voiJ» v ifeaft k (jrnhßiu, N. *5. "?\ Ram of Subscription. Postaye raid : 4 phe Year .. .f ] 75 Bit Moutlis ' ' ■•"'tai sE-FifinllJS -°° r.L n6«OD aending "6 a jqlub of ten enb with tUe cash, entitles himself to one for the lengh of time for which tlie ■ r Sfil m»« e ** a P 6ri Bent to dlffcront offle '-'6 i DenaHuit from the Cash System f,-im ■ ***+*»•«*• UAl V, t ' ahn.f t"*" 1 '"*"*" •*» * • -l&fcftajfertisementa payable in advaneef i^TJ 3 oy 1 ' * I Sir 3 co ' 4 °A ' Tran'ent • i art l T^^ qe^lrllSir ' {or he first, And fifty Wr 1 fITW |„.r:'-."*.*' . " —WW mMmV Jii* "• AAMMIMr li« FeioWl •dWeviiitti. ' trt vt J r t HHOt « .li im&WEtthvX'*** ®W' "2 BaMtftford"#. HayStf*>f OhlO? Wlmmf 4he United States. v if v- Wiliiara W-hader, of New York, Vice- FmiMat. ofUi«®h»teAStat*. **• >* •' „ TOR CABINIWV' 'I"" W : Bvartrf, of New Toifr, jScoMtary ° f John Sherrtan. of Ohii,' s&Mtffn£*>*| Gtcige W, }1 McCrary, Secretary. o War. Richard *V. Thompson, ef lndiawn, Secro fciv«filh«-K»*y»' sop •Sf , " l 1 V ', i'' OtolSKure, ofMrtS'tmri Sec'/:Af-thtflrrlencr. Charles De veiiß, of' Massachusetts, Attorney flwefal;" J iJmtuii •■'■- n *; "l ' D*v}d M. Key,. .of, rosljv.atiter,, General. !•:'■ •(_?>. • r 1 t«B Wit SUPREME GpURT- Vn 'U-C»'|■ ' " '>4*4 A vl»r » * i s'•' ■ *' 't - MM-rtsdA R. Watt, of'Obio, Chief Justice. " Hwh of -°>y. t1 ,/ f» > BaiQOotWtfUer. of Ibwa, IN«SK3f&lHippis s Stephen J. Field, of CaHror»!S/"* * J#5 \Villi*m'M.-Strong, of L Vi l Joseph P. Bradl*y, of New Jersey, Wwd Hunt,,.9.f.Ne w. Y qcJ?. Aasoci a.t.a J nslices OVK STATU KftVKBNMKNT. liovernor. _ W. L Saunders, cf New Hanover, Secretary of State. John M. Worths of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald Wak^^^^^^Clerk^ tendent of Public Instruction. . Johnston Jones, of J. McLeod Turner, Keepet%>f tliciJJttpitol.r Sherwood State Libra-4 rlan. JUDICIARY, SUI'R&Wf.COUItT. W. N. H. Smith, bf tlcrtford, Chief Justice. John H. Dillard, Thos. S. Ashe, Associates, . W. H. Bagley, Of Wake, Clerk of Supreme Couit. vn. fJiiU, 1). A. Wicker, of Wake, Marshal. , r. A. 'furrentinc, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. A. Tate.. Clerk of the Superior Court. J.T; Hunter, Sheriff. T. G. McLean, Register of Deeds. OVK TaUjQOTGRNnENT. -• 4 T. B. Eldridg Jj&ypr. liobtrt Hail Constable. oirAL CARI) -- JAS. A. GRAHATtI, Hillsooro, N. U. . Graham, N. C. to&xtm a teutiusi ' WSpeciil attention paw to coUectlug. Attorney 1 -Ev-« A BKB B> '' tjourtu of a>inlil lUce i Caswell, Person, Chatham and Ran- Federal courte at.Greensboro. i -JI-KJ «tll W *' IV-, iiRV; H)H WW»»M'• ' u JWIRAHAMJ-K'-WEDNESDAY.-• 'M -''M' W>m.'T'r -W-rijr , ■ stars That neither time nor chance fliall dim. Btt "flfstory, as stlc brooding bends ' Above the lablct on her knee, ,'«5 '-y The impartial stylus half suspends —Bafore she whites the cold (k««;. - _ (iAfii crve lum w " en ue sought to m.\k ' 1 civ \ c t09»4., Tbcry.pe f4O m In Uiat to otW browsjthey fall „, '| i iJorefrfttmf;Jet hlifcroad his fate— small; fitn mww u>e s rent - A —New York Tribune. ' •PIN. J 1" k' V; ji-it'i )iwirrilw»al «mIT i f :i», i fk« >, \r& •»« «r*»r i'9USPj»|)fl*Jol pleasing pesence whose i age waa fathbi 1 lftd aiKV ' (Join .M&P!*ry. nftaUinai-kct at the oo*«er, of AtarkoWi.utKi Qlwr i mmuabMi&tu Villago of WesU foi'd, il/ Ccritrttf ls r cw yor|r, iCifc! ariiaspctl a competence by laic and r honorable means. But ' tb"J,' Sb.W*"fieW tho' nfidaf k ,;i -t •!./«' J9--. ,-AJU /. businois in abhorrence, ,aud alendfast* ly/ipfnsed to entbrtairi the thotiglit o# following it for a live'ihood. ile ,coo* ceived'hiiii.Sell to be lohncri'ol ofilay quite above tho average, Itiid waa often hearjl wntteeing inc6her«u,tiy"fti li is sleep about the 'higher waikl otlife.' _pid/Mr. Qln-rendou was a fc fijther rftWlTillP idetennined of§4 IjAciolplins would not sell u;eat, lie shoultl ieh'ghgC ' Wtbe'-disiributidn of track*, with the heel toward the paternal man* sfoiV. TTeofge Aiftilphns accepted the ch^%! a ' t » l^ ffj M tramp, | [Jesaid lie was going in search of his proper level. l k " 11. " Maud Muller was the only child of a rfoWW rteipy TowJ Q a " Jb. one of the eastern counties of Ohio. Maud's charms, and mental, -JW lavished upon woman, and she hud been furnished with .every cbuld> piirthaso.'O ller befluiy and ac complishments had made her the idol of a large circle of yepng meny to no{ ono ot whom she had ever given the slightest cncoiirgemet>(. . They swarmed nndqr her chamber windows ou moonlight nights a fid mado.the.long hours hideous with their catwaulings, until old Muller .got M " la - groundl . the house with }tf|i tWjfiny n»»'8 and leiWiv™ t throe outright and wounding four others so BonerwSrSr C was exceedingly >loldel JiifcHhttrgWWlf,. and had always beoii kind to her; ' "We QteiCnf emerging fromlim-boudoir, where sho had been idre'syjg j lor the opera, she was met by tou waited in the parlor. ancf*"i*e was a man ot high tadtei W &iAm AflHgttt" |»6«t , hiiA"ak'mu^tras'p'o ftyp^jig'ta| hn. dauglifer jtfoqfd A Jffy, to" oiler no' objjction on account- ot age. . - ftpggltftoii ia_wffitit>g/ repealed lir. Muller. ■ d H ye« don't behave properly, there Will btt i' ; yorfng lady about yonr Rize ''tiering Wer bread in the, street before SeVtfwfMoflU' ;. " . ' these wn"*' Hi* nidigpant father turned .On his beel and left Mand Co choose whieh aheruative si* would. — itg iu n»ti/i'»tn»a''a it a *r?.» fl|it.vKui»- ' vsii '"•# hfii "WTjW the cvciitS abovc nnvrtrt'ed wtW £ ! sm riw^ryi##^ a digpjfiwl WfCi4« aMd^lityr'iW.^eijts i/nnoiier, wa« jn»( owter^ug;.tiie briltiaut- > W hr^ttiVeh l")4»d UpfiWi.WA scquenlM Adi/Jbtk arKki iifcwitdei'eikl. list Yf c wi»yi s.mw M -;qut!Sttoik.weK l«eginuingutc>*"tronble- hnhi ■ na'rtrrtljV lVe a rSM4IV!te«W zwikftv man and li win a .loiter atmospliei'QhMl mcat'Wiop«owitli 1 10 Bmfll dAWW |, gloomily through the strange 1 faiot b(i»y .with' Ithese 4roubltalteo "rtJP lie-heaffl "lotuT it and ft>«jigbt female tiguro MuriscdisilctiU ■Jy ocrt'iHto the afreet, and, t/y -bith wilh'a .;»{.»» h>-t> . i Worn •the sfioiflt wli!cji" hei' slie immediately deteviuineq.WDon Cn course of action. She resolved that ;eho wouIUVPNIVnM ftit'of she would consent tcTgo to the opera ".the autedoluViuo 1 relic, who waited lor ' Sfcd tattcdiiet' ! MKdr . .. . . .M9IW/«g«r>ilß P. 1A 1 ;•:■ bas aud troJ& J|fa;.. -The result wastl.attbe proud youg beau-, ~ty was pw>rti{itly rjeeiOd through the hfclf "door; she it ( wlife hai ''pasfedcV George Adolplun us he wandered-,on iij, search Of ..!t i> .w '• When M*. Moggletort flad'Watted "tor l Wks 'ttfTd 'tuijd point of leaving j Mr, Mu ipi*i Wv&i W room aftd apologizing' tor n the 4«on*ap>i pedfatice of lde dunghtei' by aayli*g ßl i)iaf .she had a violent If&daqfte, tyfeggelt \ wdf ' Mil!,, . "u. v ■'*Vv ' > to come would then bo deligiued to The truth Was that Mr. MTtthlf ol punishing his !i&gbtctV : [ dfsoVedlencd (\yitb |)er,p\anyi)} bauishmput'. He rfcas» jsned that she would purely go to some ot her frionds and retttrti iu penitence iu tbe'mdHiing. - - alii iota*' i (Jeorge Adolphus followed sWiltly m afldr the -young lady hardly knowing why, life diiKso, but toeiing in-csMftbl:^ drawu '%''sofla[e qnacp9untah)e jpjies^uU,- meut AjiatuaUiwas not .well Jm a inw momenta he came up with her and dl^kflcfef'wWfl/lntf. ner yxkxy9n|9>^'f>s[ Uut.Man^iW*«u iiit«i»t uftju.some.pur*: pose which lay deephMdeu.lrt.|»or he«rt thai sha 'did frot street now Jaegau tq be darted, the rewiute. girl.walked rapidly. OB- «At length a sntall foot bridge «cro*' the cfe , jial pahsidT aif Ker ft' dpapw'ate himMlf.thie qviewtion »»* mauyanere'bosides aaha liligared id the shadows' dose blbfud^Hafv that, tho which relied at MrMM irunM #oon e«J hrtcfl htfr W hair, -V -• ,»l* * afci— Urthrndi h ei .,iiid noiMtuiufou lymmii M« '*•» .JIWHPBUWt i -couldiidtilttelß #*mL] ' wcftlshe*H«*»Wt«B that betrtyW'hef t 4 nvmmMMrim! h ' desite.toiig>at U eod, to, amy troahhW Ua T,*. ' rbere f4 : . ***° ityfri (jeofao Adolphu#.J/Tliftjcan%L's dry y.ou iwillihseak ydbr>«eefcit Job juiop ofi this brid"e'' J ' l ' 1s less deep, ; ,jj; wft«t blaei.bUlowa to fold in, everlasting skftnber, the seaweeds'&6W iit^tfrtteWgloonr.' «Fut I tell jrotf.iSny deir lat|, (hei-e fs not any rwtlwifw around ' her 6. Yould better put it off until tbe i ;«anal opeoe. "HeM f6H aire taltlng about leapingbdneath'tftfi; tbefr W on',t be let ou in a nponth yet. Ajui ' besides.ifijron waat to be.buried in lastiirf •Itfrtbcf, it would be wise tot you ■o J".® * m tinjg.llfeilv,, ),/;Il i, u > 'That WjObM be exeUimad nude,' With a sbtiddW-^i •Yes,' Wolfed" Gebt^e',AjJolpbhi i ' 'lt Mautf TeVt fbM George Adolphus was right. True,'l/e'dftf not appear to enter very iuucbjjifp ftShp® spirit of the situation. "He ottebC to have dropped on his knee» and implordd bef to forget her trouble and sip a little longer the nectar of to her wr-hwred girl lyfhg with pallid luce and marble lorua m the Filnntbosotobftta cauaifiwl^pe'liiod'dils phh)»sp(i) 4 itottißetob' ' a«tV s ceitiib IfieiV lotfei 'lri IQjftiiflfc 1 is!,. he dhi jjWJM lier ko-go ho«M liMaoctt terOv;'"' •• ij (MtiMtt-sw SKtid 'M.ootfiV jT^t^t^F o o^W'a' • W»|# W6A /((M'm ' bridge a aft ¥po "VAjf 'iriJ^fHht ft 'li(pf.k'«Q 'sj^'lHrßWlimi' ffiititfri ug'hi JfSferreSrf^Jjgj 'fctoHfwttWrtd fcitfrprfy "nldvcU'lt {fiC^'w&j? •a ?Mn *HiftSplcVpbcdft#l^feHjS »i at tw'Bfcshiy l l MJiwyf Mff«Mspw i'CTiwp&.WtoKtiffc itwoitid HiVuM {iii anfrTro'prcvietir CTirnmslaflCpß ttu* aiMr WfWetf tt 'Yiert 41 . liif Ijeart. -•*?% the pioifawly be tfariicd inW'A iilwi-o doteihifns 'ed'to soarcb fMPirateap' lodgjfag rtlactf, ' . •1. "l .••J»»fN ■•( ,*VI tfia.. IMta Oidilr. Mflrfgfoibi'VxHtirit wtj ; ljft *fljj I h(J *etf dto Oi mfW'B 'He bfcdr lotag" rogi\t-dca - M adit With and to, ofl€#t(fer MAiindWl6rtti6V lie"felt-that? HP'triM" rdfeeWtf, etfeiPriMny Mhmfe vctfrgbrwdfiefttf- 1 bod*, iWfl' *as He^i^WliiiitaelF'ifrefcW'WW Miff ■home and retired lo'HWcMrilrtft' , Mrdlkti« > odiiess. . ,xij v". :. Tbi cite&bMfiMwtiiek'&fr aMlktA JoWti Wafillefrt'wiHe £ravfe?4iUin fifv 1 villainon* looking •%etf f , li ' , »rh|f T&uSlWfl facta; *wt*ofcen thfc'ftMteV "rf l maiieioit Wliehe dUStfifciWiV WcftelW" lay dreaming Of! a fc6ra*ttlit>dk , 7fr4J(Mr who bad (fcitllttfed to *Wnrt?K parlor»A feWhoifre befoWrt^-YhtSftiefi ttnp¥» 0d safely -frilo fW tKmseL' 8W ; ljir%f'rfn#«AtolW of inebriate* *tfWi«:buto to! ttMW/WU* eotmoiOns lii}lliifia¥rß; unttiWclrb U'WJSM' bo repeated rtie a&saseih Was rtHcloblj' tti lthe floor. Ill* cdnfpanfdii MnftagpAlV **WW* police were suiMnoned liy*t\id' aJ^vtfAtfc 1 who bad by tills timo beefci aromert by the iidise>aitd W*« -Jcfd away in ', «Wbo is thl^buiitf'fMWHtW' AeM ViVMnrantfiHVKod Iris life to sare mine 1" asKed tt* >w6tihdW ifWtiill 1 ' ' 'My : Aon/ Vrae'tWc trt-Sfllpt Mil#; 1 " . -uooigc A«wp|itt4i' fciw Ho airS brtf^r' action. '*4 A»* W^KAfttff , 'ih#- l f ipßsi die in a ifeW honr, ! bdt ydtt-sWiil IW' revved'; 1 ftWf? 1 , " Tbonott ijot-rtfi»ir tbpWVan Cfaffe bli the ddor : oMbi ; man jWtirnnfl JiadlxJen Bod«ewfy*ftdOTMo'iiS ,, |fc. , br liixory. ' He-wwWWWHaH %M' fewfe iwprtW lf»ft(e Wlfl 1 suddenly saccetded W» rte ©ililhiftcVown. ,And yet bis jnagitftrl fcW*MR>« to' 'Mrti'ltft and position lifltid^ 1 , ; I 6 D£WI OERMI II A«ITIFRFE*YBI»F WURTF aEring tMcfro" mo j'Wlf ■ i tlfaV* ckrtWf *cußaW-\*lKP'««aß tftis %atiMkU alifltFt -itiade' AtJ'cauW^HftSW WrWge# ' f ,^, »p*rftof*-id' -rid iMra*»(oril«otvMr">binn t idinp'bft-a lKKt»elop)>itistend 6t hddtitffe' ' Mp aHwioaittllriaMwP fei okyn elass! *tfl ? '^id ' Too ndeb loMsJeot(b'J*th>fphd*v frf Hfesa? tflan k w.MK l» fooiKl MWsOW fn 4fmsw' , fevers okental «xeiometl#. " left tfcat' ."Iro ,-was growing i apiiilv ' hcri#*# iflfcfe smM iH>» gel haWpltv ffeacMnuagl^taia^bMrt^ l fl«" liJoojrffit tiP • lwaik*»hM%twUcbaWffr MPuWid it»d bad i*-made4iilo a koeom pki.f «lBi)otl#j Jr wmk ittoJ' tgaUdy bad obt«iiw*> ho c6niptott aiMUtery (piWIWNIWW' ' 'Jran ro»*rita paetryJ> tie^Mlld' ' jminkia pro**, and WHeo tia jeWl- i ' 'oi wapapßr dM>li«M.aiL 1 'tnenee wkh a tepMaUnd twd wHb • fi*- ■fr|e. .(i'. 1 'without bringing tka. slightest itweiii -1 genco«ftbeu>wuer »t tbe gotdea hair-' plu. • ■' l ' ID a brijlfthfiy ligbt^\afl-ROOOIRi, doupottVilid. gfcyost df'rtfegsy.'abd' ad tmired'of rfl admff^iV.«%' mfc proinenadecHo end frt> likdafttiWbnceri. llbr 'WtetfltedneMf trtsd Vhh 'Mr. Muggleton, but she bad iiot (ojviA -1 w issl : cloeeiy aeaned . e*ery genll^an^Tftifr' entered ifefi'lteotf A'it'ftf ' expectancy. Bbe bad heard in "Mr. Clarendoiftftfc 1 Young mlrtiona!irC,lint Jfe 1 be batfridt kpbeared inncti nretiMff, ibe birtTno mcthrtn. r cot she'Waa a . woman ato not tfurtoo* bd/ fctftxonm ttfir refer easy after h*rnftr£ , ou's heir was present, nil «b h?o jmft ' liißed her hiv& Mto. Mf eeuted * " 4 : As George AdbTpiidW 1 aW fn arnk with au ac{aaictanc«s, a percepti ble pallor natt'ce. -WaAifcaaeed hi-jto pi n ibit ornamented ti* eb'« She tried to convince bpfteft raw tbe pin Pignifietf nothing." Pirbafie bfe Aad picked up the bairpiu Uf the *Mmu 6n ihat eventful evening ahe so well teraein bered. Bat rtb4o>iie beard liifc Votce die • ' k * »' ' ' tin? it ag4teiafltoc»ahv>«HiM( is let L o( t . 3 . -".'.V H * MNuSne ■imßl ,' »t* mm wnW— Um ; [** , r j. d^fateAft^ 1 tariV^.WifcNll|dii#\^4#f|fe t my no much in AcgoqiMTffik ; ,30a. mbb Wtomboi***** a»Hi wm* . anil and tbine on bim. aa Jpahua -4t MS*' , jmantt«l'll»«ui^kpHfc : r will i wld i£SsP.'h ijjen'tiWut TikJ tliWt? Mttjf bj^teAbbW' ;i®®rSsd: for aaaault aadi*t»e«y.; *ti tl "'. , i t ml bim** ' An exchange knows »hf— ' ***&> IfcrfiM ! nbat* the » ~, great exU nt to the innaeneMMMir i tavD-MitM fepwSen u4»e fan* •lßi^da^iileniF' to, ® ( i** B l®! I'* 1 '* 1, tide And ebb M Aft* ii l 'W; r.Lt*„jyfek^^S Loiigfeltoif.mia aucb, *'Jt it 'it u»> oat BfceingJo,fly|bat,lW(Ndi«»«nJ® ' jStell Go4-|alfe^iireo(tbosa - • * ,♦ '-IJI "■! f If ,iTH V In llie TnrkUb ihe*T is said (o be no gratHude. Fisl.cAWaliV HUM - 'ifcfa'ahout Ibclr catcliop in Ihrtov »t reels ol °* ,ftuy bread for lrelSTOTor two ywars. , TeH me ve w»nri|Jbffffflj'tfjtfiFThffT' "*"% 'l° . The loud wtnda dwiuULgita a-ybiapor la*, T . *ad »ighed for pityWuicy>p«wei£. • jrJ dan • j ~. not ijce in lljat city. and aererat iprarer books were presents from King •(jeorge 11., in IjTflii T *•! •j Tbe Kureka (KBHVSMMfA Myi that a number of liiijjhl -Hi »WI bur lad a warrior known »«lQld Adam' atyre. Jsbont to AXfflffi-MAKH OHT ► ! Mr- W*lerman f 4&sfelnfh, was so ets ApeiatedbyacornQyii.be to* careloi n*'™ with a PwIhJLhWJ* • ballet through it. JauWed and l ■No,. w iiiUm,'jiMjgjuiifiiuii mmej.. Wl MlfcW ufiffP rPWnKrmwu ifNo, William, I cu'Mwrr you. I don't -believe JMttUo|fi»Mll4a4ri» ttMfJfct, d4r npull yunr p wwMefctfl mm! 1 cant felt olamargarine. r i* j A long wliyifUinpaataliinlufended tfial the fudge r&fat*}sUm «"ilowlnjr 'bole; "The prisoner humbly praya thai the lime occupied by TKeulea oglha aw. j*i toniwjjja wwig r c£n. tri« fdoently aaked if felaot Una wliflst fhyiittrihwtjon —oa# ' said: II that is what yoa want whiTP 1 wil^gWe I l?*hbed a rolling. pUi..ami aaitnd'in'on :PrsSSSI6R*. , u .'Do you Me thai spring lf>ld a settler in Aihatisartort. stranger. .grow on theirteotprtrri^^ i j *" T i... 1 IUI I And *ofWyp]iin##WiW4wii%"wß? l ' o * W*' ; "Qod hlMioua f>M nan and iln pup." Itw. The saw had Jih arm hwairfu' was aSttßaaaag %ly^wfco jWopwa "win [ '" ««Wu Hm d.|l .dwfo uvntw > 'l t%4Hi blooming plants.. *Ab, yttr'YV'