Agricultural. >■ ' ' .J". ». ■l*. C. Afimrui.l' iiXFiiiti n#Nl'' UTATIUX \ 'BITLLKI V NO. 4. « 'PwTASH SaU'S. .. Jf-r The common potash-salts in our mar lied at the present time arc Kninibe and J Muriate oi Potash. snUa conic to j li* frjm Stassfirrt and-* -Beopoldtthall in >jUirro«my-where they are • fotwid in encfl wous -qn*»titi«a accompanied by com li.on salt and numerous other compounds Shipjjeil-to us in the past as ballj&t freight, Wo haw gftten, theui at such 1 tireni 4he memt bvaiU- Lle source of Potash for Agricultural pmpotrs. Their use iu the Soutli At lantic States has grown to Ifropottions, until,.it is ■said, tiie de luaitd «'UI soon surjxvss ilm ballast -ca- Kjcitj of the vowel* in Ai* t«B«. Ac the mpplj»is Urge "Wo wrrH l . d#«bU(ms> "continue to got them though. Kainite costs lately wholesale in lhrge quantities iu Wilmington sl2 per ton only* 13IE demand for such materials at THIS season has put tile price up some what, but not IN the proportion in which retail dealers are selling it now. As giv«l below farm era CRU affot'd To pay sl6. to U& per TON fov IT* butno more. 2EIT«IFCLJF the retail dealers oug'lT to be able to sell it at this] anywhere in the State and Ue satisfied with their very lair profits. To DEMAND $.25 to S3O per too ior Kainite, as is ditnanded at some PAHITFT, if limply out of all reason! Kyur Bamplss oi Kainite have been an alyzed at the Station tlfis scjxsoa: 1025 and 1026 are from Mnsirs. Ever. •U Bros, and Gill Laurihburg N. C., 1102 fram J. L. McLoaa E>qc, Shoe Heal, 1111 from J. A. Sugg fisqr., Gk«mvilfc 10S5 1033 1103 1111 "WaUr at 130 d«?g. c. 9.87 16.43 9.12 '8.85 ln«olnble matter. 74# ,72 .*7 58 FBttth eqniV. to 11'.00 11.74 10.57 10.19 Sulphate of'fotasb 80.73 21 71 19.47 18.84 Uemmou 8«ll 31.37 30.81. 25.37 28.90 Com. vulae. #17.74 18.78 ».91 16.80 Besides Sulphate of Potash and common ■alt Kainite oaptcms Sulphate of Mag nesia and Chloride of Magnesia whioh »re of soma little value agriculturally* One sample of Miniate or Chloride of* Potash, from hern, baa been ana* fcssd. U contained Water at 130 dog. c> > 1.20 Insoluble matter"> *' _ 0.57 Muriate of-B6ta»b. j 79.38 CommonSsit- * _*J 14.78 —* Isirly gSfefi article of commercial Muriate worth about SBO.OO per ton, . CHAS.V, DABNEY, Jr. * ~ 'Director. MANVM VOI»-OR(ill IBDR. Wood ashes are, doubtless, excellent tor orchards, but instead of boing put around-the toeei) they should bo spread ever tUo whole fand. But where are the ashes to oome from in this jrsgio n? We have little or no ashes. Bi our limited experience ne nave learned, one- thing in regards to-orchards, or wsH'aafiKut trees •f every kind-, that we have culti taled} and' we believe the principle caa bo up plied prettj Bxrctr to evefything that grows upon the earth,, which it that the application of manure benefits- them all. Ground occupied with fruit trees should be managed as liberally as are other portion* of the land used for rait iug. wheat and eorn. It is the neglect to do *O, in connection with' the general nfgli. geuce wih which orchards are treated in mtifty seotioDS that make them unprofita -11", and tabeuomo wornout prematurely. And- as to> the manuro with which or. shard* might to b« treated* Wliflb any kin.l almost without exception,, will • ' 1 prove an advantage, there is none in the world to be compared o stable barn yard manure.- application of oliit only eTtr* third with, careful pruning, asta|wg and washing- the trunks of tile trees, will make a proditj~ aua-ohange in an ordfc&id. Q*lte4op*ctfVss~ &g can* I* applied afc any time when the ground is not frozen, and if not bestowed in too h'nvy lumps,-so as to iniara the onhard^ grass, will yield in addition to titie fiuit a couple of tons of good hay. We have known three full crops of good grass to tie cut from an orchard.—G«r mautown - \ • UKAJ? EQDDCK- Last Auguat- s a writer in the ITusban drMu YW UIORI , sowed a ■ fww pounds of strap leaf turnip seed between t4ie rows d £ tobacco,, aud no attention waapaid to ttivm aftar#««>d r except vto kej[» off' stook. The mult was 900 bnshels of well-grown turnips. These 1 had'piled* in heaps of about 50 bnsliels each„sul vrell'oovered with earth. The topa.mak«-ex4«jlbik fbddfer for young cattle, and the roots are good food for milch cows. lb>ceaftor I shall' not bo wiiJiouba onop of turnips for feeding. A FFECT STPIE^GTfr^,A EIT!mZ!3- era tecoUL-nendrd frr nH c!:sear?s rc- 9 c.:vlr.J'.l;. ' loiii" \ »• j b i'ever*. 1 tf ■x' Ic.Ja;..; :f£ I tj.a fclo:i > Eircf:j;* ,- r.': i r'V- '■ v.-v?'}-?}to.fiid^;ri 4 i3s, 8 I I ixy j /.Ica i.c:t Ir'aclicn t'.-o cr rivo I llfpiuio, £;I1 bjvff.'lj.V'" —" r ' ! -v Hoc!:, i>cf I J and -t ..i fi'd". iiliOW C Or, HaMlmy'ic, He. , The Best, Cheapest and Most Succcsifui Chemical Mixtures. IS] By iiolruso higrh ffrado fertlliiertti. made at oae-titfd usual cest. g 11 ■ ■■- iiiiMnn Leading fiUTT.oi* in svery State tnfrefsroneo. ■i—wrw 11319 Hn JWIiL r 3 CISqjLTID EMS, PCWiIL'2 SAHiIT. 2TOH i3LA32, iMm I' lyl powzLL'a ?trr.r 25:hs mm;, maxi-s i.U2zm Hssaear ■ ■ POWELL'B PTOS A32£o:niT?l'rCH2, timin PCIASS, • R ■fl miLT/S KJS3 M8801.72.D £. C. liCKS, IV,. ILL'S IZXtan, «j^S HfOWfiLL'S EULPEiTS IHCKJCSA, SOTSLVB Ki V/iSBI, } sr»-ur, BIXTVitES LSD in2T!U7E39 StU TD CIO,":'!. . Q f ——LJSjU -i _' i Vij • .-J'".- .- ■ jt, H|if ■%. »S.\- Handsome Illustrated Cfctaloguc,-giving f •! of i j9|| 19 Pcvejl'; Prcptrcl Chexicdg, prices and "roftivrujw., v.-i'h aca fill pas lyticaif of C2»Sii*2U *»& Bspon, »-».'! Ed to rr-vA'^fe| iT,f furej ". victims of 1»>- The Ckeapcal. Purest, and Brut Futility Medicine in the World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jnuu • dice, Billlens attacks, SICR HEAD CHE, oolic, dH)*9"»on of spirits, SOUR STOMACtI Heartburn, Ac , Ac. . 1 . This unrivaled Southern Kemcdy ii war rantetl not to contain a sincjio particle of mer c»i>y,.or any injurious mineral substance, but is 1 nciil.V VEG£TA B 1.8, containing tltosc Southern Roots- and Herbs wliieh (ffi-WIK wise Providence hAs placed in countries where INrer Diseases most' prevail. It w«ll cure all diseases caused by Derange ment ol the liver and bowels. The Symptoms of liver comphtint are a bit- , teror bod taste.. in tho month; Pain iu the b'act, sides or joints, often mistaken for Rheu . mat ism; Bour'Stomacb;.!oss of appetite; bowels ' alternatively costive and lax; Headache; los>> of memory, Witt) a painful sensation of hav fug failed lo do somcUiing which ought to have been done; Debility, low spirits, a thick yellow cppeavancft of the akin and eyes, a dry cough often mistaken for consumption. ' Sjiniv'times many of the symptoms attend tho disease, at oth rs very few; but tho Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of ihe disease, and if not r«gulated in time, great suffering wretchedness and death will ensue. • Cll'TlO^ As there are a number of imitations offered to tho public we would ea"tiou the community no powders or drcpured Simmons Liver Regulator unless in white wrappers, and has • tho red letter Z and Mortar in the front, and is luade by J. H. ZEILIN &Co. "We have tested its virtues personally,* and k-ntovr that-for Dyspspsia, Billiousness aud throb blng headache, ii is the best- medicine the worj d ever saw. We have tried forty other renicdi as ticforc Simmons Liver Rejjulator, but nouc ~ot them gave ne-move tfian temporary relief; bit tiio R'egulktor not only relieved but cured us, HCli.- TBLEGRAJ'H. AND MESSENQKK, MaUOU , Gn. Mftuufactured only l>y J. H. ZEILIN & Co, Philadelphia, Pa., SOLD BY ALL DRUGQIS TS. ' - g I ■ Peter Henderson's | CX)MBCTED CATALQqPE *' B i I WW be Hailed Free to all who apply by M ■ Liter. ■ OnrExpcrhnental Grounds la ■ ■which we test our Vegetable and ■ ■Slower Seeds are most complete: ■ ■and our Greenhouses for Plants ■ ■ (coverins 3 acres In glass)* are ■ ■ the larcest In America* IPETER HENDERSOir & CO. I j 85 CorHandt Btr«af, Naw York. *• "apT ~gi&L AfcntaVanted. sft«Daymflde F^JLY " * WA NTKi). By a ompetint taacbcr, a situation in a school c it'ier male, female or mixed, in some good neighbor"iood, or In a good family. For particulars ap ily at this office. 6w. —31.81. t n?i» T'-ttt. "~^' WATER, MASS AND PILLS-. Adopted''iu clnonic- diarrhoea, cores pation and scrofula. —Uy. Lalxiam, M. I>. P 't Vir ginia. Medical Society. i Successfully used in dyspepsia, cbronc di ai rhoea and scrofula—Erof. 3. Jackson, Uuiver sity Pa. Enicictit-i'n'ansCinia; excellent appetizer and blood purifier.—H. Fisher, M. I)., Ga., Valuable in nervous prostration, indigestion, •aw' chlorosis.—G. E, MatTiews, M. D., N. O. A find tonic «nd alterative, vary valuable ie diseases peculiar to females, chronic fever ann ajjue, bronchitis and diseases of the digestivd onrans. —J. F. Roujiliton, M'. D., Ala. Very beneficial in strengtheuinp; and impro ins; a redhejd system. —Rev. John . BccKwiih Bishop of (>a. Invaluable as a nervous touic—Hon. I C. Fowler, Tenn. Recommended as a pryphylactie in malarial districts.—l>, R. Faircx. M. D., N. O Restores debilitated systems to health,—T C. •Mercer. M. D.-, Ind! Used with great benefit i.i Malarial Fever aud Diptheria.—S. F. Dupon, M. D , Ga. Of great curative virtue.—Tlios. F. Rumbold, M. D., St. EoulK J " ' Benefiaial iii uterine derangements and mala rious Conditions.—G. M. Vail, M. D., Ohio. L'est Remedy ever used . it) dl-'eases of the lU'.oat.—i* A. Slfford, M. D., N. C. Tonic, alturniSe, diuretic; one of natures greatest remedies—Medical Association Lynch' burg, Va. Adapted in certain affections of the kidneyß and bladder; dj-spepsia, lupus, chlorosis BC rof ulous and cutaneous affeciiouß.—Prof. J. J 1 Moorman, M. D., Va. Relieves licadache, promptly—both sick and uervous.—Rev. E. G. DoUsou," Va. Sample supply sent free to any physi ian de siring to te»t. Painplilets sent free. Analysis , with each package, cier ns it wines fiom the springs 4 per case of 0 gallons in glass— *2 50 for 5 gallons, £4 for 10 gallons $7 for 3) gallons in casks. Mass 50 cents aud sl. $2.50 and $5 for half doz. Pills, pure sugar coa'ed «,25c, 50c, and $1 package; $1.25, 2.60. end £5 half di.z. Sent postpaid anywhere This Mass j aud Pills cot,tains in reduced space all the cu rative powers of the water-aud is e rt nvenien.' palatable and soluble. Springs open for visitors June JsU Board ■ t35 per month. Special rates to families and ; patties. Carriages meet visitors at Forest aud Lawyer's depot, each -1 miles from Springs, upon advice of arrival. Address A, M. DAVfSjS, Pres. of the Co. 78 Main St., Lynchburg, Va. ' 3old by Dr. G. . Long Co. Gr«iiaui N. C, 1 A Assorted Chromo caids ,1 II with your name neatty 411 P" nte( l PS them for only ; cents, Address: CLIMEIt & LOVE, UibsonVille, or* Morion's Store, N.C w 'eek an vour owr town. i 5 Oul free. „ No risk. Header, if yoO want ii busir.Chs ut which persons ol either sex Can make great nny ill the lime tl>e\ rot ki write for pnrtii il'nrs to 11. lIA'LLETI 4 CO., i'oitlaud, Maine, - *l.l SURE CURE | —ron Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, IJron chitin, Asthma, Consumption, i Aua AH UIH.IKI or throat ud HI \oj. Put tip In Quart Slio Bo ties for Family Use. 1 Bflofctif!i lfr f>repar«l of toll»Ano*T6lu, CrJfctillfKod* Rock Candy, OldJiye, nod other tonks. The Formula la known to ouf tout pliydcians, is highly commended by them, and the analyst* of- otir ftuot prominent cfioinwt, Prof. GA. MAKINKR. In Chicago, iaon the label of every b»tt)e. It is well known to the medical profession that TOLU UOCK and HYK will afford the jrrontest reliaf for Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Woak Lungs, also Consumption, In the in cipient and advanced st-igea. v. - Uaod as a BR VRItAGK and APPRTIZKR; It-makes a delightful for family uio. Is plea 04n( to take; if Weak or debilitated, ft gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human (r*me. x. ' (f 1 ATTTPTrHV DONT BE DECEIVEDV 1 JL by unprincipled daal- \ era who try to palm off upon you Rof.k and Rye in ■ placoof our TOLU ROCK, AND RVR; wfcfoh 1* §j the only medicated article made. iKa geuufoft aav- W «n« a GOVKRiNMKNT STAMP on ea*h bottle / LAWBE\C£ A MARTIN, FNSprlctOr*, ■ - 111 Sludltoa Street, Chlougo. tlTAsk yonr Drunrlst fbr it! (V A«k your ilrecer for It! | y Ask your Wine Merchant for Iff | I#* Children, aik yonr Mamma Tor ltt rr~So!d by BRVOOfftTS, OROCEttt aad WLMC MERtUAATi everywhere. pALACt JfiWiSLtiY 3D t£ FARRAR, H>TI(!IAN, WATt/H-MAHBB f AND JE WELER, AW DEAI.EIt Hf- ' ffATfllß, C'r.OCKN, JPWEI.III J Silver Ware ; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Catte?, f rold Pens, Ac. GREENSBORO, N. C. Wliieji-Ti ilI Imwtlil cheap- . The Literary Revolution, ifai+MviAs* ftr ® won every day. In Janunry, 1870, "flic LltorAry TUytraJ*rtloitf*V'hß Inaujrrtrattod by the jtubU- cation of one small volume. At prencnt, it* Ji*r, jniblisboci and in preparation, coirtrice* nearly V lUlvl lUvJ 175 volmneH of standard books. It gives employment to about CCO hcjuls, and nov/fia* facilities for delivering to purchasers over tan* of book* a dnr. To meet the popular deiruind for the cominqr twslre months at leiist 2,000,000 prcbably 3,000,000 'o "me« -will bo reu'iired. Tlic almost wonderful BUO coas which tho " Involution" hivs achieved is, doubtless, to be attributed to its leading principles, which aro; T. Publish only books 6f merit. , 11. What is worth reading iu worth preserving:—all books aro neatly and ctronglf Abound. 111. Work on tho basis of the present cost of making books, wluch if \wy.much ie»s than It was a fewyeart ngo. IV. Books have commonly been considered luxuries ;in a freo republic they ought tq be considered necessi ties, and the masses will buy good books i y the million if prices are prated Avittimfheir rraen. V. To make $1 and a friend la better than to make sf> cn'y, aud 1(KK) books sold aitoiproflt Of flench gi\-e profit of only fcIOOO, while 1.000,000 hooka sold at cy.proMl of 1 cent each give a tuo*H of £10,000; and it is luore pleasure as well ad rnoro profit to sell the million. ~ v * LIBIIAItY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. I Tt.** rJli' M A verbatim reprint of the last fIRW)) London edition of Chambers** 15ncyc!opiB»" I nfcP I VllP r(llTinn dia, With copious additions (al>wwtl;'»,oUo topic*) by AinericaJi editors; the whole 1 / r comhiiu-d under one alphaln'tical arrangi'incni, with such illustrations ns aro necer-aary to elucidate the text. Printedfrom new electrotjriie plated brpvier type, on suuerior paper, an«l boundln fifteen elegant octavo .xrtninos of about 900 than Appleton's, and 20 jwroent more than Johnaon'* ami, thfuitfh lit .all Aspects im|>oitant to tho general reader it is far superior to either of them, its cost is but a fraction U'tlmif, r-riee. Vohtmts I. to VII. are> ready January 10, 1831, and other volumes will follow, nbout two each mouth, till the entire work is completed/. Trice, set of 15 volumes, iu cloth, g | 5.00 J 1" top, $22.60. Chambers's Encyclopa6ttia. As a portion of the Library of Universal Knowledge, wo L««*ue CllatM'-jem's F.neyclomudla separately, wittt&ut the American additions, complete in 15 volumes lflmo. In tills style it i* pi intcil from new clcctrotvpp mado from very clear nonpareil type. Price, cd tion, cioth. 9/.5Q; Aldijs i (l»Uoiv»(ilncT. l>eavjcr tiaper,-wid» margins), half ltiissia, gilt top, • Iu • this styio ilo'.* uompjete and being dettveml to purchatjers. What is the Verdict? i ■Xnybodycnnafforl*tooWnn.cyf!ejWKllano(».— rrtu, F.lleiirillo, X. Y. . ~ . . "We can only iv|x;afdur hearty commendation of a N sclu»me which places in the hands of tile people the best' literature at a merely nominal-price.—7Vaiv/«r, Boston. _ ~ „ Tho day of cheap and go»»d books Is once more with us, and the American Hook Exchange merits the. praise fo»- it.- K/'iteopul Regitier, Philadelphia, Penn. .... Iliis somo rich relative left you a colorsal fox-tnno which you arc >p(>n(ling in pulilli-hlug books for the people afr nominal prices! If so, 1 admire your tutoic. Lut won't Urn cld linc lui.jlishers be glad when' it isjgono t-B. F. t'oXG* DON, Ktuidolph, N. Y. u r - . ▲t these mtee any man-inrty, und'ev'frrv mnn fhould. have a library.—77,«»•#, Chicago, 1.1. Is doing wonders in Injok making. A fow lollai-s will purthosc a good library. W. juouounce them the best books for tho money that ever came to our notice. Th« Waiehutnn, P.iMeu. It is a matter of wonder how such books, iu lirm bindinj with good jjajwr and gooji type, can lie offered at such a price.— fie Standard. Chicago, 111. It is a mystery which we will not attempt to explain how the Ameri' nn Book ExcJinsgc cfui«n(Tord*bo pnbtyiat uuch a remarkably cheap fcerii sof books, other publishers inav bo inclined"!*) sIJOCI* at thorn, b*t so long as the Exchange publisheaa ouo-teuth the cost at which it is vneera Cannot hurt them.— Courier' Journal, Louisville, KV. •» . > , ~ , , - We liavo hci*etorore given generous not.cca of this work, beeauso Ave bellcvo we aro doing a favor to our readers in so doing.— Herald, Utica, Ohio. j - It entirely obliterates the excuse oircred by mnny w ho really want a irool encyclopedia, but are unable to get: one of the expensive editions. Quite a number of our readers arc »üb*enl»ers for it, aud express tkeinselves highly pleased.— Txmet, Cochranton, Penn. .... • We know of no publication of recent dato tlfat deserves so large a share of: public enccmragemant as this one.— Sunday Chroniele, Washington, I\ C. ... , , . .J •.*_*. • ' v The American Book Exchange 14 doing a very remarkable work iu the reproduction of standard booffs at- Absurdly low prices.— Journal, TV.stton. h 1 ■ -J The character of this low work is too well known to need much elaboration of its merits,*-7*fr graph, Ilttsburgh. r . They are well printed and bound. Their form !.« vn*tly mere eonvenf rt than the usual unwieldy quarto or octav", and their price is cheap l»eyond all preevdent in book-making.— Ca/dlal, Columbus, Ohio. It has been prepared with tho greatest diligence and skill, an« tho hiorary graces which have been lavished upon it makes its longer aiticles .idea#int an w«il as Hiorouglilv instntetive and truvtwoithy studies. Notliing seems to have been omitted, And e cecially in tiie scieiiliflc,-bit»w»ph cai, and historical .u tides, cven'tbing is brought up to the very latest date. Chambers's, iu l'tut, is thy cheapen, the inoht complete, and in all senses the best eweycloptedla.^— Saturday Xif/kt. Cincinnati, 18«0. . , .. ■. , >. v ,„ It given mo irreat pleasure to reowmmend your noble enterprise tbroucrhoutTirprtr la. i onr have to stand with those of Howard, Cpbden, Nightingale, teenth century.— K. 8. BARRETT, UlchinOnd, Va. 1 •- C The books uro rocelved. lam well pleased with them, i our company is worth more to the common people than the Peabody Fund. It makes me feel good to look at your You deserve tho praises of all elasses of the people.—Z. B. WAKSEII, Yadkin College, Jjorth CaroUita. , ~ 41 , Thousands of blessings oil the man who invented prantlng, thousands mere for him who uses that invention fop the benefit of Id* fellow-couutormen. The books whfcfi I have rrceivcl from yeu arc wonderful volumes for tiie uiouey.—l)i B. L'ONKLLNti, Pastor Congregational Church, Whitewater, W is, - Standard Books. , II- . MttCfttiiay'B "Kpßland" rivlnc'd fi-otn «7.50 to £1 5% OU»!>o)i'»';H«mii" from t«.CO to |2,0«; C.rotV, lllQTnrU "(k'eere" fiom #13.00 to (2.00; Itollln M "Ancient History. S*">: Moiiirtmtn" Rome," Qrkbt'i IllOtUI V. *'Kncrland," QiiiisotV "France," Menzol's "OerniaJiy," Caulylc's " P|-cnc|i Kcvolution," SuliiUcr's "Thirty Year?' War," Oniuy's " Jl.ttles of tho yiaM," pr«parint', Hinally low In mice. One book liy each of the ercnt authors who hare won clonic fame - I'.fo 1« 100 nkort to read all tlicir r; _ _ inrtSu-.of each. Evtra clotl. bonml, la.-po tjn>-, M) M'I"" ™;;h. Srf UGIIOfL " lvaniloe,"l)iclten3'* "Coppertlelil," Eliot's "l:oinola," BuhvcrV' { l s oiu[*ii ,"KiiHniley'»"HTO»}ia," "-IM.IIUIU Ebers's •' Uarda," HuKhert "llugby." levltiK'n • Knickerbcrtrer," Ccrrnn .. s ,; "Q 1 i,: b!es," Tliackoray's "Noweomcs," L'ooper'a •Mohicans," 1m p"KV,"J ''''J, !?!, „ i lUcll ' ter's "Titan," l)e atael's "Corinnc," Slacilonald's "Alec Kulodt i" John Halifax," Broutc'* "JSJie Bjw," Turgeaeitf^i" i'ttther ami Son," llea«le'it " Lov» }lo Little.'* ■ , n- _L.. Twciity-eight *tandaid book's ruduced in cost Tronlsl3.Co to >6,70; ainnnpr other woifaih«lii» nsrannv orcailyle, Macaulay, Gibbon, Lair.urtnie, Jiichelct, bnille»i, I'lutarch, Lidildl, Arnold, BhakSpeaifl, large trpe. S vols.. 81.50; Milton, 10 cents; Pantc, r» cents; Virgil, SO cente; Homer's r\. , •' Ulad/' 30 cents; lYomor's "Ociysj»y,".ao ipnUj "Light of Asm," lino ediUoß, is ceuto; Hoiiuuw'b, 03 | Q6 {[ V, l Chambers'. " riyclopoQdia of EngUsii Litcrntnre," reduced from SO.OO te J2.oo,'Tidne froni W0.0» I TPran TP to GO cent«; Maeauluy's " l>say;i" from SjM.O toCi.SO; " Moil-rn t insjics," Ave vols., from SS.OT LI lUI Mllll Ua t«vo cent"; I'ioisea.rt's "Clirouicles" fnmi SS.OOXo "The Koran "from $2.76 to3o cents; Patriotism," W cents. at 10c-nt'OT'h. " Arabian Nilrlits,"'! l itisblnson CVi'.roe." Bunyan's" Pllgrliaia | ltll _ M !|_ I'rogrcss," rabies" "Mtinolia-so;i ait-J (iullirer's Travels.'; "Cocil's Natural History," J VfiM R reduced fiom }5.,5 to {I.OT. Stories a:iJ W cents, Lunil," Wc'ents. UUIUIIIIUi n_l' " .' r-onne-'sOr-at"' tnblo Concordance" (Spurgeon pays Crudcn's Is child's play compared with Up on «. »), 1-edncc.l from »!5.0» to.iiOO ; Ceikfe's "Life i t CUi-ist," from *SOO to SO cents,' nullQlUUOa Kitto's "CyclopajdiV' from WO.OO to »2.00 i S^nith'a" UiUVLictiunaiy," froia «3.00t060 cent*, "Joseplms's Works," #LSO. , , •• i "Plctoilal Handy Lexicon," Vfi Illustration*.l7 cont«. "nealtJTby Eiercise" lUtepts. KlJ rt AM||nnAi%N#t "Health for>\'nnen," 80cents. "Ouroof i'ara.yS," 30cents. "Saying* Ifl SCG StIGODS. of SiKirrowgraSß 1-apers," SO cents." Leaves from Utnry otan old Lawyer "*I.OQ. Itliuwunmiuguo, n .'I I li Scott's "Tho Art of Beantiryliltf-9uburlian notne Oronnds," rednMd'froih «XM (s99IiTIT!!I tlfllTlPs tjvs'-fo. coeof the finest books ever published lu this country. Beeehersays: HGaiIUIUI llUillwOi " There is' to other book that can eomiiai-e with It for the wsfats df common people." 000. Wm. Curtis says; "Isbofullof ajid line feeling that It should be inererjf'village library." Revolution Pamphlets. Onlv books of the liighast class pablishei bv us, and the p ices are low beyond comparison with the cheapct books issued. To illustrate and de»i oniUate tlieso irutfu, we scud the following books, all complete •aid mjU».sAfrcA,r>o»t-r>ni , l. at the ptices njnied; jr. ' ■ Macaulay's n Life of I'i-edf-iick th-j Ore.-tr." Former price. $1.55. Brevier type, price 3 eenti. Cariyle's "* of lloin rt JJnrus." l'ornier price, »1.». •!#■*» vi-iee 3«nt«. . '- •' Liehi .if" Bv Edwin Arnold. Former price, »I.M. r.ejiUtiflil print, brevier type, price 5 ccftta. Thos. Hnghea'a•' Maniinesßuf Christ." i -l'iiur pi iccjij.oo. Beautiful brevier QTpe. price Sceuta. '• Mary Queen of BcWs' E f fe?' l»y Lamart ine. I'ormerjtt-lce, tI.SS. Erevter.tyi*\ price Sctnta. ■ •'Vicar of VVaJwlickl." By 01i» » li.. \kj- type. In antu ui print. iunce o i-enw. Bunyan's"i'ilgrinra Progress." Bo«igeois tyia;, leaflet!; l>eantiful print, iniee ccentej.- 1 ; ; . > lVscriptive catalogue *nt free on redne t. Bfi*it b>.U'i,tik draft, money c-nier, rtgii'iiied letter, orbyeipreaa. 4>f ftftf umjf l>*t auit in -Addi-esi » AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN IV AliDftN, MANAGER. TrUwnio BnildHijr, New Yqrk. a /• C • H. L. iiU;. Ty.n \ A Co.. ( "in mruil Clarke A'Co.* - i»H. Clark & Co.; Toledo. Brown, ch»WMg», A Wit nAc State rt ft! .• - .' . ... # d; Wcldi, bU K, ■. SI * •?. * H«,II CU. j AIA UTVAT IUT LCOUIUG L/DOLAC*IEI; ... " 'Kf.X 1 If on can m.iie money faster i» J/Um JL work for Us than at anything elw \ CopituJ no; Wc will start yon. £1? V "a nay niaAo '>y the ■ industrious \fcn, uomeju, boyij amigirls wanted everywhere to irAf ftraorm. •'Son is the time. Y wean de - vote yonr whole ttme to the work, or only your spare moments. >"o other _bnsfne*p will pa.v you nearly as well. Jfb or!a willing to work can fail to make enormous p»v by cugagihff at once. Costly Outfltand terms free. A grc*it oppor tunity for making money easily and honorably Address THUE it CO., Augusta, Maine. *»■ Outfit set,l free 10 those who wish to ei Vp4#-"'.F e rfie' most p!. asaht ai d prof? table business known. Everything hew Capital nt required. We will fur nihil you'' everything. $lO a day and upwards is easily made without staying atVay from home_ ove. I No tisk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Mitiy are making for tunes ut the bu-slness. Ladies make as much as men, and joung boys and girls make great pay- No on* who is Willing Ifi work fails to .nuke more money every, djry tTiiin ean lie n. a in a week at «\ny o;*li»thi'y employoieui. Tliosi fwlio engage at once will find a short road • (jrluiie. Add.ess H. lliillilt fc Cb., P«.rt'f»in Maine • .1 ; •> .. , i.j j 'i r « lr : I TIIE It New V oik Obsorvei THIftYKAR The Largest and Beat Family Paper in .j , lbe Woild. Si'ial for Narnpl# Coßr—FrM. i .i .\E W lOXH OBIEKTK. " 3t I'm k Row, New Vorki Dissolntiou. On t.he Ifitli of. April last, Mr. W. A; Erwin i j|Mirch. sed,tlie iutere&t of J, (i Gant in the 1 -tore of J. Q. Gant feCoi, at OoiVipany Shops >T. C. The new business will be condncU-d ander the firm name of Ilolt, Erwin fe Holt. Miv Erwin, the active member of. lhfi new . "firm, being well knSwn to otiv cnstoniers, and horouglj' aoqr.ainted with the demands of the -ade has just returned, and i« daily receiving from Headquarters a fell hi* l hands ma Btock :\.i every thing his eus-ton ors want. AVe return thanks to our mnry customers ■ind cheerfully recommend tlteßi to tiic new firm. 5. 19 ISSO tf. J. £ GANT & Co. t'LETQANT JEWELRY,-CHfftP. I To Introduce bur new and Influence tradp 1 .re make the folJowitiK unparalleled offers for» short tyme :*'Tfie Berlin racket contains a gold Mice, aet of agate studs, gold plnte buna rluf, collar but lon, key ring, pocket book, imitation silk stamps; 4 packets for SI.OO. The lot can be re tailed at from $2 to $5.00. : The Koyal Casket contains ore superb amethyst ring, elegant coral brJptch set In box, fancy neck lace, coral sleeve buttons, engraved gold plate bracelets, rose scarf pin,gold plated lady's set, gold plate sleeve buttons, heavy gold plate studs, lovely cameo scarf pin. genuine. Parisian diamond stud, Maltese cross with P. diamond center, beautiful let sjpeve buttons, plated collar button, plated . liiife watch cliauk t&aO* gold plate ring, nobby cameo rmg?.' MutStte ear-ntifg with PTaiamond settings. Rents' full comb, amethyst set, lady's .fall plated set with white stone settings, jet and cameo,-kcarf pin, plate sleeve buttons. The whole of this mawnimsent' collection sent secure by mail for 11, 2 for fl.TOj 4 for *3. This Jot can be retiillert easlTy at froiMP to flo 7 Address,' N. Y. JEWKLR.Y CO., Atlanta. Oa. t Thk Atlanta jSkp be says: J'.Ttils company is perfectly idfabXH and the amount they give for ' i your mousy is astounding." LUOIB Fashionable Barber AXD HAIR DRESSER v LiJ*SXi' H-I, .i« AT THK Gil A HAM HOTEL.. Special attentinta gjr6la tb I a (Res' and dren'B hpir. Call and pet » bottle of Walter,» landrufF cure. It ia-a nre lemady and nit ■ prevent. hair falling oft. •' .'.i ' ■rV'-)v ;.i if - •Home Again* . j.. 1»j h'H; ii> ;i i. ;i ;,{!#■ -»j I 7 With aubeath!fu» lmotjfifall goods at s 1 i j■, ! l*j r, j - •> ■« JlmmliPm •?,- I » Bottom Prices ilf you want a Beautiful dress, Handsome ani( of clothes, Good over coat, Elegant eloa'k/l New style shawl.or nubia, New and stylish hat, either ladies' or gentlcmon'S, Neckyvare of any description, Ui.derware, cornet. Hosiery of any style, frilk fringe, Laces, silk or Yoivet for trim -iug. Pair of flue sboes or boots or anything. id the Dry Goods LINE ,' 1 very cheap, call to sea me. i.;also Reep a ful' line of Uroi«ri«F, UanMrore, Queensware, Drugs anjl Medioiues, which I offer as low as the lowest. It will pay rpa tq«all toiee ine. > B. A. SELLAKS. Company Shops, Oet. 11,1880. n'A r 1' Seeds, Seeds JIIMtBKCGItBD '.Clover isee,l, •; .. Orchard Grass 1 ' - and Garden Seeds.. SCOTT & JJONKELL. * Just Received 20,000' pounds Ship Stuflj the? best of stock, feed. . a-,.1 SCOTT•& DONNELL _ THE ~ Sllll HIS! ' hi ; . :• HI i* >r~ OP the Piolntoni Itcotion. ' ' • ' . • * in. ' v /4-. I i Old Hetfa&le Piedmont Warehouse FOR f*II K * tl.ft or ,i '; Ler.l Tobacco, Opposite Depnf\ —-E LlnvUle, JV. O Hightwl. prices iuicl-. host accommodations gnnrantoetf. -'1 'T t K Lid.VCf r&N Si CO., JRropls. A. J. Ellington. Cashier,'.../, if. Ar.drews,' Auctioneer. Dick Weddrl ifait. Floor M anager. jau 17 6m. PLOW Como and;see our New Far mers Friend Plows. Can use a'nv kiu'd of Plpv/ Irons on it. A Full line ot Steel' Bull Tongues, Shovels Ac., &,a. ~ . ... SCOT'i & DONNELL. ,r>T TV ' (srent chance fo mak \JT V/JLily. money, e need a per . . , . . E °n in svrry town, take subscriptions K»r the largest, ehcapcst an liesi Illustrated family publication in the woridi. Anyone can htconic a fcnciessful agent. Six elegant w(>rks of art given free to subscribers. I li(j pntctt is so low that almost overyborty sub scribes. One agent reports taking 120 sub-, senbers in a day. A lady agcut reports making over clear profit in ten days. All who en-, gage imtke money, fa#t. You can devote all; join time to the business, or only your spare. «?'. ,? u . t'e away fi'oiri hoinc ov«r night. \ou bun dw os wcll as others. Full di rections and tur.ll* free. Elegant and expen sive OttMit free. 1/you v«un profitable wtxk send us your address at on4e. It costs nothing to try 1.6 business. No oue nfiu fails sJw a > .^ ea l pa; ?- Aac,rCß * GEOR&ET STIN SON A CO., l'ortlarid, Malue. '• •' " • ~ !-!■-!-- f' ce - with full in.tru'e c in(llu ' tin g the most p -ofita j| business that any one can engage in. The **7 t , ok ' Rrn ' an d our iuhlru' tions simple and plain that any one c> 11 make great p oflt from the very start No cne can mU'uf ', 8 WilUu « are ks ar^^J^ 8 iu lnOU 'i. oys WA gli-Ls can earn dXrJi Many have mada over me,hundred knntn \ t 81 "g'e . Not ing- lite it ever ' before. All who ongage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make monet. You can criirajfe in this felT 8 time profit }?i ii,1 0 !'?, e tc iuvest capital in it'. We take i risk, lhosc who need ready riionev Scolt & JDoonelf Graham N 0 If Balers in »n5? W ' B»UT* «TK«l' « N A T i®J?"' «KQN. r ii£f'' T ' 11 « I' . NKDI. UVB '

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