Ymr THE GISiNER K S. PARK Eli ti rahu in, N. C, Hat** of Hubtonpltptk* PoHtny* rsii : One Year ............. .." :... !.. .♦I.W Six Months ........75 Tiiree Months 60 ' Every pai-pon iewilng-'tti « cW) W ten isyib scriber» with the caeh, entities bir»»eU t> oivd ">!>y free, for thelentil ot.time for which the rial) Is made up. Papers sent to different ofllccs Xo Departure from the Ctish System Rftlea ofAdverlining Transient advertisements payable in advance: , ; yearly'advertisemeWte advauce.. • , 1 in. [!2 m. 3m. 6m. l3 in. \ -v-'.-.i:-if!.; :■ - .t. 1 quare M 00j*8 DO $4 00 $ frOO 610 00 ~ , a , » 3 OQi 450 600 10 00 15 00 Transient advertisements .$1 per square for lie .first, and fifty cents tor each snbse tnSertioii. «/>>'. , ' - • i-.'i'. -''l ii nrT •» -in ;•;» r-f.u 11-. :} ■ntii ' ill) " : ' i i IMT. ' \ ; I .in ■l 'i I -y— '■ i' TUB CAUr.l.eil» WOID, rirnn.T) •it iu- --*■ ■" ..i in.'t > [, u i:. 'Twa« but a word, a careless word> , i. p.;» tss ««t Then swiftly onward winged its flight. It gatherc4./eight as o-», it j»pe4,, 1 hat careless word 111 its career. - Then rumor eanght the flj ing word, jig ■ a -veMcte?r-mjffjNuHw. ~ And then that word was winged With fire. Ite mission wa§ a thing of pain, " : r " " . For kbcmit drops I • j. t ' Ar d then another page of IKo. WItLI huroingi scaldJw toars was blurred; A lwd of care was hewior UMid.e, " adffbtt weiytrt, tAat. ol ess »aHi' l - T ' . ; That oa#Mert . ahro llS h.everylf^^sjT v . f.' It calmed, but bittw»feh*es mark Tlie pathway Oftlvatljitter void. c. • - [Living ChurcW s t TaSBIIIOAI. VKII.. A pretty dark, eyed, girl begftn to work it, whose loverwas over tho bea. She .'.*4'll b'jiikl ; v'eiTf in my tor mairy me, I shaU§e a guy '^Jwi'd o' j But sho nover flnished tho -Veil.; Wal ter cutno too soon. She 'married Jicr as poof" as herself---and went widTTiiTfffTo'London; andjhp half Jinwhed veil went ait>ngvvc*l«%|ly (foldod pcasaxit; ~W the clap. I -u ijlng lSier hand aau dancing idetiglflcdly, *? - flhooli it out at the lolds. 'Dear few; liianiina, what is and ia it . but I alf done? Gan i lijtve it n ,'foi' » dre#s lor my doll, mxwiuuu?' St"-. shook her 1/oad, and ImlKsighod, as pressed Hps. *;m ? king. -q _ , K 4 BiU itshftll'not bßhldfto'n feoiftng from u t ' she said, teiuTerly. '1 I will finish it, and whon the time comes k lor my-Ade'e to bave } a veil to bo prond ot.' K : . A«|iu the little taper &agfl» toiled | merrily and busily over the delicate lace, 1 and fairy like fcrns and musses of grace* Kftil.llowet»gte*v steadily nifdei them. |i Adele Watched the progtess of the work V'with the keenest interest. "* " -" 1 VWammarteach ine to work it/ she ■ said one dAy. 'My fingers are much fiuer B«ud tinier than yours.' After that she would bring her little I work basket Jo her Jhothcr's side and work a veil for her doll. The facility with which she learned the graceful art was astonishing. At tho age of fifteon po perfect was'she that Ehse did not fear lo let her lako part in the creation of the luidal veil itself, bat they worked at it' now and tfhen as the fancy seized them. Louis itivkjre was from France, like pd§^s^KotbSr —that bod been a bond v een (hem from the first—for Adele mother's country for her motli |r's sake, thougti she herself was proud called English, aud she also Frenchman. I jLohis caine ot noble blood and was irclMo-do. He had somo money—not' nougii to live upon in idle luxury, but Boiity to secure him a fair stal l in bnsh Mas life. L iiwilling to enter upon this * J|—III II I • « »THB ALAMANCE GLEANER, ijK |.-v»».iTHt! Ofillik j»ln if «♦*!»» : j*v| yt« it-w * d:>tt* »n«l! n* •ff .sbniw il «"d ||„ ■ coime in Talis, wlicre liis noblerelarlj^iV^| \v i>ulO lo uppvsa hiia, lie.hud clrjaen London aa Ulb sociic of Iris fhture efforts, amtfctnbafked'in busiiicss at a merchant thei;e. iH>e li;ij>i)y weeks and mouths grow Jbt.o it was now agreed and promised that, : when thtr.spring lime came sho should be iliviere's bride. - » i 'Wcm list, finish thoibridiU veil,' cried Eli«evai»llrterly r l nrl tel! lyirVul, Mqusffrtif .Louis, 110 lady of your promt hotise eVer wore ii'laee more exquisite and h.liall'j iio( icel'proHd when I look at my b,eafiliiul child in her marriage robes, and think ot the poor peasant girl o( long ago, who toiled ut the lace to earn coarse bread sojar away over the sea«|.)i Loub mi ned qui kly at these wOWN. a look otf displeased surprise in his dark eves. * . . I . : . 4~. . I t . r . ' ■ • What peasant girl, madame?'he quest tioned, uneasily. •Mysell'Pfche answered, happily, not marking the look or the teno. 'What, was, I but a poor little laco maker when my. generous vonog lover married me, the lather ot Ad&le?' lie answered nothing, and Klise went lhenily chattering on; but Adole noted hjs suddenly,downcast eyes and globhty eyes, though she was fur from suspecting tho cause of either. His haughty family pride had rcceivod fcldow. 'A lace-niaker!' said to himself. 'A peasant girl! If I had but knowti jt 1' All thut night, and for days and nights afterward, the thought fjf .his bride's humble extraction tortufeiL him; the eiting to his pride could not be remqVWi Unconsciously to himself his tiupejrM ance alleoted his temper; be became irrh« able, fretful, lmpa'icni, sometimes to the very ot impOlilOtiesß even, abovr Mift';violent ( tl»e bridal v*ilr«',L r ' •I detest the Sight of it!' lib' ci:%d, . oveuiiig.'m a momeifl of ftnd when ho and Adele weiu aloiieJ 'lt> indeed, you love uie, never work 11 at' it in my presence, Adele; and if! dared apk one special favor of you, it should bp—' jFte paused stiddo oly—she was fisteitfng in great sarpufte. ' VVell.'ahe tonli ! 'lfsiiould be -4 Wear anV olhfel'Veil til 1 the woi'ld; .bnt Alible bo;manied i» jf. «" She folded her 'work iMiiV let haivds tall on it ii| her lap ; one couhl "see that timsc little hands were trembliny. Sho AVas greitily man ner and request, a»d also ■vaguely hurt, Mien#earae kile#■^row , o^ , Whyv tle'and unpleasant' Could it be possible (hat the was about to (Imcotw;its.cause?,, n «.u i . ! |! 'Yo« ask a singular fhvor.' She said, 7 with forced quietness. 'Ate you aware' s%t,m.y I -.tTiie hot, impulsivo. temper answered frt*fartili!y, withOrtf a 'tli^u^ht: •It is' fdr that' vefrjf reafeoii tbtft I «i , !'j > mnr-T • El p ' I •■ !-• •:'■) *i ■! ,f ~,n • hn&then she understood him. This daughter of England hud been slow- to suspect or comprehend the pride of the French .but flic would tiot ■ [if li'; ■ •: IKS' i ' marry the UN" who thought he etoopeti, to take Her. Bhe folded up the veil, and gently but m ;.'V 1011 did not know when first .you sought me lor a bride, that mamma was a la6e-worker in France, if you had. per 'j-RPB 3°n would not have loved me. Siu«e you have learned this fact yoii have regretted our engagement. Yon need not speak. I have seen a change in ypti —l.feel that it'is so! But there it no harm dono,' she went on with simple dig nity, 'since I have learned the lruth 4 bes fore it Is too late; aud held out to liim, a little Irembliug hand, which he look mechanically—"and so i wiH grant you the favor you coyet, my friend. Your bjide shall not wear my darling moths er's bridal veil'-hore he kissed the hand, aud she drew it quickly away—'but that, is because I shall not be your bride.' No need to dwell npon what followed. Ifi3 prayers, bis protestations—humble at first, then angry—his tears, that had no power in them to sap the strength of her resolution. They parted coldly at last—lovers still in heart, for love dies not so easily, but outwardly seeming scarcely even friands. : She stood proudly as. he left the room; when the sound ot the street door closing niter him struck like a kuoll of hope to Iter young, passionate heart, she flew to the window aud watched him out of sight. •Go! Go!' elic cried,ltla9hiii; away tlie I Icara lliat blinded lier. 'Go from my eyos, hateful tears, and let me ace my lovb for !\lie last lime! My Jove! my love! And I have lost iiiui!' GRAHAM, NO-, WEDNESDAY J.VM'AIiV 21 1880 Bhe sank down, sobbiiig. Just then the sound ot her mother's voice, si.iging mcilily an ol.i Frojicb song in a nom above,'came to her cars. Once more she dashed the tears awav. '•lie despised yon, tfty darling mamma —you t jflo. no, I will never pardon him.' tier parents questioned h«r j(ti raiiu She bad quarrelled, with Louis; that was all they could learn. And be tyro a cfiaf66 - 1 ten with mortal illness unt'. dwd in three days, and-Adele, overwhelmed by the awful calamity, was prostrated with bfitfn lever. ( n:o-« At this jnucturo a pumiDjns catno lo Louis from France demanding his im . modiato presence there. Strailgo changes Imd taken place.. Two of the three Uyes and estates of the Marquis le la Ulvlere li id been suddenly »w-ept awav, and the llilrd'ty'frftil', and dclicato chihl Itiy dying i liliiiftalH a feeble ,pld tnan, »'as also at .the point of death, sp they sent iii haste to as the heir of the d) ing irobleman, '' The,news bewildered swelled wi|h exnllation and delight,' but it > Artelet hhd>be not lost Adele?"''l- t^Ho* 1 WMt 1 Bi*' wealth 'I will go implore,her paido*!.' lie made the attempt luit in vUin. 6ongbt her fatlrcr, and said a fuv words to him. however that, that might have inadp all well again, had .shQ ; flw heard there: ibut she ueVer did* ' '• When, 'lifer' long and'waging illness was last, and qhe beg&n 'hwsolt %n> Orphan ii Hi very tmU Iv I t Walter had' fpl- Riwed®Hso ! to R MlTferWorTdi .*■' }l •'Jfteii evferi thiewp ifoiw had been tferribiy involved; When all was sottted She Wa'S' pftViniiessi ' ' *' t ' n '' Pcror'A!de'W.J i|> lVUly nlifc-'hl it be said 'eam» netraingte spiesj but in battallions.' father, irfother. lover,- ltoftue afl!:gone! .'What'•'■■•'Had' Mfoviofl,, 16 tliler her but patience and pail.? would have, iwritten ,her immediately upon hUarrivaHu FMri# kfrnit tl«*t lie'WH sttliUssnilJi Brtro that her i A &*/ W)Bpk(J. jLatef he did.WfUOi infoKtningJllho^ll tully> of ;his«irangely altered fortunes,ami Imploring Iter to 1 pardon nd accept'blico de ia nn'Terc. |ti .And Jjie_lstttar never reached hern The lionvrtoiwhMi'ittMOflas empty, audi: deeerlcd, thtnately. hijnpv homfe-'Wrts brokeil tipT ' finilish Wrf'i wsv'hbm'A LA. tu ije were ®iy mr 1 "Sttftb 1 aire Wine of (he strange" rtj^crse^' Of rdsaF -mcf-e" Hair any fiction ■ miAfA t /:irr; Ixl ft* 'S6"tha iij tight. tkb« apeiu^eas aiitscbild-l 'il>al»ipiiuishod for my tolly. '• And he Tesol vtjd (6 drive lier U'oin his heart. 1 inany months his letter to Adele' was reltH'uedto him.crossed and recrossed with strango addresbes. . a messeijger of hope to him'.' She had not slighted, she had not seornN ed him; periiaps she had not (Ceased to love, lieforoanother day and iiigbt had passed, the Marqjis Was on his way to London. Keed I tell ol his w When did wealth and title iail to find a warm one"?, or of the friends of former years who flocked to claim acquaintance? has not prosperity always hosts of friends? bat none could tell him of AdJle, beyond the history of her bitter sorrows. She, beiug poor had falien irom their bright/ world. .. And alter (hreo month's search he had failed to find bor. lie bad money, influ ence, deepest heart interest to aid '■ his eearcb, aud yet, in spjte of all, ho lailed. •She is daad,' he thought, with anguish *1 have come too Jate, it is iu the grave itbai 1 shall find my darling. If it be so; and, I provei; so iudeed, I will live and die single for her sake. But that was his lmaris resolve; uustispected by any one. Many a gay belle aud brilliant beauty had spread her nets to secure the splendid prize of a titled husbaud. 'Foremost among the. many, llosaliud Hale; she was the fairest ana tvoalthiest ol them all, and her golden hajr was not unlike Allele's. It wan this that had at. traded him toward her more than other* —the memory of an olden love. She never suspected that, however. IJer vanity made sure that ho was in her toils. She arranged charades, tableaux, plays; in which he could sustain a part wi h her, It iievertfecured to- her that he wasat once too good uaturad aud too , indifferent to refuse. | The tableaux wore euggestivo euough. lOue upon which lUwilale had set hw heart, was that of a ,briitylr-H*gd said that Louis was Uii&'gruoia, herseif the bride? 'But. no. he only bowed as lie led lM«r Irijju the platt'ot m . and then ono of tliO l,iHtriHi di"h?3 'ioal cdtisHd 111 Tiei - bridal veil." " - ' " , |f has l«pa said, ilijst. Wfiei»:umke np the sum of ftnwnn happiness. "> If'idefneil ho now. as tho Marquft J st6jpeilto dlsengrtge the liit'e;' Suddenly •lie uttore I a cVy. If 'Was-AHele's bridal reltl ' ' ! it of a laceinakor,' Miss Tlale said, fr. r«*ply W li'ls anxiotii * guesi tioning. had'ordered 0116 Hko it ; but her health is bi\d,aiid She fatleft to haveit^ , !' .'jf'k-1 iwf taftd* !tne U\w f . She w«» q»j»o 1 nuwWiug, too,, dhe ndde4, fdulinr/'Jnwt 'bWjatlsi it, was •her motlwrle WOl bueli fancies for a poorperMti |t ! 1 •n.»h-j-,it ,«*>» nt "* ' ! 'A .yo*i»x^-girt? icdi i' " •»' 'Oh.iho tldn rtnd worn, 'and sad with fine e.ret, but too dull and 'pale to be'callntt a beauty/ 1 Hut aH'tiiexonisite, lacemakor. I slia' I bo glad to 'give ' vod hm iddren ir yod have >any woj-lc ,'ker. 1 - Yes lie bad work- lor her,work ¥hat would -F-hnie tojiether: th#ti biassed woi-k of liWdbij? up. ait-: almost'! broken heart t ol testoi iay love a»id hupjiiness to both their livos.'| 01 I 'm ,*iotjr!u>tl j •> 1 r'Mias liale never i-eceiVed her¥eil—the Murquisicliriinod' it. ' ■ •»li »i ii In its stead he sen# Uora (Mrtipldfe set ot Uces that, inhtle her~»Mi tbat rtegifrd at : least—the enVy ot. society ; and Louis miirried Adele. . nilrmi . i>| ;P*le and thin.Aml eamemhatcareworn still, waß the bildfeiit Ilie Jdacqtdsott her wetiilittg bu t-^tw ttil& iflyds-'-the h eyes of latldul love—^it•wafl«l4litcl«ii ttttcetept :fi»co in tite/ world JlifUivinilod %t*( . w,ept beiicatbJ£Hpe\( oridal veihl*i uli ot i ' t; Aiui he JvissediHip.old blessed it, bec&uso through lLilieibud toouJ '|i«r : ajtaiii,Hovfp ?b:h >«ii f)tl in«id j f ti ,a J ■1 '1 love it iiDw/«aid hwJ II prize it.next damest j it> »lialhM» 'itbf as a treasure aJways.' di •s-no tad) M Aikl-so it wnsv Mant a'hiirand Idgh .boiH'biiido iii vis ero' wi jieana jjtor^, passed- inaujfe of provul ttnd bafHiyt ;aoioiig it,h#in all none wore more traiy btefst'lfcan aJie who 'through • muefawsufieiriiig had Altaincdita joy A um!i 9tl bun r in ;The pool* ktcoinakeiv iwfi«wbr mother was Hipcatantgfidi, :hut > for true lo vos 4ske and Jor love alone, was chosen' /frqmall other •womeil! to h» Mmlum iftl Altlfguiwidft IsillMtrei. ' K td j •>= tptpm ul' :ti'| * **# tim'c Wl iii.ifl r.di i.i >xlJ A great deal of labor- is lost ill ftie' worKlU* tfcfe XWfß# V» a lIMHi cJtiroge.' Every day.•otida ki'tbeirgmv(s»aii>umber ,ofiobsoHre p)eivw4mim*t ottly Mfiained ■in lias W#gwWSs' %rewiefiltb* ir» the (fareor of l l«irid. l "*lie : niaetls,{|tMKt in riolfijf in the. i.wor)d|ihat is wailtrtildatntfy iwe 'dnhst not standishivfHt«rf>n Aha (CohUwl «ip rtsks aiHl adjuStlftg'rtTft^'Vl 1 atVtetf?' ;ft fiS' till' Very wtfllWfWdW' flJid, 4 * uwn emild teji«rtrpw»»irte»ide ' npop an jnteiided pablicatiou lor • and ! live to,#eo sufeseas for ! sev^h ward,, at pt;p«oot a man waits ui)t| a:ul cppsjilts brothers and uncles and particular fiends till oiie day ho finds tba'. lie is 56 years of age, hud thai he has lotit so much time iu' consataing fivk cousin^and 'fhirticular trieuds thai lie bu maritime Jo fol low their advice. Thoie>i««o little time for oref-igeauiishnesp ft. .present, thut the opportunity slips away. The very period of life at which u mail chooses to Vteirtnre, if over, so confltied (hat it is no bad rule to preach apthd irecessity in such instances, of a little violence done TO tlib feelliigfr, ftild efforts rtiade in defi ance ol strict and sober calculations. ifr u '« ;. t -' ji,| .r; ■,;« , Tke Piae»l Diamond. iu Ihe World. .Western sovereigns ai*« not the pos wssors ol lhe finest diamonds in the world, tor the Kitjahs-ot Manton, Borneo and Hi© Shah of Persia have (lio largest hiilicrto known. 'lllO one belonging to the Emperor of Mongulad weighed 279 carats (about four grains each), and was Valued at 12,000,000 traucs. The (anions Orloff l tlic property of (he ltussian crown, la one ot the most remarkable diamonds, on account of the well-known circum stances under which it was brought to The large stone belonging to the Emperor of Brazil, which weighs 1,740 carats, would be worth many mils lions were not its brilliancy diminished by certain defects. The Sliltan of Miasm's diamond weighs 400 carats; that of the Emperor of Ausiria2o grains; and thai of the King ot Portugal 25J g-ains. r l ho famuus Koh-i-noor, or Mountain ot Light, is the property ol the Queen of England. Tho one which addniefl (he tiara of Pius 13., and waj bequeathed by 'him (o his snccesaot*; Leo Till, is b'ni Jf tho finest stones known. It came from the treasury of the Duke of Burgundv, seized at U ransom. It was sold alter the battle to a Jew of Bertie, fpr 3 crown's, then suc cessively lor 5000 and 6000 ducats, and alleward purchated tor 14,000 by Ijtiigi Storza, from wliom it passed intut the hands of Pope Julius 11. tor 30.000 ducats. Every one knows that the "Itegent," of the weight ot 136 carats, is tho finest dia>> inonds belonging to Ihu French regalia. Connoisseurs considei if to bo worth 12,000,000 iraucs. . v 'uaxn-jjiituii'!- jAbu "t jamj« . » Wch.PW *i« who pulpits of Vr*^ byteriuu churubwi in Textu. , 4 «u»y» - lie • eato ,i sen' ivason why ,wt>iiUflM;.rthi|ii!p \j aliped to>:eomo". Mmfaiuo ~pi»rw-iH«- fo*- -uiiw~ ing twelve times "feeling teh- Uviti#f of ia jtu rtic&tt* SI9,OQP. Tliq ,reason'Hliei Jb«,yS *U»od ion the btMiiUig deck" was because" it*; was y>o WM JCcnnard. • A Miss Nxrtnie William*-has become the wife of Mr. Goat-, of Stephen villp, Texas. She i* now Mrs. Nunnio Goftt. —Rochester Ihyttld. We don't believe muuh-in the religion of an individual who has j«lst enough tp make hiiu Imtc tlioai of other creed*. He if .no* biuosolf more tlnu liidf convert- : iftHfli Mi A to fw :*>••!•) i.'i oi . •VDigby, will you , take tome, of- this butter?" "Thank yoiij wa'aui, I belong' l to the temperance take anything strong," replied Dighy. The two important events in the life or man are ho examines his upper lip and'aiid soqs tlie hair co.niiig, and when lie examines the top of his bead and sees tbo hair going. Think nothing profitable which will ever force thee to break thy "word, to lose thy self-respect, to hate, suspect, curse, or defceivo i«tiy OHe,'©* tb desire anything that nto* be covered with walls ( or. Vttils.T— Marcus Aurediu». " '' It is from wiohvn, am ©tig yourselves, from ttiipitlifcy, i'ronv cumip'tion,- fro In ' disappointed urn hit ion ■ and inoidintv>« tfji/CHt lvri l»ow,«r, itUat» .faqUow will ,be . •/pinied, and libufty enjan^evwl.—. 'sou s farewell addvess. YpW.tyo lupro sure of suce+ss, in the end it .you regard yourself Mi f man of, otdinarv talent, mid*^L-uty.df uef6re you, than if you think )iHirself a ifgfcrfMh and / : Bj'ehd tb'O.'Allien tiyie j,n, watfcblng your Lair gr.itv long, that .you mkf editvintt peop'ld ''that yon ' are litti* :Other -Mlwfc-' JditiU: v l, : . : '* 1 'Never 'Condemn* /om"'n'eighbdr ti'i\s'' beard, however many preferred hiiLf-every story fO^R two waytLaiVbaiug told, andj justioe ,ro». i (jgirw ycu should. Ue&r, *fle defence »s well as the apci^tioi tliat milignity of enemies may place roil in a similar sfti&atfou. . ' SAhaffj* Sh«h*6rt ohfce tftfl'ed" wjth a literary' clirti in«'New York. At the table be quoted illtOLo listory, trtid iin Uftle pmii Athis A'iglit oil thf question. Sharon waxed a tr.fle warn), and insinuated that Ills opponent mij;ht be sort of rtianj but fiiitory. was' not h'ia forte. After dinner Aharon re- , marked atfliipn>J.* ui'Whoat tliat lit l& cu « da|^',- iuo bu»tot-ian,' \«as the re n fu.i.. :! i, ifu ,nest.n,;3j 1 P'y- A Preich jin[)Pr of New Orleans' fimites tb*» that thi iaii«H and inoatOKrofuUy ruawd , ly adapted•lhen l svlv«s U J that tliey can ao their own > even to Clio tf'tfrfftrng' ' cbb'Mhg,' anil work withtlfe oeedle be»id«» Hie family, : tb«i«,.Vizy, good*fHri» notbiiiig lpaf aro>i«d tb« corned# : ' or play keno. i "Well, inadame. Raid John JN"ewton ! to ODe who was Complaining of tha iui» perfections of others, "It Wrerte were a J perfect church on earth, it wdulld cease t' being so the moment you and I entered, it." And the remark stilt has a perti nent application lor those, who wo lear, won't apply it. A Seksibf.kßemark. - Duval the fa» mens Austrian librarian, was onoe con-, suited upon a suLjcct ol w,|iich be* wa« not wholly the master by one of whose ignorance ho was well aware. 'I do not know,' was bis frank A'Wponse, 'Do not Jno\v exclaimed the iurrnder. 'The Emperor 1 pays you for knowing/ "Tho Emperor pays mo for what I know,'' said Duval, iflie paid mo for what I'do . not know the whole treasury of bis king dom would not suffice.- A learned Irish judge, among other peculiarities had a liabit of begging par don ou every occasion. Once ids favor ite expression was employed iu rather a singular manner. At the close of the as? sizes, a# )e was about to leave the bench, the officer ol the court reminded him that he had not passed soutenco of death on one oi Ihe criminals, as lie bad intended.. 'Dear me,' said his lordship, *1 beg his pardon—bring him in,' Eril JBJlecla ol Public liaagin^i. [Augusta (Qa:) Chronicle.] One of the most cold blooded miirdci;s that ever took place iu Baltimore occurred 1 on the uignt of ihe day iu which a mur ; dercr had bcon hanged, and the man who committed lUe crime had been to see the hanging! Frbin Kentucky, a party of men set out to go u> Trout llil!, last Friday, to life, banging of Luban Walker. On tho "way Uioy got , into a quarrel, and a man named Uurns shot a companion named .Jackson through the head. Those facts do not stand alone and they go far to show that public ex ecutions are unwise. They brutaliz the crowd that R&scmhles to gaze on them ami do liot prevent the commission ol criuios. '' 'A. Sellars ' ,ti Cam#aajvsfc©p3 iisawwesw## f> •> U »u| tvn* "jl . .. ClbaKs SfifS to 117.00. >r»» J .:F| A fine tot qf cheap ready-made clothing * SUITS PttOM to $27.00 '. 11ie*e RTwxfe ■wart) bbiigftt W J Philadelphia through the nguMMsy of my son, on such terms as to enable tne to low. ~ . - (Wnn'e litm'sM myfow prices. 10, ». 79, ©no. • Central Hotel TERMS DAV ~ ;Tliia bouse iiH rmrniently located In the cen tre of the clij* tbp rooms are large and well fttfruisnedy an 4 the table is supplied with the best the Bi&rketaAonds. ■ Large Sample Rooms Omnibus and CrHAUAM High School, G'IUIIAM, K.V. I N.AI„ IN 1N37. ST: DAVlDßKL^'OmiutteC'.Ph! U.N C. " .W A—•■*.'» ' IV' • * "■'• w •' mv " lirtiiiisiJ I-.i '«;•!• "''J' , , unter at any tikes iMo deduc tion except In case of protracted su&rass. •I Board, washing 1 ,-rti-Vkna 7f gfltk sF£i sll per ®fW>& #*•» ta ¥4UW. ;"Beud for circular, , VM4 fit HI ■fii'Tun miJ fcierusol faints, tt&Htf >1 s*ofc«rfott'W tiJy R. W. i §*»• artti stmU lw gin* to **ve those WN-tiD+suy Drug iS,isWli»!' Him wholesale pr retail. com plete, «m| Uioy will be kxptao'triKlwUlme. • r Ahfidi»*lnfl»» As ft W>ng. and | above' >ft#/ KiMv Hotel oa ««Wo tiller-where M'i shall be W^/WQIV.i c »##l'«W»*i-cither la ERS* FftOW' A' T7IST VNCE' PItOMTLY •>h lot o\ AND OAWEFUtBr PILLfcW A*, *f> •" ™C. DRUGSTORE the piifcy. with a nesh stock of „ . . Drugs and Medicines Also «Mtik 'W !l »iW'p#cles, and f^'^ilmi#SKe»> e rali(y foawdiniHr- s I*l aiiflFifflt Class Drug Store .IHlftWtlees of on experienced BhiWist have ,u» wuenauhe ftbons. And lend your orders and prescriptions which.wlllbp c*r«fullv filled. « ' Wm. AVEIUVIN. >• Seolt & Oonuell i n6i i*■, • just- it i«-»l frjhprfr- i Graham N C iJealers in ■ IK COODM. CHVrrill'E «UABDWAKV, IIA'I'M, Utfin StKtl,, WI T.JKM AH. SKI, DKIIti«,MKDI. > ■ .1 ■ ~■ —; —' »■ ->—■ —•h— LYNCH'S SELECT SCHOOL. ■ Bran POIST, N, C. An English, Mathematical, ClasaicnJ, Com mereial unl Academy , Spring Boa i d and t uiUon per session Sgo. FOr elrcu lar address ttie Principal Fruit Trees! I offer for sale a large Hook of frflUArees, at • my residence three inilesoouth ol Graham, eon- Aj.plcS f 8 00 |HT 100 Piaehea ' 10 00 " 100 -i . Peata il .. i 3ft6o " 100 Ohi-rries 'Z» 00 " 100 ; Oi-ape Vinra 800 " 10C Tfi »t)d vines comjirHo tne very best varieties, their froU? Imxe taken premiums at our State Kairs for four Jews in sircre>ision. Early varieties vf peachefl « epeciulty. I may be addressed at Grahaua, N. C. U.ia.TU. O. K. Faiot. Knitting Cotton «fc Zopliyr Wool, at SC OT & DONKKJ y& Fnrmer Fi h-mi Plows at SCOTT A N0,45

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