THE GLEANER N. C., M.VNCU 21, l£Bl Local Items. dHl'ltl'U Ol KKCTOK V-.-U HAM AM, Prayer Meeting eyery alternate Tuesday ev ening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School, W. C. Donnell, Sap't, exer cises at 8, o'clok, P. M. BAPTIST—Rev. W. L. Wright. Pastor. .Ser Vices every first and third Fund ay, at 11- o'clock v A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. Sunday School, R. A. Noell, Sunt. Exercises at oxloek A.M. Wli»u yon go to Gwensboio do not !rtil to examine M. StrausH' big stojk of clothing, dry goods boots, shoes aud bats. It is a pleasure to him to show you his stock.' >- . —* Mr. J. P. Longest is quite sick. Chatham court this week. J J Long has the best lot of Ladies' nnd Gents' fine shoes in town, Prol. A. Q. Kerr is now teaching writing classes at Itoidsvillc. Capt. Jas. A. Tur-cntiuo catno home )nst Monday. Ho rem dnod with the Legislature till it udionrued sine die. You may look out for squally weath er us (his is about (he sea-on ol the ver nal equinox. r The weather wis disagreeable last week —the rainy season seeming to have sut in. ' Rev. Thos. Drew will begin to preach a series of sermons at the PresSy (criau church lies' Thursday night, Capt. Jas. A, Graham and Mr. J }V. Alhertsou are at Pittsboro attending court this week. Send #1 60 and lake the ALAMAKCE lor one vear. It is (he only paper publ. shed iu Alamance Comity. Tho Roxboro llerald is a new candi date for public lavor. It is published by Whitaker. ami lluntcr. It has our na m cst wishes for success. The Rev. Georgo Rnmtnev preached (wo very instructive sermons to good congregations at the Presbyterian yesterday morning and evening. 1 h: Ofstliani Cornet Bunk now makes niglil hideous with di. cordant sounds. When it gets ix practice, we may ex pticl some good intuie. The members ol Graham Lodge No. 23.1 O. G. T.j are earnestly requested to iiH-ei at the lodge rooiu ou next Fri day night. JOIIN A. NOELL, W. C. T. Highest market prises paid .for tobac co at Reams 1 Warehouse. Meadows «fc Crews, l'roprietors. Mr.' Cletn C. Curtis has received some ol his machinery, and will soon begin the Itibricuiiou of cotton yams on Rock Ureek, at bis place known as Curtis' Mills. It. J \i * «• . Tl.e bnriness before the Cierk ol the Superior Court was l«js« la-t week than has been known lor many a day. () ily one deed aud one mortgage were pre sented lor prbbate. Wo learn that Mr. J. A. McCuuley has purchased a mill uoar Shallow Foul win re he expects to erect a cotton null at aiteftrly day. Alamance is emphatically a manufacturing voriury. F. R. Hard*n & Son, havo just re eciti.d it biysto.k of dry goo«ls, censist . ing of ladicb' fine goods,- notions, ►hi es, men's fnriii>hing goods', Si\, die. Ever} thing will be sold ut bottom | r ces. They have 200 bushels of peas for salt-. TUB FT'K-T is Tn» CJIKAPE T. —Harris & Fli|>pi*n r ' Hartlwsre Dealers, Greens boro, N. C./ are selling tlfir g?noiue l'ateut grotfftd cast stael Hind Saws. Every Branded "Harris A Flippeu" is Inlly warrautfd.' None genuine ex cept those bearing their name. MARIilfcD, At the residence of Wm. Mi'Vav. in Hits ConIIM", on the 14'h inst., Iry 'I bos. Stafford. E«q., Mr. D. Davis to Miss Jane McVey. Bv the same at the residence of JV. P, McDaniel, E«q., oil tho 15th iust., Mr. Peter C. I'erry of Chatham to Miss Fannie , daughter oi Richard Tcer, of Alamance. S. 7Fe find It necessary, more frequently than is pleasant to ns, to say something 1 to our delinquent subscribers about the little niliotiut they oue ns, of which wo are continually fu need. Those who pay promptly h>n'( eare to be forever read ing notices intended solely for those who are beltfud with their subscriptions. The colmhlis of a newspaper aro the Editors' stock in trade and you are. under as great obligations to pay for ihem as you are 10 pay your grocery accodut. Don't forget this ftttle admonition. Pay for yourpapey. A Wot to tbe. wiso hr suf ficient. Iter. E. \r. Beats, Died on the Gth inst., art his hontp in Suffolk, Vs., after being confined to his bid a little more th»n one day. He WH* a devoutly pious man and a leading minister in the Christian Church. He wait WeH aud lavorably known by n.any peojdt of this oouiitv. In 1858 lie mar ried Miss E'iza J. Faucette, a daughter of ChAli-y F. FaUcette, Esqr., or tbii county. .He lived for several years in this town, and County, tt aching and do ing good in the causa of his Master. Ris death wi4i be sad intelligence to all- who knew him. Ancho? Brand Fertilizers; The farmers of Alamance and adjoins Ing conntiOs can be snpplied the coining senson with cotton aiHt tobacco fertilise, ers by S. A. White who fe agent for the cclcbaled Anchor Brand fertilizers. For iDi'ber information apply to S. A. WHITE, Mvbaueviilc, N. C. 3.28.3ji. " " " v ■ + - t • * ' . Sell your tobacco at Parrish & l3lack well's Brick Warehouse T)Uibam, N., .Where yoil get the beat accomodation and.highest prices. Pajd off when List pile is sold. hUIiKOAOmi!STINCI. The bill cli&r(eiiug the Danville & Maw Kiver Railway Company having been enacted by Iho Gfeueinl Assembly (be commissioners named in (bo charier, together with a number of gentlemen in terested in the construction ot tho pro posed road, met iu the 6ourt house in Graham on Thursday the 17th inst. The meeting was called to ctdpf by Dr. Geo. W. Loug, ono ot the secretaries ot (he former meeting, who moved that Capt. R. James Powell of Chatham County, be called to the chair. The tcotioit was adopted. Mr. l'owell thereupon asvnm* cd the duties of chairman and explained the obj ct of the meeting iu a brief and practical speech. Dr. Geo. \V. Lon» and T, U. Eldrhlge wero appointed rctaries. Tho bill chartering the com pany was then road, and thereupon, Mr. W. L. Loudon of Cliatli tin, oflerid the following resolutions, which were adopted: RE-OI.VED. That the Act of the Gone* ral Assembly« f North Carolina, incor porating the "Danville and liaw Rifttr Hallway Company" be accep.ed by Iho Commissioners therein as their authority lor opening books ol subscript (ion to the Capita! stock of said ('oni puny be opened by the Commissioners as provided iu Section 2of said act, on Thursday iho 7th day of April 1881; full notice of which shall be issued by the commissioners on Saturday tho 19th day ol March and (hut (be books ol substrip* iion shall bo lelt open for at least thirty days from 11 ay of opening. 31. That the commissioners and such others as may bo at points to open books of subset aro heroby directed at (he expiration of each (wenty days, to report iu writing to (he chairman ot (his meetiug tho amounts of stock subscriber on their respective books; aud also the amounts paid in cash, And il at tho ex piration of the forty days it shall bo as certained that twenty-five thousand dol , lars jsiiall have Leon subscribed, and live per ceut.of that amount collected, as is required in Soctiou 4of said act of in corporation, then the chairman shall issue notice, through the said cotninis- Moners to thj several subscribers, to the capital stock of said Coinpanj to meet in uraham for the put pose ot organizing suid Rail total C mipany, by the election of a President, Treasurer aud Nino Di rectors, first giving twenty days notice ot the day ol meeting. 4th. II at the expiration of (ho said ■ orty days, (he Commissioner* shall have tailed to secure Iho requisite amounts ol subscription necessary to a permanent oiganizuion, theu so suou as it shall be ascertained lha( (lie rcq-iisite amount tias been subscribed, tho chuirmin is di-> reeled to is»ue hi* call, first observing the twenty days' uoticc of time. The following gentlemen were ap pointed sub-commissiouoi 8 to open books of subscription to • the capital stock ot the cotnpan/, at the following place-: Danville, Col. E li. Withers, Maj W. 1\ JJuthcrlin and C. G. Holland; l'ancey villc, r A. E. Henderson, J. A. Long, and W. B Graves: An** dcrson's Store. Dr. J. G. A'tder* eon, and Levi Walker; Suxapa haw, J. W. While, Nathaniel Woody George Slockaril; Oftks* S. S. JFebb, Matthew Alwatcr and T. P. I'r-tdslmw Cedar Clifls, C. C. Moore. J. F. Thomp son ami Georgo Stafford; Lee's Store, A. 15. Tate ami Jerry Lee; Pleasant Grovo Maj. James Lea, J. C. Walker andE. C. Murray ; Company Shops, D. Worth. J. A. McCuuley and J. W, Slinrpe; Mc-'s Store, G. M. llazell, Dr. Jno. AV. McCauley and J. F. Cot bolt-*, Alamance Fitci'ory, W. E. Ilolt, L. S. Boon and Geo g • Troxlei; Swops invillo, C. Meb ane, John R. % Newlin and J. N. 11. Clendouiu; liolman's Mills, W. C. liols man, Thos. C. Dixon and William Hon* ley ; Davidson's Mills B. Davhlson'nn I J, Q Gaul; Graham, J. 11, Ilolt, P. R. liar den, W. 11. Albright, J. il Harden aud W. 11. Trollingcr; Lockville, Glover A tent, Capt. Jacob Whisler and Jno. W. Sfcott/ I'ittsboro, B. J. Powe'i, W. L. London, and Alvis By n tun; Mebane ville, Charles White, D.* Y. Mebauo and J.E. Scott; Love's Mills, T. J. Lamb, Love and Dr. E. D. Maun; Bys iinm's Mills. L. B. Bynuni, 11. L. Sut phin and James Pace ;Richmond, Thomas Putts, W. J. Johnson and John Ott. The secretaries wore requested to nj t»fy (lie gentlemen appointed to open book# of subscription, and also to scud them a copy ot forngoing resolutions. lulcre»ling speeches were made by the chairman of the ifttsethig, Maj-. Su'lli* ei liu and Col. T. M. Holt. The speak ers appeared to be impressed with tl>e Men' 1 but the road will bo btiilt, and spoke very eneouragiugly ot the pros, (MBtl. On molfon tbo ALAMANCE GLEAITER and the Danville, Reidsville, Milton and Pittsboro papers Wore reqneited lo pub» :«h the proceeding of th« meeting. Tho meeting then adjournal si tho coll of the chairman. Dr ✓ Goo. W. Long, - ( T. S.-Eldridgo, \ Seerelartet, We would ad viae oor fitte tobacco farmers to try Meadows Crows with tinn wrappers, they are making the brat average ever made 011 the Durham market. Tho University of Peiiiisylvauia In a aiidc President Garfiehl an LL.D. - ' j A wagon load of blockade Whiskey' was capturod near Winston a week ago. (Iu the afternoon of Sunday the 18ih inst., Prol, John T. Humphreys died ; suddenly at his residence in Greensboro, j Prof. Humphrey s was a scientist ol some repute, and litul glvdn a*gr6at deal ot at- | I cut lon to tbe establishment of a mnso nra of nitfnrul curiosities, lie located In Greensboro something more than u year ago. ■» Durham Is lo hair a meeting on tho 2nd ol April Id juhllaie ove". tho new county. A number of prominent geu tlemen from other placet will be |>rcefci»t and make speeches. A PAPBH li MOSlrils FOR lo CRNTS! The "Dixie AgrkttMnral and Mffilian icul Rcportei r ," devoted to Agrlcnllnral and Mechanical arts, contains stories aud fashion notes for the latlhw. Humorous reading lor the lovers of jokes, Prize Puzzclß, Receipts lop tho Housowile, Farmer and Mechanic niid other Interest ing reading. The receipts arc worth $5 to any farmer. The love stories it con tains during tho year, il bought a book store, would cost 40 cents—Tho Reporter is pnhlishcn quarterly, in interest of the Dixie AgricnltniaJ I'air, and will bo sent oneoar on receipt ol 10 cents, to pay postage. Postage sltlmps will be taken as p.iv. - Address - J. T. PATRICK, Sec. Dixio P-ir. Wadesboro, N. C. Meadows «k Crews want all the fine »nd fancy wrappers they can get and will pay from 50 to 126 do'ars jar huii-« drcd pounds for the same. Farmers make a note of this. We will send packages to any planters that want to ship us to'oarco, MKADOWI & CKEWS Prop's Rvams Warehouse. Fertilizers For Sale, I t/tTer to fi«i-nit-h the farmers of Ala man ce an l.Otangf, for Tobacct, Cotton and Coin, the n-liable and well known PACIFIC GUANO. Delivered at Ate bane\illu und llillshoro. T. It. THOMPSON, Mebaneville, N. C. 2.21.2 m. Meadows & Crews hold largo orders for all grades of tobacco aud will puy full prices foi the same. 2 28 4t You can *av« ut least ton p«-r eent., by bu\ing your Dry Goods, Notions and shoes ol Cheap John under the 13enbow House Greensboro, N. C. QUICK SALES MTIL S.UAI.I. PROFI R» O2IWARD, HIQIIT ojr TO POOH'S CORNER, Whero you will fiml a general line ol new goods, consisting iu part of Dry Goods, Notions, Ready-made Clothing, Boots und Shop*, Hits and Caps, wares &c., also a choice lino of Groceries at bottom prises. Farming implements Farmers' Friend Plows, Double Shovels fec , a nice line of Furniture. Ladies', G-oita', Missea', and Childien's,Kid, Fox and Button Boots a specialty, a beauti» ful line of G>.-rits, Ladies and Misses Hats Spring style. E Igings. Ladiea just think of 12 yards nice Edging lor 15cfc*. nice' Handkerchiefs for 50 cents a doz. Hosiny for $1.50 a doz Young man think of a nice Coat from 75 cents to a dollar. Farmers bring in your L 'af und Scrap To! acco and g«t your spring sop plies, don't luil to call on u«, our well kni wn salesmen Messrs. W. F Cant and G. A. Durham will be p!e;ised to see their old customers aud fiiends, * Hoping to moiit a reasonable share of the (rude 1 am Respect, your obt. serv't, JNO. J. LONG. FERTILIZERS. The undersigned having been appoint— ert agent for tSo sale of the Star Brand Fertilize'-, will he prepared to Inrnish to the farmers of Alamance and 'he adjoins ing counties that brand of fertilizers for cotton and toba6co iu any quantities do* sired. • ' This brand is well known and needs no further recommendation. For prices and terms appTy at once (o. JAJTES F. TROLrNCTEIT. Mebaueville, N. C> Feb. 28. 3 m, RNOCLA TIIRIOV »v THE PRBSI. DKN'r. Fault finding is so seldom indulged in by those who n«c liio medicines uianu hrtltfred by Ihts World'f Dispensary Medical Association, (hat the Fre*ident of that corporation, tlio lion. K. V. Piorce, ML D., has Issued a special re quest of proclamation to any and all per sens, ff ihero be any such, who inay have taken of shall hereafter nee amy of the family medicines now marie aud'sold by the said Association a description of the maladies tlie Vacuity of lite Dispen sary will advise them' ufth respget to the succetastri treatment of their diseases. Dr. Pkjrce's Golden Medical Discovery, is guaranteed to ciire, ail humors irorrt (he ebminon blotch, pimple or errtptiou, to the worst scrofula of king's oyil. ami those virulent poisons that lurk in the system as a sequel or 6e;oiidary aflfecv lim resuliiug trom badly-ireate'l or neg lected primary diseases. Favorite Pre scription ht guaranteed to cure female weaknesses mid kindred aftection*. Ex tract of 1 Smart-Weed cures bowef nfte«f lions, Colds, and all painful, rheumatic and neuralgic affections. Dr. Pierce's Felleis (litilo sugar-coated pills)". arc tho little piant cathartic. Adilre**, World** DispeitMarv Medical Association, liuffa lw, N. Y., or Great Itussell Street Buil dings, Loudon, Eng. Despotideficv, if allowed auchecki»Y( will often produce a morbid condition,! so that (he lcos( nusatifactory affair that | happens tfill sWcll into terrifying pro* portions. The mind being warped ofteil impdi (s torpidity to the body, all of wliitih more frequently is the eflect of iu>- action of (be'liver lhatifrom aiiy other cause, and by resorting to Simmons' Liver Regulator Iho mind will olten find relief with (lie body# A D V E ItriSEM E N TS. Bo &. a, Fashionable Tailor, GHAHAM, If. Is prepared to make Fine Clothing; for every body. Sen his sample.) of Spring goods aud etvlea for 1881. 3 21 ly. SALE. t Having' qualified as administrator npou the estate o' David A. Mebaue, dee'd, [ still sell, for cash, atMcbanctille, on Satnrduy, 2nd day of \pril, 1881. all the personal property belong ing to said estate, consisting in part as follows: dne flr.e mare, one mule, one two horie wagon household and kitchen furniture Ac., Ac- Persons indebted to the estate of D. A. Mc bane will please make immediate payment, and th o»e holding elain.s against sain eetutc will presunt them to the undesigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1883, otherwise this no* tied will be pleaded in bar of their collection. C. MEIIANE, Adui'r. 3 21 6w Notice. The undersigned hoiauthor!?, dto gell a house and lot at Company Shops, kuown nsthe G-ange Store, well suited for inerchau dixiug or the manufacture of tobacco, will take pleasure in allowing said property to par ties wishing to purchase, and will receive bids or propositions for the same between how »nd the first Saturday in April next,at which time and place the stock holders are requested to meet at two o'clock P. M., to lake definite action in the premises, J. R, IKEI/ANf), ) Oirectois of Howell GEORUfc CHERK. V GEORtiE AN I'HONY, ) Grange Association. Feb. 26. 1881. Guano for Sale! I will be prepared to iurnish the farmers of Alamance wth fertilizers for COTTON,[CO RN, and TOBACCO at Company Shops. J. A. McCAULEY & Co. 3, 7. 8 m. Just Received. Genuine Farmers Friend Plows, all num bers. Plow Points, Laud Lides, Mould Boards, Bolts aud Clevises. 1 * SCOTT & DONNELL, HjUlQjHj Sj UsSjOj Nj & SOjNlSj. Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of Marble Statuary Monuments, Mantels,- Furniture Slabs, Altars, Tile, Tombs, 240 West Baltimore St, AND CORNER NORTH fc MONUMENT STS, Drawing aud Estimates Furnished Free, BALTIMORE, Md. ; , Uraham Mrirkct. CORBECTBO WEEKLY Bt J. W. HARDEN, A]>ples, dried, Btos ' l green bushel, . Beans, Mixed ¥ bushel- 85 \yMte ijl " ... 1,00 Buttet V 1b.../ 15 Beeswax ¥ tb.../... 20 Bacon sides V lt> .... ...' TO® 13 " shoulders, T& 1b.v... 8 " ham?.../........ y. J2>£ Bcefvifc.. ; 4( a Black bcrrfeS. dried Bark, sasafras rocts »> tb 2}^SB Cotfee 13 tb 15^20 Candles Adamant V lb,-,..-..j5 Cloth, tow and cotton, ¥ yd. .. T6£2o Corn IP bush..../. ./..■.■,/ Chickens Frying • lOfi l ls Chickens grA»n'. . j* Cotton iniint. tb ... ../, .. .• Cotton in seed....'. /./.. | Coaloi V gat .-. 25 Cbfcrrie DriedV tb Vi x X •' seed..../ 9UOD» ClorerseictfV 1b........' 1214 Castings, old V lb./...-/ >2 Ducks V Pair . ?/..//.. 30 Eggs V doz... . 20 Flour, family bW.,./.... " Saper V WJI. . . //. ~...-. 5,5^ Feathers V tb ./ . ZUfa iO Hay if W0 lb . 40 Hides, greeu, V tb...... 5 •' dry, V lb.. / / j Lard V fb A) toISW Cuba ¥ gal ......./. 60.®50 Mdal, corn, ¥ lb \is Oats, seed H bu«.i.. // j.., . /.75 Oniona ¥ buslu„. ao " sets V bu5h........ 2.00 PeasV-banh .../ -. 7( Potatoes, irl .h ¥ bush ■.. 1.50 " sweet . .....v...v AO Pork ¥ lb v , g Peaches; dried, peeled,. ... 5 >0 " " unpeeied. , S@6 RagsVlh.... i Red C Oil V gat 25 Balt fine ¥ sack.. ... 2.35 " conrau 1.12 Wheat V bush. 1.35 Condensed'Time-Tabic. - North Carolina Koad inly 11th, 1880. THAI* HO. 47 DAILT, OOIXO *A#T. Leave C'barloUu.. ..m.ii.n.t.. 4 VS am Leave Salisbury H 28 am Leave High Point....: .. 7 50 am Arrite at Urfeensboroß 80 am Leave Greensboro ; .;'.... 958 am Arrive at IliUsoro.'.. i... i 11 Mam Arrive at Durham 12 539 am Arrive at Raleigh •....{ 1 40 pm Leave Raleigh 1. 340 pm Arrive at Uoldoboro 6 00 pm TkAiN No. 45 l)Aii.t,Goiwo fcAsi. Leave Charlotte . ..... 4Si pm Leave Salisbury .« 89 ptu Leave High Point 7 54 pu> Arrive at OroeiisbortJ ... . 8 21pm Leave Kalelglt t. 6 00 am Arrlvfi at Guldtborb 10 00 am TitAiN No. lU, DAILY siiiJ. uoiKc fe.vST. Leave Gieoasboi 0... i : 500 pin Arrive at Hlilshoro.a:.... :7::..40 22 pm Arrive at DnrUmnoc... 11 57 pm. Arrive at Kalelgli 390 atu No 47—Connects at .Salisbury witM W N O R R for all p»iiit in Western Nbrlh Can lina ftsily except Sundays At Greensboro with the R A I) II R for all points North, East and We«t. At Goldsboro with W A W Li R for Wilmington No. 4S—Connects at Gtaefuhnro with (lie It A D R R for all point* North, East and West. TRAIX NO 48 DAIf.Y, GOING WKBT- Lea' « Goldsboro 10 10 am A/rive at Knlelgh 12 25 pm Leave Raleigh ........ 3 95 pm Arrive at Durham ;4 44 piu Arrive at f 1 Ulsboro. ~.... 520 pm Arrive at Greensboro 7 40 |wu Leave Greensboro.:, 880 pm Arrive at High Point. .8 65 pint Arrive at Salisbury /.;... .1018 piu Arrive at Charlotte .'....12 27 am train NO 42 DAILT, GOINU WEST. Leave Gold»boro..; ... 084 pm Arrive at Raleigh 10 45 j>m 1-eaVu Greensboro iHiii am Arrive at High Point .10 25 am Arrive at Salisbury 11 88 am Arrive at Charlotte. 128 pm THAIS HP 20 DAILY, KXCRIT St'NDAY «OISO W*ST Leave Rileigh. 700 pm Arrive at Durham 9 10 am Arrive at Hilisboro 11 07 dm Arrive at Greensboro ; . 345pm No, 48—Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch At Salisbury with WNC RR. At Air-Line JunctioA with A fc C A L Railroad for all point* South and Sonthwodt. , No. 42—Connects at Air-Lino Jiinctio.i with C & C A L for all point* South and Sontl west: at Charlotte rfLli CCA A R It for all points South dud South-east. - RAI.GN BRAK'U, Leave Greensboro dally ex. Sun lay 8 pm Arrive KerncrsviUe • • \ 10 W) pm ' Salem • ' ' ' 10 60 pm Leave Salem . • • 5 00 pm Arrive Kenicrsvllle '. . ' 640 pm ' Greensboro 1 ■ • 700 pm Co nectlng at Greensboro with train* on R St D and C N R R. (STThrough tickets on tale at Grei.nsbnro, Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury ana Charlotte and nil points South, Southwest, West. North and East. For emigrant rates to points in Ar j knnsflsancj Texan. addre*s J R McMURDO, Gen. Pafs. Agent. Richmond, Va. Charles O. Yates GREENSBORO. N 0. Bookseller, Stationer," AND , DEALER TN MUSIC, ART, &C. Agent fur tbe New«4£ngland Orgau Com-! pany. A FULL STOCK of School Books, kept al ways in store, including The Books recom mended by thu State Board of Education, and approved by the County Examiner and Com missioners of Guilford County. Orders by mail Bolicted from' country Mer chants, and Teachers, which will fre promptly filled at lowkst current ibices. Junelft 80. 3i« HALBKBT E. PAINE, I.nle tsnainisftioucr »f PntraK, Bcsj. F. GRAFTO*. STORY B. Ladd Patents. PAINE, fIRAFTOm St l/ADD, Atiorneys-at-IMB and SoticUorsof American and Foreign rtitenti. 412 Firrn STRKET, . W D. C. Prrtctiee pateTrt law In" aft l(s bt*an6he» 1n the Prttent Office, and the Supreme and Circuit CourU of the United States. Pamphlet sent fre6' Tj pr T)Yourselves by making mon«y 11 JOj 1)X when a gold'en channels offered thereby always keeping j»ovcity from yrtnr door Those who always lake advantage of the good chance formaklng money that are offered. gene> rally become wealthy while /hose who dd notim • proye such chances remain in poverty. W« wiiht nlarfy rt'en, Women, froy* and fo'Wyrk for ns right in their owtr totalities The business Will pay more than ordinary wagf*. We fnrnish in expensive a outfit anil ail that lifted fr' e. No one trlio engages fails to make money i apid dy You ear demote you>- \tho)ii time tp the mork or or ly Vouf spare nirtrfentit. Full infor wation and all that is. needed scut free Ad rcss Stlnson A Co'., Portland, MahrC. ■ jour dalle*, avoid ttlraalanu una taite ■ I w ! M routraaqi«nof letters, toll lag over roar mldaisti. work, to restore brain nvrvo and waste, «se L Vvov wntws > if roa are yoaac and suffering from toy lndtorrptloi | . or dissipation; If you ara aisrricd or strfglr. oH or WW ! «liMTerjNin,whertver jw arc,whatiever yoa fe«l tbat yonr mum needs clc unslng, toning or _ . stimulating, wtt|ioM tntosrlcaUno,taVn ■ ! tbnre you tiufmiia. Udfim or vrtnar» compta tel. dl» Tease of tO€-»lomaf]i boii*el*, Um*, ttrer or US Mlf You will be tured It you use / it ftay wre roar life. It hue ssv«4 tissAcU * !!«« f Art Crfre l« tb« iwwirft, mfnt IMI b«t, Aik rfcWmi. Tkt ilap r»d for Stanach, Liver and Kt4n«ya,i«»aperior to«ilotk«m. It la perfect. A*k drufsiiti. D.IC.U ma abaokita anUirmUUbl* mn for dimAniam^m^f ty tl.. Rorb«s^W! isit >n si f f y i T'ih na t>i 11 a y LANDRETHS' 17Qi SEEDS St BEST IQQI l/o4 r.5SrSipS? luui ktffue and Prtw«. Th' ana MM ettmui— B—i Grotrrrn in tht rmilnl'Slaies. ..... n«viI>I.AMUtHTII A- iaONKPHII.tDA.jA. WANTED, By a coaipctsnt teacher, a situation in a school either male, female or lsixed, in some good neihboruood, or iu a good family. For particulars appfv- at this otliuc. Ow. —21.81. "-*S » * ■ ' v: v - ~r/H ? • » " latti i IMTKAHD (CMS, * ✓ t' % . o~j r Wo&*lM ORtfCBIKtK«4 ■imiltrAßß *«. ' *! * j it I.J »>- i ***?«' -ft*' ' -'* U $ /, «* ' J ' * - ' 4 Ingest Stofck & Greatest Variety ■ •».; t f •» '## if (fiwa*i■ , . »i i,t {• r t *-*- '■ f ■ • .'■ JtiMV* *./» *lUi * liiVf in the County. . » .; • - • . .* ut-u.,±,4yA» y.,»~ «***»,: . .: i -' :. . .. i • i . t , . t.' f Successors to. J:. Q/ Gant & oo^ i •' o " Headquarters for- Dry-Groofs» - • ' }*:>•••-' - '• v. • I mil + >. . { . . 'ji j 1 cf i • • • »'ji Ldwest Prices & Greatest Induee-> meats id .• ' j. v,., t , ... • ; Polite & Attentive gALEMES- Go to Be 6 them wlunt you went to boy goods. They trill toafe« it to your advautasre to do irt il!»ttd l^u

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