THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, ... * • iVOIi' jo f I' t i f Subscription. Posfaye raid : 1 ten kJ, Wl th tho each, entitles himself to one the.lenfeli oltime for whiclr tlin K|,^ e up. Fapert sent to dilTercnl omces tare from the Cash System Rntea o(^lilr«rli>iii|[ artmtlsemeaU 91 sgiiait I. fecott & Oonnelf Gnilmw BKM, OltlOS, illKOf. / m»«'" " T'» am ir.f « 1 '»n MUifl.T li >j P t 3W Goods. rieli and beautiful line of ladies dress good J Cloaks $3.75 to $17.00. H 1 X flue tot ©f cl>cap ready.«)ade clotjilng . * J) f SUITS FROM td*p2T.OO lit I These. OWls biribni in M r through tlitf ot 19; son, on snds teflHw f 'to enaltle ate to low. f STfe. 55 ' i ' —^ GrsAmifcaMtd 1 High School, GRAHAM, &CL iwiice ißf laay,. REvTi>.A. I»?tn«l'pal\ j i REv. W- W.BTALEY, A. M. REV. W. S. LOtNft. A. M. DAVID BELL, Graduate G. U. N C. Toe sessions al#Sys Opbn the tast Monday in August and closes" tfielast Friday in May foliovt- Intr. Pupils can enter at any time. No deduc tion except in case of protracted sickness. Board, washing, fuel and lights $8 to sll jier month. Tuition #3.50 to $4.50. Send for circular. *''' * ffl'fflO'J )|j 9.J »j[ i, (JRAV'S SPKIIWIC MBniCIIVB, TRADE MARK Thf «rfßi TRAOB MARK Lofs of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain In (tie Btttik. f Dimness of ,ViM9H, OJd Age. Biany-other Diseases lead to ltj eatilSy or Cqnsumption, and a. Pfemaijjre Grave. KgrFull particulars in our pliamphlef, which we dQflire to se«M free by mail to «vi:ry one. Mcdicine'is soli by all at tl per package, or six packages for $5, or -will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by'addressing- 1 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. all ttiii«VTPß»«s #T ia ,o»«i ~»»i l - «•■•! WIWR WOIUIIIJIUUI j Centra^- Large Omnibus and Baggag? : : »i6esreautSd' JosaM« w j e.::uu.j Perfected Farmers oSrta»4i Plows. ] l'etersho(g.t¥4r t * t I "S : f 0 A.DONWB. j no eioqaVola&iiißV * ~H »vtno :?ign | mm&otwA «. %8 0a Iron Founders, Pittsburg.Pa 1 ~ > L u^tn-" - :4- J ■ v- k &:-£**■,. /.„> ****** 1 twc* I ,' , ) *y .■ -■«■*>* y- _* GRAHAM, N C- r WEDNESDAY l IRTt'P'M PAMI!. '*' Like a quivering crystal babble, Floating on tbe/mmme*'s j»ir, u Is faqpe for virtue, But a breath—and gone the bubble, JVevcr more to be the same: But a whispered Word of scandal— I" 5 v toic Walesa faue. Fali may jbe tie di roful» rumor; " Ptfto fii lreart"f®iy\r\tie maLd; ...J j But a heartless world will whisper, J. » ' And tins £i«-teit4i»u«t be puijj.. A DEMPKKATfi ~p •r " "• ' . JOLUKISUtt WJII. OUT. I - —— ' n -««• T BY 11. H. D. P paiiAAnfx Jrioiioewf sn*p' yolrs jMJj 1 FnJietecßw, ihafo seldojln rtfetg wH f eiccpliiatJijfef syagd, that sooner or later .murder will out. -SiilL ijr'JAt uufrotimjiflTy itaopens that* etacli fi i aeal (lie crime that human ingenifitjt J would be powerless to trace it, were -it 1 liotreveiiled.l>v fowe^.pbanqp iijcidcrtl liViit ntniost liVe-i tha JUtwd of, Providence oulstrelclifc'd io bring ft to l>f»V BUSTICI Such a case is the ono about 'VM#t«***w«>« .«*# n ' " ma 4 t One morning, shortly aflcr the clo«o,«l! dig wrtUj jiU'wrpMiioirWhs brdugltt to the p6llo&WiOiVWa murder committed 'fit one of the mo»t aristocratic parts ot the C4J Vj Titjß viotftn lpdjymm ftil ATAold, of large wealth, oifd widely, known as a generous douer to all bene*.- ' olent *" T "•>!» ,"T t n ; "* rf«i ko found fo^freaWitpsiii, thte;whole *lfair was a mosl mysteri- Mifft}* Bis A **artr rtoapsM. * (lie murderer r6-locking it ite itad commit ledlhc cHtncnr Tho odor of chloroform in the room sbowol it had been the assns-sin's inten tion to take that painless means o( ac- Tjorrrplr»hmg4H»Mul ;hut, thejictyn re sisting the in luenco of the drug, aud struggling tor her.Hlia, ttheavy had been dealt her pQ-(he forehead, crushing in the Bkull and causing instant death. , That tlwdeed lrtd been done by 6ome Vritf familjar win-Too was evident,l and suspicion naturjtlfy fell upon the in mates. The tullest investigations, how-: establish beyond a" doubt that they were innocent. Who 2ermt#i bes» #!>» Wjl}. Wfifident fy IravC alstr ha*lJtoyi .to the street door as well to tho murdered Roman's sleeping apartmciit. What could have beeu the motive of crime? That it could have keen mny articles of valuable jewelry lay uirfouched upon the dressing table. Further search, how ever, showed that one article was miss ing. This was a brooch sdt with dia monds, and the " portrait of her only sou. & The intrinsic vaule pf >hj brooch ,w*s probably several hundred dollars; but it had been especially prized by the murs de«d of. thef portrait, which was the only one she possessed ,of. her sou since ho had. beeu a.boy. y ' Why-.then r had this been taken, and the riSet of.the jewelry lelt untouched? It might have been that the assassin bad not intended to kill heiyand becoming fright gnps fouh(fiiieflia|j done! so, lost' b&»fieT*ey%nd- seizing the thing nearest to his hand. "pilS tiiight accottnt fbrlt, bulit.was Aat probable. IJ ad lie been i n such a of agination, ho wonld never waited to so cafefttlly Irtfek tW doors, be hind him as he made his escape. The more the aflair was looked into, the mote, mysterious it became. W«bMafi.lHW^6re3Al?fMW' 9 deek wae \ whlcn JfailWnrtfrW (WfeiiyHl*millien, to Letters from her son ta- her Ttw«\lso found, which showed that , a ; "fagfA had taken place between them 011 ■ «o«o)NHOt a younuUdv About five years wlflSflraJ he had beeu ab [ 0 'ifrfl»*CWnlad not seen last a which - from a border town in Texas, qomained a promise, evidently iu answer /to an argent appeal, to return home iu a oi wnt* ,T ' A WlegTßinwaß.atin«e4Bnt him. in forming him of the tragedy. No answer \y»» iieturued, however, •id commu nieated t»rth, it Was foutrtl he had started for haying bwrinlfntion. before his" departure, ot making;tlHj jbjirney leisure ly, and stopping oyer for a day or two at mmnU \9W»Bf jfihWisQ ' The next however, a telegram rfWrtMWyoung man him- dated et»o*go, and said he Hiad heard of the and would leavo at once. Two days later bo arriv- ' A, 1 .v,j«; . &• :'i- art-iaAna. . . j,,.;; . '■ —- cd. He was *'not unhandsome ydukig"-fel low of about twenty-five or six!. Ho bore .not the slightest resemblance to his dead mother, as tar« a feature or expression Avpnt'; but although there 6a« no one Who hud known ldm bflforo hisdejiarlure for Vfeit(|9 he gave sufilcient circnm»tunt > kl pfoqf. that he really was her son, and pos(i, sessjou of the. pi'operly, as a niuttcr ef coprse. uU .. ,i ..11 ... >.. , Ills mother's l tragic denlh seemed Iq ,baye made a fereat' 'impression u|)on afid piled his i;4mr»rf(&.his nwimiful A.« lho otdy atonement now in his puH>«Pi h« dp^>' .tejfu^h'cdh^i 1 ebcapo, and, besides employing (life thoiOilpcrt: detwjiiveaitt Uift,f?Bco, he p, re«. ■ward ol len thousand dullart for lb6'! «d, wn>dnini-the sligliteat .-oklO' Crxih V? 'fdWid tJM%M#4ms Sdhiifmpslf - tho' >d.u^ PalfeSilW lib?, vpHPrf iltietrewwf,/inftui f u • f Wa» wasi'w •c+atcdjiil the MbniaVtvo *te«s«*^av«|. im Hivmmjirt'fiwfink lars, howeveivoxcept iiL.tiie presence W the ca|>(NMl>(R'Nwipt»lMejoud the ddlfcc. 1 the . working op of fi»e £aso. ri v.r tj f r,wiuit «| 1 7 ,U •■•;} «t> AcconTingly, at once- accompanying M ip the Jew, after belt'# -assured that vvas his if jnK>rtt«i»fH>» le4 uxu id ei e »:'fl at' pbtte-iiis pock et and opening it showed tlic tiead wo ■ummi's brooch with, the Uiam&uda jaiill in theif fle«ii»gß, ttbbjiiie portrait ofiitej young man out and a woman's face it. -The man aroncc iffll brooiHyfts mover's, and tiie / Ic'prooeede^^pS»t'coa.e into hi|? poß«feßhiuwi5 > vN *■' , j He WaaiLpavm-#rokeß.lie*aifl, and a few days Bfttod had At his 4 itb tlw» brdoSßis pl&ljqetM the Mui y t .fill'ty dollwJS itecogfnzt bro%Mi it oncer lroi| tWqescrlJiiiptJ mv«n SHE »y the detcilfeyiW'hoJiatj looked books, he hot' w4ku Ul9. hat and tifHowed-him "utttil he trace*! hinNibniej Wakiug inqnhies lie had also tho man deconuivo haci been spree for than a monthpast. Learning t|te number oT was 48 Blank street, (lie'caplai'ii fjHitio ! m two detettivee to arrest iho poller,! in less than an hour the^ v f|bught .bin); to answer any qucsliqrts.- and Be Kis placed in a ctll to get sober and undjvgp an examination the tollowing u»or.,ii»g; i morniog, twfcie, was told the reason of his arrest, he aflecled the ufmoßt lurpi'W© and earnestly |aTos tested his innocences Where he had been on the night of the Wmrder he was unable to say. 99 he had been drunk tor tw,q of three dfiys; buC 1» iocohnted ifor the poa- bWoOfrby saying it b»d been given him by a woman of tl|e IbWti ho had met a niglit or sO:previo|isly who had' in love with him. • -«. This was buUatouw st, ai)d 'made morw so by the tact that he was quite unable tp toll th? whereabout.B ,o the woman who had given' it to while his description ot her appearance was very confused and vague* - Moro u>aer,.upou hie room two nmngbotß tlie stVeit door; mid tbe,dqor of Lhe,murdered bedroom were found, as well ai a murderous looking life preserver, stMl starued with b'lo'oVf, aiid with the siirgeous testified the death blow bad been struck. * Iu tbo face of such proof ps this no one could for a moment believe his tions of iunoceuce, aud he committed to jail to await his trial." v ,» .• Wlea it came off, wtf about two weeks, he had no further., evidence in coiitintted to assart Ins innocence. No one believed it,; hpwever, and his guilt was looked upon as a forgone' couclus sion. A 8 the jury retired, more as a mattep ol form than anything to look to where young Arnold was silting, and was struck by the expression of his face. Anxious to learn tbo fata of tbe murderer of bis mother, any one ih his place would naturally have been, bqf tiie look of his face, palid to the very lips, was not the look ot oue who desired, rgtribu. 1 lion for a crime. It was the lock ot >a . ■" —"" "■ • ™» ! , gainljfei', slertilj 1 sjj-lvlltg M> repress all truce* ol agilatjon. liijt tan set life and fortune on tho throw *fa die or the tuni of n caul. Ketumjirg in a few moments, tthe Jury brought in a 'vejftot ofgUjUy, and life judge row lo piqnounefi ihe' scnlonce. AV;il»i glancing at rArii&kl I Srtw .a look of t.iilf.iph oh'hls f«ed. Tho mix* had 4»ml ' T WkUino>defloyiq Uk?p»*>*. formed in.' my- UlfHll fc»f'«tiliiify suspicions arouspd, I to watch ;%he 'tymwg man. Tlwre was cvideiitly same cai'ise for this «tvavgp emotion. 'i»*B ho pissed''out of tho oourt rooin, a '\\ ujl -Prank, o|d mail/ lie #at«l, 'von hawlly ejepeotad-to-soer me, did yop? ' YoUtiJj'Arnold started' back whit an ■'•: »oi i "my friend,' you*.' * v ffl? Haoc, H»d ra|7hUyif».;t ejj.ioS sdl fflfmJ'a'f !il " ,¥ TW ®VWfll4g"tWrfri!'' At '.eight : tflh- Wirfrr »rtf s«finih ~ The was well lfnown to, mo in «»y„f>i>(«Pfiniia|r capacity/ as The *Wi*e»;'•assassins, and «fiiip|!otfi What J»W{S ppsseisor Qt fceaelyia. ndjiiou o)l 49M»i*i,j*raid fa aJ*u ll»i»kf»dP :'Hiefnlea> Idfe shabby ;•s>, Btffl cisffcf iiftn Frank, while : llte name by known to the wo*ld jtw*Aiftl#i6.jo3Wfl w.ff a 4 deep toystety Uei«feo»i»ewJ»era, andd was de> 1 fahwf »fi IceT© Uistfil&inlireTfcr nrs *»«*» «*• I WhUp in' fcagho witit the worst ciait of 'sjr th ° ,i d a,,tlß °j vice vena, •! ibcKOloro, had.HitiVdi&ou tf hi induing* : Idnv conceal lajself, J WMWh u M ,, wl)icl) J»* would shorty young Arnold' and his rbMMMk*# > 4AlT*am«a«i a'' j Alter wo had—waited thus cohcearfetf about iiair ali'iioul-, t'H^'fWSlenternjl; the room, and Arnold locking Iho" floor, put »R 8 compan « on seated Jiiiasett 4 the table. iui r WhatHw(WrW'd»yon meanby -calling mo in the elreot in \-At did • this altQiaiooM?' Arftold asked adVancing to whoro»the other he 8|)oko. • ! ' Whnt do I the other edtoed uicair tjlis, ;>VMd ' ing^— "not/even Werel' TAriiQKl said hasttty;.>iWhboutlieedUig the i»*ierrup- MidW) t)»K*lier wont on. hie veice grow ilfg'inura threatening an he proMftlaifv 1 'i you are to shalce «re asfeaiiyj««>irjOu: to nnker«Be Ul 'what I .know—that yon'r nanic isdnt Arthur Arnold but Frank vyildiujp#-ahat' yoar mother is not dead, t>i* 'iJfcx*!'—that you murdered both rt>«Uiwal .( Allhur Arnold and his mother, fliat you might personate the ■ lioir to world and enjoy the property A flOTcb oathicame crashing through Ar- MMiltMihu tuhi-i /■>,.• I'And wiiat do you I mean to -do?? iwaekeddnA.rdice tilßiuhling with -fad*. n viy f I : t «•» » t^W-ett^tlmotJier.answered, coolly. 1 •anddlwyup'wpmre,with mo..' • HesUllepoke in the same tauntihg to«to; but hardly had the words led his illffs wtieio Arnold's hand suddenly left his breast, aud the neat moment his fe wlwer was leveled not twelve inches fpom.The»their?a heart. . ; , , ) i Tbere*cmrtare 'wr»ng,' he criod, '1 have ypu Yes I (fid do all you say, il-'it'Manp Mtisfoeilon (or you, to know Jt4 i havwnbeen playing a desperate gaitw and >kaive jwou it. Do you think I ainitfuing laiMiwm call the turn on me now J'Not muolii u you die I' tlliere.was murder in his face and in iM« Toice/«ud I Imww hqv/ was our time to'aetv ißotora Me finger eould press the trigger (lie revolwor was dashed from tiK hoard 1 atod s Me r ai ma pinioned behiud 'li Th) . ;' • '«* doidw ForHk'ifMaMt: boi struggled fiercely, and then a cry of rasre burst from his lips ■ArMmdbaff*wem4aate*efcon bis wrists. .'Damnation-? he gasped; *1 have lost, >c ,» (u, // .... *' "After this sing leapt burst, ho relapsed 'into the most sullen silence, anjl even at hie trial refused lo open his lips. tUe had lofet'the desperate*game be 1 had i played with such skill to nearly a successful end andf'he Seemed utterly iiidlfierent as to his late. Tnere is no need lo .go over the evidence against him. lie had mur dered the real heir in order to. personate him; and having done ;so, traveled to New York, and, chance favoring him, had procured impressions ol the keys, by which he had been enabled to perpetrate hie second crime, lie had rturjied the folldwlifgday to Chicago, and irom there •seht J the telegram^and, taking posseseion Of hi* wealth, sought slill further to'evade suspicion by fixing' the goilt u{>on a painter whoso dissipated f haHts made the -task a com parativety easy onej All thisi fiendish ingenuity, had availed hint'.nothing. LI is crime had found tlio eud. aud by6t.gVt T; ■ —TT7 itow riiii En«i f i»u mumo. [Loudon Correspondence San Francisco Hot my ' | •«, til • , -111 Tliev, eat moi'r meals per dieAi ih Eng land limn in America. There is break-, fust,' lunch at iK*ip*» at 6or l>. p. in., 'aiHisUpPWA' hall post £) Ol' JQ. 11l »ooio latuilics lUet[o ia.ft light Is«.between 3'ahd 4in the afternoon. The flrsi lime I saw a jatb supper, consisting of a "julut/' Vegetables find beer, 1 wus iineasy.lhink i»ig it/tull extra o>'i my account. Fortunately I delayed all xgniatks effect. andludue tnns dlsebViy'ed it io bflihu Ciislphi. Bet weep 10 and 12 at fitglilluLomUjnyMVirtaV see' Hundred s; fi) children, plate in ouo band ami ylicher ii |hb oilier, studding about tho streets. They are after tho family's Idte snppcpbf hot frie'd fishc It ied i potatoes and beer. The fish and poUlmw arc bought Jriing hot at public.kHcltetis. Two peuce win buy ol iheso a hearty meal tor one, a '(Jenny, or Ha'pence more W • bear tills WiohiU- 11i»"ham and beofV «hops •ed its low.hs five cents worth pt choked iHfatti, roast qr. boiled, and from a cent's Mth of vegetables upward. Very good t ftwr,' o rid niWtyHJtoj^ These public kitoicoiu in Ljo(u don.uhid there wq, U«ou«ands of. fhem, •WP.Iy PUV}' wiih a dozen stitple arti cles ot cooked lood much clnJrtper limp thoy can buy.dr cook it nl home ' fiivo a London beggara penny, and he c4n buy * bovri of good soap und: a good pi zed , £ v® Vg gil* two cents, Mid vhat cftti oftl*af Is a land ot plenty. "Every -AuicrK can at,first deems the late , English sufW'' jjer die attrg e-18 |ar less dpysp&pkia in Engkud thin in America, and .lie late rtipptf- is utilvcr, sal. 1 adopted-lale suppers and I gained flesh, and have imported the prafitise and k«# it up e,y«r since. J think there is «■ much aarm ggtijg to bed starved *s going wph % lull stomach. An animal wiH, !i"er e-utiiig heartily, lie down aiid .sleep, anq i r ciiir(, s : ee why wo should not Imve the same oigcslivo rights us the oni uial. My theory regarding tho origin of Ainuricsu dys is that ii cornea eith er fiom not enough, or going bun* gryjpb many hours, aud thpn piliifg great ( of food pa aii-eiyps ana exhausieu stomach. An Ainet^Jji.larw^ witi ionium tip* someffhtcs until Wor ft without ea|lug, 'i hen, on retiring, some starved inember,.WosejrfhHdy styipacll httftbeen,gu^h>g I |(s^|f i 7oi .||p hour or ijIWQ, tyilj surreptitiously flyfaUe tfie pftu«» try, and ruifning from" ono extreme to ttiiother, as people ahvavs do when ahV pppetiteis uuiiuiy repressed, -gorge .*n pie, cake, cold meat and vegetables, ii.; or she seeks till.thc imps, big and little, ot the iiderual regions during '.he night. l • . —r There is no morality in pliysical co«r«. *ge, though/iis,absence mav lead jo im morality. Not unlrequently, a bad man : exhibiu inagniticeiit courage,—because he is*.splendid animal, wiih the perv'es oi a tiger, the disposition of an o.trioh, and a bear's capacity for sleeping * • He is courageous as a bull-dog, and for a similar reason—his physical organiza- Aipii. licnry IV ol Franco rode into battle Uufikiiig.hip to iIQiIKO the bullets; but he rode, nevertheless into the thick est of the tight, Thurc was morality iJ that aot, for his will forced his uprV6ns body to risk death, lie trol the nprvoustwjchingsol hi? head,but the brain, located iu that dodging head, led his prmy to victory. A bold, bad man, named Akey, once; saved bis life by Uis cool physical' eoiu*- age. Ue comiuaiiiled in the civil war, it company of California iiiiiiers. llis head was turned by his suudon elevation aud he became a tyeant. i Maddened by a long scries, of petty despotic acts, bis men determined to put an and to his tyranny. They resoiyed-pot to another command of hjs. . They icuew that disobedience was imitijiy,'hnd that its puuifbrfieut was deuth. Bin they preferred that risk to Akey's persecuting ,/jespotism. , r The crisis soon came. Akey heard of his.mejp'B resolution and called thein out ou parade, HW first ortlii 1 commanded all 'wii'o fiiid Veb6lVed to disobey hiin to step two paces in front. Ninety men the number of the compauy, stepped for ward. Turning to fho shcriflTOt the county, who stood near, Akey /Need him it he would assist him in arresting tho orderly rergeant. 'Yes'replied the slierifi. .The two men started towards the sergeant. Fifty cocked revolvers covered thein. . The Sherlft took to his heels. Akey coolly faced tho levellad pistols, and run ning his eye. up aud down the fine, said— * ' ,»7ir' 'Boys, tho odds aro too mnoh I' This superb courage saved liiro, fo? they had determined to kill him. The revolvers dropped, and ho was allowed to retire." «• investigated thq af fair, aiici discHai'gVd Akey from tlio ser vice, Tlifi men, Uowever were permit ted to go unptiuishod. . » ' ' • rc/npiober dat de voice doun' sink do deepest into do heart Big words may shut do odder man up, but they won't convince him. One kind Wcrd am worf more dan a pleasant day; while a pound of crackers an about half upound of cheesße will, put mo' heart in, a poo' man dan ail tfie promises ebor made on the hind platform et a street kyar. We will now pass out into the cohl and crewel world au' abash to out separate homes.' A bridal couple from the country at breakfast at the K niball llonso con vers as follows • He— 'Shall f skin you a pep later, hon-jy? ! She—'No, tliknk you deary. I have one already skr.n.' • 4 1 4 ; NO,4f: , * 1 O I c an in a s 0 • • •' «'1„... V, 1. '-SLlt'lij ance in uoiow arttlennmt in the fair West. i'ik »iil.*».itaHAf.know i t a toxih»flue to I'" ® o«iof,vi l .v *j>eA febW!9 T! s d mi sf The scliopl-hoy win ~Joat'for" half a -% B V|he nnijfiiLn, • but when 1«3 rotnefi fo' gol • »»ri ill met ic lesson ho J the greatest bore On earth. UgMWafofe mmismßi into. to see if it's sharp enfmjjy' rin.yWi%oV«angH« to tune fftttrtjLand fjn .p, «)*'W ? *'V4ttltaft IptifHng, 11* city has fo P i,.tr„ated to I*?J! J' H.ii l '?F rS T*f llanos M the pu pi »c tfcKWfeT • "">« •.!.' in nn* An In voter afe old chicken thief,' who had a marvelous gKdiifg out of arioso cqraer, w*« M W, W ght with a chicken in l.w hat. K e deined tl>« stealing" bt it, and oh being alkW how then t grtt into Ida bat," Datf *,**#, ,« jm'what stoaiskes mej but I apwoWuußt tyave cradled up my , ; . i; . *fflWyou B g of Londo'h; Ont. y «'havo bean duooyerod in ,a plot to ". b V y a schooner an,r turn pirates on the hkes. fliey had each purcLaletf revolvers and J.wsr tv «f ... r^vT 18 ;? 0 ? foV this wm r ,1% the bttyff jfttffc Irom a rolkWbw. ifrilfloMe»t ia4(w4h'«»'yWrß of »gB» t it!* fit* ho* &ii a*t li » ool#rt*l Williamson." »'i noted -Texan 'lamyciy sU>o& * p ;4a., dihcck ;jW ,4 :C alled to fprW and . marry bun. Spice that event the Texas church baa btteu so drdwded Willi* mar. tfagpable females that a rmrn can't get i roaoj inaitte unle*s h« make sure of biyilig on time by camping afcgtba door over aiglet,, , A leading firm in Charleston, has en tered suit for $79,000 against tlio, pro. prietors of, the' twp pi;inoinal gambling saloorts In-diat city, the amount' sued f jr » or » portion of it, being alleged to » have been lost at various times by yoking man ia whom the prosecntots interested. ' The brongfat utSK iba law wbich money wou at gambling aImNI, upol proof, bo restored fouf-folJ. Wi»«n Charles Ba about to publish liis first Verses, rte wrote to Coleridge, telling bitft bo intended tedi ■ eating theitj to, his sister, ami HtKfeft "There Is a monotony ia the afection which people living together or, as wo do now, very I requently, seeing each other, are apt to grow a sort Ot'''fMditfer> ehce iW'the exprefibion of kindue-ss for ™ch other, wliich domnnds that we should sometimes call to our kid the Lamb pfafip epnld say it,'and die senti ment Is Woffe tlrWrt woi tlfy of *he ot thp Essays Kttft. Many homes are dull, ami toiHapjft/BWkuseof this monoxoiw- i* on Uie other band, all !s good a'nd afTec t but there of a variety that fillaroiwio pld feelings a'nd S>art new su3ce|\tibiliiies.' ' And it fit; therefore, a pood thing to in)# and tiien "call lo our uiJ tiici trickery '(lf'siifprisfc.'"- * ' ? a x '• -r .' K !•'•&/>«« ■ . A ti}E Men Mri. fiway , t Of Sew 'Jvoiik(i 'esi, til a lit erary rehiTton irt t*aH?irtVOi('g l (Wt I'"»'toaßt 1 '"»'toaBt- fhe rnon rt ffcfliwrs bk«s 'eml They sor wm*i tm fay qua«- cfciW 6Wlua«na nimttj, (hfey Wcrtfub ' Wt' nwAkeOfi v-VrHtUiriin«in, ♦limjt arouse our afteotioi« y: tlwty 9oi|fjW»l VW W'operty fte&t 1 vf*'tin Mote fai 4"nl>ai)Mtioa, that of a jMWfipxtoWwW*im, '««»„ and lho ,dcav,{?9i>«.B can.t fieJp it; W4 cliiftal 'om, and the pre6W}«r'M!rl6lvs dbii't know it. A& huslismfs they aro always oouveuieni, though hot always mm liaadi as beaux, they aro by A»o moans "imitchross," Thov ar« most agreeable visitoVs; (hey aro handy at State fatts arid ItidfepeHslble at oyster saloons. Tiicv are sptend«i as exs cortrfor some olrhflr falUvwii wife or sis. t«i% andas they are better than Wt»meu. As our fathers, ffiey are inex pressibly grarm; A man tiiay bo k lailnre iu bnniMMfl/ aAvroek In ;sot eitoiigh to boast o£«« a jsgisiator for wo mail's rights* and even uot verv brilliant ,as a member of the press; but if he is our own father Vvfi overlook his sKorteomiuus and cAterietofeevaflMliiee with . the di ir|ae ttiantlewoburity," j ilk i'ii . '..-vf -'i

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