ripi a • ,L HE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL- 6 - iit fc] VJ IxLjA Nht K v m 1 ..i-n !*«'«*•• ~ * V r ,v.l'on. I'ofihtf > - • j V * ' i-1-.V.1 ! v«» p • ! I , "■''nil seiiiHng us a chit) of ten sr.M I ivory \"'l' , u .. clis t,, entitles himself; to one j iriW :s ''''"J leivlh «f time for which llie • fftcup. I'apcr. to different otliees j frnvt tue Cash t>y*lem > iia te- of AiSrrrllninU v i..„t ailvßrtisemenls payatile in advance; qudrlerly in advance. esr ' .' l in. ~ I"- '«• I 0 111 ■ l2 -—,rrr p °° lo 4rti I J -i 00 4 50i 6 00i 10 00, If. 00 Transient advertisements *! per square , )|h "rtrst,.aad lUty cents for each subse lueot insert'""! • ... O i; it 4J »> V li It IV ,tl l£ N r • Ofceera of the FtJeral Komrnuiful. TIIE EXKCOTIVE. ButherfoHl li. Hayes, ot Ohio, lVesiclect of A Slm of New York, Vice hwh'Mlvf th- United. States. THE CABINET. Willism M. Ev arts, 1.1 N.w Voi k, Secretary of S »te , John Sherman, ft Ohio, B"cy. "f lreasury. tt M Mei'rary, Si-eretary of War Kici.ard W. Thompson, of Indiana, Secre tary „f ilie Navy. Carl Shuri, ot Missouri Sec y. of the Interior. Charles Devens, o! Maasachusetts, Attorney lieiiHrsl. Ddviil M. Key, of Teenncseoe, I )Slr*.Rster wll;,a', TH n jI'DICI l KV. tltE SL'PKEME COL'KT OI" TIIE VNITEO STATES. Morrison li. Wait, d Ohio, Chief Justice. Natiiaa CiiiFuril of Maine, N»ali H. Sway ne, of .Ohio, baaiuel J. Miller, of lovVa, Ilnvid Davis, of Illinois. Stephen J. Field of.California, William M Strong, of Pennsvlvanin, J-aepli I'. liraill y, of .New .lers.y, W.inl Hunt, of NeV York Assoeiaie Justices. OUK NT*TK tfortuwamtrr, EXEECC'TIVE DKI'A ItTJ^EN't'. Thoaias J. .larvis of Pitt, Governor. L»:iwes L. Uobinion, of Macon, Lieutenant- Governor. \V. L Satiiifler's, of New Hanover, Secretary (if State. John M. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald IV. Buiii, of Wake, (-'hief Clerk. T (J. Worth, of Kandoh-li, Teller. Ur. Samuel L..Love, of Haywood, Auditor. Tlios. 8. Kenan, of Wilson. \ttorney-Gentral. Jeliu C. Searboroug.h, of Johnston, Superin tcn leni of Public Instruction. . Johnston Jones, of Burke, Adjutant-Genera'. J. MeLeod Turner', Keeper of tin Capitol. Sherwood Haywood, of Wake, Stale Libia riua. ; JIJDUMKV. Stt'KEME CoL'ltT. W. N. H. Sirith. of Hertford. Chief Justice. John H. Dillard, Thos. b. Ashe, Assoeiates, , W'. H. Barley, of Wake, i;ierk of Supreme Cou't. 1). A. Wicker, of Wake, Marshal. J ROFESSIONAL C'A ÜBS. JNO. W. GRAHAMj JAS. A. GRAH AM. Hillsoaro, N. Graham, N- C. OBABAM &GRAHASI', ATTOBNKVN AT I.AW, Practice in the, c talc ontl Fed. ral Conrts, atteiitiofa paid to collecting. j7OaiRN()I)LE, 'Attorney at Lain, OVAUjC.II, IV.C Practices,in tire Stfrte atid Federal Courts. Will faithfqliy,and promptly attend to' all busi ness intrusted to him. E. 9. PAKEBE, A T T oil H S;,T, OKAIIAN. IV. f. Will attend regularly Hie thjperiwvCourt* of Alanianop, Caswell, Person, Chatham and Ran 'Jol;.li, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted 10 Liui shall -have faitiiful attention, 6-1 SO. ly. T. B Eldridge, Attorney I^aw» fiR All AM, N. 6. » Practices In the Btatc and Federal Courts. All bushier Intrusted to hiin f-hall receive prompt and earfefnl attention. James E.Boyd, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , OFPK'RfI AT Graham & Grec^sfcoro* .. Practices in all the Courts. ©"Days at Grahain, Mondav, Tuesday .and Wednesday At Greensboro, I'hursday, Friday and Saturday. 7 14 s)r. J. W. Griffith dentist, . .• ' GRAHAM, N. C., o to the profession. . opeciaf attention .friveu to the treatment of «'»eageß of ihe MOUTH. ATTENDED IN TOWN OR COUNTRV G.Hi School, GRAHAM, N. 0. RJV. D.A. LONG. A. M., Principal gE>.W W.BTALEV, A M. £EV. W. 8. LOIVG A M. A. L. COBtK. A. B, PP® m lut Monday in August and e'nse* tlie fol ***■ Tuition t3-50 and M-SOper mouth, ri*"" Wto sll per month, 'iiie number -of ♦•Mrtffc rtnlU* io «. G RAH AM; N-, 0., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1880. $ ' > '* j ;» .v c •!S V O.'i JS H ,-;2. '•V Oltl !>. (live me but one wish horn on o irth, i And tll'Ml IV» Ml -IU [:i ,u i',;,.. tor . y iliat wLii, ii.ll . >; i i wi.rih i' 1 .Hid no mistake.. Nor wonM iii:il wish for wealth ' c made, ' i' li Mk: • !V. M*h!i f >:■ tl;ej' And if that wi.-h liy y> were jui 1 1 should contented lie! 1 or well 1 knmv if we were one. '1 hal then our hearts would irloiv \Y i lll fervent tove eteh day moro strong i As on ;.ir,.uz'h li e we'd tjo, Su.ijiiig new lii'o through every \eiu Untainted wllh alloy, I ''nii! our lives h-rano ,i strain Of jiiiie • a apfie j.»v. Ttt ?: i: am s> o3' ; A «•»?. A Iter \\ illord Dumoiii mariied Annie Lmo in it (it ot piqnc and jealousy, l-Jien v liarlaml oi.ipe his betrothed wile, Miller- 1 oil more than woids can tell. 81)0 had loved hiui in her wild passion- j ale way, and hud nuver thought she, could losj isi:u ; hut >-lie had trusted too much in her own power, a'id another woman was the wife ■of the young niii lionaire. Bhe nearly went mad with rage and pride and wounded passion, hut she hail bense enough to hide Tier i heart from evious eyes. As long as she felt that in WilLrd's presence she would luru pule, as long as slie con Id not hear his voice or glance without wincing, she 1 kept out of his w , under pretence or visiting an aunt at a distance; Lnt in the sprightly I.' 1 Ins thai she wrote her ; friends she spoke ot being glad that Wil-1 fold Duiuont had not fell, her dismissal el him 100 severely 'o be coiniorled, I • 1 unci when she was once more mistress ol herself she coded upon the bride, and iiml Mrs. Dumout, who knew nothing j oi the old love story welcomed her hear- ' I lily, and told VViiljrd u his return home, that she was delighted with his ot.l Iriend Miss H it land. '.She cannot have cared for me,' .thought Wilferd Jliinioiit, with a pang i nu husband should have felt at siteh a ihotight, but the litlie wile never guessed it and it did not harm her. Biie returns eil the young lady's call and an intimacy >'l once. So that, when the Du mout.s w *> nt to ilieir phtce on the Hudson for the summer Season, Annie bent a warm invitation lo Miss (larland. Kill!ii thought it over. It was an oiler uol 10 be deß|>isi'd by u luobiunauie girl with a Hiiall iucoiite She desired lo nutrry, aud hotels at j waieriug-pueus were expensive. All Ihe men ot their set would be nt \\ ilt-jftl ; Dumonl's at one lime or another. The neighboring residents were peoj.le of po- j siiion. She eotild dress and ilirl to her ; heart's eonlent, and \V illord eould see ; what a priz-i he had lost, even wbi e she , gave him plainly to understand that she | was glad she had escaped the malriuio- j niul poke. Am! then she wrme a lov-j iug note to Annie and held an interview ; wi.h the dress maker. Ami W illord Diuiiont —well he hud ; loved this girl and married Annie be. cause she made him angry. And Annie wus so sweet and mild and genilju. And now he was wailing f'oi her coming will> a guilty tei ling in his heart, lie wanted to see her, to Ml by her, to hear her eing. As her Imsl he could 'lo lid?, at k-usi. lie went to the tit pot to diive her home. Annie, had, ot course ex pected him to i.o ihat, but she had not ex pected what had followed; lor when they wcie in the little wagonetto yde by side, and she turned and looked into his eyes, Wilfjrd DuiiioiH had kissed the girl. It was night,''and though the moon was bright, the shady Janes which led to Duuiont Park were still and lone ly. No human eyes looked down up n litem, and their lips had met so often— oh, so often—betore. Hut E leu drew hack and flashed sear let and bhhl : You forget you arc a married man, sir. , • j\ nil Wilfurd answered: «Vcs I did forget. Pardon me. 'J hat and nothing nl'-re. •J hen there was silence, each of these two sufloied in a dilleren t way, and yet somehow there wa» uiuoh pleasure in Hie pain. Alter tins they could «.ot stand on the Jaim, friendly footing they had bo;hi o,,ed fur. Me, at least, meant no wrong. N.e hail hoped that he might be icgretlul ot the past, but had not dreams J that he would dare presume upon it. For au hour oi so alier-tho evening was over— the long dinner, the n.neic in ILb parlor, the dark, the wak in the moonlight, with the young wife , arm about her waiat-Ellet. intended to make her viMi fVrry brief. In n 1.t.1e wh.k hou ever, slu changed her «n jd. She ivonld 6'ay. V"* . t '", l 11 f, ' who boasted to htr o, her s love, should sutler a little also. What was she to come heiween iheiu? And now all that was evil in Ellen ilarluid's heart averted itself, and where evil once abides it glows stronger day bv day. Sue laughed,she flirted, she danced with oihor men, but she met Wilford alone by the banks of tlw river. •• She sung iluets with this one, looked merrily into the eyoiol that, but in the lonely woods Rhe sat by Wi! ford's side Willi his arm about her waist. j They talked freely about the lie had confessed thai she was yet mine to him than any other •woman; more, than his trusting unsuspicious «ile. On ly that iittle life stood between them, and olten *As Ellen looked at Arpie, she fell that she would be glad io see her in I her colliii. Vet the end ofjier \i.-it npproached. , She musl since she vvwuld have no j excuse lor lingering, AU-f in her absence | might not.the wife win the heart ot \\4io already rc«j»e'.:tl and admired her, though his passion was aiiotbeis? Surely. So. with the fiend's whj-per in hr oars, Ellen Harland one day walked out aiotic, making the purchase ol'some little trifle in tne village as an exalte for a solitary hour. For aw bile si.e battled with her hale for Annie, knowing her to have none bill ivieiuHy feeling to herself, but it overpowered her at last. 'if that little thing wore dead,' she said, 'I should have Wilford tor my own 1 should be the lady ol the Park— hon ored, admired, beloved. Now 1 walk here alone, while she fills my place. It she would hut die!' 1 hen, su Manly - surely, Satan was whispering in her car* —she. remembered that she had heard of a drug, which, though an almost instantaneous pois on, loft little trace ami was tasteless. i'\.i a moment she trembled and flung tlie suggestion troiu her, but Satan is strong. There was ;i drug store in tlie j village /mil iliu proprietor -had leit a yotiiig, empty paled clerk in charge. The, poison, which would not have been sold by the older man In any strang er without a doctor's prescription, was dealt out without a thought by this boy, and Eileii went homo • with Iho tiuJT package hidden in iier bosom. A.mifc was watching for her coming' lroui the veranda, bhe came forward to meet her guest with a sweet smile. 'The others have had lunch/ said she •hitt i wailed for you. 1 have had our liille 'ablesot in the bow window, with the \ iew »l the river. \\ o fchall liave such a cosy time.' Then she led the way to the dining room, and tosdng her hat &nd mantle on Hsola the \oung hostess po'ircd the coflee nil I handed a eii|> io her guest, taking ! one lor herself. A:, that riuiiienl eosne i one cailed from the ball: 'Come, both of you; eouiething to see.' Itwaaonly a great pleasure bargo j going uii the river with a picnic par:v. 1 Ever ready lor an> thing amusing in j those idle hours Ibe household always | made a ga.\ pretence ol doep interest in | these parties. Annie 101 l (lie little room. K'.len dc«. la\ ed a minute before she followed. In "hat litsio space of time she hud emptied the poison into poor Annie 6 cup of coflee, and thrust the crumpled paper that held it back info her bosom. Annie returned first. As &he 'seated hcself, she Imppcued to notice that the cup she had passed to Ellen wus over filled, It looked untidy, neither had jet been tasted, and with the natural imputed ot a carefui hostess, Annie changed the cup-. Littte did she guess what she was do* ing. She only desired to set before her i uest that wnicli was the neatest. And little did Ellen know what had happened in thai brief instant. She looked to see her lival turn pale. She watched lor some token that the poison had begun its work. Instead she herself feil a strange fainlie*s creeping over her, was conation# ot a sudden agony. It was br'cf. The laid rhe had decreed for the innocent young wife was to le her o»va, and it came too swiftly to leave much time lor thought. Dying, Eilen ll.trland understood only that ih some way Providence had ontwit ftd hen 'Pray lor me,' ehc whispered to Annie, ' 'I dare not pray for mvself.' And villi her hands held fast between with Annie's tears falling last upon her pillow, Ellen died. They found the crumpled paper with 'poison' written on it, in her IMJBOIJI. The coroner's jury g*ve a ycrdict of suicide, and reinorae filled Willord I)u» m )ut s'heart lor he believed that E ieri llarland f:ad killed hc:»«clf because Bhe could wjuhuut him. l,i Lis trouble hs Uiadfc a so:t of a oju- fcssiou to liis wife. No until ever tiuule lull and li ne one under sueli ciienmstan cos. What Annie gathered Iruiu it was, (hat her own attractions haid made hint loi uot those of Ellen Uailand, and that the po a* girl could not endure! Iho sight of their initial tenderness: and so to this day ohft believes, and olten goes with her husband to the church yard where Ellon lies, ami wiili her own fair hands plants flowers upon the gj'avo of tho woman who would fain have done her to death that she mighl win for hor the husband who, though not as true and perfect as Annie believes "him, now loves IK.T very fondly; loves her though he remembers, ivith tt pang, thi} p.nsioaate creature who, lie faneied, died for love of him. In (his world Hie truth will never be known, and it is better Ui_.t it should be so. OFf-IMKO TAI.HKt. ... *' By Nlin* JltH. THE PA OK N tCO DM ML' 3. Nieodeinus, the son ol Moliab, the son of Ltelsiitizcr, the son ol Dennis Kearney's gianit lather, was thirty and nine y ears old'wheu he began to reign. And hi* wile man oiled within herself, and was aiiii-zed. For had she not been bosn ol the roost lor a long while? And 'Kas not her Nieodeinus tho meekest and weakest ol mortals? Hilt Nicodemus opened his mouth and spake unto Iter, saying, '-Verily Matia Jane, 1 am to be considered the Grand Mogu) of this establishment henceforth , and lorever; yea, even as tho , monarch I inletli his kingdom, so shall 1 sway the I sct\p(re over my household, aud dou'i I you it." ! Now Maria Jane waxed wroth, for she j desired not to give up the breeches, she I had worn so long. j And &he marveled again, for she wist ! not what had coine ovei this husband ol ; hers, to make i. iui bristle up and show his leet. ( And it la pass on the second day of llie reign ol Nicodeinus, thai his spouse ' camo unto liiui ar.d spake ol HII elegant new bonnet, which sho had seen in a shop window and bcsaughl him lo buy And lot he wcui by ill Yet in'no other way did he heed her request, lor he liad sworn in his heart tuat he wouid not bo ruled by her an*, other day. And again, on the third day, she went unto him, and bcsaughl him sayi>i,g 'Nick gUiune a leu dollar williaui; 1 must buy a new switch. And he rose up in Ids anger and made unsner,'•'io to; get tiiec behind me! This is entirely too thin. Thou dost ! unl) seek to hull toze thy husband, and lmet no need ol a ten dollar w illium, ( jet lout! I'll be dad thumped if you get a nickel out of me!'' And behold, there was a great com motion in the household; and the rail ol the temple was ivnl in twain, and the e.;rth ciid quake, ami the rocks rout, ami siovo wood and boot jacks whistled through the air. And much hair and hairpins were slrctvn around broadcast over the carpet ami the no»e ol Nieodeiniis bore stiaugc j likeues« unto a skinned tomato. liui it was ordained ttiat Nicodcuius should win Mie victory, and when his enemy wa'j vanquished ho straightway flapped his wings and crew. And there was weeping aud wailing and gnashing ol teeth, and lor seven days and seven nights did Maria Jane re luse lo speak uoids ol recognition to her ' lord 1 Ant! thereafter did Nicodemusdo pret ty much as he saw fit. Aud tut re was no one lo say nay. For his wile trembled and wa* afrai.l. ' And he sat with Ids leet upon the |>i ' alio, and spat upon the stove, and stalk ed into the parlor with muddy boots; ■ j and u lien lie sat him down at Iho lu»st ! j he did shovel i.« his green peas on the 5 j flit ol his knife and no one struck his • 1 elbow and said, "Wby Nick." ' N.ither did he obey the law which ' said he must repose upon his bed at nine '-I o'clock. f j Yea, when he was weary and athirst, | he straddled c fl down to the tavern, aud M got on the outside of sundry horns of *; norii-juice. I And many times he camfl home at otio ' 1 o'clock. A. M.. and did stand UJIOII the dour-siept, while he proclaimed in aloud 1 voice that liia wife had neglected lo 1 leave the key hole in the door lor him. jjut soon the eueiny compassed around ' | aboxit, and he knew it not lor he wus • ; too Iriiud to take a tumble. f i Then, therefore,a spirit appeared unto " ' him 'ii B dream, aud warned him sa>in», 1 i"*ff|ge," take np thy «rip sack, fcnarpui e | thy tw-nftiN and stud/ .! And ho lingered yet longer, and did scoG at the friendly warning, saying "Why hearest thou false whnofS? Rat ion up thy lip, tor thuii art a liar and u horse-llicit. 1 ain't aleerd of nobody?' And he Said these-things with much vehemence, lor lie recked not of tho. ihin»s thai were. And it came to pass on (he evening of the tenth day, that he journeyed home Irom his work, and found his oothef-ins law in the house. And Ike forthwith snssed her and heap ed contnniely upon her and IIU wife. And liU uiother-in-law was exceodings Iv wroth, and nolo him, "Lo, thojn, art a brute. Thou ncedcsl some one 10 snaich*you bald-headed." And he braced tip, and made answer in these words: "Behold Ibis is tho tab ernacle of Nicodeiuns, and 1 aml lie lighi thereof; and il thou givest mo any un necessary chin, I jeivc tlice a free pass lo the uiiddVdtof next week." Now wlien she lad licard these things, she made haste to break a looking-glass 1 over his head, and then baid uulo him, "it is not meet that thou shouldst rule over Iho synagogue, for thou hast not brains enough to fill one of uiy hollow teeth. If thou Ihinkcsl to make a Parai disc of thy home, when thou art out every Eve, then I must call thee Adam fool; and if thou seekest to deleat IUC in battle, I am compelled lo add: jou Caiu-'l tpell Abel." Whereupon, these two great competi tors ol auiiquily grabbed each a potior, and began to play therewith. Ami Nicodenms was expert, for lie had played . poker belorc—which the same Was live.cent ante, in Deacon Siubbs' hay loft. ,i And he wist not that his milher-in law was lightning al the same game. An.l he was aggrieved, aud hung upon his own neck and wept, when he saw thai he was a mere kid iu this woman's hands. For it was so writ that the old lady should get the beUer ol him. « And she leif upon him, and smole him hip and I high, and knocked six teeth down his lit runt, and punched him one under the chin, und stood him oil his head on die coiner, and piled a great mauy chairs and solas upon him. •And when thefo things were done, the spake unto him these words: "Nico tiemiu, you Mjuini-eyed baboon. I've got you foul." And the voice of Nicodcimis was heard eying In the wilderness. 'And Uis said,''' Yea, verily, I ac« knowledge the corn. 1 throw up the sponge. You aie captain ol the ship." And it caii.e to pass that the old lady dwelt in the household and ruled with an iron hand, and (humped .Nicodemtts in the ear every tiuie lio iorgot bis po hi.ion. And the reign of Nioodemus was three and bcvui days, and he was thrown 110 in his throne. — tiunny South. Ol.tlKl AMNtl.on C-CUItT, Some curious stories are related of instances where, under the mediaeval und ecclesiastical laws of Europe, dumb animals were treated as responsible be ings, arrested, brought before courts to ans Iver tor crimes and in ilie meantime weio shut up in prison. Witnesses were examined, judgment prWoaucedi lite animal, if found guilty, executed, the offending beast often being dressed in ihe clothing of a man. Antique Euro* l»eun law books coutuin reports of trials ufswine, bulls, horsfcs, etc., in public conns for the ollense of killing persons, and he> were gravely hanged f-»r their misdeeds. They had forms tor prosecu ting beasts too numerous to punish ltl« Jividuall). Uais were 6uin:ion»d for devout ing the barley olthe region; their counsel established a 6uccesßtul delenso that their clients had denired to leavo thrf territory but couldn't gel away on account of the cats lying in wait for theui. In M aye nee flic Spanish flits, und In Savoy tlie weevils were indicted at a public tiial. Their counsel succeded in obia.ning a decree that a distant ter litory should be assigned to them to which they might retire. A good pve cedeut lor the C-oloiado potato bu«! In Valence a piagua of caterpillars wis pros«cuied. The points ol la* raised were so tsuincrous and difficult mid the j trial ivus spun oui so long thai the in» ! iusectv all died before the judgment was pronounced. In lirazil there was a ease against swarms ol ants; and in early Canada tnrlle-doves were excomuinuitift* ' ted lor inischiel Ihey had done. ■■rime Himnnrck, During the great war between France find jcrni|iiy Prince Bismarck, ''the man of blotd and Iron," was the actor in an incident of a most suggestive and Ken lie nature. The I'rinco is said'to be u smoker ardently attached loilie'weed', lie H reported to have said: "The vnlueot a good cigar is be»: understood when it i.-i Hi. lani yon jiowW, and 'here is no chance I.T G-I A'.i'HlT." M«M lerotn«« of tobacco ' 1 " ™ ' ia iliv.i bondage lo it, and t« bo iiiiwu' NO. 29 bio it deprived ol it. Il is said that Bi*» lotirck had cherished lii« laM cigar all through a battle, iii glad ai»tiHp*tioit i>f «lie luxury in store tor him, when he tud •dculy'and glntlly deprived Litnsclf ot the Rinokc-giviog solace. In his own w.ords '•i painted in glywing colore, >n »ny mind, the happy hour when I should en*, joy it a fur thi' victory. But 1 liad inis-* calculated the lhanccs. A poor dragoon lay helpless, with both arms crushed, murinitniig tor aotneihirg to refresh lriin. 1 felt iiLiny pockets. and that I had only gold—and that would be of no use to hiui. But slay; 1 had still ray treasured cigarl I lighted for ldio and placed it l»etwcon ids teeth. You should Imve seen Ihe poor tellow's grate- Jul smile. 1 never enjoyed a much aa that, one I (lid not smoke. Gleanings. (Ships are frequently on speaking terms, and tbev lie to. Some men can't take coil without blowing about it. Dr. Mary Walker is among the White Mountains where her costuuie is shown to be eminently adapted to climb it. A man of true genius i generally as Kin pie as a child, and as uuconsciuub o£ his power as an elephant. If a man's horses should lose their tails why should he sell them whole sale? lie cans® he can't retail them. " Good nature extracts sweetness fron everything with which it comes in con tact, us the bee ery flower which it visits. Trying to do business without adver tising is like winking at a girl in the girl iu the daik. You amy know what yon are doing, but nobody else do**, la drinking the "good health 1 ' of your friends, take care .yo'i dou't get too much in the habit of swallowing your own. A boy will dig over a Mpiare rod of garden ground for fish bait, and yet |*lie Cft'ild not be hirtd'o work on a six foot | oniou oed. About the only tiling an American will go to any great trouble about is the age of his grandmother. He will make her olier than any one else's grand mother if lyiug cau do it. Duce'd queer how mon differ aboat different things. When a man hooks • lot of fi*:i he will biag of it for tlirfee days, and when he hooks a lot of apples he hasn't a word to say about it. Alexander H. Stephens is reported to bo in better health lb »n for years past, lie can no* sit on a hotel piazza at tho seaside without paper weights on his toat-tails. A Philadelphia woman can bold a croquet ball between her upper and lower teeth. But she has to take her teeth out and liolds one 3et in each hand. When H fjlioW pops the question to a Maine girl instead of blushing aud look ing at hi r fiet she throws h-r arms about hU neck and begins to talk about ili« furniture. , # V," * An old judg? of the New York Su premo Court, meeting a friend in a neighboring village, exclaimed:.*"Why! what are you doing here?" "I am at work trying to make an honest living." ''Then you'll succeed," said the judge, "tor you'll have no competition." They don't rinif bells to let people know when the theatre or circuit opeita, and jet nobody gets there too l&to. But to get folks to ilnuch there has'to be a clang'ng of dismal sounding bells enouglf to shutter the nerves ol an invalid and to make the wellest man feel sick. j '•lf yon WHS a man, Jiuimie," said A little shaver to his chum, "who would you vote for, Hancock or Garfield." "I'd go with the biggest procession, you bet.'* —New Ilaven Register. That boy will probablv grow up to be tho eilitor of an independent pa|»er.—/ > Aii JVeuw. A fanner's wife, ill speaking of the marines*, aptuess and intelligence of her son, a lad six jears old, to a lady acquaintance, said: "He c«n read flu ently in uny part of tho Bible, repeat tho » h«/le caU-chisDi, and weed onion* as well fs his father." "Yes, moth«r, w added the young hopeful, "and yester day 1 licked Ned R**>o«>, throweji the cat into lho well, aud stole old Hinck ley's gimlet.'' When James T. Bradey first opened a lawyer's office i'i New York, lie took a basement raom, which had previously been occupied by a ccbbler. He was somewhat annoyed bv the previous oc cupant's cjlleis, aud irritated by the fact Lift. he bal few of his own. One day »n Irishman entered. •®* rlie cob« bier's gune, I see,' he said. "I should think be had,". tartly responded Brady. "And what uo 3011 sell," lie said, look ing at-the solitary ÜbW> and 11 lew law b-i. '-JJI 11 ;h' ud*," fd«l llr. 4> "fWwra iAutlh* Irish mm. , doing s. fine busiWssjfe. kai«t £*t but one. Wt.