* Reams Warehouse, Durham N. C., sold in two clays, 9th and 11th, 1703 lots of-tobacco, at prices generally satisfactory to the farmers. Remember Reams the 11. A. M. THE GLEANER • JLooal, State and (General GKAHAM, N. C., JANUARY 28 1880 CgtßOtf BIBECIUBK-GKABAII, " H.«. PESDTTBU*— Rev. B.rVf. Mebane, Pastor ; Services st 11, o'clock. M. every Sabbath and services every SabUth evening, except tbe first and third, at 1 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every alternate Tuesday ev ' ening at 8 o'clock. -» Sunday School, W.C. Donnell, Snpt, exer ?■ cises at 8, o'clok, P. M. Sunday Sohool, Col. W. A. Albright.Sopt. Exercises at 9% o'clock A. M. . Prayer meeting, every alternate Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Good Templars' prayer meeting every Monday night, after the Ist and 3rd Sunday s; at the "6. T. HaPT at 8 o' clock P. M. free to, ChbistiA's one mile from town. Rev. D. A. Long, Pastor. Services every Sun day at 11 o'clock, A. M. Sunday School, at 10, o'clock A. M. Rev k, NEW ADDS. —Elegant mill property Itnd water power for sale, See ad ol R. W. Ingle and Clapp. Houston & Bro. want to buy your fur iwd rag*fM-, TAT , ~ 'J The American Sewing Machine Com pany, J. W. Harden, agt. Notice to debtors and creditors of Seymour Puryear. A. D. Royster and Bro. candies, con fectioneries and canned goods. Flanigans Hotel. Next Monday Iwo weeks is our Supe rior Court. Judge Seymour will preside. A new street I»«R been opemled lead ing out by the Presbyterian Grave yard. Mrs. J. W. Harden, has bpw viailing relatives in Dui bam. / „ Floyd Davidson is on a visit to his father in Erie count v, Pa. , Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. S. M. White proved the will and quals Tfied as executor of the late Seymour Puryear, dee'd. last Monday, i, FRESH DRUGS— for the cash, at the . Southwest corner of Court Hous Square. Col. Thos. Ruffin, of Hillsboro, was in. the village Monday on professional busi ness. Graham Hotel, formerly occupied by F. P. Pugb; is undergoing repairs, by which it will bo very much improved. Colored Baptist of this place are ' raising funds for the purpose of building ' them a new church. Rev. B. W. Mebane will be absent from his church next Sunday. He goes to Hillsboro to assist Rev. Mr. Fiji gerald of church there. Between live and six millions of the old bonded debt of the fctate has been ftinded by Trea-ury Worth in the new 4 per cent bonds* , : Two gold mines are now worked in the streets of Con©>rs, aa w* see from the paper*. We have one in our town that bus been worked some, and there is talk of working it again. Frank P. Fonville, of Stonewall Springs, this county, has gone to Wayne county, to take charge of a tobacco farm for a Mr. Beak. : Ha »%, worthy young man, and knows how to raise tobacco. SHEEP KILLED.—On Sunday we hear that the Oeg* k*U«*l »>veu *heep for Mr. Geo. 8. {sodgflfrs»,aod on Monday Mr. Rodgenr killecf some dogs for hia neigh- bora. Tho militaiy companies seam to beget ting along badly, aa a general thing. The Iredell Blues bava disbanded, and its arms will be returned. We notice other GQtnpauies are iu a fair way to do like» wise. Monday waa tbe day appointed for a v bearing in matters pertaining to tbe es tate of W.J. Murray,. Bankrupt, and a crowd of witnasaee were present.' Mr. Keogb, th* Register, not putting in an appearance, nothing waa done. ' We think the Superintendent of the Milton k Sot herb it Hail way for a corns I |>hn|en«ary pas* over lis road for thecal rent fear. II "fedw rant two trains daily and forma close connection with trains ft n u tM * * D - "• 1L Tbe address of Jam#* H. Card well, Supervisor ot erases for this district, in Douglas post-office Rockingham county, N. C. He will lilpMr "oino letters from people who are willing to serve aa enumerators. One how||esl' and forty-six students were in attaudance during the first week of the present seeaion of the Binghain School, against oo* hundred and eighteen aa the seme time baft session, which, np to that period, was the best tbe school had ever done. jDearetcntK Flint.—On* night last ■week • fire iu lioxboro broke out Iroin the explosion or a kerosene lamp, and burned np all the business portion of the town. We hare seen it stated that every More in town was burned. We have been ab'e to see no particular account, bat the lots is doubtless quite heavy for a village. It is to be hoped the owners ot the property consninod were at least partially protected by insurance. As the season for Spring plowing will soon be at hand it would be well for fais iners to know that W. 11. Wakefield A Co. keep a foil stock of plow castings for tbe Watt, Fanner's Friend, Planters ]*ride, Avery and Oliver Chilled Plows. They are slso agents tor the "Roland Chill" Plow, which is the brat plow in . America. This is a broad ing but I hey guarantee entire satisfaction or. the plow lua7 be returned. Reineniber the place. McAUoo llouse. (irccusboro. :trA«innrrnniAi»; Seymour Puryear died at his home, near Swepsoaville, on tho 21st day of this month. He was born in Mecklenburg conaty, Virg.nia, on the 15tb day of September 1788, and was, therefore, ninety-one years, four months and six days old when be died. He came to this State, and what is now this county,about sixty one years ago. He wan the father of nine children, eight daughter*-, all ot whom married, and reared families of ohildren; and one son who died in iu fancy. Three of his children survive their venerable father. Of his descen dants, there are known to have been sixty-one graud-childreu, one hundred and twenty seven great-grand-children and forty-four great-great-grand-children, making a total of two buudred and fort)' six; and, besides these, there is good rea«ou to beleive that there are eight or ten others, ot the ihird and fourth gen erations, iu the StatGs of Tennessee, Illi nois and Texas. It may be said, that those who trace their aneedlry back to this old oian,aEe scattered across a conti nent. For about sixty-five years lie was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an humble, tin cere christian; he aaa an earnest support er of bis church, gave largely ot his means for itu purposes and advancement, and his house was ever a welcome home for tlio traveling miuibtry. Ol great energy uf character, and un> tiring industry, he succeeded in accumu lating a fine estate, the greater portion ol wbicb was lost by the incidents ol the war,and other misfortunes, lie served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and his death strikes another name from lite pension roll ofhia coun try. Only a lew names remain, for services in that war, and it will not be long ill the sheets that bear the record 01 the country's defenders, oHhat period, may be lorever folded and laid away, as no longer useful to the living, save only as they preserve the roll of honor ot a generation that Is dead ai>d gone, to stimulate those who may read to become worthy descendants of those gone beforo. Kindness and benevolence were prom inent traits of his character, and the poor and needy found an opeu ear and willing hand wheu their condition or utterances appealed to him. lie was buried at Mt. lleruion church, the Rev. William Thompson preaching the tuueral. A large concourse ot relatives, friends and neighbors followed his remains to their hist resting place. As the procession pass ed Swepsonville the factory stopped, the machinery stood motionless and the bell tolled; a "inark ot respect appreciated by the family and friends ot the deceased. The foregoing, with slight alteration, wafe furnished by one who hid known him long, and whose relations with him were intimate. By (hose who also knew him, a simple truthfulness oi statement, free Iroin that exaggeration that too frequently marks obituary speech or writing, will be rec ognized. This venerable man and good citizen bad passed bis lour scord years before wo knew hiip. He had arrived at that time of life reached by lew, and rarely reached, tree from the intervention of second childhood. But in his case there was no impairment of mind, and a re markablo preservation of physical pow ers. What be was at the end of ninety years of life, was evidence of what he had been, in the hoy-day of youth, and when he had gathered to himself tbc greater strength of matured manhood. Judging from tMs. and when taken mens tally and physically, we doubt it a finer type of robust m*nhood was known to his day and generation, (lis endowments of uiiud were of the highest order; and, bad eatly cultivation lout its help, fol lowed ap by subsequent training in one ol tbe learned professions, or had lie chosen literatureor politics as a field for his intellect and energy, instead of to-day being ouly the subject ol a local newspa per sketch, his life and farao would be deemed tbc pride ol his State, and the property of his country; and his death would be chronicled as tbe termination of the life of one rauking high among the great ot bis fellow men. lu tbe language of oue who had known Mm tor perbups bait a century we give expression lo the sentiment common to ail wbo knew bim "But the good old nau is gone, and we may not soou look apou bis like again." VenS, An old physician, retired from (trscdce, hav ing had placed in bl* bands by an East India tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure foj Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma, aud all Throat *od Luug Affecllot a, also a positive and radical cere for JVeAoos Debility and all JVervon* Complaints after having tested its wonderfi l curative powers in tboossndsof eases bas felt it bis daiy to make It known to his suf fering fellow*. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send tree of charge to all wbo desire it, this recipe in Oermaa, French or English, with full direciiotu f i preparing and aaing. Sent by msll by aw drmsing with stamp, naming Ibis paper, W. Hk SneaHAß, 140 Powers Block, Bochcstei M. T. A. D. llovster k Bro , of Raleigh, are known for tbe excellence ot tbe candy they manufacture. They do not patron* ice the chalky clay deposits ol Florida. When you wish candies and other con* lections, Including iruils and canned goods for your own use or to sell sgsiu, vou cannot do better tlian to seud for their price list. If. mw iItIVBUAI. ACCSBB Ayer's Cathartic Pills are tbe be*t of all pur gative? foi family use. They arc the product of long laborious, and successful ch-mical investigation, and tLeir extensive use. bjr Ptiyciciaua in their practice, and by all civilised nation* proves tbeia tbe best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no barm can ariae from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills can lie compared with tbem. and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them when needed. They keep tbe system In perfect order.and maintain in healthv action tbe whole machinery ot life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted i» the needs of.tne digestive apparatus derangement* of which they preeenl and cure, if tiuiely Liken. They are the butt and salc*t physic to erniloy for children and weakened constitution)-, where a mild but effectual cathiutic is required. rOS SALS BT ALL DEALERS. ] ( CBIDH Ftiniimrrntora—Ho vr The; arc lo be Appointed nud Paid. [Washington Special to Richmond State.] The (uipervisors will select tbe enumer ators subject to the approval cf the Cen sus Bureau at Washington, and the nuins ber will vary according to population. In sparsely settled territory there will be one for every thousand or fifteen hun dred inhabitants, while in more thickly settled districts one enumerator will col lect statistics tor two or three thsusaud. Enumerators will have 110 fixed rale of compensation, and the aim will be lo equalize their pay uccordiug to the diffi culty of the work tlicy perform. Pro portionately the enumerator who shall have to scour over a thinly populated region will receive more pay than one who does the work in a city district with somo thousands of inbabitrnts. The Bu reau does not intend to pay men by the dar, as the experience of some of the States has sliowu that the plau inaket the work more expensive and less expedi tious. They are apt iu such a case to make what arc known to navy yard em ployes at Norfolk as "government licks." Dr. J. C. AYER &CO., of Loyel Mans.,, have favored us with copies of, Ayer's Almanac for 1830, iu various Ungjages. It lias evidently been prepared with care, and must be a welcome visitor wherever circulated. It is instructive and entertaining to compare the uarnes of the popular medicines wUice the Almanac advertises as tttcy arc rendered in various languages. Thus Ayers Cathartic Pills are called In Krencn, Pil ules Cathartiques d'Ayer, iu Spanish, Pildoras Catarticasde Ayer; iu Portugese, Pilulas Ca tharticas de Ay en in German, Ayer's Reini guugs-Pillen: in Dutch, Ayer"# Zuivcrende Pil lcn;ln Swedish , Ayor's Losande Pilfer; iu Nor wegian, Acer's Afforeude Piller; in Italian, Pillole Purgative di \yer; in Welsh Pelencau Khyddhaol Ayer: Slavonic Ayer's Rozwalnia juce Pigulki; in Polish, Ayers 1 Plgulki Price ■ zj szczajace. H'e advise om- readers to make a note of this last name; if ttJSjr happen to want a t>ox of Ayer's Pills the uext time tliey are In Poland, it will be handy to kuow what to ask tor. BT EWBERN FACTORIES.—There are now in o|>eration in Newborn, the fol lowing factories: one Cotton Yarn Mill, having 2100 spindles; one Wood Plate fictory, one Wow factory, one Tobacco and one C gar factory, two Foundries, three Machine Shops, one Boiler Works, four Saw mills, three Steam Cotton-gins, one Candy Manufactory—employing in the aggregate about three hundred opn erati ves.— ATewbemian. 35. Our friends and customers will please bear in mind that we are still in the fur trade, and better prepiirod than ever to handle all rabbit, mink, otter, possum, coon and other furs that they have to sell, and that we nre paying onts side priees—all the market will bear. Let us hear frcm cue and all. Your fur will bring the cash when presented to HOUSTON & Cno. Wholesale Bnvers & Grocers 2w Greensboro, N. C. We also pay cash for woolen, yarn and cotton rags. We mentioned In onr last issne that an attempt had been made to burn the store of James P. Foister (five miles ea9t of this place),t>ht it is now known that he himself was th# incendiary and attempt, ed to burn the store home belonged to Joseph D. Brasingtou Esq., but Was rented to Foisier who kept a small dock ot goods. In Doeeiuber Foister insured his goods and this attempt to burn was iu order to get the insurance money lor it is now ascertained that he had remov ed and sold nearly all hia stock. — Chat ham Record. Flanioan's Hotel.— The traveling public, that is that portion of whose bus iness or inclinations calls them to our quiet village, and especially tbe drtim» rners, who are more than ordinarily com petent judges in such matters, declare that Flanigau's Hotel is just one ot tbe best lor solid comfort tound anywhere. We know this to be true. Tbe rooms are large, well furnished and the very embodiment of neatness and cleanliness. Tbe table is just as good as an v reasoua* ble man could desire, and the landlord as Httcntiye as the comfjrt of bis guests re quire. Last week a physician was called to see a young lady patient near Old Town. Atter a diagnosis be slated that alia was anew mother. As Iho young lady be longed to a family above suspicion, and no infaut about, it created some excite* meiit, but a search waa made and tbe dead body of tbe child was louud iu a trunk * A post mortem examination dis closed the iact that the lungs ot the in taut bad uever been inflated, Tbe moth eo was boand over to tbe next term ot tbe court.— Wituton Sentinel. Palfcer la flclllsi Well. Mv daughters say. "how much better fath er is since he used flop Biltrr*.** He is get ting well after bis long (offering from a die ease declared incurable, and We ars so glad that ha used your Hop Hitters.—A? lady of Rochester, N. Y.— Utica Usjuld. Levi J. Walker, has administered upon the estate of bis brother, the late I*. C. Walker, of Haleigh. We learn the net value of the estate, after paying tbe few outstanding debt, wilt pruhsbly reach twenty thousand dollars. Goldsboro Mtmcnytr : The oonlract of bailding tbe new lanel at Merebend Oily bas been awsrded to Messrs. tVilkina Jk Harding, tbe geotlemeu wbo have also tba contract for building the Colored in sane Asylum. Aaiwrr Tfcia, Did joi ever know any person to he ill, with out inaction of the Stomach, Liver or kidneys, or did yba ever know one who was well when cither was obstructed or taactivc; sad did y»a ever kaiw or bear of aay case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cute. Ask your neigh bor this sasse question. —Tutcs. T. A. Olds Succeeds P. M. Wilson as local editor of The Observer. Mr. Olds bas been connected with the Raleigh press lor some years. The Car shed of the Sooth Carolina Railroad, with twelve passengers and twenty seven baggage and freight cars were burned, at Charleston hut Thurss day. A sugar boiler on 1 D. £R. Csrroles plantation in Louisiana, exploded killing three persons, wounding thirteen other* and doing damage to properly estimated at ♦B,OOO. Tokeo, Japan has bad a-firo,' burning fifteen thousand lion nun, and rf inlerin fifty thousand people homeless. That same place had a visitation from Grant. A rousing Irish aid meeting was held in tYashington, and a large sum was raised, \V. W. Corcorau the Banker, giving SI,OOO. The Masonic Hall in Enfield, and the store of Mr. Diloach under it have buruttd. The Masons and Knights 6f Honor lose all their jewels aud Mr. Diloach il,Soo worth of goods, coveted by $1,400 insurance. Henry a stock trader from this Sute, aliot and killed Jasper Deal in a house of ill fame in Greenville, S. C. He made his escape. Coroners jury said the killing was felouioua. Geul. Grant arrived at Havana, Cuba, on tbe 22ud of this mouth, and will viait Hati and perhaps other Islands and go to Mexico about the 12th of next month. The reason why Prof.. A. R. Lodoux resigned as State Chemist, is said lo be because of his being ottered a position in New York with better pay. Dr. W. H. Moore, of Goldsboro, has been choscu superintendent, and Col. J. T. Kennedy, of Wayne couutj, steward, of tl.e Colored Ituane Asylum at Golda boro. - ' The magistrate# of Chatham county, after considering anil discussing the matter, decided to continue the inferior Court for that county. Mr. George White, a merchant at Whitaker'a, in thia State, sold morphine by mistake to a faioier who gave it to his giana daughter, nine year* old, cans* iug death very aoon. It was mistaken for a drug used as a substitute for qui* nine. Geul. Boynton, ex-war-general, pres ent Washington uewspa|n-r correspon dent, criticised Uenl. Shermans' Me moir»; and Genl. Sherman lout hia tnn« per, and said Boynton was without char- would slander las mother for a thousand dollars. Boynton will sue for slander. A wagon load of goats appeared upon the Winston market, and went oil slowly at $1.50 a pair. J. A. Iloblnson, editor of tbo Winston Leader, lost a little sou about Christmas and another on he 18tb of this month. He is quite a young man, aud theso were probably his only children. Farmer anil Mechanic'. A liltlo over four hundred and lorty pounds of newly wedded bliss spent tho night at the Na tional Hotel last week. Tho groom, a New Yorker, several years the junior of tho pair, weighed about 110 pounds, or say ane-fourth of the family. Chatham Record'. Deputy Collector L. B. Pennington, accompanied by Thomas Wright, mado a raid near oar village and captured about ten gallous ol UIIS stamped whiskey aud a man named Ed ward Johnson, who lives near Silk Hope, in this county. They came upon Johnson about 8 o'clock at nigbt iu the woods a milo from here, and caught bim soiling lite whiskey to a crowd of negroes. A material train on tho Virginia Mid. land road rau oft the track at Hook 11th Station, aud down an embankment filly feet, killing tbo conductor, Dabner Wil son and two brakeiuen, and seriously wounding Capt, 11. D. Luckett aud. six road hands. Preston D. Mood, editor of lbs Clarens dou (S. C.) Pren, blew bis brains out, because a young Jewess would not mar ry bim. lie was 21 years old, talented and erratic, and the sou ol a distinguish ed Methodist pueacher. J. L. Pliifer, prominent business man of Concord is dead. St. Murka Lutheran cbntirofa, in Char lotte are settling tho questions, "Shall the gown be worn in the pulpit," or aha! l the resignation of the |»aator who wore it be accepted. The laving "time U money" la beet Illustrated by lite prompt action of Dr. Bull's Cough By rap In all cases of Cough*, Cold*, Ac. rrlce 25 cents a bottle. All Druggists koup It. Mr. Aaebury had his barn and a val uable horse bunted by an inoendiary in Charlotte. Wake Forest College has one hundred and aeveuty students. Dr. Jas. W. McKoe, of RaMgfa, has been elected physician to the penitentiary to Ail line vacancy occasioned by the death ol Dr. Liu!e. Charlotte haa.secured a telephone exchange, and U happy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SI'PIHM cenßT. ' StaasaanVaeair. 0. D. Cobb, as admr. of lsreal CaWe, die'd. i&m. 1 Hetrs at l»« of Cynthia Young. Mtlit.da Job, Elisabeth UOBCU. Abel IIOMM, Samuel Ilobbs, Lewi* HoW*. Pusaa Barton, Kobeui a Canary., Kroanuel lo*le. taw Hughe*. AuiUooj A wife Laura, EiUahrth Lamb, Heir* of Frankjr 1 hiiuaj, Heir* of MM bet* Jot, Liszie A Jobs, Govau lni;lc, lletra of Vincent ingle, Lewk Cable, Polly Job, Hannah Wbltaell, Alexander Cat4c, Isabella Cable, Kmily (lent, Kacbael Holt, Drald Cabla, Pern'Jla Tickle, Susannah Edna Law, Valentine Cobh, PJiiabetli Cobb, Israel Cobb, Jane "A. Phinpa, Isabella Robertson, Meilna Andrew*, William Wrrlek, Nowt-w Wyrick. Israel Cable, Elixabeth Cable, Jane Cable, Wilkin* Cable, Catherine Cable, garni. Cable, Milton J. Cable, William Cable and Kit Cable. Thil U a spacial proceed'Bg to aril land f. » aaart* bf O. U. Cobb, adror.. of kraal Gable, and it appearing to the satisfse ion of tba court that the beira of Cynthia Yoaejf, aanies and seica unknown,Ellrsbeth Ltnaen*. Abel ljobb* Mara). Hobbe and Elizabeth Lamb, hrin of Fraakey Tborr.aa, name* and MM unknown, heirs of Maabeta Job; Ufiit and Juba, Uarai Ingle, beir* of Vincent Ingle, Daniel Cable, Bo*«nnah Stone, Newtoa Wyrick and William Cable, are all nccaa—ry partiew to aaid pro ceedinir, and are non reaident* of tbi* State, it ia therefore ordered: That publication be made for them in Tnt ALAMAJICC Guuaaa a news paper published weekly, in the town of Gra haui, for si* euceerire week*, la lieu of per sonal service of saiamoae, and that if I bey fail to appear and answer or demur within twenty one data. a decree pro confetto will be eati-rnd a* to tbem, l*on« at office in Graham ) Jan. *». iB6O. ( A. TATI, C. S. C. , Alamance Coaoty Graham Market. * CORRKCTLD V.'ERKLT BY J. W. HARDEN". Wednesday, Jan. 28th 1880 Apples, dried, ¥ 1b.... " tos green V bushel, 75@1.25 Scans, Mixed V busiieU ' 85 " While¥ / " 1,00 Buttci r tn>.. 90' By»n sides ¥ lb .. £>to ■shoulders, ¥ lb " hams igii BccfVlb 4sts Black berries. dried,. #9 Bark, sasafras roots V lb 2W® J Coifee ¥lb 18®B5 Castings, old V ir> Candles Adamant ¥ lb 20 Cloth, tow and cotton, ¥ yd. .. tVS>2O Corn ,¥ bush "75 Chickens Frying 10S1!S Chickens irrown 30 Cottou inlint. V lb .... B§lo Cotton In seed ~ 3 Coal oil ¥ gat 25 Cherries Dried¥ lb 12W „ " seed 8&&3 Clover seed ¥ lb ..... k Ducks ¥ Pair : .. 30 E*gs ¥ doz Flour, family ¥ bbl 7*o " Super ¥ bbl .* 6.00 Feathers V 1b.... 30g>40 Hat ¥ 100 lb.„ 60 Hides, green, ¥ lb 5 •' dnr, ¥lb 10 Lard ¥ lb 10tol2}* Molases C'uoa ¥ gal 50@«u Meal, corn, ¥tb ..... 9 Oats, seed ¥ buau .. 50$X)0 Onions ¥ bush 50 " sett V bush 1.00 Peas ¥ bash ■ 1.00 Potatoes, Iri ib ¥ bush 50to 75 " sweet •• 50®ti0 Pork ¥ Ib .....1........... 6 Peaches; dried, peeled,. .. . s@lo " " unpoeied, S Rag* ¥ Ib ; 1 Salt One ¥ sack... 8.25 " - course 1.25 Shingles ¥ thousand ' " -8.50 Tallow ¥ lb 0 T„ urk f 3 K l* r J* 11 " 75^1.00 Wood ¥ cord »... 8.00^9.50 Wheat ¥ bush. 1.26# 1.30 Durham Tobacco market. REPORTED BT H. A. REAMS, PROPRIETOR OP Reams' Warehouse. Durham N. C. Dec. 13 1879 I.OCIS. ' Dark, 2 toS Kcd, ' 3 to 4 Common, 4 to 6 Medium, 1 to 9 WM» * , 10 to 14 Fancy, 10 to 30 Common Dark, 2 t»JI Good, 8X to4W Fine, - ■ «u>l Extra Fine, EKLGBT WIAPRIRI, Common, 9 to Tg Medium, Ifllo 88 Fine, , :t8 to 45 Extra, W t«6 Break* during the past week have been heavy but no change u noted it. prices since oar hut report, prices closed firm on all coiory grades hi good order. Seeds, Seeds, JVHT BKCIIVKB Clover Seed, Orchard, Grass and Garden Seeds. SCOTT * DOSKELL. Land For Sale, 940 acre* taring on Utile Alamance and Boyd'* creek, adjoining Dan). Holt, Thos. 0. Poost and J. W. Harden—Term* made fair. P. B. HARDEN. 1.14.'80.tf. Live Agents Waited (lapk Hariware NpftlalliM. The; sell la rrery famllr. Canraaaer* dear ♦5 to flO per day. Send lor descriptive circu lar* and lonoa to Agents. LIVINGSTON A CO., Iron rounder*, PiUaburg. Pa pALACL JEWELRY STORK yyn. farrar, ...... 1 _ „ AND JEWELER, AND A XT) DKALKS IM WATCH*. C f>tCKm IIVILBf Silver Ware; Bridal Pfeaenta, Solid Rings, Walking Cane*, Gold Fens, Ac. OREENSBORO, N. a WbUk will k« mM cbMf LONG'S NEW Store. AT PUQM'B COMMMM, U the place to purchase roar Dry Oooda, Cloth ing. Shawl*, Overcoats, Praia Oooda, Ladles and Genu Hat*. L die* aud Mlssea aboea a* low a* the lowest. flenta flue sewed Boot* at 04.9* a pr. Oroperte at Bottom Prices. That (food old Cheese at 17J cent*, coffee 15, 30. and «* , choice New Orleans inolnrse.. at 00 ct»., Prime Porto Kieo molasses at SO ct*. Alt kind* produce wanted at blgbext market price. Come and examine oar j.»od* and learn t oar prices. Kospc-tfnll*. JNO. J. LONG. WW I rn n CUBED Promptly and permanenf -1111 ■' 11 ly. 1 send a bottle of my cele |i | | m brated remedy, with a valuable HII K treatise on ibl* disease, free o all I' | | llxufferers wbosend me Uieir P. O IJ| 1 U and Express address. Dr. U. G. ROOT, Ho. 183 Pearl St. New fork Farmer Frleud Plows at BCOTT X DON NELL-8. MI'FICHIOK C«IIKi', A Inmnnrr I'oant), D 11. Aißrijjht Ilira n Well*, Ex'r. of William Well* and Solo mon Wells. . This to an ac tion upon a bond for the payment of *3l«.fifl, execiuea by tbo defendant Iyftj, and payable one day after date. Tbc de • fendant Solomon Wells is auon-ie*ideni of the State, and an order has been made for nertic > upon him by publication in this paper for six / succes.-ive weeks, in lien of personal «er?ice. ° If he fail to appear at the Spring terra 1880 of said oourt, to be held at Ihe court bouse iu Graham, on tbc 2nd Monday before the Ist Monday in March 1880, and answer or demur judgement will be rendered agalnat him by deiaulL , A. TAns, C. S. C. 1.5.1880. H'PBRIM rai'BTi AI Jacob Andre* and wife Nsnev." Thomas Marahiil, Jonathan Marahill and William Mar- Bpedal ■hill ra Proceeding. Alfred Marahill,Joarph Manhill and John Marshlll. This is a special pro- \ reeding foi the sale of lands descending from Joseph Marahii: dee'd upon the parties aa ten ants io common. The defendants era non-res idents of the Slate and publication In this pa per for six successive weeks is Men of personal ' service of summon., upon theoi la ordered; and after soch aerrice, if they fail to appear, and answer or demnr within SI days. jndg't. will be taken pro coofeaso against thA». 1.7.80. A. TATE, C a C. Ik( vl&i i\^X ■?/ si Hl.* ?\i)\ Hi §||jfejp its* *=• sff %^QJM Dissolved. The Arm heretofoce doing boatoaaa under ite name and style ot A. B. Tate A Co. la thia day dissolved by mutual corneal. Persons indebted io the late Arm Boat make immediate payment. Thoae kannf eiaima agatnat the said Arm will plcaaa present Ihm A. B. Tate will settle and doaa np the entire businusa ot Itx late Ana. A. B. TATE. C. F. ALBWOtIT Late partem Dndar the dmt name of A. &. Tate A Co. Dae. fcli, 1800. 6w, Prices reduced Perfected Farmers Friend Flow* aaWs Petersburg Va. One Horse No. 5 Price #4.St rwo Horse No. 1 " MO IVo Horse No. V* " 7 00 two Horae No. 8 y S.M For Mia at Graham by SCOTT & DON • urt MPMcavve KIMCMB. rBADS MARK TkcHml fUMUK mt&W for Bemf n a leocy, andall the deaeuci that |ol4^Mll^^ low.as iseqnenea^® •fFßti TAJUMor &f-Ab2ee- uUTII TUM. Lnaa of Memory. Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Back. Dluinese of Vision, Premature Old A*e. and many other Diseasee that lead to In- Malty or Consomptloa. and a Premature Grave. C9~rull particulars la oar phamphlet, which we desire to seod free by mall to every one. WTbe Specific Medicine la sold by aB drmnfate at tl per package, or six packages for *&, or will be tent freo by mail oa receipt of the money \tj add retting THE OR AT MEDICINE CO.. Mechanics' Block. Drmrft, Mich. otold la Graham and everywhere by all drugxisu. , New Arrival. New and complete assortment of general nMiebAodlie. 1* Sacks of Salt at 1115 eta. per sack. A tresh lot of Lhae at ll.w eta. per banal. All cheap for cart or barter. Call and exam ine before buying claewhere. 10.1.8*. P. H. HARDEN. If yea sea^sTaMwClLn etctaSa-d recr p«lwlUqueJa^tsfa^slttazt Hyoapeaaaaef bsifrnm. wtot br the stra&.»L roar cT«rrH|>lat»asi,or a mx* Z 13 Wfl| telTiPl otlf JOMyUCCinat volt, Urea we la the mWMNtki hm, at tbe aaagga?y^^^affl£i^: Qet Wmw will rirsirs«»sw' Jfc -~' T1 Hor Oooaa ■*>■*»"«■ IV*rl!rZal* otterf' tttlfwtet S^Dra^SstJ D.LC. la aa isolate aa4trraafattMeearifordnin*-l anass* aaa of sptaw.tntann a aa J naww 1 a I *u«wwM> y s^a fc a^i«.,ntu^i»..t| BOMtTB WMTmmoiao Bar IBWU*. The COMPLETE HOME '•'issaßisaik •