5 - , 1 .it, f . Wf .. "iv j- 1 .? To relate Vt '4iSr 1 2 - IJ?jj, as rah" i . . . ' .1 . . ,. . . . 1 ' . . . . , I'wnifa I. irnli riKfto made n?. ; r 5f.l?CfiWt' Vn Deparlurevrom theCaitfySyaiej Post ac u clear u;ebles, iud iLe joudcbf ol theifl A i ,a, i tif ii(nen;hovi. wip .ouf of Jcil : ' ' ' ' " " ' V j t i Si l VO0S WWt lieu Mt down- in , Wer ..IS.aoy. am body, twk sjck 'r' VotiV J "lywi ble Itt'-WbiVrlf :4loffico. Motl :,oOm meaMUgtNw lf, i t. ... i . . . . i x.cr c&udk 1UKQ our caroi to uri. . . - - v Kit inn w WRbriunmnn mmnnmm j kmii i L Where wi wa ra nnw .lUnn. MSckJiii ' " " w" - " fW ri,rce -:s ".'Jix 4wmum"-iV were uik' K ia... . ' ;mi9A,UW iftWbiwUiooaftoii 1 .fifti kttowtMyjnptii.ejrJ Iftm.bjd taW I int. ' u- iILTi; fTS cr'' w the lcuih of time tor which tt ,,,. i . ,!,.. . v . ' 1 ...I i. R-u-.t . . ' T S,TT' . Vr, rtf'r: inV UCCi . ' ' ... j ir.' . . ; .J "t.v.JI'il. 1 III II 1 1: 1 1 1 1 V 1' 1 1 1 1 i LT I II 1 1 1 1 T ' M,'M v.T I ft . t S , 1 A ' . . : . .j - l l i V- WUH m m t f .... I II III W Id! i'H . n . fFitH. I ...I T r... 1. Pi 1. ' . 1 K Rut 1 it n m. tenant iI.a ..f .a n: iftfiArttU nriintml trti.l wIiami ilm ..w.lTiai 2 ttt I . 2 in.. 3 in 'J col J' col 1 n j3..' .10 00 15 0tft(t8 0ftWlod Yearly wlvertUemSttH cbg4 uniy imiUi&ls Erfcl'afitod luilfiwaa fcco, WAS Wbui, is l'oiu Fitch goi ng wiilr joa? ' t'M'tduprs Ral.jUvwttpgX0 lprthiH three' Wbare are yen ?oiu to ouli?' - VV wido,aitd Iheea irf6urtMiIlwtortki.PktlW,r trsH-eflwr E Local uotices tei&enU althe trst Inscrtiori y0 local ityhMjw-Mliwn fltty OlIUtiVVKKNillENr, Oflcer '( the FeJ THE EXfcOOTIYfc? Buthw:ford B. Ha es, ot Ohio, Preaident qf the United State. ... "' ; William A. Wlietier, oriew XtJt, vico Presirient of tfie United StStci . f , f THE CABINET, rj . I William M. Evarta, w( JSfew iYork. cretary of State - , . V . John Sherrann, of Ohio, Seo'y. of "frrafurj Gecg W. M. WcCrary, fortry? ot Wf, rtlUfToafrgrfttfte Uolirofiij . baud fo? tlie'ldliiTafrtr boTcouId:u6t rrae fbeuutnore tliaii' cischt ycarbld, a"iul J&hiw nyopk biMMlfjllieir 'head "dan,'" Was Kicliard W. Thoajpapu, ttt laiua,,,&Bcro- . tiry of ihi'SiVjri3 5it fvf Carl Shurz, of Missouri SrkyiJ t he I tiller, diaries Devens, of Jlassauliusetts, Attornej- .GMnreL--.-!5t tr ;'?( v.;;-; ''; Horace Maypard, of Tcenosssee, Psliv.8ter fi.r.i; v-7vrx'--: r;.-:' TBI BLTUKUB CJDUKT Ort THE , UNITED ' TATE3.,-'1 .. '-' . MorriHon R. Wait, of Ohio, GUief Justice. Samuel J. J UJer. of Iowa, - ' A , PavidDavistoinoW", O ' . V Stephen J. FieJd. of California'. w M'arH Hunt, of New York. AtwociaWTlHwtes. OUR rATB OOTBBNinkATtV EXECUTIVE UKPAUTMEKT. ' ,", Thomas J. jarvls of Pitt. Governor. James L. Robinson, of Macon, Lleutenant- W. L. Sauiidsrs, cf Wake, Secretary of ' John M. WtiSt4rtymmto)Cbmmmt iWiJ 'i.iOW i"ti Willi proud elf-salufaclion, as be ged a baiiUlulof bits of wldxo pasteboarii IVoiiv.Jh8 coat-d)ockei. I 'Tfc-topt ejclaiel Uncle Pted; 'on ly yoi 8Uoidtlways spell your nami in o::e way. -n-n i hrn't nearly us goed 4 John'C: ScarbUftrfgh; t!iblMSirpVinV tendenl of PvUioimtrnctton. m .. ,, . J. MoLeod. rtwow. Keeper ofctfi aitol: Pheroed 6srtkcn. WAirifttrttn Hh. as -uW-ir.v,faiid that one's ' J o-u-e". Bunilado.' k lMm aiewt$r tbaiyi said; Tom. 'Mmffer gave rrtF sotLe of net old ones; and so did sister Belle; and Traey TJumb lias some ol his own father's. ;Show 'etn 'I'halis grand V said Uncle j?red. 'No w yod must always send yonr cards in ahead of you, so the) wi 1 ka'jw' whtf . lie was gelling very red m mo iituw just jlren, and the boys did not heal him mum'er. ai he stepped iuto his carriaite Aliutu't let Uiem see me laugh. Might can i&em tiftlfit and spoil the fan But shouldn't I like to. be : soihewhere when those three come in?'. There were uo signs of laughter on the laces ol Johuny Cock, Traov Tluinb, vUusl Tmtb..ft f6s UBetdly a 'm? 1 &ail!& tiafthl1br tbeir iHdlhcy . .1 .... - ;..."?Vi--i.4 JaarOleUBa:lJr,iWa)jlpiiiK4lre& , 5 ' 'Let iobjuiy .(eil SffRfiOw,H said befell basket on Ur-..Jiy.prH ft Very foot. Valk fliflrfi tn dsa cajrjtjoo. pp ..tUitieti.Tilll proUi le Kwyoikw iValk.nkP,w -, i i 'Johnnf ktioWVi Mtdttored 'Tom ' fa dragx Tracj. Jy;wW qrcam hew.' tsutbe uig.waiter WftS.bewing tbeav into the )arlor"no where Mrs, Ctirlrrt anf her growri 'dmi'bjrei 'ife. knj tcrtaiuinguije a iiuibuer orheir., geii:, tleinea friejids, ami .. JobauywbJspeted back '"t 1 ' ' " .'.;. .: ? t Practice in the State eod Federtf Cotirta, rdpecJtTatte,Dton a loicj6Jieir,,f rr. AttotinewnteXawp .vt,p.ticeaJn.ihe; btte at -Jladerali Cmrts r -paj : iimnn. afal , 'Wlll "avA '?4L W. CJI ' WUlatfeaarrg!rttJ.-the 8U5clnr 6brt of &.'hMca''MWA f so,i-' JPBaAam Uii Ran S?.? "M?e Wt;al Grcepshoro. m - T. 1. fedSe, nmurf"e''? intrnted'o hW ahairrwerT I k.ftnwriim.Aiiv oiio canio to the door 'Well, ihin, what is ilKWhat- do: yiz wa iH.iA, i nviiv, Biddy cxc1u1wedin,Hw1re lIt's'tye arlt Prompt and iMliefnl attention.- 0 fl- ' T-LL " " r n m -ant. t Vr'. 1 nines Mhjsava folofeaWCihTt BC-jf 1' 'ti) the pteps they went, knd:; ijebeu I the baskil 1 Mrs.' JfteV ijTtTV boine tnrsv- . he bo r own oalJs. Give Biddjoar.,, cards. ftlLWId oivI" in-wiit of l I Jhow her ibim eardf.7 4 cJiiiowttknM -at 1)01 ..iJiiU tairflf ;--.btit iltijatler .a u.iAiiiirnLJibL bave.4ier liikat him 8htaiidTlfcrfi Jfll I V . fcJftVJ I 1 111 I1B1 The Jones hifrii-bars-for Biddy WioKW ikf w JIWf U. e a nice if$MMTY l . ... T,i. i.,.v Llwaji-k,elIl00t. !dd v w lrtrer pBiwb' da luJaft'1 TV w . -. --".iM about hef.' '. '----r-----r-jj- A I I III I III. ll BW-W b m - U foliar. ...i.yTr 8 rJ!.nAnKJ?l profeeelon .. MKQl . ithbu is lowir oe C'otJKTar getttiflJtteVtai JIOU. J V.. Htifhi bdys! Thort is a tabfe, anJ it'l' fa'vr'' !..:V-.'" "'-";V.. V- " A very large and stately woman'; was Mrs. Ctirtinand it soetoed-to the 'three nevto(ner;s if) at eferybody in thai room - , .-.i. ... ; :t -j.u-i. ' wa at least a size or t wo, j.arger than common; but Johnny Cook led them on bravely, and aWtlie ladies. bowed.!ery low when riey "syiA'i'Jp e Vi 'X -S jf : 1 ' 1 aiii-.n -w!-!;i uh-. '1 am aoqualute4 ..with Mr CooJk said Mr. Cdrtlii, as 'she held out - her baud to biio :''bkt wbivsh of. y oo is Mr Marinad.nke y,nm1 f, .4).:.fcn vu ,''lhal'a uiy.papa, "nsa'am, and i am racy.4 "rft !' .'! -L.iMi r i 'Ob, 'youare' making Ids eall lor llimc ' Jd -' ...' f.,i;i-tl ll.'uvw I" 'No, ma'am, he ia oui, too,, but i n some-of his oerds .' '! i-w exactlvl l.ttV 'AhU tb1 1 Mwsj 'ricawia'am, if you'll give nw baek Belle's eard, I'll give-yowoiMvo Motb er's,' said Toai.'a littlb tlonbtruliy. ' " ( Ol), thiajs j'llt as gooiJut, I vmusf introduce you to the ..couipany, wb,ile Pieire is getting yon some refresbtiaeuts Plenty of cream Pierre, and somtf'con fectionery.1 " T ,,: Thal-'sit whispered Tom to Tracy, and the iatter answered: Mlusb, Tom, Johnny knows:- It was remarkable bow very polite were ait lhose taji ladies and geullemeii. One great, tb'i, yepowi-'whlskered inajj. in parircular, kepi fhem so long with his qnepi ions, that Tom at 'last fUt compelled to remark; 'PonU talk to him auy, more Johnny"; the ice cream will all be onelt flu tie tt tu: ""?!- n;m. J, 'Wit will,' said Ifs. Oartlnii'Do-let them'ofl,:Jr'f. Grunt. WisMryoB ' uerer a boy ? 1 meati a ' Vci'y youny ontle. man?' ' . - . Nem said Mr GranVl waf aTwayi old eaouglio wawi fore'it meiled..' Comftfeoyj t i.roiiffh. I like to aMoBato. witU lojlo wf of my owu age;, Qorao o,) rf , ; i , He w verxgwiv,a4digulfied abqut it, jnt1etweeo bimeud Fwrre au4JUrs im.. aa i N. .v amr . . io ssyiappy jtaw iksw: ASk ikemana y I three bo Were-atiiwss; puabJ lulol lp Was im'athlnVlb foldi oNier silt dress. lietW4gXW4iMaer tbtti WmbSfh ba'toid Jat k6notUk aIaMarf norvo'usly i UMt. CMeiafclmbkldd' ii ? 1,:W" '7CVU Ir9; . ' ' AyreMrreaa uu wbu(cu anaowvm we-M xeavipa'no wcre.npfc bawtl.,troq Lfr fv. m jae iwjMa . i . a" . . ... . wa si n fdA nuviir. ro na at atnrwirBmrja iwiiinniai Ure" for wbmkrWe(Fl ttfta.- ayjo'efr worpojiVjiwhole tsj" oVj .'f tlieV ".Happy yNeai Yati'.Ilapuy,. New, Yearly i e., J f WsBfo1 1r J vervs k'lLnf. aft.. iw.k!.:m..J ... 'Todt were Verv rKlft aVrWwKir,?'-' viu. a ai u awa a a- wwa T vuv l ' . J I ----- - - - J " - 1 a . . 4 , a r " v t a ra r & . . : - - a a. . . i . . M -rnra Aiaai twv. loi a r.aa iaait a mm a AAnnaai Athetf Tdmbrdofe.sbyWW.n' oobj-v iu? I ibM-J uliua i 'vVftr1 Mrft'Mlaklin, aatd Tom-Ma'a ""V 4 snaoe mm gerwawwaeK uickai: aud it nl iJs. . VVa Maaad'am ail Mul!to-le trOrand.dcf .,, lo r9UiI LmiiiiI of iolnv aonor Jones's iad Judge Ourtiutonly l4a-B,L'. Mm-U .lWt pakoa4iverfVAur;togitlV ttbt Ibilitfl Jyr leer,'ad ae0iedt. ie Jm ryibg-; io Uuih' wivfcauSwjakiDiianT bouy ti. Uns Csnur's rcpijt" v--fi i ,(i .flV bovs to ko out. 'Where'U we E now. boya? , 'Uae't v .twice" j Ike aasae boose,' 1 1 was alwayi t Tracy. . 'Can we aaid oljnuj , a fa yeu , f earda. . Ufejrj, V?tf wfcite. bqus. a. Sal. ltllnaHa ytafaiai UAnilAI rslheref- 1 1 don't k'nbwufwe veft Fwhen weceHn. 1 Vi P i.i ?WT r,ve 1. aeuiMiw.,!" .is.it.' lmTQrp- .IpsrbeteMr. Pi-P . k a f i a a a . . - t . CBAIIA.tf, ff. c. ye and fresh drugg alivay on h-iid. ?J. It. . : -. . .i (riiey'ialrf tbeV tbonbl tfteycod. !1 .-AASnr-hAv when It bad tbe Ineaia of little S'Tn they do . e ' " WMm "SS he rest V in, pi; ffk JBdge Cartin's; But Ibe ooyi war. K puUb. JJ. I 5 flu sur, they were Hungry .wU t.oy turtlni lolrVoo wae.w-ja3.wu. w pert thl ,orfogdawie vIt,rad dne sayfar bis ir.eiras?' , 0f jbeat was at that mbmintaUaJipg bjf x We innlt eWp-'ttdi! r0,! one of so frxti window. alh biddtn cauiii.1 btfpoliteW enxt housed amfipg ibe fcea? j.eurUiDs, and. anotbtr; flfui'fiei mVde WftbjeclWti to' Mr iJraat . waf,a.yina;f t):0 . . ' j p flutribE confecionarWraHhoipocfcs, 'ItVinat too bjd,. girls. We .iu and tlSu ttie wUoleVompauV and we've ..anfy '.M.fivj . J . .T. j . .1 1 Mi.n4 1.. inl.nl Ar?tl. .a i f antnA a I Ml:l VmLIH 111 III 11.! I lllLr- (-. lullr ' i;,!i.jif. mi mk-i j variVtMW'itaiMlWfai' aUvl taaaAti Jat as iodd, . Tracy, Wyu-rvbuir, "ii . T. i. 7.. i.-I -HZ. .T tooie iiiore creamr n iiMtrfu trtiA .ek&utU lAmfiitt WoiDi.W'Miaykjr.wW !,' ' T?5 'T.keafwaceulL'aaTrflHeWrklfleV' " I in... i SIil.i.j. . . k".' .1 rTTTl?"" .iF!rT.;. T:l TlfTiL,l ; cr, in swallow Tailed coat and7 wblt JrUuirVJffl.ns'siVt'ttJ''ofTen,fn ria-tittwgiiewj ' .Zfi.ril ' . .w. .'l ...-:'4i iTsl "ifrMMe. . ij a j21lat eeatheaVbaltintfdas wtwbaatha4iUwin ' 'ooRmg-nown ,?-wonder Qhu M Y"' u P UttetVevhs-J elseHiiUe .twaik. efcbnnv .M,-, fa?L Wtf1 hdV 'd1 . Hil.ni. veuests, Jt wasin vain fo. John- w'UJlViT,MS tUk i-kodA wTaal cuaigH iswv mitto taaarsoci ny Cojfe So??&d hold hi. head np AlMl ioTaJ!..A t'lifiSST ifW asheUndedupWcirdanda w'tSW Tpdntt.beid bim. '"L16 'JlUYeakealbS ,. , Iawn . . . - aa hflVrtifd fA'VM'teiha WttMcm.kacmm aril I 1 a tlA.l .BHASWalaa ST . I V IV nVIUVUt a I W IT IbV lUIIUf - 'ftmiitavHI taUtwesvKaaeaiitlii akav 9tuer ce, wnene4orgotha.ojijhi44oj .' Bat'johDUV onvaardrl'IIontiiiii fUmedaTou stamps a' klna where ,io. post .the. box aftd wonderiiTg Iflherl really W'khfr! fn Balle'a tuareiaataud o(wolhfaJ '- 'Way fott nnab'iewsdbraiif'.'and'i her., 'yow irtve ' frif;tanad wa, v ii l t 1 wu.ww.mbl M . . I m " r I m 1 4. Vl . t-CiKJt.S. t Ut1 mrtmrmnimmw lXm.tMtllW Saaatl t lC JITOa I SB W aav VM1 saiwi naiwiwa awa a wa w ..,V ft '. , I snwin vmawt oanM lariat iili e-iiUMiaMiekimAl.; , . ,innddeilafjaaj4W tbe wliAM .iji.i. vi. i .i 1 1 m ' b lajwst m m mm tms iswi a rawer 4 lu.iizir aeoonna ina lain 'eklwa-iilaJsjai,R tr0-i j-y .,4 seoouda lb VjeiW,!L i ' .h.kaA,tfh.lM ar.iailaiaaai Ulkv and HK. 1 ? s-v.Wa-a-J i McfcM oeeii waiwa ou M g? anew waye am 'Yell tv.iiseo He ml b Jtm-tl neo-e irtooana,ycf io reu il unt pt eighty second wrifTnVTSaiMet'Ottt aiveaaw fyopojee ami; t rnadiSuael,'hQru4dlrs.t e. Tbis SBtltvicwadA4L,a. Mtionatl dt6 warihfl i rettfDi Wbe-wftiuujr. n T I T . . " .... 1 haniUJJli lu luv IllilL. j- . Lh.afa while JUiaertDod aiaia, a-liPW vuj.oai -ot.u w j --, . . hi rmnnna iun..n..... I J'" FV',lr, I' v-v'-. - a . f I wawwava aa aa - -""J. w ll so ' - .Jelial aiajaaJafiaf reacr, a i a .a . a a tiwi a a auwiw a aaa aaaa,a. a. aj ci aiaa iiai aiuu - aas an aaw ai i near mm, -wnero a ins ice-cream r 's.Jii.iui!3i.'lv..Vj;' ;T.i5 v 77.. 7 . .w a" l ,.. jr. iraJJLJiHWyr Uv.U.af a u-j .1 it.. i. I . I . . . .1 1. I .1 - . .. . m... mw. VIUVU llUdl IUO IB" I IAUU1IUUQT T IIWKI1M ftu lu .rsw u l i j ji:.: -i.i...i..AiM".TP"TwTJMieiit: masnav t eioar enresm tutt swnwniiewsaw hm . .or a.nn. mrm'"-'- I ' rttoll'ia' WnWikUI mikakaa.xJ I--A. a. , . f . ....... i n ..f thiuaiUMliM.iVuHUJa.l ' .. i . i luiiuwv. r-r- . w inn r.Kj'ai 1""" T wlioyttJaiaaMnl.M4itvii,t-r..f I .ina.M.. .iMa.1 , . ery .roan. hoeYer bumble, bears 1-. Ukviaaiis.iUiaoat MeUaaaw mj Ltrfti?fiT?4 J poriioh braivlrtiKofy, and where? 1n r , Waaioff ton. tbe beat danoerr. UbiVwifrV'iMffitUUmS&i 4 Saarabcrstibe'moVInIIfr i:e . -. . ft : i l: it v I l . .1 i "-w 'T rv'T .viiimibwviimwmi m inmaijmioiiuii. mo uiiwimi. " iBioan.u(wi., iim ""''V ,i ...J :-i:.:. . . ak.A ..t i aj W.a .hi lv .....,l-..... ..Ll-U ..n.lrJ '7 "H rM"HWMpWlWSra WW I UlltllDOre, W UOH WlHinr " L .T.!a:iT Z raa. A'.fWafw;ilm LiClieHrtAtl.ta,i ... r i!.Li; T l "ilf aeari4ranii am ciwih.t fd W sea ibat you bve jnud-. the .re form movement,: Yo ftmt sk your L iends to stuff ibeaiselvts.' i - ' . Aud she said something in reply, and the others' said something; but Toin Fitsh pnt bis line to Johnny a ear and said pretty loudly: : . i t ; . 1 'JUU go, there ia nothing in tbu house but ueufjine. '-. 'fijw to Mrs. Micklin bfore yon go,' aaid Jobony; bat every body in the par lor exoeptiug the daclor'e , wife, .was I aiiebiiifl: aboat soinetning or Othel When J alius opened tbe door, for , those, , Utre Said uhnnyjl wUen'tey bad reached the iide walk"-'' I'"-u " !ofi-ii MtWK' .mi uiercoy destroying that whQesone men' worat tb be enlr asted pendens power pi arstef Dt lilsi ju"ttrytnAUi .VVflku UT!U , cbargod with assault and battery, . ...... . i There lan't any 9WMiWmiiud.Vfciign-fifcl Mnnieinii?,theirt tfie llagnUb'a to suit .it., opm.plttiaiU a . Mon thr beads the 'tamnlB'Jtheir ! aiaVf oounsel. Twicebe tried to arrest tuo" . wa I w '-aea aav v a BB Hi 9UUUUI EJV T6I Ul I H..ak 1. MM MravOurtia'e, reer.tt AVsvtr-. i 1 - ftffriae? like" ile.traBWlb'r ;.A.t"XS: J iwaanpiDB, ao iar- rrom ueing tneir i delved too Ueeplt two itqe .MC0Kcyt I oseoMoopann but serf td pull down 1 toe Uagrslb'a to snlt Afd CDf -oufl a,la Aaw l ' I 1 iilvninsl f llA alais-lrnaaaMa k .. t L.mm aannJ it . fa - aa.ir .W l.kJ' iL'. Br - . S Ji w - . 1 V" -W . T ivTaa r."' -Jl. .-j-l-A t. l in.inl djor. lucy, woBHcjey. ,,-r-r. rVi' wJ.ti:-c-lviAw i-tiKr .. ..".I. -if... r..l ..i.I. , ! 'ADU Jiouuur una rvu u riw&r . flftall srTia whalafl Iboee three boy S be ebirlng litre tiif Iveeeft, nM ibenf tefoW, wTbrf are to king calkh TeM Jttba--io sliowHhto ltt tt-t? c And John dial, Although. Tops Fuh, a- aiatail that tlta earda must ea ia ..ahead GasVfdd .at ttf more, oojer - . iPf .jnv 7 , j . t v,, -w. . 'iaaVZ-,Wi i' -' ' ire waia a un.. . , filkrignt onrto'fasV tb4ff WMfhU no chance to eorrect tbe names'.1 t -iTobD,nrytfa4 hS9e some Sak'ef ... J fi . j J . el jjft. 11. " M jrtBSdaktTaflat if. or ' IdW ice-creawt'l . i"attixqs w (MafaflArabeSUa. sosae EfiuxtHUaanaaw. a. ' la, a.vi rwxa W i i r'.J twin vfai wi m Ammr inn ara not a, marned lady, aid yoji mat have a lcup ef Mfj fo. wut uo iiao ot oaueiui U4me iua,t upv r. brer decking luoVUnrr. ana lls bT ike rnU tlla'tTear. b'ti4ath;The peniyni the peopisfn tBroqfy'rdol f"vAUantj. the-mose d Itbetat Itliieriaiiia. d of tbeir iwlittoalearetrii fe may'botst Ufr. w, . . , j I.W,,,, e,j , hi.... r . ..1. J . 1.1 I .n t ft .1 . 1? . rn7W' -"T' cjaa..M. uiavataKaai nictuaona. .01. mess amieeiA. nunofliv,- . ahiUondly imagine ibat diey . : bol-tlob. ' ateroal-but wbeneVajr tUoae vjeeei.baU UpHil'adelplitstoV ioUrIVe,irnl S abound which undeniably tend -to abase-1 Jadv like. ,a.i it;,: ment, steeping the, poor.ant ignorant New York tbe gaesk tadinoal. eb i ami lowtr in peverty aod igporauce, pensive in dceta, OleaTalauil. the moat craceful and en tal eatialit whifih ktrtna An ' :aiitain - cL ' - 1 ' Belf.ruii4 peopWrtt ll bt).lond,,i by -4 - Wl wuHfiWt9?4kWXktyP& St,im . .w - Wefcma.iaaltfca Kaaewa ai. T aod eh.;; ... - a. af . . . . ak. V MaS . M . a. a osators rsvro4 fop tb.i WalimtHt flSjaLWT??1 ?f iwiiiiiwtiiiaijp . a . . .... i mi tiibi iitmnrr sun hiu t v i s . te0 lf-HWsiariia.lwiavbspfeias " ..,..1." i,, itf'aiSffT-- uiente aai prMHaat. vjctonaa may flg) gyrp'evL. ' swu,r 4eiv4 flu, i CrwteW:?rihrpa4xa j caA U.o4iar I? eaaliit mttalw'r in.nl Ortat srf t of A mcricah 'frebdbm will have gone: and '"along end amoe auae htlls4nade lb. butsiiCathMlgrkns anj of the iairinM''Svsc tiieaw. ia tisei itrs I m 'Samson's' ui ilia wiiuftManite t$ Uri .r.. r ..z.r . i. . . a .. .. xa,' tuo uvuiinii, n.iti u uw afr. tut waf cbina bis opportunity for nirult.SYetia eoqpl. of buudrad QL Mv. tTh Whaeab'lJalIia draraardhr.. ou ebdrafiTa , jrv ' - 7Z ,V,Z 7 lUUa feiutehorilV t-M ew leeieN i returned the-Uwse. 1mSj B 1 I . aT aBTV 1 . Dva 111. I III.l I.. aaal.l ' iba ui knTil oOrnlrtAd uhartfk . iftslratuent ftt use V6relf',(," -;i .u .Wr9 ?' F:r 3 , Ante. etJ-i mV eeiarasba U i.;b witb' tbeTdominlenrot the earth: "Tlvls rf .tMr k i KajrvA..in tv-k VBatiASwt .a)W -far mw aawBBw Waw- T -w ... ; 1-4- . . w . - , H lafai ii aaai aa aa naaeiaa r 1 1 a sal art f Haw. ntlNlnr Ar afA ff aT"" . a . a a .a. a a s,w,.":.r;Tu K t iropamsiTnmijpajsvjK sk..v t m.n AlaM H anllnnal Mnltanif IF It ! . 7 .... . i j mi. 48olthber .".fi a IbaU .litran.bi ma I"r.tar'" a ova- i U a.JtMf!S!Wi tllWaaw'Ur.VwonfnYi wheJrb.rroVrc UUerel ie Miriaeiawn' iotslb0dnifitJfff?? r""i2!01fiHjf ctfi' leried a-bld - Hltlaa GllVaTeUliuZ 1 whkftVer'bbafi la r . .. . I. . . v ' . i t t t . . 1. U. ameWie if. MsJWH W a7i.i-J Ji hi!,. iv.?'!llif ,..v:T.l .aa. von. naaua'a ArabaK i?WVW'trMi V"&JWZWr. o;ine eartn. fro on eaoh tide end. kicked .in. bn tn.. TM- nm will ha limmM Bu all . .rnnrirf till UilIinBalW.wsi Umeexnefi kmraaiytbelwnf leviW lm4Vt!b?"drHLaii0'lsi .i fa Y.irVir:! hnfn,rrTliiodi-a;iv7 came iiGugiiif lettDitm landiabontt tbei else i sngBaWTetf oWrWrf8 tfJdr llrLbnMJ tn mbottt ! ru'ne'away W he cncu mi if w n r iiy To j" y get ai-jug :oJ.--uur::ugtdsi udweyr. ' -