r V JT\- WrL 6 R THE GLEANER ■ .■ -- puki.ished wiacKr.r. bt* K. Sj P A TfK E R UraJwriii, n. V, Kate* oj Subscription). Postage Paid : One Year $1.50 •Six Months J j.,75 Three Months *..... ....'. GO ' •* : 2 2® Every personiendlng ns a club of ien suty gCrjbdrs With tho cash, entitles himself to OTV» o,op? lice, "for the tensrh of ttme for which, the elnbie made «J. 4 Papers*sent to dHTerciit onleeY. No~Departure from the Cash System xih - ■■ Bnlm #f A4rcrli«}nft ' Transient advertisements parable in advance: yearly advertisements quarterly in advance. il m. |2iii. |3 m. (5 m. |l2'm. 1 quare , |s2 00:$3 00 $4 00 $ 600 *lO 00 a " |3OO 4 50[ 8 01} 1U 00 ifrj#o )aentinsertion. . 1 " " -■ ~ ■ ? i OLD DAN. Farmer Henderson came in from tlie barii one morning with his hand? and' ciottyss wet"aad "covered Willi mud, his lace rati, and his eyes flashing. •Ned!' ho shouted, as he entered the kitchen. • Whore's Ned?' •■ i i 'Here 1 am?'came a cheery voice iii reply; and an instant after, a briglrt,' strong boy, of some sixteen cib tored the old fashioned couulyy kitchen " from tho adjoining woodshed, where ho had been cutting potatoes for the day's planting. 'Dp you want anything?' •I wa.tt to tell yon this,' said Mr. Hen derson, as he washed himself at the dink, aiid rubbed tho weather beatey face with the coarse towel until it was even more red than before. 'Old Dan must be kill ed 1 Just see the slate I'm in, and ail from the worthless old rascal ! I liim about tho house.another ' ekiy. lie's ".'.j food'for nothing butfpf. and he must bctoio irivbt! 1 ad ded the farjper. wratWally. Ned was about Id pAcac!, flSe his, pet, "wfem'his UUtlo Water came'Tn'to the !S- - ■ • Why, papa, what rs the she criedritnuing tb him in astonishment. J -| you fall into 4tte crde&r V |j M might as well,' he replied laughing. 'Old Dan butted, lyp into ,tbo' was a shout of laiiglttec from both children, in which their joinod. -r«: ... - . •>».'..• .M£srfj£)i*jpi •son, coming into tlnj kitchen,, with-inir/iy,* 'What con Id-voir thinking abont to let an old, 'most tweu« ' fier husband, 'ho took i fi ! kjd '# * oail , • iQicarry Jo Uio.lwun, and was (Itoopnig to - di|) f» oth'eis .wlien tiie ohl rascal ami a knocked me' nWrtiewate'r pcred I tell you, before I- could ' gef 'out. He : tVM hfiliftf Tiow, 11c V golf(oiHi,Kiflcd' to-day, sure. ~ lle'9 tiiilsfljice , ( %>d*l' 11 slujpt him fcis tali as if w; ill deri«K»i|, to tC hoarse ' irxgQJzwlff IB "• TI»o farmer Itirned, shook his jrhip at **-the '-This is your last « i,l:lk;v c »j' Nm O'inne wawjUnJ-oirlf flWihlren. Leaving .Cat rio in the house alone, after thpy for, awhilft.*hetlier there was any way. of averting Dan's w&Mr Xeii fcl(Quidered his hou and | maWMdMft^oiire v iSfet'll ,{Vlaitf fv£fK>tatocs tiie bjred the i• K*' ** J; ' * Hut the little girl of Ihiiice«*!«d no beiHg afraid. She had (be breakfast dishes to v was!i, 'iprap ftftcping to "US?lhetttßfnei. 0-■•gel sill 'before WsaWCS Tims iled. The dishes sfotfd In Aiuing , i fc{ tiie paniry H»eQ) 100111 had psrfemioH l itrWtfk;. aud ie was mt* bei'ed.: wueu there cauura faint knock at tho;l irficii too |liort for liiin.': T|nCi>n«i. toot Wlule gr»ced b y a ragged a ey££t>ie«ij>4jMi kl together ho wujk queer loetiog visitor. •Is yonr ma a# home, ml'ss? #»ld he, - in jhftlifi " k * slarpiy abitit the room. 7/ 1 1 repliefl dii+le. 'wondering v ... - TigMWiin*rtr»iKi i n>ii , jii.... '' . v - -—» ■ 1 -.. a—— j•. • ' r jr f - f|- why ho Asked ; 4 8hc has gone fo Under* hill. Old you wish to see her?' 'Ob, no,' 11 10 mftu replied. 'I only ask out W polilpijqsg, you know,' and fie smiled solemnly at tho little girl, and' winked one eye. 'No I came on business with your pa-pariioular, urgent busi«. ness. S'posalMj's arouud, is he not?' •No, sir; he went to.town with moth er, CafiMy . - I IRWPF' WOSSBFCL LLIE visitor, as ho seated himself 'and IV6 come so-far to sec him. But perhaps your .broi.Ucr o.r si-tcr do as wej|.' 'I haveift any sisters,' s*fl(F IMO 'little hostess, laughing, 'and my brother'# over in the back lot. iio'll be in by-niul-by, though if he'll do.' 'Well. 1 don't hardly bclievo he will, aCicr at).' eaid thesiwkinaiUw.lieJtd, though;fiilK; *anfl I can't' \V*U"fpidaV, any way. lliaiut (lie time, lliit I'm lor ribly hungry. If I co.uld, F'd stayfor din ner, miss. However, under the fttancee, perhaps you had better gfve ino a light luncfi before 1 go; a piece-©! pie, a cup of tea, a little cold meat, or some thing of that sort.' / f k Y T f iii I carter gjve you tiic'ii 'lfiat, fdi 1 wobarVen't it ifi'tiic houso,*, said I will find ; poiqqlliing.' And sjjjc brought jhe pautry a whole apple pie, which she placed before bimp with'a' khiW ftnh'foi'^. 11 " ' ' * 'lf y(tu>«yilbliclp tea ready in three minutes.' . fiSyji right, my dear I' said tho man, I seizing the knifo and drawing (he pie tos wards him. «I will act upofi your, ad vice. Tho last (imo I took dinner wiU| Ggfieral Grant,,' lie coiitinucd as lie cut a greatjikce, and began io cat, 'he said to me, 'Governor, never disregard a lady's advice;' and 1 have always remembered, what lie saidand he chuckled merrily, and nodded his head at the delicious look ing, pastry before hitn. u .. Carrie wondered a little at the table manners of a man who had dined with Grant, but slid steeped his tea, flavored it witfi rich cream ami sugar, and passed it to bim. '';■ *''-'J-"'"■*>'.',, j l-'j •I am not much of a hand for tea,' said the man, as he drained ti)o clip, 'bnt my. doctor says that I must drink it for di gestion. Ruined my digestion while I was in the army, yon see,' and ho wink»_ ed solemnly. ,'IJy the way,' ha couilns ued, picking np the silver teaspoon from They arc as a pattern as I sn(w. and- liko to S»e the rest of the dozen, if yon have them.' 'Mother ha* only eleven,' said Carrie, in h6r innocence, 'and'shc is very pr ( oud | ofl hem; 'but I will s'lioiv the in to you.'. Then slio brought tho little box with the pfreofotfs table silver—eleven teas sppqnp,, four tablespoons and an ancient cream;jug, all pure silver and shilling bi igTi!ly-*-and placed them before her in quisitive visitor to admire. lie had finished liis'light lunch.' That is, the lid Was demolished and 'the tfca pot empty. As the little girl bandetf him the. treasures,,ho arose. took tlie bo* to the window, examined its contents with a eripvulcye for a moment, and then, ar t«( I'ul swpritie critidUn. » ; , | 'flli right 1 They aro tho vary spoons if The identical spoons tlu*4, my 3wOiH v ~ert MiCp| 4 lucky 1L io (hat i ly»vo ( at igse words and-a low 'tow, (ho] rascal opeited the door and slipped away! with tbe spoons and the silver pitcher down the path towards Iho gwte. .. • u t > Opt au insiaol t Cnri-fe stoodl toolioiw] less; and then rushing after hiui, bha shrieked: - 'Give ine those spoousl They eio my mother's-sftoond. *Ad you are trying to, ,Be m'a."),'^ioy ever, pa*Lno >.iticntioir rfctte child's cries, but ran rapidly down the patlr.-oaMyiug the box U#JWV arms) i bWi iofUorevcr, iiqd fiarty affpeftHed on IheSceuc. '* - 'i_ i j 1 "* 'Old Da* Was OWjprass ncar Vhe gateway. *Ucm"£ M» -little mi-treap' voice; hefrokcd iip at lhfi.'vei>* Mietant lhat tbe 1 A hoar.e WXiw-arUc Siut a »»i» »ia long -IILLAU UI. N C-. ' ■ II ■II ■■■■■!■ IHWIf MM BMI ■■■ i bijaril, ami with another . tremendous ' Baa«p !> dnshtfd at him again'and overlie Went a #fccond tlmo, his treasures flying From !us hands. And now began a st an°c b&ttle. With cries ot rage and pain, tho man recovered his feet find turned upon tbe ram, kicking and striking at him lurjoiislv, while o|d Dan, accustomed to such waiulnro from years oif experience with the boys of the country side, easily eluded him, and in return, baited hlra to the cartl* agaiu aud agaii». ~i ; 1 . m ; I" ' V T.i'i l»e«»»ooBs aitd ofeam' pltcher wc^ knocked hither and ihftficr, ds ilie com batanls struggled the'road Was trafii-J pled into simiclhing like a race 0011 ifCj pio air was filled with very bad l«ii ( .! guago, vci*y angry baa's, ami a great ciou.l ol' dtisr. ~] H- But li#ef POrrib'flt'o * xAlnule®, vjclqitl declared Itself ripbn 'tiie side the runed, Alfd bvifiscd ami bleeding, .with rags, niinti>j hat and shoes, the vanquished man s(ulijeijly turned awfiv' ran liioping tlpwn the road, leaving iiis antagonist iu,full possession of the field and stolen silver. ■ '' Old I)au remained motioning?*,' gfrizing after his enemy, until lib disappeared atouiuKn distant tnrn in (ho ro'nd, then slinking the dust from*ids coarse wool he ; gave urtemnee fb alow grnmtilc ot sntiiK" faction, and yagging reitgrupd U» his Hinrtfer lif fi-oiit joi tfio house. Malt an hbur later as Carria washed tllb coveted spoqos and the fright little pitcher, and laid Uiem carefnlly away once more, she told ber brother tho story, and bow the robber wai foiled? and Ned, full of enthusiasm', cried. •We will not kill OIU Dan ftt till, for I do not believe that father Hvotild shoot him novrlorfc IfHivdrrfd doilai n!' Aftd'tllO'boy wasrTghV. old ram Won More than' he knew llgjbjjght the'tramp and J'e won his master's regaicl, and happy life fortlie Qfc.";his days.-r- Youth's Compnni-w,. ".sunt ; A rtytsjvrtf NAI.I.AIT PILCK. BY OTtVTE BELL. _ * iw ! (Suliny Bouth.) Ruhen Harrington, E*q., WHS loung ing before the library ftre in (he stylish town house of his friend Major Leigh. He was just home from a five years tour on the continent," fot he was tjie fortn nate posses?or ol half a million, and iifdf the women in his circle were ready to drop into'his mouth like ripe cherries ,while thy other half were vigorously shaking the crimson fruit before bis in different eyes. ~ For sonie,thing hejd him iiack, ani this very something .was £trt>i fitting him as he leaned his handsoiue, bead ag iin*t the crimson cushion of his chair and gazed Ljioughtluily into th« glowing coals. Night was jusi ueitliug down over the great city, the wind howled around the corners of tire house,;, and bursts of sleet and chilling rain beat against the d4tljqf.lt {Curtained wipdown. , And as then relight aauoetf over tho costly ftir-' niture he is wondering fn a (JrdWuty sort' iif WiiY if ho ahalLjevw J mb w oma» Her lu teor tailed sudUrt)Ty,aod' died a ruined onendf^cl'for y r lett.*rs NtJ *' Tori he IHV4 Beached Tor her every* where, bwt. the.|nce Bcr ry, whose beautJ .Apd : wealth / had be.n tjie tlio.ne of every now u'tet \j to .tho («ibi(ytyible world, itiwtk hosts? JjamjsouMjbrunette daughter bad |aciuated--bim with face ar J yT yv,.r se«, in« -Lillian Befry lie uas noi iouh! v inedi r.- Lte and iutew how tri cleai" meHow isovo the, (rthiWt'Wr the SWCPNiifJI . Tut rises to his feet and djw- again as the serviffl|s aatnitS a snoDbiljr dressed »UM «mr^rl a ,ni..li mistravK ■n( :c -. > Tnilker I nrast ha«D some money to- JNIGLIITF tfce: iatr-iti o«iMr.audu v>m » ohsiz; oppoaitsr «he Uhf»9?d«)r and wuh-Ji(jr bsck«-itnwd» awHtyeu4sonic_answerißi' th4 ybl e.rp ot Ull. , ■ U» jyir°ws >*et aud limp with WEDNESDIY.. ''MARCEC'' ; .I7 188CU S3 .-1 :!,il I u_, t i, materia!. A' feeling of pitv 1 his ji'Oart HB.IIO watches ill® fcl*—• jttcwl figure, and his linens instinct-, i vol# tinci their way to his vest pocket, •hr*3kfdli of a ttfenfy flufhfr 1 *jjftld piere ho I*l3 pluoed there I hat. moraing, but he «f.is surprised to finij it gone, 'tmnsk have dropped it somewhere,' •In Jrtitl to' Ifiiiiftelf ia tlio Si rvatit pd 'Mils' Lt'igh says you in tint waU/4lio h/is not ii cent of mOnfeV abdiU.' hJ: ' •• w*" - •fffnsfc wait! Teimier T waited a fnafcrlf i»adbd tliO aibflow xharji profile of ii' ybiirtiflrt face is f-eveidedy an a thin ftHiid tfanlldW tVe veil aaidft. f «(n>it hfivir'tlie money ffti my si'Vvini;. Tain half starved, ' n»y moth^t*' f ''will pot leavp tlrtr hO'rtft lllltif*f gPr soitio tndnfty.' 1 •'ITio wrvaiit Mirtrwi away nnil Ilnr- H«^M/iHair , Mttl(ukl"cyf 'Hi' as if speßtoftfftltf'. H lii'lbTi' mi* 1 taii>ly»ceMi4«ls#ifor4ie-4«o«fchti«>*i think, it; whs any other feeling that kept tho pioor d 'girl olft tokjjgi. ' » . ftsiWV ', n 'W9.I 1 arose aud picked up noinetbing nliininp Ironi the crinmou wool of a> Persian rug beforetb© oaglMenrv "« r 1 r .. J 'A twenty dollttr goltl he heard ♦ler sa^'softly,' ind he know ft was hi? own, "aud thoy tell she lias no njoney. « t lie noticed the transparent of* the slundbr wrist. U '■ 1 'Shall I-keep it?' wss uttered In a low hitt , er*ydice.' 'Hbaveifi know« L need it; God would shroly ho|d uie guiltlpss if I kept this money.Aj», 9M$. t ,h*d love and warmth* and in plenty," A deep sigh wafted tg Uarriugton's oars, as the s^Mjal^r-stood wither, bead Howed ovpr tboj planus He ..fancied he u;»ld*fl? yet bo little knew, what to struggle wna going on in thai vonng arts'bredst. flow* the miserahle mother,bto&'Ui a ' fireleurt room, was thougfij ofr the ninny comforts that inonew were weighed in tW,l&Nfcpe»' then honesty aud inborn integrity rose up against lbs temptation, . and with a sob thntwent to HeuliPii's U uder heart she cried ocrt With low mouritfal pnthosr 1 ifaj HtfUXnW &• be c , but i will Steal, Father in hottvieu keep, my liands cleau*nd ti/heart pure, for I ani fcOrt-ly tried." * ' s !yi !.",i j fln .vn.tbq. marble top of H gypsy tuble,nnd the next instant Uie soft bustle of silken oiftrtr 1 fell ou Hah car as JUalle came down the wide stairway,-a cloud on!her lovdy;:briitißU6 fdce.: .itlw was elegantly attired in myrtle yreen'silk, sud emer her var>, ohd nestling in the filmy lace'at IICT throat—ft thrirqughly welUbred fttslupDahle woman, but cruel and h artless, altUougW Keuben Har- Cington thought her. gentle and oom«- paasiotiate. • ; s»> *t> t J ; >'» .• '¥ ou It-re yet? , sh« says sharply, 'aifU with a slight start the girl turned and fac -d Wifs LeiWh. "Hc'aveu help me!" exclaimed Ron hen Harrington, as he boondvd to his fee.t with hlrtuchud cheek% "its Lillian liewy; and in such noedl" '•* , M "X must have *omo money, Miss fjidgb.. Our rt nt is due, mother is at , duatli's door, I fuar, and we bare ndt » particlg of fbod, or fuel im tho house," , cried, Lillian, tears streaming dowa lift* w!ii.te, Worn cheeks. Her beautiful hair escaped ioiu under her bat land fell about her neck in shiqiup rmgletsr "Oh, Miss\(j«'igb, if you know what poverty waj yoy wQuld,nat ro(use inel ' * .»/ "Possibly not," said fljliss Leigh, with a laugh that gratefl harshly oir Reuben's ho*e ntar We had bebrt to commit* ting himself to this woman, "but Jou | see lam not poor and never cx[»ect to be." "Ah, Miss Leigh, yon do' not Irnbw what is before yon. 4 was tho daughter •of a rich ihdulgent fafthh - ; now, beaten help me, -I anr 'as poor ay the poorest ; that Walks the streets. (*ive ine a little money if you have any humanity. —i;ijd a liule." "Really I have not a ceat \ iii (ho hpuso, Papa la short, of funds just , uow ." | ( Uuiibcn Harrington,, standing in the [ruby durk of the library, jiuihfd con [ Uniptqoirtly as he thought of ifa# qpe, huiidrud dbljar tbot dor laid down pi\ tlie polished couuUr of s down townriewelW for tlie jrery emeralds that flatilled at her f and in her dainty, shell-tinted esrs. "Verily, wo men ate a vain slow," be thought, "and tho sotika tliat beguile a mas into mat riiuonyars not to.be trusted." -r.r --"Look here!" as she -puked op the sold piece«ad> -Meld i» to««7ds MUs Leigh. *'i fonnd this on-the rug at' wy | feet. I was teoip.ud to keep-it, bat 1 n«vsr did act in my life and [ 1 will not b-gin nojr. Women - like l yourself often leave*us poor oiealnres 30 ' alternative but to beg ar steal, but I will starve and die laithfulto Hif pritiei ptßK tfthis is yours [»ty nw with part of it." ; „ , Miss Ieigb took the money and coolly dropped it Into her pookei, while Har rington almost shivered with disgust. ^t Vtt^ , |Jv ,^H?iiw)4r° nv ' not »r"o« rent of it. xou—must wait until qdftt wrvk,". "Next week," inoanejJ Lilljau .Jlerry, f>inun» a#uj with a white, )n(|)elt;i«8 faoo., me; lor 1 aiu in sore ue«'d. : ' .«.■■' hwui' jil | - Slio grooped blindly fat *he door, und like a, tteubeji dashtid past Miss | Leighi and luid h linnd oii l|t;t- qnu. ,Alt the o»tt(;r fuefing* of his nature rfcrdnsed 'utid his fiuG lace wits' crilusdn i with indignation*. ;■ i« »»»« "** 1 *»•»' , "Alius iigh,.i>au» . anltamed *f your TV* 1 ?' richj honorcu and You ae*j ,10 wliat''strait# Vnißlortiine' poverty and death hare brought h«*K' "HkVb a care I that youi own life dons "»K>t Hl «feet' 'with u fliniiliur frp jfcr»t i an^l °Xr7 Xll 4fij. ■Lillian, with tt rosy blush cretninj #nSo lief «ah '"febVekS,' loo&eil tip shyly*' into tho bvotixsU tmU'bktidftomte 1 ftte '3t' hp* vi , K!j "li»'ube»j, ahu ujumtitrcd, bursting into flood of tours. And as Leigh, rn» trulcfi] ahfl ? cliagrinen, slifanfc awai owts of sight, Renbon took golden head pa . his bosom and told LilHanhow lie h*d gjven li*ir -n|» for Jj»st aud that her a«rng> tjles for breud wero over, for 4>e atieliej; of his heart awaited her. "Just lib tliiak',"'sneered Belle BeigK, a few davg ''that a man like Hed-' 1 ben Harrington almild ibrow himself on u poor aewing gjrL" • u. m *'" But Bello founi that society opened' its arms to welcome the poor sewinfe girt, who, happy ra tli'o restored health of her mother and a good husband's lor* blossomed into* aoblc, beautiful whose purse and heart ware nlwas open to the poor and ae^ Bollu Lkiuh fretn out Iter days a contented old triaid, who dds[\lsfcs sewing girlaand twenty-dollar gold-j>ieWea. 1 "For tlirougu ouu or l*.th i lost - the best catch 4 pmtf. it .at •• ' * v 't' 4 "* •m'*'' f, r . GltSawngs 1:, A falsehood is mi) tarsal** , besaase* / w,h> commetreo tire Shout are most brdzeu voices •'■!«! »» ' Ttat was au observing fellow, Mi be was hilt six years old, yl*y,sai,d 'Papa I wish you would ''quarnjmiiiio against Torn Junes coming -here every iilght to set} Jenny. , U'a got- to be too .>apes dcinic.' . The best rcclpo'for going' tiifongb life in ani«xqni«ile w*ay 'With bcantiKif irianv ,ufir is ; lo ce: that everybody« BO malt or hpw rich, o'r how poqr, needs all-tike kindness they ban get tmm other's in tlie world.i op •?» M* bo ' . 'You do not titaa to rasfcecallft,* said an I pleasure dertvc4u.it mH Virtu yonenter, at least when vqu opaic.oiii.fit 1. j *>' ( Long fcl low. •Klx c .4lHl l fi»qMßl h walks from Cnmbridgo r«> Mount Auburn on pleiisfcntuiortth4g*,'a dftlihice of ttfree utiles, d." u, .iiri lii >r, Mr. E. Keininsrton, tlwignnl inoimfnc. lurtr, has built aliousa .at .Cairo, Egypt,' claim against tlie-Klioflive's govoruineut of #500,000. Johes says Itis wife is the most tbrilfi» woman he ever 'Wfcr, t/it,' ho. s*y«, alio ha I made leii bedspreads dur itig the last two venr*; Made thcrti ht«r*- sell. out ot ilie ,pi;.te;iw afce coliuoivd. on her shopping in tjj»l tiiiM. s Tho other day » father aai.l '.u>hi« five, jear-old hoy, fprhu camoju lata to «lin nor from schwJ. .'ifyblfietHfJtf ar# y«U srfaMM Wear if plain. ** l * ' • '*•- ?)" >-.£& 'W just lo»i fna wife was found by n neigh -1 bolf crh'pfHilg a bowTof Bohp as targe an h hand basin. *Wh*, my goodness, Elntillmwf said Hie go« Hip,' Ms that *ll, Sou oaro lor your wife?* 4 Wa>. r *ldd the 'nnkeo, *lru been crying all the inorniii' j and after \ fiuUh hroakhwt I'll cry aii other spell. An Illinois schcolmistress ww unable to chastise the bigtfast ribl pnpii and' ' called In iyoyujr school trmlou t> «*atft her. Tin: U um.x; J'xiuxl Unit the oftciuhr vrM htl own sweetheart. but his SQiiae of doty triumphed oWr, hfi' lotC and lie whipped Ihc 6nly Hlc IWb 're mit in hiftsinjHiiM a tweet lidart*, but Iter lather sued him for damage* a verdict K>i*«iu. . f h.- -n t * .«f« •Mrt. Mnry HolhttHflrr' Massachusetts * taw (txyvN^, )ears, *ns a remarkable woman)* When •evenly fro years old si*, beg-m (lie mMUirartura of .tidies, which fownd ready sale in IS>stoti, and vvcix* so much sough( for that gM was cftfl&ed io employ sev* er*l dW ladiea to drtti® coarßcr work, while she lilted In Ifce'' finer ' part* with 1 her own liauda. .In ttyswaiy np lo 'her | niueticlh year, aho> netted. -B,OOO - from her sales. .a--m I steaf« pofstesih# Iftfd hi a roftiny but a!a»! his bettef half nwaice*! Qtiick as Thought lie ereeps to hi* fii's-born's cradlo nnd begins to rock It aoltiy hnmrmiig a Inlla by. A voice ta beatd—"Charted what ar« von Mri*'theH»f *' e Wriv. dear. I have been frringto gH thfc * beyr off 'to I sleep f«r the la»t half hour!' 4 OTt ite'la j hero iu bed with mo! Tableaux! ■ -v ■■ " f "-K>9 fpo J JU r 3 ; i 1 " ' « ,i *■» :■ » ■ ■■ ■» . ■ ..i n ..>t mi j K «•«>«. ~ /(InmnHrr Cannly. O. D. Cobb, u admr. of larea! Cable, dtc'd. « m« Atmimt. Heirs at laiv of Uvntblii young, Mtlii.da Job, Eltedbcfti Llnncng, Ab( I Hoblw, Bainuel Hobbn, hey It itobhe, f*n»#n Barton, Robroia Canary, Xboi«M IWrn *»l MaahetaJob, Ur.xie A #ohn, Govauhiirle, Heirii of Viqcrijt iiiate,, J>:wfe entity Willy .fob, Hannah tVbitsefl, Alexander .IrtalKlla CuJjic, Kmlty Omit, 'Kacliacl -Wobts I*raul Cobb, Jaw iMbelU June ttHk'MMMM Catta, C ""> .vTW« U • tpwial pracetding to salt Jaitf for n wtor ,of.V»*»^abl«, and It to the aa{ia(ac iqa of NMooart Imt tWheirs bfCytithta ToW 1 nkmj* and **;*• «rf rTttiTwey i nam; .s p«prf s*xm unknown, W MmUHil J«bj lAnfo mnA lfaii.Tfl.Tkn «6Tiawit Daniel Cbbla, Stone, «eyt W ,Wj f )ck.a«| WUIUm Cable, are all neceatirr parties to said pro caedin* ami are «*> reM.len* oflfiU BtaU. it As therefor# That pab!te*tiM»«• toade & tl?em vu ■Wffl MTWeof wq»qwj'a**«MfiW->Uwr ait-"'* pro "Vw-v »• J>one at office In ttraihaa ) *s «»U Jan. 80. I#Bo- -v t • 2 ; *f? k !KM 9*: «:• ii JftjjrTifenrtfr a at . . ■«—,*> i mi. Mai .» - ¥ttitiable r Wafcer Potter ; '.j* *44 44 .tjST&Hvmrh-* . « ?j • i Jb or baie *** ** CLQU Vah-e 1%,™ ' HHHntai" U Tutrelt alxiirt. tan itMllf tHtil flßlTlil l with It, and more to be had ooomimUMlv*, adjoining. 7 ' I UMfapwOW aanw '.Xh»p«nf>% atttf tai*JP4«lfaP«K>rT. thaw btio K .»qieM f«t *«**■•» UdfcMbaai !ih»sod tfcetfa I***fc«M^pablic te tow-. i . ' f. t"f etmpmfi o , UJB.SWB® ;; K flTlfSl C i tmr —r ■' —.i .a « ". aiuw I North rresDytena*. - -idfo b* !••«# NNH .« Se effqrt»«wr»p*d tomfc* l»tfwpi o «4.eXurih Caroliw tlvo and tuefpi. To do tpiA «# pfttteoi 9Qpk a vaHetjrW tnmf aW4 a/ will aim la to puhll*h a five pa par. ,» 1 ft nttnffci* Vbrwopitiilmtt' krv. Dra. Drury Lacy, J. Uenry Smitkl. B. Aomt, "B.«R*ekwMf.+. H Dalttm. iTOf (h Hitt. W .aXaey, W- W-Pharr, R ■. Mi iSi£SSsfiWlß Phillips. Spencer, Mrs H. 11 Irvli, hod 4kaj ''MU, JMitoenrJ ».*?. . '•> gj!UC9H:y. H it fc.iW .1 ju i^> „{«*. Wfc« w»»n >►» y°V ifflPft Md »*• fO»«ib« ..i«;.»«?' . "rpTTy*"' , * fl ' Raleigh Observer j nj I ~l f> A DempcnUit ,setq|pqMV ~ "THE v ,OLD BJ(U4VWro I sAuneiiA A«tte, !•■ «v ..]• Bettora»4-Chr**" r "'t •*■•« . We»Ki.T, puramuM, * MM PoetrtartT* afTowrd « 1 therm] commission oo all i»v HvUtcdber* >*»■!> 'lw>ftu Oosnay Mho**" * DRUGSTORE '* I hsvt?Wrr 'roccniHy AltoAllho otowliowM iwa. .rfwr. of n > ««- I)rtfq& and Medicines Also . han^mo'Wk- or .rifcW, Ud o»«ryi*n* **»*«■• Centrafj^M 4BVlS>K^IJHCLS7^ft(lfRiraiR tbpim •—CI AO RKR IMY m M lllllf 18,3,80. lor.