THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, VOL. 6. IHE GLEANER PUUI.ISUBU WI'.KKI.V BY ELt>lU[>GE & KEIiNODI K. I'll St it ut, K. «, Hate* oj Subscription. J'cttoye raid : One Tear *l-W> Six Months y> Three Months £■) Every "person se:vlin.g us a club of ten sub scribers with tli" cash, entitles himself to one »->ov free, for the lenzb of time for which the rliiii is made up. Paper» sent to different offices „Vb Departure from the fash System liiocn of lilrvrlitiuji Transient advertisements payable in advance: /early advci iise.nents quarterly in advance. 1 in. in. ,o iu. (5 m. . 13 m. O 1 6 00,10 00 J 1 « | s oa! 4 so; 6 oo i io oo; ir» oo I'ransieut advertisements $1 per square for lie tjj-st, and fifty cents for each subsu lueut insertion «(11l SOVEICV.TIGNT. Officer* of the Frdcral Gorerumfil. THE EXECUTIVE. Jtutherfo-il li. Hayes, of Ohio, President of ihe United States. William A. \\ heiler, of New Yelk, Vice- Prraioent of the United Stats J Tilt CABINCT. William M.Evans, of N> w York, Secretary of Slate ' 1 * John Sherman, o! Ohio, S-c'y. of Treasury. Gci ige W M M -Crur y, 8»-erpiary of War. liichanl W. Thompson, ©f liiriutuatj Secre tary of the Navy; Carl Shurz, of Missouri Se'v. "f the Interirr. Charles Deyeiiß, of Massachusetts, Attornej- Oeiieral. David M. Key, of Ternnessee, Pos'.r. aster- General. TIIK JI'DICIAIiV, THE SLTRKME tX>L' ttT OF TIIK UNITED STATES. Morrison R. Wait, of Ohio, Chief Justice. Nathan Clifford, of Maine, N >ah H. Swayne, of Ohio, Samuel .1. Miller, of lowa, David Davis, of Illinois, Stephen J. Field, of California, William M Strong, of Pennsylvania, . Joseph P. Bradl-y, of New Jersey,• Ward Hunt., "f New York, Associate Justices, wit mTK tJOVKitrvtiEwr. EXKECL'TTVK DEPARTMENT. Thomas J. Jarvis of Pitt, Governor. Ltawcs L. Robinson, of Maeou, Lieutenant- Governor. W. \j Sauiidirs. of Xew Hanover, Secretary of State. John M. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. Douaid W. Bain, of Wake. Chief Clerk. T C. Worth, of Randolph, Teller. Dr. Samuel L. Love, of Haywood, Auditor. Tlios. S. Kenan, of Wilson, \ttorney-General. John C. Scarborough, of Johnston, Superin tendent of Public Instruction* Johnston Jones, of Burke. Adjutant-tteneral J MeLeod Turner, Keeper of Mi' Capitol. Sherwood Haywood, of Wake, State Libia rlau. J (IBICH RV, SUI'RKMK COURT. W. V. 11. Smith, of Ifettford. Chief .Justice. John H. Dillard, Thos. S. Asho. Associates, W. H. Bagley, of Wake, Clerk of Supreme Coii't. D. A. Wicker, of Wake, Marshal. 1 ROFESSIONAL CARDS. JNO. W. GRAITAM. JAS. A. GRATIAM. Hillsmro, N. Graham, N. C. GitAHAW & GRAHAM, ATTOKNEJVM AT I-AW. Practice in the f'tate anil Federal Courts, tl attention paid to collecting. J. D. KERNODLE, Attorney «VA.RA.n. IX. C ' Practices hi the Stat© and Federal Courts. WUI faithfully and promptly attend to all busi ness intrusted to liim. & m. MASSES, ATTORNEY, OIIAUA.V, IV. V. Will attend regularly the Superior Courts of Alamance, Caswell, Person, Chatham and Kan uolph, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted 10 him'shall liave faithful attention, '*-* - . fr—l 80. ly, T. B. Eldridge, Attorney at IL&w, : GRAHAM, N. C. _ husicesf iutrislbd to - hiui shall receive prompt and careful attention. James E.Boyd, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 OFVICG9 A.T Grakam St €re©hsbero. Practices in all the Courts. al Graham. Monday, Tncsdav and •ud »aft y . At thursd a£, Friday Orj.W, Ciiiiffitli den TI / GRAHAM, N. C., to do acy and all kinds of 8-tJui mn^. to * h « profession, 1 attention given to the treatment of OF UJC Mourn. ALLJB ATTWDBD N TOWN oa COUHTBT Q'.H. School, GRAHAM, N. 0. Jn -iuff«»t and doses the fol '"•'f»B^J? lI,OD $3.50 and *4-50 per month. ii>4*DU 1(2.r j f cr mouth. The number of Bk * limited to 13. I » RAH AM, N. C., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1880 o e t WllltUf Spurn the woman she is guilty'; last the man go ffee; She is sinful, IK; but human, u 'e eat. all agree. This tlici verdict that we renter 1 " the courts beVi.v, Never askhg: 'U,) i„ Ixaven Says the Master so?' We can li'-ien all unheeding, 1 o her plaintive IUOA II , To liei frantic, hopel'ss pleading And her 1 \ in:r groan, ' l'or the sins of fallen woman " t Nothing can. uloli j; V\ e are si IICKP,' thus we reason, "* 'Cast we the stone,' But wi h tender words and glancos Grte. him, press his hand; &'lto\v him how much loving favor lie may still command. Should he ask us for our daughter, Gladly we'll consent; lie is rich his lank is noble, H'e art well content. What if hi* his cru-.hed forever One jjoov bleeding heart? He was but tba victim of that Wicked woman's art. He the tempter, she the tempted, In the sight of heaven: Cut on earth for her the judgement, All to jiim forgiven: Philadelphia July Hth, 188'). Tilt 1 UHKK l.eAV|{«. The i!a\ was bitter in Cornwall villa; as winter da> s most generally are i iha t Alpine town, and though the su was bright, its ra» s were as cheerle and chill us moonbeams. Wild gusts whistled through (lie street breathing icicles anil frost in their luii ous course, and driving everything away to seek shelter from its biting, pen e.tatiig breath. And yet not every one was sheliered trom its pi iless gale, loi he wlu) had work to do tr Liwincss to tiansael was summoned by inexotable du'y to come lorih to hi» pjst, or. else when (lie da\ ol reckoning came abide tliC consequonccs. Dui, with Mich exceptions as Ihese, tin male population generally sought the warm and friendly atmosphere of the drinking saloons where ' hot Scotch,'' and a glowing lurnace they managed to keep themselves from freezing. Ol these luckless exceptions Abe Den ning the baker, was one. In sunshine or slot in, hail, rail., or snow, people must eat —cai in fact all the mote vora ciously because it does not ruin or snow, as if to perpetrate- -an unreasonable j >ke upon Ihc baker, \vh > especially in ap petizing weather, must see lo ii that his customer's larder be properly slored with the raies and best otlheproductions o! his oven. Even biicli weather ns this did not dc. ter Mr. Dinning Irom attending to thi want* of customers willi the assihiit) mid audition characteristic ol his class. W'lii'c disappearing into h with an armful ol bread, a girl of some fii'cen years of age emerged Horn a miner-? en bin near by, and, fir*t casting a wild and hiurled glance about her, rushed to itie bakers cart, and had just abstracted iherelroin tluce loaves ol bread, ami VVHS carrying thetii off, when the oakci returned and caught her in tha a t. I ufonunatcly an offl or was passing at the time and lliu baker. on the spur ol the moment, and without giving the case that consideration wtiic'i ho other wise might, gave her in custody 011 the charge ol then. I in* girl without any at tcuipl at expostulation ov explanation, burst into an agony of tens—a sufficient evidence, pcrlia]*,- that she hut a novice «tier alt in the art of coaling. ~oh,' she exclaimed, 'do not take me in ihis way. Let me wrap a shawl around my head, or the people will know inc. • . , ; • i i[ ; Tbe ' ffi es consenting, accompanied her to tie cabin, white the baker drove a way, telling the policeman he would b in Court the next day to prefer tbe charge before the police Court. 1 The officer on entering louml no one in tha; cabin but thretf ' ehiklreii-ttae yonrtgert abtml 3 years Old ftr.d the eldest 6 The hut was cold and cheerless: tliore wa« no fire.' The two cider childien. alarmed at the presence ol an officer, ex« hibiied discolored eyes and faces, which bore evidence of suffering and recoil tears: while li«He Willie the youngest, was crying 'and 1 inappeasable, moping aimlcsply around the cabin, looking into the empty closets and putting his hands mechanically into the empty disbes on the tablo. • What made you steal the bread, my aii l i' asked the officer. At the mention of the word 'Dread , little Willie looked tearfully and pilifully „ the inau's face. The girl bugged the lit'le tellow frantically in her ar~s, cov Lin?/ liiin with tears and kisses. 'Oh iriv poor lit'le brother!' she cued bit!"' What nil! become of you now? This njiin in going to luko youj Lena away with him. Hem the child threw his arms around her neck as if to detain l v her by fuive, while (ha other nvo children screamed fit to break their hearU. 'J he officer, suspecting the actual state ol 11 ii• ij»s, began too convulsively; hut instead of applying his hand to his chest or l:iroat, as people u-u.illy do no stub occasions, he applied his haudker eiiief to liis eyes. •Is iLeic no coal or nothing at till to cat in this house? said lie in a gurgling •ort ol voic Ct 'No coal, no bread, nothing to eat!' ie :>!ied the girl wringing her hands, 'an I poor vVilhe and the rest of ns have had nothing at all to cut since jesterda; morning, Here Ihe ofiiier had anot her hard (ii of coughing, and went away saying that ue would be Uaok in a short time. 'ls the man gone foi bread? Asked the • Ideal ol ihe children. 'llush, Molfie, dour' said Lena. I ■ IOII'I know what lie has gone He's not a bad man anyhow tor lie has uot arrested me, as, I thought he would. In a very few minutes the -fli rer turned, with his wins full of bread and groceries, not forgetting some cakei and condi'iicnts tor the smallest children while another man at his heels carried a sack of coal on ids back. At the si;- hi of die bread (lie children screamed with delight, while the effieer now laughed, now coughed, and fre quency applied his handkerchief to his tace to wipe off tha perspiration, as it were. While Lena cut up large slices ot bread aid helped the childven and herself, the iwo men set to work and ur\de a large lire in the stuve, the glow ot which soon dillused warmth and comfort through ihe cabin. Tlicy cooked the mca), und made lea, a id spread u steaming meal oil the laid* for iku Tour orphans while they oarved uii! attended to their wants nutil thoy were fully satisfied. Happy, happy childhood, whoso pre rogatives are innocence, inin I* and j>>l I lie children af'er (heir dinner di I net ook like the same children at all. Their aces were bright and joyous, happy ami Handsome and in a lew mi miles they were playing anil laughing aiul romping as happy as if they Ind never fell the pangs of hunger, •And now,' Paid the offi :er delighted al seeing the children so happy,'oil down and answer inv a few questions. Ilavo you no father or mother?' •We have no mother,' was Lena's re ply. She died about a year ago, and inlher went to Eureka to work about eight months ago, aiul we hain't seen him ever since that time. 'What was your father's nanie?' 'Dawson—Jim Dawaim.' And lias he sent yon no money—noth ing?. 'Nothing. Never lieird of him since he went away lint when he wan going lie left us a bag offl >ur and lots ol cries and things, as much as would las 1 us lor six mouths, auJ he'd be sure and be b«ck before the provisims would be ail out.' 'And you gol 110 letter from him at all?' 'Not one,' replied Lena with a deep sigh. Poor Dawson had written to his chil dren, however, but postal communica tion being at that lime very irregular and uncertain in tl>e silver State, the children did not receive his letters. ' Well, I must go now,' sai.l the officer, after a pauso, 'but 1 will cull for you 10-« morriw and you'll bare to accjtnpany ure to the police office, lor 1 must do ray duty, you know. Good bye.' Ami Lc tu Dawson was lefl with her little brother and sister. She felt sad and lonesome after the departure ol her kind benefactor, but the buoyancy ol childhood eoon gained the ascendancy, aid before bedtime the orphan* were as hippy a l * fcny group ol children iu Coru wall village, Meantime the report about tho steal ing of the bread'and UKJ des'.Uuie con* dition of the children got abroad. Jim Dawson, a miner himself was well 'known and popular among (bo m.ner*, and lhe case created eucb sympathy and elicited so many rcroinl*cences and commentaries that quite a crowd was | attracted tho" next day to the Police Caur:. Judge Moses presided. Tbe boro tbe of being upright and honest, kind, boncvolcnt, and it fault he had at *ll it was thought to be a somewhat uncompromising rigor iu the di«ehaif eof hi* duties. It was bard to say how the case wou'd go. . • Alter the transaction oi some prelimi nary business the cu«o was called. The baker swore to the stealing of the bread, .v:d identified the defendant as the thiol. The ffi :er tcßtiftud to Ihe famishing con dition in which ho found the children, but Kjiii ii'd a syllabi'.) about what lie had done to 're. lie to tln'in. I'oor Le*a stood trembling before the Judge; thercnpin a mi'ter nulled through the crowd and stood before Ihe bench, eyeing the wi h a deprc citlng look. 'I declare to the Almighty, Judge,' slid he, 'I never knowed the fate of Jiui Dawson'* children and if t did—' lie dropped a twenty i.ito Lena's trsm« bling hand. 'You jest knowed a« much about it as other loikV exclaimed another mitier, ex-iiedly, walking up and iritting anotlj- Cf into the girl's hand with an indignant air that flung back any latent snspidiiia that he knew anything of the children's distress any mors than any* body else. Here Long Alee so called on ac>. count ot height and six:—slid timidly and bashfully up to LciptYside. 'Leedy,' he said >n a half whisper, hold \our pinafore,' and lie slipped two twen ties into her apron, and he slid back be hind the crowd into the corner ami hold ing his hat to bis face glanced timidly around to seo that he was completely out of sight. Then came Wabbling Joe, who was far more bashful ill MI L >ng Alee, but put on a bold foce and laughed aud talk ed loud to make all believe tnat he wa« not bashful ai all. 'Jcdge,' said Wabbling Joe, laughing and nodding familiarly at tue Court, to disarm that functionary of posfiible rigor in the trial of the case iu bund—'Jcdge, let the girl slide. She ai I't done nolhiu' but what you or I would do ii we were hungi) !' And pr or Lena was once more flic recipient of another present. The Court held down his boad and smiled gravely ai Wabbling Joe's- fense of the accused; but immsdiately ic.-ovei ing gi avily > said: 'Gentleman, lappreciate yourjibcrali-- ly and gencron* sympathy for (lie young oflender; and I am particularly itnpiess* ed with tlie ingenioiMdctcusc made by tny irieiid, Wabbling Joe, —bere a good iiMtured laugh oscaped the whole crowd; as il' to put the judge in a good humor — •ou',' continued his Honor, 'whatever might be (lie sympathies of (he Conrt ol ibe sad condition o( the accused, there Is a public duty to bo fKM-fonned, and (lie case IUUM thnrelor» proceed. What is your name, my girl?' aiked (lie Court. 'They call ino Lena Dawson, sir,' wus lbo reply.*' J' -•Call you Lena Dawson [ Audi sup pose L?n* Dawson is your uaine, is it not ?' observed (lie Judgo. -'No.sir, it ain't,' returned tho girl. 'M) tHllter died when 1 was only 3 yoars old, snd iny mother got married to Mr. Dawson some true afterward. Mr pros per name is Madeline Winters, but (key ca'led iue Lona, for shert. 'Madeline Winters! Where weie you born?' a*ked the Judge. •In Dodson, sir,' was the reply. 'ln Dodsoul' echoed the Court, in a voice of still deeper gravity than be fore. 'And what was your mother's maiden name, do you know?, 'Madeline Moses, sir,' responded Lena. 'Madeline Mose*L My God! My Cod! She was my sister V And Judge Moses, overcome with emo tion, bowed Ids bead on the desk, while a torrent of leais fl >wed down his lace. Just as the crowd in obedience to the dictates of delicaey, were emerging from the Police Court, to let Uncle and niece ludulge the sacred joy of mutual recog nition, Jim Dawson apt.eared at the door, haying just returned from his pros* pccing tour in Eureka, and, with an innate sense ol propriety that did hons or to hiaacquaiutances, who wcro all rejoiced to &co him, was quietly pcrs milled to see Iris relatives inside. maiJIO THE BAPY, (Little Kock Gazette ) 'My wife her jn presented m# wid do tine* boy in dis country,' said black Bill entering a magistrate'- office, taking oft his liaf and s'mging perspiration froaj id* brow xritli a crooked forefinger. 'Yes gen'ci-ncn,* he *er.t an 'do flues t'.iile i eber seed. An l'se jest got a i wentv-dollar gold piece right heah to gin ter dc man ivhat can guess what 1 lie* named him. Ter kee|> yer from «f>readin obcr dc whole nnJr»rsc ob names, I will state dat Idt ie ft Bible name.' " *' ' >? 'Abraham.' gncsseii some one. •No ■'ah/ •Paul.' •So Bab.' * ♦Job.' . , 'Gneis pgi:n.' 'Nicodeinus.' 'Keep cr cniwin.' • Abein'cicli.' •Try me agin/ l'ne gnesiug cea*ed nffer a fiu»', and finally Bill remarked: >l Ifez named that boy Judus Escar ut,' •What/said the uiigis.'rate. hotraved our S ;vior.' •Can't help hit. I>it'g do boy's name. Judae hcz been slighted. Nobody hoc ebber had do immoral emu-age to name • chile for c)at roan. Hub. flat ain't do main reft on why I namfrf him Jntlus. I'jc got d& Bible tor 'stain inc in gibin de clii o dut iiHine. 'Mow does tlx; IJihle sustain you in de-. 1 firing to perpetuate that name?' Asked ihe magistrate. 'llits d>B tnek: Chris' in remarkiu' of Juilas, saiil, dat hit would hah bin better I'ur dat uian ef he hadn't utbber bin b >rn.' 'Well.' 'An consklerln how irany -moufs is j opened at de doo when I goes home wid j a sideob meal, it would l.ab bin better fur dat boy ob mine ef lie had ncbtr seen de daylight. I knows what I'se talking about. I takes de Scriptur frnm tie reference. In do future, ef I finds ilat de boy hez made any improvement on hisßclt, don I'll change his name ter Jim. CATS AND DRIED PKACUEI. Down at Howell tbe ot her day an old women about seventy years old boarded a Detroit, Lansing and Northern train to come to Detroit. Her baggago consisted oj a large covered basket, and she wouldn't allow any hand to Uke it from her. She bad scarcely got seated when •he passengers wore startled by a loud 'Me-ow 1* in the car, quickly followed by a "por-wow' and other 'wow*' too nu merous to mention. While all were searching to discover the cat the old lady sat stiff as a poker and looked straight ahead at Hie stovepipe. The sounds con tinued,. and a passenger finally peered around until he located tbe cat iu lier buskct. 'Madam, arc you taking that cat from one comity to another?' he asked. •'Whit cat? she nnapp-jd. •Don't you know thai uivler the iaw» of this State,' he went on, 'a person who removes a fullsgrown wit from one coun ty lo another, without the writlen per« mission of thg Swamp Lind Couiinb 4ouer« W liable to a fine ol $100? •'Oonl lands! but i didn't know that?*- ahe exclaimed, as she laced afouml. " Woini'ti don't keep tracks of the laws as men do," he said. , 'Personally, I'd like to see you take that cat through to Detroit, but I here may be some one on ihis train just mean enough to inform against you ami havo ydo arrested. I'd let her o.ut-M 1 were you.' ; , ' Ves, 1 wi'l, tor 1 don't want to break any laws at my age.* She fumbled around the basket 'for a minute, and all of a sodden a cat jumped out. Sbo alighted on the head ot Uic iua:i who put up the pb, gave hiiu severnl sharp uigs, and then leaped from one to another line a squirrel, bidng, spitting and clawing as she went. Everybody rose up and but the old wouian. She sat like a sialoo, alraid of being suspcclod. \Vhen the leline had gone the length of the car she turned to an open window and shot out like a buN let, landing right-site up and making trucks frr a bam in a field. 'Who brought tliecat abiard? I de mand the mi ne ol the iicis-jii w ho owned the cat I' shouted a tnnu whose head had lelt tier claws until Uie blood run. >. -i JNo one answered. Several passengers looked st raight an ho old woman, who StoOti it lor a minute and then lifted up Iter basket and called. "If an) bo ly wauls to look among ihe drijid peaches in ibis basket h>r rata be can do sop ou needn't aU look at me as il i lived in llio *'ood» and didn't keep post ed on law!' ■ ran bibi.K. (From the Washington Star.) , Tlie revision of Jie Bible, which has just been completed in England, has been in progress tcu years, and the most loarned biblical scholars of tbc world have tajtcn part in it. The' work has been in charge of tne Queen's prius tvir, who has borne be expenses aiouunt ing to over SIOO,OOO. Under tho British laws none but Ibo Queen's.primer is al lowed to publish the Bible, and thus this will give him a monopoly iu lite issue and sale of the revised works iu that eounlry. But ho cannot enjoy any tuoh protection in the United Stales because no copyright can be obiaiued that will cover this work. Sevcrd j American publication societies bave Toluntarily agreed ibat they will not pirate the re vision, but it Is quite, likely that some publisher, who is hot, so couscientious, will seize upon tfiis profitable field of labor. Kuttirally there ts a groat desire to tills oouutry to see aud read ihe re vision, and the first who imt copies or the new Bible on tbe market will uii | doubted ly find ready sa'e for tbem. NO. 31 GIEANLI.GSL A mn nmst be a mutton Lead to be always talking about the weaihn\ TIIH STRENGTH of manv |>v)ilici;ti.s lie* in the tact thut they k- cp Miuu. I. ToltlyouKo in one of n»u»t know» men in the country, tLougU to bo sure he it* a little late. Lt if ni i angt liow nmch bctt«r a |>has*- tograplier cao take a jrictnrer to hung la a show cuse than be cau foi a customer* 'What on earth t;ikes y>« off to jjie stables no early ever morning latcl}?" a.«ked a woman of licr litMWml. 'Ciir* ry hossity." A ConnecUciflt nan recently natd;- 'L"ud u»e a dollar. My wif>> I,a* left me, auci 1 Waal :o advertise that 1 am not respotwiblj lor lier «iebts. A man w&s wasted in Substance oa liver stomach tonic* and auti-» brin remedies, l>m at least concluded K* trv a shut course of victuals. It strains a »oaag n»an moro to Itave* a 140 |K) Jiid tjirl »it ob. Eis koee fifteen minutes than it does to load bay ->ll daj day but Imj is perfectly w.liiug to be strained. •\Vhat,"«Hyg an inqniaitiye yonng lady,* 'is lite most popular color lor a 'jriili ?'' vV'e uiay be a lie,le par timltr is such matters, but we should pr ater * white one. A ton of gold 'tnakpsa fraction otc» half million dollars, and when a m»u (Hys bis wife is worth bsf weigl.t la gold, and she weighs 120 jiou&ik »he k worth $30,000. * Women,jnotb Jaws, "are tits saLil of life, at on.e the bo u and a blessing." 'ln on* way they're salad indeed," re plied Browu; *»bey take so mu.-h time iu tbeii dressing. _ - Ac 1 ;htbvopt>&gous CVjh. has be?a started in N*w York, li is to rain the rcp.itatioi of any bnsbuad who goes iijiue late at nigjbt and iriia to tell >v b--ve he baa been. A Western girl.viuted a mnste store aud for ' Tho Heart B.iH !>>»» witlt and Care," anU 'Wheu | S wallo ved Ho'ue>ma le JP. ©».** . The ch-rk nt once ree gn : z tl what the de sired. •What's the matter nay dear?* sa«l m kind wit'e to her husbau 1, wbo had nfc for half an hour with bis face buri-d i» his hands, and apparently in great t.init iation. 'Oh, I dou't know? l'»a fr)| like a fool ail day.'* 'Well," said Lfs wite, consolingly, 'von b»ok tiia picture of you feeL" : Hj uiud into tho Morton w;*c a I UrgteroU wf m mnscript andor bis ar:a and said very p'ditelr; ' J i,t■. - * tl« sriflj hero about the beautiful »•!ri se t yesterday, which 1 would like in. sorted if you hav i ro >in." '.'kuty of room Just insert it yourself," replied the eJitor, gently pushing the waste basket toward bio*. v A sJentist says 50,500,000 stars glimmer in the £rwincene. Will soma one of our readers please connt lb 1 ? stars and inform us bow near this scientist is correct in his figures? if- lbs aouat can'i be mad.' in oie evening, the enu merator should make a chtlk ntirk where he leaves ofT, in ord i to kuow where tj commence the next night; otherwise he may count aunyi star* twice. The Latin term for rod-liver oil is 'oleum iaeoris asHli." A doctor pre scribed it for *n old ladj th > other day, arxl, M usuul, in * his presori|nu>i> »b« brevi&tod th» terms, yrliich n>»d, 'R. Ole. As., oz lli." A ot the old lady congratulated him upon Iter re to-v ration to health, wh-n shfe *»M, 'VM, it was that beautiful iuedi>;iue, the oil of jackass, that brought me ti> wv lecW Frcdiroan 'Pioaae, sir, did I pam ia—?" I'rofussor—'Wi.ll, DO, J'N» SOR ry to Mf yon il til n't quite come up to the mark." Freshman—'Thank yon, «ir w f«n I Starts out shilling alf over, aa if hiubly l«!ighlt'd). Professor—•*Ex , » CUBB n)f, Mr. , I'm afraid you misHoJorttood me. I *«' d yon badn'fc pass d." Freshman- —'Ob! N 1 iluu't care anything about that, I've wuu my oot aU (be same.' 'What IgjM is large eaougb to C&rry a man?' A littlt girl bold up her bund, aad B*l ( J * - '1 know; a lark.' '•*■ ' 'On, noT said tbc teacher; Marks urs not large to carry man.' . ; 'Xcs, they arc,' said, the youngster. 'My p*pi» goes away for two or three duya, aud my jniuua says Wa gone off ou a larlfc Said the distinguished Chatham' to hi» «oti; *J wtrtild have inscribed - 1 - upon tli» curtains of yotir bed, and tho Walla of yonrr chamber,'lf you ik> nit vise baily, y6h canuot malt«* progress to any-. '":hing If jou do not net apart your j hours. of reading, if you suffer yourself .•ir HBV uoh fixe to break in upon the us, r>oir d*ya will slip through your UanJa ' unprofitable aud uceujoyod bj jtouT* 1