J-HE ALAMANCE GLEANES# mSdEt- -MT ■■ aPi-ieOJfc 1 rT " • ' * * I liirlTT.l.l .« vm^ ELDIUDG K & KERNt l- liraham, N. C, » q jte * '"' *7*- fe&w: :ws «••:•: S!*-.::::-:-8 fTvorr pars' o " sending ns a club of ten mih I it lose W- -to- one vv free for t he Jcngh of tiule or which the 3 V^^utn.4l.fTutai\g|ic' vy r fyb &>>**» y e fl-ortV the) X s3* y ;i e . Ritlr> #f Adwlbing Tranftfotit advertigemeuts payable in advance;' rearly advertisements quarterly in advance.. 1 • ,, -i 1 m. |2 in. j ti in. j 12 in. 6p lfl| j jfi "' j 5 tK>f 4AO 6 IXM lfl fiW, 1 jg • MWaneieut attv»«R»nielil« /®1 -"pfcr • Square t: f„ r he tti'flt, nt* hily cents for each subso i incut insertion. r * ock «»v®h«#»r;iMr. Officers of the Frdcrnl (Jovcinmrnt, isrtsL Rutherford B. Hayes, ot Omo, President of th William a!* Wilier, o/ New toft,' if\cc- President of the United States. ji i t Tllli CAIHNIiIH ,h • nV ' j *' William M. Evarts, of New York, Secretary | of State -•John sAerman, of Ohio, - Seefyrpf"TrVWurjC' GtKtge VP. AL MeCrary, Secretary of War. ; Carl Bhidw» Aspoaw4!»«'y.wt : tlie Ifltmer. Charles Deveim, of Massachusetts, Attorney- , General. David M. Key, of Tcenflesseft, Posln.astgr- j General. , I TI|K 111 _ T - m | MMKsfr •- srn Morrison R. Wait, of Ohio, Chief Justice. Nathan Clifford, ofMaijic, -,-v Nnah H. 8 wayne, of •Ohio, ' 1 V ■ Samuel J. Miller, of lowa, ])avid piwoisv-a - r Stefihtm J. f* jf. f William M. Strong;, of Pennsylvania, Jiisenli P. Bradley, of J*'ewnJersey, - f 'Wml fifhitv'fraVl'JirJtl fi ilff»ucc£ OOK NTATIi «SOVICRNtWKiVr. KXEECL'TIVE JM&AttTKKNT. ''' ' *Thoraas J. Jarvis of Pitt, Governor. Dawes L. llobiuson, of Macon, Lieuteoant- GovcmcrvS" MF2A £ t "> ' W. L iSSuijdCTB.S«f Jkw gecietai'JW ofStatc.*-® •' John M. .Worth, of Ra.ndoJp!i,.Treasnrer. 'BatfaidWi Bain; s of Wake.' t*nW ClerK.'- v r ' T-, Tellm a, ■ ■ » h: 9{ Ihi.vwqifd, Auditor.. , •TtioS. X. Kcnin,'9f VVtUoIi, Vttoniey-General. ;»'• ' Johu/C. Yv&rtxft'owfth,. of JohtistoH, Sfiijfcriir untofcaffaiViicJoH(*e}'«u»iJi- v. 4|>mP|i Jonee, of Uurko, Adjutant-Gehera'.., JfMWjeod Turned,' Keeper of tin CapitoJ. Sherwood Haywood, of Wake, State Libra riau. xmsnAitv, —-—■ r rli.t A Bli fP¥i ÜB Tf t T* i ',M tPVx' Hfe®ordr_ Chjfcif Jg^co. * lfl®rd, I'hosj S. Ashe, Associates, -KV Btßftr, ofj WawJj Cltik of Supreme • fc.J>- IwnQf* AfFVal£||,ifariial.S ,'J OUB «»«iVTV COVRKNUIEKT. J. A. Turrentine, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. , !. t A. Tate, Clerk of tho Superior Court. •T. T. Hunter. Sheriff. 'aBOGHSHBaEJ T. B. Eldridge, Mayor. Robert Haiuier, Constable. 1 'ROFESSIONAL CARDS. JNO. o a. GRAHMSf, HillanartJ, N. C.' '' • Grttkam, N. O. QEAHAS &, OBiBAS, attobhevs at r-A\v, Practice in the State ?nd Federal Courts, k .Wdpecul attention paid a~ k wopeci.il attention paid to £G|lecfcß|f J. DTKEENBcIS Attorney at Law, cvAtAn, mjpa, Practices in tie Coarts. " iauhfully**ntl all 'fttifii nesß intrusted to him. M. Si. PA EE BE, ATTORNEY, _ s £^^s»e«w r iCc^sr.' "Ssl*?o'A6 Srfberinr Courts;of £MOT39W!AM£3; shall liave-iaiitoitil .^S3TIWLSii-£— ttmr, w . junWc**oi-Cairts. i^ n # ( *C9F Uh/|J^iyrcceivß * TI T * *V 11 Itvii Vl ,t'i iXfTt lu '■«! I «•**•»;**;£., p*aj»reii to W«S o f;wO?l:^ ; wO?l:^ Satisfaction guaranteed. " ' i v»fflce at 13 > KVr| > ' l *j | 'y j > ,' ; Albright, Dr. J. A Albright AbBUIQBT & ALBRIGHT, PHrB(!IANH AM) M, K(J r:«,\s. a riu h ' a homfc and ,hc latter at * «... . * ** ci -./ '- 1 " - • «)ut oil the waves, '° a ™' • i Ai.a sigh: 111 ever onr ships come in? We sent thjera aw*y with laughter and soi^r, ' a »d-the -nails w«hj jiew, iiit iradiant ureez.-s bore tlicm alon^, 81 " A v, ' aa c l!lu ail! l the skies were blur ESSEOMM! | Long hive we watched beside the slioie ■ lo c itch the u'leam of a cominsf sail, . lint we only hear the breakers' roar i *■''? sweeping niajht wind's dismal wail, J. I" our cheeks grow pale,and our eyes m>w ditn Ppli! lW>Vfrul hejfrt wiJltl b|rdii ©fkaril ! ■r slts:iitti# defefttetf, kslrofthltilftifr- '•■ i ihat has garnered only the thorns aiul the tares I '1 hut is seared aucUprn in the pitiful strife, ' ; . I^y©i l2A l A e red foreyerjnore. iWhb*vorse!' said Al lic Dean, as slie foldcd her mothers ]«u " ( f ! > a j'Uo-lHir with a Bigl> orrolief. am sorry to spoil our visit hero, bijl .fjitpposc wc niiisl H ' j Hiol' Wel'l,' said her sister Effie, 'I j tv i«h yon had one bit ot sense I I rather think wo shall go! I would spoil any vis j s^ ,ri>r '*"4«l,dPrt» aunt rieU ! , a %^jfc| as -'wW t my lucky ■ (he cfiance.' j 'Ltii, Effio it looks solfi-h and ing and \ ou know we don't care so much | about aunt Helen. How can we when' f A g* 'l'ilon't believe I do very much. I k'">w ( woujd ratjher sidy here and finish 'dian iiiid let her see us just to Choose which one.fh ; ill be her heiress. fie, don't let us go. . Eltie turned; »t:d looked intently at her sister. " >!.' 'I- if yAu are'gbing krittf l" ! she exclaimed:' 'Let me tell vou Miss Allie next train, '')Pr>it9»et#feipi jujptlte« hours.' , Effie swept her cashmere flounces out' 1 ?. 41 ioJen «■ *•*. "'Vi I'l . of the,room. - . L - .K&fLiJl 1 •' : t-r-f«- rli Effie and Allie y/,ere the (laughters of a widow !a)v |/i, table cos and htul an v aunt,,iwho. .united her brothers fortune to her own, imd har| no ono nearer than these two girls to Stio did not live near them, and nevef to tioi-. eliitivofu f Effie ijiid Alfie Were few weeks with a friend in the country. They were sent for to return instantly,: and the letter had just been received when our jslory began n o'clock Effie and. Alle step» ffttif{fo tlie fraii'if Th'e'two gii-ls were then obliged to take the only vacant seat .yUiylV was directly in front ot ait' old lady in plain waterproof suit, with a huge green veil over her bonnet. 1 'Well,' fiaidfAUHfJ now Effie., lam l'iglii inyeelt. It seems lo me as if we were going to sell ourselves to the highest bidder. "l'Ve n great mind lo go back. 1 am sure you wW bfc Annt Helen's choice, and it is no u& ?Sr mrhang around her.' •Who's going to hang arcnnd ber, 1 wonder? But indeed I suppose you are right. She will be likely to choose me, for you never trv to matte anything of appearand, M I hope 1 do. Yes 1 tin ii it siiM& Choose me. 'Well, I'm qiite willing she should. Yon will take care of mamma,l suppose? said Allie. —. —. ' - *Ol course I filial 1 have fo do that. And vkr&jMSt!, •Sfot me, Ibank you! I'll iiave enough from mamma to dress decently, and I'll go for a teache'r or something, but 1 will not be dependent oh. you, Effie.' . Allieaftipped and broke inkT-oue of soft laughs. - 'What are you laughing at now?' enapt ped lbe heiress prospective. t- I was thinking how it would be if, alter someone else to, and set (is oiil4n_y»e opl3. " Just then the little old lady sitting be., hind thcm{'leaHcd 'orward as jlie train stopped, spid-said i 'My dear youn^ ladies, I afe very thirsty, and my oialffißis are' too'.shaky to the I you to adtjnk»t:Wa> he?>pretty and tunied towards Uie window, but Allie rose, saving plaint ly/ 'With y Sho then got out and procured some wkfer. "'Thank you, my dear,' said the old la- ' dy gratefully. 'I was sorry to tiouble yon but I aiii noi very ninch used to traveling alone.' s ' , *1 am quite willlng to be of any service ) GRAIIAiM', ! N? Iv*? i!i IT i lift ii y> 'Wiii ' •" , can,' sjyeet reply, as sbfi rev 6umed"her seat.* 'Are yoji going isr?', /To the city.* |So are wel'" exclaimed Allie s ; ''my sister and I. We will all the as sistance yoy require.' 'Thank yo,u, my dear,' said tho old la-, ilav. 1 When jiiwf left -tile triiiii,'Al'llc brtcred her arin to her new old friend, and when fl tho platfoi'in alio. pleasantly; - . . ■ -- ™ .1' I »I' HI -: > "°»J9 U expect anv\ one to meet ,» ou, .Jin, >1 ' .11 .CiSjt I | 1 J t 1 V"* li a I dOjUQt. X an . old iso,^«> -Sue li\es, 1 -tiiinij, iji Maple sircel.' 'Why, we live in Maplo, streetl! I .ex- A ijljc. lake care of r Do ,thq niuy( ) ev? , ul Wp> My friend is a widow, jver .Uftmois Dean-. Mrs. i.. An exclamation o( dismay escaped trom while Ailie cried eagerly • -J : ' i( Jt te6nr mamnla—our own (tear rfiam !"»• '' ! W r j'w , e MrSv : lienrv i Dea>i'9 danghs rGts. t ~"\Vs our way went ii sicpf to whert 'ier in. an earnest Voice: ..••»?»V-. , :!}!?—.desijjtiu-U . Wi'W/fff VVo:»'t;flhe bo 'fte>wkM' •fwnOiWvi' I oti-i i"i ■ »* uilnim « ' 1 don't ttttg\vPrcd Efflo. In a | low tl nalmb*; l'rw «ire, but I dare Ka\ $ PlifeiWiir/ frrt(T tHMk 111 all Ti'gU''be'v cause broiTglit her. " Matiiiriaalways jljftA sol hut ) treat her "politely (' pleaded Allie. V , •I suppose liiuvli K she-knows mam ma/ replied.Effie: —" ' • . , 1 ' bScfe to the old l&djr,, wjip liad he tid every word but gave no signs of !i;i « K;n>l> atX ' It wW Wvd work for Effie to keep from open rn'rfeji.ks, and phly'fti« tact /hat h.er mother might, resent it, induced beri .Op jrirlfl.Uwne.Ui Uio nine carti&ge with i tlhe pfcWstfO«glft»i' c '" '• ' •'? i " ' VVhS¥'cfei't ifl'inft be'endur^ ? ' so 9jie bcrouit as well as j»he conld. 'but, po{»r otitjber 4i«il* whilij Allie seUled the old J lady by MN'Ptttar ft«;i iv W_S|rA see. §he ; iicedn't. t w®(ry lyou. Effie-rthore-'s roOni tor , . fc. 1 loi i ?«•»-, *' k H,i»fr l Aiut Heten corafa yet?* demanded VtffA' 011 jo aioo t»iii tiJiV. -.th t, t' 2«P» p ,liß willfet bureito-morrowj' . an swered Mrs Dean, going down stair", while very lttiinoj went lier »nd gauged her travel ing dress. , V : ( vtoi# £'•« as ber Allie caineflying up, checks aglow, and: exclaimed:.uiu&w! f .*»«•;/ ! do yon think it is > -■,{/, .( •Havon't the loa«t>ldea.' 1 :u * 'lt's Aunt 'HeWol?.' 1 • ii >.sGood Heavens V' rtied Etffe/ dropping pile and 1 breathless, infb'a cbijr. 'db. no. Artiei* ,j 1 ,iWi " r 'lf 'Yes, 1 tell yop. She guessed wbo we Wove at first ; but wouldn't iet.us know. says b.urry *nd como down, Come quick now,' 'JitUr'i I 4 Allie rim ofl, and, Effiie finished ber toilette wi'h a sinking heart. *Aunt Helen I Who on guessed it ?' It was a shame to Impose on oeaßi>P'*«re*«>. - *a it did not occor to Effie tbat If she bad acted ibe lady, as Allie did, it Wfolt}/ pot hafs made any difierence. Go down she most, and at Inatdid. But Aunt Heteh met her as if she had never sefen her before. A n d not one al*> lu;ion was rnajlfl to the joiiri)«y, until it was time for Aunt Helen to make ber choice and return ho3e. Then, when they were assembled Jn | .solemn family conclave, she walked .op to Allip, laid ber band on tbe girl's .sboqlder, and said: i 'Herels my hexrdssl Here is the gbl with a true beart, just as reidy to cord for a plain oid stranger in shabby clothes as for.ta rich aunt who could leave her' a fortune.- Effie shall have something, be- 1 cause'she is Allle's sister; ber iototb'> er also; but yon, my dear,' addressing AUie, 'shall go borne with me and bring a Httle lore In»o the Ifle of a 'jjld 1 woman, and at ber bave ail sbe leaves!. Will yon goV , Yea, AJU»wonld go, and poor selfish Kfflf' Was left to mourn that she,"too, bad not proved (bat kiuduess wins. A demure, diminutive girl, 'aged 18, ia under arrest in Philadelphia fur big* amy. She has three living huabapda, all of whom she has man ied within two years. When aaked wkjrshe had done this she paid, 'They are all good fellows, and they coaxed Die ao.'- v WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 1880 TUff SPATES. efTltdf nnd tbe Known. . V »V>4.V ■.)' ' mui'l! ' 1 The folfow'fpg Is Pelieved t« be a cojs rect atcouiit of the.ori»in ci' Hie names of the various states of tne Unibii aiul the poiiul.ir nickii'Aineff by l 'mich ibfey are kimwli: iwi'Mi'i if Wipo was io Unthflf no 1623, (fijHiii Nfftinc. in *l'a(.W.'or wlifcli' lleuil etta M?tor. jifiYrte—L'bc Ltilnti&Qr Plu'e 1 Heo S|a'te. *;'• ' r New 1 tire Wnfnb. gtyeu fq the thi-Vitory by' Ply month Com pan v to CnWw' .fnini Msoii, by Mibrf tV» the wlfrt V» as governor JH l'orisihputM iti Ilamlisntre, England. 'Popular Vtaine^Trte"(Mtilto' »tat«*l v VenrtioHl wrfs'Wcalted bv the inhahit 'aur« (ivtheff Jaiiuary I9tn. 1?77, J from the Fr?ncli, vefdinont, f?recti M6ulitain. ' Populai name—The Monnttfin Stifo. Massachusetts Was so culled frWn Mas-, j sachnsetis Bity, anvf Hikt from a tribq 'ijf The frilfe is thonsrht to have deriv'ed ita ■name'fiiim the Mltte Hflls of Mllton'liav- Ibg lifcrned, ftftys Kog'cr \VflHamß that tho Massschiisfetfs were so ealted'ftbn? the; Blue Hills. 'Popular name—Bay Shkte. ' Rhode Island vfas So called in- 1664, In' reference to tho Island ot fchodes-m the MediteVrhnean. PopulaV name—Little RKoda. ;•»: '!l >o io«* vav ; i. ; •Coiiiiectiont was so caflcd'fVdm -the In dian naiWe 0f Ita -principal >Hver. Con nectlctit'is 4 Mocheakaiinew Word fving long rlvej*! l Popnlai- ?*anie—Tbe Wooileiv Nutmeg ot Free Stone Slate. ; •New YdVk was «o oalleid In ' 1664,Mh reference to the Duke ot York and Albi-, nv, to whon» thU teriitory waa granted iby the.Kingt of Enaland. Popular name - . i.New Jovssy wn»tt> called in 1664 from tbo sJirapqoi: the,4ewdftnfei)f »he tamily o/Sir George Carteret, to wliom tbe .\va£ gf'apted-! BopulifT; najjUe—Spiuu or the Mo>qmV' 4 ■ | , I^!, n. y . lva^ ik VVUB ®°i Ca ) n(?d 1D Vi? fer William Penn. Popular name—Tue . Keystone State. T - 111 « DelaW'jirt W / tm, trom r iDeli&vara Baft on • which 4t lilies-, and wbick receivert its name from Lord db Ja War«j who died.'oo this. baw. Popti-! lar-naine—The Blue Hen ttr-'j)ia«o»d SlWe,|.: I VWl'i Jll3 od'i ~ Uen-'t rietta Maria, queen yt Mtlflft*J«ti*o b,is pateiU to .BalUniqre 41 ..JLune 3joih,* ,}632. PobS^riianie^hicol^ Elizabeth, the Virgiiioifefti pT POpiilaf'jStaine—tio l WW' ( £)6iiiiuiott; l or Moth«- 4f PreMdl(W%>® , » H,fU '' Me » 1 'Caroliiia Wafe in 1864, in honor of King Charles Ofr-of Kranoo.-' PojbiiW,sArue «dr'bootb 4Jai'o> PHiiluttoiMiala; -of North Car oliiia-+TI» OaLNOptftiaa- Tarheal State. Colorado is a Spanish word signilvkig ,tbq jolvpvot goidj Iti.waa odraiued V'to the Union iu 1870, 'jheneo its popular Georgia was so called in 1732, in honor .of Kiug U»yli—No .popular name. Alabama was eo called in 1814,' from ifs principal river. rest. —No popular riarrie." "I Mississippi was so ealled in 1800, i's western boundary. Miisissippi is said toulenote • tbe river lorined by the uidon ot many.; Popular irauo—i'he Bayou: Louis XIV .j. of Frante. Popular name, Tbp Creole 8. t»ie. ' * • Tennessee was ro called In 1796 frdip its principal river.' The w'ord Ten-ss so is Said lo dignity a carved sp6on. Popular name, Tlio Big Bend State.'; Kentucky was so edited in 1792 from ifs principal river. Popular name.--The State of the Dark and Bloody Groitnd. Illinois was so called fit 1809 from its principal river.' The word is said (o Big nify The River of men. Popular name. Tbe Sucker 6\r Prairie State.' ' ■* Indiana wrts so called in 1800 from tbe American Indians. Popular The «Hoosier,StateJ'' ' Ohio was so called In 1&02, from the southern'Bonhttkry. Potfolar name, The Buckeye State. Mcuning of Indian word Obio, •beabtitul.' , A -• i MUsouri wk* so called in 1891, from its principal i Indian word vieshing, 'muddy water/ ' No'popular name. Michigan was so called iu 1802, from the lake- on . its border. Indian name meaning 'a wier for fisli.' Popular name •x'l'he Wolverine State. i Arkansas was so called in 181S, from its principal river. Indian, name. Pop* nlar name—Tbe Bear Btate. Florida was so called by Joan de Leon in 1672, because it was discovered on Easter Sunday. Spanish, Pascua Florida. Popular name—The Orange State, Wisconsin was »o called from Its prin cipal fiver. - Meaning wild, rushing riv er. No popnlar name. lowb waa so called from its principal river. Indian name, meaning tbo sleepy ones. Popnlar niiroe-*Hawlceye state. Minnesota is also an Indian name meaning' Whitish 1 ' river. No popnlar. name. California is a Spanish word, and nam ed Irom an arm ot the •Pacific Ocean. Pdßplar State. Texas Is k Spanish word, applied to the Republic. Popular name—The Lone Star State. n Kansas is an Indian name, meaning the Smoky water. Pbpalat name—Bleeding Kansas. " West Virginia. So called after Yin. giuia. Popular name—The Bastard State. Nevada-Is a Spanish word, meaning white with snow. No Popular name . ,k . _i ; Subscribe for The Gliaxxk. • GSNRBAI, VIICW OB WRKfUBH • . . i-,. .-no i ( 1 I [A Letter froA * WAvsfttofe *; c. r '•"'3itt« 1,-MKT" H| ' Tl fa evident (lidi rtAse^lioi»Tii^l»6 L ttmon rtitfrd I'njflaivito fioMilfWfm pt'tfvrineut flmn W4ktfcHl4fftiftll'oKrelitia. A uiiivon-al eiiuiiikitoiivlirilm edncsmnn »l li.no, |>e mules tl.ia. Wkoie sett ian^^es* A,|W&pgUhti„ luevuilevT,; this &flnty iipnrqvirtg m cvei-v otifcFmp'ccr. Tb6 pftfdtfels' oY •■«d* vWW'afb'oiiidntossWi.fflteV ipr l ¥h rUitrtr&talHfi' The W hlch we have ever had any account, ; Wit e cultivated on Jott»tkttu'« CreHr, and i he wheat o | thfo Which'lm# alrtb'bcen of tofriti "atfVtmtttit lo ilioifavinertv .fclftng them l bob'nfttnl opportunity. :fi» clearing suicb Ikitluig weed* liuin tlio corn fieUe* llfetei «jro bqt few, level fields in thia section, except bot topi !i( at e the foundation of the oeaujijaT and "famous utonhtafiiV bf Carolina, npoii which Wfr (trtd 'hunts of tbe extended plain Oat talooche ia tbo most ooiebrtUed « sire am la,this partqf the Siafce*. &o4 .a tv tioin Wftypepvillp jg, |»nt>f^ne «uoh pleasure in siting oQjfwcjci. week r this occupation, ak:This"t« tfie (vest season for Ashing. This has Tfcfcn a Very Bprtflg;'f>erha|fe &> man? years before, and «il vegemtioiv is in »arery seafen has, wo dopbt, been Uift cauae of U4UOU sickness,.tor sis neipgua nave died /iijtliia neighborhood wit bin the last two Weeks. 'I lie people, in general, seem fo manifest h great'fnKr&tih pbolid assem blies antHneeliflgs l ,-both secular and re ligious. Sometimes two or three sermons are '*oli*«ed.ju, I jne day, aid piayer meetings, are.ajiwifljieUl'twice a week. arc tendance on the 'rellgiSfrs asseinhliw, large- crowdtfal way wsscnible for the pur pose of hashing politic#! epeeobeS) exhi liotli, &c* r •*• j " o.■: ' vikv jk. { The lataexbibitiou ht the ilayawllle Academy, in which assembly,l bad the pleasure ot. being present, was a grand success, Md n spiral bmftsed pwk>ob were in attendance. . We have never ! witnessed a cotnfnencenrtnVimii e intense ly gratifying'tbantheone wbioh baa|ost, closed, uijder the. sapechiUudance of; Prof. Or. W. Kerr ."and his efficient col, l lens ties, Mrs. L>ve and ol.OoiißorO,, Many of tbp exercieo*, ex tremely amusing, excited roarsof laugh ter. -These wofthyinstrwffltafare WoK thy otithe greatest paaiae fort be patiein and energetic perseverance wilb which this school,has been douducteL.', 4 The examintftibns w«JI and gave entire T()e * WW pie tlrtß tlie soiuid Wrthe locoraodwe shrougbi tile moiintains, which we b6pe miil..>o6«i.«»- j rive, IhM progress. uf in this seAipu njay not iu anv peded. And inay Wp9lefii lina, long knoVn "gardert >bo't of to • liifphW, and may we favorably wHtt 'ohr Eastern brethren as tine roots On.'i 4ab - It ; irna iilfw fc A&Oualmu; -' ' .'rent, men in tltcir night caps Hn.l slip li«irs.Ii«irs. I cannot show yon his J'rtissian Majesty ittlljs nightcap/ tSf iieVdr wears ofeej fib aiqnired a habit |n" rdtfZa of slttopihg bareheaded, in order Co Hkt* den h4mt;> Nor has he "kny for as «6on as he leaves the btid be' puts on Ids' is known 'that h« risei Hil 4, ttmt ho goes to bed at 9, that 'he nbthing, that be is fbnd Of fasting,'thitt 'be eata a great deal of frhit, that he pUjrtf bit' the flute ' every eveiritllf, that be passes the of his time at Bsb£ 3ohei in his old boots, and thae he governs Europe: I asked the Swiss, *WMch Was the King'" Chamber?' 'This.* ' rdrpttt#l«k WSgnißoent bed. Therewai'i'OnS at the end* of the the bed?' 'There.' a little stfrteh in m corner was a small bed, very nar row, with ctiHaflks'W l * grten silk; this was his. The carpet on. which he atepa when he gets otit of'berf is very eckrse md (here or fdbr tables cover ed with book* aqd papers. Frederic was told one dajrthat someone .had spo ken ill of him. lie asked if that person had 100,000 men? He was answered, No. 'Very weM," said the king, *1 ean do nothing; if he bad one hundred thon-> Sand men 1 c'otlld declare war ag&inst him.'— Sherlock* Letter» A Nevada paper tells us that during a recont gale, while boulders as big as puuapkina were flying through the air, ami wat*)rpipe« were being ripped ont ol the ground, an old Chinaman, with spectacles on his nose, was observed iu the eastean part of town, seated oa a knoll, calmly flying bis kite—an iron shnlter, with a log.chain lor a tail. We , are enrioos to see the oommente of the British quarterlies and the scientific so* elelies ot England 011 this singnlar re versal ot tbe order at eataral phenom ena. •Is this thy train t asked a traveler at the Kansas Pacific depot q f j4 'i [ don't kin*?, but I guess not,' was the doubtful reply* 'I see it'rgot the tMne of the railroad doirtpkn? on the stde« and i expect i bettings td them, "T9»ve yo" 'lost a train anywhere?' " T ■ r» .at•' n m ttmm umm iwsd mrr r the mat) wLo commits it. .-• l» OMCH>**tflto«i«) pfftilfcattxOlefc They Wu«m*¥*MW» «!»*«#- hteifl i*4.v,i« There is M lfVtely TLJFRUETIFTN GOJJIG *»I AS to who founded Chicago. DDMI let the r«y¥*J»ViWMfll ttWfrWftpWtfttf.jf A Kentuckinii named n flue colWi^O'lK" 1 viHe l?tt)u'->iidiu Iwa than throe hour* the A»hnal j^y^^ ) y||), iMa p rs . The ten commiuidmeiils wonlAeM be a bud platform* but ti i» fewed the mi. 10 'run iludl **** A New I«iw>v colored nun, whose ,wdts had left hiftnaafcH KHnnnwig tome l*»wedber I am t frowin no 3ngar, do While a Leadville lawyer wan erosa examlng a woman who iMfon toft Arlts ness Mantf {, ja#t u>w u ' y> 7 S*kV a Chicago belled'l tJeapise tbnse eot ri* ;.*!; i>Jj am* of ,&•>.:» v A loaded revolver discharged in a trunk which was being bandied by a rccktefln 'baggagb rthMaher/ in Cotrticil Binds, lowa, (H n She ballet by bis U4ed Um JMXt trpnk yepy tend ? rfih /ff , •; sch A oofe^^ br?g^(!pil^^pSt hkfu ?' "'Slid AKetithegyffrHlifrfrWet ifkHtdBHTM to feMe li»s—ip I ail III! «Mr her grave, that the weed, noariilvMjt.br her body ,may be chewe& fey her be* rejved lover,. Tbenyjsjj m ,j» the The Green port Wbtß&utit a*ks:— 'Have yea a«rabfMl tf b#f **&>, moat vaMun-Ora l?e odabed ol^^wb^ti«L^when > it'b seventy five cents** v '■ ■■ *1 IN A Phlledel|tffta,*rtMb commute* sulaictait wontjr yeaouigo becatmea love* ly him the nylten baabeea heardrrpmtnronuianngtown medium. *He says'tfflfrfrhen lie gazes through tbe misty liiAn MBit divides life and dealf»,andl sees his old flame with foarteen children JflriglavetMMllßMll while sftie cleans the w*swegli •» bis foHv to W^^mSm -'*• ■r'-* .f mff — . .it.tA >t«i B i *^* «ret Harteia viaiung aathedrala la Northern Kngland, Tha salary for do* ing*lWm „ 0 His d*ae jauot '^y-i^hoo^a»loog* . X**€ .K s^jmSmS^SSmm slice by afl ek{>Jft»fdb Ijl floOf dnat, and objected to paying tbe lowf on tbe thtf'deWiige by an expkmon, and*ettt bp«fe» liava-bdd A decision mad*'! against (fejaUin#** tice Swayue deeidee the cmpwio *re .KiMM!*! ; T'tC ,|WWB >mnr ~ A ton of .gold or stiver contains 15,- 166.66 onnces. A .fc>ctoi:gold ;u (602,875. A ten of stiver —if present ratepfr ounos, is worih about $39,000. A cvbio fpofrof gold .freight 3*300 pounds *l*4" wpish about SIO,OOO. The valuf of gold coin, bars and bullion in circular l he werld > estimated at $3,500- Xui/*""" 1 "" yiiad odi .odw oi *« >)• Srch, according Sk33&3fl&rusS&; the foreign men^wariuKK.lSs t S saluting the forfc wa* o£jtha vatua of to ox. He also that' It (•iasiaaro exfwnsive to up armament* in Eu rope than in Zalu land. ■ His jsajtfsty also regards the queenY Conduct in not answering hla »nes«agjp 6t' tohfcrition aa Hew ia a stotythat remind* m bf the court that insisted on «hyWh's takin* a pound of AatotiioVifefth, neither more *or toss. hoaw *W;C»ugte- ift tJm w»te*>!..tbrWx>t,t« fcaauaeuM t)(^ er bo called on for the S7OO, bufeKit Mon ths-use* that the other man had* the sfcatt *&»y for !.iiri. H« woodered how on foufid It weighed Be»en?poond»> and one onnce. That little oBiiTO *gfjMysfil®k H»W of course, pinomiselthe l7db for * >Hit weighing exactly seven pounds.