- • rm —WV .» Qal „J wrct. j, tn .If.ssi •»« PI.IT nrww. » Ti" liosn w ?rc »n I > Hfu UHf¥(ny T *-***- *anAsißji If i H J I * ' ■ 1 |M I I_i ■ F '««« »i:i ki .1 ;-.■• I ■-■*>.:• .»W»" ■ **' !t Ui '*•■'- . .1 >•» ,r -- . THE (TLEANER, r» ni ,JHn, B - ilt .1 !■ h4*.«> /. A\ i ill XjP. .wITt ~lt, ,4^ t »■* * ■»* * .mm!, JK-LmlMI vf nnl 1« J»aoi» ?JM »nJ®aa» «j «|»W *«rtl»0s; rm» bM 'ol b*>e6iii t«h '/Ufa .yhmhmi «>! ilttwirfl ' " Ji»*»sw •MW wwtT >Uo wvautt iwl »»H i.» . ..... _» * . :Mr ! k ' THE GLEA^I:: ** '*tff c« Wj>otnni »;n*l fli , Rate* of Subscription. Pottaye Paid : mamma®. Evcrv perem sending us a club of ten sub „ thv j-.ash eotltlea himself to one UD papers sent to different offices rjtt f K»frnWWi!ftml . Jfo Departure from the Cash System Rntea *f AdreHWiwg '»' K ™?^© n S« ?yWj "quentinsertKfti.-*-« *- r ~*~ * Scolt .i. D«u«eJ! I>i~»hl iu-: »« IwiMai m 1) Tfivt it ?Jmw tuti »w j*t i GrahanvciNiifiM * "Pettier*'to'"" •"! DIIV GOODS. 'BBOfBBIE sasxxr.'ft v> KTKiL, SAIiT, molas. BGN, DRVOS. MKDl 'xsseaact/u a^rotnlUhu. ° r - "-.tfeiißn (« now receivinga^lPa^^jj]l[ 1 I ) jftPp" AH » fu«j/jllitf/ I» : il«l jrf IM?|,' . •? «*l v^mrwrnoas:' m •* ' * A rich and beautiful line of ladies' dress good to $17.00. A fine lot of - through the ugmcy iMCy sueJfijfti IF iS F J )BJJ©lfe*J&TOaforiC High Schj^ Graham, N. C. KEV. W. 8. LOJNG. A. M. DAVID BfiLL, Graduate C. .'» »m ,f »dT :«nil>-ne'» ;:v>K t Tae ge|Mpnßalwava the ]|gt Motidftvip lnsr Tn mira? tion except in case of protracted sickness. Board, washing, fuel and lights $8 to sll per month. Tuitiou $3.50 to $4.50. 'Send for circular. TRADK MARK TbeOrrnl TRAOK MARK '''''' tlu; Back. Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age.'(tad OtlftrDliPtMfes thM t°'tat* " •aiilty arCoftHumption, and a Premature Grave. prt-rtcnlars in dur phwuphlet, wMtt we desire to send free by mall to every one. f3*Th« Sp«oM« Mc&tae Is s«l4 by all tru?giste • package,' or six packages for $5, or will be seut (reo by mail on receipt of the money l>y addressing *■-THEIHWTIKBmeTWB CO . - Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Midh. An Graham and by fill an «wD in Iliiff [ This bpu«e4e %owWi6nJM locatetl iWthc c. tv tre of the fifty, the rooms' Tari>e and well furnished, and the table is dtfppTTcaVUh the best the market affonfc. . Prife^ife9uceti Per/acted .Earpser*. .Frieud. PJ ows . uiadein SiSWji '' Price *4.00 i'wo Horse No. 7 ' " «.00. I ?ls 13rS Agents "Waited f They pt\i itiiefßry iacrtlf. clear -65 to,®lo per fl|y.» JWuf for iDtfve cireu- Ironf Founders, Pittsbarg.P a PC R SALE,—One carload salt, flue and coar.* Scorr & Don* ell. ) MuV I>, " RTlh » •j.vra ttoton+t** .i, ha I sajaiO'lslaara Tlioro ore dnyein the existence of all of which circumstances impreKs upon our f'f.ffiMt W x l Mhi tomli jfje I |)fl) (1 r memories 'wSmwdSwnme very mteneity renders was the nineteenth hundred and— -lat this time commandc(r^'tlie to l'crnamhuco. Tlie day was a Stormv Itiirmi: brlvfitf a U,ladft«u;keJi'vi|Ht|p fjv sof-IJV.Kti£p>K a'il ifjbil and rainy weulher. Six bells of the lorev 1 U,,t ' Cr a ! dead reckoning placed me iu 34 deg j north and 57 deg. vvcSt. For eiuht and; 1 "fM-tydioaiw• JiaJ >'A*ov w*»d-, j disposed to bo wicfceii When ovef^nven,! earing the deck;l but aftor erervthing was '•9f9Mo"S(ffjHfMi>«MlM*Ceei;ngH imicfi . ' li'&iieved by,u consciousness that 1 hud ' Four bells had gone of the afternoon | jvyr.h , any 1 wa»'tgn»iMßhhi>«o»»trilMlig 1 Iny. Arfclitc jto see if it indicated any y chatufc, when thii mate entered the cabin ' 9»Mn Pl'ltJil 1 • "odl i ..through thp driving mist and ruin, was a "VBiHWI HW«Mn* ,* Sin## «M«UI AiNoj ■ vifnortow ont of"Boln?''wiWf ( .'hlflyJEjßgjgiht, as she plunged aud W>il#4.'UvtUe sl- , w | 1 ptflws• WWi• t®> bear "'for. h*rJ but prudence bade iuo wait till -ifue"ißttiriiij —; ■ - ci We her with peculiar Interest all of that afternoon, from the drift of vesseUj. that our relative potions wbultr'iSot altei ' lilsbt. As soon as if pfaaced rellp >') the riggingj io o.iMau of her might sea diM)verV|Rr, and was wait'i a'ssifcfice should it b^ Tneeded. lint vainly Istrained my eye* nai: all was dark, aud I walked the decli anxious fears. 'What if she werf t*oundcr?' I asked myself, 'with thosi liKhtsot mine still in sight, telling those im rd Mtstmußi'i' ri yei TjowCTlessTo savor w rTarlr cihtßß at my tardiness and fear should mingle witjn IjßVrowßci'y.. of Iboeo men? Would the}' Vtir there I 'owttrtf' thb- wnft'el that woulti • the deck of my good ship in safety-r could not even rinse a band to savel' I pressed it on my mnfd that this ship wis . .foundering,,but sq fu|ly,convinced wa? I that sueb wa# tlie that b&iore ina dawned I had a boat ready for eriug, should abe be siiiiiib sight. ,u t As the night wore away the gale abat* | the courses, and sail made ;A }rt taoks t«; windward t tUl. daylight, /'khvwing tbaf ft sht#uW•"ttatut'ally drift ' , , ijW' b'nfm* )-i V.tJI *. »T more to leeward,tbaw jsko... , K>l „„^ " 'irtie witfd Ha& beten again hflnlfUfefslow ' ly round to the westward, audasthefirist aiifl»L« of day liyh| up the eastern skv. we were standing on the starboard ta^k ' to tIM southward. we descried rising and falling, as the night before, on th#,heavy. f ßtood,on ( .for T ai'd it was bnoad daylight bafore we wore , within spetiKfrig distance. Wo had been examiuingji^r,attentively with our - en, but could fao iighs of auy living I had my trumpet in my hanfl, waft | standing in the weattier waist to spqak olation—so much like a toinb upon ihe ocean- that I said naver a word»and put , my trumpet aWay, determined to boaid ft bar without pirevioua We and lowerad; a [ boat, into which . wreck. Some of her porta wero washed something like a head caotlously watch ing us frdfa4oe-Witfcettt; but I soon fttf iPonvifMtfdi opuld not be the *ase . as aba had evidently (been in her condition for a long (im®. boarded her I hailed; bat not even an'i i echo cama back. Innumerable shell-fish clung to'he¥ 1 sides, and a long, green, silky grass float« 1 •.• - \ UiW' buiu iuks m 4 ' Me, and het" de*d4»/had •vhkiiMlyiibqm : rfto%vWtlf,tftat*, I m hi* pub ,wi clMw *-»*N«u»»,Tt ;( b R seen toUiefn. e**ttiehAelHl , Bvli l»y.itJ*o Mid'(Mtforediits ba)M *b |i>Uofi nt MA otallfiadimMDf Mllxflt iMfxi*eMQ9i n*** hinir Mafiirnt Ua «l tl AI9MI M«Mbhi|i» tir rtnrflOfHi iirtem ittf tttof tsrafiat l4«diaMlxw , LluhatiM»>*at mm pwWW; him. Finally, in much the same lAtmaity 0b jtmf*4irmmh lH>mr»nn ! ■Mtfkiedtftltidatir' MK>dMt»blfaiey>»M»Ml«i »v u « I | ;>«»«?'»! mA *»?£■« « Mnlti«iaßiis|oia«4>t» XMaaHeOt j m «vuiwwii '4to4Wd .lUfi'ktb} oji thikf edlo'answer tlie lame use as the l-ncksj 'iargtf ahMMHiii Mmx» twu»#t/A«i(»aW«i4» *iW>A«HJi.aa4f few*)] ' lo l«hay%»s»1«iM( of | Ttl»fa|irobnMiiMt Jwßaoiildu- fatjjiwMOni certain that I was vainly many tImCS tor rlfft Citbiii doorJ MieAjtcideTjfei jA(b«e iitorttedidigm^iMd ten pages and a letter from the lal&fcfHd placed thp.m in the b''nnst pot.ket of coat. Thonrflttt* tiPM rising fasti »i tJiad tiu4iad with my fPQk c •ttboatftwe, and l was point of: lear -had «ae».eoinatbu»g ( ykp ( a I ,gold^J; ; IfiiiiS'tipon tbai fleahlbsa breast ;JiTve«it . back, itiS'geiitly it,"fourtfflt 1 inn thl ir n.'fr' s "g '"*-■£ 'Tiif rmir. nig"f that heart was go>Jf> and this alouo ref maiued to show UjUvhoin its last pulse I bnA'ied pying the samp und watching me gloomily as bcnlan&ijt jgavejiim a wide birth ti passing ihe gang way balled my iggatjT' 1 was swt> getting into Jiar as site saqfe when casting my eyei alVl saw liat ft t emerge lro|K yie compt ujog way, Bid ap« prottcb me alojn deck, 'SflAo oil, ineia! 4 ,! ci-iejdfi ni^lielast4hiift"hat 1 saw* was thrf ( Jtie, as 1 thought, sadly/ otftbe port kssA /W . I gajied tfat was hoist ed up, sinkkjgshipj came rotliiigMftlWjNifcpanl, a "d lifted her trembling ifc'tjfro' air, aud then with a wild plunge, slfftiisappeared aud wc leave the '&ffoR l '*Rie'4lMt > leisure mai| found oji tne.fable o(,the foundered thip ' > M'ortkilihkUSeikihJ aU& J*n(&ter ■' oi i, j n 'to God 4ba| uouaotlicr may never ftere—listen expect y^UfUaV 1 prayer to bjq ° - 10 d ® lbe 11 u tie lhat ' With this letter you wiltdftdnpou tlifa .boolfVlfi f*d (W I'JMWIId send it to her, but I .fear there aW some 'things > there whlcbAwera baiter shoul l not bee. Go to her at onee, you will find > .bAiwddiav pApii# i^e." 1 ; is all tPtfe"ArftMi'honor of a dying . man. lam dea#lm dead but rar soul, J tbat—that Will go to-day. I think !it has gone once. In fact, I know it did, but it came back —so—tbat ray bloodless ,lUim NW to !!I>l »f1» v , .7' ft® w w /» en she W-J&vim >mh RH9Wn.^idj|il l !i f.!V, imA WuMtfX mmmhtrn** rmulti oj •{ A* 1 mi> .w.'£ uljpve*wus*witfioul^'llale*"^' sfit)- pitm? o^ti U ' , n^ ,! f"fcoAttfW.clftfleA wfie miwftvtmim'iim)* fa^ j mjp as #re^ u . WNW* M tat va ,iiouM "JwtriinSwmtitfMM'fite-'Mm. ofW&W mc 1 wmnmhM i rt.o*»f y&tot&w-'w ! I wmhmw | at f«faw«hiiKl wlill ; 'M , *wgugrt?ftr4(M k irMw itfrl ' i WjMb&'frh I Mtomttfi.mifati vtoitfrnvm i | 'Mfete «^^y3PwKWitt f nn tm wtcfltef'm faimi'htJMrMm i mvmmmwmffi Wi^VMa? 'i \ 'mmroVi iIKuMWy 'fl>r •«. i itamvUKnslinrtttNi^Mijid^ix^. ' ipraiw j •V«H«*lii Jlb*te;o£ 'th« .Bifijiv-t-*a> I i'jfes^raAffa : *ao baifcwa it,j»tßw ttoemNgta came, auil' i |bei^;t^iiMt^» V Mb>uHUfi. u l a A mmmmi i aw «ttfc«d!AM*libi*ad«at> ibohrd j t oMbtdtWu [' no water, neither did I fear of sufMnMU trom wSraJTwo casks of water in tfie oi"lftr of which I • ''T,r , floats atiA gAlioya, ■» the decks juidihe only water ou board e \vaa lu tftejkwCrcrfsici: „■ w; ntwi BHK as long r4r ot* light in the • sky, i wa'clied and watched, and hoped, g ifiS n ihe'that t sAW a sail in the' dfstanoe, and 'then I would'strani'ihy eyes till ljope bet ' dame almost a certaiiity, aiid then 1 Would "bcfeoine bfliitfed Witb' ; Wars cf thankful* , besfl' aud TAo sodif,however,l would i; learn tlmi it was bt»ly a fleering- ck>Ud On i -ilhfcb ifciM'ttiilt iWhopi*.' «""« ».| j i HftuOT : fcaraWd'that It wa« \ hopeless "® 'fftinjg tnliiie 0# getting anywlie're 'imtl the t/hip. W airy chance the ff winds dffVe mlf a littje to tho westward »" "r4iA / *iit% t6 have tt'iflirrcnt f hal will set J 'ftieibkdk 'tb'tlie' Astw'fl-d agatn ond vice versa. l ojilybope now to fall -in with I" sonie r \ Since this fearful n ®Wjpeiißati6i?f ai'fl'i fiave striven, £&fo«i - wn fate. J 1 Me ('odj-Wiiftßtlrif -tontinually befoic K fc efil; "and 1 1 Ood thatTrfs com 'mjWigir toaylVWtWle id*ydui' 'fbriu. 0 I ? :I ]&?H»Jws3jy a6->that n.y , WcJHif#M»»d« by my 7 VISoWW t(W • , I'bMfiflifW Sftbbatb; aud I« ain .1 .°A 'hy^ioiflyirfiOi l way. ]»o ®J YEUf tKikyrftMi'' time. '-'' f • y- ' WMrt have been loc^c-i 4 She is; a ,« b JfWS sortthVarid/tfiid m^st Of W.i *«tf sea HlPtht'aelol 1 I*W bvs ood '' i IfrMVi * e n-lt h th, f thfng like a apaV on board—] r \tffe set tftfe dinigh and hafb- ! lash - t. . of the mizenmist. " They caiiiiot help but ■' see this. ■ ' , 'it is four o'clock, ijow, dearest, of the j afternoon; the breeze is light-Tory light, , but the stranger «hjp, thank Godf is drawing iveaiM MdJWaWt'. I can see tlie heads of her topsails "now. Thev could t j see mo eflsily frdm aloft tfu board of her, s and perhaps they do, as she seems to bo vt»i no , k i • • **•'*• ?ii ill i. it «« sSft» AilfffiS* t feoftrfti oU SlOff, eflleivbutoaMtoti I tear niy eyo right i»,imi)fvirM h*piM»W WWhwu^Malfl, sailer. :r PrnyytftJiWi»:*-p«ty :fob>« dinJU i 1 fIWSWss'WWSoiMTi {fWy* WW iltcwue IjKW 1 ft&WKMWM! Htfwwraftiyifn »TO«pwty u TOifiPfl«£ . m»(*« Prb ? Btt« i MltlMiQitfjd4iNa^|) N (|MiiyMl4'-.': Iti-ja 1 •I nave hauled luvjyifili'U _Ul\WA>v. liave set a lantern'in Mis^Pilc«r*?Teei j fc * r * i i rtittli'MrtieaJrctze f if',' !1 e j MfippmiMw, .iijaa . fa*/® d :4tofte.#b iMpi vww«v«iWl ESFiSSMI: ilio u! «wn *»dl to tno SWMSS@WS' i •li • WHln.kwked HUciv'ioud;; inn ««fcu). 1 % ; ■ 'ot )W ' «■ WW ««%!•»» bo 4 Ojparto I I V»l, U#lrf^li^HotU»^*a t w.akjj**i*fr- ; . %aAwt)r t «MkLiafiouiMp #ar&|*«iw \ H^iaiHUliiwxtufiaJfiJfeitiw *gii w N YiiflW , Ijgw 1 I'W^m! I r&Hrt&K IWfttlffllfCtGM ] "j think on the day when I waa the woifct. , !| that I was BMriluil by h bust:- I know • 7 it was then. frm>lfi? otlMI time, for I l' J j sm%wm' f £ ! { me, Ana another sttahgo cfrnnnVtance t J lu2utiXt1 u 2utiXt ■ j rj-Wfg- liptib wtf& ' , IWkWHSAt HMilej :we»*3 aos I; j 4s^i#Nl %b«l*»ildde'*#A»iq , ei Scdi 1 ; '"••'♦€*« ptfojite have been in j i wu»l^.l*fc W «nHife j (v >\ iSllffiSi > Iff % rtkm* j btW tUWbato-'-cftiM thb'i Vliifl!f«Mlp-i4h({ r Siiuimtr lkLt J fetrtafneiLnt | ohaamd tolbe: mtofient toradayydfntftould 1 ri*ay»cMW , paniowhip w [ &aL «piy. xiM ' fjjw.up this. J ,u/w wmnli*Miljf Uobai ? j 'H »j^at bo()k# On I l cannot read; my lniud refuses'to vifl] | draw itself liom the burning thoughts k thai are Yabt destroying its once calm .tiaU I ance. 1 could not wrrta Were It not to y fthi! I hkvft kept a tecord of tli« lime, ' through sicknesM and -«?verything elie, up J to to-day; and now it lira become so much a matter of hattjLlW n e, that I believe I r jf X,»l»owldgV> B —-I should atill mechanically, eacli morn e ing mark tbtTday'ln'die ttiiiianaij. '■" ll J. b "fl of Hit«b tlmef, niy poot ' Ellen, made irp nty inind to say nothing h of l. you abound tliiyk that my mind had givs en way at to childuli'itiiocy . Bi*t- II ibeg of you, my dear loVb, 16 weighs n Word of whut I now write, and ask 1 *oztself if a diaorganizesi miud coultV 6 -tell 44 atrauge thing sn suobur . and c^- a niaqner. 'As I said beitore, when fteft my bick* y ness artprbaching, I plated some brfa 1 y and water within. « y reacb upon ;Hba i, transom; (he (aver parclmd my uiouth e go, tl»at when JL really needed it I could not eat the bread,, and nothing passed n my lijjs 'for nearly the whole time but a °' lirtfe wirtef: The rifcs would guther ujv -- lon ihe transoi*, and somethnm approach a' and look into my berth, wholly undis it , by n>/ . presence, And several t tinies, as if aware of my 'situation," when f seeklrig'somrf of their lurking places, ? tfciy would crota' deliberately over me. i Some stories whiah-I had read of theib e attacking human bgiflgs wqi 1 ,my mind, and two or three times when - I thought they appeared menacing, i p nerved myself for a desperate encounter, 1 and prayed to Qod .pot to let me. die so "i fearfnlia death, hjven when 1' e fished to die, the thought ot dying so > was horrible. ' 'I think it was on the third day of my j sickness; I was perfectly eohsciotia, aftd -, wa» watching tli« rata «a oti&awi. o one another about the transom. Suddenr * «wrsirn»« MOK obwWed •; km 4„ tfdWNl cWWI %eW»]'iriM "ftieyi aU^fl4*irfn4n.k>^fWt tt ' toitt&s sijtiinuKig; nu«j iftidvf'tbt# :&* w i »i mod human being, nor ye\ of a chb. firey aWteff ks T'tJW'iwVlr BiKiiHUlwin , *1 ,qi( ,h *i l^t*l aW^ D ||«W)e-'ftfaitt|«iitA vrf/)#pib«Wi M> Iffit y ! htyfe sibv+iwimii UW*fl, ;»nVi ywn n») mrfh>Mg»y.>»iiwitj[)a ifti rftTT*itf I i Irfflw 1 rji in ijuMnfc 4lf' j «ur|Mtf Hp.wW :£!§ii2 e,i clowtl who ,wei e, ilte-*MMler. iuiK o ifel i 6era'ittf B,f)Tft «f" lloTHf •We'H* •RMjIfIID *|tflii|i nil —■ '•*-->■ jv. if {hum in QTTjfefn ffntrWl iktft iSy. * k • s W ,'YBIS" V Sr **• k»y^^Vcfii»(fVW'. •*« iqy jij)ad U, F U?? l "j ?tfKked' s{ Mto''4ri«rt| L,T!l:feuin^Ti'%b-AnPeaftMUMtv *«* Yie # tlil? liplTaiuff oti tfjfljfotyVitfttok grave RortoP 1 irttentioti.jince ils£a& ***««#*« ipoTf tiba*iww^^y^u'li^ u >»f rav 3)rirvldfciw ftj . fna»j ofijhit 9(i« m _i. „ i..j ttftipuqMatfcr imam tUM* *UKM 9% tbkl iimm^dmh^KxS Q happiness of thoir socitAtfq paTW%3|uig' larity ot ow poohiows, fl«iri rrrrn nfVlH\f MiriirtlainiMNl n ln Y lnyitt through the wtmuou sympathy. of TOimri Wior''=iooJ bn* kntmvoOmlT •gssas^ 'H# h ftwi) (ng 'Ms' loA>9 i»m}*Ujt|l.-,U»#' 'foltf *H«6iifs Mdritfe ***m*htmmmMk iu#i bcMm o?Hhe-B«frtN»ml J/UnwUfOngkWo Ijjw I »\m,TWWI »« l .fWd.W-W'rtliinsNd uudetfuaiS^Qfl It tMWWttii 4M*ti„kP tft'rrt® yetiy4aar it&taM 'tVJ jbd.iabU'&bHllP ulte HcriKtkt xtlwilmti foytkrr u* ni»ht M rigr r ?«««1 "ighi! * .lluvd* -Thfrvtrfont the-day, dear Ellen, but I two weoks since L wrote tli(p33t;~On the day after, l lliinlf it W»w, h' Bti*oii» breczo r: np Iroiu the northeast; and [ tbAMVhkflit 1 ' the time,.that I bad drifted east trader 4 weiH, tu Wfrk Jot bp top gallant ouiU and pv ears together, succeed iii getHiii' ft' «:t (qrwarci. I ihcii took the vHievI 11 ®*! kept her awaV weßt-BOUll^wtst, 'goiig aboat two knois, and liopioar -to refceh . sortie of the West India Ulamls or fall in with some homeward lK>pud vessel Jiv»n South Amerioa. were (ou'r oV-fivfr/h'ud hi hit J hi think f kiitfw Wlliql?was iiVtite the niOOif t*Wcb Was at its ftiilar the ami. Thfr weMher was wavid'iu tl»«V/lav.„»yjin «,nd M uiybt I had 1 fcitblanket yvM-Ji;, I tln-ew ,ot*B.mj(.#liouUie)t». UitplLltolainl ' * o } iPMh,vwm.M «At lenitft oattil-o conld endure It |io longer; uiid I aattk exliatjaau to ">UIO ••'.• H know nOt how iMig I- had fallen, whether i>A4 bSM f Jily know, that I awoke as one froui it lliuit sleep. . " • . '• (> , , *1 loafed > , Mys4ir&ve*Tjd'tfftli>HW hMftk- C'" r'no Oiie but Uwclfe Itoland ootdd- have doud rtni* :i I jmnpcdiso- ibyw feet,,. ; and tound my limbs »w paralyzed that l«uuhi hardly stauil. I for SHOlMjrt, aud and rnqjbcd.bis, wet he»d ainiiial my bund. I looked about m'o ; ritft ft'&a taifhig in forl-6h(M, aMtrfy clotlies wero ~ty, ui . SatuAtfed. v S' J > > . >: »w >A soitSw«Btcr had set in while liJcpt ♦and swept, my- poor Jnry-iut»u t j>»d all, away, aud (he ship was noff driUing to the thus'los, ing to me,*y Uwt I had suDered «o much to gaiu. *0 fHiaii affile art t away ".coiuis'ttVe? nie, «HAt £tidn, and I' can write no Another day. I think I wis Wilting i (fo j^oti'about a storm, my k>v»! It i« all fr 00

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