1«. t f. KXPKKI MBNT tTATION. BtaLrrm ko. 3. March sth, IPBI. Vi*IAIICIfB IK TUB QoMPOMTiOKS Of SOME FKRTILIZERS. A mutter of great importance to farm* era la illustrated by the following aftaly •oß of different samples of cne and the aame'branil/of fertilizer jtaken at dif ferent times and places. It appears tlmt some fertilizers are not uniform in com position. Some lots are »o diff. rent from other sold under the aame | name render it improbable that the variations are the results of imperfeet nailing. Numerous facta which have come under my observation lead me to befteve that this variation ia intended in some cases. This ia of cowrae a viola tion of Hie lair and ia vejry misguiding to the farmers. Three brands of the souse imperfect fertilizer, claiming to be . a special fertilizer for tobacco are J 1 taktn at Henderson fast spring analyzed Lr Dr. Ledoux, 11. from lot aold U. L. Aiken Esq., of Rockingham count;, last - spring at Danville,VVa t 111. from Silas Mcßse Esq., of Lineolnton. r - I. 11. 11. Sand 151 8.77 5.47 Total Pbosrh. AcM 11.72 U.Ofl 11.89 Available Phos. Acid fcW 884 11.47 Inioluble Phos. Acid 1.88 2.73 0.42 Ammonia 2.66 2.25 2.08 Potash * 4.81 2.72 1.06 Commercial v»hK> *41.80 83.70 89.00 We see tbat the samples represent quite different articles. Ho 1., the sample from Henderson is the only one which eontiiinc enough Pottsh to entitle it to bo called a special tobacco fertilizer. The lineolnton; and the Danville sam ples differ too. No. 11., Danville,. con tain* more Potash and Ammonia, No. JII., Lineolnton, more phos phoric acid: *?' No. 1., sold at Henderson for $50.00, per ton, 11., Danville for (55.00. HI., at Lineolnton for s43.so> The facts ase instructive in two wayr. First Farmers cannot always rely upon fertilizer* a« of uniform composi tion. Numerouogood brands have es tablished themselves as of uniform com position. But all are net so, as many Farmers should have the composition of every lot guaranteed to (Rem and should verify this by sending sample' to station for analyfcik. The Department will tfta numerous samples of each brand at different points this season in the endenvor to deteot these uncertain brands. Second: —The ease before us shows, as do mtMsy other fasts, that the articles euld in.{forth Carolina are much supe rior la the articles sold under the same nainoin adjoining States. The sample from DanvUlo is inferior to the N. C. samples, while $5.00 more p«r ton was askosfor it than for the beet N. €. article. Farmers shout# buy where tfcey'goin the ad>vant»ge„of the protect lion of the fertilizer control established for their benefit. CHAS. W. DABNEY, Jr., Director. MTMDTH BOCK, Tbia breed of fowl is rapidly making Via way into public favor throughout our eeuDtry, chiefly ow account of in in fcrinaio good qualities, and la pressing bard the Asiatics, aa when wall cared for it will nearly rival them in weight and MZO, and iu the estimation of many surpass them in quality of meat; it also in throwing down the gauntlet to the so called non-ait ting breeds in regard to the Bomber of egga, it being a good Win ter layer, eaaily broken yp wbrtt Urdody, and not wealing much time after hatch ing a broad before again shelling out. IT WM originated by croasing the Dominique with the larger breed", and wtaining the beat quality of each variety need; it ia the moat suitable fowl for the market farmer, as, in addition to tbe Jkrge egga laid the chieki grow tUi % keeping pluaap from tbe shell, and in prime condition for b.oiling or frying, and fatten readily and dresa heavy for the Fall awl Winter, trad#. * Though elothed with t sober business suit,it* is by no means devoid of beauty; a full grovwpwilet, it fop tbe *kow pen, ita darbnuid lifhV batrmg coinciding nil parte of ita Wdjr,.4o| hiring the fund ed outline of its piomtntnt breust,. mak ing its abundant flufl more broadly de veloped- cm, wigs and'tnil K and Uj*ri w off in fineneea »» k motants to the oleai cut bead, witfc its jellq* bill and clear bright eye, all surraoanting a pair of clean, ttroitg ytfloW lag*,holding itself proudly erect as it sings Hs cheer ful dMy concerning egga to eow, is a picture that the fanciers of this variety alaoa eeeoa* ta- naoe-.. Tbe standard weights are nine t? ten and a half pounds for fha males, seven ta eight and a ba» fo» tba females, though surpassed in many instances. A tWF.CT STREMCTHENER.A St^^^WER UITTIjI23 *ra LHily recommended for nil diseases rc- 3 cidrir j a certain ar.d cUaeut tonio; erpcchtlly InHjctCon, Vytpepri*, Inter- 1 r.'ilr .t 1 'evertj I,'crt cf Appclih', Isxscf L rcnjlh, Lc.'kof L'ncrr-j, etc. Enriches fl the blood, Siroß-Sheni-tbo muscles, and glvtffccw L.% nerves. They ccl like a c!iar..i c.i the digestive organs, removing a' 1 dyppcntic pymr'.orr.s, euch 03 Toilet (he Food, tchlnj, Jlcal in the ttcitUch, IZcartlurn, etc. She Only Iron Prepcmt ion tiT.it will not tlackcn tlio teeth, cr {jivo lieaxlaclic. Cold fcy all in:~c;ls:3. "Write for tlio ABC Uook, £3 pp. of useful and amusing reading- —tc.t free, BROWIi CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, si*l. BITTERS First § Mfr an Intrinsic value \uv formula, when they are sold to the furnji- ri 1 SIO.OO. This I* the but thowii.g mer giwtn a J cr- The Best, Cheapest and Most Successful Chemical Mixtures. 13 KQ By thoiruso. high (Trade fertilisers u * mado at one-third usual oost. Ufl ■hot Lead Inn- farmers in srrery State as reference. 11 ■ ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF E3 ITI nwxu'S ms dipsolvm bom, powsll-s txvm, hi oh qsam, H Kill PO WILL'S mi BONE KXIL. SCLPBAII PO TABS, BU| ■■ powillu mi ixmmim scm, powsll-s urauTX jotabh, U POWILL'B PVB2 DIBBQLYSD B, 0. BOVI, POWELL'S PLABTM, H POWXLL'B BULPEATt UaMZBU, POWZLL'S OIL VITEKJL, * ■■ IQ sracLLL ■rxTi'niß ikd resnr raEiff r?>x w» okubh. Handsome Illustrated Catalogue, giving f-U descri; tion of (>f Powell's Prepared Chtmicall, prices and ref. rencer.. with ana- ggffl ■M mm lyticai value of GhemlC&ls and Bones, Baikal to M m 1 any address free, on application to ft -w. S. PG'VTELL, A 8K the recovered dy§ - vfcdms of lo \*cr^ and ague. the mer its and good appetite; /BA thev will tell you by j takings I M M O N h The Cheapest, Parol, aaJ Beat Family Medietas la the Warld! For DYSPEPSIA. CONBTIPATION, Jaun dice, Billisus attack*, SICK HEAD CUB. colic, depression of spirits, SOUR STOMACH Heart burn, Ac , Ac. This unrivaled Southern Remedy i» war ranted »«t to enntain a single particle of mer cury, or any injurious minora! substance, but is I IIRBLV VEGETASI.R, containing those Southern Roots and Her bs which an all wise Providence has placed in countries where liver Diseases most prevail. It will curs all diseases caused by Derange ment ol the liver and bowels. The Syjnptoms of liver complaint are a bit i tor or bad taste in the month; Pain in the a baefc, sides or joints, often mistaken for Rheu- g matism; Sour Stomach; loss of arpetite; bowels alternatively costive and lax; Headache; loss r of memory, with a painful sensation of hav s ing failed lo do something which ought to t hive been dune; Pebility, )ow spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the skin and eyes, a dry a cough often mistaken for consumption. SanKtiraes many of the symptoms attend 1 tbe disease, at oth ra very few; bnt tho Liver, a the largest organ ia the body, is generally the 0 ! seat of tha disease, and if not regulated in ( time, great suffering wretchedness sad death j will ensue. CAVTIOI 1 As there are a number of imitations offered to the public we would ca n iion the community . 'to buy no powders or drepareA Simniotis Liter * Regulator unless In white wrappers, and has J ■ the red latter Z and Mortar In the front, and Is . made by J. tj. ZEILIN &Co. 1 » "We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspspaia, Billiousness and throb - V bing headache, v lis tha beat medicine the world ever saw, Wo have tried forty other remedies Simmons Liver Regulator, but "none of ' them gavo us more than temporary, relief; but i the Regulator not onlv rellered bat cured us, ( JCn. TELEGRAPH ahd MSMKOIR, Macon r oa. J. H, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 | OATAIQOITg Of WwtMMUd Free to all *ko applf 6y ■ Letter .■ ■ Oar Experttnental Oronnda la ■ L ■ Which we teat oar VifrtaMtm ■ ■ Flower Seeds are moat eoaapletet ■ ■and oar CHreenhonaea ftr naats ■ l|^s^^Sa.vsa^!yf-■ > • I I: |PETEB HENOERSOff £ CO. K * m. ' Jk JUabWaMHsMai«e 1 - —P' .tmbm rirnrV By a competent teecfter, a situation in a school either male, female or nitacd, in some good neighborhood, or in a good; family. For particular? apply at this ollioe. ow.-ai.Bl. , j *^77 firm* TTPAT.TIT. WATER, MASS AND PILLS. Adopted in chronic diarrhoea, cores pation and scrofula.-£-Uy. Lataani, M. D. P 't Vir ginia Medical Society. i Successfully used in dyspepsia, chronc diar rhoea and scrofula—Prof. S. Jackson, Univer- Efflcient in anaemia; excellent appetizer and blood purifier.—H. Fisher, M. D., Ga., Valuable tn nervon* prostration, indigestion, and chlorosis. —6. E, Mathews, M. D., N. (J. A One toDic and valuable 1« diseases peculiar lo femalas, 4hionic fever ann ague, bronchitis and diseases of the digestivd organs,^—J, F, Houghton, M. D., Ala. Very beneficial in strengthening and impro ing a reduced system. —Kev. John . BccKwiih Bishop of Ga. k , » -j* _■ f "• Invaluable as a nervous tomft —Hon. I. C. Fowler, Tenn. Recommended as a pryphylactic in malarial district®,—D, R. Fairex. M. D., N, O. Restores debilitated systems to health, —T C. Mercer. M. 1)., Ind. • Used with great benefit in Malarial Fever and Diptheria.—S.~F. Dupon, M. D , Ga. Of great curative virtue.—Thos. F. RMM bold, M. D-, Bt. Lonis. Beneficial in uterine derangements and mala rious conditions.—G. M. Vail, M. D., Ohio. Best Remedy ever used in diseases of the 11.', oat.—P. A. Sifford, M. D., N. C. Tonic, alterative, diuretic; one of natures '•rreatest remedies—Medical Association Lynch* burg, Vac. , 1 Adapted in eertain affections of, the kidneys and bladder; dyspepsia, IhprfS, chlorosis, scrof ulons ftnd eaSßnaous affections.—Pr)f. J.' J Moorman, M. D., Va. Relieves headache, promptly—fcoth sick and 'nervous. —Rev, E. C-Dodson, Va. Sampleimpnly seirf free to any jphysi -Jan de siring to test. Pamphlets sent free. Analysis with each package. atei- a» it comes from the springs $4 per case of 6 gallons in glass— ' f2 50 for 5 gallons; *4 for 10 gallons t7 for U gallons In casks. Mass 50 cents and sl. $2.50 and *5 for half del. Wis, puna sugar coa'ed 85c, 50c, and fl package; #l.Bs 8.50. and #6 haifdoz. -Sent postpaid anywhere This Ma* and Pills contains in reduced space all thu cu rative powers oi the watar and it palatable and solable. , (Springs open for visiters Ju* Ist. Board . fSS per month. SpcofaJ rates to /families and i pai ties. Carriage* meet visitor* at Forest ui Lawyer's depot; cacH 4 niilcs # from Springs, ?po» advice of arrival. Address A. M. DA VIES, Pres. of the Co. 78 Main St,, Lynoiiburg, V«i i Sold by Dr. G*. I.«mg * Co. * Graham N. C. I; 1 A Assorted Chromo caidfr ' /111 with your Same peatly Jll printed on them 10 cents, Addh?*s: CLIMER & LOVE, Gibsonville, or Morton'# 8loii», N .0 a week in yourown'town. f5 Out free. No fisk. Reader, if yon want a business at which persons of either sex can makfe great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to li. HALLETT k CO., Portland, Maine. t SURE CURE : - FOB ( Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron« j cliitis, AsthWa, Consumption, Am* An Dlmum of THKOAT *nd I.l!XG1, i Pat vp in Quart-Biae Battles for Family Um. Batentlfloilli pwptrtd of Balsam Toiu, Oryatallized \ j tool Candy, Old Rje, and other tonics. The Formula . fa known to oar beet pbysieiane, ia highly commended by them, and t K e analysis of our moat prominent cnomint, Prtrf, O A. MARiNKR, in Obioago, taon the label of efer? bottle. It b well Known to the medioal profoeefcn that TOLU ROOK and RYE will afford the rraf teat relief for Oongha, Golds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Weak Lungs, alao Gonaumptiod, t* the in eiptent and advanced atngea . .. Used as a BKVKRAOE and APPKTltflCfc,lt roakrsa delightful t>nic for family use. Ia plaaaant to take; if weakor debilitated, It gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frsme. /ri a TTTTAXr Dorr BE DECEIVED^ M \jA. U JL J.V7JLI ¥ bf unprincipled deal- \ | era who try to palm off npnrr yon Hock and Rje in ft I plaoe of our TOLu ROCK AND RITE, which la I % the on!y medicated article made, the genuine bar- / ri \ing a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each bottle / -i LAWRENCE A MARTIN, Proprletora, til Madison Street, Chleage. QTAsk year DrWgglet fbr It! fir Aak jrour Grocer for Itf VVAta year Wlue Merchant fbr Itf j PT Children, aak your Mamma for Itt rV-Aold by SRUOUIHTN, OROCERA and DFIKfi MLROUAkTI everywhere. pALACE JEWELRY fcIOEE FARRAR, OPTICIAN, tVATOII-MAKKB . ANT) JEWELER, AND DEAMCU IN irATCIIS. CV.OCKM, JEWKt.SI Silver Ware; Bridnl Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, C?oid Pens, Ac. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which irill brxU rkrnp The Literary Revolution.' II" arc won every day. In January, 1879, "The Literary devolution" vaa Inaugurated by the publir V OTnr PQ ration of on* nmnll volume. At frnmt, Itt line, piililL-heri and In pre paratlon'.conißrisoiinearly ■ 111 lUI IW j75 volume* of standard books. It give* employment to about r.uO hand*, :iml now ha* fscilHw* for delivering to purchawn over lw- mt k«afci a •»». To meet the popular doiwnil for the coming twelve months at least 2,000,000 and probably 3,000,060 wilt be required. The almort wonderful n» oess which the " Revolution" has achieved Is, doubtless, to be attributed to it* leading principles, which ero i 1. rublish only book* of real merit. . - , , ■ . JI. What U worth reading Is worth preserving—all books are neatly and strongly bdtmd. IIL Work on the basU of the present coat of making books, which is very much less than It was a faw year* Book* hitve commonly been considered luiniir»: In a free republic they ought to be ciWHfßSttd necessi ties, and tho mas-ies will buy good books i y the million if prices am plaretl within tneir much. V. To make tl and a friend Is better than to make $5 r.nlv, and 1000 books sold at a profit df ft each give a profit of only #IOOO, while 1,000,000 l>ooks sold at a profit of 1 cent each give a pruß of (10,0001 and it I* mot* pleasure a* w*U a* more pruOt to sell the million. LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. ■ ____ T rj:*:.- * verbatim reprint et the last flMO) London edition of Chambers's Encyclorw-' I arpp I vnp rnlTlnn dla. with copious additions (about lA.OOO topic*) by Amertrsr* editors ; the whole lulhw ITUw kiIIIIUIIs cstnliiiK-d tinder an* alphabetical arrangement, with such illustrations as are necessary 'to elucidate the text. Printed from pew electrotype plates, brevier type, on superior paper, amT bound In, fifteen elegant octavo volumes Of about 900 pages each. It will contain, complete, about 10 per cent mora tlinn Appleton's, and M percent more than Johnson's Cyclopiedins. generalreader it 1* far superior to either of them. Its coot I* Tmt a fraction of their t riee. I otanies 1. to VII. are ready January 10 IMI, and other volumes wlfT follow, alonl two nw-h month, till the entire Work Is completed, price, set of lfi volume*, in cloth, S 15.00| '» half ltuaslp, ifilt top, $22.30. Chambers's Encyclopedia. A* a portion of the Library of Universal Knowledge, we Isituo Enryclopaidla separately, without the American additions, complete in 15 volume* lOoio. in thisstvlc it I. printed from new cleytrotvpcplatesmado from very clear nonpareil type, l'rico, Acme cd flon, doth, ft.so J AMU* f Jltl.m (finer, heavier paper r wl4* margins),half tiff, gilt top, * IS. In this stylo it la now complete and being delivered to purchase n. What is the Verdict? W?can of o scheme wlAcli piace* In the band* of the i**>ple the be*#' * _ lX'^e^fch , «latjtfe le'ft yoit'a ""'ossal fortuno which ron nre spending In publishing book* for the people. at nominal price* I If *o, 1 admire your taste. But won't the old-line' publishers be glad w*u-nit is gone I—ll. F. Coho- roan may, and every n»«n Should, have a library.—n>.MlUm, Chicago, 111. • Is doing wonders In book-making. A few dollars wilt pimiin*© a pood library. Wv pronounce them the boss books for the money that erer yam© to our notice.— Tk* motion.. . , . . ib a nuttier of wondel* how such books, in Arm binding with good paper and good type, cAn be offered at such * P^s^^>2£^ a wtiSi l we wilinot attempt to explain' how the Amer* %* JV>ok Er.rhnnfrc can nfford to pobUlß inch a remarkably cheap sorbs of books. Other unUHahers niay l>e to sneer ot them, but .so long as the Exchange publishes a book at oofrteuth the cost at which it is offered elsewhere, sneers cannot hurt ihem.-C*urur. riven generous notices of thtowork, because wo Relieve we are doing a favor to our TO ltMt"ro?y d rt^ratSVhe L eicu*e offered by many who really want a good ntryclopiedia, but one ofthe expensive editions, Quite a number of our readers are subscribers for It, and express themselves highly 'rcccnt dato that deserves so largea sharo of public eneoutcgeDiefH a* tills one.—' ,l IhS'maTefouslt tow work Is too well known to- rtccd'much elaboration of iW*merit*.—lV/s. ' ra/ Tkiey am»?ei printed and bound. Their form is vwtly more convenient than the untriMjr quarto or octavo, and their price Is cheap beyond all precedent in bo&-mattt|t- I s-#M''r Itptial, Coluinbos, Ohio. On &S ft^ JESS "^llbrtfrivnlme* yonr noble enterprise throughout Virginia, Tour name* will have with Soie & Howard, Cubdcn, Klghlingale, Morse, ttltoo. and Edison, a* r. firmer* of the nine »£ised"wlth them.' Tour compmnTTs worth more to the common Mopto tlwn the Peabody Fund. It makes me feel good to look at your catalogue. \ois-de*ervo tho praise* of all c!as*c* " C w o boT,V?n Klheu-anl, mjrofor him who**.ftr the benefit of hi fWlow-countrymen. The books which I hay® rorelvntl l(5»i y»u nre wonderful iMmr te» th* money.—l>. B. UoMKUKtt, Pastor Coo®r»g»**onal Church, Whitewater, W is. , f Standard Books* • . Macanlav's " Eiurland " reluced from tlß**o »l.li; Gibbon's " Home "from tO.OStf; (Srote's HlCtnni frei. »1M» to »2.00: Rollln's " Anrieat Hlntory," y.n^Mommyns-'RonwcrPreens nlolUl J. "Frmtce,''Mensel's "Qemiany," Oarlyle's "French RevolnUerff' Millar's " Thfrt' Teart' yKc?Creepy* " B .tOes of the World," preparing, equally 3ow In price. fiction* teS "wSSi/'TS TurgeneiflTs " Father and Son," Kcade's " Love He Little." . *fwefity-elght standard books reduced In cost' {Hit* |»aTto'»*:o; among other worts befnw Biography. tSSt7c*rlyle, Mscaulay, Ulbbon, MlOlet, Plutarch. Hd**. Arnei Bhakrapenre, laive tyw, S Tola. »!.»; Milton, » cents; Dante, X eent* t Virgil,. "IllaJ/'S* oenU; Itomert "Oiiyssey," »touts» "Light of A>iu," ftne edition, 4»*teals; Homans s, M I 06 [fj, a.. . _ Chambers'* " Oyelopcedia of F-nglh* IJterntnre," i+dilWfrom MM to Km Trine from |lt «# lltoratlirp toMeeni- MacauLsy's F.ssayj" from s7.fio to«l.fch "M-riem ClaMl.-s?' WVe'VUku,lrom (&00 LI 161 aIUI U. {J m wnw ; "?Ss»art'. "Chriniele." from »mJto lji»"Tht. Koran" from t*»M»CM*ai •* American ratriotism," W cents. . Religious. " Josephus's Works," |LBO. Miscellaneous. Beautiful Homes. "TheHe Is*™*lrther hoof^^*can people." Oh. W»>'««Bs*ay»:" Is aofnlM«o«* sen~ nnd One feeiintf that it *h«n*Wii»»»*ry viHa^Uhmry." Revofutiorv Pamphlets and at the nsni^l V j Car^rteV^" 'Sim?" 'f?emer " Mary Oueen of Sco s* I.ife.''W IWitai-tjiie. ►onner price, (1.a.. Brevlertylie, prieeiynt*. "Vicar of Wakefield." Bv o»Kt>r (foK.-niltb. Brevier ty)>e, teautlful prll*,J»riee»cent*. Anjaii'i" IVtrln't rnlfnn." Hourgwiis typa, leaded; beautiful print, fspfee teentnr Fraetions of one dollar may be sent in |» >"ave stamps. Addres* CAM ERICA M BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN B JJuVAGftt Tribune Building; Kew York. AGENCIES: »=££ 11 HTKlffll)U>.iDe«s now before the public 0 K r.X h'u can nuke money faster at llr lili/ A work for iu> than at anytliiug elsp , Copital not rcq'iired. Wcwilfrtart von. *X !, a day and upwards made by tlie indu»trlon». •' Men, women, boys anilgirls wanted everywhere to work tiro us. now is the time. Y->u can ae rote your whole time to the work, or orjy your spare moments. No other business will pa}' yort nearly as well. Ho one williug to work can fail to make cnorftfous p*» by engaging at once. Costly Ontfltand terms free. A great oppor tunity for making money easily and honorably. Address TRUE A CO., Attaint*, Maine. ftti pr Outfit sett free la those who wish to fn W the rtost p!i asant ar.d profi table business known. Everything new ft t required. We will furnish -y»U everjihing. FlO a day and upwards ia easily made without staying away froip home tfver ' night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at Many are making for tunes at the business. Ladiep make as ranch as men, and young boys and girls make jrreat j pay. No one who is willing to work fails to I make mtrrf money e»ery day inan can he m ad | in a wrek Ht any ordinary «»niploymens. Those i fwlio ei>g>tge at once will find a short road « ortune. AddifetsH. Hallvtt fc Co., Pi rtlabiP' Maine TRY THE New York Observer Till* TKAR The 1/argost and Best Family Taper in the Woild. Penal f»r ftanpl* C»py-—Free. Ktffr YORK OBBEH V ft. 37 Park Row, New York. Dissolution. On the 16th of Afril last, Mr. W. k. Erwin ptirch sed the interest of J. Q. Gatvt in the -tore of J. Q. Cant kCo., at Con.pany Shops V. C. The new bus'new Will hi conducttd nnder the firm name o( Holt, Erwin A Holt. Mr. Erwin, the active member of the new firm, being well known to our cnt-tomero, and 'horougly acquainted with the demands of the t -ade has just ri turned, and ftf daily receding from Hea'quartert> a full and hitmls mo stock ui everything hi* cueton ers Wjilt. We return thanks to ouf ninny coatomera and cheerfully recommeitd them- to the new firm. 5. 19 ISBO tf. J. (I G ANT k Co. j ILEiAMT JEWELMY CHEAP. To Introduce oor new slylts and Influence trade we make the following unparalleled offere tor a short time: "The Berlin racket contains bko^l haridkerchlef, pen. pencil, comic ravelopee and Visiting cards. All these mattetf (6 you for Stc. In ■tamp*; 4 packets tor fI.OO. TtUt lot can be re tailed at from |B to «*,«?, .. ..... M The Royal Casket co A tains one «opert> amethrrt fing, elegant cAral broach set In neck t lace, coral 4eera bracelets, roee scarf pin. goM Plate*)**?' JI'AtKiS plate sleet e buttons, spsssgp, toll pfateajikwltb white stone settings. Jet and cameo pin ear gpl«» Plat? sjff™bj.tt6M. 1 U. Y. JCWILBY OO. t Atlanta, Oa. _. Tni Atlamt* Oioßßsaya: " TtftscoaapanyM ~ LHCIBH «AT>B. Fashionable Uarbei* „ Alit » HAIR DRESSER AT THR GUAIIAM HOTEL. Special attention giveft to ladies' anl chif drei'* hafr. Cirlll and get a bottle of Wsfter'l dandruff 6t¥r*. It i* 4' sure remedy Md wilt preVfrtt hair falling off. A tig. 26 80 tf. * —— ~ Home Again, i Wftfi & beautiful line of fall goods at Bottom Prices If you want a' iteairtlful dress, Handsome (ait of clothes, (jotod oyer co it, Elegant cloak I ,f New style alia 1 *! or nubia. New and stylish hat/ cither ladles' 6r eentlcmeir'e, Neekwart of My deai-Hption, Ui.derware, corset. Hosiery of any rfyle. Mlk fringe, Lace*, silk or Telvet for trim* lug. Pair of fine shoes or boots Or anything inr the . Dry Goods or' NoliOtt LI2STK very cheap, call to see me. I 'also ic#tp * fut line of Groceries, Hut d wore. Queens ware, Dnlgs and Medicines, which I offer as low as th« lowest. It will pay yon to call to see mp. B. A. SELLA*®.- , Company Shops, Oet. 11, 1880: Seeds, Seeds * J (JAT RR«KtVB» Clover Seed', Orchard Grass and Garden Seeds. SCOTT * DONrfBLt; Just Received. 20,000 pounds Ship Stuff, tsitt best of stock feeek SCOTT 4 DONNteLfc- THE mmiM At*llse Picalassist Vrctles 1 , The ©ld Reliable PiecTitfoift Warehouse? p*lt TRRRt M tI.K •'* Lecf Tobacco;. ffppotflfa Depot,~—JitivtsviiffC, & 0 Highest prices and best accommodation#' guaranteed, & A J. ELLINGTON &CO., Prop*. A. J. Ellington, Cashier, J. Mv Andrews: Ancti«st»eer,-DTek Elllngtbu,Ci«rk, Weddel Hart'' Floor Managed, jan 17 6m. PLOW Csme aod see our New Combination Fori' racrs Frttmß»n>ws. , Can use auy kind of Plow Irons ou it. A Full'lina of Steel Bull' Tontgucr, Shovel* Ac., &C. , 1 v SCOTIA * DONNEI.Ii; Great cbanflt tb mak' ; 1 i I J . ihdliey. e need a pefr-" son in every town take subscriptions lor the largest, rtieapest best Illustrated family publication ita tile world Anyone can become a successful agent! Bik elegant works of art given free to eubserittertr.- The price Is so low thM-alinost every slfb' s»ibcs. One agent reporter taWihg JSJO amb-' seribers in a day. A lady agent reports making over *2OO clear profit lit ten days. All wbo en gage make money fast. Yoii *afl devote alt* y»«r tillw tto Mid business, dir. only yOfir spare 1 time. You need nH be awaj from home ower fon can d« oe well as otHotlr. Full di .rtsetlons Slid tfcr ns free. 'Elegarft arid expen sive Outfit free. If fi/off table work send na your address at ondi. It ooetr nothing' to 'try he.business, No one who (tttgkges falls tO mUkcg-eat pay. Address GEORGE 81*1 N SONA-CO., Portland, Maine* (JH "J /JVOutflt foynished ft-efe. with full IHUruc- KIJ X Visions for c inducting the most proflta-' bit OOMheas that any one cau engage lit! The business is so ea*y to leai;n, and ont-lnstructions are*-0o and plain that any one ci 11 make gttat pi-dSt • from the very start No one caoH fail who is willibc- to work! Wpmen' are a»- uccesafart ar men) Boys aad giKi can earn arge sums. Many have made over ma hundred d oil art in a* single week. , Not tag like it ever known before. All wlio engage are surprised* at the eaee and rapidity with whk-ti they are able to make mohey, Ton can engage ih this' bqainess daring yoqr spare time at- great profit. YwiiOTiftphave to invest capital In it; We take all the risk; Those whe need ready ifioney,- should write to at dUM. AU fumisled frc*' Address True fc Co., Jlaiue. Scoff &Ooonetf Grakm N C ■ Dealers in i BatHitoo*, «ttoci«ntir lunnwAHK, n.ti'N, boots' »8HOK«, NOTIONM, I HON, UTKili, BAI T,MOLAR. ■ EH, ORIjQR, DIRDh CIRRI. DVR ITTU »FS AO AO.-

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