-jMfcfi -jmmm Wt ~-T - f li.Wl/f .L~ I ***£»««, ;• &'x •HVS.r't 4L«W» K!!i •'W-. 6' ~ • **■**«»».■*• if!V u -> i, r». e.-- M.if.'f of }j>i')*cripti n. . '..to..:A.«i.M ai*> Moauw -i~J. ™ r . 75 -••jaaraMM-" EverjflpeteMr send in ; pXqp of . "ton Sub- BC 3ftSJiuWS entitles, himself to otia yearly adi'art|sement(faaarterlyin aavmeff. 4'»^^KKSM Transient artvertlsemerfU' $1 per square f.>r he first, and fifty cents for each -subso f flfl T 1 ft ff T| I A gricii2iiiiaß , fiSt 9^^P' •■, i „ Equal tp 141 Magazine pages, fF&QSjw : A JWto l| S2^« Vnnr Own Use, for HOMDA V, \&£snK WEOBING, & other PUKSENTS.yj^^® ,^agaamgK.Wi> Outlay. Address RjgwSSs ®»ORAKGE JUDD Br^g^ CI • TiU ,t>rfffVi».» » aw »■■»;» -ji MosrnTtijv .« wmin 3JV^ / I 38n^l^^^iicr' Disease, like thieves attack the weak. Fortify your organization \> ith the Bit|eri.£ndr i |g yilk rcßkt«iiMaifle alike the rirns of epidemics ai|£ MM^aesfOffltaKiaga It is a pni e vegetable stimnlnnt. a rare al terative and anti-billious medicine, and has not a harmful element among iu tmnjHnafcAaite. .. For.sale. bv. all djuggms*ano *rt»pw«tJle l dealers geiieraHy." ifT "•i;... >. aJ aiiJftn3K/.y/a»i«a v/ Scott &Donnell 'Craiffi Wf ■• Dealers in Dllr BOOD*. GROCEBIff HARDWARE, HATS, BOOT ITIIHMM. I '' 1 \ IOM pjj) : Prfeeapi^ii«ea ■~saarc*g^^-«»a» • ...... If ■«r. .WAHM . .i '„' ' ri t>' ■ ~' Nw MM ■ ■•'..,y. 'J«/ ' '' .-.i'l Jtn ;iT f '. } 0 t>a? i„ , aft AH AM, NC y , rWmNEjjDAY DECiEHIKER :■ 10 "J&» OVERWUItL,I|IK6 A { 'l'm Par* er. 'l'va you fur ibis throe Myiklpatir i* 'getting so rusty I'm asiiamitk ii> Vcdr it. Wken'd hoat night,' answered thev little wo man, shaking out UM«t»]U of tbe large figured deiainu before her. ' •Theu y6ft» liArtnH •limml the news, maybe—about Parson Noble's leavhi«> 'us hb^ your asked Mi»s Betsy, with au ..air ol j, * '-Not a word except what I'saw in • thv newspapers.- You see I've been Floret three months; Louisin Maria s youngest aaugbter was married last Tuesday. How Will jod •baVe your dress cut, Miss Marvin ft?, 3 " ''You dont say I Well I ueverl What she marrying off ber gir/sl it m man—she has such a habit of coloriu^;' jp.j Nov lt«4wawj tell 0 straight ionviTi'Brefy lit touch it up ( toauit themselves. How did you likg Parson Noble, what you've beard ol biro. Miss Purdy ?'- taup > ilmM'ktV tV it ill »jl 'Hi: always put ljic in nsild ol those 1 men that S(. Paul lefli about 'of whom answered the. dressmaker, measuring MLss Marvin's, Iftf 4«tye measure. ,] 4 Oli well! I B'poso most peoplo wa» first; maybe you'll wheii you hoar about the donation. I can't say but what he Juu hltn, but I al- Mviy/TUDUfht he was a little loose hi his like i's not lie wouldi|!| «5y loug. TBifllliisfMSWli® wan't strong enougti Utf'e.jrMnit geology enough • '♦oIRWI? fTof/WiflaAW MJW «frd*, frfl'lT*' 6 '^ ut '* seeaaetl to >B» lEjjelphed the gospel aud that wW good «MoHgh for iu#,s , ?} ,., ~ . ir )VV * 'Dd y&a tbhrk n«"Wa« very •pitual?' asked Jdiss Betsy, waving (hb contest e& poiut —llio'a.beeii seen inore'n a dozen' times sliding down Dragon hill with the boys on their jdou they call them. What do vou think of that ? 'I think mostl&ely Ibe cnijoyed it, aud bovsxlid. I uerer say a' &n ba/cfr fcuch j'VNifcnltv for making toouud hiin—it was which haa in it neither inirtb nor dm i£>i£gOj®l opin ion nt him,' she said, 'and I bate to doit* ■byi I B'pose somebody elsajull tell you J" here, yon know, tbey promised TiTm J/bO ealarytbattf is bard aud every thing isicheap amrfhey thought, mobbe, this year he'd be satisfied with' six. him JMP'fcffU PPfffP 1 !** 501118 me S7OO and tho parsonage is a monstrous price— what do yon think?' '1 suppose they hare to have food and 'I begin to think so myself, Miss Par* dy, drcctdJuVy fium&t),' sighed Mios Bet sy* * Well, as I wm saying tbey went to bim—the committee did—and kindly a*|H ed bim if be woold take aix hundred ihir Mid be would preacJi for nothing. 'No, indeed ;be Mid he eonldu't but just live on 9700, and tboogbt be ought to be making SOON proTiwon/or tbe to* tore now, ii ever. .Mrs. Chapin said she. rftawfefcttofcrujiitfcrilli'ig providence. "Wi*lHat#rvlwoey Meoh4*. Hasn't the Tbrcr pr?tS)rt£fr A Didu't be ftd Elijah and tbe ebildren of Isreal? r A\l calculate if ministers is faithfaUhe jgpwwill take care ol 'em when they're - do (ban T I4linfcj tllOTmßnffnKff * #ilt Mk, I can HKe was lur letting the parsqp go, - but ,p€acon Simmous got real riled op; be, said be 'didn't blame tbe minister pue salary Ipsteatt or towerfriglj, and he'd be willing td give sso.' The deacon meant -#•11; but a. draaifal unreasonable knan alum lio niiatds damlci «"• boll 1 ? m dow ,! be spid 'it was a poor plan to let minis-, fera'hev their war, tbejr should giveTanon Noble seven 1 huudred this VWbW b»ndred •vt* g?t ug Tblft'iHt' *'i&rMWeVjfrfrft, and tbedea cwHuiw Ly®iu told around •4»*W 1U» tfSS ,' » year.ftir her-alolhe« uid4«lmy|e( villi, 1 *Ad two £!rt* »hd%tm* tri take ,care gi tWhiprte's',' IjjJt' 'f|}& /oWiy paid ten aollius m! niat er V tij>£ ( '[ \'b'a r -*-bot then 'ittoitfl 46 tdgit tyyiira j Ly m*u rtnad, fbt hd'« -Wohthmenß' thai#/ a nali'fioMn T^ o DCAC6'H Sloirrioiitf/feo JTKS tinfcvii. uittiW R,W9AJ»k,% JtiK;#* 1 bUadfetltlnllara and give the minister a donation to make up the oilier hundred., '''iMtat kinder vftcillcd alktoMid, andthcys 'ngreert |o »eet at the, veatry Jfhe nfcxt- Tiiortday eVtHfliil mtd*ghry the irriuiatcr MTWdtf(lojrt'iioi) mid MrJ jiil4'partyj .fujiia 16 fuVllet everybody, old and joiing, a'rfd vi(ivu Thursday/evening ca»ie there''Waif crowd I can, tell you. tyinnii" Sf a yp, U»e >w«f 19. eVin, ai*i just as We got *» tlm door we ail c iiiiiin-iici'J to sing, , Piutis* (jod iro*u whom ail ldeaaiugs iow.'. M Mm ■l .it »i,M{|f>l. , ! . *Ti»e minlstermini bis wife both came iof hcdoor, miJtlrey did lo*>k «utprised enough, 1 ut somehow tliey dhtft'fttMfli so cheef&il fti .vtu-woill.} ,U* they ivra dreadfully* surprised ;i. ■ they didn't *ve» lld'.lK.io ask USMH; bat we didn't. 'walfMJ an iMtiiatiAi,* bot kept' crowd*.' litf! Itf.'Wtl&miiihrtei-aijd bis wife kept |lI. S toWabk u.fti| tlio hqrfife wM 'foil* U P Watw jU& it dlirii. "sAjufre Lymin'a Wife and me and sumo others went into the kitchen to fbok after the rictnais ao|j other things tbil trti»doi!Blttl; and such was. " » and onions. Levi Norse brought a bull keg of pork! to be sure I'arsou Noble or bw Mr,.Nvrse'a good will. Tben tis brought them a chrurao of a bure headed giiil picking flower*.. .Yoit m Mr. Noble preached twnnon owe Bnn d#y %bouit folks tbakfug Lome attract ire forrtie cfclldren—said they otight to hare books and pictures and all such things. ItfposeMrs. Preutis thought 'twuoM, pleaed Vim, and J think she was yirj Ihonghlfnl daatt yaajjj—aahad»A«oufcht »7l"lw»ejr, an . al ways appropriate to give a minister.' ttttKsncAr rupted Mia Prfdjr. Miss Betsy did not u£jpf Uif |»u*iitiuoed. •~4fcM»eks*#as and and aowesolt anaai, four loaves of bread, a pan of doughnuts, uu loves of cake, a couple of mince-pics, andttfofef of giu, «jfr£lti&M l ft*)#*)!. The victuals, of course, was lor tt freshiiieatey jtor erervliody expect* something to agrand^n—>— «* •haald think that erefybody thaf came must bare brought h#, P U we saw the in. "Of "course we helped ofyraelyes (u jea' aud little things-we icuew Mrs. Noble w6uld bo glad'to tats ntsft 'cm; then nobody-thongtrt to briu£ any preserve/- So we called Mrs. JKo-, ble out_and her what we ajtoal'd jig glw bad a of quince Mtmk "We baTe. Mrs Pierco di|taftitf> oat, abd she said it. she d or tbqttfcans ofjia; bnt I toltl IWPJL wo%l>l make more {rotP ble, and no |iatter if the eWl^ dreu did&OgUL any, •> we mada it no a* far it woijlffftmt it dfil JockAinder stlas «*••■ Tn isf ' Wall, I Jnftr beard ofanything equal to \ thai 1j fflW JPardy, slashing at/tfuufab before tor as il sbe Bad % gru Igfc ajgalnfl it. + * I«Bless,my *>(* l! whatkre you dviugr jycclainid MUs Jietsy- You're spoiled diinrt get bat nlae yards; 'twi do to waste auy. We®, as I was saflng, we s'posed everybody bad bad soinelh.ug when Mra. Lyma* elme/eut did aaLl'thore hadn't been a thing passed ip the Übnury. So we bunt" 1 Joiuid ot bread, a' couple Of Mfel of ckftAiut cake, and some pies that Mrg. NobTe bad bakad up Vou;weat*j]** esrpettN lag a ui uister to stay over Sunday J 'Twas real unfortunate, for sbe notiiave bad anything In the bouse bat tfr Oik; ibtfbail h|| IM n»xt day t# ktf. 9t> wo it wouldut do uo hurt to take it. Mrs. Jones said ,$11! sbe too ad a pan of seed cakes afterwarda that Mrs. Noble had bid Away.' We Q .abyef M, children *>l »PH c *kes yoa k*tfw;, and Mr*. Joaes said'hat she thought it kwked pretty email when we was glrln' 'em saoh a donation. Bat maybe 'twas mst as well, for some of the boys threw' cake rittet ft 1 gh' trod Tli»to the carpet at times, aud 1 don't believe in having things wasted. Use np tbe the pieces if yoa can, Miss Purjy and * - •• • * tug .'nntri'iyn,. - • feate theiinM pfctoe tot op* (Jeeya. lif fte%a£oTto iking 4 ink. surprised s:mwyp stairs and knocked over a*,^>|!if|)d' ttrtd broktfit;, 'ttvaa a pity .feu* & - ed td'rfcfifttrbcr** "yini Nobtohad £rtu t , painted. J*y ho#f.. ; 4uq ( sa, mid when Mrs. .MwblfcAiOftfii ,Mf.lt,, al« !oSlicd real mini. - Sliuii aiv example* jto *hi fare^'tll/a'' nttotot «r' 1 W I Ci Ji) r« uj/iff, ptf etijj drenV' fpn ' ikuoxv -M im Btirdy«.i- ; , • " { 'l children ia M home /eyejjfi&s. tiffin* I ,' thd- dteacitoaker at»rpl>v ~. J"*, ''V s H i' ift' h «, f,itw Ltlciu'tknow as it was any wprsW llinn Mr Ltitn did? lie was ituiaig oii fheterheryand the glass broke in a. minute.'' But iMi; accidents will itapi I>rti,ttnd 'twad diftncm bciaf, -s dmt (loHr *« I**,; «tti ,Ui4ij-m > *' 'Of course,' acquiesced (be little dr«M«' rifilvr. 'i fc4hi Mljl n| -| ' \li«s Betsy, 'the way itjey worked ii, Yoit s«e the ministers. foikego tome real i?»fl>-—being amain* ,4 Mellow .they theoght w»vmiM fill law their example. I*w *itos alive m»; why»tok>re Svc goNbtoggk whh eating tka Munes •W- V >'■ T 1 ,4 Tliei» yon bad all Ihn dittos.ln M«if pat in Mrs. Purdy. ,i •..., .# fm - J *6** jx>b! BO; ifarohadatleanftfed to muhihed'wltes 1 kiiow JiicKuUeawEa have stopped as, and bca>dß»it weak! fcvvwtakeiro*. hall theimght, uml of eonrsoahe - dhMt -«h|Met J» 4 Z ibaLos I bps kept. atiyiag, ui H whs past 'midnight Wfcy ifaey all gut away. t-t ~ • W*H, ttooent wa aU thoaght 1 wauM ha mm mm tain. aevmoe' *iirtinake some achaowledgeiawst -ml the donation be»ides*.a»d of cuwatf fttn borty wem to mmtlmfi ,J waned earty, f—rir a» at/ way. When we got most there,. M>Bttb i Btoppe* kmmrni «i« *Aym 'what o«,, earih kr fhe-aMMsrl* l_ f rd44hil thM>t «MLkad«'l tMagt aa«a A^^tkat t*9tf bn»ly at tka mnwa- Wtoniilliij-waalka ~ Mi r In crape oa thniaaßU JWmH >a«.knM |dayr aad ,w» ,Mfir glisteati« in ibe ianTwaai, oe MakF K ' ' nc-a» ' laagbaUe, Mia Ptx~r dy; ewj l*fly wa» iuiifgaant ■ awMf be. iw. KM>n Nobte'tiMtMa JSB In been fe «rtet for all the goedl tkjmm t 'YtH * did, and gat it taa ky a **&-' hnoua KMf. And what A> yoa sopair !it totd Me Oe raid Mb to ?irt» >fam : i{triaa t(* »m AMdthai'* kmii ik*jh Mmn>! Purdy—wkat do roe •tjkrtaa,' Siiw, to* 1 thiak we —l wt» rid" g| " »»»» -»«■■ ¥•*»* jm _ t _ j#l >■"' Here are a fear extracts trom u £toar Quixou;" V'* WIIM .i»«t Bfuu) ia a modest wu*Mw«fftea«k' ar awiufu aJL a distance; author (Hoth the one burn Hunt »>r cone uot too cloae to tbein. ' Keep yottr mouth shut ami roar ajt>» fear every ill. i 1 Sfl I*- b de a reviat^ s *» tß*;dea«J tarf t>MMM tka Briar to ( gora i&feF. * »"> m AH wolueir, let them he eeerao k—» ly are pleased to hear theaauelMa mJm> grated for their beaaly. ■ t» v ; cjqnlre* aud fcutowi ww> ar» ' urar be earrfed too. tme ia Ihoetf who hare ehMea to iakftrtt from ; W *vEr«4w4» MTMCDM kf gyVEri ttuu. ort,r»l ' I'Pwt owe" t» the son of kb own woriau. llouey U dot lor the mouth cCau ma. •JJopndtoekholts, or bars can wear* a maideuto welt is her owu reserve.' Yfti ] and humor belong to gattos Wa wfttteit person la a comedy |» to ibhtg ood may not be, fetttHf In It. We are a|l w Uod made as and, ,4.5 asyisssr*"** 61,1 **- : llic term ia equalfy appHcabh to all rauka; whoever la hnoraut It Vulgar. By the streets ot "Bv-and-By" oue ar rive* at the hotisg of -i?e*er. u Between the yes and do or a woman I (Would not uudertako to thrust the point ol a pin. • , feuirncc and shnffle the oarda. - "StaSS Pray devoutly and hammer ou stoats lay a bridge ol allfer for a tying sne i'lio jest that girot pala is no jest. ** a "-tfvMlMl.b'r'W'DKSPAjSt. .. .» j , " 5 *H .noil' 'it. ',rt ■ .AjexJU'dcr Ilmnboldt says in lijs pos- P was not born I"M ordeclanbaitiiertatliar a ikn4iy. ,1 ;; syst SWcltoK tliaf'tfc kfVfiUp+ml, *tHI more I I «a who ;«pon Jbe f» ( )pk>; of fool because tie i tnrow# ffcedortr, with d' recuuip^nae; , I a . witiKMit bsyug abfe to (five them Che cer » lamry of httppfneM'. ''l tleipi»e bnmaanr " in *ll its strata. I foresee that ©yr,. po*-» e warily wiU far unhappy than we are; andsboald I not be a-shioer ff, in r ''lfr fitbMWi llMljtlil,-! slwpM take ? care; io leave a oi being* 4 'boWb*-ile?? Sl»wMf oi ** "* I # r ®**f»t iiwauity, and it lor eyghtv yenrel one strives ana uihtifret. one is mt\ omlg»' 'erf to finally eotrfes# that ho Imt ariwii foriwlfcliirstM>sml sst aelbiaf. iikS ■' wa a( least hOv know why l .we »re bi .AkU^wyrld! iiui t.» the thinker erjtij thing U and wmairn a rlddl«, iM fbeH • tftateti I gooti hxek is that 0# bK| torn a '* - | r'fWM* saavktioab tfe« afftwal jpaiwer i fwaar,«||)>.l4i (lie Urgent isielket, ot i l f l Jt4F l eighty jerffs fri ttt# £ tfjrhOtrt asfr Beffer rorhebeiftgotatlcJ. I I o*4 Wmmbt wds poirpuwft. tlfcu* •' «•« e6*sfcegwrtodi»w»t.,: . Witiw« n any wise tba.B to graflfyj^arf-,, . Sgktoiw^^WrtvffK cr.HWT7ti.r . ft* the acsmdSro«f' . ndMke W"idthsufcr-MaK-of b* i life t waiUbo dbutar«.ot r L»c« i -. - 04eoftIi3-aaortt--riMO«nfcah4» escapee t tuat W* toA'e hettrtf t • ot for Hfput Um«4 wm ceiated M itft re .J eeaity Dj wgentlonaait wto was o»W tte train bte-«ftiieawrt«*ttt nauato.. , *. ■■*■■ A lai| Sr fmto KsiOwa Way to Tiu mi mm . to aieai wir, anw, eitiniwwy no om» opes wiatlow. leaned quite % di*£ancii oat. A —dim jiraf tite. tgb | at the tUjaooaaamkcatoity out ot the win dow aoohHenteiLMjuty of tUe puw+tai*- : ► ;gß»iKlM*ft fe»:ea were all tne ocker way. , PWto-sl^r ? -at f -Utb kJ»rtnb«tf •»! „ wbkgneC. The, • i (rto*»»aitd »a amd swaaasaft tkw, 'Waefr, WKfot the: ikaiMk at as mmi laj , « mm Jbeaakv whara b :S96«»^ J tbetic, awhcoajrtF tenrrto tto ever- m : ? IPpew toibß ecru mil inaiiso id «a» fiuuittf 1 .'ptftto tto ablld* wao bakilly Jawik braiw «>. • »I ftoMhwd- yiii pas *J tepw t?afty chaf, . i waJJutti. bock fcq t&e Cruu, whfcO.' sftof! Tv \ «u Us way. "Bf was ttMrty* it' J eucape. WfueOmtf (' Wi. fku-h --[ '' * Ml arrrta naaraas. "*" rt»>iOni» ■ i hi - a, ... • r A eao WImcIL tl»o IfcJihha' r IhsMrehaeauSmuaeiii m "w«il Unmrf • ' toa ma latum Sc. 6 Latiey want to i ICourWto'to pewwace*. *» uW, Ciuriaau t ULlfaai woag aatto wiatof gdjjwa. she w#o. - iaa aat:ii>«ewa) ,/te i wksee amageti iisdsyk Whom, awe took to. 11 tow ■aWßMatk mt tin* uHrutnoaius, was seated oa an ottoman. TUtt lady mo- \ i 'b 'and tor to a> pUuo beajdu buerv and. enf-t i tvrad iao» eoowtcnatioo, buA ux k frigid., atfttoabaa atyU, 'tlto iwudtwinu . Iriim fc I weaaa watk she Uiood ia her I abaw toaa b«l» prt-iai «*fc° ltt*e «.«a, find Ibiakiag tto Mumuokuo , mm ratker patronizing to the wu u ot au. 1 1 aiabswaiiii»» awaaaei a* sfaiuUfwtf" ak uu • tor aato TUo wryoMWua dame bu »| casaw puce cnceaiontoua ami aluioat' ■» kaapbiv. At length aakedc • ywa seen, my dnugtout iobefcp?* k *" Parian, uie, a»ad.«a«v" rthl katdy i ItoHwin, kt l bofig we «k> ao» ino*» ia tto aaun* cjaelew who wwof you* a fbagbtar tor -«" Tto. aaawai bi aft to»a VtVrrot h|a "Tto l>och»aa ot pad the - stobatyeid bm»ds» ak»aaa»alto.tfc» tkaaaapreaaot K>waaa. tosanbL ;'^ffgaipsncvS B and a Hungarian aohlfer, name laot fkwia who» Bred several Oewtonee agou stacli ot them being eleven feet high; ttofcr wewbt . b not known. The kewebwt man of & wbowreewrdbmaiebMiioeUo-daM^e ,1 Tenasaeea gtoat, who was seven and halt teet high and weighed over oue s thWMaod wouovla; to died lit lt»T. ito . M Lambert, the £agli«h t4 klase oC fltttk" I wa»tfw> fret and e'ereu inches high, a tut W, the present chntnry WW a rnettdhmen In Parts, nrmed Jean (ioW etubeeki. who was IM yeota old. A s Mb named David Jvuruiaon died in t Chicago iu whoobimad to to lUS OI» BoU't bebvtd violb Is thrat MMt dred aud sixteen years old auii wtuouce the treasure of Tasauiul. " LyV-t u, 'i ' •hm • wt'tWl' 3 3n* [,.. Ciiipkans can be WqgTil lA Iftcfrfda "for [ four cents tmepe" hjmil® wi !« 9'PQBsso° oKVoferf'fi ttkltWiffed iffiffib iyii f&Tihkrt. Chicago kill) six bog* ifr"* etirr ifthis al* of,artery SW&rf&g, X, lbe i toorofeipft to,care Uim of cbewinjj tobac- «TT , »Hjr Q T» •«; ' V»v ' Tf f«). Jt cur**J, bfit lib# is now dcrtng Ler *»» V by iR flMDciib of ih« pftfeehcr, 1 year*tarr®-I baa» a church iiinriMli Mil* tewt a>4. me m annjr wyytra.' *3iav lbs Lord for* i ifimmm iimwmtijriMf pleach »oia »o»«*»r Myo 4»»4fe&*£ *®*sc^BKE sktxt: i| ha*i beea ab«i»eJflby mM? fu ei»E-i of tki» rl'wwFinSw caau: U> ac quaint joo of it, 1 unrleratAad jam ■s*e HHe- * »*n • t„,, . Be anW ft'Tfc#saiVMlMtV Fftftms W7H iUtt M*likM H«ftw DbwW hat* % poMW».» I 111 llf mm*», ,wl*si» cull** oat EES^EEEI UL'ti m?pc slc mss arrt mcCTf MflranKt. raftlj- rtint ill ■■ mn jm A 'tm^T arWatt*®*. mWf nafuratt HfciM# lUifTif, t WrtK fttHUm that may b« infill** Wigiat rfoyWiHiiiw aHo9a> w» (u* orphan Uu* awnuv Jl"® 'Saal* aaaf a*' rf!vr>»enil "fHntfbman, an iTfiVsto-alibii. *Jb' on* fiftm? I •iiOuHi liiv*«'a«dirt aVfiiiW'atf 1 ÜBiw fy— ' U» ; «**, JMH& 4* p. Itojiiii «*»■«»*, di» MM. i«yt |»i .ctib tayligfcatMfcuaab *uu* v*aV'»»oue*«ua*ii* •4 gpai>- at fcba. iffiimliity ami, baling aun »mmfkk m tkmvm till* wmpt front JU)>ny, b« oaaiuinL> Th«b Baltenore. ▲Bui MM 11 iMyvuuabaibaf w » «Ofnani r »t«Mck>- t*ra«>Jfctii(iiatiMi»: wwi jttilmi IMfafA wvyi- V»*»ufc Ut% bw® btuk b««n. ran «««n ami JdJiutlL up, b* hfia CLg* iwSykfgeE®^ .Wpna anib aaa tnatie a Jiwtf onfftur tfia qmuLfiHr, nwu« 'up an. fclid' otibrt aai4 ( st»st«d Ui follow tfi#- boj*r "AtHue- going fWfe«r she ftwl*nrf, lbokmi"¥«py fbuibby luuil all ji a atuidua rai«»arlem£; "■Wlmo &sckm» f am. K -wbr fiauiftt inuramiL ' 'lt h istfmaCod tltat nmn and wmrte*firw (ratt>)by«iiai iu, ktejw>iuiw(U4lw# OOIL ai - o, inrnlo ciiera uvarv vear. lin'tf luouhibca ttiitftfr tiiair W*» wt.hlw k*** MUMlUMLlliailie «ity. Tim inauhii.ea lia»« a. liuyabiiny if rieiu fjr aigbr 'L'OTT limniiiMt lw"%« Utt mmliiuaiii mmit» «ff amu Buttuu hola!» aJso can. txr worßoirov mac!ihioi*v atftbormwdf on« • wbll» br Jiiuiilu. wuulifi WiiMi. Uu. BJIIUU puijLuti tu» ,OBAUl>lefc« tl)r«e h jlfe«. iSv ifla ututinie BMfclifljfly IMU# HhiA tia^ 4Miiv «» ttwwmcb. A* «BtaM| | of the vaAuo ot niiiuUibsuy m vxDai&fetMf L iiiouuhMitura te adbnltetf fa tfto tut th 2 !' f)W winM(Hh>w* -*ban wMny wii£ IM^ l fT* j iiJaiiin «g t *Tbero is a mtiti Kb nai^bbor,, iMHwm>inLfeY thßn anv o£.il«JP —*>--■ Vww ** Ihi «iwm*Jt. talk n» uas tu> la LTiS ,kem »4 gtva tbam » (jwaa^feii ay W «fi AmS'TKw 4w|» iM«i| |fiT«Jt ift W UK, ud pit ITlimm be aeo bb wife M MMteV 4L& W m> * ivT la 9 oHEtI ot Sr£S^S£E"3 when babttno other load. Ha mS s«MU* to ba»a a gauiaa for bating MM me ycH.ul du just to luaat J