THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. - - ■ jWPy*' ■ _ LEANER $ UraliaM, IX. C, jf Jof Subscription. Potfayt Paid : i{Mr;nn with the esf>h. cntitlee bimseU to one the lentrta of time for which the BSntiMe up. Papers sent to nifTercnl offices x . Bain«fll4Tcrllaig( auvertiseincnid tl per square fty .subsc J pcoll & DonueH I lGrah^ffl.„,iiC^ o [ * V o,» t LbltV .■ veers. KHOIFRIE S fir RTKKIi, BAI.T, !HOIAB. kjJL BBH, DRl'flS, nRDI- / j j * ■ J t »'■'»>.» 1 • W ' Mljfi.V '|'> ; | Dr. B. A. SeHspfr fcf "€onp«iF'Sbopß *r s « BT fs now receivj^apd!pi3ti^j^ W' Goods. and beantiful line of ladies dress good" CI oaks $3^75 to 817.00. B A fine lot of ready-made clothing . S i Wg l These aapds were »»nght in ' # f through tfaageitcf of off son, on snek "flu 1' to enable we to lovr. -M WM v& i High School, GRAHAM, G. pt BKV. D A LONG. A: * BEv . W- W. BTALEY, A. M. REV. W. S. L0«0, A.M. DAVID BELL, tiradaate C. U. N CJ ] Tae sessions always open the last Monday la August and closes the fast Friday la May follow inif. Pupils can enter at any time. No deduc tion except in case of protracted sickness. Board, washing, fuel and lights $8 to til 'per month. Tuition #3.50 to 94.90. Send (or circular. "*>«t>ffrilrfo*> , )n frtil'irH — G lArs wßcmc ni aimß. ' TRAOK (SARK Tbt> «2r«-al TRAM MARK Lofs of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Baek. r Dim««sa ol .Vision, tXd Age. and Miry other Diseases thai lead to Tn ... sanity or Consumption, snd a, J'rrui iUar*- GrsfTß.' itr Full particulars in our phampblet,' which we'' do.-ire to send free by mail to every one. , Spaeific Medicine is sold by all at ft per package, or six packages for to, or will be dent free by mail on receipt of the money by addrAMUlg 1 —= - ■ THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Mechanic*' Block. Detniit. Mich. V Centr^-.S^yy GreeH«eljPMi#spMfi Large Sa^dc-Katftftfe Oinnibos and Baggage^ ** tsa * x. n. fi t4 n , _ m Perfected Farmera ;iiM. flow* IM(W» t; - ■ ' * DON RE. 1 ' •«•** A Co., Iron Founders, fniuburi;.Pa "' ' ' ' '' |f . ,-| . ■■ I'lfl! GRAHAM, N C- r WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 1879 - ' • "eTBUs VAjwfe. , r " Like a quivering crystal babble, Floating on tbe maimer's »tr, t . , faye for virtue^ But a breath—and gone the babble, *'' A'evcr more to be the same; Bat s tfhispered Wort of scaildal— TJ^C: Fal* mjgy b ' the rumor: maid; But a beai tless world will whisper, J. ' ' And Urn fo'feii must be pai^. A DESPKUATB MftME, mr " • ' . _ jnUKDRR WIMi OUT. If H # B l"^ D I 1 ? , { f gxp|ricnce|of 9 a W yo|rsM 'a|ictcc#w, k R.aiD seldon met j witft »n elcepti4fftu|lbe*oJleH J-e|>|i»tJd that sooner or later mnrder will out. j-SiilL iL nut unfrcQticntly happens that seen fm:wuiAiß hive/Men taken ceal the crime that human ingenuity J would be powerless to trace it, were -It 1 liol revealed bv some chance ii|c:deni tndt seemed almost like- tlia hand of Providence ouluii etched to bring it tu >»)■}([ Sue it a case is the ono I am about 'AMU*!'M ~ am One morning, shortly nllcr Ibe close ol the wwc, JtUWrmaliotPwhs brouglit to the po 11ee*«htiiiiVdl• a murder committed 'flrl one of the moil aristocratic parts ot the c+l>v yioiTin wasawHlow lady nam m Alfiola, of large wealth, and widely known as a generous doner to all bencvr o'lent « j *n r*. «jln» bo found to-the assassin, tlK whole affair was a most mysteri ous one. TheTloor of her room had evk dont!\ bc'on opened by means of tflupli "^ll'tenet the' inurdefer r6-locking it he had committed the crime-. The odor of citlorolopn in the room rbowa 1 it had been the assstdn'* inten tion to take that painless means 'ot ac •pouiptishmg hm and; but, the victim re sisting (lie in luence of the drug, and struggling for her Ufa, a heavy b>»w had been dealt her oQ lhe forelje.aU, crashing In the skull and causing instant death. * Thai the deed fad been done by 6ome one familiar wi&tnc hutwe was evident, suspicion n*mi»lif fell upon the In mates. The tallest investigations, how-: ever, only served ic i estab'ish beyond a doubt thattbey were innocent. Who* be«n tl>e awaseiJi, nwMideiiU fy have also hatl -dwplieat* JteyL to the street door as well to tho murdered COroman's sleeping apartuictd. What could have been the motive of crime? That it could jnot, have keen robbery jeeAdd ccr'tgid, i»iiauy articles of valuable jewelry lay untouched upon the dressing table. Further search, how ever, showed that one article was miss ing. This was a brooch set with dia monds, and coottf the portrait of her ouly son. The intrinsic vaole of flic brooch .was J probably several hundred dollars; but it had been especially prized by the mars dered lady-Oo.acqoetit' Of; the ' portrait, which was the only one she possessed .01 : her son since he had beeu a boy. . v Wby then f bad this beeu taken, and : the rest of the jewelry left untouched? It might have been that the assassin had not Sded 1Q kill lier. and becoming fright umAiJi hntAtM&oo.l6jj>e > Duly seizing the tbiug nearest to his baud. This might account for If, bat it was not probable. Had "he /e'afiy been in such a state of agitation, he won Id never tym; waited to'so carefully lock tM doors, be hind him as he made his escape. The more thea flair waa looked into, the moio mysterious it became. desk was propet[t\, , wfilcnraiMtifwH million, to I bbAfiO". Letters from ber son to- her I KwAalso found, which showed that a' had taken place between them ou j -aoaopssot a youna Ud|_about five years beeu ab lastjag** which; jfrtfuated from a border town in Texas, i casfiioed a promise, evidently iu answer ' Jto an argent appeal, to return home in a I mooAfcer **o., >, , T ' A Mtegrwa waa'at onceemt him. in- I forming him of the tragedy. j Jioanawrr however,! said tbe-^oiicMNtthorilies.being commo piosOed l»ftl»,it WaitXanrtd lie had started • for the East about two weeks previously, having signified hwintenticn. before Ins departure, of making the journey leisure-; stOPDing for a,day or two at OflaKal 00 Hio- route. ' Tboaeat dfef f Hwmrer, a telegram froM man and said he liad beard of the tragedy* and would leave at once. Two days later bo arriv- e«. He was a not unhandsome vdnhg fel low of abont tweuty-five or si& lie bore not the slightest resemblance to his dead mother, utarut feature or expression went; but althon«h there *a« no one who bad known (din before hisdejinrtnre |hfv.\Ve*( to him peisoiiallyV he gave sufficient circnuiMuiUuil proqf that he really was Jier son, and look .session of the properly, as a itidftcr eft corn sc. His mother'* tragic death seemed to , ,hayc made a fereafiiiipmsioh upon fcliQi; ajjd filled liis wjnd'wiih remorse fbr lite nndutiful conduct fowAsdsJifir., As the only atonement now in ids power, he dtf' tefnrined her mtirdeivr slionfrt not efceapo and, besides eiiip!oying the inoit, jiWpcrt t detectives iu the force, he offered » rev •%ard ol ten thousand dollart for the assassin's capture. T|»c iWard^ffrntlfat^fe^k* to thebf punpsi ejertic fcalt^ j «d, mfcl siot-tlie slightest .-ciuo* ould W* ' fdwid tcWfcfds 4ht iiolnrtonetf palJod,4tpwi iM VPmhg wanted the /Km, m*■«■.? V, , • ..Mr h trta* Wa# *« elated •*» Upe prospect of liM'.ftother's taprdcrrf being 1 A''OUtffct-tp jraspod flit 1 1 informants luind and promised an nddf \l6n*rflve htmdrniiiMbo neWß>> roved trufe. lie (lccli..p(l hearing atiy lars, however.,except in uic presence TPf the ca|**M(l>or t4*»pwli«enud the ditfce. " lives, who Lad tlie woi king up .of the case. r », .J/'.., '. , j4 if* 1 Accordingly, at one* accompanying bTinlp \lm suiltiii, the Jew, after being ! assured that Ibe reward was 111 4 II in lon nation led to the murderer's arrest, took a small morocco ca*p from life pock- i ei end opening it showed Uip dead' Wb tlieir sellings, t with the port rait of tjiie yoang man taff|V oat and a woman'* face it. -YMyouyg man at once the 1 brooch as tyaiighjs mover's, and lii%. I e \l"ploccede&jto- re late Jhcftv it coo.e into hii*posre»sicjMSl •* 1 Re * aajLuaw»-fcrokeV.lie»aid, and a few days iiyni, ol dissi-, wiled appci rairo, bad called aj bis « Hj> tlw hit ucfrjpS a ty I lie lonu fif.fifty doßi broftdi ' It olice Iroii lilin fcy tie wbo4>*(i looked over bis book*, he U>a*teMliG. iftoney but when tlk? ialt ih© oA«c put on hi* hat and ftfllo wed -him until he iraeed hint homej A inquiries lie had also | learned 1 Ijat (lie man decormiva uaint«r4w»l ol habits, and bad been ou x j£prjtracied sprue for more than a month past. ; Learning t jie number Mtl)&|oiiso was 48 Blank street, ffie captain nj&ico pent two detectives to'arrest llie rMgfr r, m\ lb less than au bear to answer any quesiions. chd he S*• placed in a ctlJ 10 got sober and amwgo . an examination the following iuor..ii»g. a\Wbcu the moriuog ejtoe, was told the reason of hi* arrest, he affected the utmost HirprUd Mid earnestly pros , tested hiehißoeencA' Where k«had been on the night of tbe nhirder he wasonable 1 to Uf.yf be bad been drank for twq or' tliiTe days; bat lieaocoonted for the poa>, bfooefc'by saving it bad been given him by a woman of tbe /OWfi - he tiad met » niglit or ao.previoasly t who bad fallen in love with hi 10. i-c'iiiie was but*tome «ttf{X^t..fat, and made mofV *0 l*y*tlie tact that be waa quite unable to tell the wliereaboatA joif tlie woieau who had given' il to Win,, while his description ot ber appearance was Tory confused and vague* Moro u>«er, bi* room two nnrugtwti tM 'stVeet dooi* «itl tbe,tk*>r , )«f JJUe.munlered woman'* bedroom were , I toypd, as well ae a murderous looking- | life preserver, Ml'stalbed with blood, and with which the stfryeous testified the I death blow bad been struck. r Iu the face of such proot as this no one ' could for a moment believe bia j I tious of Uiuoceuce, and he WMcommiitefl to jitil to await his trial.' Wbc* it came off, wbiebi waf abont * j two week*, be bad no further . evidence , tO,«##r in hh» defc&oe, he *tJllTj coiaiimrd assart hi* uuioceuce. No j, one believed it, hpwewr, and bis gnilt j, was looked upon as a torgoue COUCIUN.'I ' siou. I j 1 As retired, more a* a mat tap., \ ot form (ban anything else, 1; chanced to j | look to wbere young Arnold was silting,, I and was struck by tbe expression of hi* , 1 face. Anxiou* to learn tbe fate of tbe J murderer of bia mother, any one ill hi* •, place would naturally have been, bql the f I look of bia face, palid to the very lipe, waa '! not tbe look ol one who desired retribu* i j lion for a crime. It was the look ot •» • | '/ ■ 'Xf ■" 1 — l ■ ' V gambler, sternly Rtriving to repress at) traces of agitaijon. but who Van set lilc ami fortune >n tbfl throw af a die or the (urn of a eard. «». . Heturnjng in a few moments, (tlie jury brought in .a and tli'c jjudge rose to pionouucp tW sentence, j A'giiln glnm hig at Arnold I .If look of fiiiltiiplt on'hW fited.' Tho eard had !»bii» • • . • 1 - «• ;-iii t • I Uii i , Wi'lt no ilotintie theory !•>.-mod in my mind tint with irfv suspicions aroused, I dtstyrurfned to watch Hie yonrtg tn»n. Tbefe was evidently some car'ise for "this strung*: einojivn. 'As ho pissed-out oCthe court room, a myth? father shabby appeanance camp tip to biin mid held ont.Qf* hand. Frank, o|djnaV lie fei.l, 'von honlly ajepeotad-to saoaao, did yon? '„ Younfc'AViKrfdsinftetMmfri, . !:L RD £j>r«stjfoif tytygfy «^prtie. ai#ske my friend,' MwaMLrtn'nUt knew JOB.' \ 1 "fit* MokM (hobtliopin the lace. and tHjiliUp!',. T. li ''"The fcvwfltif xutn M eight to liigU** o*«m«»»aft»r: «t' ,;'«*was welf/ jfrotyft lot ■mo 111 ny pr4«MiQual - capacity, aa U»e tendrtvon* of thtt*e*; -assaseins, and powenor ot fcttiiy a.nti(lio|i of ttyfonvwanl in a dan WibrtlclHdPHwto.too.Mi shabby so Ctrte»*fm Frank, while s oWlr ,o llj * world >waa> A ntbp C., ojWe *(f i, d««p rt»yssri» bare eosbowltere, andU was de% s,„. likemmet of Tii>olim, »«,» oue. who wu falsd alike ie Meirleiiris and Itiaoneraies. ; Whtyc w itli tbe worst class of jfloj'eiT into the hands of tfie iKilice, when decision required] and vieeve»*a± «1 iberelore, hod little diffiee. t? WlnrhrefHg l ' him to" conceal ia>oelf, wijhjtWortkflh"** 1* would show young Arnold and his rfiiniiMi i 4sitKa4iisa*i a ' li,: Aller we bird-*aitcd thus coiteoaTedf about Inilf an hour, tlie fWtHentcnfcl the lobtfi, am{ Arnold locking thi ' Aoor, put tlie Lei iu liU noclpt, while (jfc compan- bimscit at the table. " ■' W hat thertevH do yon mcOs by calling we iii tbe street in thr'way rdti fiitt - this iWicriioon?' ArA'ojd asked firM voice, end advancing to whure-tbe other I* spoke. .; (il . ('• ' . f| ; 'What do l infinl' the n(hcr echoed tauntingly, 'I mcuii this, Frank ;W»hl injf-— ij •Hush! not even here!' *Aru9l'l Mid liasiily. heeding the i+uerrup •ii**)ilieeslier went on. hie voice grow ing'iuore threatening a« he ]>r V ce«doi. J «i yon. we not od4g to shake me t>s4-asllM»4N»il make-osa tll rnrkttl Jniqw—that vonr nante is*ot Artlmr Arnold but Frank •Wildings-aba* yoor mother Is not dead, H* s#*4ln !Itastvihat yon murdered both ttirtfcnsl./Attbnr Arnold end his mother, Vlsat yon might personate the ■hoir tothe world and enjoy Ute property J-that—' • A fierceoatb eame crashing through Ar itotd,* teeth. ''And whet do you suppose I mean to ik> f boasked-in a voice trembling with "swuiiiu e • i j 5 . 1 answered, coolly. 1 sopfnssyoonpesH to do jest a» I wish, and divvy npatpmre witii me.' - Ho still spolte in the same taunting toiio; but hardly bad the words left his difs wtlelp Arnold's bend caddenlr left his breast, and tlie naac moment his Re volver wea leveled not twelve inches from the other's heart. 1 There foswere WriMJg.' be cried, '1 have yon new?. Yea I did do all you »ay, il it isauy eatiafeet)on b»r yon to know iu i havv-tbean pinying a desperate game and fenro won it. Do you think 1 ain iiuint Soistiaon sail tbe tuin on tne now? Not modi 1 L>—- u you die I' ffbere was murder in hie Csoe and in Ma voice.-nnd 1 IMSSW now was our time lo aet- Before Ms finger eouhl press the ftfgger/ (lie revoloor was dashed from Mvneml pinioned behind Mm.** 4'iw tr *tl t Forfeit (mlant hoc struggled fiercely, and then a cry of rave burst from his lipa As Mmdtng»s»see faalsesit on bis wrists. 'DamnationP be gasped; *1 have lost, aftrral'f' After this single aatbnrst. fan relspscd 'into tlie most suMen silence. aiiM even at hie trial refused to open bis lipa. iff« had I oat tbe desperate-game be bad ' played with such skill to nearly a successful end and be seemed utterly indlflerent aa to Ids late. Tilers is no need lo go over the evidence sgaiast liftn. lie had mur dered tlie real heir in order to personate hhn; and having done so, traveled to New York, end, ehanee favoring him, bad procured impressions ot tbe keys, by which he hart been enabled to per pet rate bis second crime, lie bad rturned tbe following day to Chicago, and from there •ent the tetegraui, and, taking posscseion ot hit bongMi wealth, sought st ill fbrther to evade snapicion by fixing' the gtriltuponn pointer .whose dissipated hat-its made *be* task a eomparaiively easvone; AII thin fieodish ingenuity, bad availed himsiiottiing. LIU crime 1 baA found hiinJontaafM tbe end. and Jri f nflKjjHriL IKOW TIIG E,M;iJ»U PKBO. [Loudon Correspondence San Francisco Hef •Id] » I Thev ent nioi'e meats per diem in IJn?- lnnd than in Atriorfca. There is fast, lunch at dinner at 60r6- p. m., nud Mi|.|n>r ai Imlt pact S> 0r,40. In »omo fiimilie* lb ere is a light tea-bet w ecu 3 and 4in the afternoon. The llrsi time f saw u laic ftttpper, consisting of a 4, J»iitil;' *cg*tal>lcs niiri beer, 1 whs uneasy, tliiuL iug UtsU extra irottUlu vMi my account. Fortunately' 1 delayed nil remarks etle«;t. ami in due tim 6 it in Between lOand 12 hi 'i 1 glit hi London ton mir see Hundred* Vl children, i»lttto in one Land and pitcher in |hc oilier, spudding about tlie atrcera. They an? nfler (lio family's late supper of hot tried fl»lu liied potatoes and bee.r. Tin titfb mid |>otaioes arc bought trying, hot at public kitchens. Two peuce witl' buy ol these a beany menl lor one, a penny, or three hn'pfnec innre f«r beer flits ttio biU. Tire "Imm and beef «bops ! Mil aa tow as Ave cents worth pt cooked meats, roast or boiled, »ml Irom n cent's worth of vegetables upward. Vdrvgood mCaf tMef hove, too, and verv nicely tisey; 1 cftJk it. These public kitolniu in don, and there aro thousand* of, them, supply the poor with u dozen staple arti cles ot cooked loot! mticb cheaper than fliey can buy.or cook It at hoinO Givea Loudon beggar* penny, and be cAn buy • bowl of good soup and. a good sized pkw| of brea^i—tntugh, on a pinch* to I,lit lifm a day. Qljo a New York b«*gi g«r two cents, and What can bebuV? Y«tj orti 1 * is a land of plenty". 'Every Auicri can atfiral deem* Uie late English nip* per tiio sitrc road to d\ SLCpsm Vet there -Is lar less deyspe|»ia in Engf&nd than in Amentia, and die lalo rtippet* is univer ••l. 1 adopted Hie suppers and i gained flesh, and have iiafkitted the practise and k«pt it upayur siuco. 1 think there is as much harm going (o bed starved a* yoing wiH, "fter eating heartily, lie down arid sk>ep, »nq 1. cui7t see why we should net have the same digestive rights aa the aui lual. My theory regarding the origin of American dyspepsia is that it cornea eith er fiom uo.t eitUuu enough, or going hun gry too many hours, aud then piling great quantities of food oo an.empty exhausted stomach. An American lam-, iiy, alter ibe lightest ol C o'clock '-leas," will roinuiii tip sometimes until 10 or 11 Without eatiug. 'I ben, on starved member. Whose cliiply stomach i hua been gua.w tug,itself "for ail hour or two* Will snrropUtioufJy invade the pfU»% try, and running from one extreme to anoilief. as people plwaya dp when atty 9|>petiie is .uuduiy repressed/ gorge on pie, cake, cold meat aud vegetables, lie or she seeks all tl.c imps, big aud liitle, ! ot the iufcrual regions during the uight. 1 '!■■■*- I'tarair. ... ; j There Is lie morality in physical cour age, thought* absence muy ieud io im morality. Not unlrequently, a bod man exbibiw magnificent courage,—because he Is a splendid animal, with the nerve* of a tiger, the dkjwaitiou of aii ostrich, and a bear's capacity for sleeping- He is courageous as a hull-dug, and for a similar reason—his pby steal organiza tion. Heery IV of France rodo into battle dwoking.hi# Iteod to d° ( 've tho bullets; but he rode, nevertheless into tho thick est of the tixlu. There waa morality ij that act, for his will forced hi* uervous body to iink deilli. He could not con trol the nervous I wjtfhi pk* ol bb head,hut the brain, located iuntiai dodging head, led his prmy to victory, A bold, bad iumu, named Akey, once saved his life by liis cool physical cou£- age. lie in the civil war, a company of California miners, His heatl waa tarned by his suadun elevation end, be became a tyeaot, ) Maddened by a long series, of petty despotic acts, his iuen determined to put 1 au and to Ids lyrauny. They resolved.not lo obey another command of liis. They knew thai disobedience was mutiny ,~and that its puni»h«eut was death. Hut they preferred that risk to Akey's persecuting nx* Ihe crisis toon came. Akey heard of his tuep's resolution and called (him out ou parade. Hi? first order commanded all who h«d resolved to disobey him to step two paces in from. .Ninety men the number vf the compauy, stepped for ward. - m Turning to the sheriff of fin; county, who stood near, Akey him it lie would assist him in arresting the orderly tergaant. 'Yes' replied iha sherifl. The two men started towarda the scrgeaai. fifty cocked revolvers covered them. 'Die Sheriff took to his heels. Akey coolly faced tho levellad pistols,end run ning his eye up and uowu the line, said— ' • ' ■ ! •Voy», tho odds are too mnch!' V ' This sn[ierb eour'age saved hita, for tlwty had determined to kill him. The! revolvers dropped, and he was allowed I to retire. I investigated tbq af fair, and discharged \koy from the. ser vice, The men, liowever were pertnif ted to go unpunished. "> 'Gem'len. re«einher dat de loudest voice doun' sink de deepest into de heart Big words may shut do odder man up, but they won't convince hita. One kind werd am worf more dan a pleasahi day; while & pound of crackers an about halt a pound of cheesse will put mo* heart in a poo* man dan all tfe promises ehcr made on the hind plalfjrm ef a s'rect kyar. We will uow pass out into the col»l and crewel world an' abash to our separate homes.' A bridal couple from the country at breakfast at the KTntball I lonic cou vers as follows* He— 'Shall f skin von a per later, hooeyr fhank \ou deary. "1 have one already sken.' J No,4i ■ .ill »aW! « -if, i «.f 'u t can inqs fr Wl,tnever a doctor anee in UJ.OW «rt tlen.ent uIX far West,, Jcuo*-it to I" o *°4%H -luwtiwv /or aem&ery. ~T «f'!>edfo' -;W| Candle /fb*vtbe*f^»v w*Bmm \ A , *>»s *Wljw. w JjO waa„ bewailing the lo.vs of 1,. , liiik|.«..,l fS ud,UaTyfi ll -h e ,l her *oh», « n .r tlrving rt%*%id "Why fii.onuri «'ir],? i kbbV'!fii£ | ie spendrf 4 hif« l.ights now!* i/r but when bis comV arithmetic lessen he'e6tffld#r#** , hr' the greatest bore on earth. mymmt;«»u|MWvefi ad buv laa^jßgsas into. lo eee if It's sharp enough "ley W*o* tanght to h.tie pnmwL and ««* «^r«ndy !8 g eprui f lli . Wf™ Ae p?aboV il the pwa«fwiisMMf l "*•»■*> f'rr.#.,,i An Inveterate old chicken thief, who had a marvelous facultyfof gfidfig otlt oUplobo corner. W«-u f bt with a chicken in hi* hat. tie denied tk_ ste»lihg 6f It, and oh beitig a&k'df how then it got into hi* hat, "Datf-mo*, tm jea what 'stcaisbes hat I iMoWiut have cradled up my l*gji n r j^~ Ten young bdV* of London, Ont_ have b 7" in ,a wehooner ana tnrn pirate* on the Like*. Tliey had eacl pn related re»ol»e'rs and were concerting aa to the'Vttpoha of •fcfanu:P^ m ° n ny? y for thU ou i ti » waa . fife w OW df the l*ys*fe from a, •rc4»tfctt ot •u* W.K, V. «i * . William*** at Mfed Texan lawyer, sUvd'sp in chnrch fiHrd ■tairy htm, bince that event the Texas «n*«rcji Imm Ueeu so Crowded with* mar riageable femafes that a nm ctn't »t itWndißg roeui inaide onion he make - mire of Uibg 0$ time by camping doer over A leading flrrp i B Charleston, Imp en- Wiwd M**.fors7D,ooo agai w t tho fnXi . prieiorsol tJ.o two principal gambling salooos lirih u ci'y, the aoed f>r, or •pqrMon of it, bel.lleged to . have been lost 'at vanoas times by young men in whom Mmimsn interested. The MK iks providSlgrt wooer V u ac gambling ahA, bo rabtored four-ioiJ. • \V|ien° Charles ' hamb Waa about to publish his first tTrset, *, wrote to Coleridge, telling hith he intendeds dedi cating then) to hia aiater, and e«3Etfi "Tbwo la a taonotony ia the affection which people living together or, aa now, very Irequeutly, seeing each : otlier, j sre apt Id gTow aort at fiddiffer ence itf the eiprewtfon of hindnow for I >ach ertwr, which deouoUa that we | should sometimes call to our hid the . j tfickfty of aorpriao. H ,It was apiid as ■ Lamb MoAp could it, 'and tue aenti ! nienf Is more tlnfrt worthy of «he-n«tlior |of the Ktta. Many hom«.a are ! di.ll, ami hoinetuiies tihhNp|K,' bemuse of tbiamonoioikf, '4 Wu m uokjodneaas on Ute oih r is gooiil and affeo t otiate, bat tbpre need of i variety that will arouse old fcebugs and iVirt near asacei'mbjUiit*. And k i«, therefore, a Rood thing to ndar and then u cal( to our ui4 the trickery df t>**U * •1 r . ~ • % *nm AW % Toast,the !«, Mr«. I ItyuHray, of tlfoffiw a lit e™rv rchm6,i *t Kalt'im'OWfttir-Mossf cd" the men s» fMlow»: .«tiied Una 'em 1 Tii#r ksi^os t |oya.4h«nU.JwW Mursor , rwfij; iMßtepo.,, ' rtfer oh v-toitUuriiaaai, ehegr I arouae roar atteciioiM* tltey 9om«H w property JeW J of weoewftit >mraitietioa, that wfcl»at'mast»v«aW w i}m{iii»cli of a WfH+l#*xb, Wn «»d tha ca 'V heJp"; Wh c ' c .n, and the ftoMoiftrlAftdlrs ddd't know i t . As hu'imwts they ait always(xiuveiiierit, (iW)Hgh «iot always haadt as v - beaux, iliey are l»v uo rneajus "uutchfea*," Ttwy are most agreeabio Visitors; tiley aro liandy at State fefta and at oyster tafoone. I'hcy •n t&mdmi as e*. certs for some other fellows.wire or sis. •«f» widas »re better than As opr fathers, they are inex prcasibly granVl. A man may boatailnre iu biis'.nes*, frMrreeh 1u conuitutioo, not enough to boast u£ as a Wialaior for wo man's rights, aud even uot verv brilllaut i as a member ef the prcsf; bnt trhe ioour J own failier we overtook his (dtortcomiiufs ' Hnd cAfer his peeuadiltoes with i tha di» Tine uiauUe of charily."

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