Agricultural. *,, . , IVKEDB, v While the world lasts weeds will grow. The German town Telegraph lias this to say about the destruction of these übiqiiitious foes of the farmer: Every onco in a wbile we read that the way to destroy noxious weeds is to haul loads of earth and cover the places where the weeds grow a hrftf a foot or so deep. Sometimes these instructions are varied s» as to read rubbish instead of earth and then again rubbish is defined as stiaw, cornstalk*, or even brush. Now we have no doubt in the world that- the weeds can be destroyed in that way. We know that weeds feed on air and all that sort of thing, and that if they are smothered they can't breathe, ami if they cannot breathe they die. AH this is so plain to the thickest skull that one may feel perfectly safe in recommending it as something that will surely do. And yet we would like to know how many who recommend it have ever done so, or seen their plan tried by others. , We very much doubt whether it was ever done. Some one may have noticed that tinder a brush-heap everything kill ed, and that after remaining a year thb brush-heap's removal would show the spot by re of all vegetation. If the recom mendation ever had any gsp nd at all it was surely this. Oux nmedj for noxious weeds is thor ough cultivation If a piece of ground is fall of briers, milkweed, couoh-graM, j Sodom apples, Canada thistles, sorrel, I toad flax, or other miserable stuff that so ! often tries the mettle of oar good far* I men, let them put the ground in corn I for a couple of years or so, keeping the ! cultivation going continually, and eepe*- cially going in the earliest parts of the season, and pM among these weeds will (ail to stand the ordeal. If the hand hoe can be spared to go in among the hills of corn occasionally, where the teeth.of. the harrow cannot reach, or to eutonhere and there one which the harrow mar miss, a bad case may be cured in a single season. But, IT this cannot be done, a couple of suc cessive years with a sharp tooth cultiva* tor among a oorn orop wilt generally do the business for the Worst case that eve* Was. Let any one who has a woody field before Kim resolve, another season, to pat the whole tr&ot in oern and keep clean, and he will soon give up all the common ideas of smothering out with deep layers of earth, cutting np in the fall of the moon, patting salt upon their tops, or the many other recommenda tions started in the interest, it is belieV* ed, of latiness, bat whieh really calls for more trouble and hard work than a thorough and syiteqtatie, cleaning, such; sa we have indicated does. -aV J OLOTBR HA If. The beat time for outting clover is when about two thirds of the blossom* have become brown, bat the grass should be perfeotly dry when cat and put iqto' ooohs right after the machine, and if the weather looks favorable might be left to in jftltoOok next day tqi wilt; but toward evening, befium the .dew begins to fall, the cocks should be tamed bot tom upward; then, the next day. as Won aa the hay is perfectly drf, put it in the mow. Soma tanners would Salt'brer the bay in small quantities ♦bile it is being mowed, with the vie* tO preserve it. But J neifeft thought' %reu to dally and fool away time sprink ling salt on hay ,f tytyo the sun emitt ing hot arid a proepeot for a jjhower of tain, and besides, that salt is a septio in taaU quantUffcbd hasno agency ihpr* HiVlug the hay, which_ undergoes the Sweating process bettor '• without salt. Balf in small qhaijtities' feajf l irtjfert 'i ! flavor to the hey mirth relished bv atpok; but it is no very great trouble *o\eep a barrel of salt water ,stdse:*t hand, with a watering pot te sprinkle over the clov erbky just before feeding, to MtUe the Makjaf dovar hay is. not enough in vogue among farmers, -owing to the greet difficulty In it; but whan ptoporly made it k about' the best feed for stock of all kinds. Sweet ojover-.hay, out fine, made wet, and sprinkled over with a mixture of «|aal parts of wbea* ,fcran and fiaely choked rveor oorn, ia .the best and only o«K ; ♦»«» opMtantly fed. upon Whisk they will be healthier and; lira longer than if fad upon ,lo much whofo ungrowsd- grain. Young atore* hop Will live on good olover bay, .and «di op.ljranobes, blpdes and hrotaknj bntif cut with a. machine and mixed sparing ly with chopped nre and oorn or oake ■seal, and to them as theywUHat np olean, they will grow faster. -« • • "'' . '■'' '•" : A Michigan widow who Jdfoptf off • MM«»wn a tramp who made fun ofher sunbonnet, had throe offers of marriage within a WMNBk; V* -**4T\ ** •'% f v s m r) Whan yon are planting new ground and nn into a stump, don't swear abotikh. Go hire aomebody to swear wko can do it with more grace and dig nity. Baise your boya eariy—ih the mdftf. ing. If they don't "reiki" easily, a light dressing of peach tree fertilizer will help Uicm wonderfully. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. KcLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER FILLS, FOR TH£ CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint* DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appe« tite and sickness; 'the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation of having left undone some thing which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough 'is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of "the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude, enough to try it In fact, he distrusts every remedy. .Several of the above symptoms attend the diseaffebut cases have occurred where few oftljera ex isted, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the LIVER to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. DR. C. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS, IN CASES -or- AOVT AND FEVER, when : Qilininfc, are productive of the most happy tertilft. No better cathartic can be 4sed* preparatory to, or alter taking Quinine. We would advise wfco are afflicted with disease to give them a FAIR TRIAL. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, theyare unequaled. BEWARE or IMITATIONS. The gcAtiine are nevef sugar coated. Every box ha* a red wax seal on the lid. •wi impression The genuine MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS bear . the signatures of C. MCLANE and FLBMINO BROS, on The wrapper*. ' k ? n " ft u P° n having the genuine Da. C. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS, prepared by Flem- Bros., of Pittsburgh Ba., thtfmarfttb«M full of imitations' of ttfc name McLane. ****** If A GAIT Re nt paid two and a quailer (Vlll J\|§ m years buys one. Beet Cabinet ,HV or Parlor Organs in the AJtyD. Worlds winners pi highest. TT,| Iff t|\r distinction at every wdrld'si •W A n/1 I I l\l fair for thirteen years Prices LlnJllLll Jl •«, W7. w«, SB4, #lOB,l to A fSOO and upward. Also for i I ft iHT&ft htl etm ? payments, f5 a month I / | l/I[jj tK or 6.88 a qparter. and up ,,yl [ward. Catalogues free. |- LIABCW'& HAMLIN OROAW CO. 154 Tremont St J Boston* « MM 14th St., (Union Square) - HUiaNEFOBiTHE^^ BUIOaiMR&KIDHRSn Wt mtrnm Hinw. wtotlliiimf. 9am, CURATINEj"w fejSEsS: F« IMM. yfiffiy'*' ' - GURATINE. jWm BmoteU Hkmm *** TOUR DRU6BiST * . *' y,i % 1 * MATINEs HBMfIWICBEHCALOD. . , -■ _l ! ' - BALTIMORE, EM. ACENTB WANTED—B7B to SISO Per Month. The COMPLETE HOME I ' ' 1 ' I " . I I I I ftooe goods for men's and boy's wear -HHOL t KB WIN A HOLT. Shake! Shake!! onuaiaausn Qott! - Alexander Holt's CHILL PILLS are for sals at Company Shops Drug Store. q °" "«>»«« 5. WltWOtf. x 188© $JJ|f §§' 188© AT COMPANY SHOPS ✓ - v » +.•. ; i:y % \ ■ Our Mr. McCauley 6pent some time in Jbe Northern cities, selecting and purchasing our fail 'and winter &tock of goods, and wo flatter ourselves that we can make it serve the interest of our friends and tb® public to b»y of us ~ . .... . Dress Goods, Millinery, # ■ those beautiful '• l,> . .fl:* •**' '•* • *■ IIATB, BONNETS, HOSfelßlr, NOTIONS, CLOAKS AND A i a beautiful line-of * - • - SHOES and GAITERS and many other articles for v THE LADIES. BATH, BOOTS tivn SnOES, PIECE GOODS, READIT.RIADE CLOTIIINU and many other articles for • _ r -■ y . fig (SSHMMBH. , ... .. • - -« -**-■- •-**-* : : ~- v -*• ■ X :TJ""7: HARDWARE, EltOE TOOLS, QPEENS WARE, HOLLO WARE. GROCERIES and many other articles for » ' • THE FAMILY We are yet iu the large and convenient store house formerly occupied by Daniel Worth, and would be pleased to show our goods. We leave It for our goode and our prices to bring. ■« customers fO. 2». if. . /KcCAULEy A CO. 1. ... - * ' t '* V - '—- u ' - - IT I.III!II flits HUE Will!! I hare just received, and am receiving, a splendid lot oJ. ' \ LADIES DRESS GOODS • .. . rx ... , ' 'j' 0 *¥- . i,■ * -V* 1 •■ ' • '• T. . Consisting of .ft » * " UWN9, nusiijitflL, # white and colored Pique; also a good line of ■ r ' * il' ■ # k il i r . I ' * ,v j "Ai *.' ' . • * J' '* * 4, .. : i| • IT'. '**>. ' ry ,« Jj }" V «j. for Mbh and B6ts. 1 A good line of : , '*¥' +.\ f . -vV \ ■ '' ' •• - - " •• V-.n *tf'i-*-i » : '-" is r " -1; S ®K;0) I i'i ■ VV.V • • : , .» K . for Ladies, Misses, Men, Boys and Children, among tbem a full stock of '* ' .V. : Ziegler's Make I sell everything that the people vrtaii to buy and buy everything the people have to sell, j ' 5,8,30, , J. W HARDEN —Xj 1 *" ,Y : : i:: f' '" : jNdio.'fiEnjp, :> t.N.jordan, Ileui y Co. Va.j . Caswell Co., N. C. i |i-M: I : . . • • -. \ • ' r,.. Farmers new brick warehouse t •' • • ■ ! • I •• of f.ilrn I ..... " ' "" M lln • «)J :i-l>av/ ~ri u-.tu . Farmers Warehouse Site •AimiiLß, Ta. toi°of > thI armerß aDd PUnter " °f Vir S lnla «nd North Caiolina: The undersigned, as the propne PABMER NHWBEICK WASB2BUSH Call attention, to its superior advantages of . * 'i ' salesroom lights & accommodations - - for both men and teams; and for comfort and conVonienoe generallv The uronrinnr. S33a^J2S£S, e °' °" Ur « «" «i pAffiS o.x u,d onr Mi *»" >"»«*. %j— --t®i mmmmt prices, specially for line guaranteed. We do not speculate in tobacco and nilllL i L __ to look CI.OKKL.y- tothe«alea, and to handle carefbUy any tobacco aeit w or era may rest assured that their interest will not suffer id on/hands, customers may depend upon. 1 -n t *««upiuesß ananaeuty our •TCome to the UK W FARMERS WAHEHO VSX, when you come to Danville Tours Ac «j REDD & JORDA§. ...... . i'i i A UNIVERSAL vV eddingPresent. FREE TO ALL BRIDES. ' ' Kotioe is hereby given to all the readers of this paper, and all "tbeir sisters and their cousins and their aunts," throughout the Unit ed States and Canada, that The Household Will be seuL one year As a Free Gift to every newly married couple whose address —an JlO cenU to pajLfor postage sent to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriage. - Persons sending lor this present are request ed to send a copy of a peper containing "a no tice Of their marriago, or eoine other evidence that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the above offer. Address THB HOUSEHOLD, Brattleboro, -V-t. FOR BALB>-*-Otae carload salt, Ane and coars I • #OOTT D 0^ JU a« 42& V& Par it. QUAKER CITYTBALVANIC CO. T PhlluloUki. r»- Prices reduced • ' KfiSS, ft™*" -Met. KSlStS'o.S* " For sale at Qraham by SCOTT * DONNKLL GRANT'S TOUR ABOVNOTHR fTCBI.Dt ■ ly only low priced authentic edition con- complete record of the travels f« c £«*nt. Agents are cautioned aj> un»t HIT Hons books issued by unscruoulous publishers Elegantly illustrated. Over 800 pag*. PrfSj Outselling all books. Ag£ta wanted to circulars and terms, f gORSHKE A XcMAKIN, CtadnnMl. Michael Hotel graham, M.C. 1 i -»*«•■ IHVPHABL, Prspridtr, Terms SI.OO PERDAI S lEtou Mrnavmimi * b * month. Seeds, Seeds, JUST RECEIVED y. Clover Seed, Orchard, Grass and Garden Seeds. * ' l i SCOTT fe DONNE LL. Laild For Sale. '■ ' j IN: ■■ 240 acres, layingon Little Alamance and Boya'a creek, adjoining Daul. Holt, Thos. C. Foust and J. W. Hardeu—Terms made easy. . , *' - P. K. HARDEN. 1.14.' ' Live Agents Wanted Viaple llArri wnrc Specialties. They sell in every family. Canvassers clear $5 to $lO per day v Seud for descriptive circu lars and (erms to Agents. LIVINGSTON & CO., Iron Founders, Pittsburg. P PALACE JEWELRY STORE ,v ' ITB. FARRAR, r . ' ' " *' 1 "* \ - ■ % x k a. • OPTICIAN, WATCII.MAKER «. . A2W JE WELER, , • .1 • » t* J. '■ ?• » , AND DEALER IN r s . WATCIIB, CLOCK*. . JEWELRY Silver Ware; Rvidftl Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, ~ ( > : Gald Pertß, &c. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will be aald cheap 'V Still at the SAKE OLD STAND fi .„ ,*i i vn».l II »»!■-«» • MHW I desire ti inform my frsehds, old customers and the public that I am , ; . at my old stand, the same recently occupied by A, B. Tate & Co. Selling Goods CHEAP [ have a full liife of-goods, including Grocer les, Hardware, Dry Goods, Ready-made Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Drugs, Crockery, and in a word everything that my customers may want. I want to sell and mean to sell, Cf'sh or Bar ter get the goods. .. - .T. G. ALBRIGHT 8m.13 24.79. "l\ "t«'l \-i 4* i v ;t-v «RAPBHPRtJH€i7|E»iniVK, . TRADE TRADE MARK U S f before T AWj(i Lo&s.of.Memflrj, Uuivexsal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature, Old Age. aud many other Diseases that .lead' to in, sanity Or COrisirtbption, ftod'tfprbmMfttti Grrfvcf 1 particulars in our phamphlet, wnich we' .desire to send free »y wail toevery «ie.i • i l, 83The Specific Medicine is sold by, ail druisffiite atfl per package, or % packg&loriT'or wair W sent free by mail on receiptor the money ;by addressing . -vu' •' •> ')• - Hi • THB4MUY MEDICINE CO M ... Mechwioa'Block, Dttcoit, nV Scott & Doiineil y.«r- Graham N C . J*ulen in D UABOwJff «lAT*°l&®i* Wl " & HHOBS, IVaTIONK. IltOlV. 888, DRUGS, NRDI>; VfNBA, DTK nvnriawltlli Fertilizers ~ twfl f. ■■« ■»;.!. .1 , . , S. A; White; at Mebaneville, has ol hand 800 bagsot, «, ; ... . h i Gilhatn s Anchor Brand »' Tobacco Fertilizer, And is prepared to fill orders for any 'atnount needed by *he Farn»rts«| Alamance *od adjoin • log counties. t . Tfr . j as brand of fertilizer needs no recommend datWn to those who hatetftd \t It is one of the oldest biands, and has stood the test for years, earning a popaf*fttyriw«iitpas*eA by auV brand. For further information apply to Large stock of ,ready made clotliiac, , ' HOLT. EEWIN ft riOLT.' Hardware att'd cutlery-edged tools Ac. HOLT, ERWIN £ HOLT. ■• ■ ! - ' '''i! J'.'" -S'f" " - _ "''"l if!' Eight •' Years Success/ TOM LABOEIT IN TIIE STATU v Printing & Binding ' -AND- ° ''Blank Book Manufacturing. We return our thanks to friend* and patrons who have heretofore favored us with their orders, and take pleasure in savin* to them we are better prepared ssfss AS mm CLASS WOBK CAR BK DOME IMTWinrnv Legal Blanks. as^iSs P l -®o; per hundred. Bend for Catalogue wS 1? Bnytking to thiß Une write it _ EDWARDS. BROUGHTON & COL PKIKTXBS AJID BINDERS, ' J RALBIQH, N. C I Farmers Gardeners' Something Wonderful! *-VvVvrn EGYPTIAN CORN. Yields condition* £OO bushels of corn „ B°od been known to yield 500. ' Tim it rc > has tlfti!. ilakes the finest bread, cakes tasted. Nothing qqualsit for fowls ! anrt - ' . ever package by mail for 25c., three nark? ,tock 50c. One pound fqr 1. packagca f or TEOSIKTE. A uatlVc of Central > mprin . duces a great, number of sLoote. krr/mi J ' to four.yards high, -thickly covered »i,K g , thrc « and : jieldiiig s*u»l*,an abundance of fn™ lea ™ one plant will feed a pair of cattle /n? K ?' tb * 1 four hours. Cue package 40c or 3 pacLg*® f Loo-oF'woou MUSKMELON. "Grown a , length; lipens very early, vields » li. feet i* I for 1 ViU ° and 18 ° f Bpleu^ ld qiiaiity^ B^^ EXCELSIOR WATERMELON. Oae of th Kf 8o - ««*>- S £ Tmc CHINESE BEAN. Introduced at « tennial and made a sensation yields 4oT£ en * aero of very small, nutritions bea^in^ 1 ' 18 Sfo i" f ■r* 10 WS?S' from 8 10 fif " ly c hl l ster I ' fol i flC few seeds, solid body, delicious flavor r V th Sfui 1 " """""" *JSS AS,° c 4E'iJ&£Z W £&£% fSBST"" 5M «3"0"o package of each of the ahnv» „ , by mail postage .paid, for only ONE DOLLAR As a premium to purchases of I W seeds I will send a method by which iti«?.■ of ed tliafvegetables may be grot»n to donhi» J treble usual sizes.. T&s seiet hwfi wlft Send money by registered letter or order. Postage stamns taken as cash forS sums. Positively no hum bug about these I hove spent my l fe here and refer to in this city as to reliability. Anv seeds™™ y agricultural editor will meats. Address. •' 86 Btate * JOHN GARDINER. l«7 Whitehall St. . .!. ■ v.. ATLANTA, Q'A. Notice All wrsons having olaiips against tje esla oof John Ireland decC will present them to the undersigned on or bofore the lO.h dav of Anri 1881 or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of thdr •recovery. 1., ... *" w John R. Ireland) f» ■**! kM W. P. Ireland [Admrß - 7th 1880 i , ' -..U -i • - _ ' | ' I '■ mid 1 * 1168 beautifully trim M HOLT, EJAVIN & HOLT ~ : r-r 1 Land Sale. ■ • a ... „ i propose to sell the land as William yriffls tract, adjoining the lands of Miss Lizzie Bason and others. 'it is Situated 5 miles from Graham and nfflee from i Haw River, con taining \ . ' ONE HUNDRED ACRES. It is well adapted to the growth of VOBAI CK Am ® « MEAT, .ospeqjnllv of VINE YELLOW TOBACCO, being |in a fcctibn that is last becoming famous for i the fine yuijlity of its tobacco. The plec&is well improved, has a good dwell ing house all necessary onl houses, and good •wiitcr,, For particulars and terms call on the undersigned. ■ ' •» TIQ^ALLLABHLET, fl-D-3m. ■ ' Klvcr, N. C. Central Hotel i W. 0. iBTEifiLE, PROPRIETOR TE?iiS.;-1.50 PER DAY . ■ . "»? lipuso is conveniently located In tfco cen tre tff the cily tlie rooms are large and Well furtieftedranrt this table is supplied WithtUe best tlie uutrkfep Affords. ■ •; » ■'( ■• ' t; L n a 'F e i? am P le R ° oraS ■ Oippibuq and Bagejage Wagon, meet all trains a np* ' K li I Company Shops Drug Store ''(4 tilii •« lp 'M I '' . -r'. NLM, FORT HENRY CIGARS, DR, B. P.^BBANK^VBLDBBATBP TAIMXACIDIBITIKKB . .• BRVON, tATBIVT KIBDICINBI TOII.ETANDITA|iI(;i : ARTICLES An . Experienced Druggist In charge, and always at bis place. Prescriptions carefully filled. Call for any thingyou, wish in the way of drugs or medicines. Wm. A. ERWIN . . • - -" •' | I "•'] * - - farming Implements. , . Plowa, Cradles and Scythes, Mowing Blades, IJoes, handled ABd uohandled, Mattocks, Po tatbe Diggers. Spades, Shovels, Forks, all kinds of plough easting* Ac. SUB • lam also agent for the . (Reiser Thresher . Smith Thresher, the Champion Wheat Drill, ' " J. TV HAtftHN. ' ii ~— 1 Family groceries—fancy and substantial i .HOLT, KKWIN & HOLT. Extra Rubbers for Fruit Jars, At. SCOTT * DONNELL'S " ' AGENTS WANTED for tire best and fMjl selling pictorial Book# and Bible. Prices reduced 83 per cent. National Pdbusm& * Co., Ph iladelpuia, Pa. Ladles' dresigoods— beautiful HOLT, ERWIN * HOLT. >» . • :• —r - —rrr —# : —— KnUtiug Cotton k Zephyr WwA?»t SCOTT fc DON NELL'S. . . . • • : —T ■ ■ II ■ . i. Lynch Select School, HIGH POINT, N. "tf.-- Maj. W, R. LYNCH. A. M., Principal. B. P. RRIIi, A. 8., ) Allkl _ L 5 A. L-.PHILLIPS, A. 8., \ A"* l *** ~ FaJJ Session begins Adg. 4ib. * For clroolf giving foil particulars adareaa the Principal June 28. lm. - « ' • -■ "Ton can'find the beat stock, and cheapest goods at SCOTT Ss DONNELLS.