VOL. 6. JKantitHre ©lcaiirr, ! ia'liUSl!E!> Will KLY AT i nhnin, A'. (', llUlrhh/ 0 §' Kcntodfe, j p« (ll'ttl E IDKN. . et#wllSan vajewjirifc ' one Year • 1 •?? i n ; x Mouths .• I farce Months ...... '•■ -M) j I'very person sending us a club of tun ku.',- p..'l! jei s \vtflt tliv e.isb, entitles kiiiMult to one | free.for tlie.len.rh of time for win eli the ; j H made ivp- Php® l '* 8C1 " 10 different oilices ! Yo Dc/)«i't« re JfM the Cash Si/slcm j f\ | AiK I'UKPAI.D AT Til S )l KICK ' ' A«vivnrifi*« HATES: • i i'i. If in.- Sin. }i 1 eol. rTo" * 1 50 i 2 01) * 4 O'l * 7 50 *l2 CM) ; , } . } o-j 2 0 •- r t 0) 11 00 io 00 j » .. j 175 250 .i •") > bOO 13 50 IS 00 Imo i 2 00. 3 IX) -1 50 lK>i» 15 (HI 2i 5e , .. .. ' 301 450 fi O'J 10 50 17 50 30.0 • i g .. | 4 .JO, (510 .7 51 12 50 2*oo K7 ..0 • H •' i 6 50: 1&.00 '3 50 15 00 8> 00 UHv] !■ i!) (jOt 15 CIJ IS 00 20 00 -JSOO 8"> t() | Ti-ailv 'dvci t.b'ju.ent.. changed ip.'.utteiiy if! d'mircd. „ , l,oc-il notice#- »'••» cents a line, nut insertion. i Ki/'luc.ii inserted loi less tnnu flfiv emits. Of it » » v i * •'* I • ;/ ®r«'r* of ibf S'>«te«-if j THE i xicci"irvK. j; ( , il li t» . \ «i (71. Hi, 1 'rt t i .lcll t (if ! i I I.' i - >.lt. -. a i ii;i..j f \ Vs'l'i. iter, of Nfw ork. \ iet- ' . I'.m I nit-- Sim- -. ; I'lrK CABIM.T. | .: M. 'ih « V. !k. S« crctary j , > ~•■• " I /,„■■ „ in. o! Ohio, S e'v of Treasury. I Oe. iue «V M M' l Ho y. iii i-. i''r.!'V of War. | UieW-! W. iii tmpbon, «l lii'liii.ia, Secre tn. y ill l Ik* Navy. ! ('Vcl ol Missoiu-i fi-e'v. "f 1 lie I ili rii i . Cluirk'6 Drvtlis, of 3i'a.".iaC J .iusitl.s, Attorney- j (.fi!»ral. Horace Maynard, of Tt tines-sir,, I'osii. aster 1 f■ on rah TJIK .niairi n!v. TilK Sl'l'itKMK OUUT OS" THE UNITKH , STATICS. Morrison R. W iii, of Ohio, Ciiief Jusliee. Kiitiian Ciiffoiuli, of Maine, N"iilt H. Sw;i| ne,.of (rtiii>, Saiian l •! Miller, of lowa, lliiviil I l.ivis, of Jiiiuois, %t|.l»..||i l. I'icltl. of (Jaiibrnim, "\V:lliain M of I'enii'.ylvnnm, ,) isejili P. Isr«di y, of Mew Jersey, Wart I Hunt, of l?e"v York, As«oeiaitf Jus'iees | ot'it * n'i'e .;o vit mm iv i'» j i: x lieuti vk u Kra I;T m icn T. Tivonas J. Jan is ef riu. Governor. James 1,. Robinson, of Macon, Lieutenant- i (iovernor. J W. L. Saunders., of Wake, Secretary of j fe'titc. Jd!i:i M. Wwth, of Rand'olpli, Treabtirer. l)(ntai«i W. Bain, of Wake, ('hie' Clerk. T (J. Worth, of itnnd'ilol!, Teller, ))'•. Samuel L. Love, ctf Haywood, Auditor. Tlior. S. Kenan, of WiNtm.* Vttftruey-Oeueral.. •li'lin C. of Johnston, Superiu- j ten lent of PnlvUe lnstriietion. Julin-ton Jo.jes, of JJurke. Adjutant-Genero". | .1 MeLcort I'urner, Heeler of th (Ja)iHol. j Plierwooil Haywood; of Wake, State Libia-' 1 I hill. 1 110 FES HON A L C'A Tl DS. JN'O. \V. (i HA 11AM, J A s7a7 GKAIIAM, liillsujro, Graham, N. C. GEAHAM & GRAHAM, AIH'I:M*AI I, AW, Practice in the State pnd Federal "Courts," t>'3"V>peeiil attention paid to collecting. J. D. KEIINODLE, Attorney at Law, «PA II 1 »i. !\.«s , ' ryticos i„ the State and Federal Cents ' /-titiifully and promptly attend to all tiii.-si •H-rtintrusted to him. I 2» B. PARKE It, ATI'ORNE V, (JKAUA.TI, IV. ('. attend rrgularly llie Superiov Courts of Alamance, Caswell, Person. Cliaifaain and Han ■'otph, and tie Federal courts at Greensboro. «»sinCHB entrusted to him sl:aH liuve laithful 'Httntion, ®-l 80. I}-. T. B, Eldridge, Attorxier at Law, GIiAUAM, N. C. jij u ' l u «s in t'.e Slate and Federal Courts. ah unsines- intructed to bim fliall recei\e t'oiapt and careful attention. - 1 E.Boyd, , A TTOItNE Y A T'j-AW. """ OnillHAT & Orceji«boro, Practices in all the Courts. at Graham, Monday, Tuesday and ii-.d * . '- v At Urccasboro, Thursday, Friday ,r,(l S .turlay. 7 14 Dr.J. W. (siifii.lt 13Jj]N r TIST CJraiiam, N. C., ' 'tt '!,- 7 P rc ) lHr e(' to do any and sit kinds of U ''*S to ttio profession. liseaLJ u'ivea to the ' treatment o! {p* °f the Mv)UTil. LLS A rr;si>ti> IN TOW.H OB tNiUNisr f>l *- i eo7w. l7on^, General Practitioner Medicine and Surgery, WRAHAM, W. V. i 1 J f 1 ' 8 ' 1 drag* always on h nd. • I". ORAHA.M, N. MONDAY. NOVEMBER* 29, 1880. POET BY. CfcJßß—Sßßmak TTlmxt» > j MMIWJJLHUL— "HI) 'Hi. I, i; It, ; Maud M iller w.irkjd at •■akin-' hav, t Ai:u oXui td iici Iwtty a uav'." i ;V Ul e " s;u ' u ," : , U (1 i;i the xv : t Min.-hiuc. a> -lad as a l.iiJ in M, IV ! 'B i l,..iry All ii' il,e the lon- d ," v j She i.ie.."l ii, th • 'ar'off town, i A ( son le.edj e - \v.;e „ , or d )WII . AMI uie S >e.a >O„- ui,,l rl| . ailg , a isCits 1 J.e.a uiji a ) h nt.ti.ii lasie oLehee.-e. I Ami an ajijieute au-l a uaniele.-s ache I »"?,■» vt'ttler and a Kinder cake. | Ine Ju.ljjfj rode »to;»l/i.,t„ \ „. a; _ I Slopped nis horse in ih • shade and threw I ll'.- line e il oiu while the b.iishiiu Maul j luucii ut I he kind lie "chawed' ' r.' "-a INh. he s lid eiihauink I And lu d I. linm-iii tliat a -ood s ,uare drink v\ oum nr-iee lam.' t>> the e:ip was tilled j U nil tin ensirul h Lne t,e out rynne, , tilliM; And .-he -axe ic to hi u with a siia'bro'.vued hand j I hank-.' > iid rhe Jtid,e, in aei-jut hla.ml; ! tliousai.d Huink.-! In'r siveeter draught jl' i tail a luii l.and! hul ih re he hiiuhed | A nil t! v fweel ill ftoi il in 11.(: ;uu that day j And rnk.-d i.iste.id of the h.iy. I '■Sn-eli IV rjnanii V el lliom,' tait] llio i\\ ill •i\ \\ iim.ii, 'ulia 1 lining nulio'.lv 1111\ j iC".''l !' J Ine fiolilen S«'|i|("iti'l)i'r Pivns'iiiio was i -J' c'i inj; nil i lie 11 p I nil 11 s in \ cllo iV In i j hi - j ihe itvanl couriers of the coinioo : II I-; Il id I 'liehlM I tie iwajiles a 111 sHllia > ■ l '. il Ii ii n i fii, niiti ibii wild l; t;ii|k s in !lie V.'Ofiis eamc Ireijliiiuy Hie tlir s\i h »■ \e ei'i '.i'Ss. S,ifli wild jii r c.-, (■*•>—ureal l lnoini mass.'S of | urjll •, mil-lined egiinl'i I heir t a :'k, ne; i leaves. 4 as Ll s »11.t■ e;icii;i• 11■ 11 hainMntd l,itn«' all Inie ■ lores! iii-lc-5 «i h [lemlmlo ol illllel li vst; • 111 c• j • 11y lircy won!.l make !'sai I the Widow iiiion, sliatliiiii lier lai ee black ey-cs wiili one hand, as she looked up \\ lute 11 ii* vines had landed a copse ol cedar irees. 'And ilie jireservc-! And (lie price Ilu»\ would bring in mar l:el ! I reall\ do lliink thai when I railed Ihe G'en Collate, r the pin ,'ilcgo ol the-e wood.i into iho bul - imia; more cv| twially as Air. Ksseluioiil is in lv.irope, ,mil Mm' grnpes t:re lioioj: nob.nix nnv H>od.'. Ami ihe W i low Winiou dretv a deep sigh, as Ihe wi id walled a fresh gust ol liaurance loward her- Ihe euici, inde seribalde aroii.a of ripetiing grape* in 11le crucible ofaii'irnvn Stinsliinc. The Wi iow Wiiilon, be il niideraloou. was nc angular inalnwi or wrinkled old beldame, but a rosy little personage ol two ot Ihree-and twenty, with laiighiii_, sloc'bhick eaes, long; lasbctl and almond shaped, a saucy, retrousse nose, and lips Hkc aclefi rose-bud. And as f»he stood lliere, with her cl fin pled bands interlaced above iier- cees, a rebellious resolution formed itself in her heart. '1 will have them,' tai l the Widow W iiitot.; 'us well as Ihe tehoolbovs an:i ihe spa'rows. And il I w ere to a-k thai crustv old agent, I know lied leluse so I shall omit that iitlle ceremony. I'll vend 'ein into town, and I'll take the money to yet me a new (all hat, lor mine has been posiih'ely shabby ever since (lie ciape got soaked Hirougb in that smn j nier sliov.cr, three weeks ago S.mday.' And the Wi low Wiulou went home to Ihe little cottage on the edge of (he wood, which had once been a porter's lodge io the lisssclinem eslate, and loiih her -is.ci w hat she had dclermi ted np- 'Fannv,' said Mhs Chaii'y Hall, who i w t. & (on years older than the widow, and I m "ood uiiiiv decrees graver, 'pray dou i f n • think cf siuh a thing. I W'hi li .M ? said faniM'.' 'lt would be stealing!' 'No, ii hou!dn'(,'»toull) fl {J cd Faii -11 v. ' There ilk.*)' hang, doing noh nly any g"od; an I it's a wicked, unlit shame! And Mr. Esseliumt is in Palis and that cms® oM crab ol an a«ent se.s lip a cry it one d mm but bi pak ofl a *pi ig I use arguing; fhe grape* 1 u uut» uml the ! grape- 1 II If'tVc!' I I wouldn't,' s.*ii* 1 Mis« C h iii'y. s *~'T\ U O lof Widow WintOi). And she look down a li:ile wieker ua-kei, wiih a twisted handle and a d iub e ii i) and lippC'l v.fl. 4 |low are yon going to reach tuem? said Miss C juiitv. 'J slial. climb,' sail he « • loW 'You?" cried Miss Chari'y. «Yi'3, I!' nodded the wid»w. Bu' slie was yel engaged in gathering U.e purple spoils that hung, ripe and tempting, within her roach, when there was a crackling of dry leaves under loot, mill a tail young man, in u suit ol dark i colored clotli and a T> r • ese hat, stepped light > i no tl.c forest gia-te. •It's tli" new rector,' said the Widow j Winton to hersell. 'To think (but !»e g.iou'd have blundered along at this ver> time of alt others ! But I way as well make the besi of it. Ami she turned aionnd lo gicet the be»ride ted new-comer with « ' wcc | miiie and the inmost sell possessioi^ 'W id you have some grape,.?' mit fe !,e I h"l iint^out the twisled wiiker has, ; Kcl.' • —. j '1 1 beg your pardon!' stammered I the stranger; 'L'tti 1 niu.>! have tni-taken in\ way. i supposctl these wire the KisHtn ml wo.ids.' j *Bo ihey a.te, 1 - Miid the widow, 'an«d 1 ;am stea inu ihe K-seltnotit grapes —be i c ittse, \ nit see, 1-vj iciVed liie lit 11.- collate yoltler. ami L really thi k th | grapes ought logo wiili the coil a c I don't \ wi?' 'Uealli,' said'lho st ranger-th's Wi 1- o\v Winiou Inul perceive I bv this time jihat be was tall an" straieh l , wfali j l''eisa:it hazel eyes and I mg, s-iiky in utU laelie. '1 km iv so little abuUt/hc prop- I erty here—' i 'On, ol course not said the w'i.l'>w ,-i(- j ling dowii laden t tee, u ii h In r little | Ihu k si.k apton lull of grtpes, 'Dul J can ted joti, .Mr. E-selniout, who cwus j i he propeiiy, is in ivtrope: am! tin | agent is melt a cross old ludgc that one i e.i .'t ask tor so much as a bunch of wilil : ll.wtrs—a legiilar crab, jou fuow Tope iug her luighl eyes v_ry ji inphasiz! Ihe idea. Mow very dUj^reeable!' said the stranger, who had lake i a seat mi i , mossy log, bed les the widow, and wa -1 riling grapes as ii it were the most nais ma! thing in Ihe world, j 'So 1 jit-l concluded to help myself,' : s.ii i i lie widow. '■>" I inn eivi','said the hero cl the ; siiky moustache. ' » ouhin t \ ( ,(i, jf you were i;i in> I place?' said the widow. '(Jcu:illnly 1 would!, said /Iho j man. 'And if you wip allow me, I wi I j icip you to help poursclf.' * Lint you lniven'i «i iii'e,' saitl the Wid j ow ll'iiiton, dubi itidy. I 'On, yes, 1 have! s«id tl.'O stranger ! plenty ol lime I asutie you 1 was only crossing ihe woods lo call on the new j reetor, and —' j I lie purple cinder of g.npes slid t * ! the ground, as ihe Widow Wiu'otf slarh ! ed up in iimnz meut and dismay. 'Oh, de.i!'cried she;'l thought you were the-ncw rector!' The strangrr I inglied. 'Do 1 look very clcticd?' said he. 'Then \ou are the aaeut's sou front (/a.iadn !' said she.' 'Oli dear! Oil tlear! And l'pe been calling your lather a rial), and all At-irlso! nanies-. Oil, dear! I beg J your pinion, I am sure, but all I became, he is a crab!' •I'ray don't distiess yourself,' soolhcd ihe stronger. 'I am no relation al all to Mr. E- elmont's agent. The Widow bright.-lied up a little at I this. '1 am thanklul for llwvt,' ?aid she. And no v, il y u will hdp n.e with Ihe grapes 1 nc can get them all gathered before the bigent comes this way o.i his alternoon walk. Can yon climb?' j '] should iat her think I could,' prompt ly answered the gentletnan. The witlow chipped her pltiurp little hinds in delight, as tiio huge bunches rained \nvn into frer apron. 'Tuere,'cried she, 'that'senough!' 'Are you quite sure?' •j 'O.i, q»ii:e,' said the Widow—'for ju!- Iv, marmalade anil to send a lot to town I ' io buy my new bonnet strings.' T.ie Mranger fi| rang lightly to the ' grou.id, Irom the boughs ol n stalely : beech tree. j 'IIn n i'is all light.' said he. 'An Iwe ' have outgeneraled -Mr. Eisclmont and j his ci nssold ag'-nt, alter all. 'Haven't we? t.;id the Widow Win* j ton. wiih her black eyes all dancing with J nii-i;..iet. 'And now it you'll come j l.ome with me, I'll give you a cup of j real French chocolate, and a slice ol l iHninne cake.' i 1 o '1 thai! Le very happy lo carry your I basket tor }ou,' said the stranger, cour- T le JU-.IV . I 'Thoicfhc f» now,' said the widow' ic ( coiling a little, as they iieared the titty ; collage with its drooping caves and pil ; lured veiatida. j • Who?' mi id the gentleman. ! 'The agent,' said the Widow Win-* ! '°»- | _'Uc can't hurt in.' said the stranger. Anil-he walked boldly into the very I presence of Mr. sfcmdy ' wiih the basket ol plunder.l gra;ies on ' his arm: while the widow lollowed, ' much marveling at,his valor. ' But, instead of bursting out into ins vective the agent sprang to his loot, and' ! began bnving and scrap'.ug mwtobse ! qtuously. 'Keally, sir—really, Mr. Esselmont.' said be, MhU is a pleasure that I didn't expect.' •Mr.—Eiselmontt' cried out tl*c wid ow. 'J b.'ga thouiand pirdons lor not dis closi.ig luy identity bcfoic!' tail (lie bauiiso n 'eneog.niio.' 'Dut you have no idea htt.v I have enj >ye I Ihe in»sq jet •> rdit. Will you ullow me to introduce myself formally at last?' The.W'i iow Winiou lurued criuimn said she. 'l!it! I've been stealing your grape-,' said she 'Kvcry fruit and LL iwer on iho KtcU inont estate is al your serviee,' s:u«l die \O ing lii'ir, wiih a-l>).v and a smile. 15a; when lie ivc.it away, Mi-s Charily took her younger sister torin illy to t a a k, 'Fanny,' sai l the, 'are you not ashams ed ?' 'Not a',it,' said Fanny valiantly. 'Stealing Ii nil like a. sidnolUiy, ait;ff romping like a c iild, rain mstru!e 1 Charily. 'lf Mr. Esselmont don't mind i!,• .-aid the widow, 'why sh in h 1 I? Ami we are going to the ban:.led springs to-mor iow, an i 1 shall show him to the rocky, ylen. Oil, 1 can tell you, Charity, it's great fun! Il'iH a- ti:i»a crept on, Miss Chirity llallirit w more uneasy still. 'Fanny.• said she, 'you must leave oil flirting w itU.(«u\ Ksschn nit f* ' Why ?' said t he widow. 'Uecaiise yon are poor and he is rich; and people arc beginning to ta'k.' • Let 'cm iiil.V* said Fanny. 'We arc lo be mil lied next month, and then we can set the whole world al defiance; and Cuan'y—' hiding hur lace on the cider sist jr'S shoultl.T. 'Well?' 'lie says ho fell in love with me tliat day hecaugl.t me s'ealb.ig bis grapes!' 'Humph !• s id Miss Charity. 'Well, you've stolen his liea I, so 1 don't sec but that you re quinf Si I'l'or.mo TIIH Vl'\K, One of iltf II»rror« of Uar l'ltidl) De »rvibc-il. Did you ever see a ba'tcry lake posi i ion ? It hnsii'l the thrill of a cavalry charge nor Ihe grimncss of a line ol bayonets moving slowly and determinedly on, bin there is a peculiar excitement about ii that makes old veterans ri»e i.i thei. saih dies and cbccr. W'u have bic:i at the edge ol the woods, Kvcry cartridge box has been implied once and more, and a fourth of the brigade has melted away in dead and wounded and missing. Not a cheer is heard in the whole brigade. We know that we me being driven foot by foot, ami that when we break back once more the line w ill go lo pieces and ihe enemy will pour through the gap. I fere come help! Down tho'crowded highway gallops a battel y withdrawn from smno otlioi position to save ours. The field fence is scattered u bile you could count (hilly and ihcguiis rush for the hill behind us. Six horses to one piece—tlu o riders to each gtm. Over dry ditcbos where a farmer would not drive a wagon, through ..-lumps id bushes,, over logs a(o il (hick, every horse on the gallop, every rider lashing his team and jelling—lho sight behind us made lis forget the loe iu Iroiit The guns jump (wo leel as (ho heavy wheels strike rock or log, but ihu a hoist si icKeiis his pace,,not a cannoneer loses his seal. Six six caissons, sixt\ horses, eighty men for the brow ot lull a» il lie who ."cached it (ir»t was (c be kni-hied. , • ' A m iii.ciit ago the Lattery was a cm fufco i limit. Wedlock ngalu mid ihc hx yiins are in position, ilie detached horse* hurrying awav, Ihe ainmuni ion click's open, and our line i tins (lie com mand :* (Jive them one more volley an*l lull buck to support the guns 1' Wc liaye scarcely obeyed when boom! boom! boom! opens the battery, mid jets id fire j imp (iuwii (iinljfic iKL-h lite green trees mt ler which w%ought and despaired. The shattered old brigade ha- a chance to breathe lor the first time in three hours us we form a line ol bade behind the guns and lie down. What uii n, cool tellows these ciiinoiieersarc! Evcrv man 14 a pertect machine. liu 1 let» pla«h dusi into (heir l ice*, but they do , not wince. liullcts sing over and around them, but they do not dodge. There goes one to the earth, shot through the head as lie 6 ( wnged his gun. The ma chinery loses jiist one bea!—mlsics }ii«t one cog in ll.a wheel, and then W'»rk» away again as bcloru. " 'Every guii is using shori-fusc shell. The ground shakes and trembles—the roar shuts oat all sounds irotn a bailie line three miles long, and Ihc shells go shrieking into I lie swamp to cui trees short oft— to mow gioit gaits in (he bushes—to hunt but and sLaltcraiid IJUJIS gle men until rheir corpses cannot ba rec ognised as human. You would think a tornado was howling through the lot est, *oll"wed by billows ol fire, and yet men live throng!) it—aye! press forward lo capture ttie battery ! \Ve can hear their shouts as ihey form lor the rush. Now i Ikj sheils arc changed for grape aud-cannisler ami the guns are fterred so last that all tins teporis blend in one mighty roar. 'J'lic stirick ot a shell is flie wit&edeel sound in war, but nothing in4Wcf the flesh crawl like llio demoniac hinging, purring, whittling grape-shot ami ilio serpent like lii-8 of caiiuMer. Men's legs ami arms are not sliol through but torn off. Heads are torn in. m b)d» ies and WQtiies cul in two. A round shot or shed lakes two men out ot I lie r iuvß B« it cra«lics through the ranks. Grape and caniiUter mow a swath and pile the dead on lop of ca;!» other, I (ho sin >ko jvc 80c a swum of men. li is not a bitilc linn, bu'. a m.>b o! men desperate ejiougl; to buhe llicu bayonets in the 11 imc of the guns. The guns leap tilie gcoou !, almost us • hey are depressed on Iho toe, and sin ickc tiitl screams and shouis bJeiul into one awful and steady cr>Twenty men (Hit dI tliL* hat lory are cln.vn, unit tli*.' tiring is interrupted. The fot! accents it as a sign ot xvavor ng and come rushing on. 1 uey are not ten feet atvay when tlie guns ;;ivc ilumj. a I .st shot. Tint! discharge picks living men oft (i»ci«* lect 'itnd i titv»s them into the swamp, "a blackened bloody miss. Up h'jvv, as the enemy are among the guns! 1 here is a silence often seconds, and then the fl tsh and roar of more than 3,000 muskets, and a rush forward with bayonets. For wlun? Neither ott tin? right nor the loft, nor iu the front of us ;s a living toe! There are corpses around us which h.»vc neen struck by ttiree, lour and even s>x bullets, and no where on this aue of ground is n woninlcd man I Iho wh .tls ol of the guns cannot move iiii!ii the bl .ckade of dead is re moved. Men cannot pass from ca*sion to gun wit out clunking over win rows ot dead. Every gu:iand wheel is smear ed Willi blood—every tool ol grass has its horrible stain 1 lis;oii ins write o' the glory of war. IJurial. parties saw mur.lcr where histo rians ju.v glory.— Detroit Free J'rcss. 1 iI.K !. Mi iu Jlitu. M\TUIM Kl. Q Mv jouujj unsopiiMic tied fe'JoiV mas cnliuc sutlci cr,'iMin ilie douhic-birrellcd pea sli-rou-r ol ex) ui me ii tut bliooi ibis pea ot advii-u Into tour ear* Never, 'while \>u live, «*iu»tt matrim my. It necessary ■, die lii'st. Death, in its most aggravated and I'nost torturing form, is a miik punch alongside ol tko aljcs of the connubial state. Matrimony is a snare—a base uimiiii ga'.ed, unpreinediiated Iraud, aid calnn ilous ca'astrophe. It is a yawning, bottomless abyss with ipiked sides, out of woioh no light can ever como. It is a vcheacut vottex that swali >w« and crushes like any angry anacon da. iShun it my young fiicnd aayon wrnld the shade ol thedeadly Upas tree. Touch it not wiiti a leu foot pole, bu* keep aloof—very aloof, Once fettered by ina riinony, there is no hope for the wicked. The honeymoon waxetli but little bnlin ol Gilcad, and then waneili like unto the red hot setting of a summer mil; The first born spi 'i.gcth tip like a this tie, and its oft down but hideth a uiul of thorns. These thorns pricketfi Like cambric ncedies, and are as numurofltras sands on the seashore or candidates lor a v tc.in cy. There arc troubles likewise. Direful dicadtnl I roubles, that lollow iu the iv:ike ot the lirst-born as sparks make up the train of a shootiHg Slav. Ihe second b »->ui is Out an enlarged and improved edition of Ilie lirst, and the pair are worse than cayeuuo pepper and ail C'ectiou I lot. I hoy wix>Kl exhaust the patience of a steam piano and demoralize the brain of a Republican ofll :e-hdder. And the wile—ilie loud maternal en gineer of thc»e pet misfortunes—having cross tl tliu Uubicon cf gentleness and been baptiz.-d in the mil I o| sour temper is. foil) degrees wor»u Iha i the first and pCttuud booms. I iipe h«s ml bed tlio blue ufl the grapes the fuzg. irpui llie.pegtUi, and 4,10 liai gs upon ).«fir family upo a withmed crab ■ipplc—sour itu«4 shrivelled; v, . tji t Vet, she lorgetfaijiad thie. Slkj nia'-clli Hcrs«J; lu.UiQ, heydsy ot her ; yuuib —titpLhqr j charms a«e yoi resplcndani, and thai she is as fresh as a daisy dipped i 1 dew, audi that 70U' must obey tier behests with the alacrity ! ol a youildul iovcr. Vain deiusioul Ingloi ions snare! liaecfcss fabric of a dream. Tlureloro ) oang man, ratl.cr let the jituson weeds grow rank and wild about your hcarls'iings, and >our ardent ntlec tions go to seed liuiu endeavor (o send four name to |>o*lci il > tiirongli the cou> j telephone. Urn Iter grow up ignorant of domestic lbM»s Ihuu unite vour destinies with u hot tempered virugo and a hoiiscltil ot tor pedoes. Life is short at best. Mai tied lite is shorter and by far lite hottest. i'herclore, let the cool zephyrsol sii.gle blessedness UII you i.ito glory forever and eternally.—Auien. II * TV l.inlc He I'iiltninil, Wc ent ait I drink. Tha greater pait id utaukiou is engaged in planting and harvesting, and preparing lood to- keep (lie race alive. Does lite wisC6t savant understand plant lite? C.»u lie understand how one ■eed produces wheat and another rieo? I Not in the least. , No we uitde.-sland the process of «li igestiou? Do we understand how the loud we eat becomes bone and inn?ele, utrve and Ulood>ve88Cl? Doctors study oissccl and ana!\ze; but how little they understand. A celeb' ateilTreiicli doctor said: 'A doctor4s a man who pours medicines, ot which he k.iows little, into bodies, ol which he knows less. St. l'aul said it all long ago ill the words: 'Here »c*cc through a glass, darklv ; but then lacj to I act: now 1 know in part, then shall 1 know even as also 1 aiu known 4 le-i, the wisest only knows i:t part, bir Isaac NJWIOII 'he greatest of phi losoptiers, sai l tlt ,i the more he l.*aru:d the morj he ioUud lo leant. NO. 40. J.ticli ?*• Iv:iilcc iii' knowledge up now fields to pc explorvd'. \YC HCC tie sun, up Luow Ujjhi unci fioai coup} fivni I rmn ifmi great lmrifnnn .* Dui wlitil U ■ lie «uu? What are lighi ft »d Iwatif kiitnv»? "*, As one i-f our tricai tlifnkcrs has siijd: ' A child-in ilie nurses arms understand! mystery in well as a philosopher* and. that is not at all.' , v ' ' * ' * ■ i'urhuitf* 'wo mall understand when we reach a higher life. Now we are !«U Hiat light i„ , n:l :j e of motion, a vibrati >n jbut doas llibl deft union satisfy us? Who understands the mystery o{ life? j. Sobody. Jfe uJerstand our pre* cut life ain I i lie life in store for tis as Imfe «*. 'he c*lerpi/Jar «*ude rsian/ts the futu/c in s.o4c for it. The worm crawls about on tb- K round or cm a .ilaht, for a time, then *|hih a .1 ehioiid fir itself. an.l goes to deep. lit and b> a butteifly come* from the ci.r»s a is, and nvc-s an entirely dilf.rem li*. Does it understand the change? bo our present life is a „ unknown q :U UU,y -i,^ lfe > not ""'Jcrrtand «>ur- I"r' iff i !i C f' OW " ot b«»«uu»y Ur ",i- ,or "'- ns barn what we tau an I progress with the lirpe*. Mcclsior is a g'»o| motto. U.iwaid bnd u;»ward U ai»;her. Mere a little and If-ere a liitle. DunH be discourage l ! becaniw yon do not nn% •lerstand now, the u : »d.r*taudiu2 wid come in tune. A stone, a wted, a new | w 1 " keep a scientific man busy or wee.{». An will spend' jours tracing a word to ii« origin. i'liw* awuials rocks, stars, light, beat, color, life and dcaib a!l teirh ns how little We understand, and how much Ihete is to be understood. So ch> inUi* will keep on analy»iug t will continue to hammer and surmise, and we shtll know in part I ill faith is lost tri t::J kiiuwledge becomes pe*iect. iJviuvt est. II ■"* UlttDßtD. [Ne» York S in "J Fl» it John of ting city, is j*>- j litic»Jlv d"a.L 1 hat Hop L-c is to have a place la j Ouilioiii'a c-ioinet, J hat so is Mrt. Spragne. That th« gorernmtnfc clerks are gtJ 'U» over. 1 hat so are their s dariea. That neither party claims Ben Butler. 1 hat 11. L Morey was vnlaiJ tad »SBBwina;»fl ou bis retiuti from the pn?fs last ovecing. That you ea«A sometimes moai always tell how it will go. That Mrs. Hiyct btlct noring riaf. ihut Grant is for a third term ami ill tliat it implies. That Kate it for Gjnklingr. That Conk ling is for himself. That Kttle Btllee is going for tkem both. Tint G ii. Banks has got cff the rag* ged edge. That the young Republicans hat) a real good time with seed cakes and Bain* eral water one toou after the election. That Gen. Grant is to he GarfieLl'a court j *ater.. - That nation*! hovk-kecp ing is safe for another four years/ That we onght to le glad that Grant has cot through'talking. _ f ii ■ i / t u GloanringSi. There is a i ight way aud a wrong "~ L way of rubbing a mau'd mind aa veil aa a cat's back. Love of truth rhows itself iu tfisbov* j ering and sppuociatiug whatever i». good where var it way exist. I ii i -(■. .'■ ■ 1 fi«r Taking a penuy tliat does not belong to one removes the barrier between in lenity ami rascality. ( , x Truth is always prcAouf; it only reeds r r to lift the iron ltd* of the uiiud'a eye to' read its trades. A>i cceentJrc bnt pious m*a has boiti j a home on pobts fjwty iicel high, at , | I'lympton. Oregon, m order that ho »"«iy live nearer lieayen. The movement ngaliud "bang* . cd 4 Iwlr Is extending. Bishop Elder of '' Cincinnati has inagd a prohibitory or* °l der on the subject.. . (• : . The size of aa animal*# yell is hi «•» 7/ wi#c prot»oriionate to the size oi its bodv. One liifto cat can make more noise whfln-.r one is on the point of going to sleep than a canvass luU of elephaiHa. ««lt Once upon a timet ' a BVtfe, Without" 1 hating received an invitation* attended 4 a convention of «n : tu»U that was calkd for the purpose of discussing the beat methods of family government, "Whtt do you kuow about a!l thisF*naked the president, laaptiugly; 4»ave yt>« ever ntiseJ any childrenV" The mule nrrjUw "Ah, no," die said, "I huve never raited »n} tliiug but full growu men; hue laud of the pilgrim, you should see how raised them—you should see me raise a man | ihat weighs aa much as David Daw." Upon a listing vote the luulo w«s i.uute« diately elected financial stcrriurj, wttlt l-o .vera to wild fv»r ]*tt«u» ami