; ' " '. " ' - . " "7 ""' "' - - mm m, .i,-.. ..I., .aaog --t --.-w.:-a-ig.i:.Erj i-yr -t-i- - ""'.V J., ' .V .'....'. .l' '.' ' " ' ' - ' ..... ' ..... rrr-. a r . . ,. sgr t , t i , , -l , '. i , .A -re. VOL. 6 GRAHAM, ; C; MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1881. SO. 45. Cfte llamanre; leaner, PUBLISHED AVlKLY AT Eldridqe Kemodle, PBOPKIKT''.'.:. Tjehm .si.50l 75 t. ..60 urn! Year gix Months Three Mouth ... FvcrT person sending u emu oi ien suo rthor with th cash, entitles himself to one inn? free, for the lcns?h of time for which the rial) i 'UadB "P l'aPer BC1,t,t0 diffcreut olHect Aro departure frvm tlie Cash System Post ao Thepaid atth s Office.. .4DVEUTIRMO II AXES: 1 week, 3 ' S " 1 mo., i " 8 " 6 " 1 2 in: 4 in. col col 1 ol 1 m J 50 4 2 00 ft 4 00 $) 7 50 125 1 75 2 00, 3 00 4 00 "6 50 10 00 2(0 2 50 800 4 50: 6(0, 1000 1500 250 8 50 4 50 8 00 12 50 18 00 200 7 00 11 00 31 8 00 13 50 -18 00 0 50 15 00 VI 50 10 50 17 50 30 OH 12 50 .20 00 7o0 15 CO 35 00 45 00 20 00 48 00 80 Po f Yearly advertisements clanged quarterly i Local'noticcs ten cente a line, fiiut insertion Ko local inserted lor less thau (If t.v cent. o v a Tv slu n n v. k t . fflceri of the Federal Gorvrnmeal. THE EXECUTIVE. .Rutherford 14. Hayea, oi Ohio, President of tl:e United Hate?. William .A. Wheiler, of New York, Vice President of the United States. THE CABINKT. William M. Evai ts, ol Nw York, Stcrelan of S:ate .John Sherman, ol Ohio, S c'y. of Treasury. Gecige IV. M MeCrary, Secretary of War Richard W. Thompson, of Iodiaua, .Secre tary of the Navy. Carl Shurz, of Missouri Sec'y. of the Interior Charles Deveiia, of Massachusetts, Altornej General. . . Horace May nard, of, Tecnncssee, Post n astei Central. : TIIK JIIDICIAKV, TUB SITKEME COUUT OFTIIE UNITED STATES. MarriHon It. Wait, of Ohio, Chief Justice. Niithan Clifford, of Maine, . : Nnah H. Swayne, of Ohio, Samoel J. Miller. ulovp, David Davis, of Jllinoiiv ;' ; Stephen J. Field, of California,. ' ' William M. Slronsr, f Pennsylvania, Joseph P. Bidly, of New Jersey, Ward Hunt, of New York. Associate Justices UDHNTATR OOVBKNSIBKT, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Thomas J. Jarvis of Pitt,'Governor. James L. Robinson, of Macon, Lieutenant Governor. VV, L Saunders, of Wake, Secretary of State. John to. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. ucnam v. jjain, oi wake, t nie' JierK. . Teler. rwood. Auditor,, iqiypearnoruugnj" of ionnstion, enpcrin tenJenf of Puldlclnstrnctrofi.: ;.: ; , . Jhnton Jonesf of BarkAdntftnt-Oeneral J, MiiLeod 1'Brnerj Keeper of tftc Capitol. . Sherwood Eaywtd, of Wake, State Libi a iiaB'. k i"-'?'--., j . t. , .,.. .-, . AW M mmr - J"w roirt.WuJr'g.t to brinjr.mv waterproof tlo;v fo th Ma.io,,, if' weall.ee is ,tm orraiuy. I sliall coaio up by the ,f o'clock lri. luulei1 iipriom my boeks icaker, my 'sister Loilje. 'Ve.y will, my, W.' ,ei li d. a.,t muaively; I suppose I must &,m. bul at the Then" I leineiiiboroil that I hud IcU it with my pockctbook on the hall table and I li.ul no menus of proving my statcinont. '1 ihoiiaht go,' remarked the official, in a tono of intense sarcasm. Tcr'aps your sisicr'8 got it uiinding it for you.' At IIiik juncMiie iho si ranger' iMter- posed, fche lml, no doubt, noticed the eally, if you yoanjf Imlies learned to be l,"("runato wa'terproof which. I still small 1 till l. , r - .. - .nuu iNiuuscii rtiiant in tnce mutters, it tvo-nht b.5 bettor.' 'if I weren'i sure that yc.-j said that to aggraTute tne, Tom,' retwJed tnv sialer, 'you sliouldii'i come at all. S.iino d-iv you'll bo glad oi.0ugh'-t cany bag, cloak Sl,e 8,,l'ed sliori,.,' clutched, Ihouiih I had Chlirelv rui'nllon il, 'This' she hcsifa'ed a moment 'this Sen.liein.iiU cairying a ladys eloak, aiul tac surely would not do S3 if he ' and umbrella for fcome fair damsci or ilher and won't I tcaio you then I' ' 'You .lo that pretty well now,' I venx lure.l to observe.. 'li,U exciue me. Lots Lne, you'll cci lainly l.e your haiulUcr. diici il you let it 'hang ont oi your pocket iue mat lr Lotim' (,e8g wa8 f !he uiot tashioiiable doscription and her p ackets were cel tainly .mji'o for oma menl than ue. '1 haren't lost it yet Tom ' was the rc- a not liijre likely to lose u piy,.'ail 1 a.a now.'' 'ii in nan meant to taKc your proper f ty,' saiil iJia police ivtii, complo'.ing her sentence. 'Lor' bloss you, miss, jou've ; no idea of IliCLjdodge. of "these cliups.' I F.a inomout the wild thouBhi fl.tshed across my mind of tripping him up and thus escapiug, if I could, hut 1 tiUiniao i( as soon as lorined. lteuapturo was highly probable, and the attempt would only give od r to the accusa'iou. o, swallowing my wrath us best . 1 i could, ami tubidiig into sul'on silence, : ... . 1 1. . i . t m i i waiweu uy inc siue oi my captor, ano Miss Lottie disappeared, and I went ' o)loV6d miscellaneous crowd, who t u. w-ortji, r Kaudoipi w. aatnnel LLDVe. ol Ha; Practice in "shtMe!fnd f edeMalbogrts,",: ' dpeelrt attention -paid to eollecting. -.' J?l), KERNODLE, f Attorney at Law, Jtlce In the State and Federal Courts wu faithfully and promptly attend to all busi Msintiusted to Wla. . . ' S3. &. VAUKU B $ attpbtny, ' -.j.' wm . (ORAflAM, IV. .?. - "in attend regulnriy the Superior Courts of aiainanee, Caswlt, Person, CliuthAm and Ranr J0pn, and the Federal courts at Greensboro. Business entrusted to him shall have faithful Mention. . TSl Eldri&e, GRAHAM. ST. (.' ,0'8 ,n u,e State and Federal Courts. 'iuese intrusted to hiui shall recei P Pt nd careful attention. James E. Boyd, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. . orri vm at - Practices in all the Courts. -" " "ranani. Monday, nefaay nu nd At Greeasboro, thursday, Friday r r Graham, N; C; o?k nI'.')rePare do any and all kinds o 8ne!l I" lnK to tn profession. Wai laLteiltIon Tn K trealnient o 01 ,lhe MOUTH. AtTtTOKB iii Town 6b OoeuTar General' Practitioner ' "' back to my books. Absorbed b) my occupation, tlie time passed unnoticed, till tho chiino of a dis tant clock 'reminded n.c,of my engages ment. . Half-past seven ! No doubt of x ami I had only just time to reach (he station. But slay what was tire weather?1 I walked to tho window, devoutly hoping as I drew.aaido the civtaiu to see a clear dry night. Vain hope! The clouds were gathering, and there was u damp, chili mist perceptible. I dropped the curtain with aigh,hati ly put away my books, took up Lottie's waterproof rom the chair on which site had p'aced It, and slopping into (ho hall, out on a loose rough overcoat and soft Ii It hat that I often wore after dark, and tliimq'ii-)ed, sallied forth. Eight o'clock 8tru :k as I anircd, and 1 taw, close at hand, a young lady evi dently my sister Lottie, standing at tho edge of (ho roa?l. i'Ahl' 1 said to myself, live (rain was in a litilc earlier., ami Miss Lottie is 1 Joking for me.' " ' I was just about to speak to her, when a sudden thought fl ished into my ' mind. Assho s took, her back was toward me md iict white badkerchiet was pUin'y visible hanging . over tlio edgo of her pecket. . : I rcioembcrod my cautioq to her be- tore she started, and exulted in tho op porluniiy of convincing her of its wis dom.' . ' . ; ' First takitig another look at the uus eoiicijii8 damsel to be sure of her iden iity. J itepiicd quivtly lorward, and taking hold oi the handkerchief, gently drew It (orth. ; As I did'so, soinelliing fell to (he pave- with a sharp metalic sound. This startled the rout.g lady, and she turned with a slighj cxelauiatioii. , " ' Good hcaveus, it was a pertect stran ger. For a moment I was speechless; then r recovcriiig myself a little, was about to l amine r forth uu apology, when t heavy liand was laid bu my saoufder, find a ginfl voice said: "." 'Now, my man, you'ro caught this time, and no mistake!' Medicine and Surgery T n . OBAIMM, Pf. C. fa drugs always on biBi. - at my side. This unexpected salutation gaveasud den turn to my feelings. ' . tvvi.ii da tiii von mean? How dine ,i ..... j - vou?' I exclaimed indiguaully,. while Ihe Nf.dv looked Irom one to anoi her in iiuinzemeut. . Come, how.' responded the unmoved " . . W W 1 If... official, 'that's good, (Hal is I ruy. i vr been watching jwu ll (he lime ion come up unbeknown to the iady,takc her landkerchiet. and -iVOVf meie auci . -- ! purse at jouf leci yuw And us he epoke, he pointed 10 a uaia objeel upon ( he pavement. vliwasa putsoureenougn, auu i n il 11 111 A htflld-. must nave puuou w u kerchief. , ' Pick it up, please, miss, and pidhaps you'll be so good us' to accompany us to ihe station.' - , ' While he was speaking, I gathered to gether my scattered senses. .'Iassure yon iHiliceiuan, yon are en tirely mistaken,' I said, as . calmly ' as I could, wfcich was not very calmly, ar a number of persons had by this lime col lected, and appeared to be highly enjoy ing my dieconafiiure. My name is Henderson Thomas Ileii- dnraon: Ieame to the itation to meei my later; I mistook thia lady for her, and in aioke loot her handkerchief, Stay; t will give you ty card, And I put my band into- my coai pock et lor my card cae. It was not taere UKtUiged in a variety oi remarks on my appearance and demeanor, we. reached i;ie s' a' ion. " . " The charge was preferred at I the sla lion.andlho sergeant, turning to me, aked what I had to say. ' I gave an account of (ho whole off dr. llo heard me very quieljy, and, without taking any notice of my. demand to be rcloascd, ihcu turned to tho young la dy. .'' . . , She gave her uamo'as Margaret Lind say, and having related her hare in the mailer, with evident discomlort at find ing herself in so uupleasvnt a position, concluded oy expressing her xoiivicliou that it was all a mistake. 'Well Mr. Henderson,' said tho ser teant, 'I must detain you wile 1 send to ilie address you have given, and it will simplify matters it Miss Lindsay w i I Jbe good enough lo remain for a short titno'. We" shall l Leu no doubt be able to settle ( his unpleasant nflair. 'Hilton' (his to ihe podceman who still lingered near the door 'show this lady into the other room Jones Mr. -Henderson will oc cupy No. 8.' I followed mv original captor, while my fair companion disappeared through an open doorway close at hand, which, as I passed ii nQ rded me a glimpse of a snug room wit bin. For my own part I was by uo means charmed with No. 3. It might by a stretch of the imagina tion, have been called a room, but had a wondcrfu' resemblauae to a cell, con slrucled on a somewhat larger scale than usual. Here Mr. Jones left me, closing -tb door carefully alter him. Seldom , has lime passed so wearily. ' Aboul a quarter ol an hour elapv?d, and then there came a sudden uoiso of cab wheels, a hasly rnth el footsteps and a scuud of voices in the outer room. I listened intently and rtcognizd Lot tie's toues, mingled with, and now and then overpowered by those orour rever ed parent. ' . "' At this moment my door was. open"d by Mr. Jones, in whoso manner there w as an obi ions mingling 'of discomfort and appivheuslon, I passed hastily, leaving his muttered And looking round, I saw a police mavH t& t0 fll0 no( t0 hard on a man,' unheeded, and entered tho .room whci the others were assembled. .Oh. 'I'omP cried" Lottie running np me; 'what a dretdful plight jou have been in, and all my fait,' she added In a penitent tone;' 'The Haiti was in early and 1 didn't see you just out side li e station, so I went straight borne, Pin so sorry! -My father started to abuse the officer. My dear sir ' began ihe ergeaul, blandly, but my irate parent would not be checked. - In lormer days, sir, the police were men; aud bad brains, and used them ; now tliey'ie majhiuos, like that fellow There P Aud he glared wralhfufly at Pulicemeii Jonca, wh - bad shi uuk as much out ol sight as possible in a corner of ihe room. . My subordinate,! remarked tbtvicr-: goant, 'only did bu d'nly in acting as h6 has done.', Here Policeman Jones brigh tened considerably. 'Thefts of this kind are ao frequent that we ere compelled to exercise all possible vigilance, aed as a mail of the world , ti'r; you will readily admit that it would not do for as lo be guided by tfie apareut outward respecta blliiy of the accused, when och respec tability often serves as a cloak for iiofa rious 'practices.' . Thi wa so obvions as to bo undepia ble, aud my klher consequeotly reliered his Irritalion. which had ouly . pariially tutiide-J, by-attacking ins. 'And why on earth coul 'iil ou be more care ul, Toru, instead of making a tool ol yourself in that . fashion? I can't . soe niiii li likeness between Miss Llutlsuy nud LotiJo.' . I had byjhis lime complelely regained jiiy coiipo8"rc, and briefly sa'yii.g, I will show you slr.''aVldressed '""ibe dauMel who had bean the iiiuoccnl cuuso of my diffi ul'.ivs. ; 'Will you be so kind Miss Lii.dsay, as 'o lit :!) slightly rouud, keeping your face n way (rum us and tho light. Thank yo.u Now Lutticl' -Aifd crossing the reom lo my sister. I placed her in a sim ilar position ty the side pt our acquaio tauce, ...-.-. . : An iuvohiiilary exclamation burst from my lather, ami even the sharp eye of the ufiicials ; mig:it liivo b'cu deccivod. Standing (bus together, in tho wavering rays of the solitary ga9!gki, the resem blaucc was " nearly porlccti In height figure, and dross thty were almost iden tical, and (he cuniug hair compleled (ha deception. 'It is easy to see how Iho mistake uc curred, Mr. Henderson said the sergeant ; and I vuu only again express. iny sincere regists at ihe inconvenience aud delay tvliii-h vnii h-it n Ikph iu'iietlcd (o. - . I bowed in acknowledgcmcut and - we fd.ew his hat down .over . his eyes and icu uiu BiaiiMii. As it appeared however, that Miss Lindsay's residence was not fur from our own, a second hansom was procured, which I managed to secure for her and tnyscif, Lottie and my father relurniug in the one by which they had come. Somehow or other, the ride seemed a remarkably short one, and as 1 said good bight !' to Margaret Lindsay at her own door, I resolved that it should not be my fault if our acquaintance did uol continue. This resolve I was ab'e lo sarrv out. Acquaintance ripened into friendship, fiicmlship into intimacy, aud well, in short, we were manied sotno months ago. The servants ol buth households enter tained their relative" and friends in hon or ot the occasion, and among (hem, evi dently iu tloso attendance on Jenny, our pretty housemaid, I recognized no less a person than my : quondam . captor Policeman Join s. looked into it, and fiualy said lie be lieved it was not plauted util the uext fall. .' ., ' Thi D you got three crops , of whtat off the auine tidd iu one year laid the aud passenger.' v The iuau ou tho woodbox sa'd; 'Ves,' but, so t.iintly that he had to repent it twico be ere ihy could ll hr him, , ; hich is the best wheat asktd the till slim pissHUgT. . , The uiau on the woodbox was heard by a stramje paMt-uger to whisper to the stovepipe that 'he wished he wsi dead,1 but he rallied a little aud said. Forbradi" ; - 'Yrfi, lor b eid. The man on the woodbox opened hip mouth to irp'y, whrn he caught tlie eye of the woman who talka bass fixeiLupoD him wilh a st tango intense expression, lit got off his perch, walked down the aisle to the Uilf Jsed and abandoned wa ter tank, looked around- lir the long lost tin cup, diew some hypothetical wttler into it out of an empty tank, took a long drink of nothing out of it aud he cauio back to his seat, the subdued croak of lha woman who talks bass and the ojmposed couulenunce of the other paisengurs con vino id hia thy hid b-en laughing about Bumelhini. ilut Im did not seam to tar what it was about, fir he did not ask, and presently he ' diss mbltd bleep. Iivnlircton I eye. Hawk WHAT II K K.XBiy ABOUT WHEAT. " 'Tlm wheat neer looked bctttr," re- marked the aad passenger, gazing out ol the wiudow. -- .. . "Where ia there any wheat?" askea the fat pwweiigor, "I don't know," was the calw reply "I dou't kuow that there ia any wheal iu Wyandotte coqnty, but everybody alwava talk about tho wheat looking finely at ihia time of tho year, and J know that it must be the proper thiag to Bay." ' . . "That ia wheat in ie neiu on out right," replied the mau en the wood, box. . ' . .. 'That oreen stuff?" tchoed all tB- other pass ngera, rushing te the win dow. . . - . . "Yes," he replied, "that bright, daik green atutt. , . ,. . . . W hy, thoy clorUsed, in uisappomi. ed touea, "it look a liko graal" 'l thought wheat was ja'iow, au iho i-asaeiiaer with lha sandy- goalee; r . . . a i . it '.'! don i they alwaja tsia auou m low fielJ aud the gol-ien graiur i'jai.'a whn it ia tipe,' eXelaimeJ the man on tne woouoox, 'VV'heat yellow when n'e ripf intrtd oloiialv cried the sad n is e.icer. I guce4yenaie tWftkicg of I corn meal. How could they make wnue oreaa oui of yellow wheat?' 'There are two kinua oi wueat, am i ihara?' Asked iba tall alim -paasen- 8r- . .. . .. ... -ji jm,' aaid the roan on tno woou oo, "spring and wintr." How da they ditfi?' ; Well' the iuan on tho woo Ibox said, .rinir whiutt ia itlanud in the suriog aud winter whoa I) ia planted iu !ha ia- ur.' " I have heard fanners Ulk- about tail wheat, the fat pasaeager sail. Yea,' tba man oy the woodbox assent d. AnJ thep in answer lo their looks of inquiry he added, 'it ia planted in the fair . , ' , 'I thought, the paenger with the saody gaatee reoiarked. 4ibat spring wheat vrt planted in the apring bad harvested in the spring? V" The man ou the wooJboX said Ye, he balieved; come to think of it that waa the way of it,' . : iin.i ii whaat. ihen.' the aid A.aaa f w paaawuger auggeated, 'ia planted ue spring and harvested in the winter?' The man on the wookbbx shifted un easily in hie seat and looked narrwuly up and down the car. 'Well, yee,' be said he- guessed that was ihe way.' - Then fall wheat,' asked the fat pas .eager, earnestly. And then tne man on the woodbox bit tv end of a match, took off hu hat and The. Wont of,!!. Several years bemro hi dea'h, Mr. Webster started off Irom M trshlield ou a Iryirring expedition lo Sandwich, a neigh boring town ol Capo God. On approach ing the fine s i ion m he alighted Irom his wagon, ami just then he mo the owner of the lurm ih.rougli which (bo stream ui'i. Good morning,' siys Webster, 'Is I here any trout here?' Well,' sn)S ihe larmo.', 'some people fish here but 1 doii'l kuow what (hey do gel.' 'I'll throw tnv line in.' save Webster. 'and see what there is.' Wibdtr ked the banks ol tho stream trying hi luck, and ihe ohl larmer lol lowcd him. Soon IKcbsltr rcmaik cd: Ycu havo some bog on your farm? 'Yea,' says the fanner, 'that aiii'l : the Woral ol it.' Fishing still farther along, Wobsler says: 'You scorn to have plenty of mosqui toes here?' Yes,' ho replied, '(hat ain't Ihe worst of it. , Wtbslor still kept on throwing h;s line into the deep pools, and theu said: 'You have plenty of Briura here?' Yes,' said the larmer, 'and (hat ain't ihe worst ot it.' ' Mr. Webster gelling somewhat dis couraged in a hot August day, bitten by mosquitoes, scialuhed by briars, aud not raising a single fbb, dropped his rod aud said: " ' 'I do not believe (here li any trout hero. , r And that ain't Iho wont of if says .the larmer."' ' ' ' 1 -Well,' says Mr. .Webster, 'I should like to kuow what is the worst oi it?' 'There never was any here I' says the laruitr. Mr. Webster cnj iyed the joke and ol (en told it to bis particular Irieuds. New Vrkailet JohannnhMcBride'fc lace was fiill ofdes flanco and pimples when she turned it upon justice Kilbretb, in tho Jefiarson market police court yostcrday, and tho altitude she took waa full of hostile sig nificance. ' ' ' " . Johaunah,'said Ills Honor, 4yoo have h.1 a bad uiuht of it. Thero is much tiibolatioti in Ilonsteu slreei, where you . I . s . .. ...J have smasnea aivers wihuow, buu uiv uriHoir in the carrel, aud Ihe cobbler In the basement ol your own house are car- rying about bumps ou tuetr neaus as oig as goose egg. You were not a bit kind to them, Johannah. ... . Served Ibim right,' said the prisouor sloutlv. , -'And you'vo torn the, offljere coat I here lo latter.' ; . I am sorry it waa not his . eyest S3 1 am.' And yoir poor husband It iu Ihe hospital. Y'oubroae a jug over his a Vhance came orer Johannah, She dropped her arms, aud a shade of in tense melancholy versprcd her roume uaiice. ' " " ' ' ' ' , ' What is (bat rou say. tor? she asked wistfully. , . . , . '1 say thai you mashed a big jug over vour husband's head aud split it opeu. that's what yon did.' ; - - . Mt was'nt ihe blue chane jug wid tlie bald beaJed tn'm ouii? . ; . . My impression Johannah, is lhat , ii was lhat identical Vessel aud it cut a notch in yoor huba id' bs4 ywu eeuld ai .aw Snuenin ... - .. ' : ' . The prisoner .waa deeply moved. . She 1 seemed about to break do wjenili ely. Ah, thin,' said she with a sigh, 'I was aleard r d do some uarm. . Aud well you might be,' said bis Honor, You've strelohod that husband ot yours oui,depeud on it Jobauuab began to sob at this and hu Honor relenting a trifle added eucour agiugly, '! guess though, be'U be all light in alewdas.'--.- ; !; 'vl Tisn't that, sor,' blubbered Ibe priso ner through her tears; 'but that chauey Jug was a prisint me Uncle Dinni gev me for all Ihe world on last Michaelmas, and-uow 'lisrnlued iutoirely; TfiHTIiVU A fflAKCM SPIIU, , , 'Slranger,1 said ihe Ha70 driver 'ihts waa hoar I IouihI ont hcr"pced: I' w as driving along the rail road track jul as a big load ol hotel lui nit tiro siarud. I'hc freight car would not hold it all j but they inauagad to squeeto everything in except a long mirror, which they i led 13 Ihe side of (he car. The inare saw tu r reflection In the glass ami thought ii was another horse spurting for ihe lead. You couldn't have held her buck with a team windlass. She tit laid back hi rears and snorted along like a twenty inch shell.) The passengers ail began to get excited. They rushed out on the platform and be gan lo make bets. ' The conductor stood up ou a seal aud . began . (o coll pools. The engineer pullod ihe (lire (tie valvo wit'e opeu and tore atoiirf at ninety five miiei an hour. Soon . the mare waa abreast cf the cowcatcher. At, Sau Bru no wc had half a uiilo the ' lead. Near tho Six-Mila House the tiain was so much ahead of the' lime tbat it leil through an opeu draw and everlasiiny ly smashed up 72 killed and 199 wounded. It wes pretty, rough on !ho passengers but then wo distanced (he train, bet your life. About a monih afs (cr I sold tl at mare to bcr present owner lor $60,000. .,. ;.;! . . , ; .Gleanings, When A boy walks . with a girl at though he' were afraid somo one wi l so him tho girl is his sister. It be walks so,' close to her as to rearly crowd her ' agali.it the feuc., it Is aHOlber fellow's eistcr. ' . ; , ,s. 'Well, Well,' said Billington, majeslU cally, 'we musti.'t be loo severe on tho . young fellows. I suppose I was' as blejr a fool as any of them whou 1 was young r 'Yas,' replied Fog, 'and you aitj not an . old man now, Billiugton.' 'Scene- A court of law; tral for mn ' slaughter Is going on; fat In the wilms box. Counsel lor the prisoners LV! . you see the prisoner at the bar kuoek down thO'deceased? Pat tN, ylr Lou-; or; he w. s alive wbsn I stau bim knocked : -down.' . . 'An ingenius man in Rhode Island has di covered a use lor the despised milk weed, aud this fact gives' rise to tho hope that some benefactor of his race will fin I a use for tho-stnall, but diabolical, boy who always wants (o sit in the parlor when you call ou his sister. 'I say, old lady,' said a man on a counti ) road the other day, 'did vou seo a bicycle pats here just now? 'No, I didn't too uo kind or a sickle, mister; but , jusl now I seed a wagon wheel running awa y with a man. Yon kin bclievo it or ' not.- I wouldn't if I hadn't seed It my -self. ' , v - Throe short years ago (hay were mar ried, and he loved she aud she lovod he for what they were individually and collectively worth. .They couldn't do enough lor each other. The other uig lit she callod him a darned old fool, and ha was heard to remark to ber (hat 'it she didn't got oyor on her pillar he'd break her jaw.' 'Roxi,' bends ns a poem in which she says: 'My heart is but a lump of ice.4 Yvu are clear off your pedestal, Roxir. A lump ol ice would dissslve iu (uu miti nies iu there where your heart palps f r those yon love. Make it a lump of lead, . Uoxic, or a stone, or even a petriflid palpitator, aud wo will try to uso your pioducliou. . . . . The lawyer wanted to badger the wit : ucss as be a ked : 'Have you ever been convicted ol cr.me?' Ol course the nau was mad at the , insinuation-mighty -mad. He iudiguantly replied; 'Do you . think 1 am blamed fool enough (o ever let myself gt caught?1 He atonco Raiu ' ed the sympathy ol the entire audience. Th tremendous rush to Colorado in . search of silver during the paat twelve i r , fifteen months is shown in the census re turns of that State. Eighteen months ago Colorado did not contain over 50,-, 000 inhabiUuts. In June past there ( waie found more than 195,000 persi t tn that State and to day the uumbjr exceeds 200,000. Time is a HARP:-'The strings at one end aro laslened to .this world, aud at . (be other to Ihe throne oi Judgement. Every man who comes into the world' strikes a suing producing tones ot moral , music, such as augeU use ; or else horri ble discord, grating like barsb (bunder upon the ears of all mankind, until bosh ed by (bo archangel and the trump of Ooil , proclaiming that lime shall be no more,' Most vbang poople and perhaps many ."children of a larger growth"f have often wondered what it is lhat en, ab'.ea a fly to walk on the ceiling. ! An examination, of the inssetV mechanlam quickly reveals the secret, Eich of the dr'e six legs terminates in two or tbiei " deahy pad's, which act as 'suekers.. The sustaining vffoct of these sucEera is increased by a sticky' fluid exuded by the minute hairs covering thero. : 1 ,J A man darted Into) a store at Nichols ! ville, Ohio, bought tue first traveling bag be could get bis band on, aud bur ried toward Iho rai raad station. l)n lh way be caught several bricks from a pilo and put thein into (bo bag. Ilia object was understood when a passenger uls. covered lhat hi own satohel containing 13,000, had becu-taken from the seat by ids side, and Ue oue with bricks pnt la its place. ; ."v, -V -'fl ." ''.-. At (bo height of a hot disenssion be tween two lews one 'cried, 'Goodness! don't eat me I' Indeed,' said tho other my religion forbids, Brins your Job Vork .to (UctiilsoRce, :

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