ATVBAIi HIMTORV—THE BARV (Dotroi) Free Press.) What animal is this? That is a baby. He ia now about three years old, and at the wickedest point of hia early eareer. vVhat country does the baby mofctly inhabit? He can be foond in every inhabited country ,on the globe, the same as mos qnitos and bo\la. they be tained? Yea, quite easy. After a little judi cious dircipline they oeaae to struggle Mid become subservient to the will of man. Do« a baby eat grass? Yrs, or anything else. They swallow pockul knives, thimbles, buttohs, apools, or any other obj»ct a little, smaller than a tea-cup. If offered milk they seldom refuse it. Do they graze during the day, or only at night? They are alwaya a graying, paving not tlie least heed to the hoar. When not actually rating tbey generally give ut terance to a peculiar cry. Strong men often jump out, of bed at midnight in the coldest weather when bearing that cy- What meaning is attached to the cry? Man of deepeat thought bare agreed that it signifioa to wake up the neigh* borhood and have aome fun. Of what bebefit to mankind ia a do mesticated baby? . They are of no earthly aeooant for the first few years, but by and by they can slide dows hill on a cellar door and carry articles oat of the bouse and trado for a wooden aword, or loae them in the grate. l>o TOO know of any ins tan oe where the baby baa attacked tbe houaehold and killed or injured any one? Such instancea have been related by saoh Ontasut naturaliata aa George Itaanola Train and Texas Jack, but we dou't.tMt muck faith in then. How* ever, if fhe baby waa maliciously pro voked, there's no knowing what it might do. Are they a healthy animal? No; on the contrary, no druggist eonld make enough profit in a year to boy fcim a |*ir of Artio overshoes bnt, for the nreeenoe of a baby in every bousa bold. There ia hardly an hour in the day that the baby doe* not demand peper* mint, paregoric, ipicao, or something else coating money. Wbnt machinery ia made nee of to compel the baby to take a dose of castor oil? There m esversl patent machines for the purpose, bnt most people follow the rule of knocking him senesleoa, and get* ting the done into hi* month before he recovers. la the bald-beaded baby more domeetis than others? . Not a bit- kicks around after the same fashion, bbd has even a worse time figbti»g fliee and mosqnitos. WfeatmuJWdo (hey seem to nee. for? A base iron ia tbeir first nhoiee, bnt they havo n bea*y leaning toward the sound of the stove-handl* Knocking the none of the pitcher with the emptying? • in it. This ia all abort the baby. Take anothpr look at him, for neat week we ahail write about eonse otber reptile. A Itfcijpte [Okprelaed (Ohio) Herald Mrrek, l«th.J A slagle letter is at the bottom ot. the migatfcn H the Cade eaute. Tbe late Leondid Case dying without a will, and leavii% no wife or ablldren r brothers or slster£ nqthftW«> or tttloae, to Inherit,the keiraro goes «aekward. Hall, arose ililMntauce in snob cases, it the siugu . lar form expresses the meaning at the framera of (lie statute, tha property Is to be divided among tbe bjoihers, and sitters of Leonard Caee'e lather and their heirs. 41 lbe plural form, the relatives ot tbe mother are laotoded in the dietribu* tion. Tbe sal' was brought by one of tbe mooter's relatives in order to have tbe question settled doflultely and amio ably settVsjk Judga Jouea baM ce.thto urday that in accordance with old custom gular. Tbe point ia an important owe, as eetabUahlng a prscedfot In the aettle* ment of estatm, sad it is understood that »Indecision of J was^iio abVdsw. Tbns a bit ofcadem penman» IVMMKI) •tXMtkl fet QftCQ *lc |||o cause of ail.this lhigtUou, delay' aad a*- peuaa.-' «» -• • • . 1/. QTi S h S v j bfcaou 52552; butter, It ia avkieat that ibey maat be In yreat competitor of dianr butter, and to Ita insiiotafeturers and dealers.' Indeed, hatteriue ia said to have tbe appearsnoe, fitvor and. tasta to snob a degree that even Ita anemias oonfess that it cannot be distinguished trom it, and In several law suits touaequeut to the attemptod on. forcomenl of the laws enacted against it, liave evon mistaken tlie one lor the oil - er. Judges hare not been able to tell what tvgfl the butler, and which the but., lerine. For our part, we look askance at all butter coming from the North, and do not doubt that much which is oonaiicbed in our cities as flrst-rate batter isonly the imitatloo. We prefer North Carolina, pure and simple.—Raleigh Observer. LMT IICSBAMO, [Prom The Detroit Free Press.] One of the officials ot Justice alley was lately waited on by a man who saiit his name was Smith and who had vol unteered the further information that hi* was about to get married. The onl) stumbling block was the fact that he would not agree to leave off drinking. He had come to consult His Honor on | that point and see what was advisa* ble. "Well, I'd promise, I guess," replied the Justice. "It's a bad habit any bow, and the sooner the belter." "Well, I guess I will," answered the man and he went out. In an hour he returned and said: " What do you think ? After I prom ised that she wanted me ty promise to Wave olf chawin' tobacco !" "Well, I'd do that tco," said His Honor, "It is another bad habit, and you'll feel all the better for breaking ug Smith went away again, ani whan be rbi iirned he looked twice as soleain as a Qosen white-fish. •' And now she waats me to promise to stop swearing!" he gasped as be fell into a chair. "Is she • nice woman?" asked His Honor. "She is." 41 And yoo truly lore bet?" "I do." "Well, tben I'd quit swearing. It ia s senseless habit ftnyhow, and you lose nothing by promising.*' 1 The man concluded to promise and departed quite bappy, but when he ono* more returned after an interview with the bride-elect be was mad. "There won't be no roarrisge," he announced, aa he sat down and pounded tho table. "Why? What now?" "What now? Whv, when I promised to atop drinking, quit ebawin' and leave off aweanng abe said I must promiee to olean up, share up and go to cborch witb her!" "And yon won't do it?" "Judge," replied Smith, after a atrug gle with his mental agitation, "do you •oppose I'm going at it and ehange my self over to a gentleman just for the Hake of marrying a forty year old widow witb a mole on her chin? Never! You can go home! There won't be any splicing to do, and from this time out I'll drink and ehaw and swear around four times worser than ever! It'a too much—lt's the last straw on tho camels back!" A new paper called WOMAN, has been atarted in Paris. Of course it will re quire a new dresa every two months. ft" i r t ■■ i j it ■-? > — ADVERTISEMENTS. % A NOm ■ Tailor. I and *gi order according to seleedon of sastomers. t* ! (IrtuaiaM '* 4 "■ Smoking tobacco Si««ncnl»D a* Graham N. Ctt 8. G. McLean Yftlsis kls TRADE MARK El WBS Aid Indicates, witb eertalaty, a delightful sasok fay tnb«eco. k»«ide at say package ksailag It. Mm best leaf w used, aad (be greatest cars Uiee In manufacturing, flavoring Ac. -• Address 8. O. IUXAN, Orahsm, ita—ncssn M. C. Albright & Mitchell Rave opened a new apd well selected stock Bason Store Consisting of dry goods, groceries. notion* hardware and In met erery thing usually found in a general stors. Cheap Goods for cask or barter lathe word. j JNO. O. REDD, t . T.N.JORDAN, Henry Co. Va., Caswell Co., N. C. Farmers new brick warehouse ob tie old Farmers Warehouse Site " BANTILLE) Va. torso?" t^le #rlner, * I * ntcr * °' Virginia and North Caiolina: The undersigned, as the propne VABBBBS NBW BRICK WABBKftUSB Call attention, to its superior advantages of %. location, sales room lights & accommodations - j* for both men and teams; and for comfort and convenience generally. The proprietors art experienced warehousemen, especially our Mr, Redd, and our assistants are all proficients In theii several departments. We do purely and rtrictly a warehouse business, and our whole time and attention is devoted to the interest of onr patrons. J' • fBE HIGHEST PRICES, especially for fine grades, guaranteed. We do not speculate in tobacco, and pledging ourselves to look CI.OiIBI Y to the sales, and to handle carefully any toWncco sent us, or taken in, own ors may rest assured that their interest will not suffer in our bauds. Promptness and fidelity our customers may depend upon. WCome to the Mw FA 11MER8 WAKEBO USX, when you come to Danville. Tours Ac REDD A JORDAN. i * , , . , . . - - / * ' 'f' I, - Onr Mr. Gant, while in the Northern cities this fall,bought the largest and most complete musm . that we ever had in store He bought before the upward tendency in prices began, and we nave not marked them up. Several years experience has learned us pretty thoroughly the « ants of our customers, and better enablad us to select the goods that onr trade demands, our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING '• '.' . . 1; ■ I f - , • •••■•' ' is especially extensive, and in sises to fit almost anyone ~~ ■„ . -tt ■ n.-ti*t limta Jrt/fniimfi tm I EaAHMUf) ©o©®^ from hooe to hat, we hare in yariety and of latest etjles. As to BOOTS and SHOES > " we pride ourselves od the line wa ketp, and know they have giyen satisfaction. ✓ V BUGGY FINDINGS !i",-; ,v " : + m. of all kinds for the accommodation of (fkr trade we constantly keep. S^RYTHING "* a i' >*i -111 IJii' »> T *** * * to be found la a general store you will tnd with us. H*e bought to sell. Remember the yellow stort J. Q.OAKT A CO., Company Shops, If. C, and old man, and young lady and old lady and those o£,uncertain age and children all GO#EST of the court house to the store bearing the sign J. W. HARDEN Mr 0; % J| j tf \' * I To lay IOC* OR'WKRIIS TOUR HABUWARK TOUR DRY GOODS tour anocs* bootb 1 TuUR HATS A CAPS TOUR RKADT-MADB CLOTHING ' TOUR LRATHRR TOUR BUGGT FINDINGS TOUR CROCKERY A GLASS WARX TOUR TIN * HOLLOW WARR *Oyi LADT£H AT 8 A BONNETS To sell AND EVEJfTTHIKG TOU WANT r#oß cnviiM, rora Baca, rom BVTTBB. VVm. WMKAT. VtVR PT.OOR. YODR MTS. BOOM COBB. (MB PBBBDCI. W BMB. Coma and sec J. W. HARDEN -±t 't . - ''f-' • 1 «* ' - * ' * 1 CHEAP FUBNITUHE My store-rooms and shops, are only a few steps north of the court house, in Greensboro, and ask the people of Guilford and surrounding counties to examine my stock o£ furniture ami ask the prices, and then, if in their judgment tbey can do better any where in North Carolina, I shall no! expect them to buy of me. My ttock in part consists of Chamber suits, Dressing suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Bureaus, Wash stands, Tables, Looking glasses, Folding chairs, Mattrasses, Wall pockets and Braokcts, Book shelves, Book cases, • " Wardrobes &c c. • All these and many other articles In the from common to the finest, Burial Cases and Coffins front common to the very finest, always on hand, in large numbers of assorted sizes, so that an application can be filled at ofacc. Also of all sises, beautiful and convenient, always on hand. I shall be obliged if people will call and look for themselves. .. , # 6ULLKTT. _ ; „ . - r • Greensboro, N. C 5 08-79. ly. (ill til IS STUCK * Mi* * Jri... • i; i J - 'i- A-T COMPANY SHOPS ••■ a J !! v ••>/ 4 j'i -»• • i ( - iWfft i Ittf 'i? I Our Mr. McCaulev spent some time in the Northern cities, selecting: and purchasing onr fall and winter stock of goods, and yge flatter ourselves that we can make it serve the inteiest of our friends and the public to b«yof us • , . JQress Goods, Milliner those beautiful UATB, ■ONNBTV.ttOSEIBV, NOTIONS, CI.OAK ft AND A a beautiful line of . , . . ~ t r}> '»! l* tsr* ■' %' SHOES and and many other articles /or THE LADIES. JttSMSSS&SSf' 000 °" """VJIiM «...TR. M ■ tn ©iimiii,, THE FAMILY We are yet In the large and convenient store house formerly occupied by Daniel Worth mnA « W lO BhOW ° Ur g ° odß - We le#Ve 11 {OT onr e oO(ie " d our price? to Wng 4 ' iu.sw.iy. McCACLEY ASJiITH. ■ i) Still at the Si HE OLD STAND ' If} ■ t " • * 1 desire tc inform my frsends, old eustomer s and the public vhat 1 am at my old sUnd, the same recently occupied by A, B. Tate A Co. . . I Selling Goods CHEAP I have a full line of goods, including Grocer les, Hardware, Dry Goods, Ready-made Cloth ing, Boots andShocs, Drugs, Cr>ckpry, and in a word everything that my customers r ay want. I want to sell and mean to sell, CMh or Bar ter get the goods. „ 3 '. G. ALBRIGHT Bm. IB 34.79. aRAYWUPBt'imMBBICINB, TRAOB MAW TH* Orrst TRAM MARK BEFtM TMUM. 0 f Self-Abuse; asMTII TAIIIB. Lobs of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back. Dimnesa of Vision, 'Premature Old Age. and many other Diseases that lend to in sanity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. WKnll particulars in our phamphlet, which we desire to send free by every one. ##"The Specific Medicine is sold by ail druggists at at pet- package, or sir packages for ffc, or will he sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing forbrough House EALEIGH,N.C. tt, W. BLAVKKAM,, Prsfritlsr. Kates reduced to suit the times. Scott & Donnell Graham N C Dealers in ■ RT CMBA CBSfKRII ■MBWABI, MATH, MOOT *»«•«. NOTIONM. IKON. SlTStai„ WAI T, MOI.AO. •KM. aMDOM, MM Ml* viniii. M v at STU»f AC Al. THJS RAUCIGII . ®|tistian S^mrAlt, KDITKD AKD PUBLISHED BY BLACK ft ft KID. RALEIGH, N 0., (a Ike organ of about ftp,ooo Methodists in North Carolina, and has the largest circulation of aay paper in the Stat*. It gives the asar kete, secular and raliglous aewa. Ia a weekly, sight-page, religions, family Only tS.OO par annum. Sabaema at ones. Adver tising ratsa liberal. FOR SALE. —One carload salt, floe a*d coars ScotrADoMkStx. ''-'l t ■ m* Seeds, Seeds, JUST IteCKIVEO- Clover Seed, Orchard, Grass and Garden Seeds. SCOTT fe J ON.VELL. Land For Sale. 340 seres laying on Little Alamance ami BovTs l.U.' P- H HARDEN. I4ve Agents Wanted llar4»an MperlaMir*. i?f M iQ J cver >' Canvasser* dear Wi to $lO per day. Seud for descriptive elrcu lars and terms to Agent*. I \ v LIVINGSTON A CO., Iron Pounders, Pittsburg.P % pALACE JEWELRY STORK - t. u ■ ■ 1 ■ + i ■ •' ; yftß. FARRAR, \ ' ' •> i.i'L' sui Xi i ■ , H AK II ItMHR r AND JE WEI.ER, AND in.. ; X , >•' •V- ■ AND DEALEIt IK WATCM, i'Mf'KN, JKITIIBT Silver Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid 'Rings, Walking Canes, Uold . I'eus, Ac. GKKENSBOKO, N. C. „ . fM4 wUlN^Urtwy^, li I I I brateil remedy, with a jrahiable' II I I ,« treatiseon this disease, free o nil 111 I Vn'ereri who send me their P.O. 11l fcTand Expre. s address ' Dr. H. O. BOOT, £| w ' No. 188 Pearl Bfc New Tork I ■ ■■•* il H i i Long's Store Pugh's Corner. Graham N. C. In antlcipatlbn of the advance of goods North J I have pnrehased my •PBIN« STtCK 99 ti OSDI at bottom prices which will enable me to sell them as low a* thn lowest. My stock will he COMPLETE IN SVJtftY DEPARTMENT. 1 Hoping by honest, mura dealing to marls a • I highest market prices. -»™s| ; r " M New Arrival. fj New and complete assortment of general - imclnndif l 125 Sacks of Ss'.t at li .15 ct*. per sack. Afresh lot of Lln>e at f 1.90 ct». per barrel. All cheap for ea*h .r 'wrter. Call and exam Ice before bnyl.ig i-Ucvbcrc. ..'JkbkK W. I S*. p. K. HARDER V

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