THK GLEANER GRAHAM. N. CM SKPTKMBEU 0, Looal Items. ul BE«TOH*...« KAIIA »l, t K>i Kl ' pruver Meeting every alternate Tuesday ev tDgfnjay Scho(J, W. C. Donnell, Sup't, exer ■ ..t 1 o'elok, P. M. "'baptist W. L. Wright, Pastor. Sor • n«prv first and third Sunday, at ll- o'clock P.M. "snnday School, Col. W. A. Albright,Supt. Exercises at 9% o'clock A. M. w.*er meeting, every alternate Tuesday , ,2 at 8 o'clock. CHHWd*" —Providence ohe mile from town. d W S Long, Pastor. Services every Sun- Hav'at 11 o'clock, A.. M. , I Sunday School, at. 10, o'clock A. M. Rev \V. Sialey. Sup't- IMPORTANT TO TAX-PAYEUsi I will attend at the followin times and places, for the purpose of colleoting the ' taxes for 1880. At Fred Graves Tuesday, 28th Septem ber at W. C. Hornidv'a Wednesday, 29th, at John PugU's, Thursday, 30th, at T. L. Bradshaw'a, Friday, October, Ist, at Mebaneville, Saturday, 2nd, at J>a's Sj to re, Tuesday, sth, at MoCray'a Store Wednesday, 6th, at Morton's Store, Thursday, 7th, at .Cable's School House, Fridav, Bib, at Company ghnpn, Saturday, 9th, at Graham, Monday, ]lth al D. S. Thompson's Tuesday, 12th! All persons are requested to meet me punctually, and pay their Taxes, as 1 am compelled to collect, and back Taxes must lie paid this round or I will be compelled to put tlieui out for oollee tiort. The County candidates will be with me and address the citizens at the above oaiued places. Fas. T. Hunter, Sheriff Sept. 9th, 1880. It rained last week and "don't you for get it." Our merchants are getting in their fall stock of goods. Blankets are not uncomfortable these nights. One marriage license was issued last week.. J L. Scott, Jr., and E l. O. tl'jlt leave for Davidsw College to-day. J. L. Scot; shipped two hogsheads ol tobacco to I'arrisli & Black ft ell to»day. The tobacco tanners ol our county are busily.' imaged cutting and curing. Graham is always dull soon alter court, and this is about that time of the ylar. f. 15. Eld ridge, Capt. Parker, and Jns. E. Boyd attended court at Green*-, boro last week. Joe and Joint Noell will swap positions next week. Joe will become agent, and Jonn foreman in the office again. - From specimens of drawing by J. L. Bcott, Jr., ho undoubtedly possesses tome skill as a cartoonist. J. T. Crocker, ol Asheboro., a former lawyer of ibid place, was iu'"lowu last week looking well. •I. W. Harden, accompanied by his son, Charlie, let* tor Baltimore last Monday evening to buy his fall stock of goods. Cap!. E. 6. Parker carried his daughts t'f, Miss lone, to Salem last week where slio will attend school at the Salem Fe male Academy. The county campaign between the Democrats and Republicans of this coun ty will be conducted joiii'ly. It will com mence the 28th, inst. Fowler and Bro , of Mebaneville, are now doing a good business in the smok ing tobacco line, their tobacco is first class. There will be services every night this week in the Episcopal church at Con,"* p*ny Shops, and on the 3rd Sunday •i'sliop Lyman will prench and dedicate St Athanacoaus Uliuich. Wo would call the attention of Ihose wifcliing a good quality of chewing to*, hacco, (o communicate with Mr. -C. White, Mebauevilie, N. C. He also manufactures the "Legal Tender" smok ing tobacco, which is of splendid quili -1)' and flavor. Ihe candidates aud many who were ll0l » including the editor, enjoyed a splendid dinner at Dr. Mebune's, at Mes wneville, last Satnrda> . Mrs. Dr. Me bane presided at the table with great %liity. Head (he ad. of J. W. Kernodlo for curing tobacco by the Steam Sup Pro-. Buy a farm right cure your tobac co go U w»ll be worth something to you, a »d save what you have worked all the BQinmei to make. HELIGIOUS NOTICE.— A Camp Meeting be held at bethel, twelve miles south of Graham, including (he 4th Sun u»y »n Sept. A protracted meeting will bi held at Q^' including Ist Sunday in "Old" Johr Robinson's gr*~«t 6how •ill be at C mpany Shops uex: Friday. is your opportunity for seeing this *orld rek Downed exhibition of rarest *muials and gymnastic performances. «e don't come often and if you miss opportunity you may not ha»e •Bother in many yeare. Read what the ®*n*ille Register says of the show iu Miother column, make your preparations f °r going. NEW BIOGRAPHICAL DICTION ART. rominent among tne valuable feaiure ' tue new edditiou of Webster's Una "v *' Dictionary, jast issued Is (he «ew Biographical Dictionary," com prising abont 10,000 names of ancient "a modern persons of renown, include K many living. It gives ns the L T dß,lon these names, tbe na profession or occupation, date bn th, ami if known tbe date of death ** person. From i' 9 conciseness rf 1 iccnracy it supplies a want long lv in'.'u dir ®ction, and adds very great-1 WiV &lueof llliß alwa J' B ▼a ,Hab,c l V J , > - Reams Warehouse Durham N C s 11 ' ' —s. Oth .irid ] ltl„ l /()?> lots of tobacco. N t prices generally satisfactory to the farmers. Remember Reams the II A= M ) ttoous .n.d groceries sSSr- Am, u*»,ce .how Meeting of the Coitntv n™,.. ers, Monday 6tii inbt an Mm, ssion* cept j. A. j ll ex t ; was made chairman pro tern i S ordered that no allowance be made o fnn)°JT| eei ' 01 ' b " ,MI opening ,1? oid at Alamance creek. Several nets! lions lor opening new public roads were continued umil next fil ! 8l Mondav annS iT a,,d j ud & e * ol eloclions Were K n I. w' eacl ! l °w«Bblp in (lie cutins [;> ll,e November election, in our * lve "'0 names of hose appointed, not having space this issue The order lor establishing h vo! ! mg place at Joseph Barker's in Melville RAR^ 1 - AV, " IM " " ,AC * at Haw Uiver at the store of 001. T. M °f* A great number f claims were w» wiM"'"J ' )l ' d( ' retl to Lo Paid which ivill not name, Look her* my Hue follow,' Bl ,id the lecturer to the boy who was disturbing the orator by constantly coughing, 'here is a quarter to get a bottle of Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup. UiWo! have recieved the September num ber ot the Southern Planter and Farmer the oldest Agricultural Journal in the south, and we may say it is not only the oldest but the best. It is always fi'Jed with the lat JBt and besi information for the tanner. Subscription, $2 a year in advance, toclabs of five $1.60, and to clubs of ten sl, Published by Southern Planter and Farmer Company, llich nond, Va. JOHN ROBINSON'S CIRCUS.— It sec mad from the appearance of our streets Sat urday that 4 all the world and the rest of maukind" had come to town to shh the world-ienowned exhibition known as John Robinson's circus. The wtather wasceitainlv hot bat did not prevent the t'nong from following up the pro cession all along our streets and to the very entrance of the circus tent ou Crag liead xtreet near tho depot.. The pro« jfssion as it paused al ug made * splen did diapKy, 6ne an we ever saw in am *how. Iht elephants m a herd, the camels in a caravan, the li>n», tigers, hyena*, ■ebras and a lot of oiher soo.'og seal cm iocttiea were highly attractive. Lumde the canvuss was the largest crowd we ev« r saw at any shj»V in Danvlle, and all seemed to The w hole p»trtor"nancu was ex» cellent Uy everybody and it is high praise to way of it, that it fully came up t-> the promises of the Kig posters and (lie advertisaaivnts in tlit newspapers. The wonderful electric light was ol itself a curios l ty well worth going to see, be ing the flrat of the kind ever seen in j thia region of country. This with the rare and remarkable collection of a>ii lUUIS, birds and reptiles from •yery land e*n earth and from the wateis »uder the earth made tho nhow really a model uion>.t'T entertainment. The various performances of bne-'>ack lining by men I and women and of athletio and tr*|>eKe J pel formantes showed wonderful skill ■ and axtoni.shlng courago. Altogether Iwe believe the gen ral opiuion of our I people is that this in ihe best exhibition lof the kind ever seen in our town. — VanvilU KegisUr. rUBLICMI'CAKINfI AT ffIBRINB. viiii.K, ink. On last Saturday (vo were at Mebane ville ami heard (lie >pcnkiiitf. Dr. Worth, the prewnt Trca=nrer and I candidate lor re-election spoke first. Hist speech w»i not lengthy nor was it clot.ied in lofty language, but it was I such a ono as all could readily under stand, speaking from actual data and transactions muter his immediate ob servation. He told in plain ant! con vincing terms of the finance* of the state; how he had paid claims against the state; how under democratic rule our credit had been redemed from insolven cy ; how equal appropriations hod been given for the benefit of the colored race; and one hug from a republican teN ling him when the democrats get in power thoy will put him back in slavery, the negro f/rgetsall the benefits res cievod Ht the hands ol Democratic role. Col. Kenan, Attorney General came next, introduced by Ed. Scott in a fitting manner. He4s qniie an orator and spoke with clearness. He showed how it was iuenmbent upon all, white anil black, old and young, to look well to the elec tion of srool, honest and true men. He lold of the increased thrift of onr people and that 83 ont of the 9i counties of the state had growu wealthier than ever bo fore. His speech was rccieved with oc casional applause. Gen. Scales, the last speaker was i i troduccd by Col. Kenan with applause from the audience. The General was in fine trim lor speaking and appeared to great advantage. He announced that again he was a candidate for on2 T* BB Irom this district and solicited thesuflri ges of his peoplo. He spoke of the ser vices be had rendered his people, and be i„a conscientious christian gentleman and wonld not deceive anv one..And when a vote is cast for Gen. Scales it means to send a man to Washington who will nse every honorable means foi the benefit of the nation, state, and d, « trict - He confined his speech principally | to the discission of national lle gAVe a lucid explanation of Garfield a connec flon vith tlie Credit Mohiher .nd De: Golver pavement works and the insta .Atv oHhc man whom the republicans want to elect president. He warned the =c against the cry of the Greenback P, P v®as g anegregio» 6 .y..em of agra*. anism and communism, snch as ni a« J iaTed by the followers of Del.nis Kearney that would sap the dearest mine!pies of liberty and property. There are inanv other things we won d like to refer to in fits speech, out will reserve [Jem for another time when he BIUI sieik. Ue was applauded frequently and won fresh laurels for himself. The people say he will poll, a greater vote than ever belore. The cadets at the conclusion of speaking gave three rousing cheers for Hancock. Work'bgmeul Look to your inter, ; est and doctor bills by uwni Or. Bull „ Cough Syrup. Wanted, 25,000 pounds of Leaf and Scrap Tobac* c°. The highest market pi Ite will be P aul ut J. L. SCOTT'S. KMERIIi NEWM. Senator Thoc, P, Davard passed through this stale a tew days since, en route to Columbia* S. C., where lie made speech. In Mobile, Ala., on the sth inst., n nre hi eke out and did damage ta the exs lent of $350,000, about two-thirds ot which was covered by insurance. Al ready the buildings are being rebuilt and new goods entered. On the sih insc, there wero five Bun strokes in .New York city. The ill-fated steamer, the City of Vera Cru», was completely wrecked in a bur* iicane on the 29ih ult. ofl the coast of Florida, losing all her cargo aud 71 out ol 82 persons on board. ihe official rcceiids of the war are about to be published in tour series, eni» krayij'g the military operations and cor ilpfpoiHicrftce—Unijn and Confederate. The whole making over 100 volumes. At ladt France has become a wine-im porting country, not producing as much as is needed for home consumption. Du ring the past six months ot tne current year she has imported in value 171,314,. 000 1., against 120,649,000 "t., exported. NT AT a NKW«, Free Lance: Oxford still continues to boom in the building line. Houses are completed weekly aud new ones are con stantly being erected. Durham is about completing one ol the finest Methodist churches in the slate. Trinity College is to have over a doz en Indians from the western part of ihe state this year. Chapel Ihi! has 175 students now and will have nioiu-'than 200 (.luring this ses sion. V A new map ck Norf h Carolina has been gotten up by Mr. Collier Cobb, which reflects on him and is one of the be«t ot/the Slate. Hibernian: About sixtv excursion ists from the Western part of our Stale passed through Ncvberu ou Monday night, en routo for Morehead City anil Beaufort. The artesiun well on Pollock street was finished yesterday, and is now in fine working condition. Orange has nominated C. E. Parish for the Senate, and Caleb B. Ureen and W. K. Parish for the House. The in els ing was harmonious aud large, aud everv district aud aspirant was lully repres sented says the Recorded. A. 11. Merrill has been nominated for Ihe Senate, and John Manning aud O. A. llanner tor the House ot Representa tives, in Chatham. ~ We regret to learn that Col. Hale's de clining health compels him to withdraw from the editorial chair of the Dai'y A eici. Capt Wm. Biggs has given up the edi torial management of the Free Lance. lie will be missed in the column ol "quill drivers." The Trial •( J. T. DeJarnellr. On last Monday moriiing the subject of tbe late tragedy, in Danville, Va., tor killing his sister was brought to trial in the corporation court. The defense was represented by With ers & Barkadale and Gipt. it. W Peatross. the Commonwealth was repre sented by Ci»|»t - John D. Black well. Monday and Tuesday were consumed in taking evidence in the case. NUMERAL ous witnesses were examined on the part of both the Commonwealth and the defense. Wednesday morning the coun sel on either side argued tho case with great ability, and at great lengthi At 6 o'clock the ca9v! was given to the jury, which occupied several hours in making up their verdict, it was as follows: the jury, find James Thomas De- Jarnette, guilty ot murder in the first de gree, but under the circumstances of the case, lecoinineud mercy." A motion lor a new trial was heard Saturday morning and overruled. The prisoner was sentenced to he hanged October 29th nelt. The case will go to the Court of Appeals ou a lengthy bill of except tiohs. The prisoner retained (he utmost com* oosure throughout the trial and received the verdict with perfect indifference. Large crowds attended during the whole ol the trial. RKAIITiriRHSt you cannot make fair skin, rosy cbeeks and sparkling eyes with all the PO»roet ics «f France, or beantitiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such K ood health, strength, buoyant spirits arid beauty aB ll „p Bitters. A trial is certain proof. See another column.— TiaeoairH. FLUE IRON—tor Tobacco Barns for sale at J* k* tJcon 8 For Hardware and CarrUgo Material at Bottdfn Prices go to W. K. Wake field fe Co. McAdoo House, Greensboro N. C. THE GLEANER FOR THE CAMPAIGN.— We will furnish THE GLEANER from now until the first of December, for fifty cents. All subscriptions for the cam paign must be paid strictly in advance. FLOW CASTINGS—for sale at J. L. SCOTT'S I wish to buy leaf and swap tobacco. All those having tobacco to sell call on INE . JOHN G. ALBBIOIIT. Sept. 6. 4t. GOOD NEWS.— Just received a general line ot new goods, Heady made Clothing. Dreps goods, Prints, Zephyr wool, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap*, Wares and Furniture, also a general line of choice groceries which »ill bq sold cheap tor cash or baiter, call and satisfy your selves. Respectfully, J. J. LONG. tVOIcriILINM STUFF. Not so fi.Rt my f, i uii ](.) >u Could stu the '' l ''"*• healthy, olcoiuir g men. women and children haVc beers raised from b.'U of slckuess, suffering »t, ( | almost deal li b> Ihe 11-e oi Hop Bitter*, j0 « wood say 'Glorious and invaluable rtaiedy." t-'ee another column.- 1 aiLAD*n'ii;A I'KESS. Among agents and families, the great demand now is for the new light running Combination sewing Midline, because it ha.- stood the tost, and is better made, with more improvements, will last longer, and is much lower in price, (only $20,) than other machines, anil having attained a merited popularity among the people for reliability, it is welcomed wherever it makes its appearance. Jt is built for Strength and constant hard work lias interchangeable work nig parts, manufactured of tine polished steel alld will run lor years without repairs; is simple to learn, easy to manage, understood perfectly in an hour, and always ready in a moment to do every description of heavy or line family work at less cost, more easily, smoothly and faster, and with less labor or trouble than any other machine at any prico, ever did, or can do. 1 tickers, quilters, rutllcrs, hcmniers, binders, &c., free with each machine. No advance payment. Machines shipped to any R. R station for examination befoie payment of bill. Agents make money rapidly, supplying the great deuiand for this the Cheapest Machine in the world Territory free. For illustrated catalogue of prices, specimens of stitch, Ac , address, oflice of the Combination Sewing Machine, 737 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Btirofuldus swelling, carbuncles and bolls, blotches, pimples and eruptions, enlarged glands, internal soieness, torpid liver, and gen eral clogged condition of the system, all yield in due time to nature's sjverefgn tenied'y—Dr. tierce's Golden Medical liiscovurv. Sold around the world by ,._,nists. Foreign trasle supplied from London branch. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y., R. V. Pierce, M. D., President. WEST BLUE MOUND, >1 »*., Mar. Sth, 1879. DK R V Pikkce: JJear fHr —Having sitffeieti many Weary months from liver complaint without relief. I was laat summer induced to try your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets. At the time I was scarcely able to walk. Owing to their ef fect I commenced to improve rapmly and am now as well and strong as ever. I thank you irotn the depths of niv heart for the good they have done me and wish you all success. Yours truly, Mas B.STAGN6R. DiEt).—Sept. SHh, at the resident*. of J. W. Craitr io Melville Township of that fearful .dis ease, diptheria, Mamie Minor aged ten years. The deceased was an orphan child and a niece of Mr. Craig's at whose house she has lived from birth. She was a sweet child and great iy beloved I>y every one who knew her. A ctd breach has been made in ihe family but tioil doeth all things well anil we have no doubt bift that she has gone from a world of Borrow to a world of eternal bli.'W. She '»>tn a regular isab -bath chooi Scholar at Hawiields. A FRIEND. ADVERTISE vl ENTS. Learned at Last! how to cure FINE TOBACCO- After curing tobacco for 15 years every way that fine tobbacco has been cured, 1 have found out. the great secret at last, THE WATER Steam Sap Process is the greatest invention of the age for curing any kind of tobacco. You can make money by trying It. Only $5.00 For a Farm Right, $6.00 on time, and If it does not i*o all I claim for it your money wilt be refunded on call. So buy oue. and make twenty-11 ve dollars more, at least, on the barn. Write to J. W. KF.RVODLE, . Ueidi-Tillc, N. C. Higlltß can ho obtained by applying to any oue of the following named agents: D. F. Kernodle, McCray's Siore, Ala mance co., Thos, Kernodle, McCraj's Store, Alamance co., 0. Brand, Morton's Store, Alamance co., J. M. Morton'h Store, Alamance co., Peter Boon, Morton'a Store, Alamance co., J. J. Bttaick, Liberty St re, Guilford co., N, C., W. 11. Rankin, Brown Sum mit, Guilford CO., N. 0., Washington Slanfield, Monticello, Guilford co., N. C., Editors of the Alamance Gleaner, Gra ham, N, C. 9-13-lm Sheet Ifdn for tobacco flue*. Hfrrow tfteth. At BUOTT A DOJVNKLL'S. UFLSLITE^ FITTERS Tbtjk fthakiaff litkc M .\npem I.Mf With the chill* and fwrer, the victim of malaria may still recover by u*lng this celebrated spe cif! tc, which not ou»y break* up the most aggra vate attach*, bat prevents their reoccnnvnce. It is inSniteiy preferable to quinine. not onl y because it doe* the bn*lne*a far more thorough ly, but also oo account of it* whole«omencßS and Invigorating action upon the entire *ystcai, For sale by all Druggists and Dealer* generally, Boggy findings of all kind*, HOLT, ERVTISf A HOLT. Iron A Steel Shovels. Bufi Tongne*, and Shovels, Heel Bolts A Single Trees at * SCOTT A DONNKLL'S. .41 " ■ o»a "sb . « 3.. | J ■ «£ e ~ s 1 as* s«' W H /-v O ® ~ *• -sasSs"! a-"! © 3 § x § 5St ® B;> 14-33111218 ;® St* „S- 2 51! « cc 3» § «?3 W 22*f*i S3l >» s Sp eq S 3 3 Wjl « | .£ £ 4; 3 Hf'ji H * ® !S-.3i§|iSi 9 asilg* 4i cp gs ©£ © « £ © .age g.rfj tJ| - g| 55 ,i l c £ 3 wo .5 .1 & rrt b « •= C-i TS s | ff V 0 -lig^ if &fe£ 111 IP sfesP & -,« E .Si,« i BALTIMORE, MD»9 Lmbb .J. W. Harden, Agent, OKA HAITI. N. C Charles IK 'Fates Bookseller, Stationer, AND DEALER TN MUSIC, ART, AC. Agent for the New England Organ Com . I>»ny. A FULL of School Books, kept al ways in store, including The Books recom mended bv the State Board of Edncation, and approved by the County Examiner and Com missioners of Guilford County. Orders by mail solided from country Mer chants, and which will be promptly filled at LOWEST current prices. June 10. 80. 3m. SALESMEN WANTEfI we want tlddD DIBN TO «KMi cigars to dealers. II (Tk i /A f? A mitnth and expenses ah JLUO BAMPI.ES FREE. ('at this N*licc Osl And sendit wit ti your applic tloti also send a 3c Stamp to Injure answer, t». FOSTER & CO., (flncSnnaH, Ohio, j — : j AGENTS WANTED To Sell the Life ot General Hancock Ry T. E. WILSON, Editorial tjt«fT New York World. Wtiti fac's and figures ftlrice the' days of Washington. A Cjclopeddla for voters A hook worth having. Over 600 pages. #0 Illustrations. Sent on receipt of price. 92.00. ■fiie outfit for the business, 6«>t*. Apply at once. E. B. TKEAT, Publisher. 767 Broadway, N. Y. Notice. 1 At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Alsinance, held in the Court House In Oraham oa Monday the SVh day of April. 188 C, It was ordered by said Board of Commissioners that an election precinct or voting place be established at Alfred L New lin's Store in No. 9 Thompson Township, to be known and designated as Newlin'a Precinct or voting ptace. It is furthef order* d that the precinct or voting place in said Thom|>aon Township known and designated as Lafayette Bradshaws be change J from Lafayette Bradshaw, to John Thompson E*qr. to be known and designated as Thompson Precinet or voting place. By order Of the Board of Cutiimissionera for the County of Alamance. April 6,1880. T. O. McLEAN, Clerk. NOTICE. At a meting of the Board of Commissioners for the county of Al«n snee held in the court House at Graham on Monday tbe «ih day of Sept. 1880. It was ordered that tire ordef made August 3, 1880, to establish an Election precinet in No. 10. Melville Township, at Capt. Joseph Baker's, be revoked. Ordered that an election precinct or voting place be established at Haw River, at the store of Col. T' M. Holt, in No. 10 Melyille Township, said precinct to be known and designated as Haw River precinct or \otiig place. By order of the board ot commissioners for tne county of Alamsnee. Sept. 6, 1880. T. G. McLEAN. Clerk. JUST RECEIVED FORSALfi, A Large lot of Pine Plank anil Scantling*— SCO IT A DONNELI.. •' ■ 1 ifi-,!- •* BEDFORD, Vm.. A»VM IND'IBON MIMIHGt), WATER, MASB AND PII-LB. Adopted in chronic diarrhoea, constipation; and scrofula.—-lly. Latuaiu, M. 1). Pres't giuia Medical Society. Successfully used In dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula—Prof. a. Jackson, Univer but Pa. Efficient in anieraia; excellent appetizer and blood purifier.—H. Fisher, M. DJ, (ja., Valuable In nervous prostration, indigestion, and chlorosis. — G. E, Mathews, M. D., N. 0. A fine tonic and alterative, Tory valuable 16 diseases peculiar to females, chronic fever ann ague, bronchitis and diseases of thu digeativd organs.—J. F. Koujjhton, M. D., Ala. Very beneficial in strengthening and improv ing a reduced system.—-Rev. John .'Beck with liishop of ia. Invaluable as a nervous tonic flon. I. C. Fowler, Tenn. a prVphylactic In malarial distriefs.—f>. R. Fslrex. M. D.. N O Restores debilitated systems to health.—T C. Mercer, M. !>., Ind. Used with great benefit it) Malarial Fever and Dipthcria.—s. F. Uupon, M. D., Oa. Of great curative virtue.—Thoe. F. Rumbold, M. DSt. Louis. Beneficial in uterine derangements and mala rious conditions,—G. M. Vail, M. D., Ohio. Best Remedy ever used in diseases of the throat.—P. A. Sifford. M. D., N. C. Tonic, alterative, diuretic; one of natures erreate-a remedies—Medical Association Lynch* burg, Va. Anapted in certain affections of the kidney# and bladder; dyspepsia, lupus, chlorosis, scrof ulous and cutaneous affections.—Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. D., Va. Relieves lieadacjie, promptly—both sick and nervous.—Rev. E. C. Dodson, Va. Sample supply seiit free to any physician de siring to te»t. Pamphlets sent free. Analysis with cafrh package, ater bb it comes from the springs 4 per case ot 6 gallons in glass— ♦3;so for 5 gallons, $4 for 10 gallons f7 for 80 gallons in tfasks. Mass 50 cents and tl. f2.50 and $5 for half doz. Pills, purt sugar coated 25c, 50c, and *1 package; $1.25, 2.50, and %5 haif doz. Sent postpaid anywhere This Mass and Pills contains in reduced space all the cu rative powers of the water and 1* convenient palatable and soluble. .Springs open for visitors June Ist. Board S3O lHjr month. S|>eciai rates to families and paitles. Carriages meet visitors at Forest and Lawyer's depot, each 4 miles from Springs, upou advice of arrival, Address A. M. DA VIES, Pres. oi the OIK Ti Main St., Lyuclikurx, Vai Bold by Dr. G. .I, OLg &I o. * Graham N. C. . • t bu«?maM. ■ four duttec, avoid sttawlaouaad taM ■ ! w ! U yon we a man of totlinf over your mldnlgiu „ WtWTfMr.. If yoa are roan* and safltrtatt from aartadfcrretfc* or dlMlp&tloa; If yon are married or slnfrte, old or fjoung, suffer in* from poor health or UaaulkWn* oa abed of slckaees, rely oa ■ - BWTOI& ! Whoever yon are. wherever ye? are. whenever yoa feel • '-iss3Z%sS:sssstS!Si s ■ Have joa dwipepMa, ttdmtt or mrtnaty en^Mtf,4H tease of thejfemae*, fcoireM. Wood. Mrtrtntrw**/ Too will be eared If yon ait vm.wrraisL If yonare ulraply wemkand low »plr!ted. try ttl Bay ft iDslstnpontt. Yonr druggist keepe It. It My MT( yesrllfe. Ictaw aaved ksslrils. ITm Owh Cm It tW awniMt, Mfnl w4 kit A*k rhiMm. TW Hop Pfcd fer6Kwrh,Uvw*l KJJMn.liHpMfcrt*«U«tkn. Itiapivfaci. Ajk*«fgUt». . , D. LC.b a> •ktoteU ■adirrwhUk* far li ti in % mm mt rotS ofl«a # trbMf* «r ivmtfa. ' ■■■ Dr. G, We Long's Drug Store, North East Corner Court House square. Fresh Drugs Ami Medicines suited to tbe wants of the Village and community. Old Rye Whiskey for medicinal ptirposed only. Compound Clilretta Bitters for Dyspep sia, Fine Cigars, Chewing and Smoking To baccos. tSfDr. Long's office® is at the Dreg' Store where be can always be found when not pro; feMiOtially absent. Sept 1 Hagerston Grain Drills For seeding and fertilizing, THIS VICTOR DOtIBLE HtJLLEtt CLOVUII MACHINE, THE ALt UlGrit FEED CtJTTEiI, 3 AND CORN STALK and FODt)EA CIiUSHER. For sale by LEWIS Hi HOLT, Ag't, Graham N. C; Send for circulars and price lists. 721 Von NOTICE. Bp virtue of Atihdry executions kj my hftrfd for collection, issued from the Snperior Coin* of Alamanee County in fsror of John Newlid and Sons and against Robert B. Pirkard, I will sell, at public oatcry to tbe highest bid der for re*ly money, at the court bouse dtfor in the town of Grabam, on the 4th day of Oc tober, 1880, it being the first Mo&day, tbe following property, to wit: One tract of Land in Thompson Township on the waters Cane Creek, containing 256 ACRES. ' more or less, adjoining the lands of Alfred Pickard, John Morrow and others. Said land baa good House, Barn and other oat buildings, good Well, Orchard and Vineyard oa it, and Is well adapteo to tbe growth of oora. wheat, cotton and tobacco, and it a good neighbor hood. Said prapety will be sold as the prop erty of Robert B. Pickard. JAB. T. HUNTER, Sheriff Of Alamance County, Sept. 3 18807 x Land Sale. In obedlemfe Ut an ofdrtr of the Superior Court eft Alamance eonnty, made this day, in tbe cause of Q. M. Hazell and others va. EHm J. Cantrell and others, I shall, on ) MONDAY, 4th DAY OCTOBtfl* 1856, expose to sale; at the Coon House door M ' Graham to the highest bidder, a tratt of land l .ying on the waters of Stony Creek, adjoining the lands of the late John Tapscott and other* and known as th 6 Abel P. Faacett traet or Cantrell tract and oontatning 205 ACRES, Terms of sale: CABH. Persons wanting good tota&o land had bet-r ter attend on that day. JAS. A, GRAHAM, Commhntioner. Sept. 2nd, 1880. Family groceries—iancv and sul>stautuu ; w - HOLT, Kit WIN HOLi,