THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. 6. "ThK GLEANER rUIU.IRHK" WKKKtT I*Y VLDK II)GK AKERNODI.B. '' ' i^rnl*•*•**> N - 4: « , anf subscription. J'oflaye raid : 1 *1.50 One T5 qj ■ ........ f>o f , .\|ontU» : • • ' r,.»i-on neiulinS'HS * «l u| > of ten aub- B vofy JL,,h tlio eaah. entitles himself to one fC ribei s f(>r {he lentil of time for which the ,1* up. Papers «cnt to different otHce* jfo 1 Ver'(rt lire from Cash .System llnirx Arfft'i'lWM frcnalent advertisements parable in advance: •?" advertisement* quarterly in advance. ' CJ " Im. "2 in. ,H I". |«* I", ita m. —' : rrr-TTwl 4 00l e 00] 10 00 1 9 l "a j 8 00; 4 501 6 00l 10 00! 15 00 ' advertisement* *t per square f,irlie'i-»t. ami fifty cents for each subse ,'l|l!Uti"' ii, ' ti, " 1 > 011 l KOVBHXJIKNT. OBlrcr* »f 'l> c Fcdcriil xiin icxkoutivk. "Kniherfo'd b. Hayes, oi Ohio, President of the Unitrd State?. ~ William A. W hctler, rf of New r:, \lci- President of the Tuited Btat»H. TUKCAUISKT. William M. Evans, ol Ntw Yorli, Secretary ° ol Ohio, S c'y. of Treasury, (leelire M McCrary, Secretary of War. Kichiir 1 W. Thompson, of indiaua, Secre tsrv of Ihe Navy. . , , , t ('arlShtirz, of Missouri S-e y. of ihe Interirr. (Jharlfs Dove lis, of Massachusetts, Attorney - General. j).,vi t | jl. Key, of Teenneesoe, l*oslr..aßter- Gentrsl. T||| Jirol ci.4HV, TIIK BL'I'KKMK COL UT Of TIIK LMTi:I» STAT MS. Morrison R. Wait, of Ohio, Chief Justice. Nathan Clifford of Elaine. Noah H. Sway no, of Ohio, Samuel .1. Miller, of lowa, I)nviil-l>avii>. of Illinois, Stephen J. Field, of California, William M. SiroiibC, of Pennsylvania, J.iPcph P. Bradl»-y, of New Jersey, Wuril Hunt, of New York As«ocinie Justices. OUU N'I'ATK «OVKHN.IIKi«r. KXKKCt'TIV K I>Kl'.\ IMM KNT. Thomas J. Jarvis of Pitt. (Jovcrnor. Dawes L. Robinson, of Macon, Lieutenant- Governor. W. I, Saunders, of New Ilauove.r, Sccictary i f State. Jolni M. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. ; Donald W. Buin, of Wake. Chief Clerk. T 0. Worth, of Randolph, Teller. IK Samuel L Love, of Haywood. Auditor. Tlios. S. Kenaift-of Wilson. \ttorney-General. John C. Scarborough, of Johnston, Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Johnston Jones, of Burke. Adjutant-(ic:ieru\ J. MeLeod I'lirner, Keeper of tin Capitol. Sherwood Eaywood, of Wake, State Libia riau. JIUMIAIIV. St I'UKMK CoLUT. W. 11. Smith, of Hertford. Chief Justice. John 11. Dillard, Thos. S. Ashe. Associates, VV. 11. Bagley, of Wake, Clerk of Supreme On t. D. A. Wicker, of Wake, Marsha). J PROFESSIONAL C'A ItVS: JNO. W. GRAHAM. JAS. A. GRAHAM, IlillßO >ro. N. Graham, N. C. GRAHAM & GRAHAM. trriMIKKVN AT IAW, Practice in the •. title fnd Federal Court*, Cs"Speehl attention paid to colic cling- J. I). KERNOWIE, .Attorney 3 H A §■ % '•« W.« the State and Federal Courts, faiilifully mid promptly attend to all busi ness intrusted to him; M. D.PARKER, A.T T 0 B N K», i ' KKAIIAMI N.C. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alamance, Caswell, Person. Chatham and Ran dolph, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted to him shall have faithful htlentlon, 6-180. Jy. T. B. Eldridg^, Alios r-c j H>aTY, GRAHAM, N. C. Practices in the State and Federal Court 1 -'- All business Intrusted to htm shall receive prompt and earcfnl attention. James E.Boyd, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofrit'KM AT CtrabaiK «fc Greensboro. Practices m all the at QrnUani, Monday, Tuesday and ednesday At%reenst>oro; Thursday, Ifriday aud Saturiay, 7 14 Dr. J. W. Griffith DENTIST, GRAHAM, N. C., Is fully prepared to do any and all kinds of *ork pertaining to the profession. Special attention (riven to the treatment of diseases of the MOUTII. CALLS ATTESDKD IN TOWS OR CotiKTaf G.H. School, GRAHAM, N. C. REV. T> A. LONG, A. M., Principal HE v. \V W. STALKY, A. M. KKV. W.8.L080 A M. A. L. COBI.K, A. B. Pf®* 'ast Monday in A ngn«t and c'oses the fol lowing May. Tuition £3-5« l and per month. ' "»ird *8 to sll per inouHi. the number of , Ml>4«ruu limit.,a lo 45. GRAHAM, N. €., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1880. BIMJKTT'M rncK,, 'Ain't it strange?' said Polly. J lie mellow gold 0 f the summer afler noon my like n veil over the artist's char acteristically arranged studio: llie tail icl hollyhocks reared llicir crests nt the window, unit ;i cat-bird was whistling sweetly in the binnulios of the Canada plum tree overhead. Air. I-.dgeti, t lre niiist had prniip on n sketching tour, and Mrs. Molus, ilio landlady had promptly availed herself of the opportunity lo 'clean up things a bil' a pre cess which was system »tically I row lie il down by Mr. E Igeit, when in possession ot the premises. Polly was a rubicund laced, red-armed gill of twelve, awkward and clumsy in Ihe extremest degree—hut she was, nt Mrs. Molus expiesscd it, 'a regular spis der to work.' 'There ain't any grown girls,' said the landlady, 'jg you'll get more work out of than you will out of Poll v.' And us she scrubbed away nt the floor her facinatod gar.o involuntarily riveted itselt upop a halt completed sketdi ot a woman's bead upon the easel—a spirited '-liing, with wild, backward flowing hair, eyes full of red savage light, aud firm lips aiiart. ' W bercvei I go, and whichever way I turn,' said Polly, in despair, 'they foN low me—them eyes! The thing ain't alive, be il ?' 'Thai is hij-h ait, Polly,' said a grave voice' close lo her elbow. And she nearly upset her cleaning-pail iu ilie start produced by seeing Mr. Ed* oett himself, portfolio, portable easel, furled umbrella, and ell strapped across hi* shoulders. lie had found the summer meadow too hot, and had relumed before the ex pected time. 'What are you doing he demanded sharply. 'Please sir, I'm scrubbing,' said Polly, rising clumsily to her feet, and dropping a stifl bob of courtesy. ''Missis she sai I—' 'Your Missis is a fool, Polly!* crisply spoke up ihe urii-d, 'and you uro an* oilier' •Plea«e fir, thi»l*« what llicy always I BHiil at (lie vjrk hoase, 'said Polly des> I pairingly. 'Bui, nevertheless,' encouragingly nil (led Mr. Edgetl, you are a good judge of art. The eyes lollow you, do Ilie> ?' And wiili a shudder Polly admitted they did. ' i'lut woman, Polly,'sai l tho artist, laying down his porllollo, Ms Medea.' | 'Didn't never live hereabouts, did she? said P.tlly curiously. ! 'N>; she murdered her childcu some centuries ago—did Medea.' Polly stared harder than ever in un mitigated horror. •I IJOIKJ tlicy guve her a good round turn in jailsaid she. '1 likes little children—l does. It I'd all the money i wanted—' • Well,' said Mr E Igelt. 'l'd build a great big house, and I would nike in all the orllings and work house children, and them as boasted no home, and ' •Polly. The shrill voice of Mrs. Molus inter posed at this juncture, and Tolly's (Ja»tle en cspaiiuo tumbled down into ruins. Mr. Edgetl was a gieni artist, un doubtedly, bul somehow his pictures did not sell. And belore the glossy green ol the maple leaves in front of tbo house had tinned 10 scarlet. Mrs. Molus had informed him witiT considerable auimus mat 'there was other parlies waiting lor Hie roo«i, as could be depended on, ami stie'd i rouble him U) move out his things ulore nightfall.' Mr. Edgott looked at his lady with a troubled lazy gaze. •Would you mind waiting a week, Mrs. Molus?' said ho. *l—l do not feci exactly well, and, and ' 1 kiti.iild mind it very much, 4 Mrs. Mo his acrimoniously answered. «J ({link I mentiond as the ioom« was let; and must beg of >OO I? clear out light away. So Mr. E iget', with throubing pains in hil head, and a sick, dizzy sen.ation at every movement, packad bis few will boards and color tub* aud a*a). •; am sorry that I must leave here tn your debl, Mrs. Molus, ho said courte ously,'bul— , i 1 am very sorry 100, snapped the dame with her thiu lips viciously com" pressed. •But I hope soon to hear Irom my ancle in England aud settle all my lia bilities. ... • Fine words butter no parsnips,' said the landlady bouncing back into the house like an attenuated Judia-rubber ball. f - - Mr Ei'gctt walked slowly ami pain fully along, until he reached a tweet-; smelling pine copse, where Ihe shadows lav deep and dense, and the aonnd ol a hidden waterfall filled the air with len der mysteries, •There's an old deserted mi'l bore somewhere,' he said lo himself, 'I know because I sketched h, oiiß sliowery dn}* last tJnno, 11 is cool, cool nnd shady, with the noise ot dripping water in one's ears, and I can rest there without fear of let or hindrance,' Twenty-four hours afterward, little Polly all dust and pallor, came into the drui: stoic in the village. 'Come, then what's wanting?' said flic pert assistant, who wore a pnper collar and an imitation gold watch chain. ' Wot's good lor headache ?' demanded Polly, 'and li-Ver? and light-heidedness? Pve got len cents hero, aril—' 'Uome, girl, clear oat of here!' said the ass'ntaut, superciliously. 'We don't want any tramps around.' 'I ain't a tramp!' said Pclly, wi'li tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. 'And I want teu cents' worth of what's good fir— 1 'Wherein the case?' demanded tho druggist himself, a shrewd, bald-headed Scotchman, And Polly leli him to the deserted mill in the pine woods, where L'iuslacc LJgcti lay, tossing in delirium. 'Child,' said he do you know what is the matter willi this man?' Polly shook her head, with her apron to her eyes. '(know he's sick.'-laid she, 'and hasn't no one to nuss him but nic. He knows me, he do—and ho says, 'Polly you ain't such a fool urter all. Ho waa kind to me, an' he give mo a teiircent piece once— no one ever did afore—and I took it lo buy medicine, I did!' 'lias he no friends?' •Not as I knows on.' 'He must be removed to a hospital lit once,' said Ihe Scotchman, 'lie is ill of variola—in other words, sinalu pox.' •lie mustn't never IKS look nowhere whore 1 can't take care of him!' howled Polly; 'for he was good lo me!' When Eustace Edgelt's life, bark drifted back again to the shore* ol con sciousness, two (acta inet him, face to face. One was the certainty that his lilo was owing lo Polly's faithful care; tlio otlie wa9 a black-edgod letter from' England, briefly slating the demise ol hii) uncle, and curtly congratulating him upon succession to ample wealth. 'Poll) !' suid the artist, lilting his heavy eyc9 lo the place where hU laiili ful, red-armed little nurse sat daruing Mockings by the wiudow. 'Sir!' said Polly. •Pin a rich mau at last,' raiJ Mr. El gelt. 'ls you, sir?' said Polly, IIH ment arily fearful that the delirium had re turned. •You shall have your Utopia,' aaid Edgett. 'Sir!' said Polly. •The oig house, yon know,' explain ed the artist, 'for the homeless children. And we'll call it 'Edgett'a Thanks.' In the meantime, Polly, you shall go to school.' 'But I don't want to go to 'school/ said rebellious Polly. '1 don't, need no book-learning lo take care ol the chfN drcu!' •Cut you know, Polly.' urged Edgett, 'the house can't be built all in a day! It will take years and jears. For Ed gett's Thanks must be worthy of its ocs casiou. Aud you've got to stay some where in tbo meantime; so b aiding school is the place for you, Polly. 4 Eustace Edgett went To England to assume the mantle or his own respoiisi. bilities Polly retired reluctantly enough, to o school were 'young ladies of de tective educu'ion' were especially fos tered; and the lioge, red bflck wal!s ot Edgett*• Thanks reared themselves by slow degrees, as near as possible to the spot where its eudower had lain under the roof of the deserted mill, fighting for his tile. And iu ten years he came back again. The playground was musical with the merr> voices of happy children. A. tall, lair-haired jotiinc lady stood in their midst, ber flaxen curia blown about, her eyes shining like blue atari, with a close fitting dress ot deep, blue serge, outlined tbo prettiest of figures. luvolituUrily Eustace Edgett raised his bat. , •I beg your pardon, ma'am,' said be; 'but is ihere a girl by tbe name ot Polly Browning here?* '1 am Polly?' she cried blushing to the very roots of her golden hair. 'Oh, Mr. Edgett, didn't yon know me. I should have known von in China or Japan.' The artist stared at the willowy figure, the soft, eliy eyes, the air of delicate ri> finomont. •Polly turned into a princess!' crieil lie. 'Well, I'm ready to beliuvc anything now.' Mi*» liiowning held out her slender baud. 'Welcome In Kdgelt's Thanks,' sntd she with yrcat dignity. 'Will you walk over the buildings now?' Of course he didn't go bnck to Eng land, and ot mmrse he married pretty | Polly, and ol course they both live at Edged'* Thanks, witli a family of thrre or four little children. And , Polly i« radiantly happy—and so U her I artist husband, f For what greater bINs rin there he tn 1 this world than to do good and to lore? ■l«w (• Brkif* Ml Ik* TaMr. [Bo->k>n Trsmcripi..] ] t*pon taking your scat your first duty | should l»e to i.ispcct the cutlery. It the ; knives bear Roger.' stamp, for instaucc, I sound the praises of thu Moiidi hi mup-> I utactui-o. This will cause others to ! amine,their kni\c-. They will marvel IHI vtur practical kuowlcdgn, and you will live long iu the memory of your i hostess. When soup is served oppor> | tnnily will tircseut itself lo show )our ' suix rior atiainuicut iu guslrouomy. Confidently inform vonr vis-u-vta iu a veios sufficiently loud to bo beard all around the table, that Douiilcboi is the only person you ever saw who could muke soup lit to cat. Every eye will be turned toward you in adoration. Your hostess will feel a soi l of re flected yioutness in having one so gifted condescend lo graoe Iter humble board. Tlieu blow into the soup as tliough you were uiidir contract to furnish motive power for a wind mill. Thu you will show your haughty contempt lor cou vciifionaliilcs. For a sin iiar reatou you will eat from tho point of your spoou. This movement will make you look lik« tho sword swallower. Your appear ance will be piclure»quo. Your elbow will Ihrcateu your rigli'. baud ucigbboi's eye. Iu oaiins fish, whip as big a piece as you can get in your mouth, and tlieu pick out the boues one by one, at your leisure. You will resemble tho sleight of-hand pertoriucr pulling ribbous from his mouth. Always eat with you knife, and close your lips tightly about "it when you withdraw it from you mouth. This will keep your knife cleau during the whole uital. Cleanliness is next to Godliness you know. . When the meats comes an excellent opporlunity lo exhibit your ginyna-His attainments. You will make yourself respected now by your left hand as well as yonr right-hand neighbor. You will make yourbeif still more ngroeablo by walchiug your opportunities iu conver sation . Wlien a gentleman has transferred a ' fork fill of food Ironi his ,plate to Ida 1 momli address him suddenly. It is very i amusing to see a gentleman half choked l in his endeavor to gnl hi-* mouthful of food out of the way, that he may uuswer I you. Of courso you will eat all the while you cat. Ttma yon wiU pay a del ■ ica'.e compliment to your busies*' cook, show your social qualities, and prevein o'hers, probably Ironi eating uiore than is good tor them. | If pudding i« served, say it don't ' ajjhec wi'li you. But eat it ju»t the same ami call for more. Aud here it an admirable opportunity to dilate upon the idiosyncrasies ul your digestive ap> paratu . The noblest study of maukind is man. If pudding is not tort boom lug, remark upon Die singular idea some people have that puddiug may bo omit ted trom a dinner without ruining that dinner for people who understand *nch -things. - ' Wnen the pio eomes, peep under it, or turn it over like a griddle cake. This especially 1 where lb* lady ot the house doea her ows bakiutf. If the pie is underdone, it wwkl be the right thing to mention tlie lad* If it l*i done 100 brown, ssy si'inelhing appropriate to ; the oc :a»ion. When a lady make* a | silo iu her cooking, she likes to be told 'of it puHielv, • ' • '«•' ■ Codec sliouhl bo drunk Iroin tbo aau cer, as tliougti it were an oyster in lis siii'il. Till- gives >ou a jaunty air. If at a private t«t>le, nuver pass any ' ildug to your neighbor. You may waul all there is yourself. Clover hesitate lo •atk lor au>thing you cannot reach. You love to wait upon yourself. O.btrs must love to wait ou you. t Kemcmbertbe tootbpick. i ■ ■■ / i •••**. ■' • I " A fssifcw ss—r, A man In Oregon has fhlrly earned tlie lllle of pantlier-slayer. having killed four of those ferocious beasts ill two hours. A few daya ago, says an account, Mr. llangli, who lives near Sott*s Mills, started to ilesvcr take lo gel aomo ce dar timber. lie had a lonjr, laiye-bored rifle, a little raNterrier ami a rather large dog of pnrt Newfoundland breed. Alter leaving the main road, and get ting on an almost blind road, he saw a panther ero*«? tho road just aluiad ol hiin. li was on a large oak-tree about thirty feet from the ground and grow ling suv ngoly. Ur. Hatigh fell back a oliort distance, In order to get a rest-shot, fired and hi* game tHI dea.l to the ground, having made a final ie»p which brought him about fill ecu or twent> lift from Hie tree. Un going back fo Ihe wagon, the chil dren (winlrd out another panther, back on the road over which iliey bad pass ed. ~ On approaching it to get a shol, il darted jii(p the brush iollowed bv the who succeeded in treeing tliaf one without any difficulty. • On lollovs lug tho Jogs, Mr, Itaugh found it ou ilie large limb ol a tfr tree, about twenty five or Ibirty feet from the ground. ~ (.ielliug a rest on the siitc of a tref sonic distance away be kliot this one. At the crack of the gnu the panther Jumped from ihe tree aim! nut luliowcd l»y the dogs. On following them, it was found dead about one hundred yards from where It was shot. On auproacbing llie ranch wlicrw Mr. S. Iluekt once cngagnl in tbc cattle buiineas, he found that tbc Utile dog had succeeded in trcciug a pant Iter abutit tao«tbirda grown. This oo« waa shot dead. Before Mr. Ilaush bad time to load be beard tbc barking at souictlung •bout two hundred yards off down Ibe hill side. On going to wbcre it waa he saw the biggest panther he erer met—a very large female. She was growling aad snappiug her teeth at the dog*; sbe form ed the most savage picture Im bad ever ViCII. It Waa difficult to get I good shot, but ou firing she came dowu and the limb which site waa ou with her." As ilw ran ofi ibc dog* followed Iter, awl oncoming up with (IM J, bo saw Ur on » atump about twenty fire bet frvui tbo ground. Mi. Uaugli sliol again, but as no vital put «u Mrnck, H only succeded in mak ing her growl fiercer than ever. Ou looking for a ballet, Ur. Ifaagb lonnd tbat be bad oaly bait a bullet led, willi which he bad to make a iuccet»hi> aliot or lose bit gaine. Uiapaichiiig was «JI gone a* veil, so. tearing >4 a part of Uaa liuiug of Lis coal, he put it around the ballet antl rammed it houie. Taking a careful aim lie fired. This tijr.e be saw the bnge beast tum ble to tbe ground, to be seised by Ibc Jogs. Sbc scinsd the big dog by tit* tcalp with one paw, ami snoaed iu tearing tbe scalp nearly oft, wlieii death put an «wl to her strugglea. The last oue, oa being measured,, waa oyer nlno teet long from tip to tip. All the panther* were toll grown except one, which was only about two-thirds grown. They were all killed within two boar*. • You can probably be rich my eon. if you will be. If you mak jup yo«r aiwi now tliat you will be a rich m*a, and Mick lo it, there ia very little doubt that you will be very wealth*, tolerably mean, "loved a little bated a great ileal, ban a big laneral. be bleat be tbo relative* to whom you nave lott tL E IUOSI, re* tied by thoae whom you leave notliiug. Bat you tniul ttay for It Mr eon. Wealth ia an expensive thing. It eoeto aH it w worth, if you want to be worth • MIK lion dollar* it wijl ouot you just a million dollar* to get it. . Urokeu friendship*, in tellect ual starvation, Soac of social enjoy* inent, deprivation of genetou* iaspelaes tbo smothering et inmdy aapiretkMta, a limited werdiobe'aud a scanty f table, a lonely home, tieeause you fear a lovely wile atyl a beautiful houio would be ex pensive, * haired ol tbe beat lien, a dread ot tlw custrtbtttios box, a bauuiiug fear of the Woman'* Aid B"drty, a leartul dixliku ot poor people because they won't keep their miiery oat ot yowr sight, a little sbam benevolence thai to worm titan nona,* oh, you oau be rich young man, it you aie Willing lo pay tbe [nice. Any man can gel rich who doeen-t think h too ex pen-dye. True. yea may be rich ami be a Man among men, neulo and Christina and gram] and true, serving (Jod and bleastug huiiianitv, but tliat will be in spile of your wealth, and not ae a result of it. It will be boeaam you were always that kind of a man. But il .you want to bo rich, if that is tbo breadth and height ol your ambition, you can bo, rich II you will pay the price. And when you atorleb, son* eall aroand at Ibis office and pay ■» tor tbU advice. We yrill let tlse interest compound irou this date, — Burlington Hawkey*. A lie it llko ulflfic; mnnv people Are j wilhnir to yfro if, but wobbly U willing lu tnke it. NO. 30 Gleaniwgs. I -if-?*.* - . ■- ■ ''l is ilia WPRKIIJ- clntpH thai GIRT# PTTR*Y"-*~ np (lieir li|>» to* \ A barlwr ia not ultrav* a %»isw m*n if hid litlnir in mostly hral work. " A Chinunnn WIK» «IU looking mi HJI '> Englishman eat in* tripe Mid; ■ "Afcd jet he hiiUs* mice!" L-«w is likn a fciote—it i* unmj fr» through it, itat MM nmit M fontiUrr* ♦oly redurini before he p«H through. No woman wns ever known in ' iimr rj a li nn wh«M t»r*t rctnnrk on U-m; introduced (o her *«• abont the *uib« '"s trf. Bally Jone* snya wln>n all* w4w in I lore »>jie frit a* if alte «U IB- a railway I tunnel, with • train ol care ,OMjfcg ! colli waya. . ■"* * It ia clnimr*l Sy *bme rordiraf men fti»t smoking weakens rhb r«ye-aijflii. >ta\ )*> Ut/hie*, hit I juat acc hot* it airciigtlirn* the breath: '! '"**** * l "' ' v ' Theda&rfaC hour in if I any tuiiDgtuao is arh*n he Mi down »•» ! ulutlv how to gat woney without hour»ir |ly, earning it. 4 , Many mw who strongly t ulronli , local arlf go'/crnmeßt have to atkbow'- \edge a higher power every tiM'thcy )»■•« the JQI* of their owadniKig Thirteen years ago nina kn>k ! felon* went into tbo tarpctiu imriarf* the oil region. Only oner I'vm * m *i. i« I left. The other* WCTV AH k»ire>l P } thri. | own torimloo. | 11 it net of oar lite is of a miug'e»l i ant. ■ ami dl tuicttarr; unr iinur* aua a ' be i>rort'l it «Htr lantii linrai »•», ' ami onr criaaca auokl ilojairU iW * ! weie IK* ibrriahol by oor tiirur*. - • Jch Baling* awgety nr«uk>: TW» areaieu who ilon'tina to koßpnAm I tiho dilbttaa Wtvosa * 4on>u a»4 I repntaahun until they faxl ttißaihn MtrTing oo* a ihrea jean' tnn »u_ awn* ' State |MJMV I A Cotr" itte OB tableaux at a - nial ctki.. Jion ni Vcnauia, iaanl I invitation aakiag 'all (we |«rrty *u«aw lia tow a* to aaeet at the hail Iv tik? atn !ia the tableau*, and erery wta ia .be ! place came to (mac. Hat tanaiHw | knew bow to get ptealy mi kdp. . How queer are the wawnn of tM« I'WU! IthiNtialaaf a»«BiaMia« waa tn» jwh le aide walk; the bin «lwa ia twl sfcia aaiia. aa»l a ih— »B » I row would aof crowd the catk. A Long Branch woman nmuhr *—» eight pair* ot 9tockia«* «*• anny die «at lUort of ckx headline. ab>* tut limb come baadr.-HMm Ftxit. body bat a long branch ■ num *«4 « bare limb* to coare Journal of Cammsrr*. Are we atHaacieg backward er In** W»rd? Twotboasauri rear* sgo, the peo - ple imiMlljr ucriietii toailn li of Men m (l>e |M>iM|i|| «gwi» |Mga» Koaaej, to-day wn ice over sixty Ihousead la As 4 ' MIOOMOI UrUiM Aawkt. 8«al« I he world does ao re feat wfcert^way? Rev Dr. West of New Bedtort. ««a beard that hk choir weald ith« |» «■*«; uathe Kit Saaday. Whca like dar cim be gare oat tbe brat, Toae ya* «bo lore ibe Inrd.-* After "it tbrofk be hotel eaptoiioh at ik cbolr, ml wM, "Ym erg btya at tU ! second Ttne, 'Let tbo** rvAua toii ; who never knew oar Old. There are maay rwem whjr ehildree MM adapted to picaics. If (he cake get* jaw- DMft iuto the pickle jer, aa bag a* it* trusting doeea*t lath it wakes at (Mrr ebee. eb«* a rrift*o(4aef unH arteh a lew Uaefc ante scattered ever iba cueilfa aaawerioaatasag viththew. OahlreVs palate* would adliaal ab tap*, they are ao toujb.—ifor limit* B-yttftr. A |«Ht*eal orator wae «head»*«i>q •way.—"Mlowatttr*,' aid be, i'a a bard (Ulad aoa of toil, rat a kid- Uyer by trade, and not a of iu No air; I ntu't l«on» with a aim ; «pooa ta atj aaoeth, or cradled ia the tap of Inaary. I'm a ad&aade naa, gentlemen.* 'YoaM belter bare lot eat the job,' taatarksd a votea ia the war %4 ibe halt. lis scorned lb aolioe tbe ia> tarrapttou. ;« v .' b*. t. : t „ Puwmix, Tins Boy Goat**—Tfce pa. litieal anaaattae of UUvadou the 'W iorator,' 9 Jaaaea EibattPoaeU, of b«* aaa Ciiv, aha la tha swat brilliant «pa*k«r ever beard ia lVaver. Ue ia the peer of Bob lugareoll, aad ao great baa his repelatioa haooats in a tet-r short tiiee that ao hall caa snaaatandalu tha vaat «raw«u wbo Sock to hint, He is m ortUxkwl prodigy* wl k»i guudl tk« voubriq tot of "Puuce of lira platform." ll* in BUtW|Miig UM State for Hancock and Engliab. ' Politic* ia all a banbogi De? toi l me all 1 hid to do was to bay mI mnm> utoueya ami 1 voukl git elected *hust Uko a oodiiiks. Uut veu I vent to the bolh vhi you link dat man at tlx Mb tokl nie? Ifo Miutt told ma' Don't rem get oxofted.' und I **■*'» doaodiakV but eiuMt lug to my friend* (tat 1 thought watacoin# •o vote lor me. Uml dew Ira aald again. 'Ve don't Tut no MOIMIOMI tiwaa hrre to-day J'lKtt vat 1 earn tor hit*? N odinki I sbatt talked and talked mil atervbodv, tnid Oiigi m gitllu' on btrilT. Ihwr many Totee yon dink f got? Dree, «lm«t drtc, one in A liiMiuet and tiro in B Itis tiinot, and one 6t detn waft scratched. You rt»n»t wait ; A «t*r Iftnd do man *rho Horaieheil my imme oi «bii dicket I kcruteh hitu, youbot. Oli, ret, 1 rai Iwiit; 1: " --I.' "atso Hi WfU bin