyMalk>> infiic dep t Tliey'ie.nsed to , being talked t9 f tMy ; wife she thinks a sight o( 'em. Beats alii Spo'lJ go Q|Ut,to the harp, {thd she'll carry 'em apples, ar.d shell bfe all over 'oin ; ftii* drtirf wlien she ferdfe',"ait' kep' iu tho bouse, you c'n believe it or not, but it's a litet that them creeturs lost fiesb. She braids op their front hair for 'em and ties it with a red ribbon one day, and then tlte next day ehe uubraids it, au' it's crimped, all iu the fashion, yoa'll under stand. As tbey were acomiu' to*a pars ty to day, they've got tfielr hair orimp- . ed.' But alas for Caesar, and alack for Alex-v ander.: It was a terrible piece of work that you. came near doing that day tho' wfagirbjitsverjhall ieeitthat ypu, were Yon see ihk. jras what happened. . were aIT ticked iato ihe wagon as liuht a figs in a box, that afternoon, ready to BaiTfocbome, when Lou called out that she bad left her parasol. She 'You just keep y'r sittiu,' said Qbed. 'l'll fetch yer utnbrill;' aud be started for the tower. , k»* r^ B off-; Tfte) tower and stable are built in a small cleared spaoe at the top of the mpunUun. All around and thick old woods great rocks. Obed had jusf gone out of eight when Queeny gave a'little scream, and put her hand to her eyes. 'Something has stung me»' ehe said,, ud then, tbat instant; w.liill weAvire llltotfkklg at her, it haps pened. The hones both reared, then gave a plunge, the omnibus seemed to rise from the ground with a leap, and sooner than I can tell it, we were *ll being borne, at an awiul sjeed down that narrow rooky / road. I I glanced toward Ctesar and- Alexanv dec and saw a terrible pair 01 wild ani mals. I looked toward the girls* Tbe reins were dragging on thegrouud Some ot us were sbriesiiig, • Whoa I' A few were getting ready ,to jump. All this in an iii6tant, and then, suddenly abv& the noitftf'of the wbeeU and everything else, we beard a Y"icc ring out clear; 'Sit still girls! 1 think I can stop the liom-B.' • •; '■ '• >(f ! It was Ray TinUham, of kll peoplo in tbo world;. i . ' She stood up.with a steady look iu her eyCf. I must explain hero that tlio the toweiv runs dowu a gentje slope (or, lialr a mile, and there comes A abort ttiAn. Beybndaliat' ia % Long IsiH. the stoepesl, and .most dangerous' part ot the way. Kate scizud my. hand itud wiiispered: * , 'lf the horses are not stopped before -limy got to the.turn, wc shall all be kill ed'" . was climbing over tl\e driver's She always could elimbanywhere like a cat, She didn't patt6q au instant, but she called back to ihe: ■ *" " '. » 'Natty Brock, put on the brdUts. The rest of you a!'t still. ' «r Mvd* as you can.', l|prang to the drivers seat, and' jam med down the handle of the 1 prayed too. I believed I should never pray sgaiu. I saw aud thought of a h^urtfcd' things at onoo. I saw- the tree trucks and the huge black rocks closo -upmi us. 1 remembered the clematis over tlie front door at home, and wondered who-would, teH my father that I was dead.!; » T - ISeanwWle,' jtfty-Was over s dash th® VN IHolreS:-, ~/:, tdl to f-lfrf; • H»W she did It, I shall never know,but the nbxt"Vvc shw of hbr, rtie tma creeping 'along the p6le Vetwceii the'horstfs steady ing - herself with her ou their -backs. » ..The horses went tehrlrtg on liko wild 'horses, their uianes Hying and their great tfodies quivcring-tW over. . w Every instant, the f(irl«. ware becoming more excited. Quceny was holding Mrs. Bland a cousin with both hanits to keep her from leaping oaU . Kate cried: 'We are almost to the turn* What is Ray doing? trighten the horses worse thau ever!' and she covered her e >'i®S« «».«» . The brow of the bill waa. not ( /eet off. Far behind, we oould hear Obed's voice screaming to the horses 'to stop. The keeper ot the tower was flying'»to«» ward us. * „ ,• !'f.' ( ~~ .jomwll ii .i,- .. 1 But they were to faraway to do any good. There deemed not onto,'chance in a thousand for ns. But thai very instant when we ail Relieved we were lost, wo looked at-Hay^ Wo saw her reach forward one hand, the fet/ia Jyhlch joined tha.heaUapC sfis, iogefliwv Just where tlie connecting straps ercssed one another her fingers olntched them. „ Ou» sharp, herce jerk of th6se heads backward, and the horses likened their speod, aud iu au iuUaut.more stops ped. The wagoii stood still, afthonsrh the ciietdureai weire. snoring aud plungin yot. But that small band of. Ray!s held on with a death . grip, in h 'moment more Obeil caught the horses by their heads. u i," . ' , ; His face as vaiiite as it evor could be, and he spoked one word only. It, was: ' 'Hornets I' _ The horses had been ' slang iu more than twenty phiees. They were unhar nessed at once, aifd. we were all oat on- Uivs4rif: « i" •" " We laughed.and w* ciiod, 'and Mrs; 1 Bhmp'S eousm distinguished' berseit by djon't blame tbe ttiff least/ Quceny said. 'One-sting is bad-enougb, and ehe showed w qene- ber eye #as ginning to swell. 'The hornets came r swarming out of tba woods there.' As ' for Obed he was a liomiHated man. - 'But I was the oiieto.bjame, he 'I thought the horses wotild 'a' stood tIH the'r hides dropped afTn tbe'r ribs; bnt I tell ye ther" never Wtftt'the team hitched np yot that 'ud stan* hornets. , ißlast tbe creators 1' he-added i« au uudertone. «liut Kay Tiukhani!' cried f Kate, and she went Bp t» where thq little thing was siltinff oa a. nook, looking. p»k». ' tou saved «» all, yon blessed child 4 How did 1 you ever-think of doing ihat?' 1 IVly grandmother stopped some runa way horses initbat '»ay ,oii«e,' grasped Rsy. 1 didn't knew wheUicr f cortld stop these or not, but I knew somebody inust do Sfsmethiilgrov /we should all be dashed to pieose.? ~ » • ♦WekU'sjMw Obed- 'l've, known o' »hw thing's belli' done just once afore In my lifetime, hot it was a. boy that -did it. TlCTe'e* cavin* 'mo»gst,teamiu' men that,,when yo«aint got.Kha. von horse if yon w'alk out. an the pole; ai|d grip bold o' the biidiesi but It ain't-every horse that'll stand it.'* 'Bat wasn't it snleudid of Rey?' cried I-ion, going over, aud poUutg ber arms round her, • > i .'Mever knew a girl eVt have so mnch pli»ck, answered tbe driver, 4*' had not been light, on her fret, an' level in Iter lieiuT, she never e'd'a floneit.' I IfII. Vtirt if these Horses haefnt Men been Un common good horses, liothui* on .'airth *>oul stopped 'em. . , . And Ua.v? 1 jit;y-ev meant to make so lohg a story of It, but 1 mn>? tell yoii that ive gave'her a party sooitafter'tlilSi"A|l the lathers, and mothers, and ? brothers 'wont, aiu( wo carried hqr aQurpcf fo '' l*or room and anew ohaaibcrset, ami gjqe new clothes all through ; and a fey, >of the gontlemon gavo her a bank-book, whatever (bat may mean, ( only know that sho was to ha.ve the income ot cer lain money, ami that it was enough to educate her thoroughly. We., had 'he best time .that night, ami Qu.ee uy's lather took Kay our U> supper, and she sat at liia right Iwho, and. everybody treated her as though she hml,been a princess ol •the blowl.. Ido believe there never was a happier g}rl on earth that Rachel that uight . , - ■ —r-ffj , - • .WONDKKVUf. OtNCeVB|tV. mr**—4 H ■ - ■ ll K""""' 1 Tha HU»Wr in Which m. Texaa Child la *■'». tu ••,**»« . > The Ban Antonio correspondent of, the Galveston Newa telU the following story of k wdndecfnl istugioal operation reeently performed- in >the farmer city. Satf Antonio contains a wonder the like 6t which cannot be found in the United States. ft nothing more-or less than a child t that, instead of masticating and swallowing its food in the omul manner, is fed. thßough an apnrt))E« i« Mie st*maiqh that purposes /fhe g»in;ng fltrjp^th,' » an walk, and play} and Ude fair soon to ,be as flout and healty as any other child. On Saturday last 1 determined to'go'and see the cliilu for mykelff Thb'ftS# are as follows; About two yeats ago Mr. >3. T. Lttraley, at ttiat time living in 'Pennsylvania, had* the miafoctnae to; have his little daughter > Jessie drink a solution o£ lie, which* negro woman bad earoleasly left on tfve table. A lurge quantity of tho corrosive liquid was swallpwed. Death is the ceitain result iu such case*. There have been quite a number of casus in San Ahtunio, where children drank concentrated lye, and survived except ih thia instable;. The lye destroyed Uie mucous membrane, and a stricture of the aeso phagus is formed which means that the threat least; the which the goes into the Stomach, i«t or contracted to susb i a degree that only liquids, and not'muoh of them oan pas* through. Jf the ohijd does not die at- once, it lingers Cor a year or so and then goes into a oonsup- position and then penahee' of Mow starvation. It is impossible for a human being to live exclusively op fiqqid nour ishment; bnt where concentrated lye has been taken there are .particularly in cdld, damp weather, when the sufferer cannot even drink milk.* :'All attempts to open the closed aesophagus are fertile) hence the sufferer slowly starves to death/ *■** »*- '/' »»-n , Such was ths condition of, tfye littje girl, Jessie Luroley, wpen she was brought to San Antonio for treatment. The child w ; as very much em&eiated, could not sWjAlpw ev»-ti' liquid food for days at a time. I !#Was the ohly pos sible chance she had for life; her parents boueented fchAt the operation-making opening in the stawaeh should, be at tempted. The operatiou has been per* liumediu England, but thin is believed to he the first time ii has be^p.attempted in t,he United States. Ypiir correspon dent cannot give the technical terms, but can make the modue operandi intelligible to tlie general reader; AA incision four inches long wan made a few Inches to the left of the pit of the stdmaeh, much stkcMing being required. Through the ineison the stomach is Beached. The next part of the operation requires the most delicato handling inragiuable. It consists in sewing the stomach to the wall* of the abdomen, hut the gfeatest care has to be taken not to penetrate the jStomach itself. The needle-ami stitches only penetrate the skin of the stom&clv xhe 'res'ujt is that the stomdeh,'as the wound gradually heals, grows to the Walls of the abdomen. " 'the patient was put the influ ence of chloroform, end the operation sneceaKfnlly performed. .Unfortunately the child had an attack of ohiljs and fe*«' or, which had to beoured, which gave it ft setback.' Th'A operatirrti St%cribed took: ,p)aep,si;e,e grown on the sides of the abdomen, and eight (lays ago the final operition in making a small incision into the stomach, through which the-food was to pass, was' pevfoHned, and twice a day during the patal week a beef steak ont up fine has been passed with the forceps in 'the stomach, and the cbild is steadily gain ingstrength. . , f , .. A* ■ . v-rOa Saturday last I. visited the child and sf wit fed. We halted in front of a small onp-story house, which .we A little girl with light hair and blue eyea was sitting up in bed surrounded with playthings! Her mother, a young, woman of about thirty years Of age, was busy in the roon). ■ "- • • 's[ , "Don't you want your topper, Jessie?* said the doctor, '■l want steak. I don*t want any bread, 'cos it hurt*," said the little girl,. I whoae thiu itatures and com N0.37 plexiou shewed. tbo reuult of ber kaig The mother brought in a rare beef- Rtßftlr-, which thte'dbc'or proceeded toe u t up into sninlljpieces, crumbling*tip some bread at the patye tiuit. The food .being prepared the child lay buck on tlie b**d and iii tfte side mw*h exponfed. « It .was only an inch in ed dis appearance to,:a badly bailed oat. It wus a little inflamed. J stood by an>l saw "the doctor take one pieoebfter auoth er and carefully introduce it with the'for *jps iatft the iftdtnadh tfritfTthe plate was nearly empty. The child Complained a Little ; at tmjesj. b»t did, not to be suffering any. She finallys*is, stomach is full," and. *t_.there was' no ft Finally a bandage put oh, and fche sat up MdwaiWffabfidfltig tie'r pfaytTmiga. Tha foJlowmg additional ftcfentay W Of interest lo ibe medical fraternity. «uid others iotereated : , No particle «f aylid food ha£ passed thrpuyh ftp child V "throat since the accident. A grain of rice nearly strangles her. Mttlc 'is ilao injected into the stomach 'the .Tbft-only possible danger is from glosing up, hfnpe it i" kept open with cotton. At first r j»]ug of expensive cotton WHS used. There is fto reason the child should not be come stout and healthy. The. lood di gests readily, jnst aa if chewed and awal* lowefch Tdthfc ir/tyiiry'if 'thirf 1 tnode of talcing nonrishmoHt would hfcvb to* be Kept up tlijfcpugb life no fefioiM amaver wus it ty of reducing^the stricture of the throat. Gleaning 8» i t'Sl: :K | lllftfl HllUil "Ah.' „u>an,.»wbo .feftfa ; Old Deacon Dobson always boasted 'that lie "%i> tlid Worst." > aud his neighbors thought b» got it wheu , he mariied liis second wife. BwitiseHand puts up condensed milk i- 'fti'ltfrtf* tjuafcllt lDS W iCliglrelr nAirkef, i where it tiuds a constant sat*. There nrti several Swiss factories engaged iu the bueiiicst. !>'• *« if !» » Whin a man 6nys a new hat his male acqnaintancee takoit eft; examine it aud s iqqaire the price, i When a woman gets a new one her female triends I urn up their noses at it and oa)lit a'bonid thingV That id the diflerence between the two, , ' l 1 ■ j t fl "Martha,' said a new-made granger to his wife, "We*lj"ha»e lots of pumpkins next year, -I planted about forty; had to dig awful bit holes to put 'em in, though.' ; A not altogethergallant proprietor of a provincial menagerie posted up thu following notice: "Ladies are requested not to Tfeoiain stationary in JVoht- of the cigfte. 'lt 'tirtw the toonkeyd?' 1 ' s A rather gayly dressed young, lady asked her Sunday school cLaas what was "meant by the pomp and vunities o( the world." The answer was honeat; but rather ormVpecfed; "Them floWera on •your hat." "No," said a Texas lawyer, as he > (pW-ed a eowple of '"h>ad*d OerM|{#i on the t&bltfbefbfre liiiby «*the faot that thu witness is a.desperate, will not deter 'me irdm asking hiiu such questions a* C may dedal proper! . • V • • A waiter un^orked a bottle of wine in - a Parisian cafe, u ilow Jong did yqu say this wine had been "fourteen years." Alt) that is,a IqngJLime for a fly * ! to live:*ee, he' i 4 swimming around quitj livAlV. ' ■ ■>l SWhi' i) .v»«-.• •»:. he ps, to circulate u I h c I™ 8 wl " ortgihated it. To put your bst m a tar barfel ithd 1 'then go around shaking hands * With evWbody i* what some people to do " aetitetitioiiily remaiks the He, ■ wldVi.Shit-Ghat" . 'More Hian one Tmif of the gias* ns»d hi tWe 'lTfa'ited Srkt#*ar. is produced in Pittsburgh thereover 5,000 bauds ar> employed ib-making if Twelve thous and one hundred and tbn tons of soda ash were used in the business during la*t year, and the value.' of the glass mai o amounted to nearly #7,000,000. White iu Ner York's "few days ago P, T". Barnum replied to an old'friend • who toltf him he looked as hale an l hearty as ho looked ten yeats «go; L ought not to, «py dear: sir; I'm an old man; I'm seventy. But Lgnve. op rum and tobacco years ago.. Ihavn't smoked a cigar for eighteen, years, and ha v n't tasted a glass of liquor for, many more years. That has kept me young *ud hearty" In the nobis* of the performance of an extra vauanaa at a Jkbtdn theater an old man rises in. the papqnettand aajrs that jjp with hia seat,, as h« ia unable to lywr welL One of tha actors invites him to sit >n a chair op tha stage, which he does, and finally ludi« fcroni part In the acting. It is not until trw'the elose of the pieoe, so clever is die -imposition, that the audience sees the old man ia a member of the compa*

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