' k - .... ; r _i ' . ''. .■ - *7*;r^r7 : Tvnia 1 iirri^jioW'* Kg -_ A ™'!l]n Tl t.- _ IHE A.L AM AN CE" G LEANER:! VOL. 6. THE. GLEANER (.li-.I.ISIIF.!) wr.I'KI.Y UY f.LDii1 & K F i l >' N()JD ' ' K - Ur«!tn"«i IV. C, i nne U'»T 7fj gij Moyn' 3 " fi() 'scmihigw a club of ten sub mth tli*'cash, I'.n'itfeu liin;Fclf to one f crlbe^ ( .p fortlieleHghoftimefor which tl.e r lo '. in Put er» sent, to dltTercnt olliccs tvyv'ture pom the Cash tSyslitn lti*!ci« of AdrcnUiuit Transient fvdvori«en)e»tß payable in advance; • r ! iivertwonient. quatterlj in advance. " 1 tn. ni. in. J 0 ui. ;12 iu. J 8 ' 1 " I 3 00, 4 s()| 6 OoJ 10 001-15 00 'Transient adv*ltoe«.i«.U 91 l*'r sqiirtre for lie first, AMtl flf '-y ( -e' Us for ,s ' ch _ - Cflierr* ,he * ""•«' Corci tiiiicl. TtUC i'.-WXX TiV IC. FntliH*ord B. \ es, o' Ohio, Pretiib-nt of 'lie Ui.it'ii Mi't' Wi'limti A. \MieJ.er, of York, Yiee- Pr, f i' ei t t-f d-.e Un Hd Slnt. fi. TliK CABINI.T. WiU'haii) M. E\«its, Ol M. w Yoik, Seerttary of nt'e , , Jolm sliTmnn. o! Ohio, S.cy. of Treasury. Geujre VV M Mct'nry, Secretrry of War. KiclinV'l Tlininj son, of Indiouti, Urv ui tlie Niivy. I'kvl Slmrz ot Missouri Sr-c'y. of the Intorirr. Chillies Dr\tOP, of MiitsaeliUSfctta, AUoruej n't T1 Dnviit M. Ky, of Tiern.essee, ros'n.aster- C'ein ral. _ Til F JlDlll.tltV. Hie SITUKIIK C'OUU'l' of THE unitkd STATES, . XTurrison R. Wait, of Ohio, Chief Juatico. flit than Clifford, of Maine, N.inli H. .Suaync, of Ohio, SamtiilMil ir. >f lowa, liioUl Davis, of Il.inois, fo»»|i)ieii J. Field, of California, William M. Htri tig, of Pennsylvania, j. .si'jth P.. Bradley, of New Jersey, tt'nrd llVnit.'if Ne i v York, Asaoeiate Justices OI It Nft TK (JOVt RX.nKNT, ICSttCUTIV K DW A KTMKNT. Thorns* J. .farvis of Pitt, Governor. James L. Robinson, of Macon, Lieulenant- Coveniii?. W. L Saanders, of New Hauover, Secretary tlf State. Jiihii U. Worth, of Rai dolpli, Treasrrer. ponni'a VV, ttain, of VVake, Ctdef Clerk. ,T t'. Worth, of Haiidobib, Teller. ])>•. Saniael L Love, of Hayu-ood, Auditor. Tlios. S. Kcnaa, of Wilson. \ ttorney-Oenerak Jiilih C. Scarborough, of Johnston, Superin tendent of Pub ie Instruction. Johnston Jones, of Bni ke. Adjutav.i-ticsn ry'.. J. McLcod I'urner, Keeper of tIK Capitol, flp rwood Haywuud, ol Wake, State Libia ilan. JIIDinARV. St.'I'IIKMK Cot'ltT. - U it. N. 11. Smith, of Hertford. Chief Justice, •'olin H. Dillard, Thos. S. • Ashe. Associates, W. 11. Bugley, of Wake, Clerk.of Supreme Cum t. 1). A. Wieker. of Wake, Marshal. . llt OF ESS ION AL OA MM. tj—» ——Mp—i——» NO. W. GRAHAM, JAS. ATGHAH AM. Hlllgooro, N. Ik Graham, N. C. GRAHAM &GRA HAS, . A TTOR.X 1 K AT I,AW, Ptabtice In the State pnd Federal Coi>rt», KPBpeei.il attention paid to collecting. JoTkerno dle , A ttonity «£, Low, 0 , , %!»». nr.c in the State and Federal Courts. i.t faithfully and promptly *tteud to all t>u«i •H'sb intrusted to him. •, • • v . ». g. P AR&ERj ATTORNEY, I OK AHA til, IV. C. "ill attend regularly the Superior Courts of ainaace Caswell, Chatham and Ran >'pii, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Mucss entrusted to him shall have faithful "button, 6-1 80. ly. T. B. Eldridge, Attox aer ftt lawi , ORAIIAMi N. C. ractifeg In the State aDd Federal Court*. rron.M Ui ' j * intfisted to him shall rectho rronipt a U( j careful attention. James El. Boyd, attorney AT 'LA W. A _ OPFIi-BHAT wsfcam &"®rec»s»«ro. _ thf^Cvi^^g M ?,lVTilßv ' TnewtaT fc.d tod At ( »'«engboro, Thuruday, f rfflwy DENTr^T GRAHAM, N. C., f§ io ar.y and all kinds, of fecial •»» t . lie protosldn. ofVeMop?M Cn 10 th ® ?rc4lmcn '- of UjK Attended ijf Town or CouKTar. School, REV \ W-PTALKY, A, w. A "• !' n S Mi» ' n Angust and e'oses the fol '•"t i n , on W-ftil and *4.50 p«r "month moß th. Abe number tf GRAHAM, N. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, " "1886." W ()«!(, AN Ess \V I'ltKl'Mil-.l) AN!) u*- V T. A r niK FiiiKxiss > cinjoi. KxinurrfoN IN (•UII.Koltl) t 'nrNT Y t^Kl'T. " 1880, «v }.J,S3 l!o>, ll'. iJtXON, OK S:>Uw (-'AMI', I?u s kiii ha- said that "ho- who do,-,, nol earn hi-s dinner, glials ii." \\hal a number ol theives there must Hum in 'ld- world! There seems to U a grow ing tendency in Hie Ame-ican | eoplc "c. evade woifc, espeeial'y manual labor • Irey ate anxious t#amass wvitbh ami secure fame and junwr, and in their eager litis e, are too apt to act upon n„. doiitillul principle, that -'Mhe cud jutiilie llie means," Every j crson in die wiitc world should be li.light iha( work is iKiimruWe, idle-* ness a disgrace. Whoever saw a Utfj man or woman thai was very bad? ill i ? the i-He hands thai are fcimd in mis . chief. , , Says nn nwiuent H'c.slcm lawyer: . "How i lcai 'y 1 nin Fi-c ihat tin; (V.-r mans in ih s c. i ti ri a:e ah. ad idtl'C naiives. i hey, pay (heir neiji nod I licit' lamiiies are almo.-t all in ooni- Sui i.ib.e eii. tuus'ai ces." ibe reason is l bey are wiHing lo work. Whaiv r bo Iho actual practice, among Americans, ii is generally hel.i that a miiu vvidiout a trade is an umeli able in in * and tints public opinion in stills into '.lie minds it b>j s, the ilea oi self (lejn-iu.ence while the parents make it A necessary pari of ■h ir eduoa ii»n. liut tile majority «>r ibe tue br« light up «iih 'tbe idea 'iliut ih- ir liilters nod Ur tbeis ire to sitji{)on them, ami thai tie c..iel eiul ami aim in' life is lo get married. W'e do nol sa\ that the yii Is do not wotky for lite eoniir I ry is tilled with overworked wean women, who labor at a great disadvan-' tago; simply biCMiise they were lioi taught lo earn their living, uci her do we stty tlnir pareuls do nol give (ham an education, but we do say they are iioi langlit that scll -depemieuce, thai "ileli iiiieness of aim," that conceuieniio i >; energy and lb. ugiil \Vhieli boys arc, anil W by not ? It ilie v get nrirried, arc I heir husbands not as lab'c to disease «ud death as llie rest of liiiinauil v, and if lliey arc never permitted to enter (hat blusful state, | must they S'ai ve? ri c ecitet al aecoinplhbnier.is of a lady qualify her f.■ r but one pre terfciOu, linn of teacher; when she may have no i.asle for the profession al all. It sJie has not bad the advaiilage of an educciion, ami is left with a family lo she i as helpless as llie cluiilren who clirg to Iter. Here is ft'c ler, taken from r> recent 11 it in lier of t lie New York Tribune. "I am oniy 22, tint last week inado me a widow. lam Ictt al >ne wi:11 my two vetr old baby and I must find some means of aupfmM-JiM' us, without liciny so pert: led itotn my baby. I could 1101 bear (baf, I have thought ot telegraphy and would ask y u what length ot time it takes to become a good operator, what the wages are, and it it can bfc learned A the telegraph tlle.c; also if one ot ordi nary ability can master it? I 'ioac nc\ci had to provide tor myself, silt* my prob ably long, lonely, lite of ui' b (lie world, holds many terrors for me; I so 1 would til myseJt, if phaSiblo to cope wiili It. Any intonn ttioii you can give me will be thankfully received." This is not a singla instance but even day hundreds of women are thrown uj > on their own resources. Then would not the wisest thing parents could do for (heir daughters be to fit tbc"--ci to battle wiili the world, givo ilicm some n e efnl trade or pre fession by which to support themselves. It w)uU then lift a burden of care Ir ra their parents and makq#the girls nobler women Ii is evident that li e time litis come for more decided movcniei ts in this direo (ion. We have noticed in fevrra! place* lately, the question, "What shall wo do with our girtfc?" This is a hopatiil rign, A ,ui in reply, we wonfl say let every one be»tunght flonie honest meant q: sup- I t '» ! Iff port. f ; )t, .j i f . . It sonic are shocked ana think it is al together oqt of. a s P'» cr ® lo learn a Iradfi let theip hear ,wh fI V Jfif 1 - C. W. kmemon my* aOoat hr ' WcMian s sphere A* toJp all«l»e cau «uhU .B*e best she cai. and IX} use ill the' powers God had lier.*»* V " '■ Madame De Siacl often boasted of the man/ "*,;»!* KtfgT* feting# . There ia uo to W, g»}» can do nothing. All ti'ades «' ,d P">t«"Mon« are open to Ihem, and skilled laborers in almost every department are iu do mand. ~ .■ j i But, do vou a»k somo of the trades and i>role«sloiK that are o r eu to w * men? • _ 4 , Iclogrsphy, printing. 'p'i■ >t• ■i»i-ft^S!iy, b inking |l»o>k-biiitHn'.r, (bniUM'f. tins gorv. j mviia 5 - tit . Sj.'ciml women arc supposing (hcin-trlvcs as farmers, oil - ers carry cm a largo «l.ii;v businosK, whi'c ■others arc very Mt- ( e«sfiil in boa culture, an occupation well ntlaplc.l t) our S>trh crn cliiiiate.. , ' I lie culture of i 1 k i* being tVrotlnre.l and ihcro is no reason why I!n> Soutlrcrn should not produce as fine si'le .-,s iu'3 made in Soullreni Europe, ii our j co» I'lo w»fil I only lake ii in linn I. A |T> fita!)!e hiiMiiess 'bra woman In-, inj! near some Ii "tu ishing market, would be racing of small fruits or coliivsH'ng flowus. Amdng tlfc dceont'ive til ls ire many departments, eepfeiaflv suited lo yirls. WooiKcngr.-.viiig is Very mtivliHM demand—tlcMgits f,,r all (aluics stamped —oicb as- punts, wall-) a per, and Vvood culs in bonks. China painting furnishes many gii'ls will employmenl. Archi tecture is another brand] to wliidi women d.fjbt well tkvoic themselves anil some are doing il to a great ailvan- I Jl *» 0 . Many of these profe-i>ns require a knowledge of drawing, a branch f■ 11y '•eglecied in ihe selu.ol- of 'cur country. II ha-- bitherto been regarded as an ao .„• inplisliment, ami consequently unncc es.; I V. Bill tisicc it may boome n means, ' •oi only of developing talent '."'loro nnsus pecied bill also furnishing a livelihood i -lio ild be (alight. There me some occupations will al ways bring ste tdy eni| I ymeutt such a ihe tailor's lendtydiess making and mil linery. There is no need lor girls to get the iitea that (Ireyea.i lo nothing but teach, to earn their living. They can do anil, .-In uld do that thing vrLicit they like bCsl. The daughters of the wealthy might renii r jioblc service in art ami science j ami ihereby .Luriify > lliemseh e* ag iu*i I reverses ol loriuno. Avenues of n»e:n!- ness are open (o tlicin,, that aie closed' lo ihe Jess weuHhy sisters. Lei t:icin surly drawing, music, painting. sculpture or ihc scientific brandies, chemistry,botany anything—so as to liavo something to live fir prosperity, ami should ad versity come let it find them Hell pre* parcl for the battle. Teach the giils t> ptii.lv themselves, and 10 see what 'heir specially is then encourage and help them to perlect litem selves In that specially* One JJ irl ma\ like to cook, ami If she prefers that to an> thing else let her do it and do not teich lier to think that occupation too de grading for a lady. Indeed that in" a profession of which every o ie should be maslei. Lo. k at Ihc good Miss Juliet Carson Accomplished in New York city with hoi cooking school. List year she had n c'a-s ol children from Ihe New Yoik II niic lor Soldiers' Families. This year ten of thrin are doing the entire cooking lor ihe iiffnuh 8 ot that imtitu ion, of at j least IGO. We now have a cooking school eM:;b« i li.-hed iu ltaleigh, supoiintended . b\ j Helen Campbell who seems to bo doiiifi great good in thai lino for thai city. Another girl in.iy have great skill in nursing :iticl caring for tlie sick, then train her for a physician. Some ma/ (have methanical taste, oljiers may be born natural crtists and write.;*. Cut whatever I hey arc taught to do, leach ihem lo do it well. i'WI.o sweeps a room as iti thy laws Makes it and tlie action fine." Pii-h;»i»a none of in will ever attain lb the perfection iu painting, that the re nowuHi French nilist, Rosa Doiiheur, has, and prrhiips wo will liewr be OH great writers as Margaret Fuller and George S»JU4, but «« «w*nf*ofo oui life work, that work by which wo can bciffflt and lift up Immunity tnoro than in any other, apd then prepare ourselves for that work, Ilia besi you can. • It is not enough iu thu world to be good; we mtfst be good for aoirfothfiig." | So, toall who are growing up lo wo tmanhood* we say, possess jouriclves ct as (Itorongii an education as colleges will now gite you *»»! eliiose some proles sipn or avocation by which yon can !>c* romeself-aupportiug and master it. Then should wealth and lriJn:'.« take flight, you cau via the battle uobly. ' TARN *>B©DI«AI. »O.*, NowMlifcri tfas a man who had two ■out. 11 1 ' And th? yrnngor vl them said (o his »iailu!i; *7F»MW unto mo ihe pop. ♦ iop,ofmM» l lo me -" ; And he divided unlo him his living, and rhe-younger sou purchased liiiusell an oil cloth grip sack and got Lim out ol that eouutry. . And'it cams to pass that he journeyed even unto Buckskin and Ihe country thai | Heih over agaiutt LcadVille. ( | And when lie whs come nigh unto lliu trn»«rs of tlic cii}*, lie heard nitric in d tl.lliciMnr. Amil he got him into ili.it | b'ce, and when In' nrr.se iiihl wont I is wnv, a hire-, '•i "tf "I llie f:a e sinoie upon him xiiiha sl;;w sii. tot gv A' jo o:icy,aud Hie voting or »ni wiM nof how il was. . Now in ihe second watch of I lie nixht lio jtrose :i«nl wis alone,and Use pieces ot gold ami silver were g >ne. Ami it \v:; a ?o. And +ie *i|tfte rfitd pftt tlbwn ami ie:il his clothes mi l threw ashes ami dust upon liimycH. Atrl ho went am] joined himself nnlo a citizen of that country, amfKe sent, him do a ii in a prospect s'lal't tor to djg.__ And ha had .never Induce itntf• W hero tore ho spat, ujiuh his hand* ami lay hold ol the long Handled shoved, Wherewith'they nYr wonV'td sfll \+l," s'ruck his el(> >w upon tlic will ot the shaft wherein l e Moo l, ;«.lid lie pott re I the cnMh and broken rocks airiest tbe back of his neck. And ho \y;ixcd exceeding wroth. A art be tried even \tt again, and be hoiil! ilre handle of bis shovel became {angled bttucrn Id# fegp, nii'.l lie tilled his ear ni h lull ot decomposed slate, and 1 ' i |-'-yifciW' : " k l is in that region r nnd about An i lie i-t not why it was so. Now, alter in tiny ilays the shovclcrs with their shovel 9, and the pickers with liuir picks, and ihc blasters with their blast, and the linUtcrs with their hoists, banded ihe"'i.«e ves together. and each said to his Icllovv ; (»otol Lei us el:ike. And tl-ey stroke. And tncy that slrakc were as the fan.ls ot lhe sea lor multitude, and lliev were terrible as an army with brtnilbrs. •> • And they blew upon the ram* horn and ibe cori.ct, and sacinit, and the tin e, and the bus* drum. Now it eamo to pnes that tie yttti gc son joined not villi tliein which did Mi ike, neither went lie out to bis work, nor on the highway, lest ut juiy time they that did s>ti ike should tall upon hint ami ,t■A i - O fl iilc.i him cut. atrit tfend lilin even unt- his home parked in,ice, which is even after the fashion ol that people. Ami he began to be in want. And he went ami'joined himself uu to a citizen of that ..Countryj ami l»e sent him into the iuuch room to find tourist*! And be fain wrnld have fllfcd hirhselt up with the adamantine c'ookics'nnd the iideslriictablo pin ainl vu'eauized san l-» w i h''s which the tourists did eat. And no man gave nolo liim. r And when lie came unto him ho said: Mow many hired servants hath my fa ll er on Ihe (arm w}th bread enough and to Vparc, and I perish with hunger? And he resigned hi» position in tie lunch business and arose and went unto bis father. , I.int when he was a great way oil he telegraphed to his father to kill the old cow and uuko merry, for behold! lie ha I struck it rich; and the oiditcutlcuiao paid, lor tho telegram. Now, the older son was in Ihc north field plowing with a p-ir ot balky unites, and when he came nnd drew nigh to the house heard idiuic and dancing. And he could not scctn lo wot' why those tilings were (lni«. Ai»| Iw took l lie girl by Iho ear ami lei) her a*vay, ami a»ko«l her, whence! cornelli this ftffmitj'? Ail l she funo'.c him with tho palm ol her hand, and sa!i; "this, llifi brother hath eomo, mid was dead aint is Mire again," and tliey began to lirtvo a fii£h old time. And the elder son kicked, even as a government iriule klokcih, aifd ho was hot ondcr the feoilaiViin! h6 gfllltefed up nir ai infill ol proiaiiit^ - anil g ii* in among the guest* and goj, h(«i up and girded his un I lit cut. Antl lift got him one learned, in the law and lie replevied Iho eiiti'c ranch on which they were, together with all, and si-iyM) u- U'C hercditaijiciit, franchise, calate, both in Uw ami etjuitj-, together with all , spurs, angles, crook*, variations, leal», viins o(, lead or silver ore, mill-iitcs, ilam-si'c.s, flti.-ne*, and each and every one ol tl)cro 1 firmly by these presents. And it w»9 eo.— Bi\\ A)}c i/i Denier Tribviic. £ , AMB.V«>'»tRMBT.! , . i iifßOit r -1 , . A "liired mao who has hern em t>lf jh#J on a f«nu in ibia county. for eral mo'utfj's ea&rPid *«|t agaiuat; bis,em ployer ilia oUim d"*y for balance of wage amounting, as he cixiiued, to $32. Tbi '•■ lit w*a on trial in jofcitca Alley yes terday, and it looked at first a'a if tb« plainti»r liarl a clear c\ic. !U gave date? and figures in a fctraigl'it furaanl way, auJ iucutd a very huuebl young uuoi. r • •, A 'I Whin the fanner took «fce Htand l.e ] I sail.': ~»(,? i iii i #.« i-»a4 'I clid'p an (jffd t for, iNo ! | I man need sue me for what I Ju,nc.sllv \ ( } owe. r* " h "■ a- ' | J ' What is fGltuflß-ji*' law. ! Iyer. - i • « % ,iv ««» j ■ 'iln is «n uuVJievoi.' ~ •In »h- i?' . * , '\» by in tlin bible. "MV'FfaV has Hut to'do WilTt )WWr. | j in„» liim BH3. . 'ijir'" 1 Mt h-iHn h>'ap to do witlil' i%« had | i .«ix tmnd-i in my einpl iyi , m»«l >'« J.W,re J , usliing when, I hired tlda ,|iian. ] I biwi witT) us two day's wfinn j j they ivnprf iit'the uiidifK of I I the for moon to i!UjHitn »">i»!»ortt' J Daniel J 'and the Lino's ik n, au» i?- ila rej'ijar k j * n:di> sVynlbtwing Jon nil. The man j *s»'f i I Simjis'jii and dro*«.m«»r a stun p anil ! j damaged the u.iu'h*tt«; to the tt.ne of $ ! 8 I | and tii® v'«m 6*cy niv H»y liptHtfe his ' |l* g uliilu il : .mi a f.-iKe to k«r r and i : see tlip ro \y started pser- tlsa Jpi^ij^n' 1 of Israel going iWonth lij'-l Sea. ! ? It wi'n'i h.-'ot-fj'Tny wifS'siid j, i -ho didn't hHif*TWndi'*M!ffe l | • raven«, ami hang | i aolf growing wwilsnui mkhi* j*! l - . 1 I havV my ot :3 fe, Jt? a-A*' L wyi h sn> tliies I d sue liiiu for a thous- ; i ; i, . r.; t.oods t«kij li nur>t f ' and iljttars besides. , C oirtf iMr' J twenty foi.r Pren ' ; I'reus. ' ~ r -fvt I ' :"> '!> »l. /V>*" i! ! •!**(» 1 „ (torrcapouiteiJte of T«e Otc*>Ba ) fooTTv^'&r . « a ivj tAmoa* hmMi Many and olt arc Ike timca I have ' ! elouii on the f \ iew it»u with ailnnrattou «slte-»i—l »is , : sweep i>l its "ligU , yT-W^* ; tr^•••«? , te» l, ( i from the innumcrablc'strcams jhat Tiav. | erse the immense piafearflront'lha*Apas j tachi.iii mountain chain to tlie . Conlel- I lento, and treni the great l^»e I pathless | l liiis of'tfie nS«irtliwe#K On ihe Eastern bank at utuvin place, arc |'ieoiyiti»ns cov*wed WA-h | giant trees that listened to t(ie nio»ic 'tit' 1 die waters when !>c fnmd I ! ic tomb and an eternal slumber bcncuth j j iis ru-Unnjc iid.9 . Oo the ,l*»nk 1 ! opposite Iven'ucky aise the col'ouwooil j forests ane teiiile Int'tonn of 'JtfeiotfVl. | ! Krnni tbe highest point o( (ha bluff at I llickuian, as far up and the eve I 1 can reach, i see rhd fl nc.in? palaces. T ftte 1 luborim; ttigvwllli • LnKs«rtu«Mn barijc.- ; in tow. the immense rim^ec..laf*. boats, siave-beats, pa>Hketa', and iuimciiße tri-lght borneV driven l»v llie giant Willi his iron arms, fwi'tMioy n p|«- ! j turc ot energy,, activiiy jiud. ( commerce I 11 uto be cqiiulleil elscwliCrlfln the cotin ' try. * a » mvii )a«IJ vH»q ■ I , In the dim distance, bevoiul ' of cottonwot-d a'ol Hie alluvial bottoms, : i the tcrtile plains of appeaf.fheie ' plai is aic teeming v.'ilb energy :,ii I j wealth. I almost lliptk t cap seo the j Ozark and Iron inounfain** W'iib"Vhcii , | iiuinense mineral wraith awaiiing de | velopiiutit; this country settled nj. by ati energe'ic, thrifty intelligent peo.de, will p! «i 0:1 be the weaMldes! in'tfftj landi Be l yon libis is Kansas, 4'l'exa«, C'|Wa«to, j ai d the great ''Far Wed," wtil^^lit^r exli tiistib'e agricultur.il anil inineral 1 | wea'tlr, lorining »he IhtintttliW 'fhf*! greu country. The«o-rich ami iferiik' . land* and mineral resources are ahead* I j Aiii-artiug men wiMi energy nnff eapltaf. | So >ll the greaa tfi r.iii prodii Ttng conn- I I try will lie in the Wc^l; iwul the 1 j sippi Valley manulacliirtiig es'auiisu | menu are alrea«ly eon»|>eilng *tt;ees»- 1 lull} with the Knaleru nmiiutactuferafc j The sum of It all is j em) ire,' the uiai niactuinig, mechanfenl and co.nmercial intci'Htia as'well a» I'm I eentic d population arc silently and t ap idly pw»vi*jg ,west ; ami* ibe pcot*fc) will demand that the eajn'al be more ccu- Irally located; then fraitftiiigtou wii. aiuk into oblivion.; juai aa sure ai. I continues, the metropolis of the CJuited , Stafos will be ibcatcdVoK 61" tnd 5114- tnssipfrf;' •**'- » m fl»l t*v »*• h-» From her -rentri»l locali»u, tram clmi I sit inn i»v 01. Uie went i; r uierco,—tltc Mis Jssiiipi, h:"!' neai'uess fo , the inolphf W ttlfe Nn-'SottVi, TnWoT» f, lfW Ohio fif rs llfr Of *h fMt ' road centre, Iter manafaclmlug d(/l emm moruial { tlM. 1 ii tercsta, of IhQ ..Muignudjim s'lMf#. . , Si; ii ' niii'bfltiteiny the dt > Wi'h tlliect coitlmrtAl ' ca lon« rr tn her innr ' kct iSi|^ lh4.\rt»r|.k« w .\*«tU|r 1 qttirc a uMpftet to tlHfteiif ni htel*. - ' me r ttiinro potiiioal, 1 | men ial ca|>ilM. "P* onJy.«t Vn*ip«l I f Sia;cabutoft).c * ii. b '■ ' I.' : t, fi ii' tnj •I ' * ' " ■'! ■' — t»» bMl.ku« 1 The iuundatiuu oQ , away a,g 1 eat p^4 ) Newcastle; linglaiif), f toftf,. VCHtfiF s bored, %|hidoil to as » 0110 t was put iiilo the witu^tl'O^^W^a* 8 * sizes. I lie counsel, asKliiK bus nauie, ccivetl tor niislrcr: m A«»ain. slr-AtlaW . "W.nere do vom , ««Ai»d how long hilv® J*>*t ( Paradise?" continued it»« ) arriatai-«w«l --"Evcr since the A >o.U" wa* the reply, ma I j in all simplify, a.g yjith no u.ieu. * tl»u to lit.ree a latign. It i- nectl'tv-ts In »rry tl u'l (he jdlgc 1. asked lot* mi explanation. 4W POIiIVKMAK l«b Si®. I M yah•?LV "*' l " Officer , Michael ,vl oci«>(( q( the | t'huch^iirp^ «t£aygt!d nt the I T"i uUi>, \f *iet\i;vy„a iwWfi*, iJiom he i b ii'l Ifflif l»Wn dfmilt ttrarV/rcet amf 6 ; bad called biril !Il *ohf 3:?s'" that being Hie number of bis shield. ' • l A*o ?*>!»■ ar WorXl re p*rer ask(,-U nm¥ : "Yes lam. he responded. I ii.iendf to i vote lor (iiarfield bcctftfo ' lie ' tooktbd lf. 29 and wouldn't give it back. 1 ad | uhic »neJ>A nimi." sr! •aw**". v ( T nfucJv.pn.jonr I ' Ye&,TFiev nfionf/firei? wci-k# I »„Q. i iv.-ig ilajuliiiff on the »»rirer of »\>«** V'fcec, whm a I ivell-dr'ra»tf I my«iait»Mlf tiint«L u w»va«*Mrr ! I a bio. k np, , J wtv tlfsL o ; *ee if hi; revolver .and, billy urre ail , ri tf'A I grti up lo tbe h( j p.in-3.,)»t « M quiet M MU#M( >X*»3 f«% i**? ' nifty's fHe fcirfn as dWWH Hfty , >jj#|rrf-82*tm»ti, I "'Yes, and fkat's not. n!!,' «a>A idT ■ ' Tbcie'« a woinno a rot; ml (lie o.v-cr , wiiii"'*? lh« *lk fc»t«*»rr onr i m-Jji foUU4L j)l *J22-'w ~r» h.«H4'«, I*** »ii ► A Qutomt oi*:» ,iox- ««i ,ii win •^p C i4t*a -;|Mi*,e | jaiindn man rao*iv»jr UuMl?c*..t ' clirtbtite. Tjie oa'kcr itrew loaves •of iircitfat inr wife, just &>#. Tl, o j b-»ok man over the* fea* ffeff toftrrbM lii* SJ 4 ) b wiler- - ■— «ay*^**Wr# Wctw*3W vm - r 'TVeff. fust waif? lie *av«, and then MfA&fr 4 ifWfl MmHW •'♦okfc UatVilw tint l heafdv *f im mm 'ilw.-Wmii mm «d »•.•' ,)»4r«K-;! 1 «?» r twlMSta ihti BTh iDtlnocrit. a* *— t. .. r . • -|[.' .iK tiami io A *WV! T f«wn»jr» ww«., A1o»»*> «hh«Tm*ii li.»s dUct>vt-rcd a |w»rtfie»f- woman at He.« m, gai«fr «T to ft? "»"| wbieli Mirarie-I his sutMHfon. « «fe pelnQed baud projrndiu 2 Jr»ijn II i« uni.d »AH f*bbfeson life beach. 11? a *fiort coniplcie HSt ot iuu. It mm sinanTll iise, T»i in color a>i'l scraw - ny and eiliv iniod. I M-^frrtSct*>W a hiiloou* ap{»ciUAMct;» anl ilm b«v origin illy' mint Imve lo a Sniveled, sickly wiMkii\ Tlrti ndTc> , Juc:i*u V Lika ftitfler in the a «f fJ. \\ ilion, ol 6>ii» I' i.tiicMCO, Ijna ttfrred SIOJ f>>r it, as io{m«eniit in Hie Acndt my ol Scfenco. ii« all t iru6al>ility Hie I»-hIv of an Indian woman. Tii#rti«a Iniui-ion ihM years npro il.c fndians hail a Imiile at t uscade Ukt, in wbich lh) =iiis«s i >iiiej, uinl iljc dtrad. n e r on «I|Q shore on lie L'uder ccnaiii coudis ( ffrJfJaWp Iht rran cub. ver |>e'r fi«"; nu.ro «4 Ovini)\ in * :iw. Lho flmlrr wanN >• pnd«blo ihHt Ihd will be paid.hv the A cade asv lenw, and Mie rnpfi.sely N>nt ,fo ian Frauciboo.- C niton i Nam da) />eil. - '- .WHU J A Ml«w Juliag, ia.i I •.. wKi aiaa. tifT I i.d manager of a coni'.irj^ t«ou troit, was *a |. f ,V s l£\'& 1 > f?;- f{W M*9 22f !c8 «ll g% Te , 3f9FK *" miVr. IM* the bjtnit w •'tflWß lid *i if V*fl»y >l»4>Mtarft |'ie filing 4W fefiinMM****** (p !-y*>|«r mj ttll 4mt4t •* «4afv *4l ■;*h»n"i «.-# a «lii i&«S2S& mt 'Yloto Rt»oe* ib* t«# n Mt wait !' »»***4 bb^ ! f^« >•«! 4i««j,iiad n|*tho - oa*n rre«iAk biPe l>9V? r y .* rot* Jtt fmth?r argument. .uii» oa • i H*a of Vbe »ftgaM j l4n« b*k+l*g to if o r tfokmK )«o.l»-4Ji*afl» It k « Mscww &J yw> k M*+M |4* FkHiird>a«onfidrt wwaraiti tbW f to*' I pliur, Am. Ameiiei n that »,t 1 , l !r ll ' ot} l>.. A,tii*iuuijd i.eoklacp yrh^h rn Vft c I Women do v«NinM4« tlowrrt Li/ji'tea j Uinv bhut when iliej tlai^. '"k;

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