THE ALAMANCE GLEANER T/n-r- ■ - .*>lll3 ,3313^ —. , .L- . ! 1; I '■ inl !_i -- ■ L i_L- •' ),J> • i'i '■) '.Mi, nidi—i—Li—'f . .mi 1—— - VOL 0 v»* THE GLEANER . PUBLISHED Wr.KKI.T *Y ......J F*riXft» ,s. PARKER ~j» 1 UrahaMi N. !, , Nate* 0/ iSubscriptions Postaye Paid : One Tear .... fI.ISO Sl* Months 78 Tltroe Months ...i.. SO Every person sending as a clnb of ten sub scribers with the cash, entitles Mnlself to one free, for the lengh of time for which the club is made up. Paper* sent to different offices No Departure from the Cash System JR«in •€ Transient advertls'ements, payable In advance: yeajlj? advertlson}eiDh»'qiiarter|j in advance. t( • il m. |a m. |3 111. (5 in. ;ta in. qUare j*2oo*3oos4 00 $ 0 001*10 00 2 '! I 3 001 4 50| 6 00 10 00 t 15 00 Transient advertisements $1 per square for he first, and fifty cents for each subse TUB WAt TO WIN. Edward 9tono stood impatiently upon the top step oHJlUilo Dan's statuly rests deuce; There was not the faintest sign oVjlife any wiierejaround—the whole front part of the house was closed and darken ed; alid having rang several limes with out sljeltiivg any response, lie was about to cMcftidb {here whs no one 'rfiflnu hearing, whefh a'head wits thrust Out of the upper window. 'Young man, go round to the side door.' Considerably startled by this . unex pected address, the ypung man obeyed. Upon the porch brushing away the leaves that covered it, was a young girl of fll» teen. She looked very pretty as she stood blight smi|hino fall iiigloirier retinci wliitc irhis er»d head. p. Setting down her broom, *he usliered him into ajoediom sized, plainly furiiish oi;room Xvlnch gavo no indication of the weajth ot its owner. 4'hTlWWg n&ii tiokfi seat,,brushed a flecks bf dost from the lajttl of his CMtj| ran Uig Angers through his curel'ul -1 arranged locka, «fud thus , deli Veied hlmselt; ■ 2 'Tell your master (hat* hfa/nepifcw, Edward Stoue, is b«r«V> A laint smile touched- tlio rosy lips, and witlra demure sir/ the girl van ished. > A few minntes later an elderly gentles man entered, with strppgly marked teaturtomiidra «lHewd look in the eyes, which.seemed .to take, the men tal measure of bis visitor at one single glance. i' Well, sir, what is your busiuess With mv ant your nephew/ •So mv daughter told me. What do you mmsn ■ JJS was thinking of goTng-into business, Mid thought I would come down and talk itugxer w4ih yoa, and ask you,to give me ft lilt.' .s^ni-rS^a# 'WHrft better capital do yMI Want than you aheady have? A strong able-bodied ppjgi bd ashamed of yofirsiUj What have, yo i this unceremonious that he could not allord to quarrel wah his .wealthy relative, ho gatf no blbM bi 'Ba*«d nothing from your salary, t#«p --&!' " y V't v'ilo; its only ; flve.h«W>dred; not'-moro a H«^DBfh T I perceive. 1 have Jill » ieai and educate a lacge ikouly Oll i^ v vW? d a ycar; *£i b f. e been unable to save anylliliig, you 'cer tainly are not* afili'td 5t W to business on your own aceooat. When I was at . yoar age lay income ~va« three hundred dollar*, and I saved half of it. What^s4hebaaiM«ry*«jpiah to engage luF . . and books. hundred dollars will buy it, as t ho owner is obliged to sell; a rare cbaupe. don't ask yon to Ike aafotkuL, only lend it; 1 u tny note with interest.' ■Young a»i», I have several such pa-j pers'already. You cau have all of them for five dollars'; aud I warn you (hat it will prof! • that. 1 can give voa soMah#, though, which if voa follow will be worth a good many times oiv* the amduut yd'a ask^^at 'How do yo»k(ro%aw,t?»aid Edjvard, .relative. 'l'd like-to bear!t,anryaatf.' rry,•; ' 'Well, here it ia. Go (jack to yonr place ia the afore," save three dollars a week from yonr salary, cau do; learning in tho uuaniUM all yob pos sibly can in regard to the business' yoa wish to pursue. At the end otibiir years . yon will have the esipital yon seek, to gether with sufficient experience and judgement 10 know how 10 use it. And belter still, it will be yours, earned by yoijff own industry and self denial,', and worth more to yon than leu limes that amount got in any other way. Then coine ana see me again.' You'd rather have my money tha*| advice. I daro say,' added Mr. Stone, as Edward arose to go; 'hut we'll ho better friends four years hence than if I let you have it. Sit down, nephew, the train you have to take won't leave tistil six in the evening. Yon must stay to lea; I want you '.o sec what a complete little houses keeper I have, at.d make you acquainted with her. ,•t; ' ' i. 'Polly 1' he called out, opening the door into the ball. - 'ln obedience to this summons a rosy checked, bright eyed girl tripped in. The m at print dress had been chang ed for a pretty merino, but our hero did not fail to recognize bar, and bis face flushed painfully as he did so. 'Polly !' continued her father, 'this is your cousin, Edward. Ho leaves on the six o'clock train, and I want his short stay with us as pleasant as possi ble.' 'Polly is my litlle housekeeper,' he added, turning to his nephew: «1 hife'ij 1 woman fur the work, and she docs all the rest. When she ts eighteen she shall have all theeeryanlfr-shp wants, but sho must first. It take it into her to marry a poor man as hor.mothef did before lier. E!i! my girl ? * ♦'* ,T * Gary 's only reply to,this was a 6mile and oftren, 'Oifr Herd was considerably embarrassed by the recollection of the mistake he had mddc, but* the quietly Cdrdial greeting, yf. I bis ) J'pjing hostess soon put him comparatively at rest. At lier fathers request—who wag very proud of his daughter's varied accotn* plishments-Mary sang aucT played fprh er (pongin; and his visit ended in singular contrast to (he stormy way it common;•> ed. Edfvtfrfl fr&lftffetf'theilTO'dWlar note tendered to hiui at parting lor his travel* ing expenses. •• The old man smiled as he returned the note to hi§ pocket book. •fie is a sensible young chap, after all/ he remarked to bis tho door closed after his guest. 'lt's in him if it only can brought -out. We shall see we shall * ''' * 'A good deal for father (o say,' was Mary's inward conmcnt. who thought her cousin tho most agreeable young man sho had ever met. Three years later Mr. Stone and Ins daughter paused in-front of a small but neat pleasant looking shop, on the plate glass door ot which were the wordsi 'Ed ward Sfone r Stationery ami Bookstore. It being too early in the day .for cus toineie, they found tlie proprietor alone, whose tijce flashed wWv pride aud pleas ure as he greeted them. 'I got your curd nephew,' said the old man with a cordial grasp of the hand, and called aruuud to see how you were getting on. I thought it was abont time Iflavn yon 111Al- Olkod Ot vie three years ago. You don't- look inuch as if you needed it tbotglt.' 'Not At present tkauk you, uncle."*'was ibc phoerfuTreapoWfce. Curiou»ly enough it ii tliesime binriness tbat I wanted to Imy theu. The tnam Who took it to borrow money to purchase it with,;get ting so much involved that lie bed If sell rft a sacrafice. 1 • 'Just what you wanted to do;' -lij Edward smiled at the point madq by bis npcle. - ' l ' 'lt isn't what flohe though. I've saved four dollar* a weeje/f fid 97 salary for the last three years; aiid'so wai not only able topay tlie money down bat had fifty dollars besid ..' 'Bravo I n»y boj / cried Ibo delighted old man, with an >ther grasp,of the band that made oar bei o wince, f i&i* proud of yoal Yon are bonnd to saeceed. I see and without JLtahJ,your cousiii Pol|y that jwlrtWtUkWie eighteen I would buy her * house iii fbe city; and that ahe should far amt' herself aud have,all the set vaiils'slitf Suited,and Aogtlil that iicm grew and | givetrbMisfetefltf Hfcstarovder%'a» .fwell as sent -Htai * number of customers, "but *akf tiothWf ftbrtt IseMtug him ihj oilier way alitil Ottflstmas eve." En, taring the room Edward and his d»tKliffiflftffWiiiff l 'lf« M 8? ' Wagerf the Hit tie lift I promised yon, toepbfcw, aud which yMi ItkWWtU *a«ecd.' GRAHiM, NO, WEDNESDAY APRIL 7 1880 Ed ward glanced fronillie flvd thous and dollar check; to ,iho lu\ve|y,,face at b.i* side, and :Im>u to thatol tlie speaker. Ynth are very kind, undo, (far binder tU.ull I deserve—but—' ' ' 'But what,,lad? Speak out, would you prefer it in some other form?' i t - Edwards fl-*gers closetl strongly and tenderly over the hand he bad taken hi llis; : j,' . /i'J* i-dii . ; j', >Y'eß, pnole—in this.';) s , )r , 'lhe'dkl mati looked keenly fiom one to the other. 'You are asking a good deal, nephew. Polly have you boon encouraging this young man in his presumption?' 'l'm afraid I liavo, father,' was tho smiling response. 'Then go my daughter. 1 give yon in* to worthy keeping ;and if yon make yonr husbands heart as happy as your mother did mine during (he few short years that she tarried by my.side, he will be blest indeed.' CAPTIONS or ACTS AND RBSOf.U. I TIOJVOt. The following is a list of the captions of acts aud resolutions passed at tho spes cial session ofthe General vened March 15, 1880: An act to empower the Board of Com missnpiers of oouiity to sotllo with the sherifl of Cabiirruf county, by compromise all qtust*udinu uiisett led bus iness for. the years 1871. 1872,1873, 1874, 18?5 ( 1876 and 1»77. ■ . . = | ( Auiaut |o. relieve citizens of Burke county from tho operations ot act probib iting iho driving of .catlfc west ot , tho Blue ltjilge, . An ad to amend chapter 79 of laws of 1879,;. . Au act to prohibit the salo of iutoxi*. cluing in certain lopfkliti^s. An ucl to amend chapter 239, sectipul, laws of 1874 and 1875. All act concerning the holding of tlie Superior Courts for the counties o/Beaus fort aird Martin. An act to amend section 23, chapler 70, of the la.Wß'Of 1879, entitled 'An act to raise revenue.' An act;to classify the public roads of Buncombe and other counties. An act to cpnatmct a bridge over tbe Tuckasegee Uiver, in Jackson county. An act to auicuu chapter "293, laws of 1879. An act* to exteud the tuna-to redeem laml sold to the State tor taxes. An act to incorporate the Durham Hail road Company. An act to make tbe killing of ,livo slock by the cars uud engines running on ruiN roads iu the Slato indictable. . •_ Au act to amend sectiou 2, chapter 118. Bttltie's Bevi*al. . Au.act to provide for tho removal of causes iu coort# of Justices of the Peace. An act to amend section 1, chapter 206, la»8ofl879. An act and empowering the County Commissioners ot Unimi county to apply their surplus railroad tuud to the echpoi general fund. An act to amend the charier of (he Ctpc Fear .and Yadkin. Valley Railway Company. , An act to atncpd an act relating to roads uud highways. Au act to authorize t|ie establishment ot graded schools iu tho town of Salisbury and iu the township of GeUlsboro. An act to change the tpo? of holding the courts In the Fourth Judicial District. All act to authorize the Board ot Edu* cation of Edgecombe county to pay cej> tain ttuhool claims., Au.act to amend chapter 257, sectiou 1, of, the laws of 187.9- >. Au act for tbe protection qf .crops iu Rowan couuty. Aii act for the relicfof Beaufort county. Au act to amend the charter of the Atlanta and. Charlotte Air Xaue Railway Company. Au act 40 amond chapter 83, laws 1879, An act to, provide a servant for thf Supreme Court. Au act to re-eii4ct an act to run aud establish jhfl dividing line between tbe counties ol Greene aud Wayne. Au act concerning the drawing of ja> ries iu Wake county. Au act to incorporate tbe town of iliichlands in Onflow,county. J» Au ad to allow L. M. jLung, late lax collector Of Halilax county, lo collect ar rears ot taxes for iho year 1878. ■« Aat act to amend section 1, chapter 194, of the laws of 187$ -'77. Au to amend section 20, of, chapter 70, of tlie An act 10 amend the charter ot Uigh Point, in GuiHord county. '* v . An act to prohibit the tale of inloxical ing liquors within two miles of Eikvillo aud oihesr churches iu .thia State. An act to incorporate the .town of Au* rora, in tbe county ot Beaufort. Ah act to iuqorporato (he Historical and Scientific Society of Wiluiiugtou, North Carolina. An aet to amend au act lo prevent live stock Irorn running at largo wilhiu Ito au. Davie. Cabarrus and other counties. Au act to amend an act entitled ''An act to incorporate the Granville Railroad Company," ratified the 13th day of De% ccmber, 1869. Au act to amend chapter 232, laws of 1879. Art act in regard to .the collection of taxes iu ltobesou county. Au act to incorporate the towil jf Mfd dlebnrg,'iu the county of Warreo. Au act to iucorpoiate the towb ofMe baneville, Alamance ouonty. Au act to auiaiiil t'.e revenue law. A n act to amend' tbe laws of 1879, chap- An act relating to roads and otber public works iu tbe county of Lenoir. An let to provide for the sale of the Stste's-iotereet in the Western North Carolina Railroad Company. Roaolulion iu behalf of I{. W. A!il ler: . Resolution instructing the public Treasurer to issue bonds to E. A. (>u. duy, administrator of Selb Joiic#, de ceased. . - Ucsolutfcw oh adjournment, ; ,|. Uesolution iu relution to cenlonnial celebraiion of the batik} of Uuilford UiMirt House. liesoulotion in reference to iho rouiu ot thefcodper uf the capital, . Uesolution in tavor ot I. W. Rogers, lato keeper pf the capitol and arsenal. Uesolution iu favor ot 1). W. .Jb'uriuan and John C. Symu. , , Uesoluiion to pay Sv T. Cairow, ltesohiiiou to employ • conns*l to aid the Governor iu making ooutraqt with* W, J. Rest and others. Refulution iu rehuiou la the centennial of the batllu ot Kings Mountain- Resolution of insuuuliou'to,lke tJov ernor, Uesolution iu relation to Tiftdai Wal to.i, of Uiiucoinbs floliiiiy. I , » Ucsolutiou in favnr of Hoah IU Uioo, . Resolutionrcquii'ing Uia, Sesretury of State to purchaae a map tor the use of the Senate and for oilier par poses. , An act lo amend un ac*, enMiled "An net to pruhibit tlie salo of spirituous liquors i. utiruuu localities," chapter laws of :i. . , Au act to amend lhat part of chapter 232 of tlie 1awa014879 whicii nrohibits the salo ot.ApitHi.u9ua liquors, hitters or any intoxkstiug - drinks,: witlun three lailee, , tl . An act to oueateva jipw . towushlp out, of-* portioMof UrOWAlur Alotmlain, ,DaU, Idr and SoirtlnlWaU. t«w,usliip» r ,,iu , tUo county ot Gaston. n- ; .v/, inn An act to auiond section 8, chapter 7.,, Battle's Kevisufk An act louuiend an nct.ei|titk>d, .{'An ait to provide, for tho lading oil of road from Qtiakce'Bridge, iu joues county, 10 a point near /Tar Lauding iu Onslow COUp'.VU-uit Oli h Au act couaemiug taxation aud revos nue;l . An act to araoudebaplcr 82 of tho laws of I 87» entitled ,Au act to provide for keeping in-repair tho .public roads ot tlie State.' * An act to incorporate tho fpwn ot Wake Forest tloilego, .iu Wake county. An acf to give to sub contractors, la borers aud material men a lieu for their, just dues. An act to amend chapter 69 Battle's Uevisul. An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquors within . five miles ot Uadnot Greek.Bethlehem ami Oak Grove Church es, iu Garteret county. An act to amend section ,14, chapter 117 of Battle's. Rovisal, in relation lo widows.' year* support. - An act lor tiio butler protection of nav igation iu the waters of the Aibermarle Souud and its tributaries. Au act lo amend section 1. chapter 260,^acts of 1776 7.7, and to prohibit the sale oi of liquors, within two miles of Mann's Chapel, in Chatham county. Au act to incorporate Iho town of Raudleinan's MUU iu lUudolpli county. Au aei to anieud chapter 40, section 2, laws of 1879. An ac'. to continue an act (0 prohibit tho sale of liquor witliib two aud a half miles of Hawk's Chapel iu Chatham county. au act to prevent the felling ot trees below the southwest biidgc in west branch ot New Uiver, iu Onslow coun ty. tenfew . „ . An act to amond chapter 80 ol the pri. vate laws of 1879 concerning cotton weighers. An act to amend chapter 137, laws of 1873 74, entitled, 'An act lo prohibit the sale ol liquors hi cert oin localtlies," , • Au.act ter. the reiief of the bondsmen of F. .1. Satchwell, late' sherill , and. tax oolleotar ot Beau tort county. 1 An act to .protect Uie flsli interest iu North Carolina. ' n -i 1' . " : TumtftiCK'Wives. —Extract from E. J, Hale's letter in Ilalu Weekly. How can it be accounted for that a man in these parts is able U get thirteen ifivea, all living at the same time, snd all scatteftd from Canada to New York i and Chicago? Such has beeu the expo* rience of Clarence K Davis, now in jail at Chicago for bigamy. He was a drum mer in the tea trade in Duan street, and married his various Wires at Cincinnati, Mald>ft, Kinderhoek, Stamford, Qnincy, Toledo, l>etroit, and so on, all being 1 young 'women, tot hlr as stated, and one lof tbbm a boarding-school girl of 17, I wbiUt he is 42. After his third marriage, he tobk the unnecessary tronble to get a divorse'frOm one of his wives, -on the ground'of crnel treatment by her. : On one ocoksion, not having enough wives of hisorfri, lie ran away with another man's wife. He is described as a small, leanfkeed mas, with gtay hair and whis kers, prematurely aged and anything bnt pre|»one*sing irt apjiuarasce. He has at tempted suicide in the Chieago jail, where he id confined. I repeat, how van it be accounted for that such a fellow has been able tod#ude so many women in so many towns and States? Perhaps for the reason given by a country woman with whom I once traveled in a stage, ffte was on her way to visit her daogh ter, who bad married at 15, she said:' Being asked why she couli allow her dangliter tomarry'at sneb su age, she replied that she was not certain that she i would ever have- another offer. mm mm. ff ' j There are some things that a man can't put up with. When be lall* out oi a sec ond story window on lo a picket tence, to have Ids wile come oat and a*k him if be is hurt, is more than any man van ■laud and not gel mad.— Boston L'oit. 4 •ni3lp'*a« Iter 'Miar i*nrnaU>4 Buier. 1 AN KPISODK OP THE BANQUET AT THB OPENINU OF TBK CINCINNATI SOL'THKKN ' EOAU. si .f . t I. IU , tH; „ A . r oJ [Clneinnad COtrimercU), March 10.) But there was a long delay, while the people in the balconies ivaiicd wearily, oi* nfose and passed out, and It wns fully midnight before,any onp was permitted to come to the Iront and address the noisy and dispersing crowd. Before lliib there had occurred a grand and thrilling episode. The ureal orches tra, under the puissant baton of Miclujql lirond. htruck tip lhe.siirring o|d air yf "Dixie," with.lts soul ihiilliug associa tions U'lid memories. For a moment there' was a hush. The old soldiers ofthe North and llie okl soldiers of the South looked at each oilier, and tho vast throng was t still. But tho second bar was struck the oindMons ofthe gallant South* oruers oycfyuunj tljyi), a,nd sjinul laneously they sprang to ("licit 1 feet more than a, tiionsaud strong; awd the old Soul.boin battle cry tnado Ihe lofty arclies ling again. Side by s.db'with fhoin stood tile Northern liosts and cheered with them. Again mid again tho men ofthe Southjbmke forth as gay measures woke their enthusiasm, and tho strains or the ofchest&-\y&ra flirty drowned by their united voiccSi ' - A prominent gent ieman of: .Uinciimat I,] nud a famous soldier, (trued to (jovernor ofc Tenuossee, and said: 'That is "Yii," wa« the reply, u and now hear it rsiMcd for the Stlnra.and i Stripes," lor just then tie.O'clioHra ! struck up tJrnt grau(|. aiui putriotic air. ' The sceno that' tollowed is Such ait one watt nevtfr witnessed befofd." As ilie lull orchestra ponied forth the fraud okA, strains oft . star-fpanglqd'b inner, u Oh, Joiig inay it wave O'er the land of tli'e free And the home of thb bran-," the organ burst forth in glorious unison With all its magnificent power, anil the: vast audience arose as one man,, and thei old Union chetyr blended with the old rebel yell to the notes'ofthfe national air 1 tor the first tiino since tho dark and bluody years of the great civil war. M«u who had fnoed eneh. tether ou many . a ei'inison Imtilo field under the . Btars and. sirii>eß aud under the liars and bars clasped hands aitdf waved handkerchiefs until the grout level of-Ufe'hull was like a white sea. All the sound of the orches tra aud ocgan was lost .in the exnltant shouts of recou jiltallon and commbn pa triotism, and,the great wave of enthusi asm swept over the vast (glowing coii course, and carried everything before it!' It waa a *-ceue never to be fcrgotton , bf those, who participated, a moment that was cardinal iu tho history oi tho great republic. Surely the honored ot (he grca: enterprises tbe successful cotrtrtlo tion of which was celebrated yeslerday, aud the patient, faitblul workers upon the grand dosign, Jtniiidad more wisely than tiicv kiiQtv, and helped to accom plish emts far beyond aud deeper than they dreamt ''of J " 1 oJ • 1 a Kit ok i, ) UDTriNOTATIIK RKAB. The following, related; by an officer ol the ritvnowall .brigade, tuny internal some of our soldier'frieuda: While Jackson's corps *u cautiously moving to the flank and fear of th 6 Union army at 'Chaocellbrsville, the Confedereate cavalryin advance became engaged with tin enemy. Soon a wounded aud bleeding troo|ier was seen emerging from the woods in front. After looking around, he itavu-i in the direc tion from which the infantry werp marcUiug as if seeking the iqar, or, as the av«ragegray jacket .would iMy, the r'ar. Soon afterward* rapid firing ox pluinen that the bluejackets had closed lh*b%liimJ Jackson, Mid it was. net* long before the pddr CsValfyman was seen couiiyg back again. When opposite,the "Stonewall," another cavalryman from the front also arrived. No. 1 at Once recognized hiui, and said, '"Hello, Bill— wounded?* ' "Yea," said No. 9,' "but not; bad. Let's git to the* , a>v , » >*» \ >*ii At which No. 1 excluimedi "This is the J a rudest fight I've liin. in yit.. It hnint got no rar"-~JsiiU)r* l,ru.wc>\ in Hurptrt MagcuAn* for April. r , ' • " ' • ' - • . 'Mr Famllr F»l. , ,» 1 •>• ' ■ There was a fcud between tbo JlowerLe t aiKi Wesitall fsinides, in Warren cuuuty, lowa, and the llvweries' hired boorxo \ Wheels* to kill tlie nine male Wornlalls iat SIOO a pioco. the |>rioe l> be paid alter i the death.uC«aoh» ami MOO to be a«Wio-l alter ilio l:a'li of UmruiutJi,/.' waking #I,OOO for Ihe whole job. W hcqlcr jbc- Kan work by sbokHlng at the lather ol the West falls. bat onlv slightly wounded him in lie lioad. Nevertheless he. de maedetl SIOO Irom Ike I low erics. They told him (bey would not pay lor audi had mar lon— ship, and lie eould only get glO; so heax|>oeed Use whols plot,, and all concerned iu'iiar* new in jail. ►i- ' i)tl ■■ »4 ■ '■*« "" »>'■>■ lt#r Mi Gen. D. 11. Hlrt says that'the Arkansas Industrial University, of which tie is President, lias m*w' 480 students, > and wifr probaW? 1 haW W0 befote the close ot mo session. '• » HajV .»yl| I'm Imii , i,,jf At best, nfe ls inr»( Very lone. A lew more smile*, a lew more tear*, some SleaSnres, mutfi pain, ftuiiVhlne and song, loii'is and darken, hasty greetings, abrupt then onr little play wilt Clofe, itnd and Injnrer Will pass away. Is ll worth while to hate each otbfcr? k) eif I'jiu -. -|i JSO, 6. SCPBKIOK tOtiBT. > AUmaacc OMilf. 0. D. Cobb, u adrar. of Ureal Cable) dtc'd. Airaliist. * Heirt it tew of Cynthia Toting, Melitdn Job* Elisabeth LinUens. Ab« 1 Hobtxr, Samuel Hobbs, Lewis Hohhti, Ptisan Bfertoh, Bohrtira Cansc*/ Emaouel Ini;!e. trasftn Hashes, Anthony losie $. wM * Wk "ftV»* MNJ'K ttifc* of Enuihy Thomas, Hens of Maalietn Job, Lizzie A John. UoVatt Intfe, Welrs J tFVlheeit ln ß fe, Lewis I ?°H y Job ' U *W>ft,.V'WuwH 1 Alexander Cable, Isaliella Cablfl, Emily Oant, Kachael | Holt, Daniel Cable, Pefn»rflk TlcSkte, Siim'nrmh' I Stoii', Edna Law, Valentine t'obh, SMiulxlh Cpbb, Israel (Jobb, Jane A. Phipps, Isabella' HObemoto. Mel na Andrews, William Wyrick MfKftfsMe. , j irfti;ft'n-} m ib vwft lhi« t* n *|>eoial proceeding to aell land ft»t assets b> G. 1). Cobb, admr.of Israel Cable, and it «|>|>carin« to tfc>Batisfccio» of the«o*rtl that the heirs of Cynthia Young, names and ( sexes unknown, Elisabeth Linneoa.Aiad'Hobbe Sa,il of Frankey Thmnaa, names and »u*e* unknown, heirs of MjtshetaJob; Ltxsie arid* JohW.-Oa'ran Icgle, heirs of Vineanbinirie, Daniel Cable, Susannah Stone, Newton Wyrick aad 'William > Cable, are aIT necessary parties to »afl pro ceeding, and are non residents of this State, H is iberetoM ordered: ThatpoWieatiua be qrad* for M.e W In J¥K GWAIff * r.Ws- t itaper.published weekly, in the town of Qra hairt. for irfk sooiwive- weeks, in lfeu of Vr sonal .service of surtasraa, >and»lhat if tinty a Htatonm. *HM» twenty one asys.. a decree pro confmo will be pntered aa to them. %viiua kl>one at office in Graham ) an. SO. 18M v i;. km ••»*»»•» J.i n j. i ■., H 4 " Alamance County 'Hi... ... -ii i' H - tl' t,- - '« North Carolina Presbyterian. iSf* efforts are to malm this orgiin ot ♦he North Carojina Presbyterians attrac tive and riaeful. To do this we present such a variety of moral and rrtiginus re«Hr.* as will by , old "P T"*. rieh "di^iciermr and laity, learned and unlearned. Our special aim is to publish a life paper. It nnmbera amotj its covreepowfewta lU*. as Ji&MfißEStt** aIK: sob. E. H Uardtnu, Di fc Jordan,*. Bample, E. P. Rockwell. P t )l Dal ton. L. a Vass. H. G. Rill, W. 8. Lac v. W. W. PBarr, P. H. John ■too, ft T. Penick. B. Z. Johns**, 9. H. Cbee l «r_. j. \y. Primrose, 81L Smith. &. C. Seed. J. M. Wharey; Prof. J. ft. Blakr; Mrs. Oornelia ' I'biUijia Speoeer, Mis H- X Irwta, aad taany others. . Price 92.69 a year Addresa. lit . JJT. ii J*** MofiAinuif, Editor an J Propriety. W ilminglmi N. CL Central Hotel CtrviiKSfeQro. K. 0. BEYMOCJR 3TEMLE, PROPRIETOR TERM^:—II.SO PEH i|A* This house is conveniently located in the cen tre of the city, tbe rooms are large and well and Ue table la supplied with Ue best the market affords. Large Sample Rooms Omnibus and Baggage Wagon meet all trains y»lualble Water Powy For Sale ' The Trildeiilffned have • valuable water pow» er on Bii? three miles above Jla inan?e Fwrtorj. Tbere fct ajtent Ma acres of l«nd - competed with it, and mort to be had on reasonable terma, ad lolnlng. This vower is improved to the extentof a saw mill anfl a first rhtegrliC mill, both wheat and uwrn. J'J The pow»r is ample fpr a cotton factory, therelieinir sixteen feet and to the Inm( power op 1%. Alamance., j It is jnst fi.ur miles South of Oibsoovllfs, on the N. 0. B. R. and thera' fti a good public road air the way. Terms made easy. AddretMoyMrttoalatt, O—phdyffheasiw. C or A. li. CLVPP .OlbaonvilK N C 10.3 m iit "» " ■m.'a . it ,rM' ■mitt p ■ • :1880 v-\ WkstbsllWPrrsMsalf V * WMftbalt be Wavcra .rf Take your bounty Paper, and then subscribe for " THE !i - Raleigh Observer A Democratic Newspaper, - "TAB. OLD RELIABLE/' SAMI/EE.AASHE, Editor apd Oyamr. jy . ,//; Oaiur/ perfcuawm' * r *'■ ••.00 ' -• « (hnn». v, »ii. ■+* «• ' « - ..i . ■ 11 OOBPABF Bhopm DEUG STORE 1 recently pnrrtased, and AIM*! the •tore hoase formerly occupied hjr.Pr. J. 8. Mur " Druyy and Medicines Also a hands**.,stock of tttnry artieiea, and e verj#hmg else generaM* found in a >' First Class Drug btore attbe Shop And •«** your ordtrs I'lffiWlN lel '

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